Management Test 2

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What type of planning would be used to create the festivities necessary to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of a furniture manufacturing company?

A single-use plan

____ is the emotional reaction that can occur when disagreements become personal rather than professional.

A-type conflict

Which of the following is a component of a creative work environment that encourages creativity?

Absence of organizational impediments

____ is used to assess how well managers and their families are likely to adjust to foreign cultures.

Adaptability screening

An industry-level strategy that is best suited to changes in the organization's external environment is a(n)_____ strategy.


The _____ is a portfolio strategy that managers use to categorize their corporation's businesses by growth rate and relative market share. This strategy helps them to decide how to invest corporate funds.

BCG matrix

ϖ According to Michael Porter, five industry forces determine an industry's overall attractiveness and potential for long-term profitability. Which of the following is one of those forces Porter identified?

Bargaining power of suppliers

Touchstone Hardware was a popular company that specialized in making floppy disks. At the start of the 21st century, when people began switching to CDs and DVDs to store their information, it was brought to the notice of senior managers that the company needed to switch its focus to the new storage devices. However, managers did not feel it was important to switch. They dismissed CDs and DVDs as just a passing phase. At this point, which stage of organizational decline is the company in?

Blinded stage

The managers of a transport company are planning how much money should be allocated to each of its units. They want to cut down unnecessary expenses and put the savings into developing the company. In this context, the managers are formulating a(n) _____.


How can companies foster the generation of new ideas?

By building a creative work environment

Mark was the person who was in charge of the plan to reinvent Supernova Automobiles. He played a major role in making a shift to building solar-powered automobiles from making regular fuel-powered cars. Mark was a(n) ____.

Change agent

According to Kurt Lewin, during the _____ stage of managing organizational change, workers and managers alter their behavior and work practices.

Change intervention

According to Michael Porter, which of the following is one of the five industry forces that determine an industry's overall attractiveness and potential for long-term profitability?

Character of the rivalry

_____ is the measure of the intensity of competitive behavior between companies in an industry.

Character of the rivalry

Which of the following methods for managing resistance to change should only be used as a last resort or under crisis conditions?


Aries Inc. is a large a computer manufacturer which has been in the market for several years. Many other companies have started manufacturing compact, portable gadgets to keep up with the new technological developments. Aries, however, has been reluctant to adopt these changes because it thinks that its products are already popular. Which of the following concepts is illustrated in the scenario?

Competitive inertia

The _____ approach to managing innovation assumes that innovation is a predictable process made up of a series of steps and that reducing the time it takes to complete those steps can speed up innovation.


CLM is a big cable company. The company has recently declared bankruptcy and needs to engage in restructuring in order to give it more flexibility and allow it to raise capital. Since it has identified the need for strategic change, what would be the organization's next step in this strategy-making process?

Conducting a situation analysis

A firm using a(n) _____ strategy to prevent or reduce political risks will lobby foreign governments or international trade agencies to change laws, regulations, or trade barriers that hurt its business in that country.


What are the strategies that can be used to minimize or adapt to the political risk inherent in global business?

Control, avoidance, and cooperation strategies

A(n) _____ is an agreement in which a foreign business owner pays a company a fee for the right to conduct that business in his or her country.

Cooperative contract

In any organization, the _____ are the less visible, internal decision-making routines, problem-solving processes, and organizational cultures that determine how efficiently inputs can be turned into outputs.

Core capabilities

_____ means producing a product or service of acceptable quality at consistently lower production charges than competitors so that the firm can offer the product or service at the lowest price in the industry.

Cost leadership

The primary disadvantage of wholly owned business is the _____.

Cost of building new operations

Levio is a company that makes mobile apps and has decided to become a market leader in the field. Levio can encourage the development of a culture where workers perceive that new ideas are welcomed by offering challenging work and supervisory encouragement. In other words, the company can create a(n) ____.

Creative work environment

A technology _____ begins with the birth of a new technology and ends when that technology reaches its limits and dies as it is replaced by a newer, substantially better technology.


