Medical Techniques Chapter 25 Test

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Dr. Xylocaine removes the mole and instructs Trudy to apply a sterile dressing and provide Mrs. Ibanez with postoperative instructions. Trudy relays the following information to Mrs. Ibanez

All of the above -Notify the office if the sutures become loose or break - Report any signs that the wound is infected - Keep the dressing clean and dry - Return in 4 days to have the sutures removed

After opening and setting up the sterile suture insertion tray for Mr. James's laceration, Trudy notices that she forgot to bring in sutures. What should she do?

Cover the tray with a sterile towel and leave to get the sutures.

The patient should be instructed to keep the wound clean and moist.


The skin closures will loosen and fall off on their own approximately 5 to 10 days after they have been applied.


The staple remover should be lifted at an angle to remove the staple from the incision line.


Dr. Xylocaine has started suturing Mr. James's laceration. He asks Trudy for more sterile gauze. Of the following methods, Trudy would best maintain surgical asepsis by

Opening the sterile package and allowing Dr. Xylocaine to remove the gauze with his gloved hand

Do not allow any portion of the suture that was previously outside to be pulled through the tissue lying beneath the incision line.


If the patient sneezes on the sterile field, microorganisms from the mouth, nose, and lungs can be transferred to the sterile field.


Sutures and staples minimize the amount of scar formation.


The inside of a sterile package can be used as a sterile field.


The label of the antiseptic solution should be palmed while pouring the solution.


The size, type, and amount of dressing material used depend on the size and location of the wound and the amount of drainage from the wound.


Eric Link is 16 years old and has come to the office with his mother to have surgery on his ingrown toenail. Before starting the procedure, Trudy Browning, CMA (AAMA), must

Verify that Eric's mother has discussed the procedure with Dr. Xylocaine and has signed a consent-to-treatment form

After Eric's surgery, Trudy is teaching him signs that may indicate he has an infection at his surgical site. They include all of the following except


A 4-inch border around the sterile field is considered contaminated because this area may become contaminated while setting up the sterile field.


A local anesthetic must be used when applying adhesive skin closures.


A soiled dressing should be removed by gently dragging it horizontally across the wound.


After removing the cap from the antiseptic solution, it should be placed on the sterile field with the open end facing up.


Applying Betadine helps the adhesive strips adhere to the patient's skin.


Autoclave tape that has changed color indicates that the contents of the pack are sterile.


Before applying sterile gloves, the hands must be rinsed with Betadine.


Clean gloves must be worn when handing the physician a sterile instrument during the minor office surgery.


Removing dried exudates from the suture line makes it harder to remove the sutures.


Rings do not need to be removed before applying sterile gloves.


Sutures have a lower incidence of wound infection than adhesive skin closures.


Suturing is the fastest method of closure of long skin incisions.


The adhesive strips should be applied at one-inch intervals until the edges of the wound are approximated.


The antiseptic should be applied from the top to the bottom of the wound, working from the outside to the center of the wound.


The bandage that is used depends on the patient's age and physical condition.


The hands should be kept below waist level while gloving.


The inside of the glove wrapper is considered contaminated.


The patient should be asked to sign a consent to treatment form after the surgery is completed.


Danielle Ibanez comes to the office for surgical excision of a raised, flesh-colored mole on her left cheek. Trudy Browning, CMA (AAMA), includes all of the following items on the sterile field except

Lidocaine local anaesthetic vial

Dr. Xylocaine will be suturing a large laceration on Seth James's left thigh. Trudy Browning, CMA (AAMA), is assisting the physician. Trudy explains to Mr. James that he should not cough or sneeze on the sterile field during the procedure. What further explanation does she offer?

Microorganisms from his mouth can contaminate the sterile field.

Dr. Xylocaine tells Mr. James to return to the office in 10 days to have his sutures removed. Trudy realizes that by that time Mr. James would be in which of the following phases of the healing process?

