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What is the purpose of the IF function and what does it allow you to do?

- The condition being tested for - The outcome if the condition is true - The outcome if the condition is false It tests the outcomes of materials to see if analyze true or false possibilities for decision-making purposes.

How is the IP address used?

Each computer given a unique IP address Used to identify a specific computer provides the technical foundation for the public Internet as well as for large numbers of private network IP provides the addressing and routing mechanism

Which ERP vendor has the #1 and #2 market shares?

#1 SAP #2 Oracle

Unprogrammed Decisions

(nonstructured decision); Ill-structured situations with vague or changing relationships between variables: *Not easily quantifiable in advance. No agreed-on decision making method. *There may be several "right" answers (although some answers could be better than other answers

Programmed Decisions

(structured decision); Structured situations with well defined relationships: *Quantifiable. There is an understood and accepted method for making the decisions Very easy to automate (program) these types of decisions.

What is Bluetooth? What are the characteristics of Bluetooth and why is it used?

*Provides entirely wireless connections for all kinds of communication devices Allows for wireless communications within a limited distance: 2 megabits per second, up to 30 feet. Less expensive than Wi-Fi chips, consume less power, easier to build into small devices than run on batteries such as cell phones, palm-top computers, and other PDAs. Called a "personal area network" (PAN) technology

Be able to compare/contrast and discuss the business need of having accurate information versus having complete information. What are the thoughts regarding how much of each that an organization should have?

100% accurate and complete = Too expensive & time consuming to produce Birthdate 2/31/2014 (complete but not accurate) Address containing Manhattan, KS, but no zip code (accurate, but not complete) Some companies are willing to go as low as 20% complete to find BI Few organizations go below 50% accurate - info is useless if not accurate. Perfect information vs cost and time Most organizations determine a percentage high enough to make good decisions at a reasonable cost, such as 85 percent accurate and 65 percent complete

Know what an IP address looks like. I may show you a number and ask you if it is an IP address (or not).

Know the different types/groups of people that commit computer crime. Know which group commits most of the computer crime.

38% of security incidents originate within the organization (Employees are the concern) Insiders: legitimate users who purposely or accidentally misuse their access (fraud, embezzlement, harassment) Social engineering: using one's social skills to trick people into revealing access credentials or other information Many people freely give up their passwords or write them on sticky notes next to their computers, leaving the door wide open to intruders Employees are most likely to commit a computer crime

What are the characteristics of a geospatial information system? Know several examples of how it is used, or how it can be used. Please review the Geospatial Information Systems (Geographical Information Systems) pages in your text and in the pdf file.

A Geospatial Information System (GIS) is a specialized decision support system designed specifically to analyze spatial information in map form Analyze information, generate business intelligence, and make decisions. GIS is a powerful combination of database and graphics technology. There is virtually no limit to the sort of information you can plot with a GIS, including the placement of roads, the course of rivers, income levels, health conditions, areas of high or low crime, and so on. The strength of a GIS is the ability to layer information with a mouse click. The layering and presentation that separates a GIS from other decision support tools.

What are the characteristics of a recorded macro?

A Macro is a collection of commands that you can run with a single click or keyboard combination. They can automate almost anything you can do in Excel and even do things you might not have known were possible. In essence, a macro is a computer program that gives automated instructions to the computer. The original macros were a way to use a few characters to represent a lot of instructions. They were called macros because the output was much bigger than the input. (Greek makros = "long, large")

How is a relational database different from a data warehouse?

A database was built to store current transactions and enable fast access to specific transactions for ongoing business processes, known as Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). A data warehouse is built to store large quantities of historical data and enable fast, complex queries across all the data, typically using Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).

What is at the heart of all ERP systems and what role does it play?

A database, it houses the central info that everyone has access to

What is a primary key and know the best examples of primary keys.

A field that uniquely identifies each record in a table. Used to sort or index a database. No two records can have the same primary key. Examples: Social Security Number, Employee Number, Class Number, etc.

How does an ERP system automate business processes?

By eliminating redundancies because of the shared info when a user enters or updates information in one module, it is immediately and automatically updated throughout the entire system

What is the difference between a filter and a Query?

A query is a function designed to output a response. A filter is a restriction designed to weed out irrelevant or unwanted responses. For example, if one were to google information on monks, but not the television show Monk, one might parse the query as: monk -tv -"Tony Shalhoub". The first term would be the query, and the next two terms (each marked with a minus sign) would be the filters.

