Metamorphic rocks, chapter 7, Chapter 6 quiz, chapter 5: volcanos, geology quiz 2, Chapter 3: Minerals, Geology Quiz 1 Questions, Earth Science Midterm #1, Geo 1, Geol1302, Geology Exam 2, Exam 2 PT.2, Geo Quiz 1, Chapter 04 Plate Techtonics, Geo Cha...

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Extrusive igneous rocks

vesicular and glassy textures

Jovian planets are composed of


Substances that can be transformed to a gas at relatively low temperatures are termed ________.


What is the term for gasses contained within liquid rock beneath the surface of the Earth?


Ash, cinders, and blocks are all types of ____________.

volcaniclastic debris

The map below depicts earthquakes, which primarily coincide with areas where ________

volcanoes also regularly occur

The geocentric model was developed during the time of the ancient Greeks. This model

was held to be true by thinkers throughout the Middle Ages, up until the Renaissance


Two distinct minerals may have the same chemical formula

Gases that are abundantly emitted by volcanoes include ________.

water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide

discrete layers of lithosphere that are vertically stacked one atop the other

Under the theory of plate tectonics, the plates themselves are

What are some of the likely scenarios for the long-term future of the Earth?

Unless destroyed by impact, Earth will be consumed by the red giant stage of our Sun's evolution, approximately 5 billion years from now.

is relatively weak and flows readily

Unlike the lithosphere, the asthenosphere

The breakdown of exposed rock into small fragments and dissolved ions is termed ________.


What was happening on the East Coast of North America in the Mesozoic?

Weathering of the Appalachians, sediment- filled fault block basins as result of rifting, lava flows and intrusion of sills


Wegener's evidence for a united Pangaea was so compelling that virtually all geologists agreed with the idea of continental drift during his lifetime.

he could not conceive of a valid mechanism that would cause continents to shift positions

Wegner's idea of continental drift was rejected by American geologists because

What was happening to the Western Region of North America during the Late Jurassic Period of the Mesozoic?

Westward movement of North America over the Farallon Plate, subduction zone, leading to Cordilleran Orogeny; related emplacement of batholiths, Keystone Thrust Fault in Nevada, accretion of terranes


When in contact with hydrochloric acid, which mineral gives off bubbles of carbon dioxide gas?

Intrusive Igneous Rocks

When magma crystallizes,__________ are formed.


When rock is melted within Earth, typically the entire volume of rock is transformed from a solid state to a liquid.

collision and mountain formation

When two bodies of continental lithosphere are pushed together at a convergent boundary, the result is


Which of Earth's layers has the greatest density?


Which of the following is NOT a mineral?

coal, which was formed from ancient tropical plants

Which of the following is a mineral?


Which type of magma has the greatest silica content?

becomes less dense

With increasing altitude, the concentration of gasses in our atmosphere

an ability to resist being scratched by other substances

With regard to minerals, hardness refers to

Are Pyroclastic flow silicic?


Minerals are homogeneous substances in that

a mineral's physical properties and geometry are spatially uniform (the material behaves much the same no matter where it is observed)

Cleavage in minerals refers to

a tendency to break along planes of weakness

Cleavage in minerals refers to?

a tendency to break along planes of weakness

Basaltic lavas that solidify at the surface before flow ceases fracture irregularly, producing a sharp-surfaced lava rock named ____________.


Basaltic lavas that solidify at their surface (before ceasing to flow) fracture irregularly, producing a sharp-surfaced lava rock named ____________.


What factors explain short-term climate change?

a. The abundance of sunspots (cool spots on the surface of the Sun, which may represent magnetic storms) varies over the course of a decade or so, and may affect total incident solar radiation. Recently, some researchers have suggested changes in the rate of influx of cosmic rays may also have an effect. b. Earth's orbital shape, magnitude of tilt, and direction of tilt vary over Milankovitch cycles with periods in the tens of thousands of years. These parameters influence whether glaciers are likely to descend over the continents or melt. c. Earth's albedo can be increased by an increase in aerosols (such as volcanic ash), cloud cover, surface ice, or the spread of deserts and grasslands over land that was once forested. d. Ocean currents may change course, altering the hydrologic system that brings warmth to some areas and cold, dry conditions to others. e. Abrupt changes in concentrations of greenhouse gases can also cause short-term climate change.

The distinction between the crust and the mantle is primarily on the basis of a difference in ____________; the distinction between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere is primarily on the basis of a difference in ____________. a. chemistry (mineral content); degree of physical rigidity b. degree of physical rigidity; chemistry (mineral content) c. color; chemistry (mineral content) d. chemistry (mineral content); chemistry as well

a. chemistry (mineral content); degree of physical rigidity

As compared to the rocks that make up the crust, Earth as a whole is ____________. a. considerably more dense b. considerably less dense c. slightly less dense d. about the same density

a. considerably more dense

Large, thick, nonvolcanic mountain belts, like the Himalayas, have features associated with ____________ plate boundaries. a. convergent b. divergent c. transform

a. convergent

The volcanoes of the Cascades Mountains are related to melting of rock associated with a ____________ plate boundary. a. convergent b. divergent c. transform

a. convergent

Which layer of the Earth has the greatest density? a. core b. mantle c. crust

a. core

The lithosphere is composed of the ____________. a. crust and the uppermost part of the mantle b. crust only c. crust, mantle, and outer core d. top 100 m of sediments and sedimentary rocks

a. crust and the uppermost part of the mantle

From left to right, correctly label each section of this slice of the Earth. a. crust, upper mantle, transition zone, lower mantle, liquid outer core, solid inner core b. transition zone, crust, liquid outer core, solid inner core, upper mantle, lower mantle c. transition zone, crust, upper mantle, lower mantle, liquid outer core, solid inner core d. crust, liquid outer core, transition zone, solid inner core, upper mantle, lower mantle

a. crust, upper mantle, transition zone, lower mantle, liquid outer core, solid inner core

Under the theory of plate tectonics, the plates themselves are ____________. a. discrete pieces of lithosphere at the surface of the solid Earth that move with respect to one another b. composed only of continental rocks that plow through the weaker oceanic rocks c. very thick (approximately one-quarter of Earth's radius) d. discrete layers of lithosphere that are vertically stacked one atop the other

a. discrete pieces of lithosphere at the surface of the solid Earth that move with respect to one another

At transform plate boundaries ____________. a. earthquakes are common but volcanoes are absent b. volcanoes are common but earthquakes do not occur c. both earthquakes and volcanoes are common

a. earthquakes are common but volcanoes are absent

All portions of the mid-ocean ridge system have a well-defined axial trough (central rift). a. false b. true

a. false

The only igneous rocks produced at the mid-ocean ridges consist of basalt. a. false b. true

a. false

Earth's magnetic field is generated by the ____________. a. flow of the liquid outer core b. magnetic minerals within the crust c. convective flow of the mantle d. flow of the liquid inner core

a. flow of the liquid outer core

Hawaii is an example of ____________. a. hot-spot volcanism b. volcanic island arc c. transform margin d. mid-ocean ridge volcanism

a. hot-spot volcanism

The densest layer of Earth is the ____________. a. inner core b. outer core c. mantle d. crust

a. inner core

The Moho ____________. a. is found deeper underneath continents than under oceans b. lies at uniform depth everywhere it is found in Earth c. is found well below the crust/mantle boundary d. is found deeper underneath oceans than under continents

a. is found deeper underneath continents than under oceans

_______ commonly serves as a protolith in the formation of marble.

a. limestone

People have speculated about Earth's interior since ancient times. The astronomer Nevil Maskelyne estimated Earth's ____________ in 1776, whereas the author Jules Verne described the interior of the Earth as a series of interconnected ____________ in 1864 and the physicist Emil Weichert determined that Earth's interior must contain ____________ in 1896. a. mass; caverns; metal b. weight; caverns; metal c. weight; dungeons; rocks d. circumference; dungeons; rocks

a. mass; caverns; metal

At a divergent plate boundary (shown below), two opposed plates ____________. a. move away from one another b. move toward one another c. slide past one another

a. move away from one another

Continental coastlines that occur within the interior of a tectonic plate are called ____________. a. passive margins b. inert margins c. active margins d. internal margins

a. passive margins

Hot-spot tracks result from moving _____________. a. plates b. asthenosphere c. mantle plumes d. hot spots

a. plates

At a transform plate boundary (shown below), two opposed plates ____________. a. slide past one another b. move toward one another c. move away from one another

a. slide past one another

The primary difference between lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle that gives rise to numerous divergent patterns of physical behavior, is ____________. a. temperature (the lithosphere is cooler than the asthenosphere) b. physical state (the lithosphere is solid; the asthenosphere is liquid) c. chemical composition (the lithosphere is mafic; the asthenosphere is felsic) d. chemical composition (the lithosphere is felsic; the asthenosphere is mafic)

a. temperature (the lithosphere is cooler than the asthenosphere)

The boundary between the crust and the mantle is marked by a seismic-velocity discontinuity called ____________. a. the Moho b. the Edsel c. Lyell's surface d. the crantle

a. the Moho

The number of lithospheric plates on the Earth has been variable through geologic time. Hundreds of millions of years ago, there were plates that no longer exist today. a. true b. false

a. true

As compared to a slowly spreading mid-ocean ridge, a rapidly spreading ridge is ____________. a. wider b. more silicic in lava composition c. narrower

a. wider

Hot spots can occur ____________. a. within either continental or oceanic plates b. only within continental plates c. only when the thickness of the crust is less than 10 km d. only within oceanic plates

a. within either continental or oceanic plates

Which of these parts of the deep-ocean floor is flat and nearly featureless?

abyssal plain

Distinctive rock sequences on South America terminate at the Atlantic Ocean but reappear on the continent of:


Felsic minerals are?

all silicate minerals rich in silicon and often rich in aluminum

Sea-floor spreading is driven by volcanic activity ____________.

along mid-ocean ridges

Seafloor spreading is driven by volcanic activity ________.

along mid-ocean ridges

Within the sea floor, the rate of geothermal heat flow is greatest ________.

along mid-ocean ridges

During a journey to the center of the Earth, one would experience temperature ________.

and pressure both increasing

Extrusive igneous rocks

aphanitic texture

Dissolution occurs when minerals ________.

are dissolved into water

How can volcanic eruptions lower the global temperature on Earth?

ash blocks sunlight

The lithosphere lies directly above the ________.


The thickness of clay and planktonic microskeletons is greatest ________.

at the edges of ocean basins

The region of thermally metamorphosed rock surrounding a cooled pluton is called a(n) ________.


Tectonic plates move at rates that are approximately ____________. a. 10 to 100 m/year b. 1 to 15 cm/year c. 1 to 5 cm every 1,000 years d. 1 to 15 m/year

b. 1 to 15 cm/year

The average thickness of continental lithosphere is about ____________. a. 60 km b. 150 km c. 30 km d. 10,000 km

b. 150 km

The Wadati-Benioff zone extends down within the mantle to a maximum depth of ____________. a. 990 km b. 670 km c. 30 km d. 150 km

b. 670 km

Which type of metamorphism affects the greatest volumes of rock?

b. Regional (dynamothermal) metamrophism

______________ is an example of a continental rift and the ______________ is/are the result of collision. a. The Basin and Range Province; mid-ocean ridge b. The Basin and Range Province; Himalayan Mountains c. A mid-ocean ridge; Himalayan Mountains d. The San Andreas Fault; Himalayan Mountains

b. The Basin and Range Province; Himalayan Mountains

A mixture of copper and tin would be called ___________. a. a melt b. an alloy c. a volatile d. a metal

b. an alloy

A guyot is ____________. a. an extinct oceanic hot-spot volcano that has not yet subsided below sea level b. an extinct oceanic hot-spot volcano that has subsided below sea level c. any portion of the ocean floor that is topographically higher than surrounding sea floor d. synonymous with the term hot spot

b. an extinct oceanic hot-spot volcano that has subsided below sea level

A volcanic island arc forms when _______________. a. an oceanic plate subducts beneath continental lithosphere b. an oceanic plate subducts beneath another oceanic plate c. continental lithosphere subducts beneath an oceanic plate d. two oceanic plates collide

b. an oceanic plate subducts beneath another oceanic plate

Consult the figure below. The region of thermally metamorphosed rock surrounding a cooled pluton is called a(n) _________.

