Mass Media Final Test 3

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TRUE or FALSE: Despite the fact that it is illegal, most Americans have been exposed to obscene material.


Which of the following is not recommended by public relations experts if a company has a public relations crisis?

a. Avoid telling the whole truth to the media.

The belief that the U.S. press should be free from government control originated with the:

a. First Amendment.

The Internet offers many benefits for public relations companies because:

a. It can deliver information quickly. b. PR help creates a company's public face on the Internet. c. News releases can be made available online. d. Company profiles can be made available online. e. all of the above

Which of the following is not true of television commercials?

a. National advertisers use television commercials to deliver their messages because of its low actual cost.

Codes of ethics established by professional and industry groups:

a. are voluntary and carry no penalties

The media can invade privacy by:

a. disclosing embarrassing personal facts. b. placing someone in a false light. c. using someone's name or likeness for commercial benefit. d. intruding on a person's physical or mental solitude. e. All of the above.

According to an article on Angel, graffiti in a recent episode of Showtime's "Homeland" was a protest against

a. false and misleading stereotypes of Muslims

In Eastern Europe:

a. increased democratization is transforming media at an unprecedented pace.

Your job in public relations involves creating an on-line weekly brochure for company employees. This would be an example of

a. internal relations

News on the Internet appeals to people because:

a. it's available 24 hours a day. b. it compiles headlines from TV and print news services. c. people can choose what they want when they want it. d. they're losing interest in network TV news. e. All of the above.

Advertising is:

a. not a medium but a support industry in America. b. any paid form of non-personal presentation by an identified sponsor. c. how American consumers pay for most of their media. d. overseen by the Federal Trade Commission. e. All of the above.

According to an article on Angel, the advertising industry is concerned because

a. ratings are down especially among younger audiences b. the amount of programming is increasing c. the increase in streaming options d. all of the above

TRUE OR FALSE: Libel suits are of little concern to the media because most of them fail in a court of law.


Seeking the greatest happiness for the largest number of people would be an example of which ethical theory?

b. Mill's Principle of Utility

The 1971 study of violence and TV (Television and Social Behavior), conducted by George Gerbner, found that:

b. TV violence affected some children who were already predisposed to violence.

The ubiquity of advertising means that:

b. advertising is everywhere.

According to an article on Angel, audiences for cable news channels over the past decade have

b. fallen consistently as others sources of news become more popular

In the age of the Internet, who bears an increased burden to seek reliable information?

b. news consumers

The rate at which someone visits a Web site to learn more because of an Internet ad is called:

b. the "click-through rate"

The term "demographics" refers to:

b. the analysis of audience characteristics, such as sex, age and marital status.

After Congress held hearings on violent content in television programming in 1993, cable operators and network broadcasters agreed:

b. to develop violence ratings for TV programming

Which of the following is not a factor now prompting media companies in the United States to seek a global audience?

c. Worldwide acceptance of U. S. programming by all foreign governments.

When reporters go on free trips and/or are given free passes to entertainment events, it could result in:

c. conflict of interest

The tendency of journalists to report similar quick conclusions about an event is called:

c. consensus journalism.

When government officials intentionally mislead the press and public, they are engaging in an act of:

c. disinformation

According to an article on Angel, Al-Jazeera America has

c. had difficulty attracting viewers

According to an article on Angel, there is concern among Spanish media about

c. increased interference by government

In most developing countries:

c. radio is the dominant communications medium

Which of the following is not a defense against libel?

c. the First Amendment

Journalists in Latin America face danger because:

c. the media represent a challenge to those in power.

The two-step flow of communication is:

c. the transmittal of information from mass media to opinion leaders and then to friends.

According to an article on Angel, who is unhappy about the increased advertising dollars being spent on digital media?

c. traditional TV network executives

After studying the 1972 presidential race (The Unseeing Eye), researchers Thomas Patterson and Robert McClure concluded that political advertising on television:

c. was able to manipulate only a small percent of voters.

In the classic definition, public relations involves:

creating understanding for or good will toward, a company, a person or a product.

According to an article on Angel, Facebook introduced a series of mobile phone apps especially targeted towards

d. Africans

Which overriding ethical question is raised when the media report that a famous person is suffering from AIDS?

d. Is it an invasion of the person's privacy

In the New York Times v. Sullivan decision, the Supreme Court held that:

d. a public official must prove that the story was published with a reckless disregard for the truth.

The Child Online Protection Act:

d. allows parents to restrict children's access to inappropriate material.

According to an article on Angel, filmmakers in Iran have to be concerned about

d. censorship by the government

An organized attack against a corporation presented on the Internet is called:

d. cybersmear

According to an article on Angel, many countries have much stricter regulation of _____ than does the U.S.

d. hate speech

_____ assumed a very weak role of receiver and strong role of media and message.

d. magic bullet theory

The nation's largest single employer of public information people is (are):

d. the federal government.

Which of these is not a trend affecting the future of news media?

d. the increase in the number of cable news networks

In most cases, a reporter who makes an ethical mistake:

d. will not face a lawsuit.

Which country does not rank in the top tier of media freedom according to Freedom House?

e. United States

Which term describes journalists who were allowed to cover the Iraq war on the frontlines, supervised by the US military?

e. embedded

Ethnocentric means:

e. promoting the superiority of one ethnic group over another

Advertising and public relations are similar in that they both

persuade through mass media

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