MGMT 3610 Exam 2

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monitor and control spread of infectious diseases

Suz is the supervisor of five employees, Ann, Ben, Cathy, Don and Effie. On a piece of paper, she rates each employee by comparing one against another. For instance, she compares Ann to Ben, the Ann to Cathy, then Ann to Don, then Ann to Effie and repeats the process (e.g., Ben to Cathy, Ben to Don, Ben to Effie and so on). Suz is using which method of performance evaluation?

paired comparison

Narrative Forms

rating the employee's performance for each performance factor, writing down examples and an improvement plan, aiding the employee in understanding where his/her performance was good or bad, and summarizing by focusing on good or bad, and summarizing by focusing on problem solving.

Who is the primary person responsible for doing the actual appraising of an employee's performance?

the employee's direct supervisor

Managers following a performance management approach to appraisals will usually meet with employees on a ________ basis.



(5-10 years) need 10-11 hours of sleep daily, teens (10-17 years) need 8.5-9 hours, and adults need 7-9 hours .

Methods of PA*

(There are 10 PA methods; know each of them) 1. Graphic Rating Scale Method 2. Alternation Ranking Method 3. Paired Comparison Method 4. Forced Distribution Method 5. Critical Incident Method 6. Narrative Forms 7. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) 8. Management by Objectives (MBO) 9. Computerized and Web-Based Performance Appraisal 10. Merged Methods

Video: Workplace exposure

-Asbestos Exposure is still the major cause of respiratory problems -removed it from the school and left it hanging in the ceiling -fear of losing their jobs, threatened -supervisors only care about the money

Video: Texting and driving

-Bus driver was texting for 6 min -children drowned

Peer evaluations (pro/con)

-Can predict future management success -immediate positive impact on improving communication. task motivation, and satisfaction -CON: logrolling when several peers collude to rate each other highly

Why do we do performance appraisal?

-Evaluations are often the basis for pay & promotion decisions. -Helps identify & correct problem behaviors or as the basis for termination decisions. -Should help identify & reward good behaviors. -Can be used in the career planning process. -If done correctly, reinforces organizational strategy.

Preventing accidents

-Provide & use personal protective equipment —no exceptions. -Identify & eliminate unsafe conditions, such as fixing defective equipment or having effective ventilation. -Make safety everyone's job; you see a problem, you report it and help fix it. -job rotation

Video: How to react to violence in workplace

-Run, hide, fight -get out if you can, encourage others to leave with you -call 911 when safe -hide quickly and quietly -commit to taking shooter down

Forced Distribution Method

-a predetermined percentages of rates are placed in various performance categories; placed in various performance categories; similar to grading on a curve

Video: Smokers need not apply

-banned smoking on hospital grounds-now smokers themselves -not hiring those with nicotine in their system -waste valuable work time -supportive fashion to quit -it IS legal to refuse smokers to apply -costs $3,000 more in healthcare

Video: Stressed out customers

-birthday parties cause lots of emotions -may not have a lot to provide

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)

-combines the benefits of narratives, critical incidents, and quantified scales, by anchoring a incidents, and quantified scales, by anchoring a scale with specific behavioral examples of good scale with specific behavioral examples of good or poor performance. or poor performance. -Advantages include: providing amore accurate more accurate gauge; clearer standards; more detailed gauge; clearer standards; more detailed feedback; independent; increased consistency -Major disadvantage: takes a lot of time and effort to develop the formseffort to develop the form

Video: Why OSHA was created

-effort to stop the rise of injury, disease, and death -right of every employee to safe and healthy working conditions -Work x hours for x money and return home just the same as they left

Alternation Ranking Method

-employees are ranked from best to worst on a particular trait -typically start by choosing the highest performer, then lowest performer, then next performer, then lowest performer, then next highest, then next lowest and so on until all are highest, then next lowest and so on until all are ranked. -works best for a small number of employees. Imagine completing the form for 5-7 employees. Imagine completing the form for 5-7 employees. Then imagine completing for 20, 30 or more Then imagine completing for 20, 30 or more employees. Please keep in mind that these employees. Please keep in mind that these rankings can be on one overall rankings can be on one overall

360 degree evaluations (pro/con)

-most generally use for development rather than pay increase do not rely solely on feedback


-not all stress is bad -Inverted-U relationship between stress & performance -We want a certain level to motivate us but not so much that it causes distress. -Line managers can be a major buffer between subordinates & stress. So as future managers, realize that you can be a major factor in reducing your employees stress.

