Marketing 4301 test 1

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Which term reflects the degree to which one bases one's morality on moral standards?


A network of interdependent institutions that perform the logistics necessary for consumptions to occur is called a(n)?

Marketing channel

All of the following are advantages of in-house research EXCEPT?

More objectivity

A marketing manager decides not to engage in research because a decision must be made before the result of the study can be analyzed. Which factor is the determinant of the need for marketing research in this case?

Time constraints

A researcher working for_______ Would be considered a conflict of interest.

Two competing firms

When drivers are unaware that a machine is recording how many cars pass a certain intersection that is being considered for a site for a new Wendys franchise, this is an example of an?

Unobtrusive method

The two types of marketing research based on the specificity of purpose are ?

Basic and applied

What is the last stage of the marketing research process?

Formulating conclusions and preparing a report

Caleb's job at a marketing research firm is to provide technical assistance with questionnaire design. Which title best describes Caleb's job?

Research assistant

Managers at Procter & Gamble view marketing research at a strategic planning level. Therefore, the company conducts numerous related studies that come together to help in their product planning decisions. This is referred to as a:

Research program

Which term refers to a research technique in which a sample is interviewed in some form or the behavior of respondents is observed and described in some way?


Which type of research is being conducted when a researcher conducts an experiment to answer the question, "will consumers purchase more of our brand if we change the package design"?

Causal research

The management of a superstore chain is attempting to decide where to locate its regional warehouses in order to minimize travel time from its warehouses to its local sites. Which type of research would be most effective?

Distribution research

The research process ends by ____________ from the data analysis.

Drawing conclusions

Evan has completed the fieldwork of collecting data, and now he is checking the data collection forms for omissions, legibility, and consistency in classification. What is Evan doing?

Editing the data

The team tasked with with carefully reviewing proposed research designs to try to make sure that no harm can come to any research participant is called a ___________.

Institutional review board

The target department store records the sales activities of its retail outlets in order you detect any changes in dollar sales. Which type of research is being used?

Performance-monitoring research

Asking consumers what they think about a possible brand name for a new product is an example of which type of research ?

Product research

All of the following are examples of an observational study EXCEPT:

A consumer responding to a questionnaire about advertising

A political candidate asks staff workers to phone registered voters of another party to ask a leading and negative question about his opposing candidate. This is a form of ____?

A push Poll

Companies, such as Kraft and Procter & Gamble, conduct research to clarify ambiguous situations or discover ideas that may be potential business opportunities. What type of marketing research is this?


What type of research is being conducted to answer the question: "would this target market be interested in this type of new product?"

Exploratory research

Asking target market members to compare the performance of a prototype of a possible new product to the performance of a competitors product is an example of which type of research?

Product testing

Which communication function of a firm is responsible for informing and persuading buyers?


which approach focuses on using knowledge and evidence to reach objective conclusions about the real world?

Scientific method

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