Phase 2, or the granulation phase

Dr. Xylocaine will use Betadine to cleanse the area of the toe before making an incision. He asks Trudy to pour some Betadine into the basin on the sterile field. Which of the following represents an error in technique when pouring the Betadine into the sterile basin?

Placing the bottle cap on a flat surface with the open end facing down

Before the surgical procedure is started, which of the following would be appropriate to do preoperatively for Eric's ingrown toenail?

Soak his foot in tepid water and an antiseptic solution

A 4 × 4 gauze pad should be gently ejected onto the center of the sterile field.


A biopsy request form must accompany the tissue specimen to the laboratory.


A fenestrated drape only exposes the operative site and maintains a sterile field around the site.


A sterile pack that is wet, torn, or opened is contaminated and cannot be used.


Adhesive skin closures consist of sterile strips of tape available in different lengths.


After gloves are removed, OSHA requires that the hands be sanitized to remove any microorganisms that might have come in contact with the hands.


An antiseptic must be applied to the site before applying adhesive skin closures.


An outdated antiseptic solution should not be used because it may produce an undesirable effect.


Bandages are used for support, for immobilization, and to hold a dressing in place.


Blood and body secretions should be rinsed off the instruments immediately to prevent them from drying and hardening on the instruments.


Each spiral turn is carried upward at a slight angle and should overlap the previous turn by one-half to two-thirds of the width of the bandage.


Gloves that are visibly contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious materials should be discarded in a biohazard waste container.


Holding the solution bottle too high while pouring from it may cause the antiseptic to splash onto the sterile field and contaminate it.


If your gloves are too small, they may rip as you apply them or become uncomfortable to wear.


Nonsterile articles needed for the minor office surgery are set up on a side table or counter.


Reaching over the contents of a sterile field contaminates it.


Reversing each spiral turn allows for a smoother fit and prevents gaping caused by the variation in the contour of the limb.


Signs indicating that the wound is infected include swelling, discharge, and pain.


Sterile gloves must be worn when changing a sterile dressing.


Surgical asepsis must be maintained when caring for an open wound and applying a sterile dressing.


Sutures approximate the edges of a wound and hold them in place until healing occurs.


Talking, laughing, coughing, or sneezing over a sterile field contaminates it.


The bag of contaminated items should be discarded in a biohazard waste container.


The circular turn is applied to a part of uniform width, such as toes, fingers, or the head.


The circular turn is used to anchor a bandage.


The figure-eight turn is used to hold a dressing in place or to support and immobilize an injured joint, such as the ankle, knee, elbow, or wrist.


The first adhesive strip should be positioned over the center of the wound.


The first glove should be picked up by the folded-back cuff with the fingers of the opposite hand.


The function of a sterile dressing is to protect an open wound from contamination and trauma.


The inside of the dressing should not be touched to prevent transferring an infected discharge to your gloves.


The items included in a sterile pack depend on the type of procedure to be performed.


The number of sutures should be counted as they are removed.


The original signed copy of the wound care instructions protects the physician legally in the event the patient does not follow the wound care instructions and causes harm to the wound.


The patient should be asked if he or she needs to void before the minor office surgery.


The patient should be told that a pulling sensation may be felt as each staple is removed.


The spiral turn is applied to a part of uniform circumference, such as the fingers, arms, legs, chest, or abdomen.


The spiral-reverse turn is used to bandage a part that varies in width, such as the forearm or lower leg.


The sterile dressing should be placed over the wound by lightly dropping it in place.


The sterile tray can be set up using a prepackaged setup or by transferring articles to a sterile field.


The sutures should not be removed if the incision line is not approximated or if redness, swelling, or discharge is present.


The wound should be inspected for the amount of healing and the presence of drainage.


When removing gloves, the bare hands should not be allowed to come in contact with the outside of the gloves.


When staples are removed, the bottom jaws of the staple remover are placed under the staple to be removed.


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