MGMT - Business Ethics

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20) Although the concept of insurance dates back to antiquity, the insurance industry as a profession came of age in the _____ century, when maritime trade in valuable commodities like coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, and silk became an immense industry, but one fraught with uncertainty. Merchants sought a means to limit their financial losses in the event their cargoes were lost at sea. a. 5 th b. 10th c. 15th d. 17th e. 20th


13) Until the _____, religion and ethics were nearly inseparable. Many believed that people could not be persuaded to do the right thing without the threat of eternal damnation. The Enlightenment's attempt to peel religion away from ethics was short-lived, with even Kant acknowledging the need to base morality on something beyond the rationalism of his time. a. End of WW I b. Civil War c. 17th century d. Industrial Revolution e. Middle Ages

17th century

24) The Global 100's cumulative return on high-sustainability firms is about _____ a traditional investment. a. the same as b. 5 percent higher than c. 25 percent lower than d. 5 percent lower than e. 25 percent higher than

25 percent higher than

22. Hiring a worker as an independent contractor saves an employer about _____ percent of the cost of an employee in benefits. a. 10 b. 30 c. 50 d. 80 e. 100


20) In the United States, CEO pay is on average ________ times as high as the pay of the average worker in the same company. a. 30 b. 50 c. 100 d. 300 e. 1000


8. According to a Glassdoor study, when changing jobs, employees earn an average increase of more than _____ percent in salary alone, not including benefits. a. -15 b. -5 c. 0 d. 5 e. 15


3) In a study by Statistical Brain, 'Startup Business Failure Rate by Industry,' the failure rate of all U.S. companies after five years was over 50 percent, and over 70 percent after ten years. a. 10 / 30 b. 30 / 50 c. 40 / 60 d. 50 / 70 e. 70 / 90


4) The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1989, which was enacted because companies were not behaving ethically, has now been in effect for almost three decades, protects workers and their families (as well as their communities) by mandating that employers provide _____ days' advance notice of mass layoffs and plant closings. a. 60 b. 30 c. 100 d. 7 e. 21


16. Because consumers of comfortable means are a huge driver of the U.S. economy, with their household consumption of goods and services like food, energy, and education making up more than _____ of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP). a. 10% b. 25% c. 33% d. 50% e. 66%

66% (two thirds)

2) According to business consultant Patrick Henry, what percentage of venture-backed startups fail? a. 10 b. 25 c. 50 d. 75 e. 95


20. Gender inequality is strongly associated with income inequality. According to multiple studies, including those by the American Association of University Women and the Pew Research Center, on average, women are paid approximately __ percent of what men are paid. a. 10 b. 30 c. 50 d. 80 e. 100


20) _____ do exist. Ethical systems, whether utilitarian, rights based, or based on natural law and virtue ethics, are attempts to translate _____ like abstaining from cheating customers, defrauding clients, lying, and murder into workable solutions for people. From these systems has emerged a basic set of ethical norms for the business world. a. Instrumental values b. absolute values c. terminal values d. normative values e. relative values

Absolute values

4) Which company was cited in Chapter 3 in performing as an "ethical maximum" a. Samsung when its washers developed a problem with the spin cycle in 2017 b. Amazon and its "Amazon Pace" c. United Airlines overbooking passengers d. Ford Motor Company's 1958 introduction of the Edsel e. Volkswagen when its diesel engine's emissions exceeded U.S. pollution standards

Amazon and its "Amazon Pace"

7. What U.S. law prevents employers from discriminating against disabled individuals; and if employment is offered, obliges the employer to make reasonable accommodations to enable him or her to carry out normal job tasks? a. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution b. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 c. Handicapped Restitutions Act d. Americans with Disabilities Act e. Rehabilitation Act

Americans with Disabilities Act

21) The branch of science that uses computer algorithms to replicate human intelligent behavior by machines with minimal human intervention is called _____. a. biogenics b. data structures c. symbolic computational automation d. automated reasoning e. artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence

20. A payment in some form (cash or noncash) for an act that runs counter to the legal or ethical culture of the work environment is called _____. a. insider trading b. bribery c. illegal transaction d. legal transaction e. conflict of interest


8) The goal of the Industrial Revolution was to earn as high a profit as possible for shareholders, with little concern for outside stakeholders. _____ famously exposed the conditions of factory work and the poverty of the working class in many of his novels. a. William Shakespeare b. Mark Twain c. Charles Dickens d. Washington Irving e. Walt Whitman

Charles Dickens

20) The Global 100 identifies the world's most sustainable companies. The highest-ranking U.S. company is _____, which ranks seventh on the Global 100 list a. Apple b. Cisco c. Google d. Amazon e. Walmart


3. Workplace diversity is not a new policy idea; its origins date back to at least the passage of the _____ or before. a. Equal Opportunity Act of 1975 b. Civil Rights Act of 1866 c. 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution d. Civil Rights Act of 1964 e. Voting Rights Act of 1965

Civil Rights Act of 1866

25. Religious apparel and/or appearance are protected in the U.S. under which law? a. state laws b. the First Amendment of the Constitution c. Civil Rights Act of 1964 d. Religious Freedoms Act e. religious apparel and/or appearance are not protected in the U.S

Civil Rights Act of 1964

21) The viewpoint that business leaders should opt to do good at the same time that they do well, illustrates which concept? a. Corporate duty b. Corporate obligations c. Corporate culture d. Business ethics e. Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility

20) _____ is the practice by which a business views itself within a broader context, as a member of society with certain implicit social obligations and environmental responsibilities. a. Corporate obligations b. Corporate social responsibility c. Corporate culture d. Business ethics e. Corporate duty

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

17) _____ "corrodes the democratic principles of accountability, equality, and transparency. It poses an extremely high cost to the citizenry; it saps the credibility of government and it places companies under an unbearable economic burden." It is "an insidious plague" that exists everywhere and "hurts the poor disproportionately by diverting funds intended for development, undermining a Government's ability to provide basic services, feeding inequality and injustice and discouraging foreign aid and investment. a. corruption b. deceit c. socialism d. muckraking e. mercantilism


22) Which of these steps is typically the first one taken when companies decide to conduct "ethics training"? a. create a Code of Ethics b. react and respond to instances of misconduct c. communicate ethics standards d. place ethical people in positions of authority e. create a Code of Ethics

Create a code of ethics

10) Immanuel Kant is most associated with which normative ethical theory? a. Morality b. Virtue theory c. Deontology d. utilitarianism e. none of the above


