MasteringA&P Lab Assignment (Module 1-5)

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Which of the following is true of activation energy?

(a) Molecules usually get it from thermal energy.

Compounds that release OH- are bases because ...

(a) OH- combines with H+ and removes it from solution.

The green molecules in the diagram ...

(a) contain the base uracil.

Atoms that are most stable have only one electron in their valence shell.


This structure located in the epidermis serves as a tactile (touch) receptor.

Merkel cell

Which of the following statements about facilitated diffusion is FALSE?

The movement of a given solute usually occurs in both directions (into and out of the cell).

The pericardium surrounds the ________.


A food company hydrogenated a barrel of fat. The treatment ...

(a) made the fat less fluid.

A 1 M solution contains ...

(a) one mole of solute per liter of solution.

DNA and mRNA differ with respect to ...

(a) the kind of sugar they contain.

Which statement is true of enzymes?

(a), (b), and (c). (a) Enzymes can be either proteins or RNA molecules. (b) When a cell makes an enzyme, it makes many copies. (c) Their substrate specificity involves matching of shapes.

Polymers that contain sugars ...

(a), (b), and (c). (a) may store hereditary information. (b) may store energy. (c) may protect cells.

The information in DNA tells a cell how to make ...

(a), (b), and (c). (a) proteins. (b) DNA. (c) tRNA.

A buffer consists of undissociated acid (HA) and the ion made by dissociating the acid (A-). How does this system buffer a solution against decreases in pH?

(b) A- reacts with H+ to become HA.

Which statement is true of the process in the animation below?

(b) Cells do it to produce proteins.

Which statement expresses a real difference between DNA and RNA?

(b) DNA is much longer than RNA.

What do fats, steroids, and waxes have in common?

(b) Low solubility in water.

Partial charges occur when ...

(b) atoms share electrons unequally.

Which statement is true of pH buffers?

(c) They consist of weak acids and weak bases.

Which statement is characteristic of allosteric effectors?

(c) They may not resemble the enzyme's substrates.

In a membrane, the________of the phospholipids in one monolayer face the________of the phospholipids in the other monolayer.

(c) tails; tails

Which statement is true of nucleic acids?

(d) DNA carries information for making RNA.

To make a buffer, you need to ...

(d) have a weak acid or a weak base half ionized in water.

Calcium's atomic number is 20. It forms ions with 18 electrons. What is the electrical charge of a calcium ion?


Water is an organic molecule.


Which of the following is NOT a reason why a solute would require facilitated diffusion?

The solute directly requires ATP for its transport.

Which region is visible only on the posterior/dorsal body surface?


Which of the following is NOT a passive process?

vesicular transport

A solution is aqueous if ...

water is the solvent.

Which of the following pigments is not involved in determining skin color?

white pigments in skin cells

An electrically neutral molecule has the formula C3H4O2N. If the carbon atoms form the usual number of bonds, how many covalent bonds will each hydrogen atom have with other atoms in the molecule?


Figure 1

1. Chemical Level 2. Cellular Level 3. Tissue Level 4. Organ level 5. Organ system level

Figure 2

1. Sternal 2. Axillary 3. Umbilical 4.Ingunial 5. Acromial 6. Brachial 7. Antecubital 8. carpal

An atom has 8 protons, 8 neutrons, and 8 electrons. Another isotope of the same element might have ...

10 neutrons.

Factory smoke has led to acid rain that lowered the pH of a lake to 5.0. What is the H+ concentration in the lake?

10- 5 M

In a washing machine, the detergent raised the pH to 9.0. The concentration of OH- in the solution is ...

10-5 M

An element in the second row or period of the Periodic Table has electrons in how many shells?


Calcium is found in the second column from the left on the Periodic Table. How many electrons does it have in its outer most shell?


The first electron shell can hold ________ electrons, while the second shell can hold up to 8 electrons.


To fill the valence shell, an electrically neutral, unbonded atom with atomic number 8 must add ...

2 electrons

An atom's atomic number is 7. Its valence is most likely ...


If the ocular lens magnifies a specimen 10x, and the objective lens used magnifies the specimen 35x, what is the total magnification being used to observe the specimen? __________


In molecules, C, H, O, and N atoms usually make __, __, __, and __ bonds respectively.

4, 1, 2, 3

Thick skin of the epidermis contains __________ layers.


Through which membrane(s) would sodium chloride diffuse?