Which of the following is the final step in establishing a devil's advocacy program? ​

Decide whether to use, change, or not use an originally proposed solution.

____ is the process of choosing a solution from available alternatives.


WindWings is a company that manufactures and markets flutes, a product with a steady demand rate. It is so successful at what it does that the company controls 85 percent of the world's flute industry. In terms of the adaptive strategies, WindWings would most likely be categorized as a(n) _____.


ACST University is well known for the wide array of courses it offers. It offers courses in fine arts, humanities, science, and management. The university has dedicated divisions for each stream. In management terms, the university uses _____ to manage the different disciplines.


ϖ Which of the following is a characteristic of discontinuous change?

Design competition

In _____, the old technology and several different new technologies fight to establish a new technological standard or dominant design.

Design completion

Before TREX Mobiles launched its latest smartphone, it built a prototype of the phone and tested its performance repeatedly, improving the model each time. This process is called _____.

Design iteration

ϖ The manager of a car manufacturing company in the U.S. wants to set up factories in three​ other countries by the end of the year. After he has set this goal, which of the following is the next step he should take in order to achieve this goal?

Develop commitment toward the goal

_____ is the rivalry between two companies that offer similar products and services, acknowledge each other as rivals, and act and react to each other's strategic actions.

Direct competition

Stellar Mobiles was a popular mobile phone brand. However, when its competitors began switching to smartphones, Stellar realized that it too needed to change in order to survive in the market, and it quickly started developing smartphones. In other words, Stellar Mobiles entered the _____ stage of the technology cycle.

Discontinuous change

When an automobile manufacturer learned that it took longer than any other manufacturer to assemble a vehicle, it purchased newer, more flexible manufacturing systems to replace its older ones. Which stage of the technology cycle is illustrated in the scenario?

Discontinuous change

Which of the following is the first step in management by objectives?

Discussing possible goals

Mathew, a manager at Happylyfe Inc., has set a long-term goal of becoming a global figure for holiday packages within the next five years. In this context, Mathew has set a(n) _____.​

Distal goal

_____ is a strategy for reducing risk by buying a variety of items so that the failure of one stock or one business does not doom the entire portfolio.


ϖ During the latter half of the last decade, flat-screen television sets were gradually replaced by LED television sets; the LED televisions became the new market standard. The latter is an example of a _____.

Dominant design

The most important factor in an attractive business climate is the _____.

Easy access to growing markets

Caleb wants to increase the efficiency of his coffee plant. He is trying to decide which option is better: installing new equipment or servicing the old ones. In the context of the decision-making concept, Caleb is _____.

Evaluating each alternative

_____ is fear of what others will think of your ideas.

Evaluation apprehension

Which of the following is NOT one of the rules for effective brainstorming?

Evaluation of ideas is encouraged

The _____ approach to innovation asserts that the key to fast product innovation is to use intuition, flexible options, and hands-on experience to reduce uncertainty and accelerate learning and understanding.


_____ occurs when a company sells domestically produced products to customers in foreign countries.


Which of the following represents the correct sequence of the phase model of globalization?

Exporting; cooperative contracts; strategic alliances; wholly owned affiliates

According to Kurt Lewin, managing organizational change is a simple process that requires organizational dialogue, change intervention, and reformatting.


An analysis of an organization's external environment begins with an assessment of the company's distinctive competencies and core capabilities.


An attractive business climate is defined by only one dimension: it minimizes the political risk to a company


An organization's purpose must regularly change to adapt to changes in the environment over time.


Bargaining power of buyers tends to be higher when a company sells a popular product to multiple buyers than when a company is dependent on just a few high-volume buyers.


Companies that succeed are often constantly re-examining strategies or competitive practices that have been successful in the past in order to ascertain their probable future success.


Fully functional change occurs when incremental improvements are made to a dominant technological design. In a fully functional change, the improved version of the technology is fully backward compatible with the older version.


