MCOM 320

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What does the abbreviation "bcc" mean when it is used with an email?"

"Blind Carbon Copy" it means that other recipients cannot see the email address you send from the blind carbon copy and is to be used when discretion is needed regarding who should see the email.

What steps are required to turn a free list into an outline?

(1) Categorize the free list into related groups. (2) Reorder the sequence of the groups so that it makes the most sense logically.

What are the major differences between informative and persuasive messages?

-Informative Messages: Includes information that defines, describes, classifies, explains, discusses, compares, analyzes, evaluates, illustrates, applies, or instructs. Messages must be written in a brain-friendly manner so the material is clear. Organized around the 5W2H factors. They also require no response from the readers. -Persuasive Messages: They are written to generate action. Addresses two main questions...Why should we address the problem and why is your recommendation the best. Try to achieve a win-win approach. Employs either a direct or indirect approach. It also includes the results of three basic processes (analysis, evaluation, and synthesis).

List and Describe the four basic management functions

1. Planning: proactive and involve employees 2. Organizing: delegate, provide training 3. Monitoring: regular performance interviews, give feedback 4. Leading: clarify vision, build relationships of trust

Describe the three main types of random sampling.

1. Random: entire population randomly draw participants 2. Stratified Random: randomly draw from a representative sample population (40% female) 3. Systematic Random: numbered list of entire population, randomly draw the first and then draw every nth sample participant

What are the three main elements of delegation during a meeting?

1. Who 2. Will do What 3. by When

List two guidelines for conducting an effective Q&A session.

1. everyone needs to hear the question 2. involve everyone in the answer (whole audience) 3. answer clearly and concisely 4. admit you don't know and get back to them 5. use visuals to support your answer

List three different categories of business reports

1. periodic reports 2. progress reports 3. problem-solving reports

What are the advantages of rating questions?

1. ranking is a difficult process 2. ranking does not allow respondents to give two options the same value 3. a ranking can be derived from a rating-type question (averaging)

What are the three main ways to write collaboratively?

1. the entire group can sit around a computer and compose the text (slow and frustrating) 2. one person write it all and then everyone critiques 3. assign different parts to different group members

List three guidelines for writing to people for whom English is a second language.

1. words: clear, concise, easy to understand 2. sentences and paragraphs: simple construction 3. visuals: international symbols

How many typographic points are in an inch? What is the idea type size for mosts audiences?

72 typographic points are in an inch. The normal type size is 10 to 12.

What is a working title and how is it used?

A working title is a title that helps keep your mind focused while you write, and it helps prevent your text from wandering away from the specific goal you are trying to achieve. It is used to keep the writing focused, but afterwards you can change the working title and make a different final title.

What is a behavioral question?

An open question that asks how a person acted in a specific situation. It may also include how they would act in a given situation.

Why should you analyze the audience before you begin writing?

Analyzing the audience will enable you to write clearly and concisely. You will understand the audience's background and therefore know what would have the largest effect on them. You will also know what not to say that might hurt your relationship with your audience.

Should your resume be limited to one page? Why or why not?

As a general rule keep it to one page unless something is particularly compelling then include a header with page numbers after the first.

List five common fallacies found in people's reasoning.

Bandwagon evidence (arguing for the majority), Either-or-thinking (arguing that there are only two options), Evaluation by association, False Analogy, False Causality (arguing that because two items occur together one causes the other), Hasty Generalization, Lack of Evidence to the Contrary, Recency persuasion, Slippery Slope (condemning an idea because it might lead to an undesirable end), Tradition, Anonymous Authority (authority without proof).

List three guidelines to remember when being interviewed for a job.

Be prepared (know about the company etc.) Be on time, Speak confidently, clearly, and fluently. Be honest; don't pretend to be something you're not. Tie answers to the job requirements.

What is bottom-up outlining? In what context is it most useful?

Bottom-up outlining involves using details to determine the overall points of a paper. This is most useful when you do not have your main points given to you already.

What are the main differences between the two types of chigago-style documentation?

Chicago has a documentary-note style that uses footnotes and endnotes in place of a bibliography.

Describe the difference between closed and open questions.

Closed questions require only one word or short phrase answers (i.e. yes, or no) Open questions require more thought or explanation.

Explain the paragraph attributes represented by the acronym CLOUD.

Coherence: make sure the content flows logically from one sentence to the next. Length: Avoid writing paragraphs that are so long that they are difficult to read. Organization: generally use a direct approach, with a topic sentence leading the way. Unity: ensure that all sentences refer to the same content introduced in the topic sentence. Development: be sure to give adequate supporting detail about the topic sentence.