b. aureole

When two bodies of continental lithosphere are pulled together at a convergent boundary, the result is ____________. a. subduction b. collision and mountain formation

b. collision and mountain formation

Heat transfer that occurs through the movement of a fluid, driven by temperature differences among various points within the fluid, is termed ____________. a. adhesion b. convection c. conduction d. radiation

b. convection

Deep oceanic trenches are features of ____________ plate boundaries. a. transform b. convergent c. divergent

b. convergent

The lithosphere of the Earth is generally thickest at and near ____________ plate boundaries. a. divergent b. convergent c. transform

b. convergent

Slab pull occurs because subducting slabs are ____________. a. hotter, and therefore more dense, than surrounding asthenosphere b. cooler, and therefore more dense, than surrounding asthenosphere c. cooler, and therefore less dense, than surrounding asthenosphere d. less mafic, and therefore less dense, than surrounding asthenosphere

b. cooler, and therefore more dense, than surrounding asthenosphere

The shape of Earth's magnetic field is approximately that of a ____________. a. monopole b. dipole (such as that produced by a bar magnet) c. torus, a donut-shaped ring parallel to Earth's equator

b. dipole (such as that produced by a bar magnet)

Iceland is one of the few places in the world that is both above sea level and situated atop a ____________ plate boundary. a. convergent b. divergent c. transform

b. divergent

The lithosphere of the Earth is generally thinnest at and near ____________ plate boundaries. a. transform b. divergent c. convergent

b. divergent

Mid-ocean ridges are ____________. a. convergent plate boundaries b. divergent plate boundaries c. transform plate boundaries

b. divergent plate boundaries

All lithospheric plates are approximately the same size and contain a combination of oceanic and continental crust. a. true b. false

b. false

In a hot-spot volcanic island chain, such as the Hawaiian Islands, all islands possess active volcanoes simultaneously and therefore the risks of volcanic hazards are about the same for all islands. a. true b. false

b. false

Sliding motion along transform faults caused the segments of the mid-ocean ridges to become dislocated with respect to one another. a. true b. false

b. false

Virtually all of the sediment atop a downgoing plate becomes subducted into the mantle along with the plate. a. true b. false

b. false

The velocities of seismic waves traveling from earthquake foci ____________. a. monotonically increase with depth, at a consistent rate of acceleration b. generally increase with depth, occasionally making abrupt jumps termed seismic velocity discontinuities c. monotonically decrease with depth, at a consistent rate of deceleration d. are uniform throughout all layers of Earth

b. generally increase with depth, occasionally making abrupt jumps termed seismic velocity discontinuities

As compared to ultramafic rocks, mafic rocks have a ____________. a. lesser proportion of silica b. greater proportion of silica c. greater proportion of iron and magnesium atoms

b. greater proportion of silica

Consult the figure below. How water reacting with crustal rock is the basis for what type of metamorphism?

b. hydrothermal

A body of gneiss is subjected to heat and forms a melt. later the melt cools and crystallizes to form a(n) _______.

b. igneous rock

Consult the figure below. A mineral within a metamorphic rock that can be used to provide a narrow constraint on the temperature and pressure of formation of the rock is termed a(n)

b. index mineral

In the whole Earth, the four most common elements are oxygen, silicon, magnesium, and ____________. a. copper b. iron c. lead d. zinc

b. iron

Unlike the lithosphere, the asthenosphere ____________. a. has a density similar to the core b. is able to flow over long periods of time c. is relatively cool d. varies in thickness from place to place

b. is able to flow over long periods of time

At a convergent plate boundary (shown below), two opposed plates ____________. a. slide past one another b. move toward one another c. move away from one another

b. move toward one another

Topographically, most of the ocean floor is made up of ____________. a. ocean trenches (5-12 km below sea level) b. ocean plains (2.5-4.5 km below sea level) c. submarine mountains (less than 2.5 km below sea level)

b. ocean plains (2.5-4.5 km below sea level)

Hydrocarbons, such as petroleum and natural gas, are classified as ____________. a. minerals b. organic materials c. alloys d. fluid rocks

b. organic materials

Broad, sediment-covered continental shelves are found along ____________. a. active margins b. passive margins

b. passive margins

Deformed (bent, stretched, or cracked) lithosphere occurs ____________. a. randomly over the surface of Earth b. primarily on the margins of tectonic plates c. primarily within the interiors of tectonic plates

b. primarily on the margins of tectonic plates

Summed over the entire surface of Earth, ____________. a. the rate of lithospheric production at ridges is greater than the rate of lithospheric consumption at subduction zones b. rates of lithospheric production and consumption are equal c. the rate of lithospheric consumption at subduction zones is greater than the rate of lithospheric production at ridges

b. rates of lithospheric production and consumption are equal

The mid-ocean ridges are elevated above the surrounding sea floor because ____________. a. the lithospheric plates are thickest at the ridges so they stand up taller b. ridge rocks are hot and therefore of relatively low density c. ridge rocks are mafic, whereas the ocean basin crust consists of ultramafic rock d. rising ocean currents leave a vacuum above the ridge

b. ridge rocks are hot and therefore of relatively low density

________ commonly serves as a protolith in the formation of quartzite.

b. sandstone

As lithosphere cools to the sides of a mid-ocean ridge, it begins to ____________. a. rise with respect to material located closer to the ridge axis b. sink with respect to material located closer to the ridge axis

b. sink with respect to material located closer to the ridge axis

An aurora (shown below) is produced when ____________. a. swamp gases rise upward from the arctic tundra b. solar wind particles are directed toward the poles and excite atmospheric gases c. radiation in the Van Allen belts can be seen on a clear, cold night d. lightning travels from cloud to cloud rather than cloud to ground

b. solar wind particles are directed toward the poles and excite atmospheric gases

Which of the following is most representative of Earth's hydrosphere? a. lakes and rivers only b. surficial freshwater, the oceans, groundwater, and atmospheric water c. a layer of hydrogen gas in the outer reaches of the atmosphere d. the oceans, but not rivers or lakes

b. surficial freshwater, the oceans, groundwater, and atmospheric water

According to the figure below, every plate boundary can be recognized by ____________. a. the presence of active volcanoes b. the presence of an earthquake belt c. a deep chasm that can be seen from space d. None of the above are correct.

b. the presence of an earthquake belt

The San Andreas Fault zone in southern California is an example of a ____________ plate boundary. a. convergent b. transform c. divergent

b. transform

Subducted slabs have never been detected below the Wadati-Benioff zone. a. false b. true

b. true

Beneath a blanket of sediments, oceanic crust is primarily composed of ________


Evidence of paleomagnetism can be found in ________.

basalt that has cooled from lava, any rock with magnetic minerals present, sedimentary rocks where minerals form from ion-bearing groundwater

location of a Hot spot?

base of lithosphere

With increasing altitude, the concentration of gases in our atmosphere ____________.

becomes less dense

If one were to ride a hot air balloon up into the atmosphere, one would experience the concentration of gases ________.

becoming less dense

A'A' is?


Marble and quartzite are nonfoliated rocks because ________.

both are dominated by minerals that produce equant grains

Which of the following is NOT true about comets and asteroids? a. Both orbit the sun b. Both are numerous in our Solar System c. Both are composed of rock and ice d. Both are planetesimals

c. Both are composed of rock and ice

Within the terminology of plate tectonics, an active margin is ____________. a. anywhere on Earth where earthquakes are especially frequent b. synonymous with "subduction zone" c. a continental coastline that coincides with a plate boundary d. a 5-mile radius surrounding an active volcano

c. a continental coastline that coincides with a plate boundary

Foliated metamorphic rocks possess __________.

c. a planar fabric consisting of mineral grains preferred orientation or preferred patterns of association (banding)

The youngest sea floor occurs ____________. a. along passive margins b. randomly over the entire ocean basin c. along mid-ocean ridges d. along active margins

c. along mid-ocean ridges

Consult the figure below. compared to low-grade metamorphic rocks, high-grade rocks_________.

c. are produced at greater temperatures and pressures

The lithosphere lies directly above the ____________. a. transition zone b. lower mantle c. asthenosphere d. crust

c. asthenosphere

Most of the pushing force driving plate motion is produced ____________. a. at collision zones b. in the interiors of continental plates c. at mid-ocean ridges d. at subduction zones

c. at mid-ocean ridges

Most of the pulling force driving plate motion is produced ____________. a. in the interiors of continental plates b. at mid-ocean ridges c. at subduction zones d. at collision zones

c. at subduction zones

Subduction zones are ____________. a. divergent plate boundaries b. transform plate boundaries c. convergent plate boundaries

c. convergent plate boundaries

As compared to the asthenosphere, the lithosphere is ____________. a. cooler and more able to flow b. hotter and more able to flow c. cooler and less able to flow d. hotter and less able to flow

c. cooler and less able to flow

Differential stress will cause crystals to align in a preferred orientation unless the crystals are ___________.

c. equant

A fracture in the crust, where rocks slide past one another, is termed a ____________. a. flying layer b. frictional discontinuity c. fault d. fold

c. fault

On average, continental crust is approximately ____________ as oceanic crust. a. equally thick b. half as thick c. five times as thick d. 20 times as thick

c. five times as thick

Rocks resulting from thermal (contact) metamorphism will not possess ____________.

c. foliation

A silica-rich igneous rock that has coarse crystals and which makes up much of the continental crust is ____________. a. gabbro b. basalt c. granite d. peridotite

c. granite

The theory of plate tectonics ____________. a. incorporates continental drift but not sea-floor spreading b. incorporates sea-floor spreading but not continental drift c. incorporates and explains both sea-floor spreading and continental drift d. does not incorporate sea-floor spreading or continental drift

c. incorporates and explains both sea-floor spreading and continental drift

At a subduction zone, the downgoing (subducting) plate ____________. a. may be composed or either oceanic or continental lithosphere b. is always composed of continental lithosphere c. is always composed of oceanic lithosphere

c. is always composed of oceanic lithosphere

Difference between lava and magma?

c. is found beneath Earth's surface, whereas lava has reached the surface

Continental lithosphere ____________. a. contains no crustal material, consisting solely of lithified upper mantle b. is denser than oceanic lithosphere c. is thicker than oceanic lithosphere d. contains more mafic rocks than oceanic lithosphere

c. is thicker than oceanic lithosphere

The lithosphere of Earth can be bent and broken, but will not flow because it ____________. a. contains radioactive elements b. is too dense c. is too cool d. is too old

c. is too cool

Within a single mountain range, __________.

c. it is possible to find a variety of metamorphic rock produced in distinct facies, including high-, low-, and intermediate-grade rocks

At a subduction zone, the overriding plate ____________. a. is always composed of continental lithosphere b. is always composed of oceanic lithosphere c. may be composed of either oceanic or continental lithosphere

c. may be composed of either oceanic or continental lithosphere

A buried body of shale is subjected to differential stress (directed pressure), cause clay minerals to realign and produce slate; this is an example of ___________.

c. metamorphism

A primary difference between phyllite and schist is that ___________.

c. mica crystals within schist are larger than those within phyllite

Presently, Earth's atmosphere is dominated by which two gases? a. hydrogen and oxygen b. carbon dioxide and methane c. nitrogen and oxygen d. nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide

c. nitrogen and oxygen

Ophiolite sequences are important to geologists because they preserve ____________. a. deep mantle material b. continental crust c. oceanic crust d. asthenosphere

c. oceanic crust

Tectonic plates might consist of ____________. a. continental lithosphere only b. oceanic lithosphere only c. oceanic or continental lithosphere or a combination of both d. either oceanic or continental lithosphere, but not both

c. oceanic or continental lithosphere or a combination of both

The preexisting rock that is subsequently altered to form a metamorphic rock is termed a __________.

c. protolith

The most common minerals within Earth are ____________. a. oxides b. hydroxides c. silicates d. carbonates

c. silicates

Which list properly orders metamorphic rocks from lowest to highest grade?

c. slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss

A triple junction, like the one shown below, is a place on Earth's surface where ____________. a. three volcanoes form a tight, triangular cluster b. the boundaries of three lithospheric plates meet to form an elongate surface c. the boundaries of three lithospheric plates meet at a single point d. glacial ice, continental rocks, and the ocean can be found together

c. the boundaries of three lithospheric plates meet at a single point

If you were measuring the elevation of a mountain, you would be measuring variation in ____________, whereas if you were doing the same on a mid-ocean ridge, you would be measuring variation in ___________. a. bathymetry; isostasy b. topography; isostasy c. topography; bathymetry d. bathymetry; topography

c. topography; bathymetry

Segments of the mid-ocean ridge system are offset. Between the offset segments we observe ____________. a. a second series of ridges, perpendicular to the main set b. deep ocean trenches c. transform faults d. None of the above are correct.

c. transform faults

The atmosphere can be divided into several distinct layers. Name from ground up. a. stratosphere, troposphere, mesosphere, thermosphere b. stratosphere, troposphere, thermosphere, mesosphere c. troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere d. troposphere, stratosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere

c. troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere

Substances that can be transformed to a gas at relatively low temperatures are termed ____________. a. glasses b. melts c. volatiles d. mineraloids

c. volatiles

When in contact with hydrochloric acid, which mineral gives off bubbles of carbon dioxide gas?


