MG302 CH9

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A company engages in ________ in order to generate a pool of job candidates.


One logical outcome of this case would be:

For the Century Supper Club to refund the money of the men who attended "Ladies Nights" at the club

Scott believes that "you can't train people to be enthusiastic, nice, fun, great people. You have to hire that." Based on this, which HR activity would be appropriate for Barcelona?

Have job candidates perform a role-play in which they demonstrate their customer service skills

You have just been hired as the VP of human resources for a company with three divisions that have been struggling with their HR management. They have been using traditional approaches of using online job boards, employee referrals, and college job fairs to hire full-time employees. One of your first tasks is to help each division select an innovative approach to HRM that fits its needs. The construction division has a highly seasonal workload, with fewer projects in the winter than in the summer. Also, different expertise is needed for different kinds of buildings. What would be the most appropriate HRM approach?

Hire temporary employees to work on specific projects.

Which of the following questions might be answered during the human resource planning process? Check all that apply

How will offshoring impact our manufacturing workforce needs? Should we hire office support staff or contract with temporary agencies for these workers?e

What year did you graduate from high school?


How many years of experience as a (job title) do you have?


nondirective interview

A conversation where the interviewer asks broad, open-ended questions and permits the applicant to talk freely with minimal interruption, in an attempt to bring to light information, attitudes, and behavioral characteristics that might be concealed when answering structured questions.

employer brand

An employer brand is similar to a product brand except that rather than promoting a specific product, its aim is to make the organization seem like a highly desirable place to work.

Your company's human resource manager is away from the office on vacation, and you have four open positions to fill in your department. Which of the following tests should you choose if you want to engage applicants in a conversation to determine if they have good communication skills?

An interview

panel interviews

An interview in which the candidate meets with several interviewers who take turns asking questions.


Decades ago, many companies defined diversity in terms of race, gender, age, lifestyle, and disability. That focus helped create awareness, change mindsets, and create new opportunities for many. Today, companies are embracing a more inclusive definition of diversity that recognizes a spectrum of differences that influence how employees approach work, interact with each other, derive satisfaction from their work, and define who they are as people in the workplace.

Your consulting division is finding that competition for experienced business consultants who earn clients' trust is intense. Furthermore, once a good consultant is hired, it is important to retain that person so they don't go elsewhere—taking their clients with them. What would be the most appropriate HRM approach?

Find out what kind of work environment and benefits consultants most value and become well-known for providing these things.

The strategic approach to HRM recognizes three key elements.

First, all managers are involved in managing HR. Second, employees are viewed as assets. No strategy can be implemented effectively without the right people to put it into action. Employees, not buildings and machinery, give a company its competitive edge. Third, HRM is a matching process, integrating the organization's strategy and goals with the correct approach to managing human capital.

Because Barcelona "is constantly raising the bar," the company experiences high turnover and is constantly hiring. Why might Scott want to change this approach to human resource management?

Running ads on Craigslist and spending managers' time screening candidates are costs to the business.

Employment tests

Tests given to employees to evaluate their abilities; can include cognitive ability tests, physical ability tests, personality inventories, and other assessments.

In the Alter, Aronson, Darley, Rodriguez, and Ruble experiment, children who were told that the test was a learning experience performed better than children who were told that the test was a measure of ability, because:

The learning experience directions removed a stereotype threat

matching model

Underlying the organization's effort to attract employees is a matching model. With the matching model, the organization and the individual attempt to match the needs, interests, and values that they offer each other

A technology company is growing rapidly and needs to hire experienced developers and marketing professionals. The best people in these fields usually have jobs and need to be enticed to apply elsewhere. To identify individuals who are likely to be a good match, hiring managers should:

Use social media platforms like LinkedIn to screen for people with the relevant experience at high-performing companies


When established companies such as Facebook, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, and buy early-stage start-ups, often shutting them down, simply to acquire their engineering talent.

You are mentoring a new female manager who has read Sheryl Sandberg's book Lean In. What advice to women should you be prepared to discuss with your mentee?

Women should seize opportunities to shine and insist on being recognized for their successes rather than wait and hope to be rewarded.

Some organizations use ________ , such as a word processing assessment for an office assistant job or an integrity assessment for a cashier job, to measure ability or personality.

employment tests

A job description

is a clear and concise summary of the specific tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a particular position in an organization.

The application form

is a selection device that collects information about the applicant's education, previous work experience, and other background characteristics.

Job analysis

is a systematic process of gathering and interpreting information about the essential duties, tasks, and responsibilities of a job, as well as about the context within which the job is performed.

To gather information about a job's tasks and context, a manager conducts a _______

job analysis

You and several of your classmates interview for a management position at the same company, and when you compare notes afterward, you discover that the interviewer was probably using a ________ , because each of you was asked the same series of questions.

structured interview


is the degree to which an employee feels like an esteemed member of a group in which his or her uniqueness is highly appreciated.