What is a query and how do you make one?

A question which filters the results in a database. In access: it can place constraints on multiple tables and creates a new "table" each time it is used. create, query design

What are protocols?

A standard that specifies the format of data as well as the rules to be followed during transmission

What is a VPN?

A way to use the public telecommunication infrastructure (e.g., Internet) to provide secure access to an organization's network Tunneling software is used to create a private connection between two different servers or between a server and individual computers (made when needed and terminated when transmission is completed). Data packets are encrypted for security. You can build your own wired network or you can lease lines from a national provider.

Be able to explain the sources of low-quality information.

Customers intentionally enter inaccurate data to protect privacy. Different entry standards and formats Operators enter abbreviated or erroneous data by accident or to save time Third party and external information contains inconsistencies, inaccuracies and errors

Be able to create an absolute and mixed cell reference.

Absolute cell reference Often used with lookup functions. Precise address of a change regardless of the position of the formula in the cell. $A$1 Mixed cell reference Most rare. $A1, or A$1 Relative cell reference Address of a cell based on relative of position of the cell that contains the formula and the cell being referred to. Copy the formula, cell reference adjusts. A1

What is the difference between absolute, mixed and relative cell references? How do you create each type of reference?

Absolute: It anchors a formula to a certain cell without adjustment. There is a dollar sign before both the column and row label (F4). Mixed: It anchors a formula to a column or row, but not both. There will be a dollar sign on either one of those designations (F4). Relative: There are no anchors in this reference, so it can adjust as the formula moves down in reference points. There are no dollar signs.

Compare and contrast the common characteristics of high-quality information. For each characteristic, know examples of each one.

Accuracy Is all the information correct? Are the values correct Consistency Does the information flow with each other. Do your values add up correctly? Completeness Are all your values filled in. re you missing anything? Uniqueness No duplications Timeliness Is the information current with respect to the business requirements? The rate that the information is updated

What are the common characteristics of high-quality information?

Accurate: is there incorrect values. Complete: is there anything missing. Consistent: Is the summary of information in agreement with detail info. Timely: is the info updated often. Unique: no duplicates of records

Make sure that you know the differences between TCP and IP. Know how each one is used and/or what it does.

Allows computers to exchange messages regardless of their operating system or hardware. *Transmission Control Protocol -Breaks information into data packets -Reassembles packets when received -Checks for lost packets *Internet Protocol -Each computer given a unique IP address -Used to identify a specific computer

How does packet switching work?

Occurs when the sending computer divides a message into a number of efficiently sized units called packets, each of which contains the address of the destination computer.

Know some of the characteristics of an ERP implementation (both the good and bad sides).

BAD: Costly in terms of money, time, amount of training required, and effort to implement. GOOD: Integrate financial information Integrate customer order information Standardize and speed up manufacturing processes increases production, and reduces head count. Reduce inventory Standardize human resource information:

Where are firewalls typically located?

Between the servers and the Internet

How does TouchID work with the iPhone and iPad?

Biometrics - the identification of a user based on a physical characteristic: Finger prints Hand prints Voice prints Iris/Retinal scan Appearance of your face

Be able to describe the process of normalization. What is it? What does it involve? What is its goal?

Break one table into several smaller ones. Tables are linked together by a common field. Eliminates redundancies and allows you to only need to enter info once

What are the extended ERP components?

Business Intelligence, Customer Relationship Management, Supply Chain Management, E-business Extra components that meet the organizational needs not covered by the core components and primarily focus on external operations Extended components typically focus on external operations and require interactions with customers, suppliers and business partners outside of the organization. Typically Internet enabled.

What are the goals of customer relationship management? What are companies trying to find out?

CRM is a business philosophy based on the premise that those organizations that understand the needs of individual customers are best positioned to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Shift from product focus to customer focus Product: sell one product to as many customers as possible Customer: sell one customer as many products as possible Who are the best customers? Which products are the most profitable? What are we trying to do with CRM? Know who our customers are? Analyze the customer to understand what the customer is doing. Find new customers just like our existing customers

What are the purpose of Ethernet, its characteristics, and what is it trying to do?

Defines the wiring and signaling standards used in a LAN. Used to describe the hardware layer of a LAN -Wiring Technology Used (Co-axial, twisted-pair, fiber-optic) -How bits are physically transmitted using those media -Access control rules -Data transmission speeds Details multiple user communications and works on the principle of collision avoidance and collision detection. Helps insure the compatibility of different devices so that many people can attach to a common cable.

