mastering biology ch 33, 34, and 40

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Which of the following statements about human evolution is correct?

The upright posture and enlarged brain of hominins evolved separately.

Which of the following statements best explains the similarity in the body form of penguins, seals, and tuna?

Their shapes are the result of convergent evolution, which reduces drag while swimming.

Which of the following represents the strongest evidence that two of the three middle ear bones of mammals are homologous to certain reptilian jawbones?

These bones can be observed to move from the developing jaw to the developing middle ear in mammalian embryos.

Which of these statements accurately describes a similarity between sharks and ray-finned fishes?

They have a lateral line that is sensitive to vibrations.

Which of the following is a characteristic of nervous system signals?

They travel quickly throughout the body.

Which of the following statements best describes the overall process of descent with modification?

A trait present in an ancestral organism is modified by natural selection over time in descendants of that ancestor.

Which phylum is characterized by animals that have a segmented body?


Why might artificial blood or skin be useful? Select the two correct statements.

Artificial skin might be used to restore the integument of burn victims. Artificial blood could be used to restore circulatory volume after the loss of large amounts of blood because of injury.

Researchers measure the heart rates, breathing rates, and blood volume (relative to body size) for two mammals (X and Y) and found that all three values were significantly higher in mammal X. Which option in the table best compares mammals X and Y?


Which of the following claims about human evolution is most consistent with current scientific understanding?

Humans and other apes represent divergent lines of evolution from a common ancestor.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the impact of the environment on snake behavior?

In hot weather, a snake is more active because it can gain body heat by conduction.

In which of the following ways did the evolution of the jaw contribute to diversification of early vertebrate lineages?

It made additional food sources available

What characteristics would artificial skin need in order to function well in the body?

It would need to protect the body from infection and from excessive loss of water.

Why might natural selection have favored the evolution of large brains despite their high maintenance costs?

Large brains may make individuals more likely to survive and reproduce.

Which of the following changes to the shape of a cube of clay will decrease its surface area relative to its volume?

Round the clay up into a sphere

Which statement is true about how standard metabolic rate (SMR) and basal metabolic rate (BMR) are measured?

SMR is measured during exercise, whereas BMR is measured at rest.

Which of the following statements best explains the different body shapes found in skates and rays compared to sharks?

Sharks are streamlined for active swimming at mid-depths, while skates move about mostly on the ocean bed.

Which of the following characteristics occur in Homo naledi?

Small brain, feet that allowed bipedal walking, hands able to manipulate small objects.

The use of brown fat to generate metabolic heat is mostly limited to small mammals. Which characteristic of small mammals created the selective pressure that favored the use of brown fat to generate metabolic heat?

Small mammals have a large surface area to volume ratio, which allows rapid heat loss.

How could the origin of organisms such as dinosaurs, whose gait allowed them to move without compressing their lungs, have led to emergent properties?

Such organisms had a competitive advantage.

Which of these provides the best advantage for an animal that conforms to a changing environmental condition, such as temperature?

The animal spends less energy regulating its internal temperature

Soft-shell crab is a prized dish in many ocean-side resorts. Which of the following statements provides the best explanation for the soft shell of the crabs?

The crab has just molted and the new exoskeleton has not yet hardened.

In the figure above, assume that the two medusae shown at step 4 were produced by one polyp colony. Use your understanding of mitosis and meiosis to select which of the following is true.

The medusae are genetically identical but the gametes differ genetically.

Evolutionary reversals (character losses) are also common among living members of a vertebrate lineage and early members of the lineage. Choose examples that illustrate this observation. Select the three correct statements.

Whales and snakes lack legs. Living birds lack teeth. Most mammals lack shelled eggs.

You are studying a large tropical reptile that has a high and relatively stable body temperature. Which of the following observations is best for determining if the animal is an endotherm or an ectotherm?

You subject this reptile to various temperatures in the lab and find that its body temperature and metabolic rate change with the ambient temperature. You conclude that it is an ectotherm.

A land snail, a clam, and an octopus all share

a mantle.