Global new ventures bring a product or service to market in one foreign market at a time.


If retrenchment works, it is typically followed by a stability strategy.


Industry-level strategy is a corporate strategy that addresses the question "How should we compete against a particular firm in our industry?"


It appears that all companies follow the phase model of globalization when entering foreign markets.


Management by objectives is a two-step process in which managers and their employees discuss possible goals and then meet regularly to review progress toward the accomplishment of those goals.


Most companies compete directly with all the firms in their industry.


Multinational companies typically have no difficulty determining the correct balance between global consistency and local adaptation.


Nearly all technology cycles follow a bell-shaped pattern of innovation.


One of the disadvantages of global joint ventures is that, like licensing and franchising, they help companies avoid tariff and nontariff barriers to entry.


Organizational innovation is defined as "doing things differently" inside an organization.


Reactors follow the consistent strategy of anticipating and reacting to potential external opportunities and threats prior to their occurrence.


Regional trading is defined as a method of investment in which a company builds a new business or buys an existing business in a foreign country.


Resistance to change usually results from organizational factors: such as the absence of promotion guidelines, bonuses, and praise


Resistance to change usually results from organizational factors: such as the absence of promotion guidelines, bonuses, and praise.


Specialized jobs are generally inefficient


Standing plans deal with unique, one-time-only events.


Technology cycles for low-tech products follow the typical U-curve pattern cycle of innovation.


The General Electric Workout is a special kind of activity-oriented change.


The only kinds of adaptive strategies are defending, analyzing, and reacting.


The phase model of globalization is one in which a company makes the transition from a domestic company to a global company in three sequential phases. The three phases are exporting, wholly owned subsidiaries, and strategic alliances.


The six steps in the rational decision-making process are as follows: (1) frame the problem, (2) identify decision criteria, (3) weight the criteria, (4) generate alternative courses of action, (5) evaluate each alternative, and (6) compute the optimal decision.


What works well when managing innovation after technological discontinuities also works well when managing innovation during periods of incremental change.


When companies are performing above or better than their strategic reference points, top management is more likely to choose a daring, risk-taking strategy.


When conducting global business, companies should attempt to identify the two types of political risk, which are political uncertainty and economic uncertainty.


S.M.A.R.T. goals are Specific, Meaningful, Active, Reachable, and Timely.


The purpose of action plans is to leave commitments open by maintaining a cushion of resources, such as extra time, people, money, or production capacity, that can be used to address and adapt to unanticipated changes, problems, or opportunities.


A particular society emphasizes the importance of relationship in its culture. They take good care of the weak people in their society and value modesty. In this context, this society has a(n) _____ culture.


According to Hofstede's research on cultural dimensions, _____ cultures emphasize the importance of relationships, modesty, caring for the weak, and quality of life.


_____ strategies typically work in market niches that competitors have overlooked or have difficulty serving.


Protectionism is the use of trade barriers to protect local companies and their workers from _____.

Foreign competition

For an initial fee and royalties, Lemmongrass Inc. has licensed its entire business to an organization called Powersurge, located in another country. It has provided this organization with training and marketing assistance to successfully run the business. In this context, Powersurge is a(n) _____.


Which of the following is a component of a creative work environment?


Which of the following is an accepted method for tracking progress toward goal achievement?

Gathering and providing performance feedback

The acronym GATT stands for the _____.

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

Which of the following is the first step in establishing a devil's advocacy program?

Generate a potential solution

Backward compatibility is an important consideration for software users who are using an accounting program to facilitate their tax preparation and who want to use a newer version that has greater capacity. Therefore, many software manufacturers engage in _____.

Generational change

Which of the following is an example of a common approach to corporate-level strategy?

Grand strategies

The purpose of a _____ strategy is to increase profits, revenues, market share, or the number of places (stores, offices, locations) in which the company does business.


Over the long run, the best way for a company to sustain competitive advantage is to create _____ year after year.

