MED 150 Ch 7 & 8

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About ____% of North Americans are Rh positive, and ____% are Rh negative?

85, 15

Which following statements regarding H. pylori and ulcers is false?

H. pylori is believed to be the cause of all ulcers.

Most cases of hemolytic disease of the newborn can be prevented by administering ____ to the Rh - negative mother?


Which of the following is the causative agent of the plague?

Yersinia pestis

Which of the following classes of antibodies is involved in allergic reactions?

Immunoglobulin (IgE)

Which of the following organisms are referred to as acid-fast bacilli?

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Complications such as Scarlet fever, Rheumatic fever, and glomerulonephritis are found in Pyogenes which of the following organisms?


Which of the following strep organisms causes strep throat and demonstrates beta hemolysis?

Streptococcus Pyogenes

HIV attacks and destroys which element in the immune system?

The T lymphocytes

Which of the following organisms has a characteristics jerky movement?

Trichomonas vaginalis

Which of following is the incorrect association?

Trichomonas vaginalis / roundworm

Which of the following causes smallpox?

Variola major

Wet mounts can be done to detect the presence of "clue cells" vaginal epithelial cells covered with what organism?

Garderella vaginalis

The ABO blood type of universal donor is?

O blood.

Which of the following statements concerning influenza is incorrect?

One type of influenza mutation is called antigenic drift, which refers to an abrupt change in the virus strain.

Which of the following is incorrect regarding microorganisms?

Parasites can only be one-celled protozoa such as amoebae.

Which of the following nonspecific immunity mechanisms involves the process of certain cells engulfing and destroying microorganisms and cellular debris?


Pregnancy testing is based upon detection of?


Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning the Acceava Strep test?

Presence of a blue test line and no pink control line is a valid positive test.

Which of the following lymphocytes differentiate into plasma cells and memory cells with the subsequent production of antibodies (humoral immunity)?

B cells

Which of the following organisms could be an occupational hazard for those who work with contaminated wool and inhale the spores and could also be a bioterrorism weapon?

Bacillus anthracis

No growth around the "A" disk can be used to identify Streptococcus Pyogenes. What substance is in the "A" dish?


In the gram stain procedure, what is the most critical differentiating step?


Which of the following steps are incorrect when collecting a throat culture?

Be sure to include the teeth and the back of the tongue and place the swab in the appropriate container.

HCG is produced by the developing placenta during pregnancy with levels peaking:

Between 50 and 80 days of pregnancy.

The preferred sample for pregnancy testing is obtained as a?

The first morning specimen

Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning influenza testing?

The influenza test strips usually test for influenza A, B and C.

Which of the following statements regarding HIV testing is not true?

There is now a cure for HIV infection if detected early.

Which of the following statements about Neisseria gonorrhoeae is incorrect?

This organism is a gram-positive bacillus.

Age group in which symptoms of EBC are most displayed is?

15 to 25 years of age

In a properly performed gram stain procedure, what color are the gram-negative organisms immediately after the decolorizing stage?


A sensitivity test is done to:

Determine which antibiotics would be most effective for treating patients bacterial infections.

Which of the following causes viral hemorrhagic fever?

Ebola virus

What is the name of the tiny roundword whose female normally lays her eggs during the nighttime hours in the anal area of the human host, causing itching of this area?

Enterobius vermicularis

Which of following associations is incorrect?

E. Coli - gram positive bacilli

Which of the following describes a coccus bacterium?

A round organism that can be found as singles, pairs, clusters, or chains.

Which of the following provides long-term protection against future infections due to the production of antibodies that were formed naturally during an infection or artificially by vaccination?

Active immunity

Which of the following represents incomplete hemolysis, producing a green halo around the colony?


Which of the following statements is false?

An Rh (D)- negative person should be transfused with Rh-positive blood.

Which of the following organisms produces a neurotoxin, the most poisonous natural substance known, which causes dry mouth, dilated pupils, and a progressive muscle weakness that leads to respiratory failure and death?

Clostridium botulinum

Transmission of EBV causing infectious mononucleosis is primarily by?

Direct contact

When collecting microbiologic specimens, medical professionals must strive to prevent the spread of infection to others or to themselves. Which of the following precautions is incorrect?

Disinfect specimen containers before collection.

Which of the following is the correct way to write the name of an organism?

E. Coli - Escherichia coli (italicized)

Which of the following is the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis?

EBV - Epstein-barr virus

Which of the following emergency infectious diseases is an acute respiratory illness that was recently reported as pandemic?

H1N1 swine flu virus

Which of the following pairs is correct regarding the diagnosis of infections mono?

Hematologic findings - reactive atypical lymphocytes increased under microscope Serologic findings - heterophile antibodies present in the serum Clinical - Fatigue, fever, swollen glands, sore throat and headache

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