Med Term Module 12

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root: balan/o examples: balanorrhea, balanitis notes: The root balano comes from a Greek word meaning acorn; this is an allusion to the shape of the tip of the penis. It was also the word the Greeks used to refer to a deadbolt lock on a door.


root: epididym/o examples: epididymotomy, epididymectomy notes: The epididymis, an oblong organ that sits on top of each testicle, is the place where sperm cells complete their final level of development and are stored. Interestingly, the root didymis means twins, so the name of this organ is literally upon the twins.

glomerulus (plural: glomeruli)

root: glomerul/o examples: glomerulopathy, glomerulonephritis notes: Glomerulus comes from a Latin word meaning little ball and refers to the little balls of blood vessels inside the kidney. These serve as the primary place for filtering the blood to form urine


root: lith/o examples: lithiasis, lithotripsy notes: Kidney stones aren't "stones"; instead, they are accumulations of mineral salts and calcium. To make sure people don't mistakenly think they are little rocks, health care professionals sometimes translate litho as calculus, a Latin word meaning—you guessed it—little rocks.


root: meat/o examples: meatoscope, meatal stenosis notes: Meatus comes from a word meaning to go through; it means opening. The English word permeate comes from the same term. There are meatuses in several places in body: nasal meatuses, aural meatuses, and a urethral meatus.


root: prostat/o examples: prostatitis, prostatomegaly notes: The prostate is an organ in the male reproductive tract that surrounds the urethra. The name prostate breaks down into pro (before) and state (stand) and literally translates to mean the one that stands before or in front of. It was so named because of its position in front of the urinary bladder.


*BUN* blood urea nitrogen *Bx* biopsy *cath* catheter *ESWL* extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy *HD* hemodialysis *I&O* intake and output *IVP* intravenous pyelogram *IVU* intravenous urogram *KUB* kidneys, ureters, bladder *OAB* overactive bladder *PKD* polycystic kidney disease *RP* retrograde pyelogram *SUI* stress urinary incontinence *UA* urinalysis *UTI* urinary tract infection *VCUG* voiding cystourethrogram *VUR* vesicoureteral reflux *BPH* benign prostate hyperplasia *DRE* digital rectal exam *ED* erectile dysfunction *PSA* prostate-specific antigen *STD/STI* sexually transmitted disease, sexually transmitted infection *TURP* transurethral resection of the prostate

observation and discovery (urinary tract)

*albuminuria* al-byoo-mih-NUR-ee-ah Definition protein in the urine albumin / ur / ia protein / urine / condition *azotemia* AZ-oh-TEE-mee-ah Definition excess nitrogen in the blood azot / emia nitrogen / blood condition Note: The azot root comes from the two roots a (not) and zo (living). It was applied to nitrogen because things cannot live in it. *azotorrhea* AZ-oh-toh-REE-ah Definition excessive discharge of nitrogen azoto / rrhea nitrogen / discharge *azoturia* AZ-oh-TUR-ee-ah Definition excess nitrogen in the urine azot / ur / ia nitrogen / urine / condition *cystorrhexis* SIS-toh-REK-sis Definition rupture of the bladder cysto / rrhexis bladder / rupture *dipsogenic* DIP-soh-JIN-ik Definition creating thirst dipso / genic thirst / creating *glucosuria* GLOO-koh-shur-EE-ah Definition sugar in the urine glucos / ur / ia sugar / urine / condition *glycosuria* GLAI-koh-shur-EE-ah Definition sugar in the urine glycos / ur / ia sugar / urine / condition *hyperkalemia* HAI-per-kah-LEE-mee-ah Definition excessive potassium in the blood hyper / kal / emia over / potassium / blood condition *hyponatremia* HAI-poh-nah-TREE-mee-ah Definition low sodium in the blood hypo / natr / emia under / sodium / blood condition *ketolysis* kee-TAW-lih-sis Definition breakdown of ketones keto / lysis ketones / loose *ketonuria* kee-toh-NUR-ee-ah Definition presence of ketones in the urine keton / ur / ia ketones / urine / condition *meatal stenosis* mee-AY-tal steh-NOH-sis Definition narrowing of the opening of the urethra meat / al sten / osis opening / pertaining to narrow / condition *nephroptosis* nef-rop-TOH-sis Definition downward displacement of a kidney nephro / ptosis kidney / drooping condition *nephrosis* neh-FROH-sis Definition kidney condition nephr / osis kidney / condition *uremia* ur-EE-mee-ah Definition urine in the blood ur / emia urine / blood condition *ureterocele* yoo-REE-ter-oh-SEEL Definition hernia of a ureter uretero / cele ureter / hernia *ureterolithiasis* yoo-REE-ter-oh-lih-THAI-ah-sis Definition presence of stones in a ureter uretero / lith / iasis ureter / stone / presence *ureterostenosis* yoo-REE-ter-oh-steh-NOH-sis Definition narrowing of a ureter uretero / sten / osis ureter / narrow / condition *urethrospasm* yoo-REE-throh-SPAZ-um Definition involuntary contraction of the urethra urethro / spasm urethra / involuntary contraction *urethrostenosis* yoo-REE-throh-steh-NOH-sis Definition narrrowing of the urethra urethro / sten / osis urethra / narrowing / condition

