Management Ch. 12 (Building and Managing Human Resources): Terms

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360-degree appraisal trust behaviors anonymously

A performance appraisal by peers, employees, superiors, and sometimes clients who are in a position to evaluate a manager's performance. There needs to be ______ throughout an organization for this to be effective. Research suggests that 360-degree appraisals should focus on _________ rather than traits or results and that managers need to carefully select appropriate raters. Moreover, appraisals tend to be more honest when made _________ and when raters have been trained in how to use 360-degree appraisal forms.

cafeteria-style benefit plan

A plan from which employees can choose the benefits they want.


According to a survey conducted by Fidelity Investments and the National Business Group on Health, close to ___ of organizations provide some kind of incentive, prize, or reward to employees who take steps to improve their health.

human resource management (HRM)

Activities that managers engage in to attract and retain employees and to ensure that they perform at a high level and contribute to the accomplishment of organizational goals.

Human resource planning Demand Supply

Activities that managers engage in to forecast their current and future needs for human resources. __________________ includes all the activities managers engage in to forecast their current and future human resource needs. Current human resources are the employees an organization needs today to provide high-quality goods and services to customers. Future human resource needs are the employees the organization will need at some later date to achieve its longer-term goals. As part of ________________, managers must make both demand forecasts and supply forecasts. _______ forecasts estimate the qualifications and numbers of employees an organization will need, given its goals and strategies. _______ forecasts estimate the availability and qualifications of current employees now and in the future, as well as the supply of qualified workers in the external labor market.

varied work experiences and formal education.

Although both classroom instruction and on-the-job training can be used for development as well as training, development often includes additional activities such as:

formal appraisal

An appraisal conducted at a set time during the year and based on performance dimensions and measures that were specified in advance. Performance feedback lets employees know which areas they are excelling in and which areas need improvement; it should also tell them how they can improve their performance.

objective appraisal

An appraisal that is based on facts and is likely to be numerical. Managers often use these appraisals when results are being appraised because results tend to be easier to quantify than traits or behaviors.

subjective appraisal

An appraisal that is based on perceptions of traits, behaviors, or results. There is a chance of inaccuracy with these appraisals. When how workers perform their jobs is important, these appraisals are more appropriate than results appraisals.

informal appraisal

An unscheduled appraisal of ongoing progress and areas for improvement.

mentoring mentor protégé

Another development approach is _________. A _______ is an experienced member of an organization who provides advice and guidance to a less experienced member, called a _______. Having a mentor can help managers seek out work experiences and assignments that will contribute to their development and can enable them to gain the most possible from varied work experiences. Although some mentors and protégés create relationships informally, organizations have found that formal mentoring programs can be valuable ways to contribute to the development of managers and all employees.


Applicants for many jobs are required to provide __________ from former employers or other knowledgeable sources (such as a college instructor or adviser) who know the applicants' skills, abilities, and other personal characteristics. These individuals are asked to provide candid information about the applicant. They are often used at the end of the selection process to confirm a decision to hire. Yet the fact that many former employers are reluctant to provide negative information in references sometimes makes it difficult to interpret what a reference is really saying about an applicant.

human resource planning and job analysis

Before actually recruiting and selecting employees, managers need to engage in two important activities:

needs assessment

Before creating training and development programs, managers should perform a ____________ to determine which employees need training or development and what type of skills or knowledge they need to acquire


Before performance feedback, performance appraisal must take place. T/F?


Building the knowledge and skills of organizational members so they are prepared to take on new responsibilities and challenges.

National Labor Relations Act of 1935

Congress acknowledged the role that unions could play in ensuring safe and fair workplaces when it passed the _________________. This act made it legal for workers to organize into unions to protect their rights and interests and declared certain unfair or unethical organizational practices to be illegal. The act also established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to oversee union activity. Currently, the NLRB conducts certification elections, which are held among the employees of an organization to determine whether they want a union to represent their interests. The NLRB also makes judgments concerning unfair labor practices and specifies practices that managers must refrain from.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures how to eliminate sexual harassment, how to accommodate employees with disabilities, employees who have substance abuse problems

