Mental Health Quiz 4

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The goal of cognitive behavior therapy with depressed clients is to: A) Identify and change dysfunctional patterns of thinking. B) Resolve the symptoms and initiate or restore adaptive family functioning. C) Alter the neurotransmitters that are creating the depressed mood. D) Provide feedback from peers who are having similar experiences.


The physician orders lithium carbonate 600 mg tid for a newly diagnosed patient with bipolar I disorder. There is a narrow margin between the therapeutic and toxic levels of lithium. The therapeutic range for acute mania is: A) 0.5 to 1.5 mEq/L B) 10 to 15 mEq/L C) 0.5 to 1.0 mEq/L D) 5 to 10 mEq/L


A client, age 68, is a widow of 6 months. Over the last month she has become socially withdrawn, has lost weight, and told her sister today that she "doesn't have anything more to live for." She has been hospitalized with major depressive disorder. The priority nursing diagnosis for this client would be: A) Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements. B) Complicated grieving. C) Risk for suicide. D) Social isolation.


a nurse is teaching a client who has a new diagnosis of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). which of the following statements by the client indicates understanding of the teaching? a. I can expect my problems with PMDD to be worst when im menstruating b. I should avoid exercising when I am feeling depressed c. I am aware that my PMDD uses me to have rapid mood swings d. I should increase my caloric intake with nutritional supplement when my PMDD is active


A client with depression asks the nurse, "Why would they be checking my thyroid function when I clearly have depression and I'm not overweight?" Which of these is an accurate response? A) An underactive thyroid gland can manifest as depression. B) Depression has been proven to be a hormonal illness. C) Thyroid hormone replacement is a first-line treatment for most clients with depression. D) All of the above.


A nurse is caring for a client who lost a guardian to cancer last month. The client states, "I'd still have my guardian if the doctor would have made a diagnosis sooner." Which of the following responses should the nurse make? a. "You sound angry. Anger is a normal feeling associated with loss" b. "I think you would feel better if you talked about your feelings with a support group" c. "I understand just how you feel. I felt the same when my guardian died" d. "Do other members of your family also feel this way?"


A nurse is caring for an adolescent client who has anorexia nervosa with recent rapid weight loss and a current weight of 90lb. Which of the following statements indicates the client is experiencing the cognitive distortion of catastrophizing? a. "life isn't worth living if I gain weight." b. "don't pretend like you don't know how fat I am." c. "if i could be skinny, I know I'd be popular." d. "when I look in the mirror, I see myself as obese."


The maudsley approach to treatment of adolescents with anorexia nervosa advances which of the following fundamental concepts? a. the patient's family should be actively involved in each phase of treatment b. parents sold be prohibited from involvement in helping their child eat since there are often control issues c. adolescents need to work on developing healthy self-identities before they can begin to gain weight d. individual psychotherapy is the most effective treatment for adolescents with anorexia nervosa


Which of the following therapy regimens would most appropriately be ordered for John? a.Paroxetine and group therapy b.Diazepam and implosion therapy c.Alprazolam and behavior therapy d.Carbamazepine and cognitive therapy


a client who lost his wife after 35 years of marriage presents at his primary care physician's office 10 months later. he has lost 20 pounds and tells the nurse, "I just dont want to eat or do anything else for that matter." Which of these actions by the nurse is priority? a. assess the client for depression and suicide risk b. ask the physician to order gastrointestinal studies c. encourage the client to talk about his relationship with his decreased wife d. instruct the client that the doctor will be in shortly, but right now the physical assessment must be completed


a client whose husband died from cancer 1 month ago attends a grief support group being conducted by the hospice nurse. During the group this client states, "sometimes I wish I could go be with my husband. I just want to die." which action by the nurse is a priority? a. ask the client if she is having thoughts of harming or killing herself b. instruct the client and the other group members that this is a normal part of the grieving process c. make arrangements for the client to be evaluated by a psychiatrist d. elicit support from other group members by asking them if any of them have had similar feelings


a nurse is working on acute mental health unit is admitting a client who has major depressive disorder and comorbid anxiety disorder. Which of the following action is the nurses priority? a. placing the client on one-to-one observation b. assisting the client to perform ADLs c. encouraging the client to participate in counseling d. teaching the client about medication adverse affects


the physician orders sertraline (Zoloft) for a client who is hospitalized with adjustment disorder with depressed mood. This medication is intended to: a. increase energy and elevate mood b. increase suicidal ideation c. prevent psychotic symptoms d. help the client adjust to change


which of the following is thought to facilitate the grief process? a. the ability to grieve in anticipation of the loss b. the ability to grieve alone without interference from others c. having recently grieved for another loss d. taking personal responsibility for the loss