When applying for a job, an individual will read the _______ carefully to see whether his education and skills match those required by the job.

job specification

A key skill in the global economy is ________ to create an organization in which people's differences are leveraged for maximum performance while conflict is minimized.

managing diversity

During a job interview, the hiring manager begins with "Tell me about yourself," and then asks, "How do you see this job fitting into your career?" The manager is probably using a _______

nondirective interview


occurs when hiring and promotion decisions are made based on criteria that are not job-relevant; for example, refusing to hire a black applicant for a job he is qualified to fill and paying a woman a lower wage than a man for the same work are discriminatory acts.

A job specification

outlines the knowledge, skills, education, physical abilities, and other characteristics needed to perform a specific job adequately.

Chenille is working hard to overcome her ________ recent immigrants, reminding herself that they are just as smart and ethical as anyone else.

prejudice against

Human resource management (HRM)

refers to the design and application of formal systems to ensure the effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals.

Human capital

refers to the economic value of the combined knowledge, experience, skills, and capabilities of employees.

Human resource planning

refers to the forecasting of human resource needs and the projected matching of individuals with anticipated job vacancies.

Affirmative action

requires that an employer take positive steps to guarantee equal employment opportunities for people within protected groups.

diverse and inclusive workforce

A definition that recognizes diversity includes many areas including how people approach work, interact at work and derive satisfaction from work as well as who they are in the workplace.


In the selection process, employers assess applicants' characteristics in an attempt to determine the "fit" between the job and applicant characteristics.

Structured interviews

Interviews that use a set of standardized questions that are asked of every applicant so comparisons can be made easily.

How will you care for your children while you are working?


Tell me about a time when you had to prepare a report under a deadline that didn't give you enough time to do your best work. What did you do?


realistic job preview (RJP)

Managers use realistic job previews in recruiting to give applicants all pertinent and realistic information, both positive and negative, about a job and the organization.

Pure Nature Vitamins rewards employees with annual incentive pay based on that year's performance rather than salary increases based on seniority.

New Social Contract

When Roberto interviews for a job, he emphasizes how he can partner with the company to help it adapt to meet challenges.

New Social Contract

A nonprofit that helps low-income elderly people and their families navigate the health care system has been experiencing high turnover among its entry-level social workers. To reduce turnover, the organization should:

Offer internship opportunities to college students getting degrees in social work

Gourd Supermarkets has an extensive training program for all new employees and then has all employees spend a day in customer service and workplace safety training each year.

Old Social Contract

Passed in 2010, this law requires that firms with 50 or more employees provide health care insurance for their workers or pay a fine if the government must subsidize health care coverage.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

queen bee syndrome

Refers to a female boss who not only has no interest in fostering the careers of other women, but might even actively undermine them.

Paul, a Caucasian male, works as a tennis coach with Aisha, an African-American female. There is a well-known stereotype in the tennis community that women can't serve as fast as men can. Based on the summaries of these two studies, which of the following statements would be most likely to decrease the speed of Aisha's serve because of the effects of stereotype threat? Check all that apply.

You look really nice today, Aisha. Have a lot of your teammates asked you where you get your tennis skirts? Aisha, you're going to be playing against Lamar Jones next week. Let's make today's practice a test to see how fast you can serve

Managing diversity,

a key management skill in today's global economy, means creating a climate in which the potential advantages of diversity for organizational or group performance are maximized, while the potential disadvantages are minimized.

To redress past discrimination, an employer may undertake _____ by taking positive steps to guarantee equal treatment of people in legally protected groups.

affirmative action

Most organizations use an ________ to collect biographical information about job applicants, such as their education and experience.

application form

Contingent workers

are people who work for an organization, but not on a permanent or full-time basis.

Management in the News In January 2011, a judge issued a verdict in a case brought by the National Coalition for Men against the Century Supper Club. The men were protesting the club's "Ladies Night" policy that charged men $20 for entry while allowing women to enter for free. This case, which went back and forth among appeals courts for many years, was interesting because it was based on reverse discrimination: Men were demanding equal treatment rather than women. This news event refers to a case of


A company that has a _____ can expect an increased understanding of the marketplace.

diverse culture

When Comcast holds a job fair that is open to the public, it is using _______ to attract people to apply for jobs

external recruiting

The term ______ is used to refer to the barriers that cause a disproportionate number of women and minority professionals who are not promoted to the highest levels in organizations.

glass ceiling

In a recent survey, CEOs said that ________ the most important factor in achieving a competitive advantage

human capital is

The ultimate outcome of strategic human resource management is to

improve business results

This diagram shows the _____ model of diversity. This model defines diversity in a _____ way.

inclusive, broad

Diversity of perspective

is achieved when a manager creates a heterogeneous team made up of individuals with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. By tapping into the strengths of diversity, teams are more likely to experience the following: higher efficiency, better quality, less duplication of effort among team members, and increased innovation and creativity.

An internship

is an arrangement whereby an intern, usually a high school or college student, exchanges free or low-cost labor for the opportunity to explore whether a particular career is appealing or to gain valuable work experience in a particular field.

The glass ceiling

is an invisible barrier that exists for women and minorities that limits their upward mobility in organizations. They can look up through the ceiling and see top management, but prevailing attitudes and stereotypes are invisible obstacles to their own advancement.


is defined as "activities or practices that define the characteristics of applicants to whom selection procedures are ultimately applied."

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