medieval Lit

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To where are the people in this poem on a pilgrimage?


When Gawain returns to Camelot, Arthur mocks his weakness and Gawain's green sash. a) True b) False


Which character does the narrator describe as a good leader and fine example? a) Miller b) Parson c) Wife of Bath d) Friar


Which of the following words best describes the Prioress (the nun in charge at a nunnery)? a) Loud and jolly b) Clean and charitable c) Lovely and powerful d) Rude and improper


Who does the green knight say is responsible for Gawain's trial? a) King Arthur b) Morgan le Fay c) Guinevere d) The lady of the castle


Why does Gawain offer himself for the challenge in place of King Arthur? a) He wants to appear to be the most courageous knight. b) He thinks he is the least of the knights, so his death will not matter. c) He is angry with the green knight and wants revenge. d) He knows he is a better sword fighter than Arthur.


Why does the Narrator compare the Summoner to a bird? "And all you know right well that even a jay / Can call our "wat" as well as the pope." a) To show that the Summoner is smart enough to have learned Latin based on hearing alone. b) To show that the Summoner, even though he knows some Latin, is no smarter than an average bird. c) To draw a connection between the Summoner's work and the pope. d) To highlight that even though the Summoner has an ugly face, he has a beautiful voice.


As Sir Gawain and his servant travel toward the Green Chapel, what does the servant try to convince Sir Gawain to do? a) Return the sash before facing the Green Knight b) Flee the fight and hide c) Sneak up on the Green Knight and try to attack him unaware d) Try to make peace with the knight and avoid the fight


How did the Black Death contribute to a changing view of the Church? a) The Church told people God caused the sickness to judge their sins. b) The priests did not care for sick people. c) The priests were largely responsible for spreading the sickness. d) The Church excommunicated anyone who was sick.


In the medieval society, what role did the nobility play? a) Throwing lavish parties b) Caring for civil institutions and duties c) Caring for people's physical needs d) Caring for people's spiritual health


In what season does this story take place? a) Fall b) Spring c) Winter d) Summer


Sir Gawain promises to not flinch or run away. What is his reason for being able to stand firm? a) He will use his wits to outsmart the Green Knight. b) He knows his life was only lent to him by God. c) He will fight blow for blow. d) He will make a new game where he can retaliate.


The Physician follows teachings from all over the world. What unusual method does he add to his scientific learning? a) Greek religion b) Magical arts c) Black Death particles d) Arabic mathematics


What does Gawain demonstrate in this quote? "To God's will I am full obedient, and to him I have entrusted myself." a) He is planning to run away. b) He believes his life belongs to God, so he can be courageous. c) He is fearful that he will die. d) He is recanting his religion.


What game does the lord of the castle "play" with Gawain? a) An exchange of blows b) An exchange of winnings c) A hunting game d) A hide and seek style game


What information does Mordred use to cause disunity between the knights of the Round Table? a) Launcelot's illegitimate son b) Launcelot's and Guenever's affair c) Launcelot's and Gawain's secret meetings with Morgan le Fay d) A plan to overthrow Arthur and become king


What is the name for a system of government where subjects swear to serve the king in exchange for land? a) Monarchy b) Feudal c) Fealty d) Chivalry


What is the name for money people could pay to the Church in order to make restitution for their sins? a) Crusades b) Indulgences c) Relics d) Excommunication


When we first meet Launcelot, after his adventure with Sir Belleus, which of the following words best describes the reputation he had amongst the other knights? a) Boring b) Honorable c) Untrustworthy d) Amusing


Where did Thomas Mallory, the author of Le Morte D'Arthur, write his manuscript? a) Paris, France b) Newgate Prison c) Kent, England d) Normandy, France


Where does Guenevere go at the end of the story? a) France b) A nunnery c) Camelot d) A nearby town


Which of the following lines reveals the Clerk's wealth status? a) A clerk from Oxford b) He looked hollow and went soberly c) He would rather have at his bed's head some twenty books d) Not one word spoke he more than was his need