Innovation stream

Which of the following is an advantage of planning?

It encourages people to work harder for extended periods.

Which of the following is true of global business?

It is the buying and selling of goods and services by people from different countries.

A technology can become a dominant design if:

It solves a practical problem

Robert Mondavi Wineries entered into an agreement with Baron Philippe de Rothschild, owner of Boreaux's First Growth chateau, to produce a top quality wine in California. The two companies working together to create a new product is an example of _____.

Joint venture

Which of the following is NOT a step in the management by objectives (MBO) process?

Jointly develop operational plans

A technology cycle occurs whenever there are major advances or changes in the _____ in a field or discipline.

Knowledge, tools, and techniques

In the context of organizational development interventions, the purpose of _____ interventions is to change the character and performance of an organization, business unit, or department.


Sodima is a French cooperative that owns the name, the trade secrets, and the patents of Yoplait yogurt. General Mills pays Sodima for the right to sell Yoplait yogurt in the United States. This is an example of _____.


Who among the following is responsible for developing operational plans?

Lower-level managers

The last step in effective planning is to _____.

Maintain flexibility in planning

Which of the following is a commonly used method for increasing goal commitment?

Making goals public

Which of the following is a characteristic of the inaction stage of organizational decline?

Managers wrongly assume that they can easily correct the problems, so they don't feel the situation is urgent.

​_____ is the degree to which two companies have overlapping products, services, or customers in multiple ventures.

Market commonality

Merissa, a famous dress designer, wants to launch a new collection. She wants the best material available for her dresses and does not want to settle for anything lesser. In this context, Merissa is _____. ​


Which of the following is NOT one of the basic methods for managing resistance to change?


ϖ Who among the following is responsible for the creation of tactical plans?

Middle managers

Formal project review points used to assess progress and performance are called _____.


Which of the following is an aspect of the experiential approach to learning?

Multifunctional teams

Triston is a company owned by a single owner with headquarters in Switzerland and manufacturing plants in 90 other nations. Triston is an example of a(n) _____.

Multinational corporation

_____ is the set of shared values and beliefs that affects the perceptions, decisions, and behavior of the people from a particular country.

National culture

_____ plans are the day-to-day plans for producing or delivering the organization's products and services.


Omega Corp. has a goal of increasing its production and reducing overhead costs. To achieve this goal, the company has developed four alternate action plans. The idea is to monitor how these plans work and then invest more in the one that shows maximum results. This kind of planning that allows for flexibility is known as _____.

Option-based planning

When companies don't anticipate, recognize, neutralize, or adapt to the internal or external pressures that threaten their survival, it results in _____.

Organizational decline

_____ is defined as a philosophy and collection of planned change interventions designed to improve an organization's long-term health and performance.

Organizational development

Which of the following is NOT one of the components of creative work environments?

Organizational impediments

Parkline is a popular brand of formal wear. The company decided on a new marketing strategy that actually involved its target audience participating in the campaign. This included an online virtual reality game that was highly popular among the audience, bringing the brand mass attention. Following this, their sales skyrocketed. This is an example of _____.

Organizational innovation

Which of the following is NOT one of the five industry forces that determine an industry's overall attractiveness and potential for long-term profitability?

Organizational synergy

Most companies have used the _____ to successfully enter foreign markets.

Phase model of globalization

_____ is choosing a goal and developing a method or strategy to achieve a goal.​


____ are types of standing plans.

Policies and procedures

Many companies in Dansland retracted their businesses as the government passed a new law requiring the companies to pay double the tax for conducting business in Dansland.​ This is a _____ that the companies doing business in Dansland have faced.

Policy uncertainty

Stardust Inc. is expanding its global operations into South Fordland in spite of the terrorist activities in the country. As Stardust Inc. expands into South Fordland, it must deal with _____.

Political uncertainty

Tugstinia is one of only two countries in the world that produces a mineral required in the manufacturing of cellular phones. Several mining companies recently moved their operations out of the region due to a civil war resulting from a change in rulers. This is an example of how can influence global business.