7) Which of these normative ethical theories suggests that it is the means that lend nobility to the ends; that is, certain universal rules apply to every situation and bind us to these duties? a. Integrity b. Morality c. Virtue theory d. Deontology e. utilitarianism


18) _____ is now the first country to officially recognize the concept that Earth has legal rights. a. Sweden b. United States c. United Kingdom d. Ecuador e. Iceland


1) What is the name of the individual who is willing to risk starting a new company and offering a product or service he or she hopes will be sustainable and permit the firm to prosper? a. manager b. worker c. entrepreneur d. tycoon e. executive


23. What federal statute allows whistleblowers to receive monetary awards for reporting on any person or company who knowingly submit false claims to the U.S. government? a. False Claims Act b. Whistleblower Protection Act c. Whistleblower Reporting Act d. Employee Reporting Act e. Whistleblower Protection Statute

False Claim Act

25. What U.S. law was violated by BHP Billiton, a U.S. energy company, and GlaxoSmithKline, a U.K. pharmaceutical company, which were each fined $25 million for buying foreign officials tickets to the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China? a. False Claims Act b. Whistleblower Protection Act c. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act d. U.S. Bribery Recovery Act e. National Labor Relations Act

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

9) In a company town, the stores, entertainment venues, and housing were all owned by the same company, which also employed everyone in a local factory or mine. Which individual below established a company town for his company? a. John D. Rockefeller b. Henry Ford c. Bill Gates d. Steve Jobs e. Andrew Carnegie

Henry Ford

6) Which company was used in Chapter 9 as a legendary example of a start-up that still inspires many today? a. Uber b. Starbucks c. JP Morgan Chase d. 3M e. Hewlett-Packard Corporation

Hewlett-Packard Corporation

16) The textbook offered a simple strategy for considering all of a company's stakeholders in practice. What factor should not be considered when preparing a worksheet to consider stakeholder impact? a. Stakeholders in order of perceived priority b. Interests and goals of stakeholder c. Impact of action/decision on stakeholder d. How to maximize stockholders' short-term profits e. None of the above

How to maximize stockholders' short-term profits

24) One model of ethical behavior, sometimes called the _____, may provide the answer for businesses that wish to achieve the dual goal of human flourishing and responsible profits. In this model, organizations focus on employees as a vital part of the operation and support them in their professional training, health care, education, family responsibilities, and even spiritual concerns. a. corporate social responsibility model b. Code of Ethics model c. normative business ethics model d. humanistic business model e. mercantilist model

Humanistic business model

25) In Chapter 3, the textbook noted that stakeholders have different expectations in different geographic settings, and it behooves all international companies to appreciate the varying perspectives that geography and culture may produce among them. Which company did the textbook chapter use to illustrate this point? a. Malaysia Airlines flying into Mecca for hajj b. IKEA expanding into China c. Ford introducing the Edsel automobile d. Volkswagen installing a unit in each new car to interpret emissions e. Johnson & Johnson and the Tylenol tampering incident

IKEA expanding into China

9) _____ was a pioneer of investigative journalism and a leading "muckraker" of the Progressive Era, perhaps best known for an exposé of the business practices of John D. Rockefeller, founder of the Standard Oil Company. a. Joseph Pulitzer b. Ida Tarbell c. Upton Sinclair d. Lincoln Steffens, e. William Randolph Hearst

Ida Tarbell

21) Who authored these two major suppositions: (1) We must act on the basis of goodwill rather than purely on self-interested motives that benefit ourselves at the expense of others; (2) we must never treat others as means toward ends benefitting ourselves without consideration of them also as ends in themselves? a. Immanuel Kant b. Jeremy Bentham c. Aristotle d. John Rawls e. John Stuart Mill

Immanuel Kant

19. The buying or selling of stocks, bonds, or other investments based on nonpublic information that is likely to favorably affect the price of the security being traded is which of the following? a. insider trading b. bribery c. illegal transaction d. manipulation e. conflict of interest

Insider trading

14. Which company announced in 2016 that it would not enforce non-compete agreements signed by low-wage employees that prohibited them from working at other establishments in the same industry, and it agreed to stop using he agreements in the future? a. Jimmy John's b. General Motors c. Starbuck's d. Google e. Coca-Cola

Jimmy John's

13) What is the term when two or more employees perform the work of a full-time position, each taking part of the total workload for the job? a. flextime b. telecommuting c. job sharing d. flexplace e. compressed work week

Job sharing

16) The richest person of his age, _____earned his fortune as the founder and major shareholder of Standard Oil but always regarded his billions as a public trust rather than his personal prize. However, as Ida Tarbell pointed out in her work, _____'s business ethics were not above reproach. In making his fortune, he pursued markedly Darwinian practices revealing a conviction in survival of the fittest. Later in life, and as his philanthropic motivation increased, his endowment of several charitable causes more fully reflected his belief as to how God wished him to dispose of a sizable portion of his wealth. a. J. P. Morgan b. Andrew Carnegie c. J. Paul Getty d. John D. Rockefeller e. T. Boone Pickens

John D. Rockefeller

23) _____ conceived the "justice theory," in which the idea of fairness applied beyond the individual to include the community as well as analysis of social injustice with remedies to correct it. a. Aristotle b. John Stuart Mill c. Jeremy Bentham d. Immanuel Kant e. John Rawls

John Rawls

16) Whose philosophy was not a rejection of utilitarianism but a synthesis of utility and human rights. a. John Stuart Mill b. Jeremy Bentham c. Aristotle d. Immanuel Kant e. David Hume

John Stuart mill

22) In general, however, most companies do not adhere to strict _____ theories, because they look to the outcome of their decisions rather than focusing on motives or intentions. a. Kantian b. utilitarian c. consequential d. universalism e. conventional


13. Maryland has the highest percentage (67%) of large U.S. companies scoring 100 percent on the Corporate Equality Index. What type of policy does the Corporate Equality Index measure? a. disability equality policies b. age equality policies c. LGBTQ equality policies d. race equality policies e. religion equality policies

LGBTQ equality policies

10) Geography affects a business's relationship with almost any type of stakeholder, from stockholders and employees to customers, the government, and the environment. Hence the growing importance of _____, the process of adapting a product for non-native environments and languages, especially other nations and cultures. a. culture b. acculturation c. localization d. enculturation e. globalization


4. Which generational group is three times more likely to change jobs (90% change jobs within first 3 years and have 4 different jobs in first 10 years)? a. Generation Z (1995-2005) b. Millennials (1980-1994) c. Gen X (1965-1979) d. Baby Boomer (1944-1964) e. Silent Generation (1900-1943)

Millennials (1980-1994)

21) Business ethics exists on three levels. Which item below is not one of the levels? a. universal b. societal c. individual d. organizational e. none

Not on: Universal On: the individual, the organizational, and the societal.

