Marketing Research Exam 3

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1. Which of the following statements best describes the credibility of a research report? A. It is the quality of the report that is related to its accuracy, believability, and professional organization. B. It refers to the quality of the report based on the number of sources considered in determining the sample size. C. It illustrates the major points of the report in a manner that is complete so as to provide a true representation of the entire document. D. It is a measure of how data are dispersed in the report. E. It refers to the extent to which the data in the report can produce the same measurement results in repeated trials.


9. Which of the following is true of the introduction in a report? A. It lists specific research objectives and questions the study was designed to answer. B. It focuses on specific marketing tactics or strategies a client can use to gain a competitive advantage. C. It summarizes the findings of a research. D. It indicates the subject of the report and the name of the recipient, along with his or her position and organization. E. It lists the topics of the report in sequential order.


A missing data situation is created when: A. a respondent purposely does not answer a question. B. open-ended questions are coded by researchers. C. a survey is conducted online. D. member checking is employed. E. an interviewer engages in memoing.


A researcher reads transcripts from a study and categorizes the data. The researcher then arranges similar responses together. This process is referred to as: A. data reduction. B. member checking. C. peer reviewing. D. verification of data. E. sugging.


Grace, an ethnographer, observes the traditional way of serving dinner in a Chinese household and makes a note of it in her journal. She then asks the head of the family to read her description to verify that it is accurate. In doing this, Grace is involved in: A. member checking. B. test marketing. C. data categorization. D. memo check back. E. integration.


If the estimated population proportion is 30 percent based on previous studies, the acceptable error is plus or minus 5 percent, and the z-value for a 95 percent level of confidence is 1.96, the needed sample size is approximately: A. 323. B. 187. C. 36. D. 212. E. 554.


In optimal allocation sampling, the necessary sample size of each stratum is determined based: A. on the relative size of the stratum as well as the variability within the stratum. B. solely on the stratum's size relative to a defined target population. C. solely on the stratum's relative importance to a study. D. on the number of homogenous strata identified in a defined target population. E. on the number of heterogeneous strata identified in a defined target population.


In the context of data reduction, the _____ process primarily involves working through the data several times in order to modify early ideas. A. iteration B. triangulation C. comparison D. categorization E. selective coding


In the context of the data coding process, researchers can never analyze the actual answers of respondents in more detail if the: A. answers were initially coded into broad categories. B. omitted questions were also coded. C. survey was conducted online. D. coding process was prepared after data collection for open-ended questions. E. responses were edited by the researchers.


In the data preparation process, the data entry step is not necessary when: A. online data collection is used. B. omissions are coded. C. data validation is done. D. the optical scanning approach is used to enter data. E. open-ended questions are used.


Kylie, a market researcher, has failed to provide an interpretation of the data in the results tables in her research report. Which of the following problems in preparing the marketing research report is exemplified in this scenario? A. Lack of data interpretation B. Unnecessary use of multivariate statistics C. Lack of relevance D. Too much emphasis on too few statistics E. Lack of generalizability


Spectrum Inc., an automobile manufacturer, is interested in measuring the customer satisfaction of car owners. It decides to collect data from new purchasers of Spectrum cars. In this scenario, the new purchasers of Spectrum cars represent a(n) _____. A. sampling unit B. estimated sample variance C. sampling frame D. estimated sample deviation E. construct


The simple process of counting the number of observations (cases) that are classified into certain categories is known as _____. A. tabulation B. editing C. screening D. validation E. data entry


The term "sampling unit" refers to the: A. target population elements available for selection during a sampling process. B. identifiable group of elements of interest to a researcher and pertinent to the information problem. C. complete set of elements identified for investigation. D. list of all population elements from which a sample is drawn. E. number of units accidentally left out of a sampling frame.


When conducting a survey, a researcher decides to assign a value of 1 if the respondent is male and a value of 2 if the respondent is female. By assigning numbers to different genders, the researcher is engaged in the process of: A. coding. B. editing. C. validation. D. data summarization. E. data tabulation.


Which of the following instructions should be kept in mind while reporting the means of thematically related variables? A. The mean and standard deviations should be shown with only one digit past the decimal. B. While preparing a table, percentages should generally display one digit past the decimal point. C. When a researcher reports means of thematically related variables, the items in the table should be ordered from the lowest to the highest average. D. While preparing a table, the maximum value should not be indicated as readers will not be able to easily compare the mean. E. The means of several thematically related variables can be reported in the same chart or table using a pie chart.