50 MWCO, 100 MWCO, and 200 MWCO

A positive ion with two units of charge has 10 neutrons and 8 protons. The ion also has ...

6 electrons.

The mass number of an atom is 15, and its atomic number is 7. The atom probably has...

8 neutrons in the nucleus.

An atom of oxygen has an atomic number of 8 and a mass number of 18. How many of each type of subatomic particle does it contain?

8 protons, 8 electrons, and 10 neutrons

Which of the following events occurs during transcription?

A molecule of RNA is formed based on the sequence of nucleotides in DNA.

All living organisms rely on __________ for their energy needs.


Which of the following is the driving force for the sodium-potassium pump?

ATP hydrolysis

The molecule shown here probably ...

All of the above

When allosteric effector X binds to enzyme #1, the enzyme stops working. Nevertheless, the speed of the reaction can be altered by adjusting the concentration of X. How?

All of the above

The ammonia molecule in the diagram has the observed bond orientation because ...

All of the above.

Which statement is true of the atom shown in the diagram?

All of the above.

Which statement is true of phospholipids?

All the above.

Two C atoms form a double bond. Each C is bound to two H atoms. Which statement is true?

All the atoms lie in a plane.

Which answer helps to explain why all living cells need pH buffers?

Amino acid side chains have many carboxyl and amino groups.

During which phase of mitosis do the sister chromatids move apart?


__________ glands are found primarily in the genital and axillary areas.


In an experiment with an enzyme, the 58th amino acid seems to form a covalent bond with a substrate molecule as part of the catalytic process. What would you say?

At some point the bond between the amino acid and the substrate must break.

In a covalent bond,

Atoms share one or more pairs of electrons.

Which is representative of late prophase?

Attachment of chromatid pairs to spindle microtubules.

Ammonia reacts with water as shown below. Which statement best explains why ammonia is considered to be a base?

Bases are compounds that remove H+ from solutions.

Which statement is true of the transition state?

Both (a) and (b). (a) It can break apart to yield either reactants or products. (b) It is extremely unstable and lasts only an instant.

Which of the following can be considered bases?

Both (a) and (b). (a) Na2CO3 (b) KOH

A solution is very acidic if it ...

Both (a) and (b). (a) has a very low pH value. (b) has a high hydronium ion concentration.

The presence of many C-C and C-H bonds causes fats to be ...

Both (a) and (b). (a) rich in energy. (b) insoluble in water.

If you were to analyze a DNA sample from a eukaryotic cell, you would find that:

Both (a) and (c). (a) the number of purines equals the number of pyrimidines. (c) the number of guanines equals the number of cytosines.

Fats vary with respect to the number of ...

Both (b) and (c). (b) C atoms in the tails. (c) double bonds in the tails.

How can "induced fit" influence the specificity of an enzyme?

Both (b) and (c). (b) It moves the reactive portion of the enzyme closer to the substrate. (c) The enzyme's active site changes shape to fit the correct substrate but not other molecules.

Which type of control agent exerts noncompetitive inhibition?

Both (b) and (c). (b) Protein kinase (c) Allosteric effector

The picture represents a biological membrane. Which statement is true of the most abundant molecules in the membrane?

Both (b) and (c). (b) Water keeps them oriented in the membrane. (c) They contain ionized phosphate groups.

The dissociation of water ...

Both (b) and (c). (b) is quickly reversed, giving neutral water molecules. (c) involves pairs of water molecules.

Which of the following is required for filtration?

Both a membrane and a hydrostatic pressure gradient are required.

Which of the following resulted in an increase in the filtration rate?

Both increasing the pore size and increasing the pressure above the beaker are correct.

H, O, and N are three of the four main elements that make up most of the human body. What is the fourth?


An atom has 6 electrons, 6 protons, and 6 neutrons. You can tell that this atom belongs to the element _____ because _____________________.

C; it has 6 protons.

__________ is a yellow-orange pigment found in the stratum corneum and the hypodermis.


Which of the following statements about cells is FALSE?

Cells join together to form organelles, which then form our organs and organ systems.

Which is representative of early prophase?

Chromosomes condense as sister chromatid pairs.

Select the correct activity occurring during anaphase.

Chromosomes move towards opposite poles of the cell.

What is the name of the process by which the cytoplasm divides in two?


Which is true regarding cytokinesis?

Cytokinesis usually begins in anaphase.

Which of the following is a nucleic acid?


Which one of the following does not play a role in translation?