Which of the following characteristics is shared by a hagfish and a lamprey?

a well-developed notochord

Suppose, while out camping in a forest, you found a chordate with a long, slender, limbless body slithering across the ground near your tent. The organism is most likely ________.

an amphibian

Which of the following groups includes members that all have fully opposable thumbs?


Which one of these mollusc groups is classified as suspension feeders?


The body tissue that consists largely of material located outside of cells is

connective tissue

Use the model of circulation in the leg of a Canada goose to answer the following question. The countercurrent arrangement of blood vessels is an adaptation that allows the goose to ________.

conserve heat in the goose's core when the goose is swimming in cold water

Which of the following features is shared by all animals?

contact between their cells and an aqueous medium

What is the evolutionary cause of such changes?

descent with modification

The panting responses observed in overheated birds and mammals dissipate heat loss by what process?


Which of the following analyses would best help to determine if a fossil represents a reptile or a mammal?

examine the teeth

In vertebrates, the earliest known mineralized structures were associated with body parts involved in which of the following processes?


Which of the following was a trend first observed in the evolution of the earliest tetrapods?

feet with digits

Ancient fossils that seem to be an intermediate stage in the evolution from fish to tetrapods had which of the following characteristics?

fins and scales like a fish but ribs to support the body and a bone structure in the front limb like tetrapods

Which of the following characteristics allowed early gnathostomes to become successful predators?

fins stiffened with bone that increased maneuverability and improved gas exchange in the gills

A hemocoel refers to a

functional body cavity lined by tissues derived from mesoderm and endoderm.

The water vascular system of echinoderms

functions in locomotion and feeding.

Based on the highlighted (white) branches in the phylogenetic tree shown, which of the following labels refers to a paraphyletic group?

green algae

Which of the following statements applies to both nematodes and arthropods?

grow in conjunction with shedding of their exoskeleton

Against which of the following do the circular and longitudinal muscles of annelids work?

hydrostatic skeleton

The temperature-regulating center of vertebrate animals is located in the ________.


Which structure in a shark is closest in function to a swim bladder in a ray-finned fish?

its liver

If a ray-finned fish is to both hover (remain stationary) in the water column and ventilate its gills effectively, then what other structure besides its swim bladder will it use?

its operculum

Compared with a smaller cell, a larger cell of the same shape has

less surface area per unit of volume.

Arrange the following taxonomic terms in order from most inclusive to least inclusive.

primates, anthropoids, apes, hominins, Homo

Imagine you have two sets of 8 blocks, each measuring 1 cmcm along each edge. You arrange one set into a large cube, 2 blocks ×× 2 blocks ×× 2 blocks. You arrange the other set into a straight beam, 1 block ×× 8 blocks. Compared with the beam, the large cube has

the same volume but a smaller surface area.

Which of the following characteristics do all insects exhibit?

they have an exoskeleton or cuticle

Which of the following statements about the geographic distribution of marsupials is accurate?

they occur in australia and the americas

Which of these groups of organisms are amniotes?


In the phylogenetic tree shown, which of the following are shared ancestral characters for members of the turtle-leopard group?

vertebral column; four limbs

Why do large animals need specialized organs for gas exchange?

volume increases more rapidly than surface area as size increases

Which of the following animal groups is entirely aquatic?


In early chordates, the primitive pharyngeal slits carried out which of the following functions?

sites of respiration

Which clade includes humans?


The BMR of Jose, an adult human male, is approximately 1,800 kcal/day. Suppose that Jose ate 2,400 kcal of food in one day and that walking at a slow pace "burns" approximately 150 kcal per hour. How many hours would Jose have to walk to have a net zero energy gain for the day?

4 hours

The table is a comparison of several characteristics of H. floresiensis to those of nine other hominin species (arranged roughly from oldest to most recent). What do these data suggest?

A large brain is not necessarily required for toolmaking.

The graph shows mortality and brain size data for 14 species of birds. Deviation from expected brain size is shown on the x-axis, and mortality rate is shown on the y-axis. Deviation values < 0 indicate brain sizes smaller than expected; values > 0 indicate sizes larger than expected. What can you conclude about the relationship between deviation from expected brain size and mortality rate?