Video: Safety Issues: Nuclear plants in Japan

-not transparent about the severity of the issue -ton of radiation exposure -tried to tell the media it was a safe situation -workers are getting a years worth of radiation in ab 10 min -50-100 years of cleanup,hasn't started since reaction isn't resolved

Paired Comparison Method

-ranking employees by making a chart of all possible pairs of employees for each trait or possible pairs of employees for each trait or rating dimension and indicating which is the rating dimension and indicating which is the better employee of the pair. -the greater the number of employees to be rated and the greater the number of rating rated and the greater the number of rating dimensions, the more difficult the process dimensions, the more difficult the process becomesbecomes

Graphic Rating Scale Method

-simplest and most popular performance performance appraisal technique -scale is used to list a number of traits and a range of performance for each, then the range of performance for each, then the employee is rated by identifying the score that employee is rated by identifying the score that best describes his/her performance level for each trait. -managers must decide which job performance aspects to measure.

Video: Not enough sleep

-sleep deprivation is a killer on your body -need 7-8 hours every night no matter one -can impair you in the same way as being intoxicated -all night studying can do more harm than good

Critical Incident Method

-supervisor keeps a record of uncommonly good examples and/or undesirable examples of an examples of an employee's work-related behavior and reviewing it with them at predetermined times -as number of employees increases, the more difficult it is for the supervisor to keep track of the difficult it is for the supervisor to keep track of the employees -the supervisor must remember to record behaviors as they occur as they occur -people have tendency to remember bad more than good

Three steps in PA

1. Define the job-what and how to measure 2. Evaluate performance-what method to use 3. Provide feedback

OSHA inspection guidelines*

1. initial contact 2. opening conference and 3. walk around IF you have your paperwork in order & have a good history with your inspector, the process can be short & smooth

OSHA applies to all employers with_______or more employees.


Top priority OSHA inspections occur within____hours.


Adults need an average of _______hours of sleep each night.


Performance management

A process that consolidates goal setting, performance appraisal, and development into a single, common system, the aim of which is to ensure that the employees performance is supporting the company's strategic aims.

Video: True Confessions

HR secrets: Pictures of children on the desk-secret plan Walk you to your car-Do not hire moms -Only boss knows the rules-layoff lists secret -appearances matter -pregnancy concerns -create docs to make you look like you are not doing your job -Be on your boss's good side and you will be safe

How do you do a performance appraisal?

HR'S MAJOR TRAINING OBJECTIVES IN THE EVALUATION PROCESS -To help managers understand the firm's procedures and forms used. -To help managers understand how to avoid rater errors.

Causes of accidents

Chance occurrences unsafe conditions employees' unsafe acts *unsafe conditions are the main cause of accidents

Types of safety and health issues

Chemicals and Other Hazardous Materials Ergonomics Fatigue and Sleep Substance Abuse Smoking Texting and Driving Stress Violence

Case: When Acceptable is unacceptable

For years, General Electric has used a ruthlessly efficient method for evaluating the performance of its employees. The system is widely known informally as the ABC approach. A: best B: middle C: lose their jobs GE executives argue that this allows the firm to continuously elevate the quality of the firm's human capital. Age discrimination lawsuits

Performance evaluation/appraisal

Evaluating an employee's current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standards.

Errors in PA (e.g., strictness, halo)

Halo effect: the influence of a rater's general, positive impression on ratings of specific qualities Horn Effect: the influence of a rater's general, negative impression on ratings of specific qualities Unintentional Bias: to unknowingly allow individual differences such as age, race, religion, national origin and gender to affect the appraisal ratings employees receive.