Which of the following quotes best illustrates that the Monk was living a life of self-gratification rather than a typical one of self-denial? a) His boots were soft b) I saw his sleeves were purfled... the finest in the land c) Should he study as a madman would d) A manly man, to be an abbot able


What are some ways that the Monk does not meet expectations for what a monk should be like? Check all that apply. a) He does not believe in God. b) He does not like studying. c) He loves hunting more than anything. d) He has two wives.

b c

What two customs does King Arthur observe before he eats at his Christmas feast? a) He opened the feast with a toast and taking the first bite. b) He would not eat until everyone else was served. c) He led his knights to church while singing carols. d) He had to be told an interesting tale.

b d

As Gawain and his servant travel toward the green chapel. What does his servant try to convince Gawain to do? a) Sneak up on the green knight and try to attack him unaware b) Return the sash before facing the green knight c) Flee the fight and hide d) Try to make peace with the knight and avoid the fight


How does Launcelot feel at the end of the story? a) Angry b) Victimized c) Repentant d) Proud


Overall, what does the Narrator's opinion of the Knight seem to be? a) He thinks the Knight is corrupt. b) He thinks the Knight is a bad warrior. c) He admires he Knight. d) He despises the Knight.


What does the line "give easy penance / When knowing he should gain good pittance" (223-224) reveal about the Friar? a) He was only talking to people who had little sins. b) He was giving out easy tasks to his friends. c) He was taking bribes for people's forgiveness. d) He does not want silver or money for his work.


What is one reason people went on pilgrimages? a) To get a high ranking position in the Church b) Sight-seeing c) To travel to a holy site and receive healing d) To find a better place to live


What is the Host's game he wants to play? a) An eating contest b) A race: whoever gets to Canterbury first, wins c) A storytelling contest: whoever tells the best story gets free supper d) A religious contest: whoever does the most good works wins


What legendary event did Felix Brutus leave to found Britain? a) Odyssey b) Aeneid c) Trojan War d) Sacking of Rome


What present does the lord give to Sir Gawain? a) His head b) A feast c) The green sash d) His wife


When Arthur finds about about Guenvere's treachery, how does he react? a) He banishes her from Camelot. b) He allows her to marry Launcelot. c) He sentences her to death by burning. d) He kills her immediately.


When the green knight first enters the feast, what request does he make? a) To marry Queen Guinevere b) To have a tournament c) To speak to the man in charge d) To join the feast


When the green knight goes to make his first blow, Gawain flinches. How does the green knight react? a) He reveals King Arthur was waiting to see if Gawain would fail. b) He reveals his true identity. c) He mocks Gawain's courage. d) He tries to kill Gawain immediately.


Which language and culture blended with Old English to create Middle English? a) Spanish b) Arabic c) French d) German


Which of the following words best described the mood of the first part of the poem "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight"? a) Silly and naive b) Serious and complicated c) Joyful and festive d) Dark and mysterious


Which of the following words best describes the green chapel? a) Haunted and horrific b) Tidy and welcoming c) Empty and overgrown d) Lovely and peaceful


Who rescues Guevenere from her punishment? a) Mordred b) Arthur c) Launcelot d) Gawaine


Why does Sir Gawaine initially try to stop Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred from sharing this information? a) He doesn't believe it. b) He is actually the one having an affair with the queen. c) He knows it will cause division and strife between the knights. d) Sir Launcelot has proven a loyal friend and saved Sir Gawaine's life.

c d

According to the Narrator, what do people hope to receive at Canterbury? a) Absolution for their sins b) An assignment for a crusade c) Sights of martyred Christians d) Healing for sickness


How do Gawain, Arthur, and the other knights react after the headless green knight rides away? a) Screaming b) Fainting c) Planning d) Laughing


How does the Friar act in order to make friends and get more money? a) Fun and excitable b) Sick and pitiful c) Loud and pushy d) Friendly and soft-spoken


How does the lord feel about Gawain once he reveals himself? a) He hates Gawain. b) He sees Gawain as hugely flawed. c) He thinks Gawain is cowardly and useless. d) He admires Gawain.