Adult mortality tends to be lower in birds with unusually large brains for their body size, suggesting that these unusually large brains confer an advantage in survival.

Sexual reproduction leads to increased genetic variation, but male bdelloid rotifers have never been observed. Which of the following are correct statements with regard to evolution in bdelloid rotifers?

Bdelloid rotifers gain genetic variation by absorbing DNA from the external environment.

In what respect do hominins differ from all other anthropoids?

Bipedal posture

Which of the following statements about bryozoans (ectoprocts) is correct?

Bryozoans build reefs and have lophophores that extend through a hard exoskeleton.

Which two main clades branch from the most recent common ancestor of the eumetazoans?

Cnidaria and Bilateria

Whiteflies are common pest insects found on cotton, tomato, poinsettia, and many other plants. Whitefly nymphs are translucent and mostly sessile, feeding on their host plant's phloem (sap) from the undersides of leaves. They undergo incomplete metamorphosis into winged adults. Because whitefly nymphs cannot escape predation by moving, you hypothesize that their translucent bodies make them hard to spot by predators. Which experimental approach is best for testing your hypothesis?

Compare rates of predation on whitefly nymphs coated with a nontoxic dye versus undyed whitefly nymphs.

Use the following information to answer the question. Brown et al. and Morwood et al. reported in 2004 that they had found skeletal remains of a previously unknown type of hominin, now dubbed Homo floresiensis, on the Indonesian island of Flores. These hominins were small (approximately 1 m tall) with small braincases (approximately 380 cm3) as compared with other hominins. The remains ofH. floresiensis were found alongside handmade stone tools and the remains of dwarf elephants that also inhabited the island, suggesting that H. floresiensis was able both to make tools and to coordinate the hunting of animals much larger than itself.H. floresiensis is estimated to have lived at the site where the remains were found from 700,000 years ago to 60,000 years ago. Which would be the most feasible method of figuring out to which other hominin species H. floresiensis was most closely related?

Compare the skeletal morphology of H. floresiensis to that of each of the other hominin species.

A researcher is setting up an experiment to measure basal metabolic rate in prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster-a small rodent). Which of the following would be the best set of conditions for the voles immediately before and during the measurement?


To study circadian rhythms in European hamsters, researchers measured mRNA levels for two clock genes (Per2 and Bmal1) in individuals who were not hibernating, and therefore had normal body temperature and individuals who were hibernating, and therefore had lower-than-normal body temperature. Both sets of individuals were kept in total darkness. The results are shown in the figure. Which statement is best supported using the data?

During hibernation, the clock genes are regulated differently than during euthermia.

Which of the following combinations correctly matches a phylum to its description?

Echinodermata-bilateral symmetry as a larva, water vascular system

Which principle of heat exchange best explains why birds fluff their feathers in colder weather?

Fluffing creates a pocket of air near the bird that acts as insulation.

What characteristics would artificial blood need in order to function well in the body?

It would need to contain an effective means for transporting and releasing oxygen.

A team of researchers has developed a poison that has proven effective against lamprey larvae in freshwater cultures. The poison is ingested and causes paralysis by detaching segmental muscles from the skeletal structures. The team wants to test the poison's effectiveness in streams flowing into Lake Michigan, but critics worry about potential effects on lancelets, which are similar to lampreys in many ways. Which of the following arguments best addresses the critics' concerns?

Lancelets live only in saltwater environments.

In 1847, the German biologist Christian Bergmann noted that mammals and birds living at higher latitudes (farther from the equator) are on average larger and bulkier than related species found at lower latitudes. Suggest an evolutionary hypothesis to explain this observation.

Larger and bulkier animals have a smaller surface to volume ratio relative to smaller animals. Therefore, big animals lose heat slower than smaller ones do. It is a great evolutionary advantage in cold conditions, which are common at higher latitudes.

The fossil record documents trends in which brains that are large relative to body size evolved in certain lineages, including hominins. In such lineages, what can you infer about the costs and benefits of large brains?

