marketing ch 7 and 8 quiz q's

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The strongest brands are positioned on​ ________.

beliefs values and feelings

Which stage of the product life cycle normally lasts longer than other stages and poses strong challenges to marketing​ management?


Companies find and develop new product ideas from a variety of sources. Which of these is an internal source for new product​ ideas?

modifying a product

The stages of the product life cycle are​ ___________.

product​ development, introduction,​ growth, maturity, and decline

When Dr. Lawncare developed his revolutionary new weed​ killer, he expected​ that, during the introductory stage of the product life​ cycle, ___________.

sales would be slow and with negative or low profits

Which is NOT a link in the service profit​ chain?

satisfied and loyal suppliers

Services are characterized by four key​ aspects: ______________.

services are​ intangible, inseparable,​ variable, and perishable

Which of the following correctly describes the classifications into which consumer products​ fall?

Convenience, shopping,​ specialty, unsought

Charles Revson of Revlon once​ said, "In the factory we make​ cosmetics; in the store we sell​ hope." Which product level is Revson referring​ to?

Core customer value

Service providers often face price competition. As a solution to​ this, service providers can further differentiate themselves based on which three​ characteristics?

The service​ offer, delivery, and image

Social responsibility includes public policy issues and regulations involving​ __________, and product warranties.

acquiring or dropping products, patent protection, product quality and safety

Ideally, a company must carry out strong new product planning and set up a systematic new product development process that is​ _________ to find and grow new products.

customer centered

The product development process starts with​ ________. Next comes​ ________, which reduces the number of ideas based on the​ company's own criteria.

idea generation; idea screening

In managing new product​ ideas, which of the following allows for a holistic and systematic​ process?

installing an innovation management system

Service​ ________ means that services cannot be​ seen, tasted,​ felt, heard, or smelled before they are bought.


n the new product development​ process, ideas that pass the idea screening step continue through​ ________. Strong concepts then proceed to​ ______

product concept development; marketing strategy development

Marketers can apply the​ ________ as a useful framework for describing how products and markets work and help develop good marketing strategies for the different​ life-cycle stages.

product life cycle concept

To be more socially​ responsible, some companies are appointing​ ___________. Their job is to protect consumers from harm and the company from liability by proactively ferreting out potential product problems.

product stewards

The distinction between a consumer product and an industrial product is based on the​ ________ for which the product is purchased.


The number of product lines a company manages is the product mix​ ________. The total number of items a company carries within a product line is the product mix​ _______.

width and length

Product mix​ ________ refers to the number of different product lines the company​ carries, while product mix​ ________ refers to the total number of items a company carries within its product lines.

width; length

Which of the following statements regarding the marketing of international products and services is​ correct?

Because markets and consumers around the world differ​ widely, companies must usually adapt their product offerings in different world markets.

Which of the following correctly identifies the levels for which marketers make product and service​ decisions?

Individual​ product, product​ line, and product mix decisions

Successful service marketing depends on external marketing using the four Ps. Service marketing today also requires which two nontraditional marketing​ approaches?

Internal and interactive

Marketers must make important decisions when developing individual products and services. Which of the following correctly identifies those important​ decisions?

Product​ attributes, branding,​ packaging, labeling and​ logos, and product support services

Which of the following is NOT correct regarding the introductory stage of the product life cycle​ model?

Profits are high and grow rapidly.

Which statement about services is NOT​ true?

Services result in the ownership of something.

____________ are the two ways firms can obtain new products.

acquisitions and new product development

Because markets and consumers worldwide differ​ widely, companies usually respond to these differences by​ ________.

adapting their product offerings

When serving world​ markets, standardization does all of the following EXCEPT​ ________.

allows a company to cater to local preferences

Marketers must consider potential product issues related to social responsibility. Of the​ following, which is NOT one of the product issues associated with social​ responsibility?

building selective demand

External sources for new product ideas include​ _________.

competitors, distributors and​ suppliers, and customers

Consumer products are products and services bought by final consumers for personal consumption. Consumer product classifications include​ ___________, and unsought products.

convenience, shopping, specialty

Through which type of idea generation do companies solicit broad communities of​ people, including the general​ public, into the innovation​ process?


Services marketing strategy calls not only for external​ marketing, but also for internal marketing to motivate​ ________ and interactive marketing to create service delivery skills among​ ________.

employees and service providers

When a company lengthens a product line by adding more items within that​ line's current​ range, the company is​ ________.

filling the line

What is the first step in the new product development​ process?

idea generation

The first part of a marketing strategy statement describes the​ ________ of a new product.

target market

Which of the following is the correct definition of a​ product?

A product is anything that can be offered to a market for​ attention, acquisition,​ use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.

A new product may fail for many reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of​ them?

Rapid market acceptance

Which of the following would be an appropriate strategy in the growth stage of the product life​ cycle?

Shift some advertising from building product awareness to building product conviction and purchase.

A​ brand's positioning must be continuously communicated to consumers. Although advertising can​ help, brands are maintained not by​ advertising, but by​ customers' ________.

brand engagement and brand experiences

When a company builds a​ brand, it needs to make important strategic decisions regarding the brand. Of the​ following, which is NOT one of those​ decisions?

brand licensing opportunities

In building​ brands, companies need to make decisions about four key powerful​ areas: _____________.

brand positioning, brand name selection, brand sponsorship, and brand development

Which is NOT one of the four brand development​ strategies?

brand sponsorship

What are the four strategies marketers can use to develop their​ brands?

line extensions, brand extensions, multi brands, and new brands

Companies must make important decisions about their individual products and services. Individual product decisions involve​ ____________, and product support services.

product attributes, branding, packaging and logos, labeling

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