Manfred Steger, Chapter 5 "The Cultural dimension of globalization"

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Optimistic globalizers like Franic Fukuyma equate the spread of Anglo-American values with what? (p.83)

"equating the Americanization with the expansion of democracy and free markets."

> Why have some commentators on globalization argued that cultural practices are key to understanding contemporary globalization? > How has technology impacted cultural exchange?

> Because of the exploding network of cultural interconnections and interdependencies in the last decades > Technology facilitates globalization

> How does Steger define cultural globalization? > When we talk about the "cultural" aspect of social life, we are concerned with____________________.

> Cultural Globalization refers to the intensification and expansion of cultural flows > with the symbolic construction, articulation, and dissemination of meaning

*Section "The globalization of languages": > which 5 factors can be identified in the globalization of languages? > Is the number of (spoken) languages increasing or decreasing? > What do linguists predict for this century?

> Number of languages, Movement of people, Foreign language learning and tourism, Internet languages, International Scientific Publications > Decreasing > They predict that 50 - 90% of the currently existing languages will have disappeared by the end of the 21st century.

*Section "The Role of the Media": > What has been the role of the media? > What does Steger say about the media market? > What recent trend does he label the "global oligopoly?" > And what does he criticize as the "most glaring development?" (p. 88)

> Shape people's identities and the structure of desires around the world. > In 2014, the 8 largest media conglomerates accounted for $1.5 trillion in annual worldwide revenues generated by the global telecommunications industry. > Many of the giant corporations that dominate what is called "infotainment telesector" did not exist in their present form as a media company. > Attack on the professional autonomy of journalism

> What do "pessimistic globalizers' argue? > Which countries pop culture seems unstoppable? >> To what phenomenon does George's Ritzer's term "McDonaldization" refer? >> To which problems associated with consumerism does Benjamin Barber point? >> What statistics about the "American way of life are presented in the chart on p. 84-85

> They suggest that we are not moving towards a cultural rainbow that reflects the diversity of the world's existing population. Rather, er are witnessing the rise of an increasingly homogenized popular culture underwritten by a western 'culture industry' based in NY, Hollywood, London, Paris, and Milan. > The spread of American culture >> it is used to describe the process by which the principles of fast-food restaurants are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society and the rest of the world. >> Global consumerism becomes increasingly soulless and unethical in its pursuit of profit >> Read Statistics

*Section: Sameness or Difference Which question is asked most frequently in discussions about globalization?

Does globalization make people around the world more alike or more different?

What does Steger argue on p. 87 regarding the complexity of global flows?

He says that one actually expect to see uneven and contradictory effects. It affects people and culture differently

How has the exchange of images and ideas changed?

It has become easier and thus it has profoundly impacted the way people experience their daily lives.

To which trend does the term "globalization" refer?


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