Management Exam 1

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Mary Parker Follett

"Mother of Modern Management" developed concepts applied to business and management such as - a better understanding of lateral processes within organizations . led to first ever matrix organizational structure - importance of informal processes within organizations - non coercive power sharing - empowerment and facilitation instead of control - promoting conflict resolution in a group based on constructive consultation

Growth vs. Fixed Mindset

*Fixed:* has to prove smartness, smart people do not make mistakes, effort is unneccesary, success is natural, good score= smart *Growth:* learning and stretching ones mind is achieving, wants to make progress/accepts challenges, effort is neccessary/you get what you give, good score= hard work

lower-level management

- Implements plans from above - Team leader, foreperson, assistant manager

Steven Covey execution gap

- unable to define top goals and priorities - employees have no ownership, no involvement, no commitment to the goals - do not spend time on imprint goals, instead spend time on urgent tasks

4 principles of scientific management test Q

1. Study the job to determine the one best way to perform the job. 2. hire the right workers and train them for maximum efficiency 3. monitor worker performance, and provide instruction and training when needed 4. divide work between management and labor

Need 3 types of skills:

Conceptual skills technical skills human skills

Planning process

Define objectives develop premesis evaluate alternatives identify resources plan and implement tasks determine tracking and evaluation methods

Frederick Taylor

Father of scientific management - mechanical engineer "hardly a workman can be found who doesn't devote his time to studying just how slowly he can work" developed concept that work could be quantified, systemized, and standardized

scientific management

Frederick Taylor's term for the application of scientific principles to the operation of a business or other large organization Principles of scientific management 1909 published book.

Henri Fayol (1841-1925)

French engineer and industrialist incorporated some of Webers ideas into this theories concerned with how workers managed and how they contributed. 5 duties of management

Manager environment

Hectic pace, interrupted and change tasks often, more responding than initiating

6 characteristics of bureaucracy

Hierarchical management division of labor formal selection process career orientation formal rules and regulations impersonality


How did the product perform

3 types of manager roles, by Mintzberg

Interpersonal informational decisional

Total Quality Management TQM

a comprehensive approach - led by top management and supported throughout the organization - dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction

human skills

ability to manage people, communicate to different people middle -- lower level

conceptual skills

ability to see the big picture and the way things relate to each other upper level

unity of direction

activities that are similar should be the responsibility of one person fayol principle

contingency management

address problems on a case by case basis and vary the solution accordingly

benefits of the gantt chart

aids in the breakdown of tasks into specific elements allows for monitoring of projected time lines identifies which tasks are dependent on others, and which ones can be completed at any time

short term plans

allocate resources for a year or less must be monitored and updated

industrial capitalism

an economic system where industry is privately controlled and operated for profit

Knowledge management

an organization where members learn and share information

systems approach inputs

anything that goes into developing project/product

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

applied some ideas for improving efficiency to raising their 12 children -- movement and motion identified 17 basic motions and applied them to work process (brick laying ex.) too determine if tasks could be done more efficiently. demonstrated they cold eliminate motions while reducing fatigue for some workers.


arrange tasks, people, and other resources in order to achieve them

Henry Gantt

best known for the Gantt chart and the task and bonus system contributor to classical management theory 1861- 1919

forces changing management

change globalization social expectations


code of ethics defines what the organization believes in and how people in the organization are expected to behave -- with each other and with customers, suppliers, and stake holders.

internal benchmarking

comparing your performance with another department in your company.

The role of strategy in management

comprehensive plan to achieve its goals in the face of changing conditions.

informational management

concerned with collection, preservation, storage, etc. of information

Operations management

concerned with physical processes involved to deliver organizations products and services.


create a plan of action for the future

long term plans

crucial to ultimate success top management


describes what the organizations needs to do now to achieve the vision. more specific than the vision statement

contingency planning

describes what will happen in a possible situation

Pros and Cons of Bureaucracy in the workplace

division of labor leads to skilled workers however workers become bored formal rules and regulations lead to uniformity and predictability, but also leads to excessive procedures and "red tape" - tends to view humans as machines

transformational process

do something to the inputs/process

Hierarchial management

each level controls the levels below and is controlled by the levels above. authority and responsibilities are clearly defined for each person

Humanistic management

emphasis on human needs and interpersonal relationships rather than authority and control

formal selection process

employees are selected and promoted based on experience, competence, and technical qualification. no nepotism

unity of command

employees receive orders from only one superior fayol principle


entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator


favoritism shown to family or friends by those in power, especially in business or hiring practices


figurehead, leader, liaison


finalize product and prepare for its final use.