Which of the following is the first step in the data preparation process? A. Data validation B. Data coding C. Data editing D. Data entry E. Data tabulation


Which of the following is the first step in the data reduction process? A. Categorization B. Comparison C. Integration D. Iteration E. Memoing


Which of the following is true about negative case analysis? A. It helps to establish boundaries and conditions for the theories developed by qualitative researchers. B. It mainly involves the determination of mean in numerical data. C. Negative case analysis is restricted to the data reduction stage of qualitative analyses. D. It primarily calculates the range of a given quantitative data. E. Negative case analysis is restricted to the memoing stage of qualitative analyses.


Which of the following is true of convenience sampling? A. It is a nonprobability sampling method. B. It is a time-consuming process if there are a large number of respondents. C. It is commonly used in the later stages of research. D. It allows researchers to measure the representativeness of a sample. E. It allows researchers to generalize the data collected to a defined target population.


Which of the following is true of probability sample sizes? A. The more precise the required sample results, the larger the sample size. B. The smaller the desired error, the smaller the sample size. C. The shorter the variability in the data being estimated, the larger the sample size needed. D. The higher the level of confidence desired, the smaller the sample size needed. E. The population standard deviation is a measure of the dispersion of the population, and its square root is referred to as the population variance.


Which of the following is true of simple random sampling? A. It produces unbiased estimates of a target population's characteristics. B. It eliminates the need to identify all sampling units. C. It is less costly when compared to systematic random sampling because it can be done quickly. D. It requires that a defined target population be ordered in some way, usually in the form of a customer list, taxpayer roll, or membership roster. E. It does not require the sampling units to be given any special code prior to drawing a sample unlike systematic random sampling.


Which of the following sections in a report highlights each topical area, the subdivisions within each area, and corresponding page numbers? A. Table of contents B. Title page C. Executive summary D. Introduction E. Appendix


_____ are quotes from research participants that are used in research reports. A. Verbatims B. Codes C. Memos D. Iterations E. Triangulations


_____ is the process of grouping and assigning values to various responses from a survey instrument. A. Coding B. Editing C. Memoing D. Curbstoning E. Screening


8. The difference between simple random sampling and systematic random sampling is that systematic random sampling: A. requires a special code to be assigned to the sampling units prior to drawing a sample. B. requires that a defined target population be ordered in some way. C. is a nonprobability sampling procedure. D. is a sampling procedure in which every sampling unit has a known and equal chance of being selected. E. is based on intuitive judgment or researcher knowledge.


Identify the correct statement regarding the process of reporting a study's findings. A. Researchers can accomplish reporting the means of several thematically related variables in the same chart or table with a pie chart. B. The bar chart function in SPSS can be used to display Crosstabs. C. While preparing a table, percentages should generally display one digit past the decimal point. D. In tables, means should have no decimals past the decimal point. E. When a researcher reports means of thematically related variables, the items in the table are ordered from the lowest to the highest average.


If the estimate of expected population proportion having a desired characteristic based on intuition is 60 percent, the acceptable error is plus or minus 5 percent, and the z-value for a 95 percent level of confidence is 1.96, the needed sample size is approximately: A. 187. B. 369. C. 295. D. 196. E. 950.


In marketing research, interviewers submitting false data for surveys are said to be ____. A. coding B. curbstoning C. nominalizing D. screening E. memoing


In the context of the format of a research report, a researcher is most likely to include relevant background information, definition of terms, and the study's scope and emphasis in the _____. A. limitations section B. introduction C. methods-and-procedures section D. table of contents E. appendixes


Jane, a researcher, wants to include some detailed and complex technical information about the research technique used for the data analysis in her report. In this scenario, Jane is most likely to include this information in the: A. limitations section. B. appendix. C. recommendations. D. methods-and-procedures section. E. conclusions.


Lisa conducts a qualitative study of people's shopping behavior online. She compares her results to that of similar studies and finds a similarity in the coding of data. On the basis of the given information, we can say that Lisa's study: A. has emic validity. B. has cross-researcher reliability. C. is not generalizable. D. is quantifiable. E. is not credible.


