MGMT 386

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1925-1945 fax machine

baby boomer

1946-1964 personal computer

Gen Xers

1965-1979 mobile phone


1980-2001 google n facebook

gen 2020

2002-... social media

one's inclination to take more credit for success than for failure is called _________-________ bias


companies with an ___________ ______________ have an external focus and value flexibility

adhocracy culture


assuming people in a certain category possess the same traits

the fundamental _________ bias leads people to disregard environmental influences on behavior


values are organized into 2

bipolar dimensions

individual differences are determined by...

both genetics and environment

the best situation in business is for you and your manager to...

both have proactive personalities

personal values

broad, global, variously

the _________ _________ option in thomas' framework is based on the belief that good relationships can rise above differences

build relationships

how does organizational socialization embed their cultures in new employees

by promoting and reinforcing core values and beliefs

people with an internal locus of control...

can usually overcome setbacks, feel that they control their own destiny, blame their own flaws for poor results

4 steps in the stereotyping process

categorization, inferences, expectations, maintenance

those values that are in opposing directions from the ________ of the circle conflict with each other


a force that binds an individual to a course of action of relevance to one or more targets



constructive pointers and feedback especially for those victimized by learned helplessness is important

examples of organizational citizenship behavior

constructive statements about the departments, expression of personal interest in the work of others, respect for the spirit as well as the letter of housekeeping rules

using OB concepts and tools that are situationally appropriate is called a __________ ___________ to management

contingency approach

behavior that harms other employees, the organization as a whole or organizational stakeholders such as customers and shareholders is called

counterproductive work behavior

the ability to motivate employees in different ways, provide useful feedback, and manage productive teams are all aspects of a manager's performance, and doing these things well gives a manager...



deductive reasoning, problem analysis


differentiating minority individuals from ourselves

goal setting and quality improvement

difficulty must match employees perceived self efficacy

the fact that at work some coworkers remain satisfied in situations where others always seem dissatisfied is the idea behind...

disposition/genetic components

eradicating or getting rid of the situation that is causing the problem

dissolving problems

____________ management focuses on changing an organization's culture and infrastructure such that people work to the highest productivity possible


gardenswartz and rowe identified layers of ________ to help distinguish the important ways in which people differ


barriers to successful diversity programs at work

diversity is not the firm's priority, a need to revamp firm's performance appraisal and reward system, resistance to change

who is best known for their writing on organizational culture

edgar schein

one of the conclusions of the competign values framework is that organizational culture is related to measures of organizational _________


when people express themselves physically , cognitively, and emotionally during a role performance, they are demonstrating

employee engagement

because gaps can influence attitudes and performance, it is important for managers to reduce gaps between espoused values and....

enacted values

the values that employees actually exhibit based on their observations of what occurs on a daily basis

enacted values

during the _________ phase of the 3 phase socializaiton process, employees come to learn what the organization is really like.


the second level of organizational culture is ....

espoused values

the ___________ option in thomas' framework means people are willing to adapt or change their views for the sake of creating positive relationships

foster mutual adaptation

assigning someone's behavior to his or her personal characteristics instead of the circumstances is called

fundamental attribution bias

one way to perpetuate a firm's culture is to...

hire those with strong person-organization fit


intellectual, imaginative, curious, broad-minded

feelings related to employee engagement

intensity, focus, enthusiasm, urgency

when considering attribution theory, managers should remember that we tend to attribute behavior to ____________ causes


self-serving bias implies that people will credit successes to controllable ________ factors and failures to uncontrollable ________ factors

internal, external


interpreting people's behavior

the __________ option in thomas' framework is based on the action of moving the diverse person off to the side


situation factors that drive employee engagement

job characteristics, leadership, stressors

attitudinal outcomes of job satisfaction

job involvement, perceived stress, withdrawal cognitions, motivation

4 attitude and 4 behavior components found to correlate with...

job satisfaction

workplaces attitudes result from OB-related processes such as



managerial support of workplace creativity raises self-efficacy

companies with a ________ culture have a strong external focus and value stability


the competing values framework teaches us that companies with a ___________ culture tend to have more positive organizational outcomes


formal statements in an organization are those about organizational....

mission, philosophy, values

statements that are true of liking and fit...