A nurse is discussing normal grief with a client who recently lost a child. Which of the following statements made by the client indicates understanding? (select all that apply) a. "I may experience feelings of resentment" b. "I will probably withdraw from others" c. "I can expect to experience changes in sleep" d. "It is possible that I will experience suicidal thoughts" e. "It is expected that I will have a loss of self-esteem"

a, b, c

a client presents in the emergency department with complaints of suicidal ideation. the following information is collected by the nurse. which of these assessment findings suggests that bulimia nervosa might be a health problem? (SATA) a. parotid glands appear enlarged b. teeth have a "moth-eaten" pattern of tooth decay c. client reports that she takes laxatives daily d. client's weight is within the expected range

a, b, c, d

which of the following is most likely to initiate grief response in an individual? (SATA) a. death of a pet dog b. being told by her doctor that she has begun menopause c. failing an exam d. losing a spouse through divorce

a, b, c, d,

A client expresses interest in alternative treatments for depression with seasonal variations and asks the nurse about light therapy. Which of the following are evidence-based teaching points that the nurse may share with the client? (Select all that apply.) A) Light therapy has demonstrated effectiveness that is comparable to antidepressants. B) Light therapy should be used regularly until the season changes. C) Light therapy should be used only when electroconvulsive therapy has proven to be ineffective. D) Side effects such as headache, nausea, or agitation, when they occur, are usually mild and transient. E) Light therapy causes sedation, so the best time to use it is before bedtime.

a, b, d

A client is admitted to the hospital with major depressive disorder and repeatedly makes negative statements about herself. Which of the following interventions are identified as those that will promote positive self-esteem in the client? (Select all that apply) A) Teach assertive communication skills. B) Make observations to the client when she completes a goal or task. C) Instruct the client that you will not talk with her unless she stops talking negatively about herself. D) Offer to spend time with the client using a nonjudgmental, accepting approach.

a, b, d

A nurse is working with a client who has recently lost a guardian. The nurse recognizes that which of the following factors influence a client's grief and coping ability? (select all that apply) a. interpersonal relationships b. culture c. birth order d. religious beliefs e. prior experience with loss

a, b, d, e

trauma-informed care is philosophical approach that includes which of the following principles? (SATA) a. nurses need to be aware of the potential for trauma in any client and provide care that minimizes the risk of revictimization or retraumaization. b. medications need to ne go en before any other interventions are considered c. trauma-informed care highlights the importance of providing care that protects the physical, psychological, and emotional safety of the client d. trauma-informed care is based on the principle that traumas are not correlated with depression or increased risk for suicide

a, c

Although historically lithium has been the medication of choice for mania, several others have been used with good results. Which of the following are used in the treatment of bipolar disorder? (Select all that apply.) A) Olanzapine (Zyprexa) B) Oxycodone (OxyContin) C) Carbamazepine (Tegretol) D) Gabapentin (Neurontin) E) Tranylcypromine (Parnate)

a, c, d

The nurse is providing medication education to a cliient on lithium. Which of the following are important points to include? (Select all that apply.) A) Significant reductions in sodium intake increase the risk for lithium toxicity. B) Weight loss is a common side effect of lithium. C) Serum lithium levels will need to be checked at regular intervals throughout treatment. D) Lithium therapy should be continued even during periods when the patient feels well.

a, c, d

a nurse working on an acute mental health unit is caring for a client who has PTSD. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? (SATA) a. difficulty concentrating on tasks b. obsessive need to talk about the traumatic event c. negative self-image d. recurring nightmares e. diminished reflexes

a, c, d

A client has just been admitted to the psychiatric unit with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. Which of the following behavioral manifestations might the nurse expect to assess? (Select all that apply) A) Slumped posture B) Hallucinations C) Feelings of despair D) Appears to have boundless energy E) Anorexia

a, c, e

A nurse is preparing to obtain a nursing history from a client who has a new diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. Which of the following questions should the nurse include in the assessment? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY a. "what is your relationship like with your family?" b. "why do you want to lose weight?" c. "would you describe your current eating habits?" d. "at what weight do you believe you will look better?" e. "can you discuss you feelings about your appearance?"