Peer review is a process in which research analysis is reviewed by: A. key informants who are being studied. B. external qualitative methodology and topic area specialists. C. policy makers who will use the study's findings to make decisions. D. managers who commission the study. E. the participants of the study who received the placebo.


Sarah, a researcher, does not have the resources or time to use a probability sampling method. However, she wants to make sure that all ethnicities are fairly represented in her sample. In this scenario, Sarah is most likely to use _____. A. simple random sampling B. quota sampling C. stratified sampling D. cluster sampling E. optimal allocation sampling


The first step in developing codes for the anticipated responses to open-ended questions is: A. consolidating the responses. B. generating a list of potential responses. C. assigning a numerical value as a code. D. assigning a value to each response. E. assigning coded values to missing data.


The first step in error detection is to: A. reject an error value when it is very large or very small for a particular scaled item on the questionnaire. B. determine whether the software used for data entry performs "error edit routines" that identify the wrong type of data. C. categorize the number of errors in two or more questions, thus showing the relationship between those two variables. D. determine the amount of nonresponse to individual questions. E. identify the number of respondents who did not answer various questions on the questionnaire.


When they are well chosen, verbatims are a particularly powerful way to underscore important points because they: A. encourage the use of tabulation in qualitative research. B. express consumer viewpoints in their own voice. C. eliminate the need for member checking in qualitative analysis. D. place portions of transcripts into similar groups based on their content. E. convert qualitative data into quantitative data.


When writing a research report, which of the following sections typically includes the literature review? A. Introduction B. Analysis of the data/findings C. Conclusions and recommendations D. Description of research methods E. Research objectives


Which of the following is a probability sampling method? A. Convenience sampling B. Cluster sampling C. Snowball sampling D. Quota sampling E. Judgment sampling


Which of the following is an example of curbstoning? A. Respondents improperly filling out the questionnaire B. An interviewer filling out the instrument without interviewing respondents C. An interviewer contacting respondents by phone and then recording their observations D. An interviewer interviewing respondents and recording their observations E. Respondents being unreachable


Which of the following is true of the executive summary in a research report? A. It contains complex, detailed, or technical information not necessary for the formal report. B. It presents the major points of the report and should actually be written last. C. It contains background information necessary for a complete understanding of the report. D. It includes the questionnaire or data collection instrument used for the research project, interviewer forms, and detailed sampling maps. E. It must contain the name, position, employing organization, address, and telephone number of the person submitting the report.


While preparing a research report, a researcher should: A. avoid providing interpretations of the statistical data and results. B. avoid unnecessary use of multivariate techniques. C. ignore quality and instead focus on the packaging of the report. D. try making the report bigger and more comprehensive by adding information that does not pertain directly to the research objectives. E. base all conclusions or recommendations on one or a few statistically significant questions or results.


A college professor wants to know if the university students in the Unites States will find the new textbook that he has authored to be interesting and useful. He chooses all marketing majors at the school he teaches as his sample. He believes that this group of students will be representative of the university student population in the United States. In this scenario, the professor is most likely using: A. census sampling. B. area sampling. C. judgment sampling. D. quota sampling. E. cluster sampling.


Before polling the students in Scion School of Business, a researcher divides all the current students into groups based on their class standing, such as freshman, sophomores, and so on. Then, she randomly draws a sample of 50 students from each of these groups to create a representative sample of the entire student body in the school. Which of the following sampling methods is the researcher practicing? A. Simple random sampling B. Systematic random sampling C. Stratified random sampling D. Cluster sampling E. Snowball sampling


Calculate the mode of the following raw responses: 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, and 8. A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 E. 8


Credibility is best defined as the: A. degree to which a specific investigated issue leads the respondent to give a socially expected response. B. level of preparation required to create an appropriate environment for the respondents participating in a research. C. degree of rigor, believability, and trustworthiness established by qualitative research. D. degree to which research data is qualitative or quantitative in nature. E. degree to which the results of a research are socially acceptable.


If the estimated population standard deviation based on previous studies is 20 percent, the acceptable error is plus or minus 5 percent, and the z-value for a 95 percent level of confidence is 1.96, the needed sample size is approximately: A. 48. B. 210. C. 61. D. 153. E. 196.


