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Find potential function for conservative vector field F(x,y,z)=<P,Q,R>

1. Integrate P with respect to x f(x,y,z) = ∫P + g(y,z) 2. Take partial derivative with respect to y; solve for gy. fy = ∫Py + gy(y,z) = Q 3. Integrate gy with respect to y. g(y,z) = ∫gy + h(z) 4. Take partial derivative with respect to z; solve for h'(z). gz = gz(y,z) + h'(z) = R 5. Integrate h'(z) with respect to z. ∫h'(z) = h(z) 6. Add up to get potential function. f(x,y,z) = ∫P + g(y,z) + h(z) + C

Lagrange steps

1. Set up system of equations ▽f = λ▽g g(x0,y0) = 0 2. Solve for x0 and y0 3. Largest value of f maximizes function; smallest value minimizes

Continuity conditions

1. f(a,b) exists 2. lim(x,y)→(a,b) f(x,y) = exists 3. lim(x,y)→(a,b) f(x,y) = f(a,b)

Average Value of a Function

1/Area ∬R f(x,y)dxdy

2nd partial derivative test

D = fxx(a,b)fyy(a,b) - (fxy(a,b))^2 D>0 fxx>0 : local min D>0 fxx<0 : local max D<0 : saddle D=0 : inconclusive

Directional Derivative

Duf(x,y) = fx(x,y)cosϴ+fy(x,y)sinϴ

Linear approximation

L(x,y) = f(a,b) + fx(a,b)(x-a) + fy(a,b)(y-b)

Cross partial property of conservative vector fields

Py = Qx, Qz = Ry, Pz = Rx if vector field is conservative

Flux integral

Surface integral over vector field ∬S F∙NdS = ∬S F(r(u,v))∙(tu x tv) dA

Equation of a plane

a(x-x0)+b(y-y0)+c(z-z0)=0 r=<x,y,z> r0=(x0,y0,z0) n=<a,b,c>

component of u onto v

comp_v^u = (u·v)/||v||

Dot product

cosθ = (u·v)/||u||/||v||

Angle between planes

cosθ = |n1·n2|/||n1||/||n2||

Curl equation

curlF = <(Ry-Qz),(Pz-Rx),(Qx-Py)> = ∇ x F

Distance from point to line

d = ||PM x v||/||v||

Distance from point to plane

d = ||QP·n||/||n||

How to find if a vector field is not conservative

dP/dy = dQ/dx , dQ/dz = dR/dy , dP/dz = dR/dx


det | dx/du dy/du | | dx/dv dy/dv |

Divergence equation

divF = Px + Qy + Rz = ∇∙F

Implicit differentiation

dy/dx = -(df/dx)/(df/dy)

Total differential

dz = fx(x,y)dx + fy(x,y)dy

Differentiability equation

f(x,y) = f(x0,y0) + fx(x0,y0) + fy(x0,y0) + E(x,y)

Critical point definition

fx = fy = 0 OR fx or fy = DNE

Clairaut's Theorem


Evaluating a vector line integral

integral from a to b of F(r(t))⋅r'(t) dt

Evaluating a scalar line integral

integral from a to b of f(r(t)) ||r'(t)||dt


lim(x,y)→(x0,y0) of E(x,y)/√((x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2) = 0

Max/Min directional derivatives

max Duf = ||▽f|| min Duf = -||▽f||


normal to level curve

projection of u onto v

proj_v^u = (u·v)/||v||^2 * v

Line equation

r = r0 + tv = <x0 + at, y0 + bt, z0 + ct>

Cross product

sinθ = ||u x v||/||u||/||v||

Property of cross products

u x (v+w) = u x v + u x w


x=rcosϴ y=rsinϴ z=z r = √x^2+y^2


x=ρsinϕcosθ y=ρsinϕsinθ z=ρcosϕ ρ^2 = x^2+y^2+z^2 r = ρ^2sinϕ

Equation of a cone


Tangent plane equation

z = z0 + fx(x0,y0)(x-x0) + fy(x0,y0)(y-y0)

Equation of a hemisphere


Vector line integral

∫C F*dr

Stokes' Theorem

∫C F∙dr = ∬S curlF∙dS

Flux over a curve

∫C F⋅n ds = ∫C F(r(t))⋅n(t) dt

Scalar Line Integral

∫C f(x,y)ds

Fundamental theorem for line integrals

∫C ∇f∙dr = f(r(b)) - f(r(a)) r(t): a ≤ t ≤ b ∫C ∇f∙dr = f(r(t))∙r'(t)dt

Path independence

∫C1 F∙dr = ∫C2 F∙dr c1 and c2 share same endpoints

Green's theorem flux form

∬C Px + Qy dA = ∬C F∙NdS

Surface area of S

∬D ||tu x tv|| dA tu = <dx/du,dy/du,dz/du> and tv = <dx/dv,dy/dv,dz/dv>

Change of variables equation

∬R f(x,y)dA = ∬S f(g(u,v),h(u,v)) |d(x,y)/d(u,v)| dudv

Surface integral

∬S F∙dS = ∬S F∙NdS

Calculate scalar surface integrals

∬S f(x,y,z) ds = ∬D f(r(u,v)) ||tu x tv|| dA

Divergence theorem

∭E divF dV = ∬S F∙dS

Green's theorem circulation form

∮C F∙dr = ∬D (Qx-Py)dA

Lagrange multiplier

▽f = λ▽g

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