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"articles of pleasure" denotes a group of substances for human consumption which are eaten, drunk, or inhaled to create pleasures of the senses, as opposed to those foods and beverages consumed as necessities.


"rites"/ rituals according to ceremonial conduct, Ancestor worship, Sacrifices, Decorum and Discipline with etiquette. Following rules of conduct and appropriateness.


- The tribe Muhammad was born into. Polytheists, worshipped idols, and a very wealthy tribe. Lived in and ruled Mecca.

Ban Zhao

- author of Lessons for Women; educated female writer during time of Confucius who was aware of how she had to write in order to become widely read. She felt women should have three audiences "father, husband, and son" also four qualifications "womanly virtue, womanly words, womanly bearing, and womanly work."

Gospel of Matthew

- part of the canonical Gospels of the New Testament, a collection of stories and also includes the Sermon on the Mount, recorded by Matthew


- struggle, may be external/physical/internal for cause in God, Duty. Please bring honor to us all

Nichomachaean Ethics

10 books. Argues choice + virtuous activity+ philosophia + sufficiently equipped with external goods + overtime (complete life) = eudaimonia (The Good life). The experience of Happiness is best understood in terms of well-being or tranquility that virtue, virtue with reflection, and reflection with philosophy brings. OR One of Aristotle's staple works that explores the ultimate human goal that all work towards. Here he also describes the primary human function to engage in virtuous activities while utilizing contemplative reason and intellect.

Epic of Gilgamesh

3rd millennium BC. King of Uruk, main character in the Epic of Gilgamesh. King of Uruk, 2/3 god 1/3 man, given many virtues. King of the Sumerian City state of Uruk, lived during the 3rd Millennium BC.Ultimately he was on a quest for immortality which was unsuccessful... death of his companion, Enkidu, made him aware of his mortality. He had previously lived recklessly constantly in search of danger and adventure. he has no rival, until Enkidu is created.


4th century BC. Plato's version of Socrates speech given when charged for corrupting the young and not believing in the Athenian deities. It is not an actual apology, but rather a defense. He considered it his duty to question wise men and expose their false wisdom as ignorance. Socrates challenges to search for truth to examine life to look for virtue.


5 pillars Kalima- Declaration of faith, Salat - prayer, Zakat- almsgiving, Ramadan- fasting Hajj - pilgrimage Submission


5-6th century BCE. Philosopher Siddhartha Gautama after achieving enlightenment/nirvana during Bodhi tree meditation. Also a term used to address other Buddhist followers who have achieved nirvana. Four Noble Truths Eightfold Path Four stage of Life


5th century BC. Focused on the social relations, virtuous society/state. Argues unhappiness is a disorder.


A doer of startling things. Jewish historian. Author of "History of the Jewish War", and "Antiquities of the Jews".

Shulammite girl

A girl from Lebanon in the Songs of Songs, who King Solomon wanted to marry.

Jesus movements-

Actually, it is a movement from the 1960s and 1970s where restorationists sought to return to the original life of early christians.

Michel Montaigne

Author of "That to Study Philosophy is to Learn Die". French philosopher

Mahayana Buddhism

Bodhisatva. Took hold later in early centuries of CE (100 BCE - 100 CE); bodhisattvas emerged, idea that enlightened beings stay on earth to help other humans attain enlightenment. Buddhas were supernatural beings that could help.


Brahman (universal soul, final and ultimate reality for everyone)


Chanting in Ancient Vedic Culture sacred utterance

Golden Mean

Confucius say: "What you do not wish done to yourself, do not do to others"


Creator God in Hinduism. Vedic Period.

Václav Havel

Czech writer/philosopher - The End of the Modern Era - "the truely reliable path to coexistence" - "must be rooted in self transcendence and interconnection." Says a new model of co-existence is needed, based on man's transcending himself.

Gospel of Mary

God came to Mary and told her information that the disciples couldn't believe in because she was a woman, and God couldn't have possibly entrusted her with this information. She is seen inferior to the disciples and is interrogated by Peter and Thomas. Christ warns disciples of those who teach Christianity as an external concept Mary comforts disciples of Jesus' death and recounts her gnostic experiences Peter and Thomas belittle her, exhibiting the superficiality that Jesus was warning his disciples about


He was a god-like man of the wild who was created with clay and dust by the goddess of creation, Aruru, to rival Gilgamesh and rid him of his arrogance. Symbolizes the wild unrestrained impulses of humanity. His wildness was tamed when he made love to Shamhat for seven days, giving him no other option but to join civilization. He travels to Uruk and wrestles Gilgamesh, testing his strength. He loses to Gilgamesh but then the two become best friends thereafter. He then becomes Gilgamesh's companion on his first journey. This guy and Gilgamesh were challenged by Ishtar Goddess, who unleashed the Bull of Heaven. Gilgamesh and This guy defeated the Bull and threw its thigh bone at Ishtar. Mortality didn't cross their mind, State he can alter fate, then has dream of death, gets sick, then dies. The reason Gilgamesh becomes obsessed with death. His death causes Gilgamesh great distress and provokes him to pursue his second journey, which is the search for immortality.