Be able to describe/define and distinguish between each of the following: character, field, record, table, file, database, and data warehouse. You might also know where each one fits in a hierarchy from largest to smallest.

Character: bytes, bit - a single zero or one Fields: Piece of information in a record. Last Name, First Name, Address, City ex. Last Name Field Records: An individual entry in a table. Like a file folder. Ex. Record contained SSN, last and first name, hire date Tables: All the data relating to a particular subject. Files (TABLE in access): Personnel file Database (FILE in access): Project database Access Hierarchy - Highest to Lowest? Database, File, Table, Record, Field, Character.

What is cloud computing? How is it accomplished? What are its characteristics? What is the "software as a service model?"

Cloud Computing: Resources and applications hosted remotely as a shared service over the internet. What is the platform for cloud computing? -The internet Where is data stored in cloud computing? Where do applications run from? (Same location) -Internet servers Explain the software as a service model: -Most widely used service model -Applications are licensed to customers as service on-demand, using a pay-as-you-go model or a monthly subscription. -Applications are accessed through the cloud rather than a desktop. -Provide software specific to customer's requirements

What are some of the characteristics of wireless LANs? What is needed, how are they created, and how do communications occur?

Communication occurs using radio signals and line-of-sight base station. Limited by obstructions. Slower: rarely reaches max speeds that could be available Inherently insecure: security features not turned on: easier to have data packets captured. Mobile. Relatively easy to connect to. Must be within range of hotspot (base station) One person could monopolize the base station with huge data transfers: slowness for everyone. Computer can be set up where needed, but work tools needed may not be available when needed.

How is the XBRL schema and a data dictionary similar?

Contains the logical structure of information in a database

Compare and contrast the core ERP components with the Extended ERP components. What is the general focus of each, as well as the specific focus of each?

Core ERP components - traditional components included in most ERP systems and they primarily focus on internal operations Extended ERP components - extra components that meet the organizational needs not covered by the core components and primarily focus on external operations

Compare and contrast the benefits and disadvantages/risk/costs of an ERP system.

Costs: software, difficult to integrate new systems, employees may resist new ways of doing things. Benefits: Having integrated systems, eliminates redundancies and wastes of time, speeds up the production process

What is the difference between data and information and how can one be distinguished from the other? Be able to distinguish between data, information and business intelligence. Know examples of each.

D: Raw facts that describe the characteristic of an event (One person's information might be another person's data (store manager vs CEO) I: Data converted into a meaningful and useful context is information B: The analysis of data and information from multiple sources to gain a comprehensive picture of the factors impacting your business

Know the difference between the different elements of the Client/Server model: Data Management vs Presentation vs Business Logic.

Data Management: storage and management of the data needed by the application (the database). Server Side Presentation how the application appears to the user. Client side Business Logic business rules implemented as software. Client and Server side Fill in the blanks with the correct client/server components. Although there are numerous ways to implement the client/server model, you typically always find the DATA MANAGEMENT component stored on the server (although its amount may vary), the PRESENTATION component is typically always located on the client (although its amount may vary), and the BUSINESS LOGIC component is/are typically spread between the client and the server.

Be able to distinguish between the following types of agents: data-mining agent vs information agent vs monitoring & surveillance agent vs user agent. Know examples of each.

Data Mining agents operate in a data warehouse by sifting through the data, trying to discover trends, relationships and patters through the use of multidimensional statistical analysis. Information agents search for information and bring it back to you from internet or database *Buyer agents, shopping bots search and filtering agents, Google bots that scout the internet looking and indexing sites that ultimately appear in search results when you do a Google search. *Information agents - amazon display lists of books and other products that customers might like, based on past purchases Monitoring & Surveillance Agents constantly observe and report back on what they see, wizards in Microsoft Office, applications software agents monitor the activities of software users and offer suggestions for improvement, agents that monitor web sites for updated info, such as price changes on desired products User agents act as a personal assistant by taking action on your behalf. EX: sorting and prioritizing email, filling out forms on the Web automatically, and sorting your information

What is the difference between a database and a database management system?