most people evaluate a person's personality by whether or not they like them, they are not particularly beneficial for managers, they are not precise enough tot have real value in management

values ________ our behavior across any context


sternberg applied what he called "practical intelligence" to leadership by using an aspect of intelligence referred to by gardner as...

naturalist intelligence

difference between what an individual expects to receive from a job and what he or she actually receives is....

net expectations

what information would be important to a manager who wanted to foster an adhocracy culture

number of patents developed in R&D, improvements in customer satisfaction, number of new ideas submitted through suggestion systems

programs to help people come back to their careers after taking a break are known as


individual behavior that is discretionary and not part of a formal reward system and promotes the effective performance of the firm is called

organization citizenship

object recognition is a major function of_________


managers are likely to be able to influence _______________________ by implementing policies that positively impact self evaluations, attitudes and emotions

performance and job satisfaction

personality and positive psychological capital are considered ________ ________ that contribute to employee

person factors

personality and positive psychological capital are considered __________ that contribute to employee engagement

person factors

2 broad categories of OB concepts and theories include...

person factors and situation factors

organizational commitment occurs when employees value achievement and an employer rewards people for accomplishing goals. when this occurs, the consistency is called __________-__________ fit


compatibility between an individual and a work environment that occurs when their chracteristics are well matched is called ________________-___________ fit


extroversion has been found to..

predict job performance better than agreeableness

emotional stability

relaxed, secure, unworried

organizations can promote desired behaviors and not CWBs by

screening for CWBs during the hiring process, defining desired behaviors, designing jobs that increase satisfaction

3 common elements in choosing among alternatives to arrive at an effective solution

selection criteria, choice process, consequences

social awareness

service, empathy, organizational awareness

cultural change in an organization can be achieved through changing the firm's...

slogans and acronyms

organizational behavior emphasizes _________ perception rather than object perception


intelligence and mental abilities are...

stable over time and difficult to change

which kind of reward would be best suited for a clan culture

stock shares that increase when an entire division performs well

mechanisms for changing organizational culture

stories, legends, myths; activities processes, outcomes; leader reactions to crisis; slogans, acronyms, sayings

environmental characteristics that cause stress are


an invisible barrier that restrains women from reaching higher-level positions is called...

the glass ceiling

perceived behavior control

the perceived ease or difficulty of performing the behavior, assumed to reflect past experience or anticipated obstacles

which of the following are characteristics of companies with a market culture

they are focused externally and value stability, they are driven by results and achieving goals

affirmative action programs have generated many opportunities for __________ and __________

women, minorities


appreciate, compose and perform music

not a key workplace attitude managers track

cognitive dissonance

causal attribution refer to

suspected causes of behavior


can recognize and use patterns

the harnessing of organization members' selves to their work roles

employee engagement

a word of caution about using personality tests is to be sure...

to use properly trained employees to administer tests or analyze results

subjective norm

a social factor representing the perceived social pressure for or against the behavior

Ajzen and Fishbein consider intentions as the key link between

actions and planned behavior

people make causal attributions by observing 3 dimensions of behavior called_________ _________ and__________

consensus, distinctiveness, consistency

corporate ________ is prevalent even though most leaders are dedicated to operating ethical organizations


major reasons that companies use personality tests include...

decreasing bias against applicants, expanding the number of candidates being considered, reducing expenses associated with hiring

characteristics that take a while to emerge during interactions, such as attitudes, opinions and values, are called __________-_______ characteristics


the _________ option in thomas' framework means people refute that differences exist



dependable, responsible, achievement oriented, persistent

effective performance management practices can lead to higher ___________ ____________

employee engagement

when employees are highly _________, it can achieve 12% higher customer satisfaction and loyalty ratings


a firm with a _________ culture is more likely to develop reliable internal processes, extensive use of measurement, and implementation of a variety of control mechanisms



high self-efficacy managers should be given an opportunity to prove themselves under pressure

systematic process of closing gaps between a desired outcome and actual situation is called

problem solving

intelligence entails a person's capacity for...

problem solving, constructive thinking, reasoning

OB concepts can be applied to the ________-_________ process to overcome challenges and improve your performance


to demonstrate credibility through performance, managers should be able to...