a, c, e

A client admitted to the inpatient psychiatric unit with bipolar disorder tells the nurse, "I need to sit in on change-of-shift report because I have been appointed director of this unit." Which action by the nurse demonstrates the best clinical judgment at this point? A) Invite the client to sit in on the change-of-shift report, but do not share any confidential client information. B) Instruct the client that this is not permitted and redirect the client to other unit activities that are available. C) Tell the client that she is delusional but that these symptoms will go away with medication. D) Place the client in seclusion for protection of self and others.


A client is brought to the emergency department by a family member who reports that the client stopped taking mood stabilizer medication a few months ago and is now agitated, pacing, demanding, and speaking very loudly. Her family member reports that she eats very little, is losing weight, and almost never sleeps. What is the priority nursing diagnosis? A) Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements related to not eating B) Risk for injury related to hyperactivity C) Disturbed sleep pattern related to agitation D) Ineffective coping related to denial of depression


A client who has been taking sertraline (Zoloft) 50 mg PO bid for depression tells the nurse, "I've been on this medication for almost a week and I don't feel a bit better." What is the most appropriate response by the nurse? A) "Cheer up. You have so much to be happy about." B) "Sometimes it takes a few weeks for the medicine to bring about an improvement in symptoms." C) "I'll report that to the physician. Maybe he will order something different." D) "Try not to dwell on your symptoms. Why don't you join the others down in the dayroom?"


A client who is experiencing a manic episode is admitted to the psychiatric unit after being brought to the emergency department by a family member. The client yells, "My family is trying to make it look like I'm insane! They just want to take all my money." This behavior is an example of: A) A delusion of grandeur B) A delusion of persecution C) A delusion of reference D) A delusion of control or influence


A client, who is a veteran of the war in Iraq, is diagnosed with PTSD. He says to the nurse, "I can't figure out why God took my buddy instead of me." From this statement, the nurse assesses which of the following in John? a.Repressed anger b.Survivor's guilt c.Intrusive thoughts d.Spiritual distress


A nurse is caring for a client who has bipolar disorder. The client states, "I am very rich, and I feel I must give my money to you." Which of the following is an appropriate response by the nurse? A. "Why do you think you feel the need to give money away?" B. "I am here to provide care and cannot accept this from you." C. "I can request that your case manager discuss appropriate charity options with you." D. "You should know that giving away your money is inappropriate."


A nurse is educating a patient about his lithium therapy and explaining the signs and symptoms of lithium toxicity. Which of the following would she instruct the patient to be on the alert for? A) Fever, sore throat, malaise B) Tinnitus, severe diarrhea, ataxia C) Occipital headache, palpitations, chest pain D) Skin rash, marked rise in blood pressure, bradycardia


An acutely depressed client isolates herself in her room and just sits and stares into space. Which of these is the best example of an active communication approach with this client? A) "Do you like exercise?" B) "Come with me. I will go with you to group therapy." C) "Would you like to go to group therapy, stay in bed, or come out to the day lounge for some activities?" D) "Why do you stay in your room all the time?"


a 14-year-old client has just been admitted to the psychiatric unit for anorexia nervosa. She is emaciated and refuses to eat. What is the priority nursing diagnosis for this client? a. complicated grieving b. imbalanced nutrition: less that body requirements c. interrupted family processes d. anxiety (severe)


a client has sought help for his concern that he is binge eating and feels like it has "gotten out of control." He asks the nurse what can be done to help him. Which of the following is the most accurate response? a. nothing can be done b. some medication and psychological treatments have demonstrated effectiveness in reducing binge eating behaviors c. the primary problem is obesity. I can help you set up a calorie-restricted diet d. medications can help with weight loss, but there are no medications effective for reducing binge eating


a client is hospitalized on the psychiatric unit with a history and current diagnosis of bulimia nervosa. which of the following symptoms would be congruent with this client's diagnosis? a. binging, purging, obesity, hyperkalemia b. binding, purging, normal weight, hypokalemia c. binging, laxative abuse, amenorrhea, severe weight loss d. binding, purging, severe weight loss, hyperkalemia