Quality Assurance

focuses on the performance of workers urging employees to strive for zero defects.

5 Duties of Management

foresight, organization, command, coordination, control

identified 17 basic motions and applied them to work processing to determine if tasks could be done more efficiently

frank and Lillian Gilbreth

filmed workers to analyze their motions

frank and Lillian gilbreth

Elton Mayo and the Hawthorne Studies

identified the Hawthorne effect. Performed in the 1920s &1930s. series of studies (in Chicago). Found that workers feelings and attitude affected their work. Financial incentives were the most important motivator for workes group norms and behavior play a critical roll in behavior at work.

Max Weber (1864-1920)

interested in industrial capitalism. Bureaucracy rules/characteristics

middle management

interprets plans and sets actions regional/plant manager

technical skills

knowing your job all levels of management-- maybe middle & lower

types of plans:

long term short term standing single-use

Upper management

long term goals: products markets, business organizing (CEO, CFO, COO, CTO)


make sure the diverse efforts fit together through clear instruction


making predictions about future

career orientation

mangement is separate from ownership and mangers are career employees. protection from arbitrary dismissal is guaranteed

task and bonus plan

modified Taylors "a fair days pay for a fair days work" premise. standard (average) time fora piece of work/task if worker took more than standard time, his pay was docked if worker took less than standard time, he was paid for additional pieces of work and a bonus of up to 20% more.


monitor performance, compare it with goals, and take corrective action as needed


monitor, disseminator, spokesperson


motivate, direct, and otherwise influence people to work hard to achieve organizational goals.

single- use plans

one time project or event budgets, project schedules

learning organizations

organization that has developed the ability to continuously learn and adapt to change


organizations aspirations of what it hopes to achieve or become

terminal element

part of Gantt chart, a task that must be completed as part of a larger task

summary element

part of Gantt chart, the related terminal elements together create the summary element

4 primary functions of management

planning, organizing, leading, controlling

standing/ operational plans

policies, procedures, and regulations

drawbacks of planning

prevents action leads to complacency prevents flexibility inhibits creativity


process of setting goals and defining the actions required to achieve the goals

The 85/15 rule of TQM

proposes that 85 percent of problems encountered are the result of faulty systems rather than 15% where its the individual at works fault


provide resources to implement the plan

benefits of planning

provides a guide for action improves resource utilization provides motivation and commitment set performance standards allows flexibility

team leaders

reports to first line or middle manager develops timeline, specific work assignments, provides training, make sure team is operating efficiently once complete, position may be eliminated

Formal rules and regulations

rules are documented to ensure reliable and predictable behavior. managers must depend on formal organizational rules in employee relations


running organizations on the basis of rational authority, where authority is given to the most qualified people who would be the most efficient


select and lead the best workers through clear instruction and orders


set goals and decide how to achieve them

operational plans

specific goals and objectives and milestones set by an organization during a specific period standing and single use plans


standard used for comparison. looking at performance levels outside of your organization (other department or other company) based on industry, geography, organization, processes , innovation

quality control

strategy for minimizing errors by managing each stage of production


study of people in their operating environment, with the goal of increasing productivity and reducing risk of work-related injury. 1920s-1930s frank and Lilian Gilbreth and Taylor

Divison of labor

tasks are clearly defined and employees become skilled by specializing in doing one thing. Clear definition of authority and responsibility

Smart goals

technique often pairs with MBO. providing incentives to employees by rewarding them when they meet key goals empowering employees to set their own objectives for achieving their goal communicating feed back Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound

paralysis by analysis

tendency to excessively analyze a problem instead of taking action

What is management?

the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling people in an organization -- effectively using resources to meet goals in the workplace effective and efficient

Management by Objectives (MBO)

tool that can be used to improve the performance of an organization by creating clearly defined objectives agreed upon by management and employees intent is to improve employee motivation and organizational communication top-down management tool

The Gantt chart

tool that provides a graphic representation of what occurs over the course of a project. focus is on sequential performance of tasks that make up the whole project. identifies key tasks, assigns an estimated time to complete the task, includes a starting date for each element of task. includes terminal elements and summary element


treat everyone the same. no favoritism

Scalar chain

unbroken chain of command extends from the top to bottom or organization fayol principle

management roles

upper management middle management lower-level management

Quantitative management

uses mathematical models and statistical methods to improve decision making


verify whether things are going according to plan and make corrections where needed.

Systems Approach to Management

view organizations as systems made up of interrelated parts that work together

progressive rate system

workers pay is based on how quickly/ slowly he completes a job/ task preferred by workers who were willing to work harder for additional wages Henry Gantt

division of work

workers specialize in a few task for become more proficient fayol principle

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