MGMT 309 Chapter 17

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Vrooms decision tree approch

-Attempts to prescribe a leadership style to a certain situation Decision significance- Weight the decision will carry w/ the organization Decision Timeliness- Degree of time pressure for making a decision in a timely basis


-Using noncoercive influence to shape the group or organizations goals -Motivating others to goals -Influence the behaviors of others without having to rely on force

Political behavior

Activities carried out for the specific purpose of acquiring, developing, and using power and other resrouces to obtain ones preferred outcome.

Rational persuasion

Convincing suboordinates compliance is in their best interest.. Use logic, ration.

Michigan studies

Determine 2 forms of leader behavior Job centered behavior-Managers who pay close attention to suboordinates work, explain work procedures, very interested in performance Employee centered behavior-Focus on development of cohesive work groups, and individuals

Leader behaviors (Path goal theory)

Directive leader behavior- Letting suboordinates know what is expected of them, give guidance support Supportive leader behavior-be friendly and approachable, have concern for employee welfare, treat them equal. Participative leader behavior, consult with s uboordinates, take sugestions, allow participation Achievement oriented- Setting hard goals, expect high level performance, encourage and show confidence.

Inspirational appeal

Influencing a suboordinates behavior trough an appeal toa set of higher ideals/ values

Leadership traits

Intelligence, self confidence, determination, integrity, sociability


Persuading others to support oa goal on grouns that are objective and logical as well as subjective and personal


The ability to affect the behavior of others


Threatening to fire, punish, or reprimand suboordinates if they don't do something

Information distortion

Withholding or distorting information to influence suboordinates behavior. can be unethical

Ohio state studies

-Don't interpret leader behavior as so one dimensional -Leaders who exhibit high levels of either one are effective 2 basic styles that can be exhibited at same time -Initiating structure behavior- Leader clearly defines leader-suboordinate role expectations, formal comm, working agenda Consideration behavior-Leader shows concern for suboordinates and attempts to establish friendly/supportive climate

Path Goal theory (Evans and House)

-Primary functions of leaders are to 1. Make valued or desired rewards available in workplace 2.Clarify for suboordinate the kinds of behavior that will get them accomplishments/rewards

Leadership continuum (Tannenbaum and Schmidt)

-Range of levels of leadership from boss centered to suboordinate centered leadership. Variables Leaders characteristics- Value system, confidence in suboordinates, security Suboordinates characteristics-independence needs, readiness for responsibility, interest in problem, understanding goals, knowledge Situational characteristics- Type of organization, group effectiveness, problem itself

Leader member exchange (LMX) approach

-Stresses the iportanc eof variable relationships between supervisors and each of their suboorindates Vertical dyads- Leaders have unique individual relationships with each suboordinate (dyad) in which subooridnate becomes member of IN or OUT group.

Least preferred Coworker (LPC)

Asks leaders to describe the person with whom they are least able to work well. High score= relationship orientation Low score= task orientation of leader Situational favorableness determined by- Leader member relations, task structure, position power.

Impression management

Making a direct and intentional effort to enhance ones image in the eyes of others (Lady coming in 5 minutes before boss got there ever day, leaving 2 minutes after)


Manager allows group to define the nature/parameters f problem, and develop a solution


Manager makes decision alone, announces and sells it to others.

Consult (Group)

Manager presents problem to group at meeting, gets suggestions, makes decision


Manager presents problem to group, explains it, has discussion with group and they make decision.

Consult (Individually)

Manager presents program to group members individualy, take suggestions, then makes decision


Offering to give something to someone else in return for that persons support

Types of power

Organizational power Legitimate power- Granted through organizational hierarchy Reward power- Power to give or withhold rewards Coercive power- Capability to force compliance by means of psychological, emotional, physical threat. Don't want Personal power Referent power- Peronsal power that accrues to someone based on identification, imitation, loyalty, or charisma Expert power- Power dereived from posession of information or expertise.

Creation of an obligation

Providing support for another persons psotiion that obliges that person to return the favor at a later date

Instrumental compliance

Suboordinate complies w/ managers request in order to get the rewards the manager controls

Legitimate request

Suboordinate complies with managers request because organization has given manager the right to make it.


Use force to get way

Personal identification

Using the superiors referent power to shape a suboordinates behavior

Results of ohio state

high Consideration leaders -> the employees low poerformance rating, but high satisfaction and low absenteeism high initiating structure-> the employees had high performance rating but low satisfaction and high absenteeism

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