male genitalia

*anorchidism* an-OR-kih-DIZ-um an / orchid / ism no / testicle / condition Definition lack of a testicle *aspermia* ay-SPER-mee-ah a / sperm / ia no / sperm / condition Definition condition characterized by lack of sperm *azoospermia* ay-ZOH-aw-SPER-mee-ah a / zoo / sperm / ia no / living / sperm / condition Definition condition characterized by lack of living sperm *cryptorchidism* krip-TOR-kih-DIZ-um crypt / orchid / ism hidden / testicle / condition Definition hidden testicle *hydrocele* HAI-droh-SEEL hydro / cele water / hernia Definition fluid-filled mass in a testicle *hypospadias* HAI-poh-SPAY-dee-as from Greek, for to tear underneath *Definition* birth defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside, instead of the end, of the penis *oligospermia* AW-lih-goh-SPER-mee-ah oligo / sperm / ia low / sperm / condition Definition condition characterized by low sperm production *phimosis* fih-MOH-sis from Greek, for muzzle Definition contraction of the foreskin of the penis, preventing it from being retracted *prostatolith* pros-TAT-oh-lith prostato / lith prostate / stone Definition stone in the prostate *prostatomegaly* PROS-ta-toh-MEH-gah-lee prostato / megaly prostate / enlargement Definition abnormal enlargement of the prostate *prostatorrhea* PROS-ta-toh-REE-ah prostato / rrhea prostate / discharge Definition discharge from the prostate *seminoma* SEM-ih-NOH-mah semin / oma sperm / tumor Definition type of testicular cancer arising from sperm-forming tissue *spermatocele* sper-MAH-toh-SEEL spermato / cele sperm / hernia Definition hernia or distention of the epididymis caused by sperm cells *spermatolysis* SPER-mah-TAW-lih-sis spermato / lysis sperm / loose Definition destruction of sperm cells