Which statement helps to explain how DNA stores hereditary information?

DNA contains four kinds of nitrogenous bases.

Which fact is most important in explaining how molecules convert thermal energy to activation energy (EA)?

Distortion increases a molecule's potential energy.

The cell cycle is divided into two main parts: interphase and cell division. Interphase is the period in which the cell is performing normal functions and not actively engaged in cell division. Most of your body's cells spend a lot of their time in interphase. Before a cell can divide, what must occur during interphase?

Each chromatin fiber is duplicated in the nucleus.

Which statement is true of atoms?

Electrons determine the atom's size.

Dr. Haxton thinks a certain enzyme works by the steps shown in the animation below. What would a good student say about the proposed mechanism?

Enzymes do the kinds of things that are shown here; it's possible.

What do phosphoglycerides and fats have in common?

Ester linkages.

Structural formulas only tell the kinds and numbers of atoms present, and molecular formulas show their relative locations.


To be organic a molecule only has to contain carbon.


You should always begin observation of specimens with the oil immersion lens.


What does cholesterol have in common with sex hormones?

Four linked rings.

Which of the following lists, in correct order, the phases of interphase?

G1, S, and G2

In water, every sulfuric acid molecule transfers H+ to water and becomes an HSO4 - ion. Some HSO4 - ions give off another H+ to form SO4 -2 ions. Which statement is true?

H2SO4 is a strong acid and HSO4 - is a weak acid.

In water, phosphoric acid dissociates according to the chemical reactions written below. Which of the following statements about the dissociation of phosphoric acid is true?

H3PO4, H2PO4 - and HPO4 2- are all weak acids.

Which of the following is NOT an organic molecule?


Which fact is most important in explaining how enzymes speed reactions?

High-energy collisions are less common than low-energy collisions.

What holds the strands of the DNA double helix together?

Hydrogen bonds between purines and pyrimidines.

What is the basic difference between simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion across a cell membrane?

In facilitated diffusion, molecules only move with the aid of a protein in the membrane.

Which of the following was NOT observed during this activity?

Increasing the rate of filtration increased the concentration of solutes in the filtrate.

Why does your skin remain red after a bad sunburn?

Inflammation causes increased blood flow.

During which phase of the cell cycle does DNA duplication, or replication, take place?


An example of filtration occurs in the kidney and:

Ions and glucose filter from the capillary into the kidney tubule.

How do ions form ionic bonds?

Ions of opposite electrical charges are attracted to each other to balance the charges.

Which statement is true of the equation shown below? H2O -><-- H+ OH-

It omits an important water molecule and it is a standard shorthand for water dissociation.

Which statement is true of the molecule shown here?

It's both a negative ion and a positive ion.

Which statement is true of the control mechanism shown in the animation below?

It's often used in feedback control.

How does the way a buffer stabilizes pH during addition of acid differ from the way the same buffer stabilizes pH during addition of base?

It's the same reaction running backward or forward.

The chemical symbol for potassium is __________.


For good health, you don't want your body to run the LDL part of this diagram faster than the HDL part because ...

LDL cholesterol is stored; HDL cholesterol is destroyed.

Which of the following can be true of both active transport and facilitated diffusion?

Lipid-insoluble solutes are transported across the membrane by a carrier protein.

During which phase of mitosis do sister chromatids line up at the center of the cell?


Which of the following is most likely to move through the cell membrane by facilitated diffusion?


Which of the following can be considered strong bases?


Atoms of oxygen have a total of 8 electrons. Are these atoms stable, and why or why not?

No, because the atoms have only 6 valence electrons, but need 8 for stability.

What kind of chemical reaction is shown in this animation below?

None of the above

Which answer is a true statement about pH values?

None of the above

Which of the following is a chemical reaction?

None of the above.

You can tell this molecule is NOT a phospholipid because it contains ...

None of the above. It looks like a phospholipid to me!

Which biological activity does NOT directly involve proteins?

None of the above; proteins are involved in all of them.

What's false? (1) Enzymes may change shape when they bind substrates; (2) Enzymes provide no energy for the reaction, except collision energy; (3) Enzymes may release substrates.

None of the statements is false.

Which statement is most useful in explaining why chemists assign atoms to chemical elements by counting protons?

None of these. Elements are defined by the number of protons.

How likely is it that the next base, out of sight at the top of this polymer, is uracil?

Not a chance, since this is a DNA molecule, not an RNA molecule.

