Merrill's Chapter 5 Upper Extremity (PART 1)

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10. which joints of the hand are formed by the articulation of the bases of the metacarpals with the bones of the wrist a. radiocarpal b. interphalangeals c. carpometacarpals d. metacarpophalangeals


15. where in the wrist is the scaphoid located a. medial side of the distal row b. medial side of the proximal row c. lateral side of the distal row d. lateral side of the proximal row


16. where in the wrist is the trapezium located a. medial side of the distal row b. medial side of the proximal row c. lateral side of the distal row d. lateral side of the proximal row


17. where in the wrist is the hamate located a. medial side of the distal row b. medial side of the proximal row c. lateral side of the distal row d. lateral side of the proximal row


18. what other name refers to the carpal bone known as the hamate a. unciform b. capitatum c. cuneiform d. os magnum


19. what other name refers to the carpal bone known as the capitate a. pisiform b. unciform c. scaphoid d. os magnum

os magnum. capitulum

2 other names for capitate


2. each proximal phalanx articulates with a a. middle phalanx b. metacarpal bone c. carpal bone d. distal phalanx


20. what other name refers to the carpal bone known as the trapezium? a. trapezoid b. semilunar c. lesser multangular d. greater multangular


21. what other name refers to the carpal bone known as the trapezoid a. pisiform b. unciform c. lesser multangular d. greater multangular


22. which carpal bone has only one name a. hamate b. capitate c. pisiform d. scaphoid


Form of arthritis marked by progressive cartilage deterioration in synovial joints and vertebrae

smith fracture

Fracture of the distal radius and ulnar styloid with anterior displacement

colles fracture

Fracture of the distal radius and ulnar styloid with posterior displacement


displacement of a bone from its joint


disruption in the continuity of bone

coranoid process. medial epicondyle

distal end of humerus a.) b.)

trochlea. capitulum

distal end of humerus c.) d.)

lateral epicondyle. olecranon fossa. body of humerus

distal end of humerus e.) f.) g.)

triquetrum. pisiform. hamate

inferosuperior aspect of carpal sulcus a.) b.) c.)

capitate. trapezoid. trapezium

inferosuperior aspect of carpal sulcus d.) e.) f.)


inflammation of bone resulting from pyogenic infection


hereditary form of arthritis in which uric acid is deposited in joints


how many carpals in each upper extremity?


how many distal phalanges are found in one hand?


how many metacarpals in each upper extremity?


how many middle phalanges are found in one hand?


how many phalanges in each upper extremity?


how many proximal phalanges are found in one hand?


malignant, primary tumor of bone with bone or cartilage formation


the articulation between the middle and distal phalanges on the second digit is named a. the second MCP joint b. second IP joint c. DIP joint of second digit d. PIP joint of second digit


the coronoid fossa of the distal humerus is found (anterior/posterior)


which of the following is located on the proximal ulna a. ulnar notch b. humeral notch c. trochlear notch


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? radial tuberosity


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? styloid process


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? trochlea


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? trochlear notch

humeroulnar. proximal radioulnar. humeroradial

anterior forearm articulations a.) b.) c.)

distal radioulnar. radiocarpal

anterior forearm articulations d.) e.)

head. greater tubercle. lesser tubercle

anterior humerus a.) b.) c.)

body. medial epicondyle. trochlea

anterior humerus d.) e.) f.)

coranoid fossa. lateral epicondyle. capitulum

anterior humerus g.) h.) i.)

hamate. capitate

anterior wrist a.) b.)

trapezoid. trapezium

anterior wrist c.) d.)

scaphoid. lunate

anterior wrist e.) f.)

pisiform. triquetrum

anterior wrist g.) h.)

flexion. extension. abduction. adduction. circumduction

what type of movement? radiocarpal


41. which articulation do the trochlea and the trochlear notch form a. humeroulnar b. humeroradial c. distal radioulnar d. proximal radioulnar


1. how many interphalangeal joints are found in one upper extremity a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 14


14. which bones are located in the distal row of the wrist a. hamate, capitate, lunate, scaphoid b. hamate, capitate, trapezium, trapezoid c. pisiform, triquetrum, lunate, scaphoid d. pisiform, triquetrum, trapezium, trapezoid


11. which joint is an ellipsoidal joint a. interphalangeal b. scapulohumeral c. carpometacarpal d. metacarpophalangeal


12. which articulation of the upper extremity is a saddle joint that allows the thumb to oppose the fingers a. radiocarpal b. distal radiolunar c. proximal radiolunar d. first carpometacarpal


13. which bones are located in the proximal row of the wrist a. scapoid, lunate, capitate, hamate b. scaphoid, lunate pisiform, triquetrum c. trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate d. trapezium, trapezoid, pisiform, triquetrum


23. which bones are classified as short bones a. carpals b. vertebrae c. phalanges d. metacarpals


24. which joint is the most distal articulation of the wrist a. intercarpal b. radiocarpal c. carpometacarpal d. metacarpophalangeal


25. which joint is the most proximal articulation of the wrist a. intercarpal b. radiocarpal c. carpometacarpal d. metacarpophalangeal