provide constructive feedback, develop and lead productive teams, apply different motivational tools.

an individual's perception about the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange between him/herself and another party is referred to as a...

psychological contract

to solve problems effectively, it is imprtant to consider necessary ________, such as people who will provide support


anger is usually a _________ emotion


reasons people are unethical at work

reward systems that offer incentives for bad behavior, pressure from supervisor, personal motivation to perform

one way to make sure inputs in the organizing framework are positively oriented is to measure, track and responding to...


a company's ability to make a profit without sacfrificing the resources of its people, the community and the planet


Personal attitudes

targeted, via intentions, specific

true of self-evaluations in a managerial role

the training power of core self-evaluations is limited because of the fixed nature of the traits, self-efficacy is more flexible to use in training than the other traits, using core self-evaluations as one chracteristic works better than using the four traits

effective managers should address personality

they should be precise, scientific, should pay attention to emerging scientific data on how personality affects important work processes and outcomes

the ____________ option in thomas' framework involves acknowledging differences but not valuing or accepting them


dimensions of conservation

tradition, conformity, security

2 items to apply to a contingency approach to management

you cannot rely on one best way, the most effective solution is based on the situation

our values are influenced by the values of our_______ and by the ________ we have as children

parents, experiences

personal attitudes are related to behaviors directed towards...

people, situations, objects

situation factors

are very important to your job performance


learn and use spoken and unwritten languages

situation factors are very important to your job performance



trusting, good natured, cooperative, softhearted

attribution theory

ability is an internal factor, attribution theory says behavior can be caused by external or internal influences, 3 dimensions of behavior vary independently in the creating attributions

an __________ and ________ perspective on diversity recognizes that an organization deals with culturally diverse markets and constituencies

access, legitimacy

recognition that the organizations markets and contituencies are culturally diverse is called ___________ and _________ perspective on diversity

access, legitimacy

people can use skills associated with practical intelligence to...

adapt to their environment, manage tasks, manage themselves and others

people can use the skills associated with practical intelligence to...

adapt to their environment, manage tasks, manage themselves and others

the phase of organizational socialization that occurs before an individual actually joins organization is _____________ socialization


the phase of organizational socialization that occurs before an individual actually joins organization is

anticipatory socializaiton

the __________ option in thomas' framework is based on the premise that eventually all people will learn to blend in or become the dominant group


the fundamental_________ bias leads people to disregard environmental influences on behavior


emotional intelligence has been shown to...

be associated with increased well-being and satisfaction


beliefs or ideas that one has about an object or situation

self efficacy...

can be increased, involves a person's beliefs about personal success, tends to manifest itself in actual performance

affirmative action programs

can be voluntary or mandatory

the ___________ and __________ phase of the organizational socialization process requires employees to master important tasks and roles and to adjust their work group's values and norms

change and acquisition

3 phases in daniel feldman's organizational socialization model are...

change and acquisition, anticipatory socialization, encounter

ways to reduce cognitive dissonance

change your attitude or behavior, find consonant elements that outweigh the dissonant ones, belittle the importance of the inconsistent behavior

second bipolar dimension ranges from openness to ________ to _________

change, conservation

companies with a _______ culture have an internal focus and value flexibility rather than stability and control


innovation and operational outcomes are linked to characteristics associated with...

clan, adhocracy, and market cultures

components that influence overall attitudes

cognitive, behavioral, affective

the idea that culture facilitates collective ___________ is exemplified when southwest airlines employees all deliver customer service woth warmth, friendliness and individual pride


job design

complex jobs tend to enhance self efficacy

personality trait has the strongest and most positive effect on performance


first bipolar dimension includes self- _________ and self- _________

enhancement, transcendence

what theory is based on the idea that managers must interact with the employees and monitor their perceptions of fair treatment


explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization are called...

espoused values

situation with 2 choices, neither of which resolve the situation in an ethically acceptable manner is called...

ethical dilemma

a concern with identifying right and wrong behavior is referred to as...


espoused values represent aspirations that are __________ communicated to employees


concept of equity ties directly to how _________ a person is treated at work


people with an external locus of control...

feel that their success is explained by environmental factors


feelings or emotions that one has about an object or situation

attitudes and emotions are...