5) The primary federal law ensuring physical safety on the job is the _____, which was passed in 1970. The goal of the law is to ensure that employers provide a workplace environment free of risk to employees' safety and health, such as mechanical or electrical dangers, toxic chemicals, severe heat or cold, unsanitary conditions, and dangerous equipment. a. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) b. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) c. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) d. Federal Worker Protection Act of 1970 (FWPA) e. Division of Worker Health & Safety Assessment and Consultation (DWHSAC)

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

16) What product was used in Chapter 9 to illustrate a consumer craze based on little more than novelty? a. umbrella hat b. Big Mouth Billy Bass c. garden gnome d. pet rocks e. whoopie cushion

Pet Rocks

17) Public concern for the natural environment is a relatively new phenomenon, dating from the 1960s and _____ seminal book, Silent Spring, published in 1962. a. Rachel Carson's b. Milton Friedman's c. Cormac Cullinan's d. William Wrigley's e. Henry Ford's

Rachel Carson's

25) Although no ethical framework is perfect or fits a particular era completely, _____ has distinct advantages when applied to business in the twenty-first century a. Mill's utilitarian theory b. Rawls's justice theory c. Aristotle's virtue ethics theory d. Bentham's utilitarian theory e. Kant's categorial imperative (deontology)

Rawls's justice theory

23) A single ethical code for all the contexts in which we live is ______________. a. Recommended by the textbook author b. Not recommended by the textbook author c. Recommended in some situations but not in others d. Not mentioned by the textbook author e. None of the above

Recommended by the textbook author

23) What is the name of the practice of assigning or denying insurance coverage for certain policies, such as auto, homeowners, or business insurance, on the basis of the geographic neighborhoods where applicants for such coverage live, particularly inner-city neighborhoods? A variation on the practice is to charge considerably higher prices for the same coverage in different neighborhoods a. redlining b. subliminal policies c. assigned risk policies d. subrogation e. indemnification


25) _____, passed in 2002 in response to several highly publicized corporate fraud cases mandates reporting transparency in areas ranging from finance to accounting to supply chain activities. Essentially, it ensures that we now consider it both unethical and illegal to deceive shareholders, creditors, and the public at large. a. ISO 14000 b. Sarbanes-Oxley c. Commerce Clause d. Fiduciary Oversight & Control Act of 2002 e. CSR Act of 2002


13) What saying is economist Milton Friedman most known for? a. Corporate social responsibility is vitally important to who we are as a company. b. Our policies ensure that we rigorously adhere to the highest standards in ethical behavior, environmental sustainability, data security and more. c. Social responsibility of a business is to increase its profits. d. Corporate Social Responsibility, or CSR, refers to the way in which businesses regulate themselves in order to ensure that all of their activities positively affect society as a whole. e. Contributing to the local community will create goodwill and using local suppliers can leave a lasting positive impression.

Social responsibility of a business is to increase its profits.

22) _____ is a long-term approach to business activity, environmental responsibility, and societal impact. a. sustainability b. ecological oversight c. corporate social responsibility d. Commerce Clause e. ISO 14000


10. The primary law prohibiting religious discrimination in the U.S. private sector workplace is ________. a. the First Amendment of the Constitution b. state law c. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act d. the Declaration of Independence e. Religious Freedom Act

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

5) Which company was used in Chapter 9 as a company that prospered wildly initially, but suffered later because of the "aggressive, unrestrained workplace culture" developed by the company founder? a. Uber b. Walt Disney c. Starbucks d. Microsoft e. Berkshire Hathaway


9) Which company was cited in Chapter 6 as being one of two companies of relatively recent examples of workplace environments that descended into the worst excesses of sexist and other inappropriate behavior? a. Google b. Uber c. Amazon d. Apple e. Microsoft


3) Which country provide the highest percentage of employers offering telework options? a. China b. India c. United Kingdom d. United States e. France

United States

23) What country has the most companies on the Global 100 list, a list that identifies the world's most sustainable companies? a. United States b. Sweden c. France d. Brazil e. United Kingdom

United states

15) The ____, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1948, contains a list of basic human rights such as the right to life, liberty, due process, religion, education, marriage, and property. Business ethics will have to balance all these factors when adopting standards of conduct and local practices. a. Interstate Commerce Act b. Truman Doctrine c. Civil Rights Act . d. Universal Declaration of Human Rights e. Treaty of Versailles

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

13) Which item below has these four characteristics: (1) universality, because it applies to all acts of human behavior, even those that appear to be done from altruistic motives; (2) objectivity, meaning it operates beyond individual thought, desire, and perspective; (3) rationality, because it is not based in metaphysics or theology; and (4) quantifiability in its reliance on utility. a. virtue ethics b. deontology c. business ethics d. prudence e. utilitarianism


15) Hedonic calculus is most related to which item below? a. Virtue ethics b. deontology c. business ethics d. utilitarianism e. prudence


17) _____is used frequently when business leaders make critical decisions about things like expansion, store closings, hiring, and layoffs. a. virtue ethics b. deontology c. business ethics d. utilitarianism e. prudence


24) Which ethical normative theory supports the idea of holding multiple ethical standards? a. Deontology b. Utilitarianism c. Virtue ethics d. All of the above e. None of the above


25) If a two-year old is taught to take care of and return borrowed toys even though this runs contrary to every instinct she has, she may continue to perfect her ethical behavior so that at age forty, she can be counted on to safeguard the tens of millions of dollars investors have entrusted to her care in brokerages. This example best illustrates which normative ethical theory? a. Deontology b. Virtue ethics c. Utilitarianism d. All of the above e. None of the above

Virtue Ethics

9) Aristotle and Socrates are most associated with which normative ethical theory? a. Morality b. Virtue theory c. Deontology d. utilitarianism e. none of the above

Virtue theory

9) Which famous entrepreneur was used to illustrate the cult of the charismatic-but dogmatic— entrepreneurial leader? a. Thomas Edison b. Walt Disney c. Charles Schwab d. John D. Rockefeller e. Nikola Tesla

Walt Disney

16) Ethical employers base the decision to allow flextime on _____. a. what employees prefer b. the practice being used at competitor organizations c. academic research study results d. a clear and well-written policy that relies on objective job-related criteria e. what is the most economically feasible decision

a clear and well-written policy that relies on objective job-related criteria

11) Consumers frequently take CSR spending by a company as an indirect indicator that a. the company is not using its resources to their greatest efficiency b. the company is using its resources to their greatest efficiency c. a company's products are of high quality and as an indirect way of donating to a good cause. d. a company was compelled to participate in CSR activities e. a company is doing to so show its remorse for participating in some activity contrary to the community good

a company's products are of high quality and as an indirect way of donating to a good cause.

