Mandatory Final Exam - Single Attempt Only

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What is the role of p53 in the cell cycle in normal cells?

It temporarily arrests the cell cycle in G1 before entering S.

What is the definition of a DNA clone?

a DNA molecule with the same sequence as another

________ is a group of individuals belonging to the same species that live in a defined geographic area and actually or potentially interbreed.


Which protein combines with cyclins to exert local control of the cell cycle?

cyclin-dependent kinase

Regarding eukaryotic and prokaryotic genetic regulation, what process seems to be the most similar between the two?

transcriptional regulation

Transgenic crops are generated for all of the given reasons, EXCEPT

Provide non-sustainable sources of energy

Which of the following is NOT used to make a cDNA library?

RNA polymerase

Which of the following environmental agents or factors cause cancer?

All of the given agents or factors are know to cause cancer.

Prenatal detection of human diseases has been greatly enhanced by two procedures. Select all that apply.

Amniocentesis Chorionic villus sampling

Genetic engineering manipulates gene products at the level of the


What is a probe in molecular biology?

DNA or an RNA molecule used in hybridization reactionsDNA or an RNA molecule used in hybridization reactions

What is the correct order of steps in PCR (polymerase chain reaction)?

Denaturation; primer annealing; extension.

Gene therapy will probably be used predominantly for correcting germ-line mutations because fewer ethical issues are associated with that than with somatic cell gene therapy.


Genetic drift develops when population originates from small number of individuals.


The enzyme permease cleaves the linkage between glucose and galactose residues in lactose.


The lac operon consists of three structural genes as well as the adjacent region of DNA known as the regulator.


There are several checkpoints in the mitotic cell cycle. All occur in the S phase.


Concept to disrupt or eliminate specific gene/genes and see "what happens" is called

Gene Knock-out

What is the purpose of Reverse transcriptase (RT) in producing cDNA library?

Generate double stranded mRNA-DNA hybrid molecule

Plasmids are introduced into bacteria by two main techniques which are (Choose two answers)

Heat shock Electroporation

Which of the following is an example of therapeutic protein?


Hundreds of different mutations in p53 that result in predisposition to cancer are known. Of the following, which would be a good technology to screen a patient for mutant p53 alleles?


Which of the molecular technique is used to determine whether gene is actively being expressed in given cell or tissue and study patterns of gene expression in embryonic tissues, cancer, and genetic disorders?

INCORRECT: Southern blot

Which factors make yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) an excellent cloning tool?

In their linear form, YACs contain telomeres at each end for stability, have an origin of replication and a yeast centromere, and can be used to clone up to 1000 kb of DNA.

Of the following, which would most likely have the least effect on allele frequencies in a population?


Type of mating in which dissimilar genotypes are more likely to mate than similar ones is

Negative assortive mating

All of the following assumptions pertain to a population in a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, EXCEPT

No random mating

What is the relationship between proto-oncogenes and oncogenes?

Oncogenes are mutant forms of proto-oncogenes.

What is the function of the lacY gene in the lac operon?

The lacY gene codes for permease that transports lactose into bacterial cell

Rational drug design involves the synthesis of specific chemical substances that affect specific gene products


What is the function of restriction enzymes in bacteria?

They provide a defense mechanism against infection by viruses.

What does the red circle highlight in this phylogeny?

This is a node, which represents where species diverged.

A common term for a plasmid or other DNA element that serves as a cloning vehicle is vector.


A retrovirus uses reverse transcriptase to make a DNA copy of RNA.


Alternative RNA processing can result in different mRNAs that start with different exons.


Alternative RNA processing generates different mRNAs that can direct the synthesis of different polypeptides.


Macroevolution involves evolutionary events leading to emergence of new species and other taxonomic groups,


There are two types of retinoblastoma, familial and sporadic. In the familial form, a defective gene is generally inherited from one parent.


Under a system of positive control, transcription does not occur unless a regulator molecule directly stimulates RNA production.


DNA methylation may be a significant mode of genetic regulation in eukaryotes. Methylation refers to ________.

addition of methyl groups to the cytosine of CG doublets

Under strictly controlled conditions, a probe can be used that will hybridize only with its complementary sequence and not with other sequences that may vary by as little as one nucleotide. What are such probes called?

allele-specific oligonucleotides (ASOs)

In the context of molecular genetics, reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) refers to ________.

assembling a DNA sequence from an mRNA

Which term is commonly used to describe the production of valuable proteins in genetically modified plants and animals?


Which type of DNA library represents the genes expressed by a given cell at a certain time?


Radiation, viruses, and chemicals are all examples of __________.


All of the following are true about histone acetylation EXCEPT

chromatin becomes more tightly packed

Transfer of specific genes into mammalian cells to treat genetic disorders is called ___________

gene therapy

Cancer is best described as a __________.

genetic disorder at the cellular level

In small isolated populations, gene frequencies can fluctuate considerably. The term that applies to this circumstance is ________.

genetic drift

What does the inducer molecule do?

it binds to the repressor protein allowing transcription to occur

What is the original source of genetic variation in a population?


When all genotypes within a population do not have equal rates of survival, then allele frequencies may change from one generation to the next by a process called ________.

natural selection

Mutant versions of genes that are normally involved in promoting the cell cycle are known as ________.


Driver mutations provide a growth advantage to a tumor cell. Which type of mutation is known to accumulate in cancer cells but has no direct contribution to the cancer phenotype?

passenger mutations

Manufacturing recombinant DNA molecules involves cutting a gene from its normal location, inserting it into a circular piece of DNA from a bacterial cell, and then transferring the circle of DNA to cells of another species. Which of the below is the circular piece of DNA from a bacterial cell?


Which general term is used to group various biological and behavioral properties of organisms that act to prevent or reduce interbreeding?

reproductive isolating mechanisms

The function of the ras gene family involves __________.

signal transduction

What is the most likely mechanism by which an individual develops retinal tumors in both eyes?

the familial form of retinoblastoma

The retinoblastoma protein (pRB), like p53, serves as a(n) ________ in regulating the cell cycle.

tumor suppressor

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