MGMT 435 CHAPTER 11 (Done)

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What one of the following is not a characteristic of yield management? a. Capacity is relatively fixed. b. There is one homogeneous customer class. c. The service is considered a perishable inventory. d. Demand fluctuates yet is somewhat predictable.


A cruise ship has available a certain number of rooms in each of 10 categories of appointments ranging from a two-bunk inside cabin to a suite with an outside patio and indoor sitting area. If a passenger requests a sailing date in which the desired cabin is sold out, which of the following actions would be considered the least viable alternative for the cruise line? a. Offer an upgraded cabin at a reduced price. b. Attempt to steer the passenger to an available date. c. Overbook the cabin. d. Offer a downgraded cabin with special privileges such as a $100 certificate for use in the casino.


Which one of the following four steps in "daily workshift scheduling" is out of order? a. Forecast demand. b. Convert to operator requirements. c. Assign operators to shifts. d. Schedule shifts.


________ is not a strategy for accommodating of customer-induced variability. a. Provide generous staffing b. Cross-train employees c. Reward increased effort d. Do work for customers


A medical clinic has two doctors and each can treat 25 patients a day. The doctors see walk-in patients whose arrival times cannot be controlled, and also patients who have made appointments. Knowing the expected number of walk-ins per day, appointments are scheduled to utilize the doctors fully. The following table gives the expected number of walk-ins for a particular week: Day: Mon. Tue. Wed. Th. Fri. Expected Walk-ins: 45 35 40 45 40 What is the total number of appointments that can be scheduled during this week? a. 30 b. 35 c. 40 d. 45


Bars that offer happy hours in the afternoon are using the strategy of: a. creating adjustable capacity. b. developing complementary services. c. increasing customer participation. d. promoting off-peak demand.


Faced with variable demand and a perishable capacity, a service manager can smooth demand by: a. using part-time help during peak hours. b. scheduling workshifts to vary workforce needs according to demand. c. increasing the customer self-service content of the service. d. using reservations and appointments.


4. Differential pricing is an attempt to make peak usage periods unattractive by imposing a penalty on the consumer for using the service during peak periods.


A health club offering a reduced rate membership for students to workout before 4:00 p.m. on weekdays is: a. promoting off-peak demand. b. partitioning demand. c. using yield management. d. offering price incentives.


A restaurant that features special lunchtime combo meals is providing all but one of the following benefits? a. Promotes off-peak demand b. Increases customer satisfaction c. Decreases service times d. Segment demand


________ is not a strategy for reduction of customer-induced variability. a. Adapt to customer skill levels b. Require reservations c. Limit service breadth d. Target customers based on capability


A good overbooking strategy should: a. minimize the expected opportunity cost of idle service capacity. b. balance the expected opportunity cost of idle service capacity and expected cost of turning away customers who have reservations. c. minimize the expected cost of turning away reservations. d. none of the above; services should try to avoid overbooking.


All but one of the following is an example of a yield management application: a. RyerFirst b. SABRE c. HIRO d. Restaurant Catering Software


The purpose of differential pricing is to: a. make peak period usage unattractive. b. make off-peak usage attractive. c. charge customers according to their ability to pay. d. adjust capacity to demand.


________ is not a characteristic appropriate for a yield management strategy. a. Relatively fixed capacity b. Steady demand c. Ability to segment markets d. Products sold in advance


In using the critical fractile criterion P(d<x) = Cu/(Cu + Co) for overbooking, the 'd' refers to: a. cost of overestimating demand. b. cost of underestimating demand. c. number of rooms overbooked. d. number of no-shows based on past experience.


Several approaches to demand management exist, but only _______ seeks to maximize revenue. a. promoting off-peak demand b. reservation systems c. offering price incentives d. yield management


_________ variability is not one of the five sources of customer-induced variability. a. Arrival b. Capability c. Effort d. Demand


11. Time perishability of service capacity is a challenge for service managers because customers demand immediate service.


18. A disadvantage of yield management is that it cannot be implemented in real time.


2. Overbooking is a strategy that can be used to smooth demand.


20. SABRE is the name for American Airlines' yield management system.


17. Using part-time personnel at fast-food restaurants allows capacity to vary with demand.


21. Service capacity is defined in terms of an achievable level of output per unit time.


8. A drawback to increased consumer participation is the fact that service quality is no longer completely under the control of the provider of the service.


13. Yield management is a strategy that manages both demand and capacity.


15. Expected loss for an overbooking reservation strategy would be calculated by multiplying the loss for each no-show possibility and its probability of occurrence, and then adding the products.


16. The critical fractile is a cumulative probability of demand.


19. Some restaurants use tables and chairs instead of booths to create more flexible capacity.


5. Yield management is the process of allocating a fixed perishable resource to several market segments in the most profitable manner.


6. The work shift-scheduling problem is important in service organizations that face a cyclic demand for their services.


Which of the following strategies is inappropriate for managing capacity and demand? a. Smooth customer demand by offering price incentives. b. Scheduling staff to meet variations in forecasted customer demand. c. Decrease customer participation in the service process. d. Promoting off-peak use of facilities.


Which of the following is not a strategy for managing capacity? a. Developing complementary services b. Using part-time employees c. Forecasting demand d. Scheduling shifts


For a chase demand strategy which of the following does not have a high trade-off? a. Employee utilization b. Labor-skill level c. Labor turnover d. Supervision required


Which one of the following is not an example of the differential pricing policy? a. weekend and night rates for long-distance telephone calls b. difference in hospital fees for walk-in and scheduled services c. peak-load pricing by utility companies d. none of the above


3. The strategy of segmenting demand to reduce variation makes use of the fact that demand for a service seldom is derived from a homogeneous source.


7. Work shift scheduling attempts to deal with the service utilization problem by controlling the demand for the service and partitioning it so that utilization is uniform.


1. The use of a ski-resort hotel for business conventions during the summer is an example of using the complementary service strategy.


9. When peaks of activity are persistent and predictable such as meal times for restaurants, off-duty personnel can be placed on standby to supplement regular employees.


12. Yield management is a pricing and capacity allocation system that was developed by American Airlines.


When yield management is implemented which one of the following does not result: a. consumer surplus increases b. multiple prices are offered c. capacity is more fully utilized d. market for the service is segmented


Which one of the following is not a characteristic of firms using yield management? a. ability to segment their market b. perishable inventory c. variable capacity d. product sold in advance


14. An example of segmenting demand is seen when movie theaters offer matinee prices before 6:00 p.m.


The strategy of segmenting demand is feasible only when: a. demand is not from a homogeneous source. b. demand is cyclic and predictable. c. arrivals for service are random. d. making appointments is impossible.


Which one of the following is not a strategy to manage demand? a. cross-training employees b. offering price incentives c. developing reservation systems d. partitioning demand


22. Level demand and chase capacity are the two generic strategies for capacity management.


10. Cross training of employees as a strategy to increase flexibility is feasible only when there exist tasks, the demands for which peak at different times.


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