MGMT 310A Ch.7

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What are examples of each type of justice?

Distributive: equity vs equality vs need Procedural: voice, correct ability, accuracy interpersonal: respect, propriety informational: justification, truthfulness

What are the stages of Kohlberg's moral development? How do they affect moral behavior and the justifications people provide for their moral behavior?

Preconventional: right and wrong determined by potential consequences a person will incur Conventional: right and wrong determined by the expectations of society and a person's family Postconventional: right and wrong determined by a set of established moral principles (only 20% of people reach this stage)

How does trust affect job performance and organizational commitment? Are the relationships the same for all three types of commitment?

Trust has a moderate positive effect on job performance and a strong positive effect on commitment (no effect on continuance, but high on affective and normative)

What three characteristics of a trustee does a trustor judge, when the trustor is assessing the trustworthiness from a cognitive perspective?

ability, benevolence, and integrity

In what three sources can trust be rooted?

disposition based, cognition based, affect based

What are the four types of justice? How are they distinct? How do they interact together (e.g., how do procedural/distributive justice combine to influence reactions to an authority figure)?

distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational

Related, what do we mean by "bad apples" and "bad barrels" in ethics? How about "good apples and good barrels?"

good vs bad apples are individual factors and good vs bad barrels are situational factors

What are the different dimensions of corporate social responsibility?

legal component ethical component citizenship component

What is the four-component model of ethical decision making (in order)?

moral awareness moral judgement moral intent ethical behavior

What role does moral identity and an ethical culture play in ethical behavior?

moral identity: degree to which person identifies as being a moral person "good apple" ethical culture: culture of an organization can endorse doing unethical things "bad barrels"

How does the enforcement of codes of conduct affect unethical behavior?

one of the strongest predictors of unethical behavior, yet only worked fr people high on conscientiousness whereas low-conscientiousness participants actually engaged in more unethical behavior when codes were strongly enforced

how can trust affect different types of exchange relationships that employees have with their supervisor?

social (open-ended and long-term/mutual investment) and economic (contractural agreements fulfilling duties)

What is trust, and how does it relate to justice and ethics?

the willingness to be vulnerable to a trustee based on positive expectations about the trustee's actions and intentions; trust is considered within justice and ethics

What factors influence individuals' perceptions of disposition-based trust?

trust propensity: a general expectation that the words, promises, ad statements of individuals and groups can be relied upon

What are three main categories of ethical behavior?

unethical behavior merely ethical especially ethical

How do perceptions of trust in relationships evolve over time—which is likely to develop first, second, and last?

1. disposition based (new relationships) 2. cognition based (most relationships) 3. affect based (few relationships)

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