flexible and altered more easily

demographics are statistical measures of population qualities such as....

gender, race, age

a firm with a __________ culture has an internal focus, which produces a more formalized and structured work environment and values stability and control over flexibility



how one intends or expects to act toward someone or something

culture provides employees with an organizational


thoughts or beliefs that are automatically activated from memory without our conscious awareness are examples of

implicit cognition

the ___________/____________ option in thomas' framework has the goal to either increase or decrease the number of diverse people at all levels of the firm


relationship management

influence, developing others, change catalyst

potential constraints during problem solving

lack of time, insufficient funds, lack of info


live in harmony with the environment

a relatively stable personality characteristic that describes how much personal responsibility you take for your behavior and its consequences is...

locus of control

4 components of core self-evaluations

locus of control, emotional stability, self-efficacy, self-esteem

proper ___________ can create a sense of oneness and membership in a firm and thus significantly influence the protege's career


organizational identity, collective commitment, social system stability and sense-making device are the 4 functions of _______________ culture


individual behavior that is discretionary and not part of a formal reward system and promotes the effective performance of the firm is called

organizational citizenship behavior

if an employee values achievement and an employer rewards people for accomplishing goals, the employee is more likely to experience...

organizational commitment

barriers to implementing successful diversity programs

prejudice, inaccurate stereotypes, ethnocentrism

a person with a __________ personality is someone who is relatively unconstrained by situational forces and who affects environmental change


the definition of a ________ is when our desired outcomes do not match the actual situation


giving recruits a realistic idea of what lies ahead by presenting both positive and negative aspects of the job

realistic job preview

behaviors shown by research to improve intelligence

reasoning, constructive thinking, problem solving

_________ a problem means opting for a solution that is satisfactory but not the most ideal


planned and unplanned activities and ceremonies that are used to celebrate important events or achievements are called....

rites and rituals

positive outcomes of job ________ include motivation and job involvement


OB goes beyond common sense


knowing which OB tools to use and under what circumstnaces is referred to as

a contingency approach to managing people

________ __________ has a positive association with behavioral outcomes like job performance and OCB

job satisfaction

__________ ___________ has a negative association with negative behaviors like CWB and turnover

job satisfaction

weaknesses of common sense

lack of rigor, too much dependence on hindsight, lack of objectivity

the process of forming and maintaining an intensive and lasting developmental relationship between a variety of developers and a junior person is called...



outgoing, talkative, social, assertive

self menagement

training linked to goal setting, action planning and self motivation increases self-efficacy

an individual's overall thoughts and feelings about quitting are called...

withdrawal cognitions

benefits of high emotional intelligence

greater lever of teamwork, increased creativity, ability to apply positive emotions to work

training and development

guided experiences improve employee self-efficacy

the extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals is called

organizational commitment

set of implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environment is called....

organizational culture

areas of OB that have been shown to have a powerful influence on ethical conduct at work

organizational culture, decision making, leader behavior

idea that good treatment inspires good work is the basic premise of....

perceived organizational support

the ability to solve everyday problems by utilizing knowledge gained from experievne in order to purposefully adapt to, shape and select environments is called

practical intelligence

someone's intention to engage in a given behavior is a strong ________ of that behavior


example of a person factor

preference to work independently

perceived ________ has a number of consequences for health and negative association with employee engagement


the _________ option in thomas' framework means that differences are squelched or discourage


firms can foster employee engagement to combat employee


one's tendency to blame another person's behavior on that person's personal characteristics as opposed to situational influences is known as ___________ __________ bias

fundamental attribution

only when a firm's favorable treatment is voluntary rather than mandated by an external constraint will it be seen as....

organizational support

perceived __________ _________ motivates employees to work hard and commit to the organization

organizational support

attitude toward the behavior

the degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior in question

hiring people who fit within a firm's culture is a good way to tackle the problem of employee _________



understand and regulate oneself


understand, connect and work with others


using one's mind and body to coordinate physical movement

________ impact behavior no matter what the context


actions in pursuit of some _______ have consequences that conflict with others


the competing __________ framework was first developed by researchers trying to classify different ways to assess organizational effectiveness


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