12.6 urinary tract

*antispasmodic* AN-tee-spaz-MAWD-ik anti / spasmod / ic against / involuntary contraction / pertaining to Definition drug used to prevent spasms *cystectomy* sis-TEK-toh-mee cyst / ectomy bladder / removal Definition surgical removal of the bladder *cystolithectomy* sis-toh-lih-THEK-toh-mee cysto / lith / ectomy bladder / stone / removal Definition surgical removal of a stone in the bladder *cystostomy* sis-TAW-stoh-mee cysto / stomy bladder / opening Definition creation of an opening in the bladder *diuretic* DAI-yur-IT-ik di / uret / ic through / urine / pertaining to Definition agent that causes urination *extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)* EKS-trah-cor-POR-ee-al shok wayv LIH-thoh-TRIP-see extra / corpor / eal outside / body / pertaining to shock wave litho / tripsy shock wave stone / wear down procedure *Definition* breakdown of kidney stones using sound waves generated outside the body *fulguration* FUL-gur-AY-shun from Latin, for lightning Definition use of electric current to destroy tissue *heminephrectomy* HEH-mee-neh-FREK-toh-mee hemi / nephr / ectomy half / kidney / removal Definition surgical removal of half a kidney *heminephroureterectomy* HEH-mee-NEH-froh-yoo-REE-ter-EK-toh-mee hemi / nephro / ureter / ectomy half / kidney / ureter / removal Definition surgical removal of half a kidney and a ureter *hemodialysis* HEE-moh-dai-AL-ah-sis hemo / dia / lysis blood / through / loose Definition procedure for removing waste from the bloodstream *intracorporeal lithotripsy* IN-trah-cor-POR-ee-al LIH-thoh-TRIP-see intra / corpore / al litho / tripsy inside / body / pertaining to stone / wear down procedure Definition breakdown of kidney stones using a device placed inside the body *kidney dialysis* KID-nee dai-AL-ah-sis dia / lysis through / loose *Definition* procedure for removing waste from the blood (a shorter name for hemodialysis) Note: The name comes from the fact that the procedure separates or loses (lysis) blood from waste by passing it through (dia) an external filter. *laparonephrectomy* LAP-ah-roh-neh-FREK-toh-mee laparo / nephr / ectomy abdomen / kidney / removal Definition surgical removal of a kidney through the abdomen *lithectomy* lih-THEK-toh-mee lith / ectomy stone / removal Definition surgical removal of a stone *lithocystotomy* LIH-thoh-SIS-TAW-toh-mee litho / cysto / tomy stone / bladder / incision Definition incision into the bladder to remove a stone *lithonephrotomy* LIH-thoh-neh-FRAW-toh-mee litho / nephro / tomy stone / kidney / incision Definition incision into a kidney to remove a stone *lithotripsy* LIH-thoh-TRIP-see litho / tripsy stone / wear down procedure Definition breakdown of a stone *meatoplasty* mee-AT-toh-PLAS-tee meato / plasty opening / reconstruction *Definition* surgical reconstruction of the opening of the urethra *meatorrhaphy* MEE-ah-TOR-ah-fee meato / rrhaphy opening / suture Definition suture of the opening of the urethra *meatotomy* MEE-ah-TAW-toh-mee meato / tomy opening / incision Definition incision into the opening of the urethra *nephrectomy* neh-FREK-toh-mee nephr / ectomy kidney / removal Definition surgical removal of a kidney through the abdomen *nephrocystanastomosis* NEH-froh-SIST-ah-NAS-tah-MOH-sis nephro / cyst / ana / stom / osis kidney / bladder / up / mouth / condition Definition opening of a passageway between a kidney and the bladder *nephrolithotomy* NEH-froh-lih-THAW-toh-mee nephro / litho / tomy kidney / stone / incision Definition incision into a kidney to remove a stone *nephropexy* NEH-froh-PEK-see nephro / pexy kidney / fixation Definition surgical fixation of a kidney *nephrorrhaphy* neh-FROR-ah-fee nephro / rrhaphy kidney / suture Definition suture of a kidney *nephrostomy* neh-FRAW-stoh-mee nephro / stomy kidney / opening Definition creation of an opening in a kidney *nephrotomy* neh-FRAW-toh-mee nephro / tomy kidney / incision Definition incision into a kidney *nephrotoxin* NEH-froh-TOK-sin nephro / toxin kidney / poison Definition agent poisonous to the kidney *nephroureterectomy* NEH-froh-yoo-REE-ter-EK-toh-mee nephro / ureter / ectomy kidney / ureter / removal Definition surgical removal of a kidney and ureter *pyelolithotomy* PAI-el-oh-lih-THAW-toh-mee pyelo / litho / tomy pelvis / stone / incision Definition incision into a renal pelvis to remove a stone *pyeloplasty* PAI-el-oh-PLAS-tee pyelo / plasty pelvis / reconstruction Definition surgical reconstruction of a renal pelvis *pyelostomy* PAI-el-AW-stoh-mee pyelo / stomy pelvis / opening Definition creation of an opening in a renal pelvis *pyelotomy* PAI-el-AW-toh-mee pyelo / tomy pelvis / incision Definition incision into a renal pelvis *renal angioplasty* REE-nal AN-jee-oh-PLAS-tee ren / al angio / plasty kidney / pertaining to vessel / reconstruction Definition surgical reconstruction of a kidney blood vessel *ureteroileostomy* yoo-REE-ter-oh-IL-ee-AWS-toh-mee uretero / ileo / stomy ureter / ileum / opening *Definition* creation of an opening between a ureter and the ileum (a portion of the small intestine) *ureteronephrectomy* yoo-REE-ter-oh-neh-FREK-toh-mee uretero / nephr / ectomy ureter / kidney / removal Definition surgical removal of a kidney and ureter *ureteroplasty* yoo-REE-ter-oh-PLAS-tee uretero / plasty ureter / reconstruction Definition surgical recontruction of a ureter *ureterorrhaphy* yoo-REE-ter-OR-ah-fee uretero / rrhaphy ureter / suture Definition suture of a ureter *urethrectomy* yoo-ree-THREK-toh-mee urethr / ectomy urethra / removal Definition surgical removal of the urethra *urethropexy* yoo-REE-throh-PEK-see urethro / pexy urethra / fixation Definition surgical fixation of the urethra *urethroplasty* yoo-REE-throh-PLAS-tee urethro / plasty urethra / reconstruction Definition surgical reconstruction of the urethra *urethrotomy* yoo-ree-THRAW-toh-mee urethro / tomy urethra / incision Definition incision into the urethra *urinary catheterization* YUR-ih-NAR-ee KATH-eh-ter-ih-ZAY-shun urin / ary catheter / ization urine / pertaining to catheter / procedure *Definition* insertion of a catheter into the bladder to drain urine Note: The word catheter comes from Greek, for to go inside. *urostomy* yur-AW-stoh-mee uro /stomy urine / opening Definition creation of an opening in the urinary tract, normally to divert urine flow away from a diseased bladder *vesicostomy* VEH-sih-KAWS-toh-mee vesico / stomy bladder / opening Definition creation of an opening in the bladder *vesicotomy* VEH-sih-KAW-toh-mee vesico / tomy bladder / incision Definition incision into the bladder

Urinary Tract (patient history, problems, and complaints)