Political uncertainty

What are the two types of political risk that affect companies conducting global business?

Political uncertainty and policy uncertainty

Susan is a manager at a grocery store. Every morning when she enters the store, there are a series of steps that should be taken by her. She has to switch on all the lights, switch on the air conditioner, check if any product is expired, and check if the cash registers are working. In this context, Susan is following a(n) _____.


____ are standing plans that indicate the specific steps that should be taken in response to a particular event.


ϖ In case of a fire, most organizations have a series of actions that must take place beginning with notifying the fire department and include evacuating buildings. In this context, which of the following types of standing plans is used by the organizations?


Which of the following is a disadvantage of face-to-face brainstorming that is overcome by electronic brainstorming

Production blocking

_____ occurs when you have an idea but have to wait to share it because someone else is already presenting an idea to the group.

Production blocking

Because of slowing sales, Ace Glue started promoting innovative uses for its all-purpose glue. By searching for new market opportunities, the manufacturer of Ace Glue is using which type of adaptive strategy?


The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) _____.

Protected intellectual property

A cosmetics company that is considering entering the South American market would be especially interested in the discretionary income within that region. In this context, which of the following is a determining factor in its global strategy?

Purchasing power

​_____ are companies that have a small share of a fast-growing market.

Question marks

Which of the following is a trend that has allowed companies to skip the phase model when going global?

Quick, reliable air travel

To protect its farmers, Japan put limitations on the amount of mushrooms and leeks that could be imported from China. This limitation is an example of a(n) _____.


A _____ resource is a resource that is not controlled or possessed by many competing firms.


In an attempt to stop declining profitability, Quint Cement Co., a construction material manufacturer, stopped manufacturing other kinds of cement products and concentrated on special anti corrosion cement. If Quint Cement Co. is successful in making the needed changes, it will more than likely implement a _____ strategy.


The second step in a retrenchment strategy is _____.


The customers of a restaurant are requested to rate the service of the waiters on a sheet of paper. The rate of each waiter is then compared to the rates of the all the other waiters. This is the method of _____ comparisons.


One method of weighing decision criteria uses ____, which is a process where each decision is compared directly to every other criterion.

Relative comparisons

Managing global joint ventures can be difficult because they:

Represent a merging of four cultures

In the context of managing change, _____ forces support the status quo.


______ are the assets, capabilities, processes, information, and knowledge that an organization uses to improve its effectiveness and efficiency, to create and sustain competitive advantage, and to fulfill a need or solve a problem.


In an attempt to stop declining profitability, Chimos Inc., a chemical company, removed petrochemical products from its production and concentrated on specialty chemicals, a less capital-intensive, less cyclical business. What type of a grand strategy was Chimos Inc. using?


Significant cost reductions, layoffs of employees, closing of poorly performing stores, offices, or manufacturing plants, or closing or selling entire lines of products or services would be characteristic of a _____ strategy.


The purpose of a _____ strategy is to turn around very poor company performance by shrinking the size or scope of the business.


In the context of the strategic reference point theory, the _____ strategy aims to protect an existing competitive advantage.


____ occurs when managers choose an alternative that is good enough, rather than the best possible alternative


Which of the following is one of the sources of resistance to change?


Due to an earthquake, the servers of an online shopping company were affected and the internet was down. The managers of the company had to formulate and carry out a procedure ​so that businesses could run normally while the servers were being fixed. To overcome this unexpected problem, the mangers devised a(n) _____.

Single-use plan

____ are a type of operational plan.

Single-use plans

A _____ is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses in an organization's internal environment and the opportunities and threats in its external environment.

Situation analysis

Companies often choose a _____ strategy when their external environment doesn't change much or after they have struggled with periods of explosive growth.


Groupthink occurs in

Standing committees whose members are under no pressure to agree

The ____ is a type of operational plan that saves managers time because it is created once and then used repeatedly to handle frequently recurring events.