He was part human, part god. ⅓ human, ⅔ god He wanted to achieve fame. His companion was Enkidu. He had a fear of death due to Enkidu's death. He sought to become immortal until the goddess Siduri told him to love his life and not worry about everlasting life.


Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)

People of the Book

Jews and Christians. they are acknowledged as the People of the Book in the Qur'an, referring to the Torah (Tawrat in Arabic) revealed to Moses and the Gospels (Injeel in Arabic) revealed to Jesus

Essays (1580)

Known as Michel De Montaigne, he argues that "people should study philosophy because philosophy forces us to think about our death and, therefore, improves the quality of our lives."


Large body of Sanskrit text from India, Hinduism, Shruti (shruti-"sacred utterance") - "what is heard literature/ sacred utterance." can be considered the orthodox tradition, promotes caste system and the stages of life, places emphasis on ritual, brahminic. oldest scriptures on Hinduism


Name for God used in Hebrew Bible (Elohim is plural of El). Divine is described more generally; Also refers to the Kingdom of Israel in the North when the Israelite empire split in two.


One of the two Indian epics, of which the Bhagavad-Gita is part Bhagavad Gita- came about Hinduism dialogue between Arjuna and Lord Krishna regarding the significance of duty and detachment. Arjuna is in a moral dillemma of fighting his kin and seeks refuge and advice in Krishna. Krishna pushes him to abide by his dharma and fight and to detach himself from the fruits of action and to rather perform action because it is the right thing to do, since all of this is an illusion anyway. 3 yogas to achieving moksha


Part of the Quraysh "merchant tribe", and considered to be the last messenger and The founder of Islam, introduced 5 pillars of Islam


Preacher in Hebrew, related to Ecclesiastes "Teacher of Assembly"


Reactions to the Vedas and a critique towards them. Mystical and highly philosophical works sought to probe inner meaning of the sacrifices prescribed in the Vedas (Strayer) Belief among some of these holy that the Vedic tradition, placed too much emphasis on extravagant rituals. Moksha(liberation) is better attained through personal and internal understanding through personal meditation; through yoga, dharma and karma. =Teach there is a higher self.


Refers to the community of Muslims and the ideology of their culture, relating to 'jihad' as the religious duty.


Ritual Sacrifice / Priests, teachers, preachers (translate sounds into rituals/sacrifices). priest, who has achieved moksha, the highest level on the caste system


The arts of Peace, Culture & refinement in the arts. Music, Poetry, Dance, Calligraphy, and Aesthetics.


The cube building at the center of the Mosque muslims try to travel to perform "hajj" performed at least once in their lifetime, they circle the ka'ba seven times.

Siddhartha Gautama

The first Buddha. He was believed to be alive between the years (563 - 483). He was born into royalty and was destined to grow up to be (buddha) a very knowledgeable man or a really good ruler. Upon hearing this, Siddhartha's father decided to shelter the young prince to ensure a righteous ruler in the near future. However, after living for many years, he was allowed out and had the 4 encounters. siddartha- "one who accomplishes the goal."


The non-material self. Consciousness when the human can realize Brahman.


The other was the Kingdom of Judah (South). Jewish name for God, God is described more specifically I am Who, I am that?

hedonic treadmill

The tendency of a person to remain at a relatively stable level of happiness despite a change in fortune or the achievement of major goals. According to the hedonic treadmill, as a person makes more money, expectations and desires rise in tandem, which results in no permanent gain in happiness.

Q (Quelle) Source

Various collected sayings of Jesus, not attributed to a particular author or scribe


Vicious cycle of rebirth that constitutes dying and then being reborn into another life, the idea is to complete one's dharma (sacred duty) through karma (action) and yoga (discipline) in order to reach moksha (release) from the Samsara. Roots in the Upanishads; desire leads to Samsara.


