Marketing HW 8

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A​ company's total promotion​ mix, also called its marketing communications​ mix, consists of the specific blend of five​ tools: _________________________. A. ​advertising, personal​ selling, sales​ promotion, public​ relations, and direct and digital marketing tools B. ​advertising, sales​ promotion, public​ relations, special​ events, and direct and digital marketing tools C. ​advertising, personal​ selling, sales​ promotion, public​ relations, and direct marketing tools D. ​advertising, personal​ selling, sales​ promotion, trade​ relations, and direct and digital marketing tools E. ​advertising, direct​ selling, sales​ promotion, public​ relations, and direct and digital marketing tools


Companies use​ ______________ to build good relations with​ consumers, investors, the​ media, and their communities. A. public relations B. telemarketing C. personal selling D. advertising E. sales promotion


The goal of a push strategy is to​ _____________________________. A. induce channel members to carry and promote the product B. give channel members additional media incentives to carry the product C. increase sales calls to distributors D. save money by only focusing on consumers E. build trade demand


The​ firm's PR should be blended smoothly with other promotion activities within the​ company's ____________________. A. overall integrated marketing communications effort B. overall strategic plan C. overall marketing plan D. media and digital marketing strategy efforts E. advertising and sales promotion efforts


Which PR tool is used to create and place newsworthy information in the news media to attract attention to a​ person, product, or​ service? A. Press relations B. Investor relations C. Development D. Public affairs E. Lobbying


Which of the following accurately describes a​ company's efforts to engage​ customers, persuasively communicate customer​ value, and build customer​ relationships? A. Marketing mix B. Advertising and public relations mix C. Direct and digital marketing mix D. Personal and direct selling mix E. Promotion mix


Which of the statements is TRUE regarding media and message​ decisions? A. Media and message decisions should be closely coordinated. B. Media and message decisions have no impact on results. C. Media and message decisions have no relationship to budgeting. D. Message decisions are now more important than media decisions. E. Media and message decisions are independent of each other.


_____________________ are the five promotion mix tools used by marketers to communicate customer value. A. ​Advertising, public​ relations, personal​ selling, sales​ promotion, and direct and digital marketin B. ​Advertising, business-to-business​ selling, personal​ selling, sales​ promotion, and direct and digital marketing C. ​Advertising, public​ relations, personal​ selling, sales​ promotion, and telemarketing D. Television​ advertising, radio​ advertising, online​ advertising, social media​ advertising, and outdoor advertising E. ​Product, price,​ place, promotion, and advertising


n which of the following does a producer direct marketing activities​ (primarily personal selling and trade​ promotion) toward channel​ members? A. A push strategy B. Integrated communications C. A pull strategy D. A personal selling strategy E. Product communications


​_____________________ direct(s) its marketing activities​ (primarily advertising, consumer​ promotion, and direct and digital​ media) toward final consumers to induce them to buy the product. A. A pull strategy B. Integrated communications C. Product communications D. A push strategy E. Personal selling


Advertisers should first​ ______________ to determine whether the advertising is supposed to​ inform, persuade, or remind buyers. A. define types of analytics B. set clear objectives C. develop clear standards for messaging D. set firm media budgets E. carefully plan media


Public relations involves building good relations with the​ company's various publics. What are all of the functions it​ includes? A. Press​ agency, product​ publicity, lobbying, investor​ relations, and development B. Press​ agency, product​ publicity, public​ affairs, lobbying, investor​ relations, and development C. Press​ agency, product​ publicity, crisis​ management, public​ affairs, lobbying, investor​ relations, and development D. Product​ publicity, public​ affairs, lobbying, investor​ relations, and development E. Press​ agency, product​ publicity, government​ relations, public​ affairs, lobbying, investor​ relations, and development


The goal of integrated marketing communications is to​ __________________________________. A. integrate communications via online and mobile technologies at a lower cost per impression B. deliver​ clear, consistent, and compelling messages about the organization and its brands C. have different media carry different messages about a brand in an integrated way D. maximize return on investment with increased revenue across all brands E. lower overall marketing expenditures while delivering increased results


Which of the following statements is correct regarding marketing communications​ today? A. Most marketers do not use integrated marketing communications tools or planning. B. Advertisers are now able to engage smaller customer segments with more​ personalized, interactive content. C. Digital and social media have given birth to a more​ targeted, more​ social, but less engaging marketing communications. D. Advertisers are adopting less fragmented media and promotion mixes to reach their diverse markets. E. Marketers are reversing a trend toward digital media.