Standing plan

AlphaWheels Inc. sell a range high-end bikes. Two-thirds of its profits come from the sale of these bikes. The bikes have a large share of a fast-growing market. According to the BCG matrix, the range of high-end bikes would be classified as a(n) _____.


ϖ _____ is a discrepancy between a company's intended strategy and the strategic actions managers take when actually implementing that strategy.

Strategic dissonance

_____ are the targets that managers use to measure whether their firm has developed the core competencies that it needs to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

Strategic reference points

Which of the following should be a key issue for a company once it decides to go global?

Strike the right balance between global consistency and local adaptation

_____ are long-term, low-interest loans, cash grants, and tax deductions used to develop and protect companies in special industrie


_____ plans specify how a company will use resources, budgets, and people to accomplish specific goals within its mission.


Management by objectives (MBO) is a management technique often used to develop and carry out .

Tactical plan

In 2000, the United States imposed a tax on all steel imports in an effort to protect about 5,000 jobs. This tax is an example of a(n) _____.


According to the S.M.A.R.T. guidelines, goals should be ____.

Task oriented; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.

Feldman Films is a company associated with photography. The development of the digital camera forced Feldman Films into the innovation stream because the new imaging process was a(n) _____.

Technological discontinuity

In terms of innovation streams, what occurred when customers purchased flat-screen computer monitors to replace the older, bulkier monitors?

Technological substitution

_____ occurs when customers purchase new technologies to replace older technologies.

Technological substitution * Technological substitution occurs when customers purchase new technologies to replace older technologies.

_____ is defined as the knowledge, tools, and techniques used to transform inputs into outputs.


ϖ Which of the following is an example of core capabilities of an organization?

The organization's skills in maintaining large inventories effectively

Which of the following conditions must be met if a firm's resources are to be used to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage?

The resources must be rare

Which of the following statements is true about tactical plans?

They direct behavior and efforts for six to two years.

ϖ The _____ is a measure of the degree to which barriers to entry make it easy or difficult for new companies to get started in an industry.

Threat of new entrants

Souzia, a small tropical country, boycotted the products of an international clothing store because the company manufactures and exports some of its goods from Argonia, the country with which Souzia has long standing political problems. This boycott is an example of _____.

Trade barrier

A focus strategy entails using either a cost leadership or a differentiation approach to producing a good or service.


Approximately one-third of multinational companies enter foreign markets through wholly owned affiliates.


Based on the research evidence, related diversification appears to be a better strategy for portfolio management than unrelated diversification.


Both proximal and distal goals are used to provide additional motivation and rewards for employees.


Companies that want to sustain a competitive advantage must understand and protect themselves from the strategic threats of innovation.


Corporate-level strategy is the overall organizational strategy that addresses the question "What business or businesses are we in or should we be in?"


Creating and executing a plan is one of the most important tasks of a manager.


Declaring victory too soon is one of the mistakes managers often make in the refreezing stage of change.


Direct foreign investment is an increasingly important and common method of conducting global business.


Dominant designs emerge because they solve a practical problem, because of the negotiations of independent standards bodies, or because of critical mass.


For planning to be effective, workers need a specific, challenging goal as well as regular feedback to track their progress.


From a competitive standpoint, resource similarity means that the strategic actions your company takes could probably be matched by your direct competitors.


Global business is defined as the buying and selling of goods and services by people from different countries.


Global joint ventures can be difficult to manage because they represent a merging of four cultures.


Groupthink is more likely to occur in a highly cohesive group that is insulated from others and has no established procedure for systematically defining problems and exploring alternatives.


If companies focus too much on local adaptation, they run the risk of losing the cost effectiveness and productivity that result from using standardized rules and procedures throughout the world


In a multinational company, managers at company headquarters value global consistency as it simplifies decision making.


Multinational corporations are corporations that own businesses in two or more countries.


One of the advantages of a virtual organization is the fact that it allows member companies to share costs.