Explosive or voluminous eruptions may cause the volcano to collapse on the floor of the (now empty)


Limestone reefs and salt deposits are important rocks in the reconstruction of earth history because they:

can be used to infer the ancient climate of the earth. they are deposited in environments that are restricted to warm climate

Which of the following processes CANNOT induce metamorphism? Group of answer choices

cementation and compaction of grains during diagenesis

Spreading rates along mid-ocean ridges have ________.

changed through time, and today vary between 1 and 10 cm/yr

Scientists monitor volcanoes to help predict when eruptions will occur. Which of the following is NOT a potential sign to look for when predicting volcanic eruptions?

changes in Earth's magnetic field

Broadly, metamorphism involves ________.

changes in mineralogy and texture in response to heat and stress

Precipitation of gypsum due to evaporation of seawater produces which kind of sedimentary rock?


Minerals are classified into different mineral classes primarily on the basis of?

chemistry, specifically the anions within the chemical formula

Of the three primary forms of subaerial volcanoes, ____________ consist of a simple, conical pile of tephra.

cinder cones

What was happening to the Gulf of Mexico during the Late Jurassic period?

circulation in the Gulf was less restricted and Evaporite deposition ended

In ancient Greece, Eratosthenes measured the difference in angles of the Sun's rays in two different locations in Egypt at the same time to calculate the

circumference of the Earth

What type of sediment is typically found in lake bottoms?

clay / mud

________ is the most important factor in determining soil thickness.


Wegners proposed continental drift after he observed evidence from fossils, glacial deposits, and the fit of the continents that suggested all of the continents were once:

combined to form a super continent he termed "Pangea"

Lithification, the process by which sediments are turned into sedimentary rocks, includes ________.

compaction and cementation

Which of the following processes CANNOT occur in the formation of metamorphic rock?

complete remelting of the rock, followed by solidification to form a new rock

As compared to the rocks that make up the crust, Earth as a whole is ____________.

considerably more dense

Basaltic lava: - contain more iron and magnesium than rhyolitic lavas - contain more silica than rhyolitic lavas - are more viscous than rhyolitic lavas - contain greater proportion oftrapped volatiles than rhyolitic lavas

contain more iron and magnesium than rhyolitic lav

The nucleus of most atoms?

contains protons and neutrons

Felsic magma generally forms in ________.

continental crust

3. Ways to decrease pressure?

continental rifts

Wegner saw Pangea as a jigsaw puzzle where the puzzle pieces were:


What is not the result of plate tectonics?

convection in the outer core

As compared to the asthenosphere, the lithosphere is ________.

cooler and less able to flow

________ bonding occurs when atoms share electrons


The lithosphere is composed of the ____________.

crust and the uppermost part of the mantle

In the formation of gneiss from granite, distinctive compositional bands form because of

crystals dissolving, with atoms and ions migrating and reorganizing as new crystals

In order to be defined as a mineral, a substance must ______________. a. be solid b. be naturally occurring c. have atoms arranged in an orderly pattern d. All of the above are correct.

d. All of the above are correct.

The metallic content of Earth's core is ____________. a. likely similar to what has been found in metallic meteorites b. partly liquid and partly solid c. an iron alloy (mostly iron with a few other elements mixed in) d. All of the above are correct.

d. All of the above are correct.

Earth's surface is protected from solar wind and cosmic radiation by ____________. a. a large, metallic shield launched into orbit by NASA in the 1960s b. a powerful stream of ions emitted by the Sun c. Earth's gravitational field d. Earth's magnetic field

d. Earth's magnetic field

Which of the following is NOT an example of sediment? Select one: a. sand b. ground-up seashells c. cobbles on a beach d. None of the above are correct.

d. None of the above are correct.

Leftovers from the protoplanetery disk that formed our Solar System after the Big Bang can be found where? a. Interplanetary space b. Kuiper belt c. Heliosphere d. Oort cloud

d. Oort cloud

Earthquakes are most frequent near coastlines that are termed ____________. a. geodesic margins b. passive margins c. aseismic margins d. active margins

d. active margins

The image below shows ___________, where a hot liquid rises into a cooler material, and heat then conducts from the hot liquid into the cooler material. a. conduction b. convection c. radiation d. advection

d. advection

Which of the following is part of the process that leads to the exhumation of metamorphic rocks? a. isostatic rebound of earth's surface b. mountain belts collapsing c. erosion d. all of the above are correct

d. all of the above are correct

Metamorphism may be induced by_________. a. contact with a hot pluton b. contact with hot groundwater c. heat and pressure associated with deep burial d. all of the above are correct

d. all of the above are correct.

Metamorphism, in broadest terms, involves_________.

d. changes in mineralogy and texture in response to heat and stress

Which of the following processes CANNOT occur in the formation of metamorphic rock?

d. complete remelting if the rock, followed by solidification to from a new rock

The mineral assemblage within metamorphic rock is _____________.

d. dependent on both the mineral assemblage of the protolith and the temperature and pressure of formation

The region of space that contains the material of our Solar System (shown below) is termed the ____________. a. cryosphere b. Oort cloud c. lithosphere d. heliosphere

d. heliosphere

Hot spots are caused by ____________. a. factors that remain completely unknown at this time b. unusually dense concentrations of radioactive isotopes at various points in the crust c. friction due to the lithosphere sliding atop the asthenosphere d. hot plumes of mantle material that rises up through cooler, denser surrounding rock

d. hot plumes of mantle material that rises up through cooler, denser surrounding rock

As compared to the density of the asthenosphere, the oceanic lithosphere is ____________. a. always more dense b. always less dense c. initially more dense at the age of formation, but eventually becomes less dense d. initially less dense at the age of formation, but eventually becomes more dense

d. initially less dense at the age of formation, but eventually becomes more dense

The thickness of oceanic lithosphere is ____________. a. greatest near the mid-ocean ridges and thins out away from the ridges b. uniformly 100 km c. greatest at the geographic poles and least near the equator d. least near the mid-ocean ridges and thickens away from the ridges

d. least near the mid-ocean ridges and thickens away from the ridges

Hot, liquid rock beneath the surface of the Earth is termed ____________. a. volatiles b. lava c. brimstone d. magma

d. magma

The protolith subjected to metamorphism __________.

d. may belong to any of the three primary rock type

The pulling forces that produce the most rapid plate velocities are concentrated at ____________. a. stable continental interiors b. mid-ocean ridges c. continental collision zones d. ocean trenches

d. ocean trenches

Most continental topography lies within a range of altitude between ____________. a. 3 to 6 km above sea level b. sea level and 1 km below sea level c. 2 to 5 km above sea level d. sea level and 1 km above sea level

d. sea level and 1 km above sea level

As seismic (earthquake-generated) waves travel downward and reach the Moho, they ____________. a. are all reflected directly back toward the surface b. continue at the same velocity c. slow down d. speed up

d. speed up

If one were to see a comet passing by Earth, it is likely that this comet originated from _______________. a. interplanetary space b. the asteroid belt c. the heliosphere d. the Kuiper belt

d. the Kuiper belt

Oceanic lithosphere thickens away from the mid-ocean ridge primarily due to ____________. a. the addition of new crust due to sedimentation b. the addition of new crust due to hot-spot volcanism c. reasons that geologists cannot determine at present d. the addition of new lithospheric mantle as a result of cooling

d. the addition of new lithospheric mantle as a result of cooling

According to Archimedes' principle of buoyancy, an iceberg sinks until _____________. a. the total mass of the water displaced equals 80% of the mass of the iceberg b. about 60% of the iceberg is underwater c. the total mass of the iceberg is underwater d. the total mass of the water displaced equals the total mass of the whole iceberg

d. the total mass of the water displaced equals the total mass of the whole iceberg

At the earth's surface, potassium feldspar react with water to form clay; this is an example of __________.

d. weathering

The Wadati-Benioff zone is a belt of earthquakes found ____________. a. within an otherwise stable continental interior b. within an overriding plate at a subduction zone c. along mid-ocean ridges d. within a downgoing plate at a subduction zone

d. within a downgoing plate at a subduction zone

1. Ways to decrease pressure?

decompression melting

Continental crust rises higher because it is less _____________ than oceanic crust.


As compared to continental crust, the rocks that make up oceanic crust are ____________.


The metal alloy that makes up the core of Earth is ________, as compared to the rocky mantle.


Whether an eruption will primarily produce lava flows or pyroclastic debris is NOT influenced by the ________ the source magma.

depth and resistance time of

Metamorphism occurs at temperatures between ________ and ________.

diagenesis; melting

The design and concept of sea floor spreading was designed by who?

dietz and hess

The application of ________ during metamorphism causes elongated crystals to align parallel with each other. When this happens, the rock develops ________.

differential stress; foliation

The shape of Earth's magnetic field is approximately that of a ________.

dipole (such as that produced by a bar magnet)

the shape of earths magnetic field is approximately that of a

dipole, such as that produced by a bar magnet

Mid-ocean ridges are ____________.

divergent plate boundaries

Natural glass is not considered a mineral, because it?

does not have a fixed crystalline structure

The apparent polar-wander path obtained from magnetite crystals in basalts on the North American continent is now interpreted to be primarily the result of ________.

drifting of the North American continent

Columnar joints form when ________

during the final stages of cooling, a lava flow contracts, forming tall polygonal fractures

Humans first realized that the Earth was spherical

during the time of Aristotle in ancient Greece

________ metamorphism affects the greatest volumes of rock and produces the greatest variety in metamorphic rock types.

dynamothermal (regional )

in the heliocentric model

earth orbits around the sun

At transform plate boundaries ____________.

earthquakes are common, but volcanoes are absent

Nonviolent eruptions characterized by extensive flows of basaltic lava are termed ________.


The lower the viscosity of a lava the more likely it is to produce an ________ eruption.


Pyroclastic falls?

ejected fragments that fall through the air

The elevation of a mountain is slowly decreased by weathering and ________.


According to the Big Bang theory, our Universe is ________.


Felsic magma tends to form ________ eruptions.

explosive and effusive

Volcanic =


The Earth's mantle is made up mostly of melted peridotite.


The smoky cloud that rises from the vent of an actively erupting volcano is composed of ____________.

fine volcaniclastic debris (ash) suspended in the air

The cloud that rises from the vent of an actively erupting volcano is composed of ________.

fine volcanoclastic debris (ash) suspended in the air

Slaty cleavage, schistosity, and compositional banding are all examples of ________.


What type of weathering are you likely to find occurring in areas with cold climates?

frost wedging

The rate at which the temperature of the Earth increases with depth is called the _________________ gradient.


Pillow Lava

glass encrusted basalt blobs that form when magma extrudes on the seafloor and cools very quickly

Pyroclastic flows?

go downhill or spread downhill laterally under gravity

Clastic sedimentary rocks are primarily classified on the basis of ________.

grain size

Regions of the sea floor with positive magnetic anomalies were formed during times when Earth's magnetic field ________.

had normal polarity

Regions of the sea floor with negative magnetic anomalies were formed during times when Earth's magnetic field ________.

had reversed polarity

Which common mineral is found in most kitchens?


Properties used in mineral identification include

hardness streak cleavage luster

All basalts younger than 700,000 years old ________.

have normal magnetic polarity

Wegners idea of continental drift was rejected by American geologists because:

he could not conceive of a valid mechanism that would cause continents to shift positions

Because of the Doppler effect, a light- or sound-emitting object moving toward you has a ________ compared to a stationary object.

higher frequency

The Hawaiian island chain is an example of a(n) ________.

hot spot island chain

The Hawaiian island chain is an example of a(n) ____________.

hot-spot island chain

Hawaii is an example of ____________.

hot-spot volcanism

By far the most common elements in the Universe and in our Solar System are ________.

hydrogen and helium

Thermal (contact) metamorphism occurs ____________.

in areas surrounding igneous intrusions

The age of oceanic crust ____________ with increasing distance from a mid-ocean ridge.


With increasing distance from a mid-ocean ridge, the age of oceanic crust ________.


The densest layer of Earth is the ________.

inner core

Chemical weathering involves the breakdown of material due to ________.

interaction with water and air

Plutonic =


At a subduction zone, the downgoing (subducting) plate ____________.

is always composed of oceanic lithosphere

The Moho ____________.

is found deeper underneath continents than under oceans

Most terrestrial volcanic glass ____________.

is highly silicic in composition

If we mentally align the continents to fit Wegners concept of Pangea evidence of late Paleozoic glacial deposits:

is much more readily explained than in the modern continental configuration

Continental lithosphere ____________.

is thicker than oceanic lithosphere

Within a single mountain range, ________.

it is possible to find a variety of metamorphic rocks produced in distinct facies, including high-, low-, and intermediate-grade rocks

What happened to Wegners proposal?

it was rejected because he could not find a driving force

the geologic past, the polarity of the Earth's magnetic field is:

known to have experienced numerous reversals, as shown by remnant magnetization of iron-rich minerals in rocks

A fast-moving flow consisting of a mixture of water and volcanoclastic debris is termed a


Wegners evidence for a united Pangea comes from the colossal record of which type of organisms?

land animals

The thickness of oceanic lithosphere is ____________.

least near the mid-ocean ridges and thickens away from the ridges

For the majority of minerals, the streak color obtained when the mineral is scratched against a porcelain plate is

less variable than the color in hand sample among crystals

For the majority of minerals, the streak color obtained when a mineral is scratched against an unglazed porcelain plate (i.e. a streak plate) is?

less variable than the color in hand samples among crystals of the same mineral

________ commonly serves as a protolith in the formation of marble.


What properties of the source magma lead to the formation of a shield volcano?

low viscosity and mafic composition

Compared to felsic lavas, mafic lavas have a ________.

lower viscosity

Hot, liquid rock beneath Earth's surface is termed ________.