Natural selection favored the evolution of larger brains, suggesting that the benefits of large brains outweighed the costs.

The heartworms that can accumulate within the hearts of dogs and other mammals have a hemocoel, an alimentary canal, and an outer covering that is occasionally shed. To which phylum does the heartworm belong?


Which of the following characteristics of parasites explains how parasitism has become so widespread among living organisms?

Parasites do not generally kill their hosts; thus they can feed on the same host throughout the host's normal life span and do not have competition from decomposers.

Which of the following combinations of phylum and description is correct?

Platyhelminthes−−flatworms, gastrovascular cavity, no body cavity

Based on the phylogenetic tree shown here, identify the basal taxon of metazoans (animals).


Some animals have no gills when young, but then develop gills that grow larger as the animal grows larger. Which of the following statements provides the best explanation for this increase in gill size?

Relative to their volume, the young have more surface area across which they can transport all the oxygen they need.

What is believed to be the most significant result of the evolution of the amniotic egg?

Tetrapods are no longer tied to the water for reproduction.

You are studying a large tropical reptile that has a high and relatively stable body temperature. How do you determine whether this animal is an endotherm or an ectotherm?

You subject this reptile to various temperatures in the lab and find that its body temperature and metabolic rate change with the ambient temperature. You conclude that it is an ectotherm.

Which of the following animals most likely uses the largest percentage of its energy budget for homeostatic regulation?

a bird living year-round in a desert

Which of the following characteristics is shared by both cnidarians and flatworms?

a digestive system with a single opening

In a tide pool, a student encounters an organism with a hard outer covering that contains a large amount calcium carbonate, an open circulatory system, and gills. The organism could potentially be a crab, a shrimp, a barnacle, or a bivalve. The presence of which of the following structures would allow for the most definitive identification of the organism?

a mantle

The increase in plant species diversity is correlated with which of the following events?

a massive increase in species diversity of insects

Natural selection refers to

a mechanism of evolution.

Which of the following structures do vertebrates and tunicates both possess?

a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord

Vertebrates and tunicates share

a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord.

Which characteristic is most likely for an epithelium that is specialized for passive diffusion of materials from one fluid-filled compartment to another?

a single layer of flattened cells

Which of the following organisms is considered the most recent common ancestor of living tetrapods?

a sturdy-finned, shallow-water lobe-fin whose appendages had skeletal supports similar to those of terrestrial vertebrates

Which of the following could be considered the most recent common ancestor of living tetrapods?

a sturdy-finned, shallow-water lobe-fin whose appendages had skeletal supports similar to those of terrestrial vertebrates Submit

Which type of cell is specialized to store fat in animals?

adipose cells

Which of the following structures can be found in the mesohyl of a sponge?

amoebocytes and spicules

Which of the following options correctly lists three evolutionary adaptations that help some animals directly exchange matter between the cells of their body and the environment?

an external respiratory surface, a small body size, and a two-cell-layered body

A terrestrial animal species is discovered with the following larval characteristics: exoskeleton, system of tubes for gas exchange, and modified segmentation. What other characteristic is most likely present in this organism?

an open circulatory system

As hominins diverged from other primates, which of the following appeared first?

bipedal locomotion

Which of the following are the only extant animals that descended directly from dinosaurs?


Echinoderms show enormous diversity in which of the following traits?

body shape and food habits

Which of the following characteristics is exhibited by most hydrozoans?

both polyps and medusa forms

At one time, Chondrichthyes were thought to have diverged from other vertebrates before the evolution of bone. Now we have concluded that the Chondrichthyes diverged after the evolution of bone had started. What does this change demonstrate about the evolution of fishes?

characteristics can be lost in evolution

Which sponge cell is most structurally and functionally similar to the cnidocyte of a cnidarian?


If a person travels to a time zone that was several hours ahead of their own, they may experience tiredness known as jet lag. Jet lag is due to a disruption of ________.

circadian rhythm

The evolution of similar insulating skin coverings such as fur, hair, and feathers in mammals and birds is a result of which of the following evolutionary processes?

convergent evolution

Which of the following animals uses the largest percentage of its energy budget for homeostatic regulation?