Planning can greatly improve organizational and individual performance.


Planning can impede change, create a false sense of certainty, and lead to the detachment of planners.


Portfolio strategy is a corporate-level strategy that minimizes risk by diversifying investment among various businesses or product lines.


Specialized jobs are characterized by simple, easy-to-learn steps; low variety; and high repetition.


Strategic dissonance is a discrepancy between management's intended strategy and the strategy actually implemented by the managers


Tactical plans and objectives are used to direct behavior, efforts, and attention over the next six months to two years.


Technological discontinuities are followed by discontinuous change, which is characterized by technological substitution and design competition.


Technological innovation not only makes it possible to duplicate the benefits obtained from a company's distinctive advantage but also quickly creates an opportunity to turn a company's competitive advantage into a competitive disadvantage.


The criteria for choosing an office/manufacturing location are different from the criteria for entering a foreign market.


The evidence clearly shows that how well an expatriate's spouse and family adjust to the foreign culture is the most important factor in determining the success or failure of an international assignment.


The purpose of the Maastricht Treaty of Europe was to create the European Union with one common currency, the euro, for its members.


The term decision making is used to refer to the process of choosing a solution from available alternatives.


The threat of substitute products or services is a measure of the ease with which customers can find substitutes for an industry's goods or services


The three kinds of standing plans are policies, procedures, and rules and regulations.


The three positioning strategies are cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.


The typical S-curve pattern of innovation indicates that both early and late in the technology cycle, increased effort (i.e., money, research and development) brings only small improvements in technological performance.


There are four conditions that must be met if a firm's resources are to be used to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. The resources must be valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable, and nonsubstitutable.


Two factors that help companies determine the growth potential of foreign markets are the purchasing power of the consumers and types of foreign competitors already in the market.


The biggest disadvantage associated with licensing is that the licensor gives up control over the quality of the good or service sold by the foreign licensee.

True *

The three kinds of operational plans are single-use plans, standing plans, and budgets.


Samantha's, a chain of coffeehouses, also markets a line of compilation CDs and other non-coffee items. The making and marketing of the CDs and other non-coffee products would be an example of _____.

Unrelated diversification

When Klonorox Corporation, a manufacturer of bleach and bleach-based cleaning products, acquired Masterssauce brand steak sauce; it was an example of _____.

Unrelated diversification

Clive Motor Company solely owns and operates manufacturing plants in Brazil, Chile, Germany and India. Which of the following methods for conducting global business has Clive Motor Company used in this example?

Wholly owned affiliate

The trade agreement that represented the most significant change to the regulations governing global trade during the 1990s was the _____.

World trade organization

The use of _____ in planning produces a false sense of certainty and is often cited as one of the major pitfalls of planning.


In the typical S-curve pattern of innovation, increased effort (i.e., money, research and development) brings only small improvements in technological performance _____.

at both the beginning and end of the cycle

A company's purpose statement _____.​

is enduring and inspirational

The primary disadvantage of customer departmentalization is:

it leads to duplication of resources.

ϖ An organization that has increased the number of different tasks that a worker performs within one particular job has engaged in _____.

job enlargement

The job design approach associated with _____ involves increasing the number of different tasks that a worker performs within one particular job and gives workers the authority and control to make meaningful decisions about their work.

job enrichment

German chip manufacturer, Infineon AG, has joined with Motorola Inc. and Agere Systems Inc. to establish a new company in order to develop and license chip designs for cellphones. These three companies have created a _____.

joint venture

Under conditions of _____, a competitive attack by a rival is more likely to produce sustained competitive advantage.

low resource similarity

Resource similarity and _____ are factors that determine the extent to which firms will be in direct competition with each other.

market commonality

Two factors determine the extent to which firms will be in direct competition with each other

market commonality and resource similarity.

The primary advantage of _____ is the fact that it allows companies to manage large, complex tasks efficiently by avoiding duplication.

matrix departmentalization

A _____ is a nontax method of increasing the cost or reducing the volume of imported goods.

nontariff barrier

Budgets are a type of ____ plans.