If you were using both a compass and a map marked with latitude and longitude to navigate, you might note the angle difference between your compass and what is marked on the map, called ________.

magnetic declination

What does an ordinary compass indicate?

magnetic north

Marine magnetic anomalies result from seafloor spreading in conjunction with ________.

magnetic polarity reversals

Where Earth's magnetic dipole intersects with the surface of the planet is called the ________.

magnetic pole

Which mineral is integral to paleomagnestim?


4. Ways to decrease pressure?

mantle plumes

Evidence that the South American and African continents were once joined includes evidence from their coastlines such as:

matching fossil distributions

A buried body of shale is subjected to differential stress, causing clay minerals to realign and produce slate. This is an example of ________.


Cleavage is most conspicuous in


2. Ways to decrease pressure?

mid-ocean ridges

Marine magnetic anomaly belts run parallel to ________.

mid-ocean ridges

A great boost in seafloor exploration and a greater understanding of seafloor bathymetry was a result of ________.

military needs in World War II

Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks are classified based on their ________.

mineral composition

Foliated metamorphic rocks possess ________.

mineral grains in preferred orientations or patterns of association (banding)

Foliation is the alignment of ________ in a metamorphic rock.


In 79 C.E., the citizens of Pompeii in the Roman Empire were buried by pyroclastic debris derived from an eruption of ________.

mount Vesuvius

At a convergent plate boundary, two opposed plates ____________.

move toward one another

Clay minerals within a slate are changed into mica minerals due to the application of heat to a rock. This is an example of ________ Group of answer choices


Presently, Earth's atmosphere is dominated by which two gases?

nitrogen and oxygen

Thermal (contact) metamorphism produces ________.

nonfoliated rocks only

Abundant swamps led to the formation of coal during the Late Paleozoic in which of the following places?

north america

How does carbon cycle through the various Earth systems?

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dissolves in the ocean to form carbonate (and bicarbonate) ions. These ions are removed by a variety of organisms to produce calcite and aragonite skeletons, which collect as fragments and grains at the bottom after the organisms die, eventually forming limestone. Carbon dioxide can also be removed, either directly from the atmosphere or from solution in the ocean, through biogenic photosynthesis, to produce organic carbon. Organic carbon may become incorporated into the rock record in shale, oil, and coal, but some may be released to the environment through animal respiration and flatulence. Weathering of silicate rocks removes atmospheric carbon dioxide, producing bicarbonate ions. Burning fossil fuels releases atmospheric carbon dioxide, as do volcanic eruptions.

agree that continental drift occurs; the mechanisms that drive drift are at work in the ocean basins and upper mantle and were unknown in Wegener's time

Currently, most geologists

. Why are igneous rocks important? a. They provide information about the mantle. b. They can be used to reconstruct tectonic activity. c. They host important mineral deposits. d. All of the above are correct.


A dike is a(n) ____________. a. sheet-like intrusion that lies parallel to surrounding layers of sedimentary rock b. cooled layer of lava c. intrusion formed within the magma chamber of a volcano d. sheet-like intrusion that cuts across preexisting layers


As compared to mafic igneous rocks, all felsic igneous rocks ____________. a. cool and solidify more quickly c. solidify at higher temperatures b. cool and solidify more slowly d. solidify at lower temperatures


Coarse-grained granite is most similar in mineral composition to fine-grained ____________. a. andesite c. komatiite b. basalt d. rhyolite


Consult the figure below. If you found deposits of tuff at an ___________ igneous setting, you could conclude that the lava had a ___________ viscosity content. a. intrusive; high c. extrusive; high b. intrusive; low d. extrusive; low


Consult the figure below. Large igneous provinces can cause ______________. a. sea-level rise c. extinction b. climate change d. All of the above are correct.


If a volcano erupted and its resultant lava flowed to a great distance at a relatively fast rate, what properties would you expect of the lava? a. high temperature b. volatile-rich c. mafic d. Both a and b are correct. e. All of the above are correct


If you determine the composition of an igneous rock, you can deduce a number of things about the rock's origin. Which one of these is NOT one of those things? a. the rate at which it cooled c. the original source of the magma b. the environment in which it formed d. the exact age of the rock


Igneous rocks ____________. a. are formed through the freezing of melt b. can be produced at the surface of the Earth as well as deep below the surface c. are the most common type of rocks within Earth d. All of the above are correct.


In regard to the cooling of molten rock, a __________ volume and a __________ shape cools faster. a. larger; spherical c. smaller; spherical b. larger; pancake d. smaller; pancake


Not all magmas have the same initial composition. Which of the following is LEAST likely to cause variation in the composition? a. source of magma c. amount of magma mixing b. amount of partial melting d. depth in the Earth


Pahoehoe ____________. a. forms when a basaltic lava flow ceases flowing and solidifies simultaneously b. has a smoother texture than a'a' c. is easier to walk on than a'a' is d. All of the above are correct.


Pillow lavas are associated with ____________. a. continental rhyolitic eruptions c. submarine rhyolitic eruptions b. continental basaltic eruptions d. submarine basaltic eruptions


The characteristic "rotten egg" smell of many active volcanoes is derived from ____________. a. iron and magnesium within lava c. stale water within the magma chamber b. carbon dioxide gas d. hydrogen sulfide gas


The formation of magma within Earth is NOT caused by which of the following processes? a. decompression (drop in pressure) b. addition of volatiles c. transfer of heat from adjacent magma or very hot rocks d. loss of volatiles to the atmosphere


Viscosity depends on ____________. a. temperature c. silica content b. volatile content d. All of the above are correct.


Whether an eruption will primarily produce lava flows or pyroclastic debris is influenced by the ____________. a. viscosity of the lava c. proportion of volatiles within the lava b. composition of the lava d. All of the above are correct.


Which of the following is NOT a factor controlling the cooling rate of magma? a. depth of intrusion c. presence of circulating groundwater b. shape and size of magma body d. All of the above are factors


Which of the following pictures of volcanoes is not the result of a convergent boundary? A. B. C. D.


A newspaper editorial columnist this week writes a scathing attack on the scientific consensus concerning global warming. His position is that global warming is not occurring, and his supporting evidence is the fact that Sheboygan, Wisconsin, had a record low temperature (in 150 years of record keeping) on February 6 last winter. Which statement(s) about the editorial is/are correct? A. Assuming the columnist is correct in reporting the record low temperature, then indeed he is correct in his assertion that global warming is not occurring. B. The columnist is confusing weather (day to day and seasonal variation in temperature, humidity, precipitation, and air pressure) with climate (variability in these factors over time scales of decades or longer). C. The columnist does not understand that scientists do not expect global warming to produce a gradual uniform increase in temperature for every locality on every day of the year. Geologically rapid warming is expected to increase air and sea temperature averaged across the planet throughout the year (measured over time spans of decades to centuries), but it will also bring shifts in weather patterns that could locally cause extreme heat or cold, drought, or intense flooding. D. Both B and C are correct.

D. Both B and C are correct.

IMAGE Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the extrusive igneous rock obsidian? A. It is composed of volcanic glass. B. It possesses conchoidal fracture. C. It is typically felsic in composition. D. It likely cooled very slowly.

D. It likely cooled very slowly.

The single property that can be used to identify any mineral is? A. Cleavage B. Color C. Luster D. None of the above

D. None of the above

19. The color of a mineral in powdered form is termed . A. color B. specific gravity C. luster D. streak

D. Streak

Which of the following is an important long-term (acting over spans of tens of millions of years) factor in global climate change. A. decrease in albedo due to aerosols from volcanic eruptions B. variation in Milankovitch orbital parameters C. variation in the abundance of sunspots D. atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide

D. atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide

Viscosity controls how ________. A. hot the fluid is B. fast a rock will melt C. quickly the fluid cools D. fast a fluid flows

D. fast a fluid flows

The formation of magma within Earth is NOT caused by which of the following processes? A. decompression (drop in pressure) B. addition of volatiles C. transfer of heat from adjacent magma or very hot rocks D. loss of volatiles to the atmosphere

D. loss of volatiles to the atmosphere

Why do the plumes of ash above an erupting volcano rise to stratospheric heights? a. The force of the eruption does this. b. The ash is less dense than its surrounding air. c. Weather conditions at the time of the eruption control the height of the cloud. d. The viscosity of the lava directly affects the height of the cloud.


1. Which of the following is a mineral? A. petroleum (oil), which is a liquid B. cubic zirconia, which is a synthetic diamond substitute that is not found in nature C. coal, which was formed from ancient tropical plants D. ice, which is water in the solid state (and water is essential to all organic life on Earth)

1. C. coal, which was formed from ancient tropical plants

Among the choices below, the best estimate of the age of the Universe is

14 billion years old

Size of lapillior or cinders?

2-64 mm

The oldest basalts on the ocean floor are about ________ years old.

200 million

When did the Mesozoic start and end?

251 mya-66 mya

Rounded to the nearest integer, the average density of the Earth's crust is __________ grams per cubic centimeter. (numeric answer only)


The circumference of Earth is most nearly

40,000 km

The thickness of Earth's crust varies from ____________.

7 to 70 km

Size of ash?

< 2mm

Size of blocks or bombs?

>-64 mm

What was happening the Gulf Area of North America during the Mesozoic?

>1000m of evaporate precipitated, source of Paleogene salt domes, part of cretaceous interior seaway in cretaceous

A fast-moving flow consisting of a mixture of water and volcaniclastic debris is called a ____________. a. lahar c. flood basalt b. glowing avalanche d. stratovolcano


A volcanic island arc occurs at ____________. a. the Aleutian Islands of Alaska c. Hawaii b. the Andes Mountains d. Mt. St. Helens, Washington


An igneous rock with a mixed texture of coarse grains (phenocrysts) surrounded by fine crystals (groundmass) is termed ____________. a. porphyritic c. aphanitic b. phaneritic d. necrotic


As compared to aphanitic igneous rocks, phaneritic rocks are ____________. a. made of crystals big enough to see c. more mafic b. made of crystals that can't be seen d. more felsic


As compared to coarse-grained igneous rocks, all fine-grained igneous rocks ____________. a. cool and solidify more quickly c. solidify at higher temperatures b. cool and solidify more slowly d. solidify at lower temperatures


Ash, cinders, and blocks are all types of ____________. a. volcaniclastic debris c. Pele's hair b. lava flows d. volcanoes


Basaltic lavas ____________. a. contain more iron and magnesium than rhyolitic lavas b. contain more silica than rhyolitic lavas c. are more viscous than rhyolitic lavas d. contain a greater proportion of trapped volatiles than rhyolitic lavas


Common volcanic gases include ____________. a. water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide b. oxygen, ozone, and water vapor c. oxygen, hydrogen, and neon d. carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxygen


Consult the figure below. A sill is a(n)____________. a. sheet-like intrusion that lies parallel to surrounding layers of sedimentary rock b. cooled layer of lava c. intrusion formed within the magma chamber of a volcano d. sheet-like intrusion that cuts across preexisting layers


Due to fractional crystallization and assimilation of surrounding host rock, most magmas that rise slowly through the crust chemically evolve to become ____________. a. more felsic c. dominated by nonsilicate minerals b. more mafic


Hawaiian-style effusive eruptions are a greater threat to property than to human life. a. true b. false


If a body of magma becomes more felsic, its viscosity will ____________. a. increase c. stay the same b. decrease


In Bowen's discontinuous reaction series, the first mineral to crystallize from a mafic melt is ____________. a. olivine c. pyroxene b. plagioclase d. quartz


Large igneous provinces are formed by ___________, which can flow tens to hundreds of kilometers. a. flood basalts c. super plumes b. sills d. None of the above are correct.


