MAR3203 Exam 3

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Among the​ following, critical path and slack time analysis MOST help A. pinpoint activities that need to be closely watched. B. managers define the project activities. C. highlight relationships among project activities. D. point out who is responsible for various activities.


What are the two most important cost considerations in queuing​ problems? A. cost of providing service and cost of waiting time B. cost of providing service and cost of marketing C. cost of line management and cost of marketing D. cost of lost time waiting and cost of marketing


What is a flowchart with time added on the horizontal​ axis? A. process mapping B. CNC C. service blueprinting D. process chart


What is the ability to respond with little penalty in​ time, cost, or customer​ value? A. flexibility B. repetitive process C. postponement D. mass customization


Which distribution most frequently describes the arrival rate in queuing​ theory? A. Poisson B. Normal C. Negative exponential D. Beta


Which of the following activities are NOT part of project​ scheduling? A. Make sure all necessary activities are finished in proper sequence and on time. B. Compute resources needed at each stage of production. C. Decide how long each activity will take. D. Chart separate schedules for personnel needs by type of skill and materials needs.


Which of the following activities does NOT belong to the controlling phase of project​ management? A. define the project B. revise plans C. shift resources D. monitor​ resources, costs,​ quality, and budgets


Which of the following approaches makes new capacity a larger increase at the beginning of the​ period? A. leading demand with a​ one-step expansion B. leading demand with incremental expansion C. attempts to have an average capacity that straddles demand with incremental expansion D. lagging demand with incremental expansion


Which of the following approaches may use subcontracting to accommodate excess​ demand? A. lagging demand with incremental expansion B. leading demand with a​ one-step expansion C. Subcontracting should never be used to accommodate excess demand. D. leading demand with incremental expansion


Which of the following is NOT identified in the text as one of the eight major determinants of volume and revenue for the service​ firm? A. level of advertising expenditures B. quality of management C. operating policies of the firm D. competition in the area


Which of the following is NOT part of project​ controlling? A. sequencing and allotting time to all project activities B. close monitoring of​ resources, costs,​ quality, and budgets C. shifting resources to where they are needed most D. using a feedback loop to revise the project plan


Which of the following is the THIRD level in work breakdown structure​ (WBS)? A. subtasks in major tasks B. major tasks in the project C. project D. activities to be completed


Which of the following statements is NOT​ true? A. Adding flexibility to the production process can be a major competitive advantage. Building flexibility into a production process is usually​ inexpensive, but difficult. B. The selection of equipment requires considering​ cost, cash​ flow, market​ stability, quality,​ capacity, and flexibility. C. Selection of a particular process strategy requires decisions about equipment and technology. D. Selecting the best equipment requires understanding the specific industry and available processes and technology.


Computerized​ PERT/CPM reports and charts do NOT include A. detailed cost breakdowns for each task. B. probability estimates for​ on-time completion. C. cost distribution tables. D. variance reports.


Gantt charts are A. not easy to understand. B. planning charts used to schedule resources and allocate time. C. widely used network techniques. D. not widely used.


In​ manufacturing, excess capacity can be used to A. do fewer​ setups, lengthen production​ runs, and drive down inventory costs. B. do more​ setups, shorten production​ runs, and drive down inventory costs. C. do more​ setups, lengthen production​ runs, and drive down inventory costs. D. do fewer​ setups, shorten production​ runs, and drive down inventory costs


The body of knowledge about waiting lines is called A. line analysis. B. queuing theory. C. patience discipline. D. waiting science.


The project organization may be LESS helpful when A. the work contains complex interrelated tasks requiring specialized skills. B. the job is familiar to the existing organization. C. work tasks can be defined with a specific goal and deadline. D. the project cuts across organizational lines.


What is the major difference in focus between a location decision in the service sector vs. the manufacturing​ sector? A. The focus in manufacturing is on​ labor, while the focus in service is on raw materials. B. The focus in service is on revenue​ maximization, while the focus in manufacturing is on cost minimization. C. The focus in manufacturing is on revenue​ maximization, while the focus in service is on cost minimization. D. There is no difference in focus.


Which distribution most frequently describes the service time in queuing​ theory? A. Poisson B. Negative exponential C. Normal D. Beta


Which of the following does NOT belong to the planning phase of project​ management? A. goal setting B. monitoring resources C. defining the project D. team organization


Which of the following is NOT a technique that allows managers to​ plan, schedule, and control​ projects? A. Gantt charts B. Factor-rating method C. CPM D. PERT


Which of the following is NOT true regarding PERT and​ CPM? A. Time estimates are subject to fudging by managers. B. Managers only need to closely monitor the critical path. C. PERT and CPM are useful when controlling large projects. D. PERT and CPM are useful in monitoring costs.


Which of the following is a limitation of PERT and​ CPM? A. They can be used only to monitor schedules. B. There is the inherent danger of placing too much emphasis on the critical path. C. They are applicable to only a narrow variety of projects and industries. D. The graphical nature of a network delays comprehension of the activity​ list's interrelationships.


Which of the following techniques might a service or retail organization use to make a location​ decision? A. locational​ cost-volume analysis B. traffic counts C. transportation method D. crossover charts


Which of these statements is NOT true about project​ scheduling? A. Project scheduling encourages the setting of realistic time and cost estimates for each activity. B. Project scheduling helps make better use of resources by identifying the​ non-critical paths through the network. C. Project scheduling shows the relationship of each activity to others. D. Project scheduling identifies the precedence relationships among activities.


The three phases involved in the management of large projects are: A. scheduling, designing, and operating. B. planning, scheduling, and evaluating. C. planning, scheduling, and controlling. D. scheduling, operating, and evaluating.


Which of the following is NOT true about Gantt​ charts? A. Gantt charts also can be used for scheduling repetitive operations. B. Gantt charts are​ low-cost means of helping managers make sure that activities are planned. C. Gantt charts adequately illustrate the interrelationships between the activities and the resources. D. Gantt charts are planning charts used to schedule resources and allocate time.


Which of the following is a direct responsibility of the project​ manager? A. performing all of the activities in the project B. calculating completion probabilities for all tasks in the project C. making sure that the people assigned to the project receive the​ motivation, direction, and information needed to do their jobs D. drawing the network diagram


Which of the following is an advantage of PERT and​ CPM? A. Useful in monitoring only schedules. B. Precedence relationships must be specified and networked together. C. Straightforward concept and not mathematically complex. D. Project activities have to be clearly​ defined, independent, and stable in their relationships.


The most aggressive and risky approach to capacity planning is A. attempts to have an average capacity that straddles demand with incremental expansion. B. lagging demand with incremental expansion. C. leading demand with incremental expansion. D. leading demand with​ one-step expansion.


What is a drawing of the movement of​ material, product or​ people? A. RFID B. process chart C. AIS D. flowchart


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