Marketing Chapter 5 Test

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True or False: A marketing information system (MkIS) may be as simple as a filing cabinet or which the owner collects, organizes, and stores customer information


True or False: A marketing research report should describe the purpose of the study and the research procedures followed to collect the information


True or False: A test market is a planned set of questions to which individuals or groups of people may respond


True or False: An effective marketing information system (MkIS) can automate all types of decisions, including both routine and unique situations


True or False: An important characteristic of a storage system in an MkIS is that it must protect the data


True or False: An objective way for researchers to collect information is by observing the behavior of participants


True or False: Because most consumers are able to satisfy their basic needs, they devote more of their resources to satisfying their wants


True or False: Businesses that have effective marketing information systems don't need to use marketing research


True or False: Businesses that understand their customers' wants and needs in their home country will be able to use the same marketing strategies in international markets


True or False: Competition is becoming less intense for most businesses


True or False: Customer records and sales information are examples of external information


True or False: Customers' needs generally remain the same over time


True or False: Discretionary purchases satisfy the purchaser's basic needs


True or False: Effective marketing information improves decisions made by businesses.


True or False: Effective marketing information reduces the risk of decision making


True or False: Experiments aren't used as often in marketing research as surveys or observations


True or False: Experiments occur when researchers give two different forms of a survey to respondents


True or False: Focus groups can be composed of participants who are experts on the topic rather than a random sample of the population


True or False: For most marketing decisions, there is usually only one good source of information


True or False: In most cases, the marketing researchers completing the study don't make the final decisions about solutions


True or False: Information already collected for another purpose that can be used to solve the current problem is secondary data


True or False: Information previously collected but useful for a current problem is called secondary data


True or False: It is not legal for businesses to use information obtained from trade and professional associations


True or False: Marketing information can come from internal sources, external sources, and marketing research


True or False: Marketing research follows the steps of scientific problem solving


True or False: Marketing research is usually too expensive and time-consuming to be a valuable tool for businesses


True or False: Marketing research may help businesses that are involved in international competition


True or False: Marketing research should be used when a business needs to solve an specific and unique problem


True or False: Open-ended questions are best used when researchers are trying to identify a problem


True or False: Open-ended questions are often used while researchers are trying to identify a problem or are completing a situational analysis


True or False: Open-ended questions are used when researchers are attempting to identify the problem or completing a situation analysis


True or False: Open-ended questions don't provide possible choices


True or False: Secondary data is usually less expensive to obtain than primary data


True or False: Surveys should only ask questions that are needed to accomplish the objectives of the research


True or False: Test markets should be selected that reflect consumer and competitive characteristics important to the company


True or False: The first step in marketing research is to complete a situation analysis


True or False: The most important performance measure is a comparison to past performance


True or False: The most precise and objective information about a potential market segment is obtained through focus groups


True or False: The number of people in a sample is smaller than the number in a population


True or False: The output element of an MkIS has to do w/ the organization and study of information


True or False: The responses to a survey should be kept confidential


True or False: The results of marketing research should be presented orally to decision makers rather than in a written report


True or False: To become more competitive, a business needs to understand the strengths and weaknesses of its competition


True or False: Using a marketing information system (MkIS) will require more time to gather information than using marketing research


True or False: When possible, survey questions should be written in such a way that respondents are directed to one answer rather than the others


True or False: When possible, surveys should collect more information than necessary in order to answer future questions


True or False: Whether or not to use marketing research depends solely on its cost

Both "simulation" and "test market"

Which of the following is a type of experiment?

All of these choices are important

Which of the following would not be an important source of information for marketers?

It requires less time and expense than using surveys

Which of these is NOT true of observation research?

All are categories of information businesses need to make effective decisions

Which of these is not a category of information that businesses need to make effective decisions?


_________________________ purchases aren't essential, so consumers can decide whether or not to purchase them.


a planned set of questions to which individuals or groups of people respond


a way to collect information by recording actions w/o interacting or communicating w/ the participant


True or False: A customer club is an effective way for a business to gather information about its customers

A focus group

A small number of people brought together to discuss identified elements of an issue or problem is called...


True or False: A great deal can be learned about purchase behavior by observing consumers

Random sampling

A procedure in which everyone in the population has an equal chance of being selected in the sample is...

Marketing research

A procedure to identify solutions to a specific solutions to a specific marketing problem through the use of specific problem solving

All of these choices are correct

A research report should...

A small number of people who meet to discuss an issue

A focus group is...

A survey

A planned set of questions to which individuals or groups of people respond is

Might be able to identify a solution w/o completing a research study

After reviewing the situation and the available information, a researcher...


All of the people in the group the company is interested in studying are known as the...


All the people in the group that a company is interested in studying

Government records

An external source of information for marketers is...

Marketing system information

An organized method of collecting, storing, analyzing, and retrieving information to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing decisions

All of these choices are correct

Characteristics of a storage system in an MkIS should include...


Experiments operated in laboratories where researchers create the situation to be studied are known as...

Sources of external information

Govt reports, trade and professional associations, and business publications are all...

Larger marketing budgets

Important factors facing businesses today that increase the need to gather and study information include all of the following except...


Information collected for the first time to solve the problem being studied is _________________ data


Information that goes into a system that's needed for decision making


One of the five elements of an effective information system includes...

All of these choices are correct

Survey questions must be carefully written so that...


The most precise and objective information is obtained through...

All of these choices are correct

The role of govt in business is...

All of these choices are correct

To make effective marketing decisions, marketers need information about...


True or False: A business must evaluate each source of information to determine if it meets the organization's needs in terms of accuracy, time, detail, and cost


carefully designed and controlled situations in which all important factors are the same except the one being studied

Secondary data

information already collected for another purpose that can be used to solve the current problem

Primary data

information collected for the first time to solve the problem being studied

Internal information

information developed from activities that occur within the organization

Open-ended questions

questions that allow respondents to develop their own answers w/o information about possible choices

Test market

specific cities or geographic areas in which marketing experiments are conducted


the process of summarizing, combining, or comparing information so that decisions can be made


the resources used to maintain information, including equipment and procedures, so that it can be accessed when needed


the result of analysis provided to decision makers

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