8) What characteristic is common to most entrepreneurs? a. an advanced degree b. a strong family support system c. a driven, highly competitive nature d. a large network of business contacts e. deep management experience

a driven, highly competitive nature

2. Which of these situations would likely violate the duty of loyalty? a. an employee who works in the graphic design department of a large advertising agency moonlighting on the weekend for a friend's small web design business b. a graphic designer working for a friend's catering business on the weekend c. an executive of a music publishing business performing for pay in a nightclub in the evenings d. a professional baseball player working in a sporting goods store during the off season e. a teacher working as an usher for a professional baseball team during the summer

a graphic designer working for a friend's catering business on the weekend

13) Harvard University economist John Kenneth Galbraith wrote an influential book, The Affluent Society, in which he identified "the dependence effect." What is the dependence effect? a. people as young as their teens increasingly rely for help in choosing what to buy. b. using social media to create brand awareness, drive revenue, engage current customers, and attract new ones isn't optional anymore. c. a sophisticated advertising campaign can create a demand for a product whose benefits are frivolous at best d. the internet is arguably the single most influential factor of our culture—transforming the way we view communication, relationships, and even ourselves. e. nothing other than social media-based appeals stands much chance of influencing modern consumers' purchasing decisions.

a sophisticated advertising campaign can create a demand for a product whose benefits are frivolous at best

7) A successful telecommuting program would include which of the following? a. an oral policy the manager can change at will b. subjective criteria for each individual worker c. preference for some people to telecommute over others d. a written policy that spells out expectations e. minimal monitoring procedures

a written policy that spells out expectations

17) The _____ is essentially a resource circulation system in which consumers participate on both sides of a transaction, as both providers and obtainers of resources (the transaction is usually facilitated by a third party acting as a go-between). a. access economy b. resource circulation economy c. consumer economy d. mixed economy e. digital economy

access economy

18) Airbnb, RelayRides, and Uber are examples of what type of business model? a. distributor b. bricks and clicks c. digital d. access economy e. freemium

access economy

23) Which occupation below will be most heavily affected by the emerging technology of automation? a. accountants b. teachers c. nurses d. most physicians e. bartenders


2) _____ refers specifically to the cultural transmission and socialization process that stems from cultural exchange a. societal customs b. enculturation c. societal convention d. culture e. acculturation


7) Aristotle believed that _____ preceded character. In other words, the primary way to change character was through consistent, intentional behavior in the direction of virtue. a. prudence b. self-reliance c. courage d. action e. all of the above


15) The organizational linkage model in Figure 3.4 looked at stakeholder relationships through the lens of four "publics" or cohorts. These publics are distinguished by their degree of awareness of a problem and ability to do something about it. Identify the public in which the company is aware of the problem and organizes to respond to it. a. aware public b. regulator public c. latent public d. active public e. nonpublic

active public

3) What does the WARN Law mandate? a. ensuring physical safety on the job b. provide a workplace free of harassment of all types c. provide a setting where all employees are treated with dignity and respect d. advance notice of mass layoffs to workers so that they can adequately prepare for such an event. e. allow workers the right to collective bargaining

advance notice of mass layoffs to workers so that they can adequately prepare for such an event.

11. Which of these groups is not protected from religious discrimination provided by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? a. Catholics b. Baptists c. Muslims d. atheist e. all groups are protected

all groups are protected

4) Normative ethical theories help us answer what question? a. How should people behave? b. How should people think? c. Should people comply with the law? d. Should people complete ethical training? e. All of the above.

all of the above

10) What is the main value of companies designing and constructing "open space" work environments? a. employees can socialize more with coworkers b. makes it easier to monitor employees c. allows for more collaboration and brainstorming d. companies save on utility expenses e. companies can employ a greater number of employees

allows for more collaboration and brainstorming

6) A stakeholder claim _____ a. is usually a complaint b. is always financial c. only applies to certain, specific stakeholder groups or individuals d. is the same as a lawsuit e. any given stakeholder's interest in a business decision

any given stakeholder's interest in a business decision

8) Workers in the new flexible workplace spend less than 50 percent of their time _____. a. using a computer b. interacting with company files and data c. at a desk d. working e. employed

at a desk

12) _____, is the ability to see the ethical dimension in all events, choices, decisions, and actions. a. prudence b. distinction c. awareness d. virtue e. motive


10) The harasser in a sexual harassment case can be _____? a. just the victim's harasser b. the victim's harasser and the victim's coworker peer c. the victim's harasser and the victim's coworker peer and someone who is not an employee d. the victim's harasser and someone who is not an employee e. the victim's harasser and the victim's coworker peer

b or e

14) According to a recent article in Fortune, Germany and France have actually _____. a. allowed workers over the legal age to consumer alcohol on premise during working hours b. allowed workers to take home office supplies as needed c. allowed workers to come and go to the office as desired d. allowed workers to bring their pets to the workplace e. banned work-related e-mails from employers on the weekends

banned work-related e-mails from employers on the weekends

2. The far bigger challenge is how people interact with each other once they're on the job," says Howard J. Ross, founder and chief learning officer at Cook Ross, a consulting firm specializing in diversity. "Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is _____." a. being allowed to stay b. being asked to dance c. being allowed to bring a friend d. being allowed to bring refreshments e. being in charge of the party

being asked to dance

25) if normative business ethics is to recognize and, ultimately, be based on the individual, it must address another human trait: _____. a. cowardice b. bias c. deceit d. greed e. indolence

bias. Intellectual, emotional, social

1) Which of these stakeholder groups would be considered an "internal" stakeholder? a. Customers and clients b. suppliers c. board of directors d. governmental agencies e. creditors

board of directors

16. In Chapter 7, employees at Taco Bell, Domino Pizza, and Burger King were used as examples of _____? a. brand loyalty b. internal marketing c. employee engagement d. disloyal or disgruntled employees e. noncompete clauses

brand loyalty

19) In correct order, the stakeholder management steps adapted from the approach of the MITRE consulting firm are to ________. a. build trust, identify stakeholders, gather and analyze data, present findings to management, and communicate key messages to stakeholders conveying the company's appreciation of them b. build trust, identify stakeholders, gather and analyze data, present findings to management, and communicate key messages to stakeholders conveying the company's appreciation of them c. build trust, identify stakeholders, gather and analyze data, present results, make changes, and prepare a communication strategy d. identify stakeholders, gather and analyze data, make changes, and present results e. identify stakeholders, gather and analyze data, present results build trust

build trust, identify stakeholders, gather and analyze data, present findings to management, and communicate key messages to stakeholders conveying the company's appreciation of them