How is Mordred related to King Arthur? a) His wife's son b) His nephew c) The crown prince d) His illigetimate son


The Franklin is described as "Epicurus' very son." How does he express his true loves? a) He studies philosophy nonstop. b) He has an entire wagon full of gold that he takes with him everywhere he goes. c) He is always hunting. d) His table is always set with food.


The Green Knight wants to "play" a game with two blows: one where his opponent will strike him, and the next, where the Green Knight will strike his opponent with the same blow. When does the Green Knight set the date for the return blow? a) Immediately after the first hit b) After the feast has finished c) The following day d) The following year


The lollardy movement, initially led by John Wycliffe, questioned the Church's ____________. a) handling of the Black Death b) governing structure c) relationship to the King d) misuse of Scripture


What does the Physician love most of all? a) Greek medicine b) Learning from books c) Finding the exact problem and curing it d) Gold


What is one special skill this Lawyer has? a) He can speak wisely b) He appears reverent c) He takes fees d) He can quote every statue and law


Which character has traveled to Jerusalem three times? a) Physician b) Lawyer c) Parson d) Wife of Bath


Which of the following activities does the squire seem to enjoy? a) Eating b) Jousting c) Making money d) Music and poetry


Which of the following words best describes Launcelot in this chapter? a) Foolish b) Prideful c) Ambivalent d) Noble


Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales in which of the following languages? a) Middle English b) Old English c) French d) Latin


Gawain promises to not flinch or run away when the green knight strikes. What is his reason for being able to stand firm? a) He knows his life was only lent to him by God. b) He will use his wits to outsmart the green knight. c) He will make a new game where he can retaliate. d) He will fight blow for blow.


In the medieval era, church officials often sat on the king's advisory councils and were an important part of the government. a) True b) False


In the medieval society, what role did the Church play? a) Caring for people's spiritual health b) Caring for civil institutions and duties c) Throwing lavish parties d) Caring for people's physical needs


The Sailor is good at his job but has one vice. What is it? a) He steals wine. b) He cheats on his wife. c) He hoards money. d) He hates his job.


What is one vice or object that many of the characters seem to chase after more often than other things? a) Money b) God c) Love d) Revenge


What is one way that the Parson differs from some of the other characters? a) He does not want to be given money b) He is religious c) He is seeking healing d) He has been on a pilgrimage before


What vital battle took place in 1066 that changed the ruler of England and brought in French influence? a) Battle of Hastings b) Battle of Normandy c) Battle of Old English d) Battle of Saxony


What was Guenevere's last request that the nuns pass on to Launcelot? a) That she be buried next to King Arthur b) That she be known as Sir Launcelot's true wife c) That she be sainted


What would happen if a person were excommunicated from the Church? a) They were cut off from the church and hope of heaven. b) They were banned from seeing their family. c) They owed a large fine to the pope. d) They gained political power.


Why does Gawain take the sash from the lord's wife? a) She says it will keep him from harm. b) She pays him to keep it. c) He is secretly in love with her. d) He wants to remember his adventure.


What are some reasons people went on crusades? Check all that apply. a) They were told they would be granted absolution of sins and eternal glory. b) To escape the Black Death in England c) To have a lifetime supply of food d) Reclaim land and relics for the Catholic Church

a d

Which two items is the green man holding? a) A holly twig b) A dagger c) A green book d) An axe

a d

Why does Gawaine initially try to stop Agravaine and Mordred from sharing this information about Launcelot? Choose all that apply. a) He knows it will cause division and strife between the knights. b) He doesn't believe it. c) He is actually the one having an affair with the queen. d) Launcelot has proven a loyal friend and saved Gawaine's life.

a d

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