Database: A collection of related data that is stored in a manner enabling information to be retrieved as needed; in a relational database, a collection of related tables. A database is actually composed of two parts: 1. The information itself / the files that are logically associated 2. The logical structure of the information which is called the data dictionary. The database structure Database Management System (DBMS): The software you use to specify the logical organization for a database and access it A type of software program used to create, maintain, and access databases. It is a licensed software program and does not have a collection of tables/relationships/metadata

elevation of privilege, hoaxes, malicious code, spoofing, spyware, sniffer, packet tampering

Elevation of privilege is a process by which a user misleads a system into granting unauthorized rights, usually for the purpose of compromising or destroying the system. For example, an attacker might log on to a network by using a guest account, and then exploit a weakness in the software that lets the attacker change the guest privileges to administrative privileges. Hoaxes attack computer systems by transmitting a virus hoax, with a real virus attached. By masking the attack in a seemingly legitimate message, unsuspecting users more readily distribute the message and send the attack on to their co-workers and friends, infecting many users along the way. Malicious code includes a variety of threats such as viruses, worms, and Trojan horses Spoofing is the forging of the return address on an e-mail so that the e-mail message appears to come from someone other than the actual sender. This is not a virus but rather a way by which virus authors conceal their identities as they send out viruses. Spyware is software that comes hidden in free downloadable software and tracks online movements, mines the information stored on a computer, or uses a computer's CPU and storage for some task the user knows nothing about. According to the National Cyber Security Alliance, 91 percent of the study had spyware on their computers that can cause extremely slow performance, excessive pop-up ads, or hijacked home pages. A sniffer is a program or device that can monitor data traveling over a network. Sniffers can show all the data being transmitted over a network, including passwords and sensitive information. Sniffers tend to be a favorite weapon in the hacker's arsenal. Packet tampering consists of altering the contents of packets as the travel over the Internet or altering data on computer disks after penetrating a network. For example, an attacker might place a tap on a network line to intercept packets as they leave the computer. The attacker could eavesdrop or alter the information as it leaves the network.

What is the basic purpose of an executive information system and what are its features/characteristics?

Executive information system (EIS) - specialized DSSs designed for use by senior-level executives in order to make upper level decisions Most EISs offering the following capabilities: Consolidation - involves the aggregation of information and features simple roll-ups to complex groupings of interrelated information Drill-down - enables users to get details, and details of details, of information Slice-and-dice - looks at information from different perspectives

What form of artificial intelligence is able to apply reasoning capabilities to solve a problem?

Expert Systems

Be able to compare and contrast the various measures that businesses can take to make their information and information technology more secure

First Line of Defense: People: -The biggest issue surrounding information security is not a technical issue, but a people issue -38% of security incidents originate within the organization Second Line of Defense: Technology: Three primary information security areas Authentication and authorization: *Authentication - a method for confirming users' identities *Authorization - the process of giving someone permission to do or have something Prevention and resistance : Detection and response: *If prevention and resistance strategies fail and there is a security breach, an organization can use detection and response technologies to mitigate the damage *Antivirus software is the most common type of detection and response technology *Intrusion Detection software (IDS) searches for patterns in network traffic to indicate attacks (compares current network traffic against a "listing" of attack characteristics. Looks for people on the network who shouldn't be there or who are acting suspiciously.

What form of artificial intelligence compares and searches for matches?

Genetic Algorithm

How do you create a formula that goes between one sheet and another, or between one file and another?

Hold down CNTRL and click on each sheet you want grouped


Identification based on physical characteristics, is expensive

What is information cleansing/scrubbing?

Information cleansing or scrubbing is a process that weeds out and fixes or discards inconsistent, incomplete or incorrect information.

What is the purpose and role of a transaction processing system? What are its characteristics and what type of data or information does it interact with?

Information system that supports the monitoring, collection, storage, and processing of data from the organization's basic business transactions, each of which generates data. Characteristics of a TPS include performance, reliability and consistency. An information processing system for business transactions involving the collection, modification and retrieval of all transaction data. Characteristics of a TPS include performance, reliability and consistency.

Be able to distinguish between an instance, attribute, entity class, and an integrity constraint. Know examples of each one of those items.

Instance: -An occurrence of an Entity Class is called an Instance of that class. Manhattan is an instance of the entity class city. -A More specific example -A record in Access Attribute: -Characteristics of our records (Employee #, Last Name, First Name, Hire Date, Dept. Number) -The columns in Access Entity class (usually called simply Entity): -A concept that relates to the items about which you wish to store information--these "items" can include conceptual ideas such as "philosophers' thoughts," people such as "student," things such as "refrigerators" or places such as "city." -Generic in nature -EMPLOYEES Table Integrity constraints: Rules that help assure the quality of the information in a database. (Validation Rules in Access) -Setting a maximum or minimum for a field -A birth date can be now or in the past: not in the future. -A registration database at your school includes integrity constraints concerning prerequisites for certain classes. -Validation Text: error message seen in Access.