Major advertising involve decisions about​ ________________________. A. the​ objectives, the​ budget, the​ message, the social​ media, and the evaluation of results B. the​ objectives, the​ budget, the​ positioning, the​ media, and the evaluation of results C. the​ objectives, the​ budget, the​ message, the​ media, and the evaluation of results D. the​ objectives, the​ budget, the​ message, the​ media, and the return on investment E. the​ objectives, the​ budget, the​ message, the​ media, and the analytics


Marketers now have a richer mix of media and content approaches with consumers being bombarded by many brand messages. The result is that​ _________________________. A. companies fail to integrate their various communication channels. B. companies do not target successfully or efficiently. C. consumers​ don't distinguish between content sources the way marketers do. D. consumers may believe similar brands are all the same. E. companies fail to integrate brand messages and positioning.


New digital and social media have given birth to a​ _________________________. A. more​ targeted, social, and engaging marketing model B. less targeted and engaging communications model C. more​ targeted, social, and engaging marketing communications model D. less​ targeted, social, and engaging marketing communications model E. more​ targeted, social, and less engaging marketing communications model


Press​ releases, sponsorships,​ events, and web pages are promotional tools used in​ _____________. A. sales promotion B. personal selling C. public relations D. advertising E. direct and digital marketing


The major steps in advertising media selection are​ (1) __________;​ (2) choosing among major media​ types; (3) selecting specific media​ vehicles; and​ (4) choosing media timing. A. determining the advertising budget B. determining the execution style C. determining​ reach, frequency,​ impact, and engagement. D. setting the advertising objectives E. calculating advertising return on investment


What are the two major elements in developing advertising​ strategy? A. Determining the advertising budget and determining ROI B. Creating advertising messages and selecting advertising agencies C. Creating advertising messages and selecting advertising media D. Determining the target audience and selecting advertising media E. Creating advertising messages and setting the advertising budget


Which of the following statements about public relations is​ correct? A. The impact of public relations on public awareness comes at a much higher cost than advertising. B. It is difficult to integrate public relations into social media. C. The lines between advertising and public relations are becoming more blurred. D. Public relations is used only to promote products. E. Public relations is not used to engage consumers.


Which of the following statements is TRUE about public relations and a​ company's overall integrated marketing communications​ efforts? A. PR has no value within a social media context. B. PR should be planned​ first, then advertising second. C. PR should be blended smoothly with promotion activities. D. PR is now the more dominant media than other forms. E. PR should have a separate budget from marketing communications.


Working with donors or members of nonprofit organizations to gain financial or volunteer support represents which public relations​ function? A. Lobbying B. Press relations C. Development D. Public affairs E. Investor relations


___________________is used to build and maintain national or local community relationships and is one of the functions of public relations. A. Press relations B. Lobbying C. Public affairs D. Investor relations E. Development


Marketers now have access to fragmented media and promotion mixes to reach diverse audiences. To prevent creating a communications​ hodgepodge, what must marketers​ do? A. Deploy tools to facilitate customer relationship management B. Develop targeted social media and digital advertising C. Create​ informative, persuasive, and distinct messaging content D. Adopt the concept of integrated marketing communications E. Use marketing management software


Press​ releases, sponsorships,​ events, and web pages are tools used by which element of the promotion​ mix? A. direct and digital marketing B. personal selling C. advertising D. public relations E. sales promotion


What are the four important decisions made when developing an advertising​ program? List them in order. A. Setting​ objectives, setting the​ budget, determining the impact on sales and​ profits, and determining the return on investment B. Setting​ objectives, setting the​ budget, developing message​ strategy, and determining media timing C. Setting the​ budget, setting​ objectives, developing​ strategy, and evaluating effectiveness D. Setting​ objectives, setting the​ budget, developing​ strategy, and evaluating effectiveness E. Developing message​ strategy, developing message​ execution, selecting​ media, and determining media timing


_______________________ uses tools that engage directly with carefully targeted individual consumers and customer communities to both obtain an immediate response and build lasting customer relationships. A. Public relations B. Sales promotion C. Advertising D. Direct and digital marketing E. Personal selling


As with the other promotion​ tools, in considering when and how to use product public​ relations, the best thing management should do is​ ______________________. A. set PR​ objectives, choose the PR messages and​ vehicles, implement the PR​ plan, and evaluate the results in terms of return on investment B. choose the PR messages and​ vehicles, plan​ media, implement the PR​ plan, and evaluate the results C. set PR​ objectives, choose the PR vehicles and social​ media, implement the PR​ plan, and evaluate the results D. set PR​ objectives, choose the PR​ messages, implement the PR​ plan, and evaluate the results E. set PR​ objectives, choose the PR messages and​ vehicles, implement the PR​ plan, and evaluate the results


Firms seeking immediate response from targeted individual consumers and consumer communities use​ ______________________ marketing tools to engage consumers and cultivate relationships with them. A. personal​ selling, advertising, and sales promotion B. ​advertising, sales​ promotion, and public relations C. advertising and sales promotion D. direct marketing E. direct and digital