7) Max Weber (1864-1920), the German academic, economist, and sociologist, prophesied that agile start-ups would be ripe for _____ as they grow and age. a. Corporate take-over b. Customer neglect c. autogravitation d. bureaucratization e. Employee neglect


13. _____ enacted a law in 2017 saying that most non-compete agreements are void, holding that although an employee may owe the employer a responsibility not to compete while employed, that duty ceases upon termination of employment. a. United States b. United Kingdom c. California d. New York e. Texas


20) What is the name of this directive: "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law." a. utilitarianism b. virtue ethics c. prudence principle d. universal directive e. categorical imperative

categorical imperative

23) The concept of a union shop or _____ requires that all new hires automatically be enrolled in the labor union appropriate to their job function and that union dues automatically be deducted from their pay. a. closed shop b. right to work shop c. labor shop d. open shop e. mixed shop

closed shop

18. Understanding the various personalities at work can be a complex task, but it is an important one for developing which of the following? a. collegiality b. emotional intelligence c. empathy d. personality harmony e. work schedules


26) How is the Affordable Care Act (ACA) funded? a. funded by private insurance companies b. payments by enrollees c. supplemental federal monies d. combination of payments by enrollees and supplemental federal monies earmarked for this task e. it is not funded

combination of payments by enrollees and supplemental federal monies earmarked for this task

5. Diversity strengthens the company's internal relationships with employees and improves employee morale, as well as its external relationships with customer groups. _____, a core value of most successful businesses, becomes more effective with a diverse workforce. a. communication b. accountability c. diligence d. perseverance e. discipline


9. Which of the items below would not be considered proprietary company information? a. details of patents and copyrights b. employee records and salary histories c. customer-related data d. articles of incorporation e. company payroll information

company payroll informaiton

24) Which item below is one of the issues companies should consider when expanding the use of automation and artificial intelligence? a. skills of current and future workforce b. availability of reasonably price labor force c. costs associated with automation d. management propensity for risk tasking e. company's core values

company's core values

11) Which stakeholder group would be considered a "normative stakeholder"? a. suppliers b. mass media organizations c. competitors and peers d. employees e. government regulators

competitors and peers

19) At the individual level, when corruption takes place, it is a matter of _____. Corruption can be defeated only by individuals acting in accordance with their _____ and being supported by systems and corporate culture that encourage such action. a. conscience b. company policy c. laws d. religion e. experience


21) What is the irony of insurance coverage? a. its cost increases after claims b. people who need it the most are less able to purchase it c. it is less available for the most needed situations d. insurance salespeople do not purchase it for themselves e. consumers buy it hoping never to use it

consumers buy it hoping never to use it

8) The Aristotelian and Confucian systems of virtue ethics share the theme of _____. a. action b. prudence c. control d. courage e. arrogance


19) The shared beliefs, values, and behaviors that create the internal or organizational context within which managers and employees interact is known as ______. a. Corporate culture b. Business ethics c. Goodwill d. Integrity e. Virtue theory

corporate culture

21) A philosophy in which the company's expected actions include not only producing a reliable product, charging a fair price with fair profit margins, and paying a fair wage to employees, but also caring for the environment and acting on other social concerns is known as _____. a. stakeholder prioritization b. instrumental approach c. ethical maximum d. ultimate stakeholder benefit e. corporate social responsibility

corporate social responsibility

22) A report by KPMG, a global consulting and accounting firm, indicates that almost 50 percent of the activities people perform in the workplace today _____. a. could be automated b. did not exist 25 years ago c. serve no practical purpose d. is wasted e. were created by entrepreneurs

could be automated

5) Which of the items below is an example of a moral virtue? a. courage b. knowledge c. wisdom d. prudence e. all of the above


7) Stakeholder claims vary in their significance for a firm. According to Donaldson and Preston, there are three theoretical approaches to considering stakeholder claims. At the lowest level is the _____ a. the instrumental approach b. the variance approach c. the normative approach d. the descriptive approach e. functional approach

descriptive approach

5) The growing emphasis on consumerism—a lifestyle characterized by the acquisition of goods and services—has meant that people have become defined as "consumers" as opposed to citizens or human beings. Unfortunately, this emphasis eventually leads to the problem of _____, with the consumer having to buy an ever-increasing amount to reach the same level of satisfaction. a. diminishing marginal utility b. supply and demand c. survival of the fittest d. cognitive dissonance e. additive difference model

diminishing marginal utility

22. What should normally be the first action employees perform if they witness a serious ethical issue occurring in their workplace? a. contact the local media b. disclose the problem first to management c. become a whistleblower d. notify the appropriate governmental agency responsible for monitoring the issue e. do and say nothing

disclose the problem first to management

6. Diversity need not be a financial drag on a company, measured as a cost of compliance with no return on the investment. A recent McKinsey & Company study concluded that companies that adopt diversity policies do well financially, realizing what is sometimes called a _____. a. fiduciary return b. diversity break-even return c. multiplicity reciprocation d. diversity dividend e. multiplicity return

diversity dividend

1. The common law concept that requires an employee to render loyal and faithful service to the employer is _____. a. the duty of confidentiality b. a non-compete agreement c. duty of loyalty d. trade secret protection e. branding

duty of loyalty

16) _____ is an interpretation of law and governance based on the belief that society will be sustainable only if we recognize the legal rights of Earth as if it were a person. a. sustainability b. ecological oversight c. fiduciary oversight d. Earth jurisprudence e. legal oversight

earth jurisprudence

18) According to the stakeholder priority matrix, what action should be taken regarding a stakeholder group with high power and high interest? a. keep informed, respect interests b. monitor lightly c. keep satisfied, meet needs d. keep engaged, manage closely e. none of the above

eep engaged, manage closely

24) The "business purpose exception" applies to what Chapter 6 concept? a. sexual harassment b. employee compensation c. labor unions d. comparable worth e. electronic monitoring privacy

electronic monitoring privacy

12) Which stakeholder group would be considered a "functional stakeholder"? a. mass media organizations b. competitors and peers c. government regulators d. stockholders e. employees