In a(n) _____ relationship, a variable can both cause and be caused by the same variable. A. triangular B. emic C. negative D. iterative E. recursive


In order to establish the emic validity of his or her research findings, a researcher must primarily show that: A. similar results have been reported by others working independently on the problem. B. similar results can be obtained if the study were to be repeated. C. key members of the group included in the study agreed with the findings of the study. D. the findings of the study can be generalized. E. the research methodology of the study complies with the necessary research standards.


In the context of qualitative data analysis, a document that lists the different themes or categories for a particular study is called a: A. vision statement. B. multiple-item sheet. C. code sheet. D. debriefing sheet. E. memo.


In the context of the factors that play an important role in determining sample sizes with probability designs, _____ is the acceptable amount of error in a sample estimate. A. variance B. validity C. precision D. incidence rate E. reliability


Jamie Nelson works for a telephone company. She is interested in determining the satisfaction of the customers with the service provided by the company (for landline customers only). She decides to collect data from the customers listed in the company's existing customer directory. In this scenario, the customer directory serves as a(n) _____. A. sampling plan B. element chart C. sampling frame D. quota E. census


Janice is waiting for a research report to prepare for a meeting. She receives the report just 10 minutes before the meeting. She wants to know about the research objectives, research method, key findings, and suggested future actions. Given the short time frame, Janice has the time to read only one section of the report. In this scenario, which of the following sections of the report is she most likely to read? A. Introduction B. Appendix C. Executive summary D. Data analysis E. Conclusions and recommendations


Peter wants to clearly portray the relative proportion of response to a question in his research report. In this scenario, Peter is most likely to use a(n) _____. A. bubble chart B. area chart C. pie chart D. line chart E. XY scatter plot chart


Quantitative analysis is different from qualitative analysis in that quantitative analysis: A. is largely inductive. B. mainly deals with textual data. C. is guided entirely by the researchers. D. employs member checking. E. tends to be ongoing and iterative.


The process where raw data are checked for mistakes made by either the interviewer or the respondent is known as _____. A. screening B. data validation C. editing D. coding E. data tabulation


When a market researcher has reported data, statistics, and information that are not consistent with a study's objectives, the researcher has fallen victim to which of the following problem areas? A. Lack of data interpretation B. Unnecessary use of multivariate statistics C. Lack of relevance D. Too much emphasis on too few statistics E. Lack of generalizability


Which of the following best illustrates a recursive relationship? A. Job satisfaction increases job performance, which in turn increases leadership opportunities within a company. B. Job satisfaction decreases job performance, which in turn decreases leadership opportunities within a company. C. Job satisfaction increases job performance and thus compensation earned on the job, which in turn increases job satisfaction. D. Advertising leads to sales growth, which leads to greater market power. E. Advertising leads to sales growth and thus greater market power, which in turn results in higher consumer satisfaction.


Which of the following guidelines should be followed for preparing good oral presentations? A. Always be formal in oral communication. B. Include flamboyant graphics in visual presentations to enhance oral presentations. C. Have a well-organized and inspiring dialogue prepared. D. If no questions or comments are being posed within the first five minutes of a presentation, end the session. E. Avoid the use of visual components in oral presentations.


Which of the following is permissible in the process of validation? A. An interviewer may inject a tone of negativity into the interviewing process. B. A researcher may contact the respondents to reaffirm the negativity of the interviewer. C. To determine the correctness of the interview, a researcher can recontact a sample of respondents and ask about questions from different parts of the questionnaire. D. In order to speed through the interview, an interviewer may choose to not follow the specific procedure for collecting data from respondents. E. If an interviewer fails to follow instructions for skip questions, the respondent can skip those questions.


Which of the following is true of cluster sampling? A. Each cluster is assumed to be representative of the homogeneity of a target population. B. The prospective sampling units are selected for a sample using systematic random sampling. C. Area sampling is a popular form of cluster sampling. D. In practice, cluster sampling is difficult to implement. E. Cluster sampling requires a substantially large budget.


Which of the following is true of coding? A. The process of coding begins by assigning a numerical value as a code. B. For open-ended questions, a coding process should be prepared before collecting data. C. When reviewing responses to open-ended questions, the researcher attaches a value from the developed response list. D. Coding makes subsequent analysis tougher as the researcher will find it difficult to interpret averages if higher values occur as the average moves from "dislike" to "like." E. Assigning a coded value to missing data should be avoided by researchers.