Describe the four basic phases of writing

Content: What do you want to say and how do you want to explain it. Organization: Order and structure of writing. Writing: Compose and revise the writing. Design: Formatting and visual design.

Describe three guidelines for managing your emails.

Delete spam or junk emails immediately Organize your messages in a folder system don't keep everything in your inbox Include an agenda especially for longer emails so people will know what to expect as they read.

What is the difference between a direct and indirect approach in writing business letters?

Direct Approach gives the main idea in the opening. Indirect approach gives the main point in the body after explaining your reasoning or other relevant content.

What is the difference between the direct and the indirect approach to writing a message?

Direct Approach: what (action) followed by why (reason); used for situations needing only a moderate amount of persuasion. Indirect Approach: why (reason) followed by what (action); used for more difficult persuasion situations.

Explain the difference between direct and indirect order.

Direct order: Tell the audience the main point first followed by details. Use this order with good news and everyday messages. Indirect order: Tell the audience the details first followed by the main point. Use this with bad news or times you want to persuade your audience of something.

Explain three differences between successful and unsuccessful teams.

Effective teams: all participate, respect, can oppose, no gossipping Ineffective teams: people are assertive, dominate disrespectful

What are Aristotle's three rhetorical strategies? Give an example of each.

Ethos: how the audience perceives you. Example: genuine. Logos: appeal to logic. Example: concrete evidence and reasons. Pathos: appeal to emotions. Example: focus on an emotion/feeling such as love.

List three different ways to develop the main point in a business message.

Explanations (details and logic) Illustrations (examples, metaphors, stories) Evaluations (qualitative comparisons, testimonials) Applications (past, future)

List five different types of support you could use to develop an important point in a presentation.

Explanations: definitions, statistics, details Illustrations: examples, metaphors, stories Evaluations: qualitative comparisons and testimonials Applications: in the past and the future Illustrations: business graphics, concept maps, photos

What is the difference between findings, conclusions, and recommendations?

Finding: detailed data in the body of a report (e.g. only 22 percent of the employees like the new plan) Conclusion: a generalized finding (e.g. a minority of the employees like the new plan). Recommendation: a forward-looking suggestion (e.g. we should discontinue the new plan).

Explain the main differences between chronological and functional resumes.

Functional is meant to emphasise the applicant's skills and competencies and de-emphasise their career path or lack of experience. Major difference is that it starts with the skills and details those then lists education and employment history briefly at the end.

What are the three basic phases involved in the report-writing process?

Gather data, compose report, review/revise report

How can you fix an exclusion-test problem (outline test 2)?

Get rid of things that do not belong in a certain category, or enlarge the category to make that certain point fit within the category.

What is a "gray page"? Why is it undesirable?

Gray pages are pages filled with too much text. These pages can seem boring, and can discourage the reader from getting through all the text.

Explain two guidelines for photographing people outdoors on sunny days.

Have the sun shining on the fronts of people. Use a camera flash to reduce the darkness of shadows on people's faces.

What words are represented by the acronym HATS?

Headings, art, typography, and spacing

Describe how HATS can be applied to employment resumes.

Highlight the areas of your resume with good headings and subheadings Make the information you want most accessible to the interviewer apparent.

In photographs, what is the rule of thirds?

Imagine a photograph divided into 9ths by lines. The focus of the image should be centered on one of the intersections of those lines.

What are the usual sections found in a written proposal?

In a direct proposal: general statement, description of problem, detailed discussion, benefits, time schedule, costs, qualifications, conclusions, and appendixes. In an indirect proposal: all the same except the discussion should be general and specific.

In what sequence should your job history be arranged?

In reverse-chronological order with the last job first.

Describe the five outline tests.

Inclusion (or presence) test: Is everything included in a category that needs to be there? Add things or enlarge the category. Exclusion (or absence) test: Are there things in a category that are not supposed to be there? Get them out or change the category title. Hierarchy (or horizontal) test: Are the things listed as large categories that should be listed as sub-categories? Sequence (or vertical) test: Does the order of the large categories make sense? What is the most logical way of organizing the outline? Language (or wording) test: Is the wording of the categories parallel? Example: If each category is about a department use the word department in each of the category titles to create parallelism.

Explain the three main purposes of most written messages. Why is the third purpose so important?