EEO laws and their enforcement make the effective management of diversity a legal imperative as well. The _______________________ is the division of the Department of Justice that enforces most EEO laws and handles discrimination complaints. In addition, the EEOC issues guidelines for managers to follow to ensure that they are abiding by EEO laws. For example, the __________________ issued by the EEOC (in conjunction with the Departments of Labor and Justice and the Civil Service Commission) guide managers on how to ensure that the recruitment and selection component of human resource management complies with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (which prohibits discrimination based on gender, race, color, religion, and national origin). Contemporary challenges that managers face related to the legal environment include _______________, ______________, and how to deal with ___________________.

physical ability tests

For jobs requiring physical abilities, such as firefighting, garbage collecting, and package delivery, managers use ________________ that measure physical strength and stamina as selection tools.

Job analysis

Identifying the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that make up a job (the job description) and the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform the job (the job specifications). For each job in an organization, this needs to be done.

lateral move

(Found in internal recruiting) A job change that entails no major changes in responsibility or authority levels.

background information, interviews, paper-and-pencil tests, physical ability tests, performance tests, and references

If managers have two or more qualified candidates to hire, then they have several selection tools to help them sort out the relative qualifications of job applicants and appraise their potential for being good performers in a particular job. These tools include:

Fair Labor Standards Act Equal Pay Act Occupational Safety and Health Act

In 1938 the government passed the ________________, which prohibited child labor and provided for minimum wages, overtime pay, and maximum working hours to protect workers' rights. In 1963 the ___________ mandated that men and women performing equal work (work requiring the same levels of skill, responsibility, and effort performed in the same kind of working conditions) receive equal pay. In 1970 the ___________ mandated procedures for managers to follow to ensure workplace safety. These are just a few of the U.S. government's efforts to protect workers' rights.

time-consuming; expensive

Internal recruiting is normally less __________ and __________ than external recruiting.

structured situational unstructured structured

Interviews may be structured or unstructured. In a __________ interview, managers ask each applicant the same standard questions (such as "What are your unique qualifications for this position?" and "What characteristics of a job are most important to you?"). Particularly informative questions may be those that prompt an interviewee to demonstrate skills and abilities needed for the job by answering the question. Sometimes called _________ interview questions, these often present interviewees with a scenario they would likely encounter on the job and ask them to indicate how they would handle it. An _________ interview proceeds more like an ordinary conversation. The interviewer feels free to ask probing questions to discover what the applicant is like and does not ask a fixed set of questions determined in advance. In general, _________ interviews are superior to unstructured interviews because they are more likely to yield information that will help identify qualified candidates, are less subjective, and may be less influenced by the interviewer's biases. With interviews, managers need to be aware of EEO laws.


Managers should strive to use selection tools in such a way that they can achieve the greatest degree of reliability and validity. T/F?

recruitment and selection first

Managers use ______________, the ____ component of an HRM system, to attract and hire new employees who have the abilities, skills, and experiences that will help an organization achieve its goals.

second training and development

Managers use the ______ component, _____________, to ensure that organizational members develop the skills and abilities that will enable them to perform their jobs effectively in the present and the future

pay fourth

On the basis of performance appraisals, managers distribute ______ to employees, which is part of the _____ component of an HRM system. By rewarding high-performing organizational members with pay raises, bonuses, and the like, managers increase the likelihood that an organization's most valued human resources will be motivated to continue their high levels of contribution to the organization. Moreover, if pay is linked to performance, high-performing employees are more likely to stay with the organization, and managers are more likely to fill positions that become open with highly talented individuals. Benefits such as health insurance are important outcomes that employees receive by virtue of their membership in an organization.

1. recruitment 2. selection

1. Activities that managers engage in to develop a pool of qualified candidates for open positions. 2. The process that managers use to determine the relative qualifications of job applicants and their potential for performing well in a particular job.