Magma tends to _____________. a. move upward, away from where it formed b. move downward, away from where it formed c. move laterally d. stay in one place


Most terrestrial volcanic glass ____________. a. is highly silicic in composition c. consists of microscopic crystals b. is coarse grained d. freezes from lavas with low viscosity


Mt. Fuji in Japan is an example of a ____________. a. stratovolcano c. shield volcano b. cinder cone


Of the three primary forms of subaerial volcanoes, ____________ are sometimes referred to as "composite volcanoes." a. stratovolcanoes c. shield volcanoes b. cinder cones


Of the three primary forms of subaerial volcanoes, ____________ consist of alternating layers of tephra and solidified lava. a. stratovolcanoes c. shield volcanoes b. cinder cones


Rhyolitic lavas ____________. a. do not flow as far from the vent as basaltic lavas do b. cool much more slowly than basaltic lavas do c. are associated with volcanoes that almost never emit pyroclastic debris d. All of the above are correct.


Stoping by magmas occurs when ____________. a. pieces of surrounding country rock are broken off and assimilated b. the magma stops flowing and starts to solidify c. the magma becomes fully solidified to form intrusive rock d. the magma alters a thin rind of surrounding country rock


Very early in Earth's history, it was so hot that the surface was likely entirely molten. a. true b. false


Volcanic bombs are ____________ a. pyroclastic blocks that acquire aerodynamic shapes during flight out of the volcanic vent b. explosive bodies of lava with high volatile content c. cinders that explode upon impact with the ground d. used by geologists to set off small eruptions in volcanoes that are deemed potentially dangerous


When magma crystallizes, ____________ are formed. a. intrusive igneous rocks c. volatiles b. extrusive igneous rocks d. pyroclastic debris


Which soil horizon is the most important to farmers for planting crops?


Which type of magma has the greatest silica content? a. felsic c. mafic b. intermediate d. ultramafic


Cretaceous Marine Transgressions onto the continents were caused by: A. High Sea Level due to Warm Climate B. Inflated Oceanic Crust due to Fast Seafloor Spreading C. Uplift of landmasses D. A and B

A and B


A blob-like igneous rock body that has cooled beneath the surface of the Earth is called:

A sheetlike intrusion that cuts across preexisting layers

A dike is:

What is a terrane?

A fragment of crustal material formed on, or broken of from, one tectonic plate and accreted or "sutured" to crust lying on another plate

A sheetlike intrusion that lies parallel to surrounding layers of sedimentary rock.

A sill is:


A single mineral may take on multiple crystalline lattice structures.


A supercontinent containing all of Earth's land that existed about 225 million years ago.

the boundaries of three lithospheric plates meet at a single point

A triple junction is a place on Earth's surface where

What is a batholith?

A very large igneous intrustion extending deep in the earth's crust

Despite the fact that the temperatures within Earth are hot enough to melt rock, Earth is mostly solid. Why do the rocks within Earth NOT melt? A. The pressure is too high. B. The pressure is too low. C. There is not enough water. D. They are not in contact with air.

A. The pressure is too high.

Pyroclastic fragments that are less than 2 millimeters (mm) are called? A. ash B. blocks C. bombs D. cinders

A. ash

Trace amounts of an impurity in a mineral can commonly produce significant differences in __________ among individual crystals of the same mineral. A. color B. specific gravity C. luster D. streak

A. color

Which type of plate boundary hosts the most explosive volcanoes? A. convergent only B. divergent only C. transform and convergent D. convergent and divergent

A. convergent only

As compared to coarse-grained igneous rocks, fine-grained igneous rocks ________. A. cool and solidify more quickly B. cool and solidify more slowly C. solidify at higher temperatures D. solidify at lower temperatures

A. cool and solidify more quickly

Which type of magma has the greatest silica content? A. felsic B. intermediate C. mafic D. ultramafic

A. felsic

All other factors being equal, if a body of magma becomes more felsic, its viscosity will ________. A. increase B. decrease C. stay the same D. Chemical composition has no effect on viscosity.

A. increase

An oceanic plate subducting under another oceanic plate will create a(n) ________. A. island arc B. continental arc C. continental rift D. transform fault

A. island arc

Decompression melting occurs at both ________ and ________. A. mid-ocean ridges; hotspots B. mid-ocean ridges; trenches C. subduction zones; hotspots D. subduction zones; mid-ocean ridges

A. mid-ocean ridges; hotspots

Magma tends to ________. A. move upward, away from where it formed B. move downward, away from where it formed C. move laterally D. stay in one place

A. move upward, away from where it formed

In Bowen's discontinuous reaction series, the first mineral to crystallize from a mafic melt is ________. A. olivine B. plagioclase C. pyroxene D. quartz

A. olivine

Stoping by magmas occurs when ________. A. pieces of surrounding country rock are broken off and assimilated B. the magma stops flowing and starts to solidify C. the magma becomes fully solidified to form intrusive rock D. the magma alters a thin rind of surrounding country rock

A. pieces of surrounding country rock are broken off and assimilated

Volcanic eruptions at divergent boundaries generally take the form of ________. A. pillow basalts B. pyroclastic flows C. lava domes D. pyroclastic falls

A. pillow basalts

An igneous rock with a mixed texture of coarse crystals (phenocrysts) surrounded by fine crystals (groundmass) is termed ________. A. porphyritic B. phaneritic C. aphanitic D. necrotic

A. porphyritic

The composition of magma will ________ when it erupts and turns into lava. A. remain the same B. become more felsic C. become more mafic D. have more silica

A. remain the same

11. The most abundant minerals belong to a chemical group termed the . A. silicates B. carbonates C. halides D. oxides

A. silicates

The mantle is composed entirely of ________. A. solid peridotite B. solid basalt C. molten peridotite D. molten basalt

A. solid peridotite

______is a mineral property defined by the density of the mineral sample divided by the density of water (1 gram/cubic centimeter). A. specific gravity B. streak C. magnetism D. color

A. specific gravity

A sill is a(n) ________. A. tabular intrusion that lies parallel to surrounding layers of sedimentary rock B. cooled layer of an ancient lava flow C. intrusion formed within the magma chamber of a volcano D. tabular intrusion that cuts across preexisting layers

A. tabular intrusion that lies parallel to surrounding layers of sedimentary rock

Two distinct minerals may have the same chemical formula. A. True B. False

A. true


All lithospheric plates are approximately the same size and contain a combination of oceanic and continental crust


All minerals are chemical compounds (composed of more than one element)

the Sun

All objects in the Solar System are in orbit around

Cool more slowly

All other factors being equal, intrusive rocks that form deep within Earth_________ than intrusive rocks that cool near the surface.

Within the sea floor, the rate of heat flow is greatest

Along mid-ocean ridges

14 billion

Among the choices below, the best estimate of the age of the Universe is__________years old.

After the Sonoma Orogeny, what did the western margin of North America become?

An Oceanic-Continental Convergent Plate Boundary

18. The single property that can be used to identify any mineral is . A. color B. luster C. cleavage D. none of the above; multiple properties must be used to diagnose a mineral

D. none of the above; multiple properties must be used to diagnose a mineral

Which of the following processes removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere? A. exhalation by animals B. burning of coal and other fossil fuels C. volcanism D. photosynthesis

D. photosynthesis

The basalt erupting at the top of a MOR forms? A. a'a' B. columnar joints C. lava tubes D. pillow lavas

D. pillow lavas

Ash, and larger fragments of pumice are all examples of ________. A. intrusive igneous rocks B. hot spots C. volatiles D. pyroclastic debris

D. pyroclastic debris

Coarse-grained granite is most similar in mineral composition to fine-grained ________. A. andesite B. basalt C. gabbro D. rhyolite

D. rhyolite

During most of the Mesozoic, Earth was ____________. A. about as warm as today B. covered in extensive continental glaciers C. about as warm as the Holocene climatic optimum D. significantly warmer than at any time within the last few million years

D. significantly warmer than at any time within the last few million years

Viscosity does NOT depend on ________. A. temperature B. volatile content C. silica content D. volume of the magma

D. volume of the magma

primarily on the margins of tectonic plates

Deformed (bent, stretched, or cracked) lithosphere occurs


Diamond and graphite are both polymorphs of pure silicon.

In terms of modern continents, what happened to Pangaea during the Late Triassic and Jurassic?

Antarctica and Australia began separating from South America and Africa, India began rifting from the Gondwana continent

Cool and solidify more quickly

As compared to coarse- grained igneous rocks, all fine grained igneous rocks:


As compared to continental crust, the rocks that make up oceanic crust are

cooler and less able to flow

As compared to the asthenosphere, the lithosphere is

Mars, Mercury, and Venus

Aside from Earth, the terrestrial planets are

move toward one another

At a convergent plate boundary, two opposed plates

move away from one another

At a divergent plate boundary, two opposed plates

may be composed or either oceanic or continental lithosphere.

At a subduction zone, the overriding plate

slide past one another

At a transform plate boundary, two opposed plates

earthquakes are common, but volcanoes are absent

At transform plate boundaries

What happened in regards to Pangaea at the End of the Cretaceous?

Australia and Antarctica had separated, India was nearly at the equator, South America and Africa were widely separated, and Greenland was an independent landmass

. Pillow basalts, shown below, attain their distinctive blob-like shapes because their parent lavas do not travel far prior to solidification. This is because the parent lavas ____________. a. are completely devoid of volatiles and thus travel slowly b. erupt underwater and thus cool very quickly c. are highly felsic and thus travel slowly d. are ultramafic and thus freeze at exceptionally high temperatures


4. If the volatile content of magma is increased, its viscosity will ____________. a. increase c. stay the same b. decrease


A blob-like igneous rock body that has cooled beneath the surface of Earth is ____________. a. guyot c. lava flow b. pluton d. andesite


A majority of the melts in the Earth form through the partial melting of ultramafic mantle rock. These newly formed magmas are ____________. a. ultramafic c. felsic b. mafic d. intermediate


All of the Earth's internal heat was acquired very early in its history through meteoric impact and differentiation of the core. The Earth's interior loses heat to space but does not currently receive heat through any known process. a. true b. false


All volcanic eruptions pass through the crater at the volcanic summit. a. true b. false


Basaltic lavas that solidify at their surface (before ceasing to flow) fracture irregularly producing a sharp surfaced lava rock named a. pahoehoe b. a'a' c. pumice d. hyaloclastite


Bowen's continuous reaction series describes the crystallization behavior of a single mineral (with variable chemical composition), ____________. a. olivine c. pyroxene b. plagioclase d. quartz


Columnar jointing is a type of fracturing that occurs in rhyolitic lava flows. a. true b. false


If a body of magma is subjected to fractional crystallization, the rock that results is expected to be ____________. a. identical in chemical composition to the magma b. more mafic than the magma c. more felsic than the magma


In 1902, a famous, deadly pyroclastic flow killed thousands of people on the Caribbean island of ____________. a. Puerto Rico c. Aruba b. Martinique d. Jamaica


Mafic lavas are distinguished by ____________. a. light coloration c. high viscosity b. low viscosity d. high silica content


Most commonly, felsic igneous rocks ____________. a. contain more iron and magnesium than intermediate rocks b. are lighter in color than mafic rocks c. are darker in color than mafic rocks d. are found in oceanic crust


Nonviolent eruptions characterized by extensive flows of basaltic lava are termed ____________. a. pyroclastic c. explosive b. effusive


Of the three primary forms of subaerial volcanoes, ____________ consist of a simple, conical pile of tephra. a. stratovolcanoes c. shield volcanoes b. cinder cones


Olympus Mons, the largest known volcano in the solar system, is found on ___________. a. Earth c. Neptune b. Mars d. Io, a moon of Jupiter


Pegmatites, which occur in dikes, are unusual among shallow intrusive rocks in that they ____________. a. possess porphyritic texture b. possess exceptionally coarse grains c. are mineralogically identical to the extrusive rock basalt d. are glassy, cooling so rapidly that crystals do not have time to form


Pele's hair ____________. a. consists of thin strands of basaltic volcanic glass b. acquires aerodynamic torpedo-like shapes during flight out of the volcanic vent c. forms only at the leading edge of basaltic lava flows d. was instrumental in scoring the winning goal to defeat Uruguay in the 1958 World Cup finals


Phreatomagmatic eruptions take place when ____________. a. volatiles effervesce prior to lava flow b. water enters the magma chamber and forms steam c. basaltic lava clogs the chimney d. lava or pyroclastic debris erupt by bursting through the sides of the volcano


The difference between tephra and tuff is that ____________. a. tephra is created in ash falls, whereas tuff is created in pyroclastic flows b. tephra hasn't become a rock, whereas tuff has c. tephra is always silicic, whereas tuff is always basaltic d. All of the above are correct.