Inform: This includes the information you want your audience to know after reading what you wrote. Persuade: What action do you want the audience to take after reading what you wrote. Build relationships of trust: What do you want the audience to feel and know about who you are? Help build a respect and trust.

Should a handout be distributed before, during, or after a presentation? Why?

It depends. If you want them to take notes, do it before; if you don't want them to get distracted do it after. During if you want to highlight a certain point

What is the difference in the vertical positioning of memos and letters?

Left align the information following To, From, Date and Re. and in letters you want to vertically align the whole thing (I could use some clarification here.)

What is a legend? A call out? A braced heading?

Legend: Explanatory list of symbols or colors used in a chart. Call out: Explanatory text placed beside a graphic with a line going from the explanatory text to the part of the graphic it is explaining: Braced Heading: Major headings ver secondary headings.

Explain how to decide whether to list your education or your experience first in a resume.

List whichever is most impressive first.

List the four major types of presentation delivery.

Memorized Manuscript (read verbatim) Extemporaneous (outline, but message is spontaneous) Impromptu

List the three M's of presentation evaluation.

Message, Messenger, Media

What is mind mapping? Why might you use it instead of traditional outlining?

Mind-mapping is the process of connecting a big idea with smaller ideas. It is a top-down approach because it starts with the main idea and gets more detailed. Mind mapping is more visual because you can draw shapes around all your different points. People might use this technique over traditional outlining if they find visual outlines more helpful.

What type of text alignment should be used with most office documents?

Most office documents should use left alignment.

Explain how to prepare for a telephone interview.

Mostly the same as a face to face interview. Have materials in front of you like notes, PAR stories, information on the people conducting the interview, water e.t.c.

Should the OABC framework be used in composing thank-you letters? Why or why not?

No the format should be simpler and concise: Sincere thanks, Something about the interview you found interesting or appreciated, then reaffirm your interest and add a forward looking closing.

What do the letters OABC represent? How is OABC used in writing?

OABC represents: Opening, Agenda, Body, Closing. OABC is often more effective in writing. Because the agenda previews the major information contained in the body, the writer has a good roadmap to follow, and the reader is given a mental structure to use in understanding and organizing the information during the reading process. Using OABC causes writing to be clearer and easier to understand for both the writer and the reader.

Explain the main purposes of the beginning, middle, and closing paragraphs in an employment cover letter.

Opening Paragraph: Explain the purpose for your communication (e.g. Tell how you learned of the job opening, explain how you would be an asset to the company e.t.c.) Middle Paragraph(s): Explain how your education, experience, and attributes qualify you for employment. Last Paragraph: Ask for an interview.

What is Boolean logic? What are the three main operators of Boolean logic?

Operators that help narrow your searches. (AND, OR and NOT) serve to isolate only the relevant information in your seach

Why is outlining important?

Outlining is important because it will enable you to be structured in your writing. You will be able to organize what you want to say. You will be able to make sure your writing is balanced and that each argument you make is backed by a balanced amount of examples, quotes, pictures, and other helpful additions.

How is PERT chart different from a Gantt chart?

PERT charts are process diagrams and and they reveal project sequences, interrelationships, and critical paths (much more info than Gantt)

Explain why a direct approach is best in most decision reports

People want to know the decision and recommendations right away.

Explain positive and negative strategies.

Positive strategies: focuses on benefits. Negative strategies: focuses on what a person may lose.

What is a PAR story? Why are PAR stories so important in interviews?

Problem-Action-Result: they outline a problem you encountered an action you took and a result you achieved. They provide good specific memories for the interviewer that will be remembered after the interview.

What is the difference between pronunciation and enunciation?

Pronunciation: saying words properly Enunciation: how distinctly words are said

What are the four types of agendas? Should an agenda be included in all written messages? Why?

Quantify Identify Organize Symbolize. They are useful in medium-length and long messages, especially in helping to organize and write with clarity, but short messages often do not need them. Forcing an agenda into a very short message can be counterproductive.

Indicate whether each of the following is an example of chronological or non chronological sequencing: quantitative, problem-solution, spatial, narrative, cause-effect.

Quantitative: non-chronological Problem-solution: chronological Spatial: non-chronological Narrative: chronological Cause-effect:chronological

What types of questions are illegal to ask in a job interview?

Questions about: Age, race, gender, marital status, religious preference e.t.c. (basically keep the questions to those that have relevance to the job)

What is plagiarism? Why is documentation important when you quote or paraphrase another writer's' work?

Representing someone else's unique work as your own. Documentation will protect you from plagiarism and credit the correct source.