5) To what stakeholder group do companies most likely offer "amenities"? a. employees b. stockholders c. customers d. suppliers e. government


5. For most workers, at-will employment usually works to the _____ advantage. a. employee's b. employer's c. union's d. government's e. no group's


25) The key concept that makes drug testing possible is _____ (either the employee or the employer may dissolve an employment arrangement without cause and at any time unless an employment contract is in effect that stipulates differently), which covers approximately 85 percent of the employees in the private sector. a. Fair use b. employment at will c. codetermination d. consent exception e. right to work law

employment at will

1) _____ refers to the process by which humans learn the rules, customs, skills, and values to participate in a society. a. culture b. societal customs c. enculturation d. societal convention e. acculturation


21. The most significant part of the Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act is a seemingly small change in wording that will have a big impact. Rather than requiring "equal pay for equal work," as does the federal law and most state laws aimed at the gender wage gap, the Act will require _____." This means that if a New Jersey woman has a different title than her male colleague but performs the same kinds of tasks and has the same level of responsibility, she must be paid the same. The new law recognizes that slight differences in job titles are sometimes used to justify pay differences but in reality are often arbitrary. a. gender adjustment studies be performed b. women be paid for past pay inequity c. women be provided with training programs d. equal pay for substantially similar work e. equal work for equal pay

equal pay for substantially similar work

22) If we adopt _____, friends, family, and coworkers will notice that we use different standards for different contexts; this lack of consistency and integrity can alter their perception of us and likely damage our reputation. a. Ethical relativism b. Deontology c. Universal ethical standards d. Utilitarianism e. none of the above

ethical relativism

9) In the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case (2014), the decision was praised by some and criticized by others for _____ a.limiting the rights of corporate owners b. expanding the rights of corporate owners c. restricted the right of limited liability d. expanded corporate social responsibility e. reduced corporate social responsibility

expanding the rights of corporate owners

13) When Friedman was laying out his position on CSR in the 1970s, it reflected the prevailing opinion of a majority of U.S. shareholders and commentators on corporate law at that time. In the years since then, Friedman's perspective has _____. a. continued to be popular b. become even more popular c. fallen into disfavor d. been totally repudiated e. has spread to other academic and business disciplines

fallen into disfavor

14) _____ is a very high level of legal responsibility owed by those who manage someone else's money, which includes the duties of care and loyalty. a. financial oversight b. due diligence c. economic conscientiousness d. financial responsibility e. fiduciary duty

fiduciary duty

15) Some examples of relationships that include _____ are those between a trustee of an estate and its beneficiary, and between a fund manager and a client a. financial oversight b. economic consideration c. financial responsibility d. fiduciary duty e. due diligence

fiduciary duty

15) What type of perks do Millennials (born in the years 1981-1997) appreciate most? a. advancement opportunities b. work-life balance c. solid retirement plan d. flexibility e. free food items


15) The practice of offering flexible hours, or _____, lets employees choose their own start and finish time each day, arriving and leaving earlier or later than the normal 9-to-5 workday. a. job sharing b. compressed work week c. customized work schedule d. flextime e. telecommuting


13) Which of the employee benefit (as a tradeoff to earnings) do men value more than women? a. work-from-home options b. more flexible hours c. free coffee d. unlimited vaation e. tuition assistance

free coffee

20) The _____ is an environment in which individuals and businesses contract with independent workers for short-term assignments, engagements, or projects, offering few or no benefits beyond compensation a. mixed economy b. gig economy c. neoclassical economy d. access economy e. consumer economy

gig economy

17) The positive feeling stakeholders have for any particular company is called _____. a. Goodwill b. deontology c. Faith d. Integrity e. None of the above


18) A business's reputation, the value of its brand name, the intellectual capital and attitude of its workforce, and the loyalty of its established customer base may be considered examples of _____ a. deontology b. CSR c. Integrity d. Goodwill e. None of the above


4. In Chapter 8, which company is used as an example as a company with a steady but very slow progress toward a more inclusive workforce? a. WalMart b. Starbucks c. American Express d. Walt Disney e. Google


10) Which stakeholder group would be considered an "enabling stakeholder"? a. employees b. mass media organizations c. government regulators d. competitors and peers e. suppliers

government regulators

23) Carrying out superficial CSR efforts that merely cover up systemic ethics problems in this inauthentic way (especially as it applies to the environment), and acting simply for the sake of public relations is called _____ a. greenwashing b. lowballing c. rightshoring d. environfraud e. superficial CSR


24) An example of _____ is the American multinational oil and gas corporation ExxonMobil indicating they were reducing greenhouse gas emissions while they were actually increasing. a. corporate social responsibility b. ethical minimum c. stakeholder claim d. normative approach e. greenwashing


10) A recent study by researchers at Princeton and the University of Texas indicates that corporations benefit from following CSR policies in multiple ways.10 These benefits are collectively called _____ and can add value to the business. a. beneficial holdings b. value added impact c. halo effect d. assets e. beneficial resources

halo effect

18) The _____ states that the "only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant." a. harm principle b. political movement c. utility provision d. hedonic calculus e. equitable power pact

harm principle

4) Even start-up companies that beat the odds financially need to be watchful for a different sort of pitfall, an ethical failure that can be nourished by the very strengths that allow a company to get off the ground. What is that strength/ethical failure? a. the hubris or excessive pride that may characterize some entrepreneurs b. not recognizing the contribution of company employees c. not receiving and using sufficient financial leverage d. not participating in any meaningful CSR (corporate social responsibility) e. not hiring enough new employees to keep up with the increasing workload

he hubris or excessive pride that may characterize some entrepreneurs

7. According to PayScale's Compensation Best Practices Report, the main reason people give for leaving their job is _____. a. personal reasons (e.g., family, health, marriage, spousal relocation) b. work dissatisfaction c. conflict with other workers d. higher pay e. work safety issues

higher pay

1. Attracting workers who are not all alike is an important first step in the process of achieving greater diversity. However, managers cannot stop there. Their goals must also encompass _____, or the engagement of all employees in the corporate culture. a. inversion b. variety c. inclusion d. multiplicity e. orientation


19) The scientific evidence establishing any real phenomenon of subliminal advertising is _____. a. inconclusive b. Scientific testing has not yet been conducted c. proven to be effective d. of no consequence e. proven to be ineffective