The geotherm is the rate of change of ____________. a. pressure with depth in Earth's interior b. temperature with depth in Earth's interior c. temperature with altitude in Earth's atmosphere d. temperature with latitude on Earth's surface


The lithification of material from a pyroclastic flow forms a rock called ____________. a. metabasalt c. migmatite b. ignimbrite d. tuff


The silicate mineral that is found in the greatest variety of igneous rocks is ____________. a. olivine c. pyroxene b. plagioclase d. quartz


Vesicles is a term used mostly to describe a texture in __________ igneous rocks. a. crystalline c. pyroclastic b. glassy


Volcanoes that do not occur along present plate boundaries are associated with ____________. a. continental rifts c. mid-ocean ridges b. mantle hot spots d. subduction zones


When rock is partially melted, the chemistry of the melt is ____________. a. more mafic than the original chemistry of the rock that was partially melted b. more felsic than the original chemistry of the rock that was partially melted c. identical to the original chemistry of the rock that was partially melted d. completely unpredictable (it could be more mafic or more felsic)


Which of the following would help distinguish continental hot spots from oceanic hot spots? a. the presence of water b. the presence of both mafic and felsic magmas c. the presence of other, extinct or active, volcanoes nearby d. the presence of basalt


Which of these is an example of a continental volcanic arc? a. the Aleutian Islands of Alaska c. Hawaii b. the Andes Mountains d. Japan


Why are intrusive igneous rocks exposed today? a. Mountain building events uplift belts of mantle. b. Wind, water, and ice erode overlying rock to expose igneous rocks. c. Dikes and sills bring intrusive igneous rocks above the surface. d. There are many theories to explain this, but none have been widely accepted.


Why do all lava flows not look the same? a. Eruptive styles of volcanoes vary by geography. b. Chemical composition and gas content of lava vary. c. Lava flows depend on the type of volcano from which they are erupting for their characteristics. d. All of the above are correct.


Why don't all igneous rocks contain all the minerals listed in Bowen's Reaction Series? a. Minerals degrade with time, leaving only some of the series behind in igneous rocks. b. Crystallization may be complete before all of the minerals in the series have had time to form. c. Not all of the minerals in the series have the ability to form in every rock. d. Bowen's Reaction Series only applies to some igneous rocks, not all.


14. All minerals are chemical compounds (composed of more than one element). A. True B. False

B False

10. Cleavage in minerals refers to . A. a tendency to break in an irregular pattern B. a tendency to break along planes of weakness C. the sharpness of edges between crystal faces D. the development of distinct crystal faces

B a tendency to break along planes of weakness

20. Minerals are classified into groups primarily on the basis of . A. chemistry, specifically the cations within the chemical formula B. chemistry, specifically the anions within the chemical formula C. hardness; hard, soft, and medium are the three primary classes D. the number of cleavage directions present

B. Chemistry, specifically the anions within the chemical formula

16. Topaz, with Mohs hardness of 8, is twice as hard as fluorite, with Mohs hardness of 4. A. True B. False

B. False

3. A single mineral may take on multiple crystalline lattice structures. A. True B. False

B. False

6. Diamond and graphite are both polymorphs of pure silicon. A. True B. False

B. False

The most useful diagnostic property of minerals is their color in hand sample. A. True B. False

B. False

________ lava flows have the highest viscosity. A. Andesitic B. Basaltic C. Rhyolitic

B. Rhyolitic

5. Minerals in geodes form spectacular euhedral crystals because . A. all of the elements incorporated in the crystals are in plentiful supply B. the crystals have abundant room to grow in their hollow surroundings C. minerals within geodes are always framework silicates D. minerals within geodes always contain iron

B. The crystal have abundant room to grow in their hollow surroundings

15. With regard to minerals, hardness refers to . A. an ability to resist breaking when being struck with hammer B. an ability to resist being scratched by other substances C. an ability to resist chemical reactions with other substances D. an absence of cleavage

B. an ability to resist being scratched by other substances

Most commonly, felsic igneous rocks ________. A. contain more iron and magnesium than intermediate rocks B. are lighter in color than mafic rocks C. are darker in color than mafic rocks D. are found in oceanic crust

B. are lighter in color than mafic rocks

The presence of vesicles in an igneous rock is evidence that the source melt ________. A. had a mafic composition B. contained dissolved volatiles C. underwent fractional crystallization D. was stoping and assimilating wall rock

B. contained dissolved volatiles

Uplifted areas are subjected to weathering and erosion at the surface; this provides an example of ____________. A. unidirectional change B. cyclical change C. neutral feedback

B. cyclical change

If the volatile content of magma is increased, its viscosity will ________. A. increase B. decrease C. stay the same D. Volatile content has no effect on viscosity.

B. decrease

All other factors being equal (i.e., depth, volume, temperature, etc.), which type of igneous intrusion would cool fastest? A. pluton B. dike C. batholith D. All intrusions cool at the same rate.

B. dike

Minerals that do not posses cleavage are said to possess___ A. invulnerability B. fracture C. massiveness D. solidity

B. fracture

Volcanoes whose magma source is NOT linked to a plate boundary are associated with ________. A. continental rifts B. hot spots C. mid-ocean ridges D. subduction zones

B. hot spots

If a body of magma is subjected to fractional crystallization, the first rock that is expected to crystallize from the magma will be ________. A. identical in chemical composition to the magma B. more mafic than the magma C. more felsic than the magma D. The composition of the rock is not predictable.

B. more mafic than the magma

13. The silica tetrahedron that forms the backbone of all the silicate minerals is composed of silicon and what other element? A. magnesium B. oxygen C. iron D. carbon

B. oxygen

An irregular-shaped and blob-like igneous rock body that cooled beneath the surface of Earth is a ________. A. dike B. pluton C. sill D. laccolith

B. pluton

The extremely high ________ within Earth keeps the rocks solid. A. temperature B. pressure C. silica content D. water content

B. pressure

IMAGE In the figure provided below, what type of igneous intrusion is the horizontal rock unit shown by letter A? A. dike B. sill C. pluton D. laccolith

B. sill

very hot

Differentiation of the core from the mantle early in Earth's history was possible because the planet was________at the time

The shape of the Earth's magnetic field is approximately that of a



Distinctive rock sequences on South America terminate at the Atlantic Ocean but reappear on the continent of

Mid-ocean ridges are


The change in wavelength (and, therefore, frequency) of waves that happens if the source of the waves is moving is explained by the ________.

Doppler effect

When did Pangaea form?

During the Paleozoic

When does the North American continent emerge/when can we call it the North American continent?

During the late Triassic and Jurassic

If magma did not move up from where it was formed, which of the following would be true? a. No new oceanic crust would be made. b. Volcanoes would not erupt. c. Plates would not move. d. Both a and b are correct. e. All of the above are correct


Over 2,000 years ago, an ancient Greek astronomer concluded (correctly) that the

Earth orbits the Sun in a circular orbit

Earth's surface is protected from solar wind and cosmic radiation by ________.

Earth's magnetic field

Earth's surface is protected from solar wind and cosmic radiation by _________.

Earth's magnetic field

Scientists believe that the Moon formed due to a large planetesimal colliding with the Earth because it has a composition similar to ________.

Earth's mantle

Types of eruptions?

Effusive and explosive

Magma, Petroleum, and Cubic Zirconia are minerals


Quartz is a mafic mineral


Rhyolitic "flow" isn't silicic?


T/F? All changes within the Earth system are unidirectional and cannot be reversed.


T/F? Cyclical global change includes the formation of core, mantle, and crust from a homogeneous mixture, a state to which one day Earth will return.


T/F? Due to global warming, the Earth is now warmer than it ever has been in geologic history.


T/F? Nearly all biological and chemical systems on Earth are disconnected and are best studied in mutual isolation.


T/F? Pollen has changed over time through evolution, but the pollen of individual species cannot be used to interpret ancient environments because most species inhabit all environments.


That the Earth is a sphereoid is a relatively new discovery, not widely accepted until the 15th Century when it was confirmed by Columbus's voyage.


The hardness of a mineral refers to its resistance to being broken.


The most recently formed portion of any crystals is always found deep within the interior.


Until Columbus's voyage in 1492, most scientists thought the Earth was much smaller than it actually is.


columnar jointing is a type of fracturing that occurs in rhyolitic lava flows. T/F


Why is felsic magma much more likely to produce an explosive eruption?

Felsic magma has a high viscosity, which will tend to stick in and clog volcanic conduits.

What is the Laramide Orogeny and when did it occur?

Final phase of the Cordilleran Orogeny in the Late Cretaceous to Early Cenozoic

less variable than the color hand sample among crystals

For the majority of minerals, the streak color obtained when the mineral is scratched against a porcelain plate is

When was the Gulf of Mexico formed?

Formed as North America separated from South America during the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic

What processes control the rise and fall of sea level on Earth?

Global sea level is primarily controlled by the volume of glacial ice on continents, which has a negative effect, and the volume of mid-ocean ridge volcanoes, which has a positive effect. At times of rapidly moving plates (abundant mid-ocean-ridge volcanism), an increase in excess carbon dioxide leads to a stronger greenhouse effect, warming the ocean and melting glaciers (if any are present), which raises sea level by adding ocean water. Rapid volcanism also produces thick mid-ocean-ridge volcanic chains, which displace water onto the continents. Conversely, when sea-floor spreading rates are low, ridge volume is small and the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide is also low. The resultant reduction in the greenhouse effect favors the formation of continental glaciers, freezing out water that is now unavailable to the ocean.

What was a characteristic of the breakup of Pangea during the Cretaceous period?

Globally high sea level due to increased rifting and heat flow

What happened during the late Triassic and Jurassic to Pangaea?

Gondwana starting breaking apart

Contrast icehouse and greenhouse conditions.

Greenhouse climate is warmer than that of today's (especially at the poles), and is characterized by high atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide and relatively high sea level, with no continental glaciers at the poles. In contrast, icehouse conditions are colder, with permanent ice present at the poles and relatively low levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and low sea level.

Regions of the sea floor with present day positive magnetic anomalies were formed during times when the Earth's magnetic field

Had normal polarity

combined to form a supercontinent (he termed Pangaea)

Based on evidence from fossils, glacial deposits, and the fit of the continents, Wegener proposed continental drift that suggested all of the continents were once

With increasing altitude, the concentration of gases in our atmosphere

Becomes less dense

When did Mid-Cretaceous Transgressions occur?

Beginning of the Late Cretaceous

During the Triassic Period, what was happening to Pangaea

Breakup: Rifting between Laurasia and Gondwana

. Injecting hot fudge into ice cream is an appropriate analogy for which cause of magma melt? a. melting due to a decrease in pressure b. melting due to an addition of volatiles c. melting due to heat transfer from rising magma d. All of the above are correct.


43. Without igneous rocks, which of the following would not be significantly different on our planet? a. sea-floor spreading b. volcanic eruptions c. formation of deserts d. mountain building e. evolution of continents


5. All other factors being equal, intrusive rocks that form deep within Earth ____________ than intrusive rocks that cool near the surface. a. are more felsic b. contain a smaller proportion of volatiles c. cool more slowly d. cool more rapidly


A famous example of hot-spot volcanism occurs at ____________. a. the Aleutian Islands of Alaska c. the island of Hawaii b. the Andes Mountains d. Mt. St. Helens, Washington


A volcanic neck, such as that seen at Shiprock, New Mexico (below), is a(n) ____________. a. sheet-like intrusion that lies parallel to surrounding layers of sedimentary rock b. cooled layer of lava c. intrusion formed within a volcano d. sheet-like intrusion that cuts across preexisting layers


A volcano emits ash, which falls from the sky, settles in layers, and is eventually cemented. The resulting rock is termed ____________. a. pumice c. tuff b. granite d. ignimbrite


Explosive or voluminous eruptions may cause the volcano to collapse into the (now empty) magma chamber, producing a broad depression termed a ____________. a. crater c. caldera b. lahar d. fissure


Geologically, melts are equivalent to both ____________ and ____________. a. felsic magma; mafic magma b. felsic lava; mafic lava c. lavas; magmas d. fine-grained igneous rocks; coarse-grained igneous rocks


IMAGE Given the solidus and liquidus curves below, which location represents material that is partially melted? A B C D


If a body of igneous (source) rock is subjected to partial melting, the magma that is produced is expected to be ____________. a. identical in chemical composition to the source rock b. more mafic than the source rock c. more felsic than the source rock


If you were to find a caldera and crater of the same size and shape, how would you differentiate between them? a. Given time, the caldera will remain dormant, while the crater will not. b. No remnants of a volcanic shape will be present with the caldera, while they will be with the crater. c. Scoria will be found in the caldera but not in the crater. d. Ignimbrite will be found in the caldera but not in the crater.