What is an RFP?

Request For Proposal. The RFP will specify the criteria on which the proposal will be judged, the date by which the proposal must be submitted, and other important information that must be addressed when writing a proposal.

List five key ways to analyze and evaluate communication channels.

Richness, convenience, speed, permanence, and cost.

Why is the difference between primary and secondary research?

Secondary: Reviewing information that has already been published. Primary involves collecting original data.

Describe the difference between serif and sans serif fonts. Which of these styles is used most often for body text?

Serif: These letters have finishing touches at the end of each stroke that makes it easier to distinguish each letter. Sans serif: These letters have a thicker width. They are more often used for titles. Serif fonts are used more often for body text

Compare the similarities and differences of bar charts and line charts. Why are line and bar charts generally preferred over pie charts?

Similarities: Each chart should have proper sequencing, data labels, legend, axis labels, and two-dimensional bars/lines. Also, both should avoid green and red colors that are close to each other on the chart. This makes it hard for color blind people to read the chart. Differences: A bar chart is formatted vertically usually. A line chart is formatted horizontally with an emphasis on the passage of time. Line and bar charts are generally preferred over pie charts because we find it difficult to distinguish between the size of areas on pie chart.

What is the "front door" of a handout?

That is the clear beginning point, where you know to start

Describe the difference between causes and symptoms?

The cause is the origin and the symptom is the result. Too many people try to fix the symptoms, only to find that they reappear because the cause is still present. Only if you fix the cause of a problem will the effect or symptom disappear.

What is the function of the cover letter in business reports?

The cover letter is a short message that officially conveys the report to the reader. it tells what information the report contains, such as analyses and recommendations for action.

What tactic can you take when you are persuading the audience to choose one option over others?

The most common approach is compare and contrast the differences. Emphasize the strengths of the option you want and de-emphasize its weaknesses.

What does the five-second standard refer to?

The reader should be able to understand the main message of the visual in about five seconds.

List three ways to enhance your creativity?

Thoroughly study the problem, enrich your knowledge base, eliminate distractions, set aside large chunks of time to ponder, arise early, utilize the alpha sleep state, keep the problem constantly on your mind.

Explain the difference between top-down and bottom-up outlines.

Top-down: start with main and get more detailed; includes mind maps, traditional outlining, tree diagrams Bottom-up: starts with details then establishes categories and places them in the categories

What is a cause-and-effect diagram? How is it used?

Using a basic tree-structure format, write the main problem, or symptom, at the starting point of the tree. Then extend various cause-and-effect branches from there, showing the different cause-and-effect chains contributing to the main problem. It helps to isolate the root causes that need to be addressed. Ideally, if you adequately address the root causes, the main problem will be resolved.

What is the difference between validity and reliability? Which is more important?

Validity: research must measure what it is supposed to measure Reliability: must be repeatable with consistent results they are equally important because you need both to have a successful experiment

Describe the differences between vector and raster graphics.

Vector graphics: They include a starting and stopping point. They be enlarged without losing quality. Vector lines that are closed to make a shape can be filled in with color. Vector files are smaller. Raster graphics: They lose quality when their size is enlarged. They are better for displaying texture and color of real-life images. They are used for pictures, screen-shots, and photography.

What is WIIFM? Why is it important in writing and speaking in various audiences?

WIIFM stands for "What's in it for me?" The writer and speaker needs to remember that each audience is different. Each person in the audience is different. The writer and speaker may not be able to fit every person's needs, but they will be able to know the overall needs of the audience. Each person in the audience is asking WIIFM so make sure to have your writing or speech match the general needs of the audience.

What does it take to see others as they may become?

We must try to see them as God sees them, we must have faith that they can change, the diligence in trying to help them, and we must share the gospel with them. That way they can become who God wants them to become.

What is involved in the process of classifying?

When classifying you find related ideas and group them together under larger ideas. You can do this on a computer or on a piece of paper depending on how large your free list is. For a paper version of this divide the paper into 3 sections with sections about the free list, categorizing, and sequencing.

List three factors a manager should consider in deciding whether to involve the group in making a decision?

Whether your knowledge of the problem is greater than that of the group. When time does not permit collaboration. When group members are unaffected by or don't care about the problem or outcomes. Whether you want to have total control over the outcome. If the group doesn't work well together.

What is white space? What are two main functions of white spaces?

White spaces are white areas that divide, frame,and separate elements on a page. White spaces also give "visual relief, prevents reader fatigue, and enhances reader friendliness."

