med surge chapter 15 pain management study guide

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ketorolac thromethamine (toradol) is generally used for the short term management of?

postoperative pain

if the pt is nauseated or has difficulty swallowing which route is udeful for administration of opioid?


list the proper sequence the steps in pain management ?

1.accept the pt report of pain 2.determine the status of pain 3.describe the pain,(location,quality,,intensity,agravating factors) 4.examine the site 5.identify coping methods 6.record assessment,interventions,and evaluation

which of the following describe addiction?

1.compulsive obtaining and use of drug for psychic effects 2.physiological dependence characterized by continued craving for opioid for other than pain relief.

the longest time a cold application can be used without tissue injury would be?

15 minutes

a pt receiving 10mg morphine IM for pain will be given what dose PO to receive an equianalgesic dose?

30 mg

when pain is unpredictable,analgesics are more effective when given?


which non pharmacologic pain intervention increases the pain threshold and reduces muscle spasm?


to evaluate the pt for constipation the nurse monitors the pt for?

abd distention, cramping, and abd pain

pain that occurs after injury to tissues from surgery, trauma, or disease?

acute pain

postoperative pain and pain in childbirth are examples of?

acute pain

behavioral pattern of compulsive drug use characterized by craving for an opioid and obtaining and using the drug for effects other than pain relief?


when a pain med order states 10-20mg IM prn for pain, what will the nurse do when 10 mg have been given and is not effective?

adjust the next dose up as ordered until pain is releived with minimal or no side effects

a stoic 75 year old asian woman who has been experiencing back pain states that she does not want to other the nurse.which factors best explain her response to pain?

age culture

which of the following are physical factors that influence the response to pain?

age type of surgery pain tolerance pain threshold

which are physical factors that influence response to pain?

age type of surgery pain tolerance physical activity

which effect of opioids is not potentiated by the use of promethazine?


drug that acts on the nervous system to releive or reduce the suffering or intensity of pain?


a 46 year old pt has received nitrous oxide during surgery and says he does not have pain postoperatively, which factors best explains hes respond to pain?


which factors affect the pain threshold?

anger fatigue depression insomnia

a drug classification that is effective in treating neuropathic pain is ?


which of the following are adjuvant analgesiscs and medications for the treatment of pain?

antidepressants muscle relaxants anticonvulsants

which are examples of cutaneous stimulation methods for pain control?

application of heat application of cold tens massage

drugs such as nonopioids, that do not improve analgesia beyond a certain dosage are said to have?

ceiling effect

a pain that cannot be explained or that persist after healing has taken place is?

chronic benign pain

pain the last longer than six months?

chronic pain

which of the following are parasympathetic responses to pain?

constipation urinary retention

what are common pain behaviors in cognitively impaired older adults?

grimacing crying decreased wandering noisy breathing

one difference between acute and chronic pain is that a pt with acute pain?

has a fast heart rate

which of the following are characteristics of chronic pain?

last 3-6 months normal heart rate and bp oral route is preferred route minimal facial expressions

which of the following are factors that close the gate according to the gate control theory?

massage position change guided imagery heat application

an example of acute pain with recurrent episodes is pain associated with?

migraine pain

relaxation is most effective for?

mild to moderate pain

when observing sedation in a pt,which stage would the nurse consider an emergency?

minimal response to physical stimulation

when the patient threshold is lowered, the person experiences pain?

more easily

a pt who has back surgery complains of muscle spams? which drug may be most effective in relieving his pain?

muscle relaxant

which of the following are examples of conditions that cause acute pain?

neuralgia (herpes zoster) sickle cell crisis migrane headaches

process of pain transmission?


Aspirin,acetaminophen, and NSAIDs are examples of?

nonopioid analgesics

the initial treatment choice for mild pain is?

nonopioid analgesics

which age group tends to report their pain as much less severe than it really is?

older adults

nonopiods tend to block pain transmission?

on the peripheral nervous sytem

nalbuphine (nubain),burtophanol (stadol) and pentazocrine (talwin) are exmaples of?

opioid aganosit-antagonist

fentanyl (duragesic) transdermal patches are used to treat chronic pain by delivering?


unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or pontetial tissue damage,existing whenever the person says it does?


point at which stimulus causes the sensation of pain?

pain threshold

when possible, the information about pain should obtained from the?


the application of cold is contraindicated in pts with?

peripheral vascular disease

physiologic adaptation of the body to an opioid so that the person exhibits withdrawal symptoms when the opioids is stopped abruptly after repeated administration?

physical dependence

dilated pupils,respiration, and pallor are results of which nervous system response to pain?


a physiologic result of repeated doses of an opioid where the same dose is no longer effective in achieving the same analgesic effect?


amount of a pain a person is willing to endure before taking action to relief pain?


surgery in which area is reported to be the most painful for pts?

upper abdominal region

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