Which of the following measures requires that the responses be first arranged in a hierarchical pattern? A. Average B. Mean C. Median D. Mode E. Standard deviation


7. How are conclusions different from recommendations in a research report? A. Conclusions are derived from secondary research, whereas recommendations are derived from primary research. B. Conclusions list the topics of the report in sequential order, while recommendations highlight each topical area, subdivisions within each area, and corresponding page numbers. C. Recommendations are broad, whereas conclusions are very narrow. D. Conclusions concisely explain research findings and the meaning that can be attached to the findings, whereas recommendations are for appropriate future actions. E. Recommendations are internally generated, while conclusions are externally generated.


Calculate the range of the following raw responses: 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, and 8. A. 4 B. 5 C. 8 D. 6 E. 7


For a given level of precision and confidence level, a researcher determines that he needs a sample size of 400. The study found that the proportion of people who smoke is 30 percent. For the same level of precision and confidence, he would need the same sample size if the proportion of those who smoke were to change to: A. 40 percent. B. 50 percent. C. 60 percent. D. 70 percent.


In a research report, the action statements that will help solve the problem at hand through the creation of a competitive advantage is most likely to be included in the _____. A. research methods section B. data analysis and findings section C. appendixes D. recommendations E. limitations section


In a systematic sampling study, if the sampling frame has 2,000 names and the desired sample size is 50, the skip interval should be: A. 25. B. 0.03. C. 50. D. 40. E. 15.


In the context of qualitative research, the triangulation technique requires that: A. textual data be converted to numerical data. B. a single data set be used for the entire study. C. the analysis of data begin after the complete collection of data. D. research inquiry be addressed from multiple perspectives. E. data collection occur during a single time period.


Qualitative research is often superior to quantitative research when the purpose of a research project is to: A. analyze numerical data to arrive at a conclusion. B. determine the magnitude of a response. C. calculate the mode of a set of numerical data. D. better understand a psychoanalytical phenomenon. E. calculate the distance between the smallest and largest values in a set of responses.


Selective coding is best defined as the process of: A. moving the focus from the development of theory to identification of themes and categories. B. converting open-ended questions into closed-ended questions. C. converting textual data into numerical data. D. building a storyline around one core category or theme. E. writing down the observations made by a researcher after each interview or site visit.


The difference between stratified random sampling and cluster sampling is that in cluster sampling: A. a researcher must be able to secure a complete listing of the potential sampling units that make up a defined target population. B. a large number of respondents are interviewed in a relatively short time. C. the representativeness of a sample cannot be measured because sampling error estimates cannot be calculated. D. the sampling units are divided into mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive subpopulations. E. a target population is separated into different groups.


The objective of the methods-and-procedures section in a research report is to: A. give background information for a complete understanding of the report. B. list specific research objectives and questions the study was designed to answer. C. convey why the research was undertaken and to summarize the key findings. D. communicate how the research was conducted. E. give a brief statement of conclusions and recommendations.


Which method of sampling relies on the assumption that rare groups of people tend to form their own unique social circles? A. Judgment sampling B. Quota sampling C. Cluster sampling D. Snowball sampling E. Convenience sampling


Which of the following is generally included in the last section of the research report? A. Literature review B. Data displays C. Summary of the findings D. Recommendations E. Research questions


Which of the following is true about qualitative analysis? A. The data used in qualitative analysis is numerical in nature. B. Qualitative data mainly quantifies the magnitude of variables. C. Qualitative analysis is typically guided entirely by the researcher. D. Qualitative analysis employs the method of member checking. E. Qualitative data is not inductive.


Which of the following is true of reporting correlation and regression? A. The sample size is included on a graph in the footnote only if the sample size used in the correlation analysis and the sample size reported in the methodology section are the same. B. One of the simplest ways to present regression findings is to use a pie chart. C. Standardized betas are portrayed below the appropriate arrow because the beta shows the strength of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. D. A negative correlation is sorted by its strength because a negative value indicates the direction of the relationship only. E. Regression may be included in a report to illustrate relationships between several variables that are later used in a correlation.


Which of the following statements about the limitations of a research project is true? A. Certain research studies are flawless and have no limitations. B. Treatment of limitations normally excludes a discussion of results. C. Treatment of limitations normally excludes a discussion of accuracy. D. The researcher should make the client aware of the study's limitations. E. Researchers should refrain from openly addressing any limitations in a project.


