Mars Essential Facts #1 and #2

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What is the approximate length of the longest canyon on Mars? On a map of the world, what does it compare to?

Length: 2,500 miles The United States (2,800 mi.)

Why does the surface of Mars appear red?

Mars appears red because of the rust in Martian rocks.

Does Mars have seasons and why?

Mars has 4 seasons just like Earth, and each lasts around twice as long. (Because Mars takes about 2 Earth years to orbit around the Sun). The Southern Hemisphere has harsher seasons since its orbit is not circular around the Sun. (During the Southern Winter, Mars is farthest away from the Sun, which makes it extremely cold, it then gets really close to the Sun during Southern Autumn, which is a dramatic change in temperature). There are 2 extra seasons, aphelion and perihelion. Aphelion is when Mars is farthest from the sun, and perihelion is when it is closest to the Sun.

How does the size of Mars compare to the other 7 planets in the solar system?

Mars is the second smallest planet.

How did Mars get its name?

Mars was named by the ancient Romans for their god of war because it's reddish color was reminiscent of blood.

What color is the typical Mars' sky during sunrise, midday and sunset?

Midday: Red (starts as yellow and turns to red when midday comes closer) Sunrise and Sunset: Bluish

What is the name of the longest canyon on Mars and how does it compare in depth to Earth's Grand Canyon?

Name: Valles Marineris or Mariner Valley Valles Marineris: 4 mi (7km) Grand Canyon: 1 mi (1.6km) Difference: 3 mi (5.4km)

What are the diameters of Mars' moons and how do they compare to Earth's moon?

Phobos: 14 miles (14.002 mi.) Deimos: 8 miles (7.705 mi.) Earth's Moon: 2,159 miles (2,158.8 mi.)

What is the origin of the names of Mars' two moons?

Phobos: God of fear and Deimos: god of panic, who both accompanied their father, Ares, into battle. Discovered by Asaph Hall in August 1877.

What is the range of and average temperature on Mars?

Temperatures on Mars average about -81 degrees F. Temperatures on Mars range from -220 degrees F (in the winter time) to 70 degrees F

How does the thickness (in miles) of Mars' atmosphere compare to Earth's.

The atmosphere of Mars is about 100 times thinner than Earth's. (1% of Earth's atmosphere) (It is still thick enough to support weather, clouds and winds.) Earth's atmosphere: About 60 miles thick Mars: About 0.6 miles thick

What is the name and height of the tallest volcano in our solar system?

The largest volcano in our solar system is Olympus Mons, standing at approximately 25 - 27 kilometers.

What is the most profound and dangerous weather condition on Mars?

The most profound and dangerous weather condition on Mars are the dust storms, which could last hours.

What is the name of a Mars' day and how does its length compare to Earth's?

The name of a Mars day is called a Sol, and is about 40 minutes longer than an Earth day.

What is the primary ingredient in the Martian atmosphere?

The primary ingredient in the Martian atmosphere is carbon dioxide.

What is the primary physical difference between Mars' northern and southern hemispheres?

Almost the entire southern hemisphere has rough, heavily cratered highlands, while most of the northern hemisphere is smoother and lower in elevation.

Besides water, what is the main ingredient of Mars' polar ice caps?

Carbon dioxide ice (The carbon dioxide ice sublimates (vaporizes) in the summer)

What is the gravity of Earth relative to (how many times) that of Mars?

Earth's Gravity is 2.66 times greater than Mars.

How long does it take Mars to orbit the sun relative to (how many times) that of Earth?

1.88 Earth years.

What is the volume and mass of Earth relative to (how many times) that of Mars?

VOLUME: Earth: 1.08321 x 1012 km3, which works out 1,083 billion cubic kilometers. Mars: 1.6318 x 1011 km3 (163 billion cubic kilometers) Mars's volume is equivalent to 0.151 Earths MASS: Earth's mass is about 10 times more than Mars

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