Wisdom, the feminine god in one of the Gnostic creation stories


Written by Solomon. Writing about Practical living, celebrates our everyday life. Gives advice on how to live a meaningful life. He concludes that we all die, and all the deeds of man are vanity (unless) without God; our obedience must be to him.

Gospel of Thomas-

Yezus is presented as being much more extreme in expressing his views of an egalitarian society and opposition to the sins of wealth.


a holy month for Muslims, believed to have been when the Qur'an was revealed to Muhammed,


a notable female figure in Buddhism, who became a nun by Buddha. She lost her husband, children, and her parents and asked Buddha to ordain her.

Song of Songs

about the praise of God's creation and the gift of love between a man and woman. Four interpretations: Jewish tradition, Christian tradition, Mystical Tradition and Erotic Poetry


according to Upanishads (hinduism), is liberation through the realization of Brahman (the true-self).

Bhakti yoga

act as devotion/sacrifice. (Devotion to Krishna in this case). Love and devotion.


action, intentions, making merit. Action; ritual action→ results

Elaine Pagels

author of "God the Father, God the Mother"

Wolfgang Schivelbusch -

author of "Tastes of Paradise" Talks about how -Genussmittel- spices, drinks, foods, drugs were all means of trading not only things, but cultures and ideas. Also food/drugs/alcohol were all means of distraction from reality.


born 6-4 BCE, jewish, public ministry, central figure of christianity.


buddhist monk who has taken the vow to lead a life of virtue and to attain nirvana; ordained.


contemplation and assessment. The basis of what socrates believed in.

Theravada Buddhism

emphasizes in individual enlightenment; the ideal is to become an arhat (sometimes arahant), which means "worthy one" in Pali. An arhat is a person who has realized enlightenment and freed himself from the cycle of birth and death. The acceptance of women into the order. Theravada teaches that enlightenment comes entirely through one's own efforts, without help from gods or other outside forces. Uses Pali instead of Sanskrit. Early version of Buddhism; Teaching of the elders; more psychological than religious; gods don't play much of a role. Unlike Ancient Vedic culture, whom they believe the soul plays a central role


first community of ordained Buddhist monks or nuns


guides Arjuna to carrying out his duty. And tries to convince Arjuna to pursue his dharma. To set the stage, the Bhagavad Gita begins with Arjuna and his family about to go to war with one another. Although Arjuna has been declared King, many of his family members also want the kingdom. Not wanting to shed his family's' blood, Arjuna refuses to fight. Ironically, this is where the god _____steps in and tries to convince Arjuna it is his duty to kill his rebellious kinsmen. In doing this, ______(who was really an incarnation of the God Vishnu) explains some major pillars of the Hindu faith, specifically the three paths to salvation/moksha, which are: The Karma yoga The Jnana yoga The Bhakti yoga For the remainder the lesson, we'll work to understand these three paths. We'll start with the Karma yoga.


humanity, human heartedness, benevolence


in Bhagavad-Gita, battle with his cousin; conflict--follow duty and kill cousin or to follow his love for his kin. He was a well known warrior with a very decorated past. He begs for help from his charioteer Lord Krishna.


is being in peace by detaching from desire in Buddhism; there is no self in Buddhist tradition.

jnana yoga

knowledge and wisdom. Understand what is real

Gnostic Christians

one of the groups of the "rebels" against Roman rule. those who chose to withdraw from society and authority of Roman rule and "moved into the hills" - claimed their own divine knowledge and interpretations of the teachings of Jesus and the Old Testament itself; "Mystic Christians"


one who is on the path of awakening, who labored and sacrificed for the benefit of other beings.


practice, physical, meditation; roots in Upanishads.

Reciprocity/ Shu

relates the idea of filial piety and the five constant relationships, representing loyalty and giving back as a way of appreciation or doing your part.


relates to a person who follows the religion of Islam, a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the Quran

xiao/filial piety

respect for one's family/ parents. 5 constant relationships.

Sermon on the Mount/Beatitude

s- Jesus as a religion prophetted by Mohammad as a teacher. challenged religious norm and challenged social norms: kingdom of heaven


student of Socrates and wrote the apologies

karma yoga

the discipline of selfless action as a way to perfection.


the gentlemen, a person who has reached or exhibits true humanity. Practices self cultivation or cultivates moral personality in order to bring tranquility to all.


the holy book of Islam, contains the traditions and customs, as well as the sayings of muhammad.


the lord who looks upon the world with compassion. A Bodhisattva who represents compassion, and his mantra also symbolizes that quality.

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