*anuria* an-YUR-ee-ah an / ur / ia no / urine / condition Definition lack of urination *cystalgia* sis-TAL-jah cyst / algia bladder / pain Definition pain in the bladder *cystodynia* SIS-toh-DAI-nee-ah Definition pain in the bladder cysto / dynia bladder / pain *cystoplegia* SIS-toh-PLEE-jah Definition bladder paralysis cysto / plegia bladder / paralysis *dysuria* dis-YUR-ee-ah Definition painful urination dys / ur / ia bad / urine / condition *enuresis* EN-yur-EE-sis Definition involutary urination from Greek, for to urinate *hematuria* HEE-mah-TUR-ee-ah Definition bloody urination hemat / ur / ia blood / urine / condition *incontinence* in-CON-tih-nentz Definition inability to control urination in / con / tinence not / together / hold *nephralgia* neh-FRAL-jah Definition pain in the kidney nephr / algia kidney / pain *nocturnal enuresis* nok-TIR-nal EN-yur-EE-sis nocturnal enuresis nighttime involuntary urination Definition nighttime involuntary urination *nocturia* nok-TUR-ee-ah Definition nighttime urination noct / ur / ia night / urine / condition *oliguria* aw-lih-GYIR-ee-ah Definition low urine output olig / ur / ia few / urine / condition *polydipsia* PAW-lee-DIP-see-ah Definition excessive thirst poly / dips / ia many / thirst / condition *polyuria* PAW-lee-YUR-ee-ah Definition excessive urination poly / ur / ia many / urine / condition *pyuria* pai-YUR-ee-ah Definition pus in the urine py / ur / ia pus / urine / condition *ureteralgia* yur-EE-ter-AL-jah Definition pain in the ureter ureter / algia ureter / pain *urethrodynia* yoo-REE-throh-DAI-nee-ah Definition pain in the urethra urethro / dynia urethra / pain *urethrorrhea* yoo-REE-throh-REE-ah Definition discharge from the urethra urethro / rrhea urethra / discharge *urocyanosis* YUR-oh-SAI-ah-NOH-sis Definition blue urine uro / cyan / osis urine / blue / condition *urodynia* YUR-oh-DAI-nee-ah Definition painful urination uro / dynia urine / pain

discovery and pathology male genitalia

*balanitis* bal-ah-NAI-tis balan / itis penis / inflammation Definition inflammation of the penis *benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH)* beh-NAIN PROS-tayt HAI-per-PLAY-zhah benign prostate hyper / plas / ia friendly prostate over / formation / condition *Definition* noncancerous overdevelopment of the prostate, also known as enlarged prostate *benign prostate hypertrophy* beh-NAIN PROS-tayt hai-PER-troh-fee benign prostate hyper / trophy friendly prostate over / nourishment Definition another term for benign prostate hyperplasia *epididymitis* EP-ih-DID-ih-MAI-tis epididym / itis epididymis / inflammation Definition inflammation of the epididymis *epididymo-orchitis* EP-ih-DID-ih-moh-or-KAI-tis epididymo / orch / itis epididymis / testicle / inflammation Definition inflammation of the testicles and epididymis *gonorrhea* GAW-noh-REE-ah gono / rrhea gonad / discharge Definition discharge from the gonads *orchiditis* OR-kih-DAI-tis orchid / itis testicle / inflammation Definition inflammation of the testicles *orchiepididymitis* OR-kee-EP-ih-DID-ih-MAI-tis orchi / epididym / itis testicle / epididymis / inflammation Definition inflammation of the testicles and epididymis *orchiopathy* OR-kee-AW-pah-thee orchio / pathy testicle / disease Definition disease of the testicles *orchitis* or-KAI-tis orch / itis testicle / inflammation Definition inflammation of the testicles *prostatitis* PRAWS-tah-TAI-tis prostat / itis prostate / inflammation Definition inflammation of the prostate *prostatocystitis* PROS-ta-toh-sis-TAI-tis prostato / cyst / itis prostate / bladder / inflammation Definition inflammation of the prostate and bladder *prostatovesiculitis* PROS-ta-toh-veh-SIK-yoo-LAI-tis prostato / vesicul / itis prostate / bladder / inflammation Definition inflammation of the prostate and seminal vesicles *testicular carcinoma* tes-TIK-yoo-lar KAR-sih-NOH-mah testicul / ar carcin / oma testicle / pertaining to cancer / tumor Definition testicular cancer *testitis* tes-TAI-tis test / itis testicle / inflammation Definition inflammation of a testicle *varicocele* VAR-ih-koh-SEEL varico / cele twisted / hernia Definition overexpansion of the blood vessels of the testicles, leading to a soft tumor