a client who recently left her husband of 10 years is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of adjustment disorder with depressed mood. She acknowledges that she was very dependent on him and is having difficulty adjusting to an independent lifestyle. What is the priority nursing diagnosis for this client? a. risk-prone health behavior related to loss of dependency b. complicated grieving related to breakup of marriage c. ineffectief communication related to problems with dependency d. social isolation related to depressed mood


an 80-year-old client arrives at the emergency department accompanied by her daughter. The daughter tells the nurse that her mom lost her husband 2 months ago and since then her mom has complained of feeling depressed and anxious. earlier today, she began complaining of chest pain. which of these actions by the nurse is a priority? a. instruct the daughter not to worry; these are common grief responses in the elderly b. assess vital signs and obtain an ECG c. refer the client to grief support groups in the area d. educate the client in relaxation and deep breathing exercises and evaluate whether this helps resolve the chest pain


the nurse is caring for a client who has been hospitalized with anorexia nervosa and is severely malnourished. The client continues to refuse to eat, what is the most appropriate response by the nurse? know that if you dont eat, you will die b. if you continue to reduce to take food orally, you will be fed through a nasogastric tube c. you might as well leave if you are not going to follow your therapy regimen d. you dont have to eat if you dont want to. it is your choice


a charge nurse is reviewing kubler-ross:five stages of grief with a group of newly licensed nurses. which of the following stages should the charge nurse include in the teaching? (SATA) a. disequilibrium b. denial c. bargaining d. anger e. depression

b, c, d, e

a nurse is caring for a client who has major depressive disorder. which of the following should the nurse identify as a risk factor for depression? (SATA) a. male sex b. history of chronic bronchitis c. recent death in clients family d. family history of depression e. personal history of panic disorder

b, c, d, e

A nurse is assisting with planning care for a client who has bipolar disorder and is experiencing a manic episode. Which of the following are appropriate nursing interventions? (Select all that apply.) A. Provide flexible client behavior expectations B. Offer concise explanations C. Establish consistent limits D. Disregard client complaints E. Use a firm approach with communication

b, c, e

A nurse is involved in a serious and prolonged mass casualty incident in the emergency department. Which of the following strategies should the nurse use to help prevent developing a trauma-related disorder? (Select all that apply) A. Avoid thinking about the incident when it is over B. Take breaks during the incident for food and water C. Debrief with others following the incident D. Hold emotions in check in the days following the incident E. Take advantage of offered counseling

b, c, e

A nurse is performing an admission assessment of a client who has bulimia nervosa with purging behavior. Which of the following is an expected finding? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY a. amenorrhea b. hypokalemia c. mottling of the skin d. slightly elevated body weight e. presence of lanugo on the face

b, d

A client experiencing a manic episode enters the milieu area dressed in a provocative and physically revealing outfit. Which of the following is the most appropriate intervention by the nurse? A) Tell the client she cannot wear this outfit while she is in the hospital. B) Do nothing, and allow her to learn from the responses of her peers. C) Quietly walk with her back to her room and help her change into something more appropriate. D) Explain to her that if she wears this outfit, she must remain in her room.


A client whose husband died 6 months ago is given a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. She says to the nurse, "I start feeling angry that Harold died and left me all alone; he should have stopped smoking years ago! But then I start feeling guilty for feeling that way." What is an appropriate response by the nurse? A) "Yes, he should have stopped smoking. Then he probably wouldn't have gotten lung cancer." B) "I can understand how you must feel." C) "Those feelings are a normal part of the grief response." D) "Just think about the good times that you had while he was alive."


A nurse is assisting with conducting an in-service about the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for the treatment of bipolar disorder. Which of the following statements by a newly licensed nurse indicates understanding? A. "ECT is the recommended initial treatment for bipolar disorder." B. "ECT is contraindicated for clients who have suicidal ideation." C. "ECT is effective for clients who are experiencing severe mania." D. "ECT is prescribed to prevent relapse of bipolar disorder."


A nurse is caring for a client who has bulimia nervosa and has stopped purging behavior. The client tells the nurse that she is afraid she is going to gain weight. Which of the following response should the nurse make? a. "many clients are concerned about their weight. However, the dietician will ensure that you don;t get too many calories in your diet." b. "Instead of worrying about your weight, try to focus on other problems at this time." c. "I understand you have concerns about you weight, but first, let's talk about your recent accomplishments." d. "you are not overweight, and the staff will ensure that you do not gain weight while you are in the hospital. We know that is important to you."