Which of the following statements about verbatims is true? A. One can use verbatims in the textual report but not in live presentations. B. Researchers should select verbatims that are more memorable rather than revealing of patterns in their data. C. Verbatims are quotes from fellow researchers who are not directly involved in the study. D. Verbatims can be used to underscore important points. E. Verbatims are quotes from the researcher who conducts a particular study.


Which of the following statements is true of the fourth step in the data coding process, where a coded value is assigned to each response? A. It follows the data entry phase of data preparation. B. It is the step where omissions are either coded or left out. C. It is necessary if an optical scanning approach is used to enter data. D. It is tedious because it is done manually. E. It precedes the data validation phase of data preparation.


_____ is an attribute of qualitative research that affirms that key members within a culture or subculture agree with the findings of a research report. A. Iteration B. Triangulation C. Cross-researcher reliability D. Emic validity E. Tabulation


_____ is defined as the quality of a research report that is based on clear and logical thinking, precise expression, and accurate presentation. A. Objectivity B. Subjectivity C. Generalizability D. Believability E. Desirability


_____ sampling is a probability sampling procedure in which every sampling unit has a known and equal chance of being selected. A. Judgment B. Quota C. Cluster D. Simple random E. Convenience


4. The difference between probability sampling and nonprobability sampling is that in nonprobability sampling: A. each sampling unit in a defined target population has a known probability of being selected for the sample. B. observed differences in sample findings can be partially attributed to the existence of sampling errors. C. the results can be generalized to a target population within a specified margin of error. D. the researcher is able to judge the reliability and validity of data collected by calculating the probability. E. sampling error is not known.


If a researcher asks if a tone of negativity was injected into the interviewing process, the researcher is dealing with a question of: A. fraud. B. screening. C. procedure. D. completeness. E. courtesy.


In which stage of the sampling plan will random-digit dialing probably be considered? A. Selecting the data collection method B. Defining the target population C. Selecting the appropriate sampling method D. Creating an operating plan for selecting sampling units E. Identifying the sampling frame


Mia is preparing a research report. When including the data analysis and findings of the study in the body of the report, she should: A. refrain from using graphs, tables, and figures. B. use technical language to explain the study's findings. C. communicate how the research was conducted in detail. D. claim that the results are obvious or self-evident. E. explain the information in a straightforward fashion.


The best way to handle omitted responses is to: A. determine whether the software used for data entry performs "error edit routines" that identify the wrong type of data. B. substitute the missing values with the median of the variable. C. leave the data space blank for missing data without any numerical value. D. substitute the missing values with the mean of the variable. E. check how the data analysis software handles missing data and then determine a course of action.


The difference between quantitative and qualitative analyses is that: A. the data used in qualitative analyses is numerical in nature. B. qualitative data quantifies the magnitude of variables. C. quantitative analysis tends to be ongoing and iterative. D. quantitative analysis employs member checking. E. qualitative data analysis is largely inductive.


When a questionnaire involves a structured open-ended question as part of a survey, the: A. coding task for multiple responses becomes more time consuming. B. answers must be coded into broad categories. C. data validation step must be skipped. D. respondents take lesser time to complete the survey. E. coding process needs to be prepared before data collection.


Which of the following guidelines should be followed for preparing good visual presentations? A. Avoid identifying the marketing research firm in a visual presentation. B. Use flamboyant graphics in a visual presentation to impress clients. C. Avoid developing the slides in a sequence as they may fail to engage the audience. D. Begin a visual presentation with recommendations and research implications as they pertain to the study at hand. E. Begin with a slide showing the title of the presentation and the individual doing the presentation.


Which of the following is included in the title page of a report? A. Questionnaire B. Total estimated budget of the report C. Statistical calculations D. Detailed sampling map E. Date of the report submission


Which of the following is the last step in the data preparation process? A. Data validation B. Data editing C. Data coding D. Data entry E. Data tabulation


Which of the following is true of data editing? A. Before being validated, data must be edited for mistakes. B. Editing determines whether a survey's interviews or observations were conducted correctly and are free of fraud or bias. C. Editing involves checking data for mistakes made by the interviewer but not by the respondent. D. In order to speed through the data collection process, an interviewer may edit the data collection process. E. As part of the editing process, the researcher will check to make sure all respondents were asked the proper questions.