The presences of which of the following anatomicals would best distinguish a gastropod from a chiton?

dorsal plates

EVOLUTION CONNECTION Living members of a vertebrate lineage can be very different from early members of the lineage. Choose examples that illustrate this observation.

early reptiles with four legs and living birds with two legs early reptiles with four legs and living snakes that lack legs

Which of the following organisms uses a lophophore for feeding?


Which of the following organisms is most likely to have the highest total annual energy expenditure?


Consider the energy budgets for a human, an elephant, a penguin, a mouse, and a snake. The __________ would have the highest total annual energy expenditure, and the __________ would have the highest energy expenditure per unit mass.

elephant; mouse

Which body system assists with coordination of vertebrate body functions via chemical signals?

endocrine system

Mammals and birds eat more often than reptiles. Which of the following traits shared by mammals and birds best explains this habit?


Which of the following characteristics evolved independently in mammals and birds?


Elephants can often be observed using their trunks to spray water over their bodies, which cools them. What type of heat exchange does this process promote?


Which of the following adaptations led to an explosion in insect evolution?


Unlike eutherians, both monotremes and marsupials

have some embryonic development outside the mother's uterus.

Which of the following characteristics is exhibited by both monotremes and marsupials?

have some embryonic development outside the uterus

The body's automatic tendency to maintain a constant and optimal internal environment is termed as ________.


An animal's inputs of energy and materials would exceed its outputs

if it is growing and increasing its mass.

Which of the following characteristics is shared by all types of muscle tissue?

interactions between actin and myosin

In a cool environment, an ectotherm is more likely to survive an extended period of food deprivation than would an equally sized endotherm because the ectotherm ________.

invests little energy in temperature regulation

Which of the following characteristics is exhibited by the water vascular system of echinoderms?

it functions in locomotion and feeding

The sharp, inch-long thorns of the crown-of-thorns sea star are its spines. These spines, unlike those of most other sea stars, contain a potent toxin. If it were discovered that crown-of-thorns sea stars do not make this toxin themselves, then what is the most likely alternative source for the toxin?

it is derived from the nematocysts of its prey

Blood is best classified as connective tissue because ________.

its cells are separated from each other by an extracellular matrix

Which extant chordates are most like the earliest chordates in appearance?


Compared with a smaller cell, a larger cell of the same shape has ________.

less surface area per unit of volume

Female birds lay their eggs, thereby facilitating flight by reducing weight. Which "strategy" seems most likely for female bats to use to achieve the same goal?

limit litters to a single embryo

Primate evolution and behavior, such as hunting skills, have been directed in part by the development of depth perception. What anatomical change made depth perception possible?

location of the eyes at the front of the head

This animal is a vertebrate with hair. Choose the class to which this animal belongs.


Our understanding of many of the evolutionary relationships among animals changed after those phylogenies were based on morphological and molecular data (as opposed to only using morphological data).What do these changes indicate?

molecular studies add additional information to morphological studies and improve our understanding of evolutionary history

While sampling marine plankton in a lab, a student encounters large numbers of fertilized eggs. The student rears some of the eggs in the laboratory for further study and finds that the blastopore becomes the mouth. The embryo develops into a trochophore larva and eventually has a coelom and a hemocoel. To which group of organisms did these eggs likely belong?


Which of the following structural features of the digestive system improves the efficiency of exchange of energy and materials with the environment?

more branching or folds

Which of the following organisms is most likely to have the highest total annual energy expenditure per unit mass?


If you brush your fingers along the tentacles of a sea anemone, which of the following are you most likely to find upon microscopic examination of your fingers?