5) In Dodge v. Ford Motor Company (1919), founder Henry Ford wanted to use company profits to _____. a. improving product quality, expanding company facilities, and lowering prices. b. increase stockholder wealth c. increase his own personal wealth d. raise worker pay e. increase company wealth

increase stockholder wealth

23) Middle managers and employees often complain their ethics training consists of passing a computerized sexual harassment or fraud program once a year but that nothing is done to address issues in a substantive way or to change the culture of the organization, even those that have experienced problems.31 The focus still seems to be on organizational responsibility and compliance as opposed to _____ and the formation of ethical conscience. a. individual responsibility b. organizational culture c. corporate responsibility d. corporate social responsibility e. normative responsibility

individual responsibility

5) Which item below is not a drawback of telecommuting? a. individuals with ability challenges prefer the flexibility b. corporate culture is not easy to convey over distance c. it is more difficult for employers to monitor some kinds of work-related progress d. it is difficult for an on-site technology team to provide technical assistance or secure data e. some jobs require consistent in-person contact with clients or customers

individuals with ability challenges prefer the flexibility

8) Stakeholder claims vary in their significance for a firm. According to Donaldson and Preston, there are three theoretical approaches to considering stakeholder claims. Which approach "connects stakeholder management and financial outcomes, proposing that appropriate management of stakeholder interests is important and useful because it contributes to a positive bottom line"? a. the functional approach b. the normative approach c. the instrumental approach d. the descriptive approach e. the variance approach

instrumental approach

10) Another important characteristic of Eastern and Western systems of virtue ethics is the _____ of personal and professional life a. separation b. distinction c. integration d. all of the above e. none of the above


3) Unity between what we say and what we do is known as _____. a. compliance b. ethics c. virtue d. integrity e. none of the above


12. _____ is the manifestation of original ideas protected by legal means such as patent, copyright, or trademark. a. trade secrets b. nondisclosure agreements c. articles of incorporation d. intellectual property e. confidentiality pac

intellectual property

15. Efforts to get employees to believe in the product, to commit to the idea that the company is selling something worth buying, and even to think about buying it are part of ________. a. brand loyalty b. internal marketing c. employee engagement d. company identity e. branding

internal marketing

20) The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices provides information for ________ a. investors who seek quick profit b. investors who value CSR in companies c. investors who seek long-term returns d. marketing promotions of each of its members e. consumers interested in knowing about a company's product safety record

investors who value CSR in companies (maybe)

4) Which item below is not one of the reasons that employers allow employees to telecommute? a. it is easier for employers to monitor some kinds of work-related progress when an employee is working remotely b. it is a powerful recruiting tool for people who want to balance their work and personal lives. c. it allows employees to work a more flexible schedule to care for children or older relatives while maintaining a career and earning income d. it reduces the hours that employees spend traveling to and from the job and can help keep cars off the road. e. workers are not exposed to sick coworkers' germs and may take fewer sick days

it is easier for employers to monitor some kinds of work-related progress when an employee is working remotely

11) In Chapter 9, the author argues that a digital environment for advertising, selling, and delivering products and services functions as a two-edged sword for business. What does that mean? a. mobile apps have created a new playground for cyber-thieves. b. it offers astute companies nearly unlimited capacity to brand themselves positively in the minds of purchasers c. it provides lightning-quick access to potential customers, but it also opens pathways for sensitive corporate and consumer data to be hacked on an alarming scale d. it simultaneously offers a platform for disgruntled stakeholders to assail companies for both legitimate and self-serving reasons. e. the proliferation of online blogs and social networking sites has greatly increased the visibility and reach of all current events, not excluding large corporate"14 bungling

it offers astute companies nearly unlimited capacity to brand themselves positively in the minds of purchasers

4) In Dodge v. Ford Motor Company (1919), the Michigan Supreme Court ruled that founder Henry Ford must operate the Ford Motor Company primarily in the interests of _____. a. its shareholders b. the environment c. the community d. the employees e. society

its shareholders

17) Research has even shown that very young children have difficulty separating what is real on television from what is not. This is especially so as it pertains to advertising for _____. a. junk food b. toys c. clothing d. pets e. amusement parks

junk food

3) _____ are usually those outside of the organization who most directly influence a business's bottom line and hold power over the business. a. key internal stakeholders b. stakeholders c. internal stakeholders d. key external stakeholders e. external stakeholders

key internal stakeholders

14) The organizational linkage model in Figure 3.4 looked at stakeholder relationships through the lens of four "publics" or cohorts. These publics are distinguished by their degree of awareness of a problem and ability to do something about it. Identify the public in which a problem is there but the public does not recognize it. a. aware public b. nonpublic c. active public d. regulator public e. latent public

latent public

2) According to Aristotle, eudaimonia (happiness) is achieved by _____, which is attained over time. a. Self-sacrifice b. securing adequate resources c. giving to others d. self-examination e. leading a virtuous life

leading a virtuous life

3) The distinction Aristotle made is that the intellectual virtues are acquired purely through _____, whereas the moral virtues are acquired through _____ and the development of habits. a. practice, study b. study, apprenticeship c. Review, practice d. learning, practice e. self-sacrifice, giving to others

learning, practice

1) General Assembly, WeWork, and Workbar are three companies that perform what service? a. building suburban compounds for their corporate clients b. building "company towns" for their employees c. leasing access to communal spaces equipped for the business needs of remote workers d. helping companies comply with city planning and zoning regulations when planning their telecommuting infrastructure e. allowing their employees to participate in job sharing opportunities

leasing access to communal spaces equipped for the business needs of remote workers

12) What does "caveat emptor" mean? a. Let the good times roll b. from the greatest to the least c. no sooner said than done d. to draw back in order to make a better jump e. let the buyer beware

let the buyer beware

12) Some economists, such as Milton Friedman, Henry Hazlitt, Adam Smith, and others, have argued that CSR initiatives based on environmental or social justice _____ shareholder wealth a. have no result on b. increase c. totally devastate d. expand e. limit