Which of the following distinguishes hydrogen bonds from covalent bonds?

Only hydrogen bonds can form between molecules.

Which lipid is most amphipathic?


Which of the following describes the movement of ions by the sodium-potassium pump?

Potassium is moved into the cell.

Which model most accurately represents the current view of the structure of the atom?

Probability model

During which phase of mitosis do the nuclear envelope and nucleoli disappear?


______ and neutrons are found in the nucleus.


Your tank of swamp fish needs a pH of 5, and the pH is 7 at present. What should you do to the H+ concentration?

Raise it to 100 times its present value.

Your tank of alkali fish needs a pH of 8, and the pH is 6 at present. What should you do to the H+ concentration?

Reduce it to 1/100 of its present value.

What is true about both the epidermis and the dermis?

Sensory receptors are present in each.

By making two covalent bonds, an O atom (with 8 protons) fills its valence shell. Why does the atom's charge stay close to zero?

Shared electrons aren't always near oxygen.

Which phrase below correctly describes metaphase?

Sister chromatids are aligned at the metaphase plate

Which type of control agent never speeds an enzyme's action?

Substrate analog

During which of the following phases does DNA replication occur?


During which phase of mitosis do nuclear envelopes and the nucleoli reappear?


A cell is immersed in a beaker of solution. The cell membrane is permeable to water but impermeable to solutes. If the intracellular concentration is 10 mM and the solution is 20 mM, which of the following is true?

The cell will shrink.

If a person is severely dehydrated, their extracellular fluids will become hypertonic to the intracellular fluid. What do you predict will happen to the person's cells?

The cells will lose water and shrink.

Which of the following describes the concentration of ions when the cell is at rest?

The concentration of potassium is higher inside the cell.

What conditions must be met in order for an aqueous solution to be called "neutral"?

The concentrations of hydronium and hydroxide ions are equal.

Which of the following is true of polar covalent bonds?

The electrons are shared unequally.

This animation below shows a metabolic pathway with three kinds of enzymes. Which enzyme comes second in the pathway?

The enzyme at the lower right.

________ is found in the right hypochondriac region.

The liver

What happens to facilitated diffusion when the protein carriers become saturated?

The maximum rate of transport will occur.

The presence or absence of a solute in the filtrate depends on _______.

The molecular weight and size of the solute as well as the MWCO and pore size of the membrane.

With the experimental conditions set at 10 mM glucose and 9 mM albumin, and the 200 MWCO membrane in place, which of the following is true?

The net movement of water is toward the albumin.

Which of the following would result in NO change in osmotic pressure across a membrane?

The solutes can diffuse through the pores and the concentration of solutes is the same on both sides of the membrane.

Which statement is true of the energy levels of electrons in shells?

The valence shell has higher energy than other occupied shells.

Which answer helps to explain why carbon atoms tend to make 4 covalent bonds?

The valence shell needs 8 electrons.

What happened when sodium chloride was added as a solute in the left beaker?

There was no change in the transport rate of glucose.

Which of the following statements about carrier proteins is FALSE?

They assist in simple diffusion.

What do DNA, proteins, and fats have in common?

They contain carbonyl groups.

Which of the statements below is true for both eccrine and apocrine glands?

They produce sweat.

Anabolic reactions are also called synthesis reactions.


Covalent bonds involve sharing electrons between atoms.


For a sodium atom to become an ion with a +1 charge, it must lose one electron.


Nails originate from the epidermis.


True or false: Ions may form by transferring an atomic nucleus (with or without electrons) to another molecule.


Water's unique characteristics result from its abundance of hydrogen bonds.


Which of the following is not a result of hydrogen bonds?

Two hydrogen atoms join together to form a molecule of hydrogen gas.

Using the Periodic Table, determine the symbol for the element uranium.


Which of the following sentences regarding microscope care and handling is correct?

Use the coarse adjustment knob only with the lowest-power objective.

Which fact is most important in causing phospholipids to behave as they do in water?

Water molecules make hydrogen bonds.

Which of the following statements about osmosis is FALSE?

Water moves toward the solution with the lowest concentration of solutes.

If a membrane is impermeable to solutes, which of the following is true?

Water will move toward the more concentrated solutes.

Carbon atoms have four valence electrons. Are they likely to react with other atoms, and why or why not?

Yes, because they can become more stable by doing so.

Dr. Haxton told one of his students, "To move in the bloodstream, fats need the help of phospholipids." What would a good student say?