A recent widow states, "I'm going to have to learn to pay all the bills. Hank always did that. I don't know if I can handle all of that." This is an example of which of the tasks described by Worden? a. Task I: Accepting the reality of the loss b. Task II: Processing the pain of grief c. Task III: Adjusting to a world without the lost entity d. Task IV: Finding an enduring connection with the lost entity in the midst of embarking on a new life


One way to promote adequate nutritional intake for a client in an acute manic episode who is not eating is to: A) Sit with the client during meals to reinforce the importance of eating everything on the tray. B) Have family members bring food from home so the client will have only favorite foods. C) Provide high-calorie, nutritious finger foods and snacks that can be eaten "on the run." D) Restrict the client to their room until they begin to gain weight.


Some obese individuals take amphetamines to suppress appetite and help them lose weight. Which of the following is an adverse effect associated with use of amphetamines that make this practice undesirable? a. bradycardia b. amenorrhea c. tolerance d. convulsions


Which of the following is true regarding the diagnosis of adjustment disorder? a. the client will require long-term psychotherapy to achieve relief b. the client likely inherited a genetic tendency for the disorder c. symptoms will likely remit once she has accepted the change in her life d. adjustment disorders are not typically related to an identified stressor


a 10-year-old child returns to school after the death of his mother. the school nurse becomes aware that this child is frequently talking in the classroom and fears that he will fie, too. the classroom teacher is asking for recommendations about how to handle this situation. Which of these actions by the nurse is most appropriative a. instruct the teacher to refer the child for psychological evaluation because this is a warning sign of depression and possible suicide b. encourage the teacher to redirect the child to activities that are focused on school performance c. educate the teacher that this a common reaction in children of this age and it is best for the teacher to offer reassurance that he is safe d. instruct the teacher to prohibit discussion of this topic in class because children in this age-group cannot understand the finality of health


a charge nurse is discussing the care of a client who has major depressive disorder (MDD) with a newly licensed nurse. which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse indicated an understanding of the teaching? a. care during the continuation phases focuses on treating continued manifestations of MDD b. the treatment of MDD during the maintenance phase last for 6-12 weeks c. the client is at greatest risk for suicide during the first weeks of an MDD episode d. medication and psychotherapy are most effective doing an acute phase of MDD


a client experiences a nightmare during his first night in the hospital. He explains to the nurse that he was dreaming about gunfire all around and people being killed. The nurse's most appropriate initial intervention is to: a: administer alprazolam as ordered prn for anxiety b. call the physician and report the incident c. stay with the client and reassure him of his safety d. have the client listen to a tape of relaxation exercises


a client, who is dying of cancer, says to the nurse, "I just want to see my new grand baby. if only god will let me live until she is born, then ill be ready to go." This is an example of which Kybler-ross stages of grief? a. denial b. anger c. bargaining d. acceptance


a hospitalized client with bulimia nervosa has stopped vomiting in the hospital and tells the nurse she is afraid she is going to gain weight. which is the most appropriate response by the nurse? a. dont worry, the dietitian will ensure you dont get too many calories in your diet b. dont worry about your weight. we are going to work on other problems while you are in the hospital c. I understand that you are concerned about your weight, and we will talk about the importance of good nutrition, but for now I want you to tell me about your recent invitation to join the national honor society. thats quite an accomplishment d. you are not fat, and the staff with ensure that you do not gain weight while you are in the hospital, because we know that is important to you.


a nurse is caring for a client who has derealization disorder. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an indication of derealization? a. the client describes feeling of floating above ground b. the client has suspicions of being targeted in order to be killed and robbed c. the client states that the furniture in the room seems to be small and far away d. the client cannot recall anything that happened during the past 2 weeks


a nurse is interviewing a client who has a new diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder. which of the following findings should the nurse expect? a. wide fluctuations in mood b. report of minimum of five clinical findings of depression c. present of manifestations for at least 2 years d. inflated sense of self-esteem