Important volatiles in magmas include ____________. a. iron- and magnesium-rich minerals, such as olivine b. potassium and aluminum c. water and carbon dioxide d. trinitrotoluene and nitroglycerin


In 79 C.E., the citizens of Pompeii in the Roman Empire were buried by pyroclastic debris derived from an eruption of ____________. a. Mt. Olympus c. Mt. Vesuvius b. Olympus Mons d. Mt. St. Helens


Mt. Kilimanjaro and the Basin and Range Province are the result of _____________. a. converging plates c. rifting b. subducting plates d. None of the above are correct


Of the three primary forms of subaerial volcanoes, ____________ cover the largest areas. a. stratovolcanoes c. shield volcanoes b. cinder cones


Of the three primary forms of subaerial volcanoes, ____________ have the most gently sloping sides, due to the low viscosity of the basaltic lavas that form them. a. stratovolcanoes c. shield volcanoes b. cinder cones


Olympus Mons, the largest known volcano in the solar system, is an example of a _____________. a. stratovolcano c. shield volcano b. cinder cone


Eratosthenes was the first person to accurately estimate the size of Earth. He accomplished this feat by

observing shadows simultaneously cast at two different cities that were separated by a known distance

The most recently formed portion of any crystal is always found

on its outer edges

Radioactive isotopes, differentiation of Earth's iron core, gravity-driven compression, and meteoric bombardment all caused early Earth to ____________. a. glow brighter than the Sun c. be much hotter than at present b. be much cooler than at present d. be much more oblong than at present


The smoky cloud that rises from the vent of an actively erupting volcano is composed of ____________. a. smoke from wildfires inside the volcanic chimney b. smoke from wildfires on the outer slopes of the volcano that funnel into the crater c. fine volcaniclastic debris (ash) suspended in the air d. a continuous fountain of dark, basaltic lava


Volatiles refer to substances that ____________. a. crystallize most rapidly out of a melt b. melt immediately upon contact with a hot body of magma c. have a tendency to evaporate and are stable as gases


What is the importance of volcanism to our Earth system? a. It provides oxygen to the atmosphere. b. It regulates the core's temperature. c. It regulates pressure in the core. d. It creates new rock.


Which is the best analogy for the rate at which magma cools inside of the Earth? a. coffee poured into mug c. coffee poured into a sealed thermos b. coffee spilled on the table d. creamer poured into coffee in a mug


12. When in contact with hydrochloric acid, which mineral gives off bubbles of carbon dioxide gas? A. quartz B. halite C. calcite D. fluorite

C calcite

A crater discovered in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico appears to be the right age to be a result of an impact which brought about the extinction of numerous species at the end of the ____________ period. A. Silurian B. Jurassic C. Cretaceous D. Tertiary

C. Cretaceous

4. Natural glass is not considered a mineral because it . A. is not produced by geologic processes B. is organic C. does not have fixed crystalline structure D. can be made synthetically as well as being a naturally occurring substance

C. Does not have fixed crystalline structure

The discovery that each continent had different and separate polar-wander paths such as those in the figure below proved that ________

only the continents move

Minerals utilized by humans as a source of metal are termed

ore minerals

Two major sources of energy, coal and oil shale, are considered ________ sedimentary rocks.


water and carbon dioxide

Important volatiles in magmas include


In agreement with the Big Bang theory, our Universe is

Earth orbits around the Sun

In the heliocentric model

a continental coastline that coincides with a plate boundary

In the terminology of plate tectonics, an active margin is


In the whole Earth, the four most common elements are oxygen, silicon, magnesium, and

The age of the oceanic crust ____________ with increasing distance from a mid-ocean ridge


What are Mid-Cretaceous Transgressions?

Incursion from the Gulf area, joining the Arctic waters to create an enormous Cretaceous Interior Seaway

Which type of weathering process is happening to materials when they rust?


The silica tetrahedron that forms the backbone of all silicate minerals is composed of silicon and what other element?


The textural term for a basaltic lava flow that has a smooth, ropy appearance is ________.


How is magma formed?

partial melting in the mid-to-lower crust and upper mantle

By Mass, the four most abundant elements in the Earth are oxygen, silicon, magnesium, and


Unlike the lithosphere, the asthenosphere

Is relatively weak, and flows readily

What are examples of terranes?

Island Arcs, Seamounts, Oceanic Ridges

What is significant about the Morrison Formation?

It's the world's richest Jurassic dinosaur fossil assemblage

An increase through time in the proportion of heavy oxygen (18O) in a sequence of carbonate sediments implies ____________. A. the sediments are young enough to have been exposed to radiation from underground nuclear testing B. the organisms that secreted the carbonate favored 18O over the far more abundant 16O C. Earth was becoming warmer over time D. Earth was becoming cooler over time

C. Earth was becoming warmer over time

With the increased amount of information that has been discovered in recent years, scientists have become increasingly certain that ____________. A. Earth's climate is not warming to any significant degree B. Earth's climate is warming due to variation in solar output; human inputs of atmospheric greenhouse gases have not had a significant influence C. Earth's climate is warming, and human inputs of atmospheric greenhouse gases are most likely responsible

C. Earth's climate is warming, and human inputs of atmospheric greenhouse gases are most likely responsible

________ melting occurs at subduction zones because the down-going plate ________. A. Heat transfer; is extremely hot B. Heat transfer; creates abundant friction C. Flux; contains abundant water D. Decompression; rises toward the surface

C. Flux; contains abundant water

9. The shininess of a mineral is a helpful diagnostic property termed . A. color B. specific gravity C. luster D. streak

C. Luster

The hole in the ozone layer has been brought about by anthropogenic emissions of ____________. A. carbon dioxide B. methane C. chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) D. polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

C. chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

Volcanic arcs form along ________ boundaries. A. transform B. transvergent C. convergent D. divergent

C. convergent

IMAGE The image below is of a ________. A. sill B. pluton C. dike D. batholith

C. dike

Which of the following types of global change is not part of a cycle of change, and thus irreversible? A. orogenic uplift B. melting and crystallization of sedimentary rock to form igneous rock C. evolution of life on Earth D. flooding of the continents due to global warming

C. evolution of life on Earth

8. For the majority of minerals, the streak color obtained when the mineral is scratched against a porcelain plate is . A. likely to be diagnostic only if the mineral is hard enough to scratch porcelain B. more variable than the color in hand sample among crystals C. less variable than the color hand sample among crystals D. always dark brown or black

C. less variable than the color hand sample among crystals

________describes the manner in which a mineral surface reflects light A. fracture B. hardness C. luster D. streak

C. luster

The formation of a hotspot is thought to be associated with ________. A. convergent boundaries B. divergent boundaries C. mantle plumes D. mid-ocean ridges

C. mantle plumes

Injecting hot fudge into ice cream and causing the ice cream to melt is an appropriate analogy for which cause of magma melt? A. melting due to a decrease in pressure B. melting due to an addition of volatiles C. melting due to heat transfer from rising magma D. melting due to an increase in pressure

C. melting due to heat transfer from rising magma

In general, if a body of igneous (source) rock is subjected to partial melting, the magma that is produced is expected to be ________. A. identical in chemical composition to the source rock B. more mafic than the source rock C. more felsic than the source rock D. The melt composition is not predictable.

C. more felsic than the source rock

17. Which of the following is NOT a mineral? A. quartz B. diamond C. petroleum D. gold

C. petroleum

Currently, global warming appears to be most strongly affecting the climate and wildlife of ____________ regions. A. equatorial B. temperate C. polar D. deep sea

C. polar

The presence of liquid water on Earth's surface is ____________. A. unremarkable; many other bodies in the solar system have liquid water B. unique within the solar system, but is an inherent feature of Earth that would be found regardless of the Earth-Sun distance C. unique within the solar system; liquid water would not have developed had Earth been much closer to or farther from the Sun

C. unique within the solar system; liquid water would not have developed had Earth been much closer to or farther from the Sun

Which of the following processes may be responsible for short-term cooling, yet in the long term favors warm, greenhouse climate? A. atmospheric carbon dioxide B. formation of extensive ice sheets C. volcanism D. formation of large continents located near the poles

C. volcanism

Which of the following processes releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere? A. photosynthesis B. weathering of silicate rocks C. volcanism D. deep burial of peat to produce coal

C. volcanism

Important volatiles in magmas include ________. A. mafic minerals, such as olivine B. potassium and aluminum C. water and carbon dioxide D. silicon and iron

C. water and carbon dioxide

What happened in the Nevadan Orogeny and when did it occur?

Jurassic/Cretaceous Period Eastward subduction of oceanic crust, formation of huge batholiths that are known as Sierra Nevada, Southern California, Idaho, and Coast Range batholiths

What is an example of a thrust fault that happened in the Sevier Orogeny?

Keystone Thrust Fault

The Dust Bowl of the 1930s was created by what phenomenon?

Lack of vegetation

sea-floor spreading rates are relatively rapid

Marine magnetic anomaly belts are widest when and where

Aside from Earth, the terrestrial planets are

Mars, Mercury, and Venus

Is a complex silicate, has perfect one-directional cleavage, occurs as two varieties: biotite and muscovite, is formed of thin, elastic flakes


What is a primary difference between phyllite and schist? Group of answer choices

Mica crystals within schist are larger than those within phyllite.

What is the Sundance Sea?

Mid-Continental Sea in North America, flooded twice in the interior of western North America

Marine magnetic anomaly belts (on oceanic basaltic crust) run parallel to

Mid-ocean ridges

Our Sun belongs to a galaxy known as

Milky Way

Chemistry, specifically the anions within the chemical formula.

Minerals are classified into groups primarily on the basis of:

the crystals have abundant room to grow in their hollow surroundings

Minerals in geodes form spectacular euhedral crystals because

The boundary between the crust and the mantle is marked by an abrupt change in seismic velocity called the ________.


What percent of the Pacific Coast from Alaska to Baja California consisted of accreted terranes?

More than 25%

are lighter in color than mafic rocks.

Most commonly, felsic igneous rocks:

The famous "year without a summer" occurred due to the eruption of ________.

Mount Tambora, Indonesia

What is the Cordilleran Orogeny?

Mountain building activity that began during the Jurassic and Continued into the Cenozoic, series of individually named, but interrelated, mountain-building events

At a convergent plate boundary, two opposed plates

Move toward one another

and pressure both increase

Moving into the interior of Earth, temperature

Which rock composes the Earth's mantle?


According to the figure below, marine magnetic anomalies lay roughly ________ to mid-ocean ridges.


Intrusive igneous rocks

phaneritic texture

The apparent tendency of the north (or south) magnetic pole to vary in position over time is termed:

polar wander

The primary difference between breccia and conglomerate is that conglomerate ________.

possesses more rounded grains than breccia

Preexisting rock that is subsequently altered to form a metamorphic rock is termed a ________.


Ash, cinders, and blocks are all types of ________.

pyroclastic debris

A mixture of air, hot ash, and pumice lapilli that rushes down the side of a volcano in a scalding avalanche is termed a(n) ________.

pyroclastic flow

A mineral that commonly shows conchoidal fracture is


Two common metamorphic rocks that typically lack foliation are ________ and ________.

quartzite; marble

Which area will tend to have the thickest soil?

rain forest

does not have fixed crystalline structure

Natural glass is not considered a mineral because it

What is an example of a dune formed during the Triassic and Jurassic periods?

Navajo Sandstone in Zion National Park

What were the three phases of the Cordilleran Orogeny starting from oldest to youngest?

Nevadan, Sevier, and Laramide

Late Paleozoic glacial deposits are NOT found in which of the following places?

North america

Soil horizon ________ contains the most organic material.


All of the above: is volcanic glass possesses conchoidal fracture typically is felsic in composition


the addition of new lithosphere mantle as a result of cooling

Oceanic lithosphere thickens away from the mid-ocean ridge primarily due to


Of the three primary chemical layers of the Earth (crust, mantle, core), which is the thickest layer?

the Milky Way

Our Sun belongs to a galaxy known as

Whereas the crust-mantle boundary represents a change in rock type, the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary is due to a change in the _____________ of the material.


Hotspots are produced by mantle plumes that are composed of mafic magma; however, Yellowstone is a hotspot that erupts more explosively because the hotspot ________.

rises through the continental crust

terrestrial planets are mainly composed of

rock and metals

Dynamothermal (regional) metamorphism occurs when ________.

rock becomes deeply buried during continental collision and mountain building

Pahoehoe is?


________ commonly serves as a protolith in the formation of quartzite.


Deep-ocean trenches are found predominantly along the perimeter of the ________

Pacific Ocean

What is an example of what was happening to the East Coast of North America in the Mesozoic?

Palisades in New York

Consult the figure below. Marine magnetic anomaly belts are widest when and where ________.

seafloor spreading rates are relatively rapid

Volcanoes that have submerged beneath the surface of the sea are termed ________.


The tall polygonal features preserved in the ancient basalt flow in the image below formed because the lava ________.

shrank as it cooled, forming tall polygonal-shaped fractures

Most rock-forming minerals are


The most common minerals within Earth are ________.


What is the Atlantic Ocean margin?

Passive Continental Margin, rifting ceased, active plate margin became a passive, trailing continental margin, sediments contributed to the growing eastern continental shelf

Why does physical weathering speed up the processes of chemical weathering?

Physical weathering produces fresh surfaces for chemical weathering to attack.

Which of the following is a reason why wet soils tend to have more organic material than dry soils?