Yes. Nonpolar molecules aren't compatible with water.

The orange unit with two linked rings in this diagram represents ....

a purine.

It is useful to divide this body cavity into quadrants for study because it is so large and contains so many organs.


Buffers work best when ...

about half of the buffer molecules are dissociated.

The ________ and ________ are part of the respiratory system.

alveoli, trachea

When a pathway is subject to allosteric feedback inhibition, ...

an accumulation of effectors slows the pathway.

Radioactive decay is likely to occur when ...

an atom has too many neutrons.

What is an ion?

an atom that has either gained or lost electron(s)

Increasing the pressure above the beaker is analogous to _______.

an increase in blood pressure

_______ reactions build large molecules from smaller, simpler molecules.


If you work out regularly and increase the size of your arm muscles, what types of reactions would be involved in the growth?

anabolic reactions

The frontal plane divides the body into ________.

anterior and posterior parts

A patient has a bruise on the ventral surface of the upper limb just distal to the antecubital region. It is located on the ________.

anterior forearm

The umbilical region of the human is on the ________ surface, and the umbilical region of the dog is on the ________ surface.

anterior, inferior

This set of body terms for orientation and direction depends on anatomical position; the terms have different meanings for humans and four-legged animals.


The ________ is the structure responsible for goose bumps.

arrector pili

Potential energy is always ...

associated with position or arrangement.

The sum of the weights of all the protons and neutrons in an atom is its ________ weight.


Which of the following is not produced through chemical bonding?


The atoms shown here will become ions if they meet because ...

atoms tend to avoid having a partly filled valence shell.

Which of the following is not required for osmosis to occur?

cellular energy

Which solute did NOT appear in the filtrate using the 200 MWCO membrane?


When a double helix of DNA is replicated, two complete helices are formed. Together, these helices are called sister __________.


The hypodermis is ________.

composed primarily of adipose tissue

The ________ is a substage lens that concentrates light on the specimen.


The respiratory system ________.

continuously supplies oxygen to the blood while removing carbon dioxide

Which of the following correctly ranks the types of chemical bonds, in order, from strongest to weakest?

covalent, ionic, hydrogen

This body cavity is encased in bone.


Which of the following would decrease the rate of facilitated diffusion?

decreasing the number of carrier proteins

When you open the abdominal cavity of your dissection specimen, you realize that the kidneys are ________ to the intestines.


Why would a third-degree burn be less painful than a first- or second-degree burn involving the same body area?

destruction of underlying pain receptors

The oral cavity is a part of which body system?


The pancreas belongs to the endocrine system, and is an accessory organ of this organ system.


The stomach belongs to this organ system.


Human feet are ________ to the knee.


Covalent bonds hold atoms together because they ...

do both (a) and (b).

A compound is an acid if it ...

donates H+ to water.

The ________ is the subatomic particle with a negative charge.


In a double covalent bond, a carbon atom shares ...

electrons in two orbitals.

The thyroid gland belongs to this organ system.


The skin has two distinct regions. The superficial layer is the __________ and the underlying connective tissue is the __________.


Of the nine regions used by anatomists to divide the abdominopelvic cavity, this one is most superior and medial.


The ________ is often referred to as the cuticle of a nail.


When the solutes are evenly distributed throughout a solution, we say the solution has reached _______.


A vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane and releases its contents to the extracellular fluid. This statement describes _____.


Normal leukocytes use several protective mechanisms in combating disease-causing microbes such as bacteria. Which of the following is NOT a method related to substance uptake by a white blood cell?


Some transport processes use transport proteins in the plasma membrane, but do not require ATP. This type of transport is known as _____.

facilitated diffusion

The majority of water molecules moving across plasma membranes by osmosis do so via a process that is most similar to ____.

facilitated diffusion

What is the type of transport supplied by the glucose carriers in the activity?

facilitated diffusion

Which of the following requires a membrane-bound carrier for transport?

facilitated diffusion

The valence shell is the __________.

farthest subshell from the nucleus

Fatty acids and glycerol are the building blocks of __________.


In anatomical position, the ________.

feet are slightly apart, and the toes point forward

Which of the following is not a major function of proteins in the cell membrane?

forming the entire glycocalyx

A solution contains only glycerol and fructose. There is ten times as much glycerol as fructose. Therefore, ...

glycerol is the solvent.

The highlighted part of this molecule is derived from ...