1. 1963 Equal Pay Act 2. 1964 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 3. 1967 Age Discrimination in Employment Act 4. 1978 Pregnancy Discrimination Act 5. 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act 6. 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act 7. 1991 Civil Rights Act 8. 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act 9. 1994 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act 10. 2009 Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

1.Requires that men and women be paid equally if they are performing equal work. 2. Prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, color, or national origin; covers a wide range of employment decisions, including hiring, firing, pay, promotion, and working conditions. 3. Prohibits discrimination against workers over the age of 40 and restricts mandatory retirement. 4. Prohibits employment discrimination against women on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical decisions. 5. Prohibits discrimination on the basis of natural origin or citizenship, except for illegal immigrants, by employers having four or more employees. 6. Prohibits employment discrimination against individuals with disabilities and requires that employers make accommodations for such workers to enable them to perform their jobs. 7. Prohibits discrimination (as does Title VII) and allows the awarding of punitive and compensatory damages, in addition to back pay, in cases of intentional discrimination. 8. Requires that employers with 50 or more employees provide 12 weeks of unpaid leave for medical and family reasons, including paternity and illness of a family member. 9. Requires rehiring of employees who are absent for military service, with training and accommodations as needed. 10. Allows employees to claim discriminatory compensation within a set time after receiving a discriminatory paycheck.

benefits Affordable Care Act

Organizations are legally required to provide certain ______ to their employees, including workers' compensation, Social Security, and unemployment insurance. The legal system in the United States views these three benefits as ethical requirements for organizations and thus mandates that they be provided. The ____________ signed into law by President Obama in 2010 still requires employers with 50 or more employees to provide them with health care coverage or face fines.

control over the quality of goods and services. knowledge resist

Outsourcing has disadvantages; managers may lose some ___________________. Also, individuals performing outsourced work may have less ____________ of organizational practices, procedures, and goals and less commitment to an organization than regular employees do. In addition, unions ______ outsourcing because it has the potential to eliminate the jobs of some of their members.


Regardless of the specific reason to form a union, one overriding reason is ______: A united group inevitably wields more power than an individual, and this type of power may be especially helpful to employees in some organizations.

training classroom instruction and on-the-job training.

Teaching organizational members how to perform their current jobs and helping them acquire the knowledge and skills they need to be effective performers. There are two types:

labor relations

The activities managers engage in to ensure that they have effective working relationships with the labor unions that represent their employees' interests.

pay structure higher greater 312

The arrangement of jobs into categories, reflecting their relative importance to the organization and its goals, levels of skill required, and other characteristics. Pay ranges are established for each job category. Individual jobholders' pay within job categories is then determined by factors such as performance, seniority, and skill levels. Large corporations based in the United States tend to pay their CEOs and top managers _______ salaries than do their European or Japanese counterparts. Also, the pay differential between employees at the bottom of the corporate hierarchy and those higher up is much _______ in U.S. companies than in European or Japanese companies. Additionally, the average CEO in the United States typically earns ____ times what the average hourly worker earns


The degree to which a tool or test measures the same thing each time it is used. Scores on a selection test should be similar if the same person is assessed with the same tool on two different days; if there is quite a bit of variability, the tool is unreliable. For interviews, determining this is more complex because the dynamic is personal interpretation. That is why the ________ of interviews can be increased if two or more qualified interviewers interview the same candidate. If the interviews are ________, the interviewers should come to similar conclusions about the interviewee's qualifications.


The degree to which a tool or test measures what it purports to measure. Does a physical ability test used to select firefighters, for example, actually predict on-the-job performance?

equal employment opportunity (EEO)

The equal right of all citizens to the opportunity to obtain employment regardless of their gender, age, race, country of origin, religion, or disabilities.

performance appraisal

The evaluation of employees' job performance and contributions to their organization. It focuses on the evaluation of traits, behaviors, and results.

recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal and feedback, pay and benefits, and labor relations

The five major components of human resource management:

efficiency, quality, innovation, and responsiveness to customers

The objective of strategic HRM is the development of an HRM system that enhances an organization's ________, _______, ________, and _____________, —the four building blocks of competitive advantage.

lower levels of an organization professionals and managers

Training tends to be used more frequently at ___________; development tends to be used more frequently with _______________.

on-the-job training

Training that takes place in the work setting as employees perform their job tasks. Managers often use this kind of training on a continuing basis to ensure that their employees keep up to date with changes in goals, technology, products, or customer needs and desires.

flexibility and cost

Two reasons human resource planning sometimes leads managers to outsource are ______________.

Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970

________________________, require that managers ensure that employees are protected from workplace hazards and that safety standards are met.

-Be specific and focus on behaviors or outcomes that are correctable and within a worker's ability to improve. -Approach performance appraisal as an exercise in problem solving and solution finding, not criticizing. -Express confidence in an employee's ability to improve. -Provide performance feedback both formally and informally. -Praise instances of high performance and areas of a job in which a worker excels. -Avoid personal criticisms and treat employees with respect. -Agree to a timetable for performance improvements.

Here are some guidelines for giving effective performance feedback that contributes to employee motivation and performance:

smaller 35% 10.5% 14.7 five

The percentage of U.S. workers represented by unions today is _____ than it was back in the 1950s, an era when unions were particularly strong. In the 1950s, around ____ of U.S. workers were union members; in 2018, ____ were members of unions. The American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) includes 70 affiliated member unions representing close to 12.5 million workers. Overall, approximately ____ million workers in the United States belong to unions. In general, the union membership rate of public-sector workers (i.e., government workers) continues to be more than ___ times higher than that of private-sector workers (33.9% versus 6.4%). Unions have made some inroads into other sectors of the workforce. In 2018, media employees of the Los Angeles Times and graduate students at Columbia, Yale, Tufts, and Brandeis universities all voted to join unions

strategic human resource management

The process by which managers design the components of an HRM system to be consistent with each other, with other elements of organizational architecture, and with the organization's strategy and goals.

performance feedback

The process through which managers share performance appraisal information with employees, give them an opportunity to reflect on their own performance, and develop, with employees, plans for the future.

pay level strategy

The relative position of an organization's pay incentives in comparison with those of other organizations in the same industry employing similar kinds of workers. High wages help ensure that an organization is going to be able to recruit, select, and retain high performers, but high wages also raise costs. Low wages give an organization a cost advantage but may undermine the organization's ability to select and recruit high performers and to motivate current employees to perform at a high level. In determining pay levels, managers should take into account their organization's ______. A high pay level may prohibit managers from effectively pursuing a low-cost strategy. But a high pay level may be worth the added costs in an organization whose competitive advantage lies in superior quality and excellent customer service.

Ability tests Personality tests

The two main kinds of paper-and-pencil tests used for selection purposes are ability tests and personality tests; both kinds of tests can be administered in hard copy or electronic form. _________ assess the extent to which applicants possess the skills necessary for job performance, such as verbal comprehension or numerical skills. __________ measure personality traits and characteristics relevant to job performance. Some retail organizations, for example, give job applicants honesty tests to determine how trustworthy they are. The use of these tests (including honesty tests) for hiring purposes is controversial.

third performance appraisal and feedback control system

The_____ component, __________________, serves two purposes in HRM. First, it can give managers the information they need to make good human resource decisions—decisions about how to train, motivate, and reward organizational members. Thus, this component is a kind of ____________ that can be used with management by objectives. Second, feedback from this component serves a developmental purpose for members of an organization. When managers regularly evaluate their employees' performances, they can give employees valuable information about their strengths and weaknesses and the areas in which they need to concentrate.

behavior like do

Through __________ appraisals, managers assess how workers perform their jobs—the actual actions and behaviors that workers exhibit on the job. Whereas trait appraisals assess what workers are ___, behavior appraisals assess what workers ___. These types of appraisals are especially useful when how workers perform their jobs is important. These appraisals have the advantage of giving employees clear information about what they are doing right and wrong and how they can improve their performance. And because behaviors are much easier for employees to change than traits, performance feedback from these types of appraisals is more likely to lead to improved performance.

classroom instruction Videos role-playing Simulations Distance learning

Through _____________, employees acquire knowledge and skills in a classroom setting. This instruction may take place within the organization or outside it, such as through courses at local colleges and universities or through online classes. Many organizations establish their own formal instructional divisions—some are even called "colleges"—to provide needed classroom instruction. Frequently used are videos and role-playing in addition to traditional written materials, lectures, and group discussions. ______ can demonstrate appropriate and inappropriate job behaviors. During __________, trainees either directly participate in or watch others perform actual job activities in a simulated setting. __________ also can be part of classroom instruction, particularly for complicated jobs that require an extensive amount of learning and in which errors carry a high cost. In a simulation, key aspects of the work situation and job tasks are duplicated as closely as possible in an artificial setting. ____________, trainees at different locations attend training programs online, using computers or mobile devices to view lectures, participate in discussions, and share documents and other information.

formal and informal appraisals

To generate useful information to feed back to their employees, managers can use both ______________.

outsource offshoring

To use outside suppliers and manufacturers to produce goods and services. It is also called _________ when work is outsourced to other countries.