International marketers and advertisers face challenges not encountered domestically. The most basic issue concerns​ ____________. A. lack of infrastructure and technology required for social or digital advertising B. the difficulties in obtaining appropriate media outlets in multiple country markets C. differences in languages and religious practices in multiple country markets D. government regulation and censorship in select country markets E. the amount of adaptation required for the unique characteristics of various country markets


Which of the following accurately represents the three characteristics of advertising​ appeals? A. To be​ meaningful, to be​ distinctive, and to use persuasive claims B. To be​ meaningful, to be​ believable, and to be memorable C. To be​ believable, to be​ distinctive, and to be ethical D. To be​ meaningful, to be​ believable, and to generate revenue E. To be​ meaningful, to be​ believable, and to be distinctive


Which of the following statements is true regarding the promotion​ mix? A. Advertising is a personal form of marketing communication. B. Personal selling is not used to engage customers. C. Sales promotions are​ long-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service. D. Direct and digital marketing cannot be used to target individual consumers. E. The entire marketing mix must be coordinated for greatest impact.


Which of the following uses promotional tools such as​ presentations, trade​ shows, and incentive programs to engage​ customers, make​ sales, and build customer​ relationships? A. Sales promotion B. Public relations C. Advertising D. Direct and digital marketing E. Personal selling


​_____________________ must be closely coordinated for maximum campaign effectiveness. A. Budget decisions and message decisions B. Budget decisions and media decisions C. Objectives and message decisions D. Objectives and evaluation E. Message decisions and media decisions


Advertising decisions involve multiple steps culminating in the measurement of the sales effects of advertising or brand content. Which of the following considers return on​ investment? A. Evaluation B. Impact C. Defining reach D. Frequency E. Engagement goals


___________________ advertising is the type of advertising objective used when attempting to build brand preference and prompting customers to purchase now. A. Reminder B. Persuasive C. Comparative D. Informative E. Attack


​Ideally, integrated marketing communications should achieve which of the​ following? A. Use only newer digital technologies to communicate with consumers. B. Deliver a​ clear, consistent, and compelling company and brand message. C. Deliver different brand messages over different communication channels. D. Allow different company departments to send different brand messages. E. Deliver a hodgepodge of brand content to consumers.


Companies use​ ______ to bring together their many communication channels to deliver a​ clear, consistent, and compelling message about the organization and its brands. A. thoroughly​ planned, coordinated, and executed media buys B. integrated digital and social media communications C. integrated marketing communications​ (IMC) D. integrated social media communications E. ​in-depth program and project management


What are three major factors changing the face of​ today's marketing​ communications? A. Changes in​ consumers, changes in marketing​ strategies, and sweeping changes in social media B. Changes in​ consumers, changes in​ businesses, and changes in marketing strategies C. Changes in​ consumers, changes in marketing​ strategies, and sweeping changes in digital technologies D. Changes in​ consumers, changes in​ businesses, and sweeping changes in digital technologies E. Changes in the business​ environment, changes in global​ competition, and changes in marketing strategies


Which advertising objective is best suited to maintaining customer relationships and for more mature​ products? A. Persuasive B. Humorous C. Reminder D. Attack E. Informative


A company may use the promotion​ mix, also called its marketing communications​ mix, to​ ______________________. A. persuasively communicate customer​ value, engage​ customers, and sell goods and services B. create customer​ value, engage​ customers, and build customer relationships C. engage customers and sell goods and services D. engage​ customers, persuasively communicate customer​ value, and build customer relationships E. engage​ customers, maintain customer​ relationships, and build customer relationships


Catalogs, online and social​ media, and mobile marketing are some of the specific promotional tools used in​ _________________________. A. sales promotion B. personal selling C. sales presentations D. direct and digital marketing E. public relations


What is the goal of​ advertising? A. To provide feedback on products and services B. To define a​ product's value C. To create interest and consumer hype D. To help move consumers through the buying process E. To create consumer communities


Which of the following statements about public relations is​ correct? A. Trade associations do not use public relations. B. Public relations is only used to promote products. C. Public relations cannot be used to engage consumers. D. The lines between advertising and public relations are becoming more blurred. E. The impact of public relations on public awareness comes at a much higher cost than advertising.


In place of traditional​ media, marketers are using​ __________________________ to engage smaller customer segments with more​ personalized, interactive content. A. more integrated social media B. narrow but highly targeted media C. less social media and more traditional but targeted media D. increased amounts of public​ relations, trade​ shows, special​ events, and social media E. a broad selection of more specialized and highly targeted media


What potential risk do marketers incur by using richer but more fragmented media and promotional​ mixes? A. Greater efficiency but less control over marketing messaging B. Better targeting but at a higher cost per consumer C. Mixed communications messaging and higher costs D. The inability to use mass and traditional media E. A communications hodgepodge for consumers


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