In fat synthesis,________and fatty acids combine to make fats plus________.

glycerol; water

Diabetics with poor lower limb circulation often have slow-healing pressure ulcers on the bottom of their feet. In speeding up the healing process, surgical removal (debridement) of dead tissue from an ulcerative area would encourage increased __________.

granulation tissue formation

This accessory organ of the skin is composed primarily of dead, keratinized cells.


These two organs are found in the thorax.

heart and lungs

In the reaction that builds a fat,________ groups react with ________ groups.

hydroxyl; carboxyl

Which of the following solutions contains the most solute?


The urinary bladder, found in the ________ region of the abdominopelvic cavity, is evenly divided between the two ________ abdominopelvic quadrants.

hypogastric, lower

The region beneath the free edge of the nail is called the ________.


In cooperativity, ...

if one substrate is bound, the next binds more easily.

Which of the following does NOT describe the plasma membrane?


Where in a typical eukaryotic cell would you expect to find genes?

in the DNA within the cell's nucleus

Which of the following increased the rate of sodium-potassium transport?

increasing the number of membrane pumps

Which of the following would increase the rate of facilitated diffusion?

increasing the steepness of the concentration gradient

In order for a cell to divide, all of its chromosomes must be duplicated in a process called DNA replication. During which phase of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?


Covalent bonds:

involve the sharing of one to three pairs of electrons.

In general, to maintain homeostasis the relationship between our intracellular and extracellular fluids should be which of the following?

isotonic to each other

These are the most abundant epidermal cells.


This organ is a large muscular tube that ends at the anus.

large intestine

The mammary region is _______ to the sternal region.


The stomach is found primarily in the ________ quadrant of the abdominopelvic cavity.

left upper

Microscope specimens have depth, as well as length and width. If you are focused on the middle layer of cells and wish to see the top layer of cells clearly, you should move the ________.

lens further away from the slide

To determine whether a base is weak or strong, ...

look for undissociated molecules of base.

Catalysts speed reactions mainly by ...

lowering EA.

Enzymes speed reactions mainly by ...

lowering EA.

This organ is found in the thoracic cavity.


The spleen, thymus, and tonsils are all part of the ________ system.


The major function of this body system is to keep us healthy by protecting us from foreign substances and pathogens.


This body system is an essential companion to the cardiovascular system because it picks up leaked fluid from the blood vessels and returns it to the blood.


Which of the following acts as the digestive system of the cell, breaking down materials?


Which of the following does not occur during RNA processing?

mRNA attaches to the small subunit of a ribosome.

What is the function of mRNA during translation?

mRNA carries the code for a polypeptide's sequence of amino acids.

Which of the following is a correct statement about mRNA?

mRNA moves from the nucleus to the cytoplasm following RNA processing.

Name the substance that protects the DNA of rapidly dividing skin cells from the damage caused by ultraviolet rays from the sun.


These cells produce a brown-to-black pigment that colors the skin and protects DNA from ultraviolet radiation damage. The cells are __________.


To find the best source of phospholipids, look at ...


Which type of section passes through the cranial, vertebral (spinal), thoracic, and abdominopelvic cavities?

midsagittal (median)

Osmotic pressure is measured in units of _______.

mm Hg

Which of the following is NOT a subatomic particles?


A primary active transport process is one in which __________.

molecules move through transport proteins that have been activated by ATP

The monomers of carbohydrates are __________.


RNA nucleotides contain __________ than DNA nucleotides.

more oxygen

Simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion both _______.

move solutes with their concentration gradient

Which of the following best explains diffusion?

movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

The major organs of this system allow you to draw, play tennis, dance, and frown.


This region of the nail is responsible for nail growth.

nail matrix

Which subatomic particles contribute to an atom's mass number but not its atomic number?


These structures are seen in a midsagittal section of the human.

nose, umbilicus (navel)

The ________ of the microscope carries three or four objective lenses.


Besides oxygen, what other bloodborne material must be provided to the affected tissues in adequate quantities to promote normal wound healing?


The sodium-potassium pump can transport _______.

only if sodium and potassium are available

This small body cavity in the head contains the teeth.


This small body cavity in the head holds the eyes.


During chemical reactions, the electronis in the __________ shell are the particles that actually interact.


These organs belong to two organ systems.

ovaries and testes

This layer of the dermis is responsible for fingerprints.

papillary layer

This serous membrane lines the walls of the abdominal cavity and covers its organs.