Which of the following is true of presentation of marketing research? A. Presentation of marketing research results is more important than the results of the research itself. B. Sophisticated computer-generated graphics should be used in the presentation of marketing research. C. Sophisticated multivariate statistical techniques should be used in the presentation of marketing research to impress clients. D. The presentation part of the marketing research project is viewed only by those who worked on the report. E. The content and presentation form of a research study are closely intertwined.


Which of the following is true of skip questions? A. In order to speed through the data collection process, an interviewer may ask the respondent a few skip questions. B. If an interviewer (or respondent on a self-administered survey) fails to follow instructions for skip questions, he or she cannot recontact respondents and verify their responses to skip questions. C. If an interviewer (or respondent on a self-administered survey) fails to follow instructions for skip questions, the respondent can skip those questions. D. If a respondent on a survey fails to follow instructions for skip questions, the interviewer may inject a tone of negativity into the interviewing process. E. Skip questions are not a problem with online surveys since the computer controls the sequence of answering questions.


Which of the following measures is an indicator of how similar or dissimilar the numbers are in a set of responses? A. Average B. Mean C. Median D. Mode E. Standard deviation


Which of the following statements is true of the sample size for nonprobability samples? A. The sample size formula must be adjusted for confidence level before it can be used for nonprobability samples. B. The sample size formula must be adjusted for error tolerance before it can be used for nonprobability samples. C. The sample size formula must be adjusted for population variance before it can be used for nonprobability samples. D. Determining the sample size for nonprobability samples requires a researcher to make statistical inferences about the true population parameters. E. Determining the sample size for nonprobability samples is usually a subjective, intuitive judgment made by a researcher.


While reporting correlation and regression, sample size is included on the graph in the footnote if: A. the overall sample size in the report is similar to the sample size used in the correlation analysis. B. the overall sample size and the interpretation of the table are not included in methods-and-procedures section of the report. C. a certain regression technique is applied that estimates the impact of sample size used in the correlation analysis on the overall sample size in the report. D. standardized betas are used to portray the strength of the relationship between the sample size used in the correlation analysis and the overall sample size in the report. E. the sample size used in the correlation analysis is different from the overall sample size reported in the methodology section of the report.


_____ is the process through which researchers build theory that is grounded, or based on the data collected. A. Member checking B. Peer reviewing C. Verification D. Triangulation E. Integration


A benefit associated with detecting sampling error is that it can be determined before a sample is drawn and data collection is completed.


Area sampling is an example of a nonprobability sampling method.


Common items contained in the appendix of a research report include the name, position, employing organization, address, telephone number of the person submitting the report, and the date a report is submitted.


Compared to sampling, it is less time-consuming and less expensive to conduct a census.


Cross-tabulation is the most effective way to categorize single variables existing in a study.


Data is validated using the curbstoning process.


If an optical scanning approach is used to enter data, assigning a coded value to each response is absolutely necessary to avoid problems in the data entry phase.


In a research report, a hypothesis is usually stated formally in the introduction section.


In a research report, an appendix lists all the topics of the report in sequential fashion.


In any sampling plan, the first task of a researcher is to choose a method of data collection.


In marketing research, means should be displayed with no decimals past the decimal point.


In order to determine the mode of a set of responses, one has to find the number with the lowest frequency.


In qualitative research, cross-researcher validity means that the analysis presented in the report resonates with people inside the studied culture.


In qualitative research, the member checking process eliminates the need for comparison of constructs.


In the context of the factors that play an important role in determining sample sizes with probability designs, the higher the level of confidence desired, the smaller the sample size needed.


In the process of editing responses to open-ended questions, researchers typically fill out the incomplete answers based on their best judgment.


Iteration is the process through which researchers build theory that is grounded, or based on the data collected.


Member checking best establishes cross-researcher reliability


Multisource sampling is used when a single source generates a large or low incidence sample.


Researchers need to take care that they select, analyze, and present verbatims that are memorable rather than revealing of patterns in their data


Researchers should strive to communicate findings and key points using graphics and should avoid providing text in their reports


Sampling errors are related to the accuracy of data, whereas nonsampling errors relate to the representativeness of a sample to a defined target population.


Scanning technology cannot be used to enter data.


Selective coding typically occurs in the early stages of data analysis.


Since quota sampling is a nonprobability sampling method, the representativeness of the sample can be measured.