Who are the large-size market ERP vendors and who serves the mid-small size markets?

Large: SAP, Oracle/PeopleSoft/SSA Global Small/Medium: Microsoft

What characteristics make a local area network different from a wide area network?

Local Area Network (LAN) --Connects computers in relatively close proximity Wide Area Networks (WAN) -- Connects computers dispersed among a number of buildings, or even in different cities. Biggest WAN = the Internet

What form of artificial intelligence is able to learn and modify itself as a result of its learning?

Neural Networks

Make sure that you review the network data transfer process slide.

Network operating system at the source divides the message to be sent into segments of predetermined length called packets. Network operating system at the source uses a communications protocol to label and address each packet. Network Operating System at the source sends packets over the network. Packets are routed as necessary through the network depending on the transmission mediums, transmission signal characteristics and access control methods. Network Operating system at the destination receives packets over the network. Network Operating system at the destination identifies and reassembles the packets of the message by looking at the communication protocol information. Requests re-transmission of any missing data.

What is the role of a relationship between multiple tables and what is the basis for making a relationship?

One of the goals of good database design is to remove data redundancy (duplicate data). To achieve that goal, you divide your data into many subject-based tables so that each fact is represented only once. You then provide Access with a way to bring the divided information back together — you do this by placing common fields in tables that are related. To do this step correctly, though, you have to understand the relationships between your tables, and then specify these relationships in your database.


One of the most common defenses for preventing a security breach is a firewall Firewall - hardware and/or software that guards a private network by analyzing the information leaving and entering the network Firewall software also provides basic protection to computers where it is installed Basic firewall software incorporated into recent versions of Windows and Mac.

What types of problems can best be solved with a decision support system?

Optimization: Find the very best solution given the constraints provided (aka the optimal answer) Satisficing: Find a good solution, one that satisfies all of your decision criteria, without necessarily being the best solution.

What is a data warehouse? How is a data warehouse different from an organization's operational databases?

Organization support day-to-day operations and are constantly changing, two dimensional. Data warehouses are used to make strategic decisions because they house historical data, multidimensional

Be able to apply and use the rules that Excel follows to evaluate formulas.

Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction

Know the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of both the peer-to-peer network and the client/server model.

Peer-to-Peer LAN Advantages/ Disadvantages Advantages: -Control is distributed to the LAN users -Inexpensive and easy to install -Network resources are distributed Disadvantages: -Control is distributed to the LAN users -Performance is poor Client Server Model Advantages/ Disadvantages Advantages: -Application can be structured to match organizational requirements since it is both flexible and scalable -Can change the implementation of this model as the organization changes in size since the -Client/Server model provides the flexibility to mold information systems to whatever business model is most appropriate for an organization. -Data access is transparent to the user regardless of where the data is stored. -Separate programs are more easily maintained and can be reused. -One central location to go to for all of the sharing and easier to control the entire network. Disadvantages: -All shared resources reside on computers call "servers" -If a disaster occurs on the server all the data is in jeopardy -If the server malfunctions, no one can use the network -Expensive -Usually require expensive hardware and extra staff to manage -Only 30% of client/server costs are tied up in hardware and software. -The remaining 70% is in the form of labor - both IT professionals and knowledge workers.

What is ERP system is used for the KSU iSIS system?


Is supply chain management a business philosophy or a technology? Is customer relationship management a business philosophy or a technology? Explain.

Philosophy Philosophy

• Decision Support Systems • Executive Information Systems • Geospatial Information System • Transaction Processing System • Expert Systems • Neural Networks • Genetic Algorithms • Intelligent Agents


What is the goal of a database management system? How does redundancy fit in?

Primary goal of database management system is to provide a way to store and retrieve database information that is convenient and efficient. Management of data involves both defining structure for storage of information and providing mechanism for manipulation of information. Database system also ensures the safety of information stored, despite system crashes of attempts at unauthorized access. If data is shared among many users, then system must avoid possible anomalous results. So database system is used to manage, large bodies of information. Goals of Database Management System: (1) To remove problem of data redundancy and inconsistency (2) Easy access of data (3) To solve data isolation problem (4) To solve security problem (5) To solve integrity problems- Redundancy: Redundancy is a system design in which a component is duplicated so if it fails there will be a backup.