26. which two carpal bones are the most lateral bones of the wrist a. lunate and trapezoid b. lunate and trapezium c. scaphoid and trapezoid d. scaphoid and trapezium


27. the lunate is situated between the a. trapezoid and scaphoid b. trapezoid and trapezium c. triquetrum and scaphoid d. triquetrum and trapezium


28. what other name refers to the carpal bone known as the scaphoid a. unciform b. navicular c. semilunar d. capitatum


55. which depression is located on the posterior surface of the distal humerus a. radial notch b. coronoid fossa c. olecranon fossa d. intertubercular groove


29. which carpal bone does not articulate with the radius a. lunate b. capitate c. scaphoid d. triquetrum

humeroulnar. humeroradial. scapulohumeral

3 articulations of the humerus

triquetral. cuniform. triangular

3 other names for triquetrum


3. which bones comprise the palm of the hand a. carpals b. phalanges c. metatarsals d. metacarpals


30. which bony structures are located on the proximal end of the ulna a. radial notch, styloid process, and ulnar head b. radial head, olecranon process, and ulnar head c. radial head, styloid process, and coronoid process d. radial notch, olecranon process, and coranoid process


31. which bony structures are located on the distal end of the ulna a. ulnar head and styloid process b. ulnar head and olecranon process c. coronoid process and styloid process d. coronoid process and olecranon process


40. which two structures articulate to form the distal radiolunar joint a. head of the ulna and radial notch of the ulna b. head of the ulna and ulnar notch of the radius c. head of the radius and radial notch of the ulna d. head of the radius and ulnar notch of the radius


32. which bony structure is located on the distal end of the radius? a. head b. neck c. tubercle d. styloid process


33. which bone structures are located on the proximal radius a. head and tuberosity b. head and styloid process c. olecranon process and tubercle d. olecranon process and styloid process


34. which bones compromise the forearm a. radius and ulna b. head and styloid process c. olecranon process and tubercle d. olecranon process and styloid process


35. which structure is located on the lateral aspect of the distal forearm a. ulnar head b. radial head c. ulnar styloid process d. radial styloid process


36. which large bony process is easily located by touching on the posterior aspect of the proximal forearm a. styloid process b. radial tuberosity c. coronoid process d. olecranon process


37. which structure is located on the medial side of the distal forearm a. coronoid process b. olecranon process c. ulnar styloid process d. radial styloid process


38. where is the trochlear notch located a. distal ulna b. distal radius c. proximal ulna d. proximal radius


39. which two structures articulate to form the proximal radioulnar joint a. head of the ulna and radial notch if the ulna b. head of the ulna and ulnar notch of the radius c. head of the radius and radial notch of the ulna d. head of the radius and ulnar notch of the radius


4. which joint is formed by the articulation of the proximal end of the end of the middle phalanx with the distal end of the proximal phalanx of the ring finger a. DIP joint of 3rd digit b. DIP joint of 4th digit c. PIP joint of 3rd digit d. PIP joint of 4th digit


42. which structure articulate with the capitulum a. ulnar head b. radial head c. glenoid fossa d. humeral head


43. which structure articulates with the trochlea a. distal ulna b. distal radius c. proximal ulna d. proximal radius


44. in which joint is the capitiulum located a. hip b. wrist c. elbow d. shoulder


48. with reference from the trochlea, where is the capitulum located a. distal b. lateral c. medial d. proximal


45. in which joint is the trochlea located a. hip b. wrist c. elbow d. shoulder


46. which type of joint is the elbow a. hinge b. gliding c. condyloid d. ball and socket


47. where is the capitulum located a. medial side of the distal humerus b. medial side of the proximal humerus c. lateral side of the distal humerus d. lateral side of the proximal humerus


50. which bony process is located on the anterior surface of the proximal humerus a. lesser tubercle b. greater tubercle c. lateral epicondyle d. medial epicondyle


49. what is the roughened process of the humerus superior and lateral to the intertubercular groove a. lesser tubercle b. greater tubercle c. lateral epicondyle d. medial epicondyle


5. which joint is formed by the articulation of the distal end of the middle phalanx with the proximal end of the distal phalanx of the index finger a. DIP joint of first digit b. DIP joint of second digit c. PIP joint of first digit d. PIP joint of 2nd digit


52. how many articulations does the humerus have a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5


51. which structure articulates with the ulna to form the humeroulnar joint a. trochlea b. capitulum c. radial head d. humeral head


53. which structure articulates with the radius to form the humeroradial joint a. trochlea b. capitulum c. radial notch d. humeral head


54. which depression is located on the anterior surface of the distal humerus a. radial notch b. coronoid fossa c. olecranon fossa d. intertubercular groove


56. which depression is located between the lesser and greater tubercles of the proximal humerus a. radial notch b. coronoid fossa c. intertubercular groove d. olecranon fossa


6. which joint is a hinge type joint a. IP b. scpulohumeral c. carpometacarpal d. MCP


7. how many metacarpal bones are found in one upper extremity? a. 2 b. 5 c. 8 d. 14


8. which of the following articulates with the bases of metacarpal bones a. carpals b. phalanges c. forearm d. MCP joints