What communication factors should you remember when writing to people inside vs. outside your organization?

Who they are How they feel about you. Who they feel about the subject matter. Outside of organization use more formal language. Inside your organization with a superior or equal use more formal language when writing to someone lower than you on the organizational chart you can be less formal.

What are widows and orphans? Why should they be avoided?

Widows: A paragraph's last line left by itself at the top of a page. Orphans: A paragraph's first line by itself at the bottom of a page. These issues make it more difficult for the reader to read the paper.

What are the major benefits of agendas in written messages?

With an agenda that immediately precedes well-organized text, readers are able to read, process, and understand the information more quickly, efficiently, and effectively than they are with text that has no agenda and that is poorly organized. An effective agenda will not draw undue attention to itself, but will flow naturally.

What is the five-second principle?

You should be able to look at an image or graph and understand it within 5 seconds.

Explain why a good-news message should employ a direct approach.

You want the reader to see the message right away and understand what the rest of the email will be about

Explain why a bad-news message should use an indirect approach.

You want to hide the bad news and make it easier you also want the reader to get the reasons and content before the bad news.

What is a Gantt chart and how is it used?

a horizontal bar chart that shows projected completion times and actual completion times

What is a rhetorical question and why it is used?

a question that does not require an answer, but permits the person to think

What is a storyboard?

a rough blueprint of what the finished product will look like

Explain the differences between the full-block, modified-block, and the simplified letter formats. When should the simplified letter format be used?

a. Full block: (use for most correspondence) One inch margins Single space text, Double space between paragraphs and letter parts. exceptions: Add extra spaces between the date and first line of the inside address, Leave 3-5 spaces between the complimentary close and the writer's name at the bottom of the letter Center the letter vertically on the page For multiple pages type the name of the recipient date and page number at the top of the second and subsequent pages. b. Modified block Same as full block but moves the date, complimentary close and sender's name closer to the center of the page. (these should still be left aligned with themselves) c. Simplified format (used for sending a letter to a group, or sending to someone with a gender neutral name) Same as full block but replaces the salutation with a subject line. Differences: Omit the salutation and replace it with a capitalized subject line. Omit the complimentary close and capitalize your name and title. (Sign your name between the last paragraph and your typed name)

List three major ways that people learn.

auditory (listening), visual, and kinesthetic (experience/doing)

List what you consider to be important rules of etiquette for cell-phone usage

avoid phone interruptions in meetings and other social gatherings. Turn it off or silence and if you need to answer a call, leave the room

Why is trust so important in organizations?

because then you will be chosen to work on big projects and given more opportunities

What is networking and why is it important?

building relationships with other people; they can be called on for info, influence, or help; it is important for gaining new employment

List four ways to improve the response rate of a mailed questionnaire.

clear title and instructions, ensure anonymity of participants, offer incentive, make questions easy to answer, organize the questions and group related questions, keep it short

What do the four "C" words of content represent?

clear, complete, correct, compelling

Explain the difference between unity and coherence.

coherence is the flow of logic, unity is how it all relates back to main topic

What design treatment is the key to attracting attention?

contrast is the key to attracting attention


contrast, alignment, repetition, balance, spacing

What three major problems can occur because of writing errors?

damages credibility, reader assumes you don't know or don't care if writing is unclear, the reader must take extra time to understand it if writing contains factual errors, reader may draw improper conclusions

What should you do with your hands when you are not gesturing?

drop them to your side or put one hand to the waist area and drop the other hand to the side. In an informal situation, men may put one hand in a pocket.

Describe the difference in using a factor-by-alternative and an alternative-by-factor approach. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each as applied in decision reports

factor-by-alternative evaluates possible solutions according to factors. alternative-by-factor goes through each possible solution and talks about each of its related factors. Factor by alternative ex: I. Cost A Alternative A B Alternative B Alternative by factor ex: I. Alternative A A Cost B Quality

What is the difference between a factor and an alternative?

factors are things to consider in solving problem, alternative is possible solution

Why should subjects and verbs be kept close together?

for clarity

List the four major stages through which teams progress as they move toward team maturity.

forming (created), storming (conflict), norming (accustomed), performing (good)

Why must you be careful when using hand gestures in different cultures

hand signals can mean one thing in one culture, and something completely different in another. The ok sign can be taboo.