12.6 Male genitalia

*balanoplasty* BAL-ah-noh-PLAS-tee balano / plasty penis / reconstruction Definition surgical reconstruction of the penis *circumcision* SIR-kum-SIH-zhun circum / cision around / cut Definition surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis *epididymectomy* EP-ih-DID-ih-MEK-toh-mee epididym / ectomy epididymis / removal Definition surgical removal of the epididymis *epididymotomy* EP-ih-DID-ih-MAW-toh-mee epididymo / tomy epididymis / incision Definition incision into the epididymis *hydrocelectomy* HAI-droh-seel-EK-toh-mee hydro / cel / ectomy water / hernia / removal Definition surgical removal of a hydrocele *orchidectomy* OR-kid-EK-toh-mee orchid / ectomy testicle / removal Definition surgical removal of a testicle *orchidopexy* OR-kid-oh-PEK-see orchido / pexy testicle / fixation Definition surgical fixation of a testicle *orchidotomy* OR-kid-AW-toh-mee orchido / tomy testicle / incision Definition incision into a testicle *orchiectomy* kee-EK-mee orchi / ectomy testicle / removal Definition surgical removal of a testicle *orchiopexy* OR-kee-oh-PEK-see orchio / pexy testicle / fixation Definition surgical fixation of a testicle *orchioplasty* OR-kee-oh-PLAS-tee orchio / plasty testicle / reconstruction Definition surgical reconstruction of a testicle *prostatectomy* PROS-tah-TEK-toh-mee prostat / ectomy prostate / removal Definition surgical removal of the prostate *prostatolithotomy* pros-TAT-oh-lih-THAW-toh-mee prostato / litho / tomy prostate / stone / incision Definition incision into the prostate to remove a stone *prostatovesiculectomy* pros-TAT-oh-veh-SIK-yoo-LEK-toh-mee prostato / vesicul / ectomy prostate / bladder / removal *Definition* surgical removal of the prostate and seminal vesicles Note: Here, the root vesicul refers not to the urinary bladder but instead to the small seminal vesicles, or bladders that hold seminal fluid. *spermicide* SPER-mih-sahyd spermi / cide sperm / kill Definition agent that kills sperm *spermolytic* SPER-moh-LIH-tik spermo / lytic sperm / breakdown agent Definition agent that kills sperm *transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)* trans / urethr / al re / sect / ion through / urethra / pertaining to back / cut / procedure *Definition* procedure of removing all or part of the prostate by the insertion of a resectoscope into the urethra *vasectomy* vah-SEK-toh-mee vas / ectomy vessel / removal Definition surgical removal of the vas deferens *vasovasostomy* VAS-oh-vah-SAWS-toh-mee vaso / vaso / stomy vessel / vessel / opening Definition creation of an opening between two vessels; this is the technical term for a vasectomy reversal *vesiculectomy* veh-SIK-yoo-LEK-toh-mee vesicul / ectomy bladder / removal Definition surgical removal of the seminal vesicles Note: See the note for prostatovesiculectomy above to see how vesiculo refers not to the bladder but to seminal vesicles.

Male genitalia (

*balanorrhea* BAL-ah-noh-REE-ah Definition discharge from the penis balano / rrhea penis / discharge *orchialgia* OR-kee-AL-jah Definition testicle pain orchi / algia testicle / pain *orchichorea* OR-kee-kor-EE-ah Definition involuntary jerking movement of the testicles orchi / chorea testicle / dance *orchidoptosis* OR-kih-dop-TOH-sis Definition downward displacement of a testicle xsorchido / ptosis testicle / drooping condition *orchiodynia* OR-kee-oh-DIH-nee-ah Definition testicle pain orchio / dynia testicle / pain *priapism* PREE-ap-izm from ancient Greek minor fertility god named Priapus, who is always shown with a large and permanently erect penis Definition persistent and painful erection

professional terms

*blood urea nitrogen (BUN)* blud yoo-REE-ah NAI-troh-jun blood urea nitrogen Definition nitrogen in the blood in the form of urea; it is the product of the breakdown of amino acids for energy Note: The level of urea in the blood can be an indicator of kidney function. *diuresis* DAI-yur-EE-sis di / uresis through / urination Definition excessive urination Note: The prefix for this word is actually dia, but when the next word part starts with a vowel (as does uresis), the dia shortens to di. *nephrologist* neh-FRAW-loh-jist nephro / logist kidney / specialist Definition specialist in the kidneys *nephrology* neh-FRAW-loh-jee nephro / logy kidney / study Definition study of the kidneys *urologist* yur-AW-loh-jist uro / logist urine / specialist Definition specialist in the urinary tract *urology* yur-AW-loh-jee uro / logy urine / study Definition study of the urinary tract *uropoiesis* YUR-oh-poh-EE-sis uro / poiesis urine / formation Definition formation of urine *uroxanthin* YUR-oh-ZAN-thin uro / xanthin urine / yellow Definition substance in urine that makes it yellow *voiding* VOI-ding from a term meaning empty Definition another term for urination

diagnosis and pathology (urinary tract)