Management by Objectives (MBO)

Involves setting specific measurable goals with each employee and then periodically reviewing the progress made

Case: Faster Feedback

Many employees do not want to wait until their formal performance appraisal interview to receive feedback after making a presentation, an employee may tweet to ask others in the room how he or she did. Wiki technology provides another mechanism for receiving feedback.

Case: Counting the seconds

One of the most important jobs in retailing is the cashier. Makes pleasant or unpleasant experience. Clock begins when first item is scanned. The minimum performance expectation at Meijer is 95 percent of the standard. If an operator falls below this standard too many times, the person is either demoted to a lower paying job or fired. Mixed feedback of faster work/stress


Organizations are recognizing the costs of allowing employees to smoke in the workplace. -banning smoking/not hiring smokers

Designing PA

Performance Evaluation should be aligned with organizational strategy so that employees are organizational strategy so that employees are being evaluated (and subsequently rewarded) on activities that contribute to the achievement on activities that contribute to the achievement of the firm's mission. of the firm's mission. There are a number of approaches to performance evaluation so pick the approach performance evaluation so pick the approach (or combination of approaches) that best fits the situation.

Who does performance appraisal?

Supervisors AKA Line managers -Usually do the actual evaluation. -Must be familiar with basic appraisal techniques. -Must understand and avoid problems that can cripple appraisals. -Must know how to conduct appraisals fairly. THE HR DEPARTMENT -Serves a policy-making and advisory role. -Provides advice and assistance regarding the appraisal tool to use. -Trains supervisors to improve their appraisal skills. B -Monitors the appraisal system effectiveness and compliance with EEO laws.

Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)

The agency created within the Department of labor to set safety standards for almost all workers in the US.

Occupational Health and Safety Act

The law passed by congress in 1970 "to assure so far as possible every working man and women in the nation safe and healthful working conditions and to preserve our human resources."

OSHA inspections*

Top Priority: Inspections of imminent danger situations. This type of inspection will occur within 24 hours. Lowest priority: Random inspections & re-inspections.

Substance abuse

Train supervisors to recognize it; excessive tardiness often first warning sign


Violence by workers is often the result of increased stress associated with unreasonable work demands and/or bosses. Violence is also caused by external factors, where a worker's personal life bleeds into the workplace.

How to reduce errors in PA

WE CAN DEVELOP FORMS & PROCEDURES TO HELP REDUCE RATER ERRORS SUCH AS: Central Tendency Error - where supervisors stick to the middle of the rating scales, thus rating everyone average. Leniency Error - supervisors have the tendency to rate everyone high. Strictness Error- supervisors have the tendency to rate everyone low. Unclear Standards ambiguous criteria & rating dimensions—e.g., get it done ASAP

Why, who and what of OSHA*

Why: effort to stop the rise of injury, disease, and death Who: Employers with 11 or more employees must maintain records of & report occupational injuries & occupational illnesses. What: occupational illness/injuries- Any abnormal condition or disorder caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment.

Merged Methods

combining several methods to capitalize on the strengths of different methods while reducing strengths of different methods while reducing the weaknesses of a single method.

Case: Accelerated Performance evaluations

either once a year near the anniversary of each employee's hiring date or during one common period when everyone was evaluated. The practice of early reviews has also started spreading outside the high-tech environment to include areas such as banks, accounting firms, and insurance companies. These firms are finding that offering earlier reviews gives them a better chance of landing the top prospects.

The ABC method used by GE is what kind of performance evaluation method?

forced distribution

Computerized and Web-Based Performance Appraisal

generally enables managers to keep notes on subordinates during the year, to rate employees subordinates during the year, to rate employees on a series of performance traits, and then on a series of performance traits, and then generate written text to support each part of the generate written text to support each part of the appraisal.


hazards of poorly designed equipment that forces workers to do jobs while contorted in unnatural positions (e.g., computer injuries).

The first step in an OSHA inspection is:

initial contact

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