an adolescent who recently lost his brother in a fatal accident is referred to the school nurse following a physical fight with a peer. After attending to the client's bleeding lip, the parents ask the nurse for recommendations because their son has had several physical confrontations after the death of his brother. which don these actions by the nurse if the most beneficial? a. encourage the parents to set more limits because adolescents need more structure as they work through their grief b. encourage the parents to schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist because his behavior is a sign of developing conduct disorder c. provide information about available support groups for adolescents who have also experienced the loss of a loved one d. instruct the parents that making their son accept legal consequences for his behavior will likely resolve the problem behavior


which medication has been used with some success in clients with anorexia nervosa? a. lorcaserin (belviq) b. diazepam (valium) c. fluoxetine (prozac) d. carbamazepine (tegretol)


which of the following physical manifestations would you expect to assess in a client suffering from anorexia nervosa a. tachycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia b. bradycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia c. bradycardia, hypotension, hypothermia d. tachycardia, hypotension, hypothermia


A client reports to the mental health clinic with complaints of feeling more depressed over the last few weeks. The patient's score on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale is 40. What is the priority nursing action at this finding? A) Assess the client's history of treatment for depression. B) Encourage the client to keep weekly follow-up appointments at the clinic. C) Educate the client about treatment options for mild, moderate, and severe depression. D) Assess the client's current risk for suicide


A nurse in an acute mental health facility is caring for a client who is experiencing a mixed episode of bipolar disorder. Which of the following is the priority nursing action? A. Set consistent limits for expected client behavior. B. Administer prescribed medications as scheduled. C. Provide the client with step-by-step instructions during hygiene activities. D. Monitor the client for escalating behavior.


A nurse in an acute mental health facility is planning care for a client who has dissociative fugue. Which of the following interventions should the nurse add to the plan of care? A. Teach the client to recognize how stress brings on a personality change in the client B. Repeatedly present the client with information about past events C. Make decisions for the client regarding routine daily activities D. Work with the client on grounding techniques


A nurse on an acute care unit is planning care for a client who has anorexia nervosa with binge-eating and purging behavior. Which of the following nursing actions should the nurse include in the client's plan of care? a. allow the client to select preferred meal times b. establish consequences for purging behavior c. provide the client with a high-fat diet at the start of treatment d. implement one-to-one observation during meal times


Engel identifies which of the following as successful resolution of the grief process? a. When the bereaved person can talk about the loss without crying b. When the bereaved person no longer talks about the lost entity c. When the bereaved person puts all remembrances of the loss out of sight d. When the bereaved person can discuss both positive and negative aspects about the lost entity


What is the most common comorbid condition in children with bipolar disorder? A) Schizophrenia B) Substance disorders C) Oppositional defiant disorder D) Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder


Which of the following may be influential in the predisposition to PTSD? a.Unsatisfactory parent-child relationship b.Excess of the neurotransmitter serotonin c.Distorted, negative cognitions d.Severity of the stressor and availability of support systems


a client, age 16 years, has recently been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. She must watch her diet and take an oral hypoglycemic medication daily. She has become very depressed, and her mother reports that she refuses to change her diet and often skips her medication. She has been hospitalized for stabilization of her blood glucose level. the psychiatric nurse practitioner has been called in as a consultant. which of the following nursing diagnosis's by the psychiatric nurse would be a priority for the client at this time? a. anxiety related to hospitalization, evidence by noncompliance b. low self-esteem related to feeling different from her peers, evidenced by social isolation c. risk for suicide related to new diagnosis of diabetes mellitus d. risk-prone health behavior related to denial of the seriousness of her illness, evidenced by refusal to follow diet and take medication


a nurse is collecting an admission history for a client who has acute stress disorder (ASD). Which of the following client behaviors should the nurse expect? a. the client remembers many details about the traumatic incident b. the client expresses heightened elation about what is happening. c. the client remembers first noticing manifestations of the disorder 6 weeks after the traumatic incident occurred. d. the client expresses a sense of unreality about the traumatic incident


a client, who is depressed following the breakup of a very stormy marriage, says to the nurse, "I feel so bad. I thought I would feel better once I left, but I feel worse!" which is the best response by the nurse? a. "cheer up. You have a lot to be happy about b. :you are grieving the loss of your marriage. it's natural for you to feel bad. c. "try not to dwell on how you feel. if you dont think about it, you'll feel better" d. "you did the right thing. Knowing that should make you feel better."


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