What part of a cell membrane is usually in contact with the interstitial fluid?

phosphate heads of phospholipids

Which of the following is the main component of the cell membrane?


Damage to this serous membrane can cause the lungs to collapse.


A molecule of water (H2O) is formed by what type of bond?

polar covalent bonds

Formation of hydrogen bonds requires hydrogen atoms and what else?

polar covalent bonds

It is difficult for molecules to pass through the phospholipid bilayer because ...

polar molecules attract one another.

Phospholipids are most important for ...

preventing leakage from cells.

The sodium-potassium pump uses ATP to move sodium and potassium ions across the plasma membrane. This statement describes _____.

primary active transport

During which of the following phases does chromatin condense and become chromosomes?


Which of the following lists, in correct order, the phases of mitosis?

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

The integumentary system ________.

protects the deep organs from injury and drying out

Which type(s) of subatomic particles can be located within the nucleus of an atom?

protons and neutrons

Compared to covalent bonds, ionic bonds ...

rely much less on electron-sharing.

The ability to discriminate two close objects as separate is called ________.

resolution (or resolving power)

Which of the following is NOT one of the three major components of a typical eukaryotic cell?


The site of translation is

ribosomes in the cell cytoplasm.

Before putting away the microscope in the storage cabinet you must observe all of the following except ________.

rotate the highest power objective lens in position

Without making or breaking bonds, the pictured molecule can change its shape because ...

rotation can occur around single bonds.

Which of the following is an electrolyte?

salt water

The ducts of __________ glands usually empty into a hair follicle but may also open directly on the skin surface.


Which of the following is a characteristic of the cell membrane?


The portion of a hair that projects from the scalp surface is known as the __________.


In a covalent bond, electrons are _______.


In this activity, the solutes were transported through the dialysis membrane by _______.

simple diffusion

All the following are functions of the skin EXCEPT __________.

site of vitamin A synthesis

Bones and joints belong to this organ system.


Which of the following is least likely to increase the rate of diffusion?

small concentration gradient

Which of the following solutes would move the fastest?

sodium chloride

Which of the following generated osmotic pressure?

sodium chloride, glucose and albumin generated osmotic pressure.

The microscope slide rests on the __________ while being viewed.


The most superficial layer of the epidermis is the __________.

stratum corneum

This layer of the epidermis contains translucent cells filled with keratin fibrils. It is found only in thick skin.

stratum lucidum

In humans, the upper limb is ________ to the lower limb.


Coupled transporters that move solutes in the same direction are called _______.


Which statement best describes the function of tRNA in translation?

tRNA carries amino acids to the ribosome.

If you measure the amounts of the bases in any sample of DNA, you'll find that ...

the amount of A + the amount of G = the amount of T + the amount of C.

Dr. Jones says an atom has 3 electrons in the first shell and four electrons in the second shell. Someone should tell Dr. Jones that ...

the first shell shouldn't have 3 electrons.

The most unsaturated fats have ...

the most double bonds.

The vertical column an element is in on the Periodic Table of the Elements tells you __________.

the number of electrons in its outermost shell

When an ionic bond forms, which part(s) of the atoms are directly involved?

the outermost electrons

For solutes that are membrane permeable, which of the following does NOT affect the rate of simple diffusion across a membrane?

the potential energy of the solute

Two atoms always represent the same element if they have ...

the same number of protons.

Your lab microscope is parfocal. This means that __________.

the slide should be almost in focus when changing to higher magnifications

The term femoral pertains to the ________.


The major organs of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the heart and lungs, reside in the ________ cavity.


In leukemia, an overproduction of abnormal white blood cells can also mean __________.

too few normal blood cells

The cardiovascular system ________.

transports blood throughout the body

If you look at an MRI scan that is oval in shape and you can see the liver, vertebra, and spleen, this scan was made in the ________ plane.


To transport a microscope, hold it ________.

upright, with one hand on its arm and the other hand supporting its base

Name the body system that eliminates nitrogen-containing wastes from the body.


Which of the following is an organ system?


Which two body systems contribute to acid-base balance of blood?

urinary and respiratory

Which parts of atoms can interact (react) to form chemical bonds?

valence electron

The ________ surface of the human body faces forward.


The spinal cord is found in this body cavity.


A Hypertonic solution:_______.

will induce cell shrinkage

How do you clean the lenses of your microscope?

with special lens paper and cleaner

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