Marriage & Family Chapters 1 and 2 Quiz

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B. legal recognition carries rights and responsibilities granted by the government.

Based on the reading, Cohen says that marriage is a contentious term because A. it does not have a clear definition. B. legal recognition carries rights and responsibilities granted by the government. C. defining marriage is important so that children can know who their parents are. D. marriage is a right for everyone.

B. language and customs were suppressed.

It is difficult for sociologists and historians to know which parts of slave family life were African traditions because: A. customs and traditions varied widely among slaves. B. language and customs were suppressed. C. no records were kept. D. this part of slave history has not been studied.

Adopted parents

Which of the following is an example of a family tie formed by legal recognition?

Families are "groups of related people, bound by connections that are biological, legal, or emotional."

Which of the following is the sociological definition of family?

A. companionship family.

A family consisting of two parents and their children, whose priorities are personal fulfillment and common affection, would be considered a: A. companionship family. B. modern family. C. patriarchal family. D. traditional family.

A. Knowing the difference is important for forming attachment and constructing personal identities.

According to the reading, why is it important for children to know the difference between family and nonfamily? A. Knowing the difference is important for forming attachment and constructing personal identities. B. If they did not know the difference, they would not know who should take them home from school. C. Knowing the difference is important for legal cases. D. It is important so that they know who they must provide with birthday gifts.

C. greater gender equality

African American families in the late nineteenth century had which of the following qualities? A. no legal recognition B. weaker extended family networks C. greater gender equality D. stronger marriages

patriarchal family

An extended family, guided by the authority of the father and functioning based on economic needs, would be considered a:

D. courtship.

As mate selection became less a matter of economics and status and more an emotional endeavor, young people began the practice of: A. arranged marriage. B. dating. C. cohabitation. D. courtship.

D. The ruling resulted in the federal government recognizing all legal marriages performed in states

How did the United States v. Windsor ruling change the legal definition of marriage? A. It required all states to perform same-sex marriage. B. It specified that even couples legally married in their states could not have federal recognition of their marriage. C. The ruling supported the earlier Defense of Marriage Act. D. The ruling resulted in the federal government recognizing all legal marriages performed in states.

C. education

Humans' increased longevity over time is largely the result of: A. standard of living. B. government policy. C. education. D. genetic changes.

D. aided by an emerging welfare system

In a male-dominated wage economy, orphans and widows were commonly: A. taken in by churches. B. homeless. C. cared for by extended families. D. aided by an emerging welfare system.

Emotional expectations became a fundamental weakness

In the late twentieth century, cultural changes in the meaning of and motivation for marriage evolved in what way?

C. the market

In which institutional arena does wealth accumulation take place? A. the family B. symbolic interaction C. the market D. the state

C. Secularism

Industrialization in the United States contributed to the development of all of the following ideals EXCEPT: A. independence. B. free choice. C. secularism. D. separate spheres.

A. residential zoning

Local legal definitions have created conflict about defining families. Which of the following is an example of one of these conflicts in the United States? A. residential zoning B. the federal tax code C. immigration rules D. Social Security

C. both parents.

Most African American slave children lived with: A. unrelated adults. B. grandparents. C. both parents. D. one parent.

C. moral and religious pressure.

The 1950s brought increased motivation for young people to marry, as the result of all of the following social forces EXCEPT: A. economic opportunities. B. government incentive. C. moral and religious pressure. D. cultural shifts in authority.

The legal family

Within which family arena does the state fit?

Separate Spheres

The ideology that dictates that women are naturally ideal for homemaking is known as:

D. personal freedom

The increasing diversity of naming practices is indicative of: A. individualism. B. cultural tradition. C. ethnic diversity in the United States. D. personal freedom.

D. accepted rules of interaction.

The institutional arena is governed by A. the head of household. B. government definitions of family. C. the law. D. accepted rules of interaction.

D. finding meaning in a family tie because one perceives that it has meaning

What does it mean to refer to the family connection as symbolic? A. the symbols used to demonstrate relationships on the DNA test B. only one member of the family tie considering it meaningful C. being able to prove that you are connected to another person through DNA testing D. finding meaning in a family tie because one perceives that it has meaning

B. a role

What is the term for a social position that is accompanied by acceptable patterns of behavior? A. the family arena B. a role C. head of household D. consensus

life course perspective

What theoretical perspective does the following statement represent? Family structure includes the progression from childhood to adulthood, which must be understood in a social and historical context.

B. Exchange

What theoretical perspective does the following statement represent? Individuals and groups with different resources, strengths, and weaknesses enter into mutual relationships to maximize their own gains. A. conflict B. exchange C. symbolic interaction D. structural functionalism

D. conflict

What theoretical perspective does the following statement represent? The roles of men and women are part of an "unstable system ripe for . . . change." A. structural functionalism B. symbolic interaction C. consensus D. conflict

D. family commitments are privileged

When giving a reason for missing a meeting, a staff member lets her boss know that she is unavailable because her grandmother is in the hospital. The boss accepts this as an excusable absence because A. the staff member is a single mother. B. the staff member shows she cares about her grandmother. C. the boss also has a grandmother. D. family commitments are privileged.

B. Children are more likely to experience trauma

Which of the following has NOT been a change to our understanding of childhood in the late twentieth century? A. Childhood is seen as a time of innocence. B. Children are more likely to experience trauma. C. Parents see their children as a project. D. Emotional connections between parent and child are more acceptable.

D. personal family

Which of the following is NOT a familial relationship recognized by the census? A. married family B. adopted children C. family by birth D. personal family

C. families performing more functional tasks at home

Which of the following is NOT an important broad historic trend impacting the character of American family life? A. increased longevity B. decreased family size C. families performing more functional tasks at home D. decline of the two-parent nuclear family

D. baby boomers who all experienced the JFK assassination

Which of the following is an example of a cohort? A. a family with two children B. a large group of pen pals C. siblings D. baby boomers who all experienced the JFK assassination

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