A new species of aquatic chordate is discovered that closely resembles an ancient form. It has the following characteristics: external armor of bony plates, no paired lateral fins, and a suspension-feeding mode of nutrition. In addition to these, which of the following characteristics is it most likely to exhibit?

no jaws

Which of the following statements best explains how planarians can survive and thrive without respiratory or circulatory systems?

none of their cells are far removed from the gastrovascular cavity or from the external environment

In which process is the metabolic breakdown of specialized brown fat deposits in certain animals substantially increased?

nonshivering thermogenesis

Which of following reproductive strategies in mammals involves the mother laying eggs that hatch outside of her body?

oviparous reproduction

During chordate evolution, which of the following structures arose first?

paired fins

You find a multi-legged animal in your garden and want to determine if it is a centipede or a millipede. Which of the following characteristics would allow you to make this distinction?

poisonous claws

The crown-of-thorns sea star, Acanthaster planci, preys on the flesh of live coral. If coral animals are attacked by these sea stars, then what part of the coral actually provides nutrition to the sea star?


Use the following information to answer the question. Nudibranchs, a type of predatory sea slug, can have various extensions on their dorsal surfaces. Rhinophores are paired structures, located close to the head, which bear many chemoreceptors. Dorsal plumules, usually located posteriorly, perform respiratory gas exchange. Cerata usually cover much of the dorsal surface and contain nematocysts at their tips. The antennae of insects have a function most similar to that of ________.


The phylum Cycliophora includes tiny organisms that live in large numbers on the outsides of the mouthparts and appendages of lobsters. The feeding stage permanently attaches to the lobster and collects scraps of food from its host's feeding by capturing the scraps in a current created by a ring of cilia. The feeding stage of cycliophorans is best described as ________.

sessile and captures food in a manner similar to that of animals with lophophores

Which of the following senses would be most directly affected by removing or damaging an insect's antennae?


Which type of muscle directly helps move food along the digestive tract?

smooth muscle

Which of the following is a unique characteristic of smooth muscle?

spindle-shaped cells with a single nucleus

Which of the following structures in insects functions in gas exchange?


Use the model of circulation in the leg of a Canada goose to answer the following question. Which of the following is the best interpretation of the model?

that warmer arterial blood transfers heat to the cooler venous blood

The migratory eel, Anguilla rostrata, lives as a juvenile in fresh water, but then migrates through the ocean as an adult. Which of the following adaptations would facilitate the transition from fresh water to salt water?

the adult eels being better at removing salt from their bodies compared to juveniles

Which structure of the amniotic egg most closely surrounds the embryo?

the amnion

The ancestors of amniotes laid eggs in water. It could be argued that embryos of amniotes still develop in water for which of the following reasons?

the amnion encases each embryo in water

Living vertebrates can be divided into two major clades. Select the appropriate pair.

the cyclostomes and the gnathostomes

Measuring which of the following amounts would most accurately determine the metabolic rate of an animal?

the energy used by an animal in a given time

Which of the following is an example of a properly functioning homeostatic control system?

the kidneys excrete salt into the urine when dietary salt levels rise

In mammals, growth hormone is an endocrine signaling molecule that stimulates repair and growth of various tissues. Which of the following is required for a tissue to respond to growth hormone?

the presence of a growth hormone receptor

Which of these characteristics contributed the most to vertebrate success in relatively dry environments?

the shelled, amniotic egg

An emergent property belongs to

the whole of something but not its parts.

Which of the following statements describes sponges?

they have larvae that are motile and move via the motion of flagella

Which of the following characteristics of their exoskeletons is exhibited by both arthropods and molluscs?

they help retain moisture in terrestrial habitats

Which of the following statements describes how healthy corals appear brightly colored?

they host symbionts with colorful photosynthetic pigments

Which of the following statements describes one of the differences between tunicates and other chordates?

tunicates have 9 Hox genes whereas other chordates have 13 Hox genes

In the figure, which of the following is the sister taxon to the archosaurs?


The history of hominin evolution demonstrates ________.

unrelated traits can evolve at different rates

Which daily quantity is the least reliable indicator of an animal's metabolic rate, independent of whether an organism is an endotherm or ectoderm?

water consumed

Which of the following would increase the rate of heat exchange between an animal and its environment?

wind blowing across the body surface

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