Plants and microbes need water to live so they can aid decomposition.

What are cycads?

Preserved logs of gymnosperms, especially conifers and plants

Volatile materials can exist as a gas at Earth's surface. Which of the following is NOT a volatile material?


along mid-ocean ridges

Sea-floor spreading is driven by volcanic activity

transform faults

Segments of the mid-ocean ridge system are offset. Between the offset segments we observe

When Laurasia and Gondwana separated during the Triassic period, what happened in terms of modern day continents?

Separation of North America from Africa, then rifting of North America and South America

Types of Volcanos?

Shield Composite Cone lava dome

The stream of charged particles given off by the Sun, which prevented the accumulation of hydrogen and helium during the formation of the terrestrial planets, is called

Solar wind

What was happening to the Western Region of North America during the Jurassic Period of the Mesozoic?

Sonoma Orogeny and thrusting

What happened to Pangaea in terms of modern continents in the Late Jurassic?

South America and Africa began separating


Strong evidence that the Universe is expanding comes from the fact that the light emitted from distant galaxies appears to be

convergent plate boundaries

Subduction zones are

An important contribution made by Copernicus is his (correct) assertion that the

Sun is the center of the Earth's orbit

oceanic or continental lithosphere or a combination of both

Tectonic plates might consist of

1 to 15 cm/year

Tectonic plates move at rates that are approximately

What happened to the terranes of western North America?

Terranes were carried great distances

The boundary between the crust and the mantle is marked by a seismic-velocity discontinuity called

The Moho


The age of oceanic crust ________ with increasing distance from a mid-ocean ridge.

drifting of the North American continent

The apparent polar-wander path obtained from magnetite crystals in basalts on the North American continent is now interpreted to be the result of


The apparent polar-wander paths for continents indicate actual position of the paleopole.

Biochemical limestones are dominated by carbonate mud and fragments of ________.

skeletons of marine invertebrates made of calcite and aragonite

Which list properly orders metamorphic rocks from lowest grade to highest grade?

slate, phyllite, schist, and gneiss

As compared to mafic igneous rocks, all felsic igneous rocks ________. cool and solidify more quickly cool and solidify more slowly solidify at higher temperatures solidify at lower temperatures

solidify at lower temperatures

Volcanoes are considered dormant if they ________.

still have a magma source but show no signs of impending eruption

Of the three primary forms of subaerial volcanoes, ____________ consist of alternating layers of tephra and


of the three primary forms of subaerial volcanoes, _________ consist of alternating layers of tephra and solidified lava - stratovolcanoes - cinder cones - shield volcanoes


Of the three primary forms of subaerial volcanoes, ________ consist of alternating layers of tephra and solidified lava.


The color of a finely powdered mineral is called its


Pillow lavas are associated with ________ eruptions.

submarine basaltic

Pillow lavas are associated with ____________.

submarine basaltic eruptions

Pyroclastic flow is a?

superheated, quick flow of gas and rock

Earth's hydrosphere consists of ____________.

surficial freshwater, the oceans, groundwater, and atmospheric water

The mineral having the lowest hardness on the Mohs scale is


Earth's magnetic reversals are likely due to ________.

tectonic plates shifting

Wegner's proposal

that the continents had once fit together as a single super continent

If one were to see a comet passing by Earth, it is likely that this comet originated from ________.

the Kuiper belt

If a geologist discovered coal in modern day cold snowy location he or she would conclude that:

the area was once covered with swamps and or jungles

In Wegners evidence for continental drift continents were proposed to fit together such as:

the east coast of South America with the lower west coast of Africa

The Eyjafjallajokull eruption of 2010 was particularly disruptive to air traffic because

the jet stream was passing over Iceland at the time

Every plate boundary can be recognized by ____________.

the presence of an earthquake belt

150 km

The average thickness of continental lithosphere is about

All matter in the Universe was once confined to a single point.

The big bang theory states that


The branch of science that studies the structure and history of the Universe is


The color of a mineral in powdered form is termed:


The deep ocean floor is flat and nearly featureless

magma is found beneath the Earth's surface, whereas lava has reached the surface.

The difference between lava and magma is that:

Whether an eruption will primarily produce lava flows or pyroclastic debris is influenced by ____________.

the proportion of volatiles within the lava the viscosity of the lava the composition of the lava all answers are possible

Compared to oceanic crust, continental crust is ________.


By deep-sea drilling, the Glomar Challenger proved the theory that if the model of seafloor spreading was correct, then seafloor sediment should be ________ and ________ as one moves away from the spreading axis.

thicker; older

What is significant about the Navajo Sandstone?

thickest and most prominent of the Jurassic cross-bedded sandstones

If the climate in an area has very little rainfall, what would be the characteristics of the soil in the area?

thin, with very little organic material

Evidence that glaciers once covered an area might include:

till, and striations

where is a hot spot?

top of a mantle plume, where temperatures can cause melting

Grains become rounded primarily during ________.


Earth's geothermal gradient is the rate of temperature change incurred by ________.

traversing down within Earth's interior

Earth's geothermal gradient is the rate of temperature change incurred by ____________.

traversing down within Earth's interior

Which of the following does NOT reflect transport distance?

type of cement

How do paleoclimatologists study ancient climate change?

The record of sedimentary rocks can be used to decipher ancient climate change, because certain rocks are characteristic products of specific environments; further, fossils provide environmental clues because many organisms have narrow environmental tolerances. Oxygen isotope ratios in ice and carbonate sediments provide a proxy for average temperatures. Ancient air bubbles may reveal atmospheric carbon dioxide levels (and thus the effectiveness of Earth's greenhouse). Variations in growth rings and recorded human history can be used to infer climate change in the very recent past.

What was the Sevier Orogeny?

The second phase of the Cordilleran Orogeny, thrusting that occurred progressively farther east

dipole (such as that produced by a bar magnet)

The shape of Earth's magnetic field is approximately that of a


The shininess of a mineral is a helpful diagnostic property termed


The silica tetrahedron that forms the backbone of all the silicate minerals is composed of silicon and what other element

none of the above; multiple properties must be used to diagnose a mineral

The single property that can be used to identify any mineral is

Differentiation of the core from the mantle early in Earth's history was possible because the planet was ________ at the time.

very hot

solar wind

The stream of charged particles given off by the Sun is called

incorporates and explains both sea-floor spreading and continental drift

The theory of plate tectonics

7 to 70 km

The thickness of Earth's crust varies from

least near the mid-ocean ridges and thickens away from the ridges

The thickness of oceanic lithosphere is

along mid-ocean ridges

The youngest sea floor occurs

According to the figure below, Earth's magnetic poles move constantly. About how far from the geographic poles do the magnetic poles move?

They remain in the high latitudes

What is the Sonoma Orogeny?

Thrusting of oceanic and island arc rocks eastward against the craton margin


Topaz, with Mohs hardness of 8, is twice as hard as fluorite, with Mohs hardness of 4.

What are the periods of the Mesozoic?

Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous

A'a' lava flows typically form further from the vent than pahoehoe lava flows.


Basaltic flow is Mafic.


Hawaiian-style effusive eruptions are a greater threat to property than to human life. T/F


Quartz is a mineral that exhibits a conchoidal fracture


Silicates are the most abundant mineral class on Earth


T/F? The factors that affect Earth's long-term climate are different from those that affect climate on shorter time scales.


What were the Cretaceous Facies related to the Servier Orogeny?

Facies of the Western Cretaceous Interior Seaway shows the facies relationship to the Sevier orogenic belt

A single mineral can take on many different internal structures (i.e. internal atomic arrangements) and still be considered the same mineral


a tendency to break along planes of weakness

Cleavage in minerals refers to

What type of environment is the Navajo Sandstone in?

Coastal Dune Environment

Of the three primary forms of subaerial volcanoes, ____________ have the most gently sloping sides, due to

shield volcanoes

Give some examples of events that cause catastrophic change.

Comet or asteroid impact, mass extinctions, explosive or hyperactive volcanism, and sudden episodes of global warming or cooling can alter climate rapidly with disastrous results.

Of the three primary compositional layers of the Earth (Crust, mantle, core), which is the densest layer


Describe how carbon dioxide-induced global warming takes place, and how humans may be responsible. What effects might global warming have on the Earth System?

Carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas because, much like the glass of a greenhouse, it allows solar radiation to reach the Earth, but traps the infrared radiation that the Earth emits to outer space. Because of its relative abundance, carbon dioxide is the most significant of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Humans are likely responsible for increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (and resultant greenhouse warming); human burning of fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, and the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past two centuries is too rapid to have been caused by geologic processes. Effects of global warming on the Earth System include sea-level rise, the breakup of polar ice shelves, the melting of glaciers, a reduction in sea ice formation, shifts in patterns of precipitation and climate belts, changes in the range distributions of animals, imperilment of polar wildlife, stronger storms (including hurricanes), and disruption of oceanic currents (which may bring further climatic change, including the cooling of high latitudes).

Where did most of the features of the present-day Rocky Mountains result from?

Cenozoic phase of the Laramide Orogeny

passive margins

Continental coastlines that occur within the interior of a tectonic plate are called

is thicker than oceanic lithosphere

Continental lithosphere

The mountain building events of the west coast that began in the Jurassic and continued into the Cenozoic are collectively called the _______________ Orogeny


the presence of an earthquake belt

Every plate boundary can be recognized by

Phreatomagmatic eruptions are: explosive (pyroclastic) effusive (dominated by lava flow)


Give some examples of how humans have changed the Earth.

Extraction of rock and groundwater, overhunting and overfishing, destruction of forests and grasslands, and pollution of the air, streams, and oceans have led to subsidence, an increase in mass wasting, famine, high rates of biotic extinction, acid rain, smog, a hole in the ozone layer, and so on.


If a body of magma becomes more felsic, its viscosity will:


If the volatile content of magma is increased, its viscosity will:

All of the above: Are formed through the freezing of melt Can be produced at the surface of the Earth as well as deep below the surface Are the most common types of rocks within Earth

Igneous rocks

Strong evidence that the Universe is expanding comes from the fact that the light emitted from distant galaxies appears to be


had reversed polarity

Regions of the sea floor with negative magnetic anomalies were formed during times when Earth's magnetic field

had normal polarity

Regions of the sea floor with positive magnetic anomalies were formed during times when Earth's magnetic field

What happened in regards to Mesozoic sediments in the West?

Regressing shallow sea in the Triassic period, led to deposition of limestones, evaporates, dune, and Morrison Formation

What happened to the Sundance Sea during the Late Jurassic?

Retreated northward during the Nevadan Orogeny

What were the bivalves found in reefs in the Gulf of Mexico during the Cretaceous Period called?


Lava Tubes

The empty space left when a lava tunnel drains

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

The gas-giant, or Jovian, planets are

crust and the uppermost part of the mantle

The lithosphere is composed of the


The lithosphere lies directly above the


The metal alloy that makes up the core of the Earth is_______________ as compared to the rocky mantle


The most abundant minerals belong to a chemical group termed the


The most useful diagnostic property of minerals is their color in hand sample

Which of these statements is FALSE?

The movement of the magnetic poles is much greater than the movement of the continents.

What is the ozone hole, and how does it affect us?

The ozone hole is a large opening in the stratospheric ozone layer over Antarctica (a smaller hole sits atop the Arctic) caused by the reaction of ozone with anthropogenic chlorofluorocarbons.


Very early in Earth's history, it was so hot that the surface was likely entirely molten

Have a tendency to evaporate and are stable as gases

Volatiles refer to substances that

What are the possible causes of long-term climate change?

a. The sizes and positions of the continents are important. For large continental glaciers to grow, it is favorable to have large continents in regions near the poles; small continents bathed in tropical oceans favor greenhouse conditions. b. Volcanoes emit carbon dioxide, which adds to the greenhouse effect. c. Uplifted areas are sites of intense weathering, and chemical weathering draws down atmospheric carbon dioxide. d. Limestone, coal, organic-rich shale, and oil contain carbon, so when produced in vast quantities and buried, they keep carbon from reaching the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Carbon burial is a check on the greenhouse effect. e. The appearance or extinction of certain life forms may also impact climate by either adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere or removing it.

The rate of motion of a lithospheric plate with respect to a stationary hot spot is termed ____________. a. absolute plate velocity b. relative plate velocity

a. absolute plate velocity

During a journey to the center of the Earth, one would experience temperature ____________. a. and pressure both increasing b. and pressure both decreasing c. increasing, but pressure staying nearly the same d. remaining remarkably constant, but pressure increasing

a. and pressure both increasing

The thickness of the Earth's crust varies from ____________. a. 5 to 500 km b. 1 to 10 km c. 100 to 500 m d. 7 to 70 km

d. 7 to 70 km

A fine-grained clastic sedimentary rock that splits into thin sheets is ________.


Which of the following is a type of physical weathering?

thermal expansion

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