Be able to compare and contrast the different ways that your privacy can be compromised and that you can be monitored.

Privacy - the right to be left alone and not to be observed without your consent Your actions can be monitored Key logger (key trapper) software & hardware - capture keystrokes and mouse clicks. Can be installed by a hacker or even your employer. Screen capture programs - capture screen from video card: periodically take a snapshot of what is on the screen E-mail is completely insecure. Cyberslacking - misuse of company resources Visiting inappropriate sites or sites not related to the work that is being performed Gaming, chatting, stock trading, etc. Example of cost of misuse Watching an online fashion show uses as much bandwidth as downloading the entire Encyclopedia Britannica: tied up telecommunications lines for many companies at 3pm one afternoon a few years ago. Reasons for monitoring Ensure appropriate behavior on the job Avoid litigation for employee misconduct

What is an integrity constraint? Be able to provide several examples of integrity constraints that someone might decide to create.

Rules that help assure the quality of the information in a database. (Validation Rules in Access) -Setting a maximum or minimum for a field -A birth date can be now or in the past: not in the future. -A registration database at your school includes integrity constraints concerning prerequisites for certain classes. -Validation Text: error message seen in Access.

What are the roles of the network operating system, packet switching and routers?

Runs the network, steers info, and manages security and users packet switching allows for transmission of info routers connect LANs to WANs, and act as a mutha fukin gatekeeper bruh?

Who are the ERP vendors?

SAP Oracle/PeopeSoft SSA Global Microsoft

How is single-factor authentication different from two-factor authentication? How does two-factor authentication work? What is the goal of multiple forms of authentication?

Single-factor authentication is the traditional security process, typically a user name and password (may also include challenge questions). Two-factor authentication requires that the user provide two forms of authentication What the user knows (password) What the user has (security token, phone) or what the user is (biometric) After user logs in with a password, a passcode is then sent to an authorized device, which then must be entered in before access is granted. A second factor could be using a previously authorized device. Goal of requiring multiple forms of authentication is if one level of security is broken, the attacker will still have to break through additional levels of security.

What is ERP software and what is its purpose?

Software that brings together all components of a business and gives all pieces access to the same info Integrates all departments and functions throughout an organization into a single IT system (or integrated set of IT systems) so that employees can make enterprise wide decisions by viewing enterprise wide information on all business operations (consistent enterprise wide information)

What is SQL?

Structured Query Language- A standardized fourth-generation language found in most database environments. SQL is the same as QBE, except that you perform a query by creating a statement instead of pointing, clicking, dragging.

What is the difference between telecommunications and a network? What are the benefits of a network and what are you able to use a network for?

Telecommunications are the movement of data over a network, while a network is the actual technology behind it Communicate with others, and share all sorts of shit

How does biometrics factor into authentication?

The third factor of authentication (something you are, defined with biometrics) is the strongest individual method of authentication because it is the most difficult for an attacker to falsify. Biometric methods include fingerprints, retina scans, and palm scanners.

What are the benefits and weaknesses of using a recorded macro?

The use of Macros in Excel saves time and can expand the capabilities of Excel. They can automate repetitive tasks like creating and printing documents that you and your colleagues use regularly. it doesn't create nice code and it can only record straightforward tasks

When creating a table that will be used in a VLOOKUP function, what is the rule that must be followed when arranging items in the first column of the lookup table (how must words be arranged and how must numbers be arranged in that first column?)

They must be organized alphabetically, or in ascending numerical order by breakpoints.

What are the core components of an ERP system?

Traditional components included in most ERP systems and they primarily focus on internal operations Accounting, Finance, HR, production material management

What is a network?

Two or more computers connected together using standards/protocols so that they can work together.

What is SQL used for?

Used to retrieve data or otherwise interface with a relational database. -A way to get information out of relational database systems.

Be able to describe what each of the following SQL commands accomplishes: SELECT, FROM, WHERE, ORDER BY, INNER JOIN

What does SQL Keyword SELECT do? specifies what fields we want in our query. What does SQL Keyword FROM do? specifies the tables we are pulling for our fields in our query What does SQL Keyword WHERE do? specifies the constraints we have placed on our query for the selected fields. What does SQL Keyword ORDER BY do? specifies the sort we have placed on our selected fields or columns. What does SQL Keyword INNER JOIN do? selects all rows from both tables as long as there is a match between the columns in both tables.