Snowball sampling prohibits the introduction of bias in a study.


The first step in data reduction is comparison.


The information pertaining to sample and sampling processes is provided in the data analysis and findings section of a research report.


The most recommended approach to dealing with missing data is to use the mean of the entire sample that answered the question as a replacement value.


The objective of the coding process is to expand the number of individual responses to a larger set of specific, yet related categories of answers that can be assigned numerical codes.


The skip interval in systematic random sampling is computed by multiplying the number of potential sampling units on a list by the desired sample size.


The two types of measures often used to describe data are quantitative and qualitative measures.


When creating bar graphs, the orientation of the bar labels cannot be changed.


When reporting percentages in marketing research, it is common practice to show only one digit past the decimal.


When reporting results, writers should state that the results are obvious or self-evident.


When the objective of a study is to quantify the magnitude of variables and relationships, one should prefer qualitative over quantitative research.


When writing a research report, one should start out with specifics and then proceed to the more general topics.


With traditional data collection methods, the data preparation process starts before the interviews, questionnaires, or observation forms have been completed and returned to the field supervisor or researcher.


Writing a summary of the findings is the final step in both qualitative and quantitative reports


A coded value can be rejected if it is too large or too small for a particular scaled item on a questionnaire.


A one-way frequency table shows the number of respondents who answered each possible response to a question given the available alternatives.


A population is an identifiable group of elements of interest to a researcher and pertinent to the information problem.


A report or presentation of marketing research is often the only part of a marketing research project that will be seen by those commissioning the report.


Both t-tests and ANOVAs can be displayed on bar charts created in SPSS.


Clients are seldom knowledgeable about sampling methods and statistics.


Codes must be assigned to facilitate quantitative data analysis only after responses are reviewed and themes and common words and patterns are identified.


Credibility is increased when key informants and other practicing qualitative researchers are asked to review the analyses.


Cross-tabulation is most often used with nominal or ordinal scaled data.


Customer lists from credit card companies are a common source of sampling frames.


Developing consolidated categories is a subjective decision.


Every research study has limitations.


In cluster sampling, each cluster is assumed to be representative of the heterogeneity of a target population.


In data reduction, the iterative process may uncover issues that the already collected data do not address.


In order to establish valid percentages, missing responses must be removed from the calculation.


In qualitative data analysis, visual displays are commonly used to summarize data.


In the context of nonprobability sampling methods, judgment sampling is also known as purposive sampling.


In the context of systematic sampling method, hidden patterns represent populations that researchers may be interested in studying, but often are hard to reach


Information in an appendix is cited in the research report to guide a reader to further technical or statistical detail.


Member checking and peer review are reported in the methodological section of research reports


Missing data may occur when a respondent simply does not see a question, or is in a hurry to complete the survey and simply skips a question.


Nonsampling errors reduce the overall quality of the data regardless of the data collection method


One of the simplest ways to present regression findings in a research report is to create a diagram in Word or in PowerPoint that pictures the predictor and the outcome variables with arrows showing the relationships between the variables.


Percentage distribution can be calculated by converting a frequency distribution into percentages.


Qualitative data analysis is largely inductive.


Recommendations are generated by critical thinking.


Referral sampling involves identifying a set of respondents who can help a researcher identify additional people to include in a study.


Reports can be used for comparison purposes.


Researchers should avoid using statistical methods unless they are essential to derive meaning from the data collected.


Some data collection methods require activities in all stages, while other methods involve only limited data preparation.


The categorization and coding of data is part of the theory development process in qualitative data analysis.


The central limit theorem (CLT) describes the theoretical characteristics of a sample population.


The general stance of qualitative researchers should be skepticism toward the ideas and theory they have created based on the data they have collected.


The introductory portion of research reports should present the research problem, objectives of the research, and the methodology used.


The last part of a written report is a section on conclusions and recommendations


The primary difficulty encountered with stratified sampling is determining the basis for stratifying.


The visual presentation is a separate but equally important component of a marketing research report.


Triangulation requires that research inquiry be addressed from multiple perspectives.


When executed properly, systematic random sampling creates a sample of objects or prospective respondents that is very similar in quality to a sample drawn using simple random sampling


When information is obtained from internal data warehouses, it must be checked for availability, consistency, correct format, and so on.


While doing data reduction, a researcher assigns a code to a particular paragraph in a transcript.


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