List three major methods of data gathering for primary research reports.

interviews, questionnaires, experiments

What is turn-taking and why is it important in conversation?

it is when everyone gets the chance to talk (include people who are left out). Use 5W2H

Describe the Americans with Disabilities Act

it provides legislation to help anyone who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity

What are the disadvantages of ranking questions?

it puts all the options in distinctive plains, even though they may all be really close, or the person simply does not care (no two items can receive the same ranking)

Why should you not place large amounts of text in all capitals?

it seems like you are shouting and lower case are easier to read

Why is high-to-low sequencing important in decision tables?

it shows the best option

What two words should generally be avoided as sentence subjects?

it, there

Describe several responding techniques to demonstrate you are listening to a person you are interviewing.

maintain good eye contact Smile and nod your head Say "uh-huh" Reflective listening technique Paraphrase or repeat back what the speaker said or ask for clarification.

Describe the executive summary. Discuss its importance in primary reports

mini-report that gives purpose of report, the objective of the report, summary of major findings/conclusions, and key recommendations. The executive summary is important because most people don't want to read the whole report. The executive summary gives them the most important information, and they can read what they want in the report.

Color combinations that are harmonious

monochromatic: same color, various hues analogous: two adjacent colors triad: colors that lie at the point of a triangle complementary: opposite colors

What are the two main sequencing options?

non-chronological and chronological

Should you quality check your documents on the computer screen or with a paper printout? Why?

paper: computer doesn't catch everything and sometimes doesn't make right recommendations for correction.

What is reflective listening and why is it important?

paraphrase what they said back to them, make eye contact, and make noises. It is important to clarify, to show you are listening, and to participate actively

What are the major reasons for meeting failure?

poor planning, bad meeting management, or poor follow-up

List two different ways to deal with boredom in one of your presentations.

put more energy into gestures and voice, tell an engaging story, watch a video, move on to another part, display a visual aid, involve the audience, ask a question

The idea behind brainstorming is that ____ will yield ____

quantity, quality

Why is sentence variety important?

readers get tired of reading sentences that are so similar

What are primary colors? What are the primary colors of a computer screen?

red, yellow, blue red, blue, green

Explain the four levels of document review.

review the design review the organization review the content review the sentences

What are the responsibilities of the writer and the reviewer when a document is being evaluated for quality?

reviewer: understand the purpose of the document and understand the audience, use standard proofreading marks, be clear writer: choose reviewers who are knowledgeable about the topic and will be forthright in giving feedback, be open to feedback and apply the suggestions, don't be defensive

What is a shade? A tint?

shade is a color mixed with black; tint is a color mixed with white

What does the acronym SPELL represent?

structure, punctuation, errors, language, length

What should be included in appendixes?

supplemental information, such as detailed tables and graphics

What is the difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical balance?

symmetrical: completely equal asymmetrical: two small on one side and one big on the other (still equal, but not the same)

What are the three major tracks of activity that occur during meetings?

task (what and why; purpose of meeting) procedure (how) relationship (who; feelings are addressed)

What alignment option is generally preferred for body text?

text in paragraph is left aligned

How can you determine the complement of a color? Why would you use a color and its complement in a document?

the complement of a color is directly across from it on the color wheel; you would use it to get the most color variation and it would make the colors the most noticeable

What is color value? Why does value matter in creating slides?

the value of color refers to its relative darkness or lightness. It is important because the text color should pop against the background color.

What does CLOUD represent?

the way to evaluate paragraphs Coherence, Length, Organization, Unity, Development

List the elements included on the title page of a formal report.

title, name of person/organization for whom the report is written, name/position of writer, date

What is the purpose of an opening hook?

to catch attention and create interest

Describe two ways to achieve good contrast between the color of text and the background color.

to make sure that they are complementary and so have the most difference;

Why is the tone of a message important?

tone influences changes the meaning of the content

What is the more-is-less, less-is-more principle?

use color consistently; adding more color to more items reduces the amount of emphasis each colored item gets

What is the basic usage rule to follow when you have multiple forks or spoons at your place setting?

use those farthest from the plate and then work inward toward the plate as the meal progresses

What two "v" factors should be checked when reviewing sentence verbs?

vicinity, voice

What colors are considered warm? Cool?

warm-ROY (red, orange, yellow) cool- G BIV (green, blue indigo, violet)

Why does reading text out loud help catch writing errors?

when you read silently, you typically read clusters of words w/o giving adequate attention to individual words

List two guidelines for effective room arrangement.

wider layout with fewer rows; projection screen is not directly behind the speaker; move closer to the audience; switch sides

What is an unrestricted multiple-choice question?

you can choose all the answers that apply

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