MGMT 3000 Chapter 16

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Danielle uses intrinsic management methods to get people to perform as desired. These methods would include _____.

providing a daily "update" through in-house social media on how employees' work is affecting people who are buying the company's products

By watching coworkers, Bonnie has learned that the department manager yells at employees who are more than 10 minutes late for work. To avoid being yelled at, Bonnie makes it a point not to be late for work. This scenario is an example of _____.

social learning

Alejandro has always been a high achiever. There is nothing that he wants more than to get the job done and do it right. If his manager knows about this ________, the manager will have some good insight for motivating Alejandro.


Rosa wants to be promoted next year. In order to get her promotion, she is working extra hard this year, and she has already finished five major projects for her boss. If Rosa's _________ helps her to get her promotion, it will make her more motivated to work hard in the future.


In learning about behavior modification, Patrick has come to understand that the law of effect means _____.

behavior that is positively reinforced tends to be repeated, and behavior that is not reinforced tends not to be repeated

At work, Dalia is a member of a team that works well together and supports each other. Away from work, she is a member of a softball team that plays once a week, regularly has dinner with a group of friends, and often gets together with siblings and their families. In these ways, Dalia is effectively meeting _____.

belongingness needs

Kyle and Riley enjoy their jobs and are satisfied with their work conditions. They contribute enthusiastically to meeting team and organizational goals and feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization. Kyle and Riley are experiencing a high level of _____.

employee engagement

The most effective motivational programs typically involve much more than money or other extrinsic rewards in order to create an environment in which people thrive. Two important approaches toward this goal are _____.

empowerment and engagement

Kerem and Diego have been working as computer programmers at the same company for three years. Diego finds out that Kerem has negotiated larger pay raises over the past year based on classes taken at the local college even though both employees work on the same projects. He is not happy and decreases effort on those projects. His actions are explained by _____.

equity theory

The job characteristics model posits that core job dimensions are more rewarding when individuals experience three psychological states in response to job design. If Sanjay wants to design jobs in which individuals can experience greater motivation and satisfaction, Sanjay would use skill variety, task identity, and task significance to influence the employee's psychological state of _____.

experienced meaningfulness of work

Amaia's manager consistently informs all employees how they are doing and what they can do to change work performance to increase desired outcomes. Providing this _____.

feedback helps in the critical psychological state of knowledge of actual results

Employee _________ performers whether what they did was appropriate, and if they should do it again.

feedback tells

Vonda is frustrated with her manager, Glenda. Last week, when Vonda asked about Glenda's expectations, Glenda said, "Just do your best." But Vonda doesn't know exactly what to do, and as a result, she isn't very motivated. Vonda is having a problem with _____.

goal specificity

The key components of goal-setting theory include _____.

goal specificity, goal difficulty, and goal acceptance

Managers can observe the level of employee _________ by measuring productivity and profitability, these exemplify the pursuit of the organization's objectives.


Employees who forget to clock in when they first arrive at work must fill out a long form about why they didn't clock in and get it signed by at least one coworker and their manager before the payroll department will issue pay for that day. This approach to decreasing the number of employees who don't clock in would be an example of _____.

negative extrinsic motivation

Empowerment in an organization is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT _____.

power regulation

Expectancy theory is based on the relationship among which of the following three factors?

An individual's effort, performance, and desirability of outcomes

Blair notices that Ryan typically arrives late at every meeting. Blair would like Ryan to be on time so he confronts him after the meeting with these words, "You must be on time to meetings. I am placing a reprimand in your employment file. Three reprimands and you will be terminated." Which of the following reinforcement tools is Blair using?


Of the approaches in the Four Categories of Motives Managers Can use diagram, which one would a manager use if they wanted their employees to have heartfelt commitment to their work over the long term?

Design jobs so that employees get a sense of accomplishment from doing them.

Which of the following employees is most motivated by extrinsic reward?

Dion was excited to move from part-time to full-time status because now he would get health benefits for himself and his family.

In the acquired needs theory, at what point in life are achievement, affiliation, and power needs acquired by an individual?

Early life experiences

As part of the ERG theory, meeting employee needs helps keep motivation high. Which of the following would be considered a great high-level motivator?


Part of goal-setting theory says that employees have to "buy into" goals and be committed to them, which can be enhanced by having them participate in setting goals. Which of the following components of goal-setting theory addresses this aspect of motivation and performance?

Foster goal acceptance

Who of the following would be MOST likely to respond favorably to the application of the job characteristics model and to improvements in core job dimensions?

Hazel, who has a high need to grow and expand personal abilities

Which of the following actions is NOT going to help people to feel engaged at work?

Helping people get better office equipment.

Because of circumstances at work, Hunter has failed to qualify for the employer's full tuition grant that would allow him to complete a master's degree in human resources. He is disappointed and has spent more effort at work cooperating with coworkers rather than finding ways to work with managers. How would the ERG theory summarize this situation?

Hunter was unable to fulfill a need for personal growth and so reverted to a lower-order need and redirected efforts toward more satisfactory work relationships.

Which of the following statements about employee engagement is true?

Managers promote engagement by giving people the chance to work on challenging projects, offering high-quality training and learning programs, and providing opportunities for advancement within the organization.

Which of the following statements about acquired needs is true?

Managers with a high need for achievement but a low need for power tended to peak earlier in their careers and at a lower level.

As a manager, Morgan sends a note to any employee observed helping a coworker in a positive way, thanking them for their work in contributing to the work environment and whatever project they are working on. Which of the following forms of reinforcement is Morgan using?

Positive reinforcement

Which of the following statements about job characteristics is based on the job characteristics model?

The impact of the five job characteristics on the psychological states of experienced meaningfulness, responsibility, and knowledge of actual results leads to the personal and work outcomes of high work motivation, work performance, and satisfaction.

Which of the following would NOT be considered one of the reinforcement theories of motivation?

Two-factor theory

A manager has been tasked with turning around the performance of the maintenance department. Which of the following approaches is likely to be LEAST effective?

Threatening to fire employees who do not complete enough work each day

As a new manager for a struggling production department, one of Alexis's priorities is to alter jobs in the department to increase both the quality of employees' work experience and their productivity. Alexis will be engaged in _____.

work redesign

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