9. which joints of the hand are formed by the articulation of the bases of the metacarpals with the bones of the wrist a. radiocarpal b. interphalangeals c. carpometacarpals d. metacarpophalangeals

joint effusion

Accumulation of fluid in joint associated with underlying condition


Benign tumor consisting of cartilage


D or P? capitulum


D or P? coronoid fossa


D or P? coronoid process


D or P? greater tubercle


D or P? humeral head


D or P? medial epicondyle


D or P? olecranon fossa


D or P? olecranon process


D or P? radial head


D or P? radial styloid process


D or P? radial tubercle


D or P? trochlea


D or P? trochlear notch


D or P? ulnar head


D or P? ulnar styloid process

torus or buckle fracture

Impacted fracture with bulging of periosteum

ewing sarcoma

Malignant tumor of bone arising in medullary tissue

ulnar head. ulnar styloid process. body of ulna

anterior and lateral forearm j.) k.) l.)


a round, marblelike structure


a spool-like structure

PIP. MCP. carpals

anterior aspect of hand and wrist a.) b.) c.)


anterior aspect of hand and wrist d.) e.) f.)

1st metacarpal. CMC

anterior aspect of hand and wrist g.) h.)

radius. ulna

anterior aspect of hand and wrist i.) j.)


another name for hamate


another name for lunate


another name for scaphoid

greater multangular

another name for trapezium

lesser multangular

another name for trapezoid

olecranon process. trochlear notch. radial head

anterior and lateral forearm a.) b.) c.)

radial neck. radial tuberosity. body of radius

anterior and lateral forearm d.) e.) f.)

radial styloid process. coranoid process. body of ulna

anterior and lateral forearm g.) h.) i.)

medial epicondyle

bony prominence; easily palpated

coranoid fossa

depression; located on anterior surface

olecranon fossa

depression; located on posterior surface

bone cyst

fluid-filled cyst with wall of fibrous tissue

bennett fracture

fracture at the base of the 5th metacarpal

boxers fracture

fracture at the neck of the 5th metacarpal


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? olecranon fossa


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? olecranon process


on which bone is the trochlar notch located a. ulna b. radius c. humerus


on which end of the radius is the radial head located


on which end of the radius is the styloid process located


on which end of the ulna is the olecranon process located


on which end of the ulna is the styloid process located


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? radial fossa


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? radial notch


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? capitulum


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? coronoid fossa


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? coronoid process


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? greater tubercle


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? head


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? lateral epicondyle


radius, ulna, and/or humerus? medial epicondyle


the olecranon fossa of the distal humerus is found (anterior/posterior)

humerus. radius. ulna

two views of elbow a.) b.) c.)

olecranon process. medial epicondyle. trochlea.

two views of elbow d.) e.) f.)

lateral epicondyle. capitulum

two views of elbow g.) h.)


what is the most distal portion of each metacarpal? a. head b. base c. tubercle


what kinds of movements do the interphalangeal joints allow? a. gliding and sliding b. flexion and extension c. rotational movements around a single axis

wrist joint proper

what other name refers to the radiocarpal joint


what part of a metacarpal bone (base or head) forms part of each MCP joint>

flexion. extension

what type of movement? IP joint

flexion. extension. abduction. adduction. circumduction

what type of movement? MCP joint

rotational (around a single axis)

what type of movement? distal radiolunar

flexion. extension

what type of movement? elbow joint (humeroulnar and humeroradial)


what type of movement? intercarpal

rotational (around a single axis)

what type of movement? proximal radiolunar


which bone classification are the carpal bones?


which bone classification are the metacarpals?

proximal phalanges

which bones articulate with the heads of metacarpal bones


which carpal bone is in the proximal row between the scaphoid and the triquetrum a. trapezium b. trapezoid c. capitate d. lunate


which group of bones articulates with the bases of metacarpal bones?


which joint do the head of the ulnar and the ulnar notch of the radius form a. humeroulnar b. humeroradial c. distal radioulnar d. proximal radioulnar


which joint do the radial notch of the ulna and the head of the radius form a. humeroulnar b. humeroradial c. distal radioulnar d. proximal radioulnar


which joint is the most distal joint in the upper extremity? a. carpometacarpal b. distal interphalangeal c. metacarpophalangeal d. proximal interphalangeal


which of the following types of upper extremity joints are formed in part by the bases of the metacarpals? a. interphalangeal b. carpometacarpal c. metacarpophalangeal


which three articulations form the elbow joint a. radiocarpal b. humeroradial c. humeroulnar d. scapulohumeral e. distal radioulnar f. proximal radioulnar


which two bony processes are located on the proximal end of the ulna a. ulnar head and styloid process b. ulnar head and coronoid process c. olecranon process and styloid process d. olecranon process and coronoid process


with reference to the capitulum, where is the trochlea located a. lateral b. medial c. distal d. proximal


with which of the following structues of the distal humerus does the radial head articulate a. trochlea b. capitulum c. lateral epicondyle d. medial epicondyle


with which of the following structures of the distal humerus does the trochlear notch articulate a. trochlea b. capitulum c. lateral epicondyle d. medial epicondyle

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