Formal mentoring programs ensure that mentoring takes place in an organization and structure the process. Participants receive training, efforts are focused on matching mentors and protégés so meaningful developmental relationships ensue, and organizations can track reactions and assess the potential benefits of mentoring. Formal mentoring programs can also ensure that diverse members of an organization receive the benefits of mentoring.

What are advantages of formal mentoring programs?

external and internal

What are two main types of recruiting?

reliable and valid

Whatever selection tools a manager uses need to be both _________________.

trait First, possessing a certain personal characteristic does not ensure that the personal characteristic will actually be used on the job and result in high performance. The second disadvantage of trait appraisals is linked to the first. Because traits do not always show a direct association with performance, workers and courts of law may view them as unfair and potentially discriminatory. The third disadvantage of trait appraisals is that they often do not enable managers to give employees feedback they can use to improve performance. Because trait appraisals focus on relatively enduring human characteristics that change only over the long term, employees can do little to change their behavior in response to performance feedback from a trait appraisal.

When ______ appraisals are used, managers assess employees on personal characteristics that are relevant to job performance, such as skills, abilities, or personality. What are three disadvantages?

Supervisors, Customers or clients, Employees, Self, Peers Supervisors

Who appraises performance? Who is the most common appraiser of performance?

While cost savings continue to be a major motivation for offshoring, managers also want to take advantage of an increasingly talented global workforce and be closer to the growing global marketplace for goods and services. Retaining sufficient managerial control over activities and employee turnover

Why are so many companies engaged in offshoring? Key challenges for managers who offshore are?


With _______ appraisals, managers appraise performance by the results or the actual outcomes of work behaviors.

Pay benefits

_______ includes employees' base salaries, pay raises, and bonuses and is determined by a number of factors such as the characteristics of the organization and the job and levels of performance. Employee ________ are based on membership in an organization (not necessarily on the particular job held) and include sick days, vacation days, and medical and life insurance.

Labor relations fifth

_________ encompass the steps that managers take to develop and maintain good working relationships with the labor unions that may represent their employees' interests. This the ______ component of human resource management system.

Collective bargaining mediator

___________ is negotiation between labor unions and managers to resolve conflicts and disputes about important issues such as working hours, wages, working conditions, and job security. Sometimes union members go on strike to drive home their concerns to managers. Once an agreement that union members support has been reached (sometimes with the help of a neutral third party called a ______), union leaders and managers sign a contract spelling out the terms of the collective bargaining agreement.

Performance tests

___________ measure job applicants' performance on actual job tasks. Applicants for administrative assistant positions, for example, typically are required to complete a keyboarding test that measures how quickly and accurately they type. Applicants for middle and top management positions are sometimes given short-term projects to complete—projects that mirror the kinds of situations that arise in the job being filled—to assess their knowledge and problem-solving capabilities

One- to three-year

____________ stints overseas are being used increasingly to provide managers with international work experiences.

Performance appraisal Performance feedback informal

_____________ gives managers useful information for decision making. Decisions about pay raises, bonuses, promotions, and job moves all hinge on the accurate appraisal of performance. These can also help managers determine which workers are candidates for training and development and in what areas. ___________ can encourage high levels of motivation and performance. It lets good performers know that their efforts are valued and appreciated. It also lets poor performers know that their lackluster performance needs improvement. Recent trends suggest that some organizations are moving away from the annual performance review for employees, instead taking a more _______ approach to evaluating workers. This strategy includes specific, ongoing conversations between manager and employee on a regular basis to discuss expectations, performance feedback, and plans for growth and development.

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