*cystitis* sis-TAI-tis cyst / itis bladder / inflammation Definition inflammation of the bladder *cystocele* SIS-toh-seel cysto / cele bladder / tumor Definition hernia of the bladder *cystolith* SIS-toh-lith cysto / lith bladder / stone Definition stone in the bladder *cystoma* sis-TOH-mah cyst / oma bladder / tumor Definition tumor of the bladder *cystoptosis* sis-TOP-toh-sis cysto / ptosis bladder / drooping condition Definition downward displacement of the bladder *cystospasm* SIS-toh-SPAZ-um cysto / spasm bladder / involuntary contraction Definition involuntary contraction of the bladder *cystoureteritis* SIS-toh-yoo-REE-ter-AI-tis cysto / ureter / itis bladder / ureter / inflammation Definition inflammation of the bladder and ureter *cystourethrocele* SIS-toh-yoo-REE-throh-seel cysto / urethro / cele bladder / urethra / hernia Definition hernia of the bladder and urethra *glomerulonephritis* gloh-MER-yoo-loh-neh-FRAI-tis glomerulo / nephr / itis glomerulus / kidney / inflammation Definition inflammation of the kidneys involving primarily the glomeruli *glomerulopathy* gloh-MER-yoo-LAW-pah-thee glomerulo / pathy glomerulus / disease Definition disease of the kidney involving primarily the glomeruli *glomerulosclerosis* gloh-MER-yoo-loh-skleh-ROH-sis glomerulo / sclerosis glomerulus / hardening Definition hardening of the glomeruli *hydronephrosis* HAI-droh-neh-FROH-sis hydro / nephr / osis water / kidney / condition Definition kidney condition caused by the obstruction of urine flow *hypernephroma* HAI-per-neh-FROH-mah hyper / nephr / oma over / kidney / tumor Definition another name for renal cell carcinoma *lithonephritis* LIH-thoh-neh-FRAI-tis litho / nephr / itis stone / kidney / inflammation Definition inflammation of the kidneys caused by stones *nephritis* neh-FRAI-tis nephr / itis kidney / inflammation Definition inflammation of the kidney *nephrocele* NEH-froh-seel nephro / cele kidney / hernia Definition hernia of a kidney *nephrohypertrophy* NEH-froh-hai-PER-troh-fee nephro / hyper / trophy kidney / over / nourishment Definition overdevelopment of the kidney *nephrolithiasis* NEH-froh-lih-THAI-ah-sis nephro / lith / iasis kidney / stone / presence Definition presence of stones in the kidney *nephroma* neh-FROH-mah nephr / oma kidney / tumor Definition kidney tumor *nephromalacia* NEH-froh-mah-LAY-shah nephro / malacia kidney / softening Definition abnormal softening of a kidney *nephromegaly* NEH-froh-MEG-ah-lee nephro / megaly kidney / enlargement Definition abnormal enlargement of a kidney *nephropathy* neh-FRAW-pah-thee nephro / pathy kidney / disease Definition any kidney disease *nephroptosis* NEH-frop-TOH-sis nephro / ptosis kidney / drooping condition Definition downward displacement of a kidney *nephrosclerosis* NEH-froh-skleh-ROH-sis nephro / scler / osis kidney / hardening / condition Definition abnormal hardening of a kidney *polycystic kidney disease (PKD)* PAW-lee-SIS-tik KID-nee dih-ZEEZ poly / cyst / ic kidney disease many / cysts / pertaining to Definition disease characterized by the formation of many fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys *pyelitis* PAI-el-AI-tis pyel / itis pelvis / inflammation Definition inflammation of the renal pelvis *pyelocystitis* PAI-el-oh-sis-TAI-tis pyelo / cyst / itis pelvis / bladder / inflammation Definition inflammation of the renal pelvis and bladder *pyelocystostomosis* PAI-el-oh-SIS-toh-staw-MOH-sis pyelo / cysto / stom / osis pelvis / bladder / mouth / condition Definition creation of an opening between the renal pelvis and bladder *pyelonephritis* PAI-el-oh-neh-FRAI-tis pyelo / nephr / itis pelvis / kidney / inflammation Definition inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis *pyelopathy* PAI-el-AW-pah-thee pyelo / pathy pelvis / disease Definition disease of the renal pelvis *pyeloureterectasia* PAI-el-oh-yoo-REE-ter-ek-TAY-zhah pyelo / ureter / ectasia pelvis / ureter / dilation Definition dilation of the renal pelvis and ureter *pyonephritis* PAI-oh-neh-FRAI-tis pyo / nephr / itis pus / kidney / inflammation Definition inflammation of the kidney caused by pus *pyonephrolithiasis* PAI-oh-NEH-froh-lih-THAI-ah-sis pyo / nephro / lith / iasis pus / kidney / stone / presence Definition presence of pus and stones in the kidney *pyopyeloectasis* PAI-oh-PAI-el-oh-EK-tah-sis pyo / pyelo / ectasis pus / pelvis / expansion Definition pus in a dilated renal pelvis *renal cell carcinoma* REE-nal SELL KAR-sih-NOH-mah ren / al cell carcin / oma kidney / pertaining to cell cancer / tumor Definition cancer of the kidneys *renal failure* REE-nal FAY-el-yur ren / al failure kidney / pertaining to failure Definition kidney failure *renal ischemia* REE-nal ih-SKEE-mee-ah ren / al isch / emia kidney / pertaining to hold back / blood condition Definition deficiency of blood in a kidney *stress urinary incontinence (SUI)* stress YUR-ih-NAR-ee in-CON-tih-nentz stress urin / ary in / con / tinence stress urine / pertaining to not / together / holding *Definition* loss of bladder control caused by the application of external pressure Note: This is the medical term for loss of bladder control due to excessive laughing, a hard cough, or similar motion. *ureteritis* yoo-REE-ter-AI-tis ureter / itis ureter / inflammation Definition inflammation of a ureter *ureteropyelonephritis* yoo-REE-ter-oh-PAI-el-oh-neh-FRAI-tis uretero / pyelo / nephr / itis ureter / pelvis / kidney / inflammation Definition inflammation of a kidney, renal pelvis, and ureter *urethritis* yoo-ree-THRAI-tis urethr / itis urethra / inflammation Definition inflammation of the urethra *urethrocystitis* yoo-REE-throh-sis-TAI-tis urethro / cyst / itis urethra / bladder / inflammation Definition inflammation of the urethra and bladder *urinary tract infection (UTI)* YUR-ih-NAR-ee trakt in-FEK-shun urinary tract infection Definition infection of the urinary tract *uropathy* yur-AW-pah-thee uro / pathy urine / disease Definition disease of the urinary tract *vesicocele* VES-ih-koh-SEEL vesico / cele bladder / hernia Definition hernia of the bladder *vesicoureteral reflux (VUR)* VES-ih-koh-yoo-REE-ter-al REE-fluks vesico / ureter / al re / flux bladder / ureter / pertaining to back / flow Definition abnormal flow of urine from the bladder back into the ureters *ureteropyelitis* yoo-REE-ter-oh-PAI-el-AI-tis uretero / pyel / itis ureter / pelvis / inflammation Definition inflammation of a ureter and renal pelvis