In the PMT function, why did you divide something by 12? Why did you multiply something by 12? Why did you enter the loan amount into the 3rd function argument box as a negative number?

When using the PMT function to determine a monthly amount, you would divide the interest rate by 12, because the interest rate is PER YEAR and there are 12 months in a year, so you need to divide the rate by 12. When using the PMT function to determine a monthly amount, you would multiply the number of years by 12, because there are 12 months in each year, and you need to figure out the payment to be made MONTHLY. It is negative because it represents an outgoing payment.

What is the rule regarding software installation and site licenses for computers

When you buy software, you are purchasing a license to use it. In a legal sense, you don't own the software. You just have a right to use it. You MUST have one copy of the software or one site license for each machine that is running a particular piece of software. In the US, you may always make one copy of copyrighted software to keep for backup purposes—remember, when you buy copyrighted software, you are paying for the right to use it: that's all. Software Piracy: the unauthorized use, duplication, distribution, or sale of copyrighted software Did you buy the software or did a friend simply allow you to install a copy on your machine as well? Software Publisher's Association: The Software Police Most common type of computer crime. In some parts of the world, more than 90% of business software is thought to be pirated.

What is the difference between a hacker, a thrill-seeking hacker, a white-hat hacker, a black-hat hacker, a cyberterrorist, a hackivist, a cracker, and script bunnies/kiddies? What is dumpster diving and social engineering? For each of the items listed above, what is its goal or objective?

White-hat hackers—work at the request of the system owners to find system vulnerabilities and plug the holes Black-hat hackers—break into other people's computer systems and may just look around or may steal and destroy information Hactivists—have philosophical and political reasons for breaking into systems and will often deface the Web site as a protest Script kiddies or script bunnies—find hacking code on the Internet and click-and-point their way into systems to cause damage or spread viruses Dumpster Diving- Looking through other peoples trash is another way hackers obtain information Social Engineering- Hackers use their social skills to trick people into revealing access credentials or other valuable information Cracker—a hacker with criminal intent Cyberterrorists—seek to cause harm to people or to destroy critical systems or information and use the Internet as a weapon of mass destruction

How do companies monitor employees and why do they do it (several reasons)?

Why does monitoring happen? Your employer pays you money to do a job. To ensure appropriate behavior on the job. To avoid litigation for employee misconduct Employers can/do monitor: -The email you send and receive using company resources. -Screen capture programs -Key logger (key trapper) software to capture your keystrokes and/or mouse clicks Cookie files can be used to track your movements on the Internet. -A small record deposited on your hard drive by a web site containing information about you and your web activities. -Web logs are also created, consisting of one line for every visitor to a web site. Contains identifying info such as your IP address and your Clickstream. Stored on a web server. -Clickstream - records information about you during a web surfing session, such as what sites you visited, how long you were there, what ads you looked at, what you bought, and what links that you clicked on. -Cell phone calls, satellite transmissions, and email can all be monitored.

How are wireless LANs different than wired LANs?

Wired: Communications occur using a wired media. Faster Tends to be more secure Limited location and hard to move around (bound to the wire). Limited by walls, furniture, infrastructure. Should be able to easily handle multiple users Fixed work location All of the work tools that you need probably are available Wireless: Communication occurs using radio signals and line-of-sight base station. Limited by obstructions. Slower: rarely reaches max speeds that could be available Inherently insecure: security features not turned on: easier to have data packets captured. Mobile. Relatively easy to connect to. Must be within range of hotspot (base station) One person could monopolize the base station with huge data transfers: slowness for everyone. Computer can be set up where needed, but work tools needed may not be available when needed.

What are the characteristics of a PAN? (Personal Area Network)

Wirelessly connecting small personal devices, really short distance

What are the characteristics of a decision support system? Under what circumstances would someone use a DSS versus using some form of artificial intelligence?

With a DSS a user must be actively involved and come upon the final answer. With AI the decision-making expertise is build into the system so that the AI system makes the decision for you.

What is a VPN? How is it used? What are its characteristics?

You can build your own wired network or you can lease lines from a national provider. Virtual private network (VPN) - a way to use the public telecommunication infrastructure (e.g., Internet) to provide secure access to an organization's network -Tunneling software is used to create a private connection between two different servers or between a server and individual computers (made when needed and terminated when transmission is completed). -Data packets are encrypted for security.

What happens when you select to enforce referential integrity?