_____ planning allows companies to maintain flexibility by making small simultaneous investments in many alternative plans.


Creativity was needed to improve efficiency without raising costs at an automobile maker. Over the last few years, the company has successfully implemented a creative engineering program that allows its plants to produce more than one type of car from the same assembly line. This successful change to a flexible manufacturing system is an example of ____.

organizational innovation

To increase its customer base, Alpha LLC. has decided to sell its products in two new states. Alpha LLC. is performing the _____ function of management.


A(n) ____ is a standing plan that indicates the general course of action that should be taken in response to a particular event or situation.


A ____ exists when there is a gap between a desired state (what managers want) and an existing state (the situation that the managers are facing).


The manager of a packaging and shipping company has set a short-term goal of increasing the customer base by 5% in the next two months. ​In this context, the manager has set a _____.

proximal goal

Top management is responsible for developing ____.

strategic plans

A(n) _____ is a direct tax on imported goods.


The two general kinds of trade barriers are _____.

tariff barriers and nontariff barriers

The phases of a technology cycle within an innovation stream begins with:

technological discontinuity.

The strategy-making process begins with:

the assessment of the need for strategic change

One of the important conditions that a firm must meet in order to gain a sustainable competitive advantage with its capital is:

the firm's resources must be imperfectly imitable

According to Michael Porter, _____ is one of the five industry forces that determine an industry's overall attractiveness and potential for long-term profitability.

threat of new entrants

Encouraging worker participation in goal setting, making goals public, and getting top management's support are all recommended ways to increase goal commitment in a company.


Which of the following is one of the three steps in the basic process of managing organizational change outlined by Kurt Lewin?


A key feature of a _____ is that its composition is always changing.

virtual organization

A(n) _____ can be best defined as an organization that is part of a network in which many companies share skills, costs, capabilities, markets, and customers to collectively solve customer problems or provide specific products or services.

virtual organization

_____ is the most important factor in determining the success or failure of an international assignment.

willingness of an expatriate's spouse and family to adjust to a foreign culture

Hofstede's research has shown that there are _____.

five consistent dimensions of cultural differences across countries

Which of the following is true about planning

gives direction to managerial efforts

A multinational company that acts with _____ has offices, manufacturing plants, and distribution facilities in different countries that are run based on the same rules, guidelines, policies, and procedures.

global consistency

A(n) _____ strategy is a broad corporate-level strategic plan used to achieve strategic goals and guide the strategic alternatives that managers of individual businesses or subunits may use.


For options-based planning to work, the organization must _____.

have slack resources

Which of the following is a pitfall of planning?

impede change & slow needed adaptation

Which of the following statements about resistance to change is true?

caused by misunderstanding and distrust.

A(n) ____ is the individual who is formally in charge of guiding a change effort.

change agent

Organizations can achieve a _____ by using their resources to provide greater value for customers than competitors can.

competitive advantage

An organization is experiencing _____ when it is reluctant to change strategies or competitive practices that have been successful in the past.

competitive inertia

Which of the following is a drawback of planning?

detachment of planners.

During the last decade, there was an increase in sales in CDs, DVDs, pen drives, and portable hard discs, as people sought to replace their obsolete floppy discs. In terms of the technology cycle, this is an example of _____.

discontinuous change

In the _____ stage of organizational decline, a new CEO may be brought in to oversee the closing of stores, offices, and manufacturing facilities, the final layoff of managers and employees, and the sale of assets.


The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT):

eliminated tariffs in ten specific industries.

After Malta was permitted to join the European Union (EU), the other countries of the EU removed all taxes on the import of goods manufactured in Malta. Malta was preparing to become part of a(n) ____.

regional trading zone

A(n) ​_____ is a committee within a company that analyzes the company's own weaknesses to determine how competitors could exploit them for competitive advantage.

shadow-strategy task force

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