diagnosis procedures (observation and discovery)

*cystogram* SIS-toh-gram Definition image of the bladder cysto / gram bladder / record *cystography* sis-TAW-grah-fee cysto / graphy bladder / writing procedure Definition process for recording/imaging the bladder *cystoscopy* sis-TAWS-koh-pee cysto / scopy bladder / looking procedure Definition process for examining the bladder *meatoscope* mee-AT-oh-SKOHP meato / scope opening / instrument to look Definition instrument for examining the opening of the urethra *meatoscopy* MEE-ah-TAW-skoh-pee meato / scopy opening / looking procedure Definition process for examining the opening of the urethra *nephrogram* NEF-roh-gram nephro / gram kidney / record Definition image of a kidney *nephrography* neh-FRAW-grah-fee nephro / graphy kidney / writing procedure Definition procedure for imaging a kidney *nephroscopy* ne-FRAW-skoh-pee nephro / scopy kidney / looking procedure Definition procedure for examining a kidney *nephrosonography* NEF-roh-soh-NAW-grah-fee nephro / sono / graphy kidney / sound / writing procedure Definition procedure for imaging a kidney using sound waves *pyelogram* PAI-el-oh-GRAM pyelo / gram pelvis / record Definition image of the renal pelvis *renal angiogram* REE-nal AN-jee-oh-GRAM ren / al angio / gram kidney / pertaining to vessel / record Definition image of a kidney blood vessel *renal angiography* REE-nal AN-jee-AW-grah-fee ren / al angio / graphy kidney / pertaining to vessel / writing procedure Definition process of imaging a kidney blood vessel *renal arteriogram* REE-nal ar-TER-ee-oh-GRAM ren / al arterio / gram kidney / pertaining to artery / record Definition image of a kidney artery *resectoscope* rih-SEK-toh-SKOHP re / secto / scope back / cut / instrument to look Definition instrument for examining and cutting (usually the prostate) *retrograde pyelogram* REH-troh-grayd PAI-el-oh-GRAM retro / grade pyelo / gram backward / walk pelvis / record Definition image of the renal pelvis produced by injecting a contrast dye from the bladder to the kidney Note: The term retrograde is used because the contrast goes in the opposite direction of normal urine flow. *ultrasonography* UL-trah- soh-NAW-grah-fee ultra / sono / graphy high / sound / writing procedure Definition imaging procedure using high-frequency sound waves *ureteroscopy* yoo-REE-ter-AW-skoh-pee uretero / scopy ureter / looking procedure Definition process of examining a ureter *urethroscope* yoo-REE-throh-SKOHP urethro / scope urethra / instrument to look Definition instrument for examining the urethra *urethroscopy* yoo-ree-THRAW-skoh-pee urethro / scopy urethra / looking procedure Definition process of examining the urethra *urinalysis (UA)* YUR-ih-NAL-ih-sis urinalysis is actually a shortened form of urine analysis *Definition* analysis of the urine Note: The -in sound at the end of urine combines with an an- sound at the beginning of analysis to make a single sound. *voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG)* VOI-ding SIS-toh-yoo-REE-throh-GRAM voiding cysto / urethro / gram urinating bladder / urethra / record Definition imaging procedure of the bladder and urethra produced during urination