You create a feature that will prevent you from typing invalid data into your table. -When two different tables are linked/joined by a relationship where referential integrity is enforced, you cannot type data into a linked field if that same data does not already exist in the original table. -You cannot assign something to an item that doesn't exist

What is data mining and how does it apply to data warehouses? What is the objective of data mining?

agents operate in a data warehouse by sifting through the data, trying to discover trends, relationships and patters through the use of multidimensional statistical analysis. Predict trends and behaviors Identify unknown patterns Determine how things fit together Identify patterns Attempting to understand characteristics

Know the differences between the various 802.11 standards (a vs b vs g vs n). What are the characteristics of each 802.11 standard?

b: Provides transmission speeds of up to 11 mbps, 300 feet inside, 800 feet outside. (Wi-Fi 1) g: Provides transmission speeds of up to 54 mbps, at a 35 foot indoor range (Wi-Fi 3) a: Uses a different radio frequency than standards b & g and other electronic devices (kinda like taking a less crowded route: it will be faster since no one is using it) (same transmission speeds as the "g" standard, but it uses a different radio frequency (not used by other Wi-Fi users, microwave ovens and cordless phones) (Good for use in high density/population areas, such as apartment complexes.) (Wi-Fi 2) n: Provides transmission speeds over 100 mbps using MIMO technology (multiple wireless signals and antennas)signal intensity will also help increase range: (Wi-Fi 4)

How does an expert system function? What happens when you use it?

computerized advisory programs that imitate the reasoning process of experts. They consist of a knowledge base and a set of rules for applying that knowledge base to a particular situation. Most common form of AI in business. is an artificial intelligence system that applies reasoning capabilities to reach a conclusion. An expert system captures expertise from a human expert and applies it to a problem. Tricks of the trade Knowledge base Reasoning Process

hacking, clickstream, cyberstalking, phishing, spyware, adware, cookie files, web logs, key logger software, Trojan horse software, spam, denial-of-service attack, spoofing

hacking Using computer skills in order to gain access into systems clickstream Records information about you during a web surfing session, such as the sites you visited, the duration you visited, and what links you clicked. cyberstalking The usage of electronic communications to harass or frighten someone phishing Phishing is a technique to con people into supplying personal information, usually by posing as a trusted source for information spyware: (sneakware/stealthware) comes hidden in downloads, tracks online movements, mines info on the computer, or uses the CPU for something the user has no idea about, can slow performance, excessive popups, hijack homepages adware software that generates ads, and installs itself on your computer when you download a free program from the web cookie files Small records deposited on your hard drive by a website that contain information about your web activities and track your movements. web logs Records that track when you visit a website that contain IP address and clickstream information. They are stored on a web server. key logger software capture keystrokes and mouse clicks, can be installed by a hacker or employer Trojan horse software A virus that hides inside of some software that is necessary and usually comes in the form of a downloadable file. spam Irrelevant/inappropriate messages sent over the internet in large quantities. denial-of-service attack An attack that floods a web site with so many service requests that it slows down or crashes. Usually, multiple computers are involved. spoofing Forging the return address on an e-mail to make it appear that it came from someone else. This allows people to pose as anyone and provide themselves with access to computer networks.

Subtotals: Make sure you know how to apply subtotals in Excel, and what you must actually do before specifying the subtotals command.

make sure to organize the data first A-Z, then apply the subtotals or averages of a specific group Click one of the cells containing your data. Click Data > Subtotal. In the Subtotal box, click OK. Tips: Once you've added your subtotals, an outline graphic appears to the left of your data. You can click on the number buttons along the top of the graphic to expand and collapse the data.

Be able to define or explain the following terms or concepts: modem, LAN, WAN, Ethernet, router, peer-to-peer network, and client/server network. Know examples of each

modem enables a computer to receive and transmit data LAN local area network WAN wide area network Ethernet defines wiring and signaling structure used in a LAN router gatekeeper of networks, connects LANs to WANs peer-to-peer network A LAN that allows sharing of hard drives and client/server network: only info on the server can be shared.

How do the following compare and contrast in terms of security provided? (passwords vs biometrics vs encryption vs firewall software)

passwords worst form of security biometrics uses physical characteristics to gain entry, best security. Expensive. encryption Can't view without encryption key firewall software very common, guards a network by analyzing info coming and going. Placed between the internet and a server, (Internet=>Firewall=>Server=>Database)

What is the PURPOSE of the relationship line? What does it do?

physically draws the connection between two tables/files. This is usually achieved by drawing a connecting line between two fields.

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