MGMT 3361 Review

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Which of the following jobs would be most likely to require someone who has high degree of extraversion?


Which of the following statements about sexual harassment is true?

sexual harassment can occur between people of the same sex

Which of the following statements about disabilities is true?

Accommodations for disabilities needn't be expensive

Which of the following is an example of a diversity principle that will help managers do a better job of managing company diversity programs?

All of these are examples of diversity principles

Which of the following is a reason teamwork can be more satisfying than traditional work?

All of these are reasons why teamwork can be more satisfying than traditional work

Which of the following statements describe an advantage teams have over individuals in the decision-making process?

All of these describe advantages teams have over individuals in the decision-making process

Which of the following statements regarding cohesiveness is true?

Cohesive groups have lower turnover

According to the text, how do companies typically fare when they are accused of discrimination and must go to court to defend themselves?

Companies lose on, average, two-thirds of the discrimination cases brought against them

Which of the following statements about functional departmentalization is true?

Functional departmentalization allows work to be done by highly qualified specialists

Which of the following statements about mechanic organizations is true?

Mechanistic organizations work best in stable, unchanging business environments

Which of the following statements about employee turnover is true?

One of the best ways to discourage turnover is to link pay directly to performance

Many orthopedic parts are almost identical in size and shape. Stryker Howmedica Osteonics in New Jersey used a semi-autonomous work group to develop order are filled correctly. What happened when the team reached the storming stage of team development?

Team members began to work together, and different personalities and work styles clashed

Which of the following statements about the organic form of organization design is true?

The organic form of organization design is characterized by broadly defined jobs and responsibility: loosely defined, frequently changing roles knowledge

Which of the following positions most likely performs a staff function?

a member of the office cleaning crew

Which of the following is a factor that companies should carefully manage in order to increase the likelihood that teams will succeed?

bureaucratic immunity

Which of the following is an internal recruiting method?

career paths

Where standardization is important, it is appropriate to_____.

centralize authority

Which of the following is a legal problem employers may encounter in seeking, providing or using employment references as part...

defamation lawsuits

The primary disadvantage of geographic departmentalization is______.

duplication of resources

Which of the following is NOT one of the Big Five personality dimensions?


Which of the following is the only type of responsibility given to traditional work groups?

execute the task

Which of the following training methods is most appropriate for imparting information or knowledge to trainees?

lectures and planned readings

while___ emphasizes jobs and their authority relationships ___ emphasizes the activities through work gets done in the

organizational structure organizational process

Honeywell Inc. reorganized its European operations along customer lines to prepare for a unified European Union. In doing so, it abandoned matrix departmentalization. Why would Honeywell engage in such restructuring

to end conflict between product managers in different parts of its matrix

To which of the following aspects of the human resource management process does U.S. Federal employment law apply?

all of these

Which of the following is NOT an example of a pay-variability decision used to motivate employee performance?

hierarchical pay

The manager wants to encourage cognitive conflict. According to the text, should she also push for a team consensus?

no, because requiring team consensus gives everyone on the team veto power.

Which of the following paradigms for managing diversity is similar to the business growth advantage of diversity?

the access and legitimacy paradigm

Which of the following approaches to job redesign entails more than simply providing additional variety in job tasks?

the job characteristics model

Which of the following is a paradigm for managing diversity?

the learning and effectiveness paradigm

Which of the following signs would indicate that a team is too small?

The team finds it difficult to come up with ideas or generate solutions to problems.

Which of the following statements about job validation tests is true?

Validation refers to process of determining how well a selection test or procedure predicts future job performance.

Which of the following is NOT one of the recommendations for minimizing the occurrence of affective conflict and having a good...

always resolve issues by consensus

All job applicants for a position in an interior design company were given 10 swatches of fabrics of different colors and textures. 30 different paint chips and... floor treatment for an office. What type of selection test was used in this example?

aptitude testing

UTRGV launched a comprehensive diversity initiative, which includes frequent diversity retreats for faculty, staff, and student leaders. What basic type of ...

awareness training

Which of the following is a method used for compensating employees for team participation and accomplishments?


Which of the following statements explains why diversity actually makes good business sense?

Diversity helps companies attract and recruit talented employees

A family restaurant based in the English speaking providence of Ontario, was planning on opening a catering business in the personality?

openness to experience

What type of job interview might be used after a background question revealed the applicant had spent three years working in Africa convincing parents to allow their children to take polio vaccine?


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of functional departmentalization?

functional departmentalization produces managers with broader experience and expertise.

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