diagnostic procedures

*digital rectal exam (DRE)* DIJ-ih-tal REK-tal ek-ZAM digit / al rect / al exam finger / pertaining to rectum / pertaining to exam Definition examination of the prostate using a finger inserted into the rectum *transrectal ultrasonography* TRANZ-REK-tal UL-trah-soh-NAW-grah-fee trans / rect / al ultra / sono / graphy through / rectum / pertaining to high / sound / writing procedure *Definition* procedure using a probe inserted into the rectum using high-frequency sound waves to scan through the rectum to nearby tissue (most commonly, the prostate) *urethrogram* yoo-REE-throh-GRAM urethro / gram urethra / record Definition image of the urethra

professional terms

*ejaculation* ee-JAK-yoo-LAY-shun e / jacul / ation out / throw / process Definition emission of semen from the urethra *gonads* GOH-nadz gon / ads creation / pair Definition pair of organs used for sexual reproduction; in males, they are the testicles, and in females, they are the ovaries *spermatogenesis* sper-MAT-oh-JIN-eh-sis spermato / genesis sperm / creation Definition creation of sperm *vas deferens* VAS DEH-frenz vas de / ferens vessel away / carrying Definition vessel carrying sperm from the testicles Note: The word "vessel" can cause confusion. Most people hear "vessel" and think "blood vessel." "Vessel" simply means "tube or duct." So the vas deferens is a vessel; it just carries sperm instead of blood

renal pelvis

root: pyel/o examples: pyelonephritis, pyelitis notes: Pyelo is a root meaning pelvis. There are two things that the word pelvis can apply to: the skeletal pelvis, which is where your legs and your spine attach to one another; and the renal pelvis, which is a series of tubes that funnel urine out of the kidneys and into the ureters and on to the bladder. Pyelo is used most commonly for the renal pelvis.


root: ureter/o examples: ureterocele, ureterectomy notes: Ureters are the thick-walled tubes about 10 inches in length that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Don't confuse ureters with the urethra, a tube that runs from the bladder to the outside world. You have two ureters, but only one urethra.


root: urethr/o examples: urethrostenosis, urethritis notes: The length of the urethra differs depending on sex. The average male urethra is about 8 inches long, and the average female urethra is 1.5 to 2 inches long. This difference is sometimes mentioned as the reason why kidney stones are more painful for men than women; in fact, some say that the pain of kidney stones is the closest men can come to the pain of giving birth. Others argue that men are just big babies. You be the judge.


roots: cyst/o, vesic/o examples: cystotomy, cystitis, vesiculotomy, vesiculitis notes: When completely full, the urinary bladder is roughly the size of a softball and can hold about 18 ounces of liquid. But it rarely reaches capacity. When the bladder is only about a quarter full, most people can't "hold it" anymore and feel an urgent need to urinate.


roots: nephr/o, ren/o examples: nephrology, nephritis, renal failure notes: Kidneys perform the necessary task of filtering the blood—at a rate of 200 quarts per day. If you lose or donate a kidney, your remaining kidney can adjust and perform the work of two by increasing the amount it filters and by increasing in size. If you are born with only one kidney, your kidney may grow to be the size of two normal kidneys.


roots: orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o, test/o, testicul/o examples: orchitis, orchiopexy, anorchidism, testitis notes: You likely noticed right away that one of the main roots for testicle is similar to the word orchid. Believe or not, the flower is named for the organ, and not the other way around. The plant was called an orchid because some believed that its roots looked like a pair of testicles.


roots: sperm/o, spermat/o, sperm/i examples: aspermia, spermicide, spermatocele notes: Sperm (from Greek, for seed) is produced in the testicles. It takes roughly 10 weeks to produce a single sperm. Sperm can sit in the epididymis for as long as 2 weeks before being ejaculated. These sperm can survive in the female reproductive tract for as long as 5 days. Because the male's sperm determines the sex of a baby, sperm can be either male or female. Male sperm are faster swimmers, but weaker. Female sperm are slower, but stronger.


roots: ur/o, urin/o examples: urology, hematuria notes: Healthy urine is completely sterile and contains ammonia molecules. This latter fact led the ancient Romans to use urine in two odd ways: to wash clothes (in fact, Romans set up large urinals outside laundries to gather urine free of charge) and to whiten teeth. It served both functions really well ... but gross.

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