MGMT 321 Chapters 9-12 written

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A creative idea is considered to be innovative when the idea A. receives a patent B. is put into action C. is a novel D. earns a profit


A useful contribution to inspirational communication is to sprinkle your conversation with emotion-provoking words T/F


Business leaders rarely use brainstorming because the technique is mostly geared toward relatively minor ideas like choosing a slogan for a safety campaign T/F


Highly self-confident people tend to speak quite rapidly or quite slowly T/F


The most effective goals, according to goal theory, are those that encourage a worker to "do his best or her best." T/F


a maverick within an organization is typically a conformist T/F


A creative businessperson is often skilled at seeing opportunities that other have overlooked T/F


A potential ethical problem noted with executive coaching is that the executive might become too dependent upon the coach for making decisions T/F


An effective way of getting team members committed to the consensus decision is to ensure that their voice has been heard T/F


Motivation increases when a person has high self-efficacy with respect to the task being performed T/F


one potential problem with being a hands-on leader is that the person might slip into being a micromanager T/F


A dominant characteristic of creative workers is a passion for a. their work b. the rewards associated with creative work c. working in teams d. working in a large bureaucracy


A major listening problem many leaders face is that they a. are so busy, they listen selectively to problems. b. suffer from hearing loss because of their iPod and similar devices c. fear charges of sexual harassment if they listen too carefully d. are convinces thar listening is for the wimps


A major mechanism for developing teamwork is a. frequent informal communication among members. b. personal goal setting. c. the team leader occupying a position of power. d. carefully following work procedures.


An important implication of expectancy theory for leadership is that a. the manager must assign valences to group members. b. workers must develop their own links between rewards and performance. c. out-groups and in-groups should be avoided. d. workers must clearly understand the task to be done.


Feedback in coaching should be a. specific about the area needing improvement. b. general to avoid assigning blame. c. confined to the first coaching session. d. avoided unless requested.


Listening skills are particularly important when the negotiator wants to a. investigate what the other side wants b. begin with a plausible demand or offer c. avoid making concessions d, focus on his or her own position


To persuade group members to accept your idea, it is recommended that you a. take the time to build solid consensus b. move quickly into a crisis leadership model c. use at least four characteristics of the power-oriented linguistic style at the same time d. avoid as much in-group jargon as possible


A business example of thinking outside the box is: a. people of all ages might respond to advertising b. sidewalks can be made out of rubber rather than cement c. the same story might increase the number of flavors offered d. car-wash customers might also want the car to be waxed


A major characteristics of a team is a a. group of people working at the same location. b. common commitment. c. nick name such as, "Bay Street Demons." d. daily meeting.


A major reason that recognition is an effective motivator is because a. recognition is closely linked to company strategy. b. most employees feel they do not receive enough recognition. c. most workers have become bored with financial incentives. d. recognition costs so much money to give.


An advantage of a goal related to a noble cause is that it a. gives workers step-by-step guidance. b. is likely to inspire workers. c. is geared toward the short range. d. has a relatively low valence.


An essential part of coaching is to a. use an autocratic leadership style. b. build relationships with people. c. manipulate the person being coached. d. create challenging obstacles for the person being coached.


Team members are more likely to commit to the consensus decision if a. debate on the issue at hand was suppressed. b. their voices are heard. c. the idea came from outside the group. d. the decision was decided by a vote.


The primary role of the executive (or business) coach is to a. help the person being coached find new employment. b. advise a person about personal improvement and behavioral change. c. give top management a report about the capabilities of the person being coached. d. help the person being coached become a better coach.


When attempting to resolve conflict between two group members, the leader is advised to a. use a win-lose approach b. use confrontation and problem solving c. modify the organizations structure d. work with each side alone to reach a solution


You and the other members of your business unit are participating in the pet-peeve technique, so you a. list all the complaints you have about your leader b. think up complaints that others might have about your unit c. think up all the things you do not like about your unit d. develop new ideas for products that consumers might want


A master negotiator offers this advice about negotiating: a. be firm and nasty b. Be hard on the problem, soft on the people. c. Be hard on the people, soft on the problem d. prevent the other side from making the deal better from its point of view


A basic principle of persuasion is a. it takes one to know one b. first things first c. people like those who like them d. people listen to avoid punishment


A study indicated that many managers fail to coach employees, particularly in the area of a. giving a friendly greeting to employees. b. developing strategic goals with the workers. c. giving feedback on performance plus suggestions for improvement. d. new product development.


A useful variation of the collaborative style of conflict management is to a. ignore criticism b. give the other side whatever he or she wants c. agree with the person criticizing you. d. cut way back on your initial demand or offer


According to equity theory, workers are likely to be motivated when they a. receive higher rewards than people performing similar work. b. have high job satisfaction. c. believe that they are treated equitably. d. compare their inputs with their outputs.


An important reservation about outdoor training is that much of the training is wasted because a. participants do not take it seriously. b. in the corporate world, teams change frequently. c. so many of the participants become injured. d. it encourages physical combativeness.


Canon Inc. has found that a key to creating new products is for a. the distinction between production and development to be eliminated b. production groups to report to the product development group c. the production team to work physically close to product developers d. develop new ideas for products that consumers might want


Jacob is a team leader who recognizes that collaboration among members is essential to the success of his team. He should therefore first attempt to develop what condition among team members? a. A feeling of competitiveness b. Clearly defined reporting relationships c. Trust of each other d. A little fear of each other


The sets of goal characteristics that will probably lead to higher levels of performance are a. easy and specific. b. easy and general. c. difficult and specific. d. difficult and general.


You know you are practicing e-leadership when you a. work from your home. b. talk on your cell phone and send email messages at the same time. c. congratulate team members at remote locations by email. d. recommend new software for the group.


A particularly robust strategy for enhancing creativity is to a. construct a kitchen for the mind b. award gift certificates for creative ideas c. encourage computer game playing during working hours d. hire people from outside the company who are already creative


A study found that positive leader-member exchanges are likely to increase the leader a. meeting with resistance in building teamwork. b. engaging in confrontations with the group. c. having a transactional effect on the group. d. having a transformational effect on the group.


An intellectual characteristic of creative people is that they a. receives a patent b. tightly focus their interests c. tune out the feelings of other people d. maintain a youthful curiosity throughout their lives


Crystal is an external leader of a team so she a. is a part-time member of the team. b. is paid from the headquarters budget. c. supervises a team while being a member of the team. d. supervises a team without being a member of the team.


Groups with high emotional intelligence a. avoid competition with other groups. b. have individual members who prefer to work independently. c. work mostly on creative tasks. d. have a strong norm of teamwork.


Groupware refers to software that can a. virtually eliminate the need for a team leader. b. measure the productivity of group members. c. allow group members to achieve consensus on which software to use. d. help groups collaborate better.


In terms of leadership and management, listening is a. much less important than talking b. a way of weakening the leader or manager's position c. a useful luxury d. a fundamental skill.


Which one of the following communication techniques is the most likely to make you appear powerful? a. be quite short in your verbal presentations b. boldly attack people c. emphasize self-depreciation d. speak loudly


a recommended approach for appealing to employee pride is to focus only on rewarding the accomplishment of a major goal T/F


The ideas that emerge during the insight step in creativity are frequently based on previous useful ideas T/F


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