1) The concept of _____ means that the owners (shareholders or stockholders) of corporations, as well as directors and managers, are protected by laws stating that in most circumstances, their losses in case of business failure cannot exceed the amount they paid for their shares of ownership a. Fiduciary responsibility b. corporate social responsibility c. limited liability d. nemawashi e. stakeholder claim

limited liability

6) Which principle dictates that officers, directors, and managers of a corporation are not liable for losses incurred when the evidence demonstrates that decisions were reasonable and made in good faith, which gives corporate management latitude in deciding how to run the company (essentially that a court will not second-guess the decisions of a company's managers or directors)? a. absolution dictate b. shareholder primacy principle c. limited liability principle d. Commerce Clause e. business judgment rule

limited liability principle

11) Satisfying consumers' demands, going green, being socially responsible, and acting above and beyond the basic requirements demand _____. a. Short-term perspective b. Medium-term perspective c. Long-term perspective d. No perspective e. None of the above

long term perspective

15) What perspective does the "Toyota Way" illustrates? a. Social responsibility of a business is to increase its profits. b. The importance of normative ethical theory c. A decision to break a social contract d. Long-term perspective e. None of the above

long term perspective

6. Another economic phenomenon affecting loyalty in the private sector was the switch from definedbenefit to defined-contribution retirement plans. Defined-benefit plans reward _____; definedcontribution plans reward high earnings. a. high earnings b. union membership c. longevity in the firm d. earning an advanced degree e. close relationship with company management

longevity in the firms

15) Psychological appeals succeed when they ________. a. let consumers compare themselves to their peers b. show consumers how to save money c. introduce new products d. make consumers feel better about themselves e. trick consumers into purchasing products they really do not need

make consumers feel better about themselves

11) What were the pitfalls mentioned in Chapter 6 that managers should avoid if they want to have a good working relationship with their direct reports and, indeed, all their employees? a. making employees feel like they are just employees b. remaining aloof or above employees. c. making employees feel like they are just employees and remaining aloof or above employees d. highlight important milestones people achieve e. benchmarking the competition

making employees feel like they are just employees a

3) _____ relies on the theory that global wealth is static and, therefore, prosperity depends on extracting wealth or accumulating it from others. a. socialism b. entrepreneurship c. capitalism d. mercantilism e. communism


14. The imbalance in the distribution of income among the participants of an economy, or income inequality, is an enormous challenge for U.S. businesses and for society. The _____, often called the engine of growth and prosperity, is shrinking, and new ethical, cultural, and economic problems are following from that change. a. Middle class b. Lower class c. Upper class d. Top10 percent e. Top 1 percent

middle class

23. Laws protecting animal rights in cosmetic testing are ________. a. more advanced in the United States than in the European Union b. more advanced in the European Union than in the United States c. more advanced in most Asia countries than in the United States d. more advanced in Asia than in the European Union e. more advanced in the United States than any other country

more advanced in the European Union than in the United States

11) _____ is the willingness to do the right thing because it is the right thing, even though there may be no perceived benefit. a. virtue b. awareness c. courage d. prudence e. motive


24) Typically in the United States, medical services have been dispensed through a _____, in which the patient and others, such as an employer and a private health insurance company, all contribute to pay for the patient's care. a. universal health care system b. single-payer health care system c. Affordable Care Act (ACA) health care system d. Company-sponsored health care system e. multipayer health care system

multipayer health care system

17) The Pew Research Center indicates that over the thirty-five years between 1980 and 2014, the inflation-adjusted hourly wages of most middle-income American workers were _____. a. nearly stagnant b. decreased c. increased d. unable to be calculated e. monitored by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Standards

nearly stagnant

12. According to Chapter 8, which state prohibits sexual orientation discrimination in both public and private workplaces? a. Alaska b. Florida c. North Dakota d. New Mexico e. Texas

new mexico

24. Which act has provided constitutional rights to animals in the United States? a. First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution b. Civil Rights Act of 1995 c. Habeas Corpus d. Federal Good, Drug, and Cosmetics Act e. no Act extends constitutional rights to animals in the U.S.

no Act extends constitutional rights to animals in the U.S.

11. What is frequently used to protect the company's intellectual property? a. trade secrets b. nondisclosure agreements c. articles of incorporation d. non-compete agreements e. confidentiality pacts

non-compete agreements

2) Which of these groups would not be considered a stakeholder group? a. competitors b. customers c. suppliers d. employees e. none of the above

none of the above

13) The organizational linkage model in Figure 3.4 looked at stakeholder relationships through the lens of four "publics" or cohorts. These publics are distinguished by their degree of awareness of a problem and ability to do something about it. Identify the public in which no problem is recognized or exists. a. latent public b. aware public c. nonpublic d. active public e. regulator public


9) Stakeholder claims vary in their significance for a firm. According to Donaldson and Preston, there are three theoretical approaches to considering stakeholder claims. Which approach "considers stakeholders as ends in themselves rather than simply as means to achieve better financial results. That is, each group of stakeholders merits consideration for its own sake and not merely because of its ability to further the interests of some other group,"? a. the instrumental approach b. the normative approach c. the functional approach d. the variance approach e. the descriptive approach

normative approach

12) In some cultures, touch is important in establishing connection, whereas in others it may be frowned upon. As a general rule, "noncontact" cultures—where eye contact and touching are less frequent, and there is less physical proximity during interactions—are found in what country or region? in northern Europe, the Far East, and the United States a. Italy b. Middle East c. Southern Europe d. South America e. Far East

northern Europe, far east, united States

1) A manager who abuses company property by taking home office supplies or using the company's computers for personal business but then disciplines any employee who does the same is _____. a. observing the Golden Rule b. employing utilitarian practices c. not modeling ethical behavior d. not being transparent e. being transparent

not modeling ethical behavior

19) Where Bentham looked to numerical formulas for determining value, relying on the objectivity of numbers, Mill sought value in reason and in the power of language to clarify where truth lies. The utilitarian lesson for contemporary business, especially with the rise of big data, is that we need both _____ and reasoned principles. a. virtue b. numbers c. prudence d. motive e. deontological


19. As critics of raising the minimum wage put it, "we are hard-pressed to imagine a compelling argument for a higher minimum wage when it neither helps low-income families nor reduces poverty." Instead, the federal and state governments should consider a series of steps, such as _____, that would be more effective in mitigating poverty. a. providing employee pensions b. offering Earned Income Tax Credit c. raising interest rates d. lowering interest rates e. removing payroll taxes

offering Earned Income Tax Credit

6) What does "prudence" mean? a. courage b. self reliance c. patience d. honor e. practical wisdom

practical wisdom

22) Which item below is not one of John Elkington's 1994 Triple Bottom Line components? a. principle b. planet c. people d. profit e. all other responses are part of the Triple Bottom Line


14) By the time of the Industrial Revolution and postindustrial eras, _____ and its values of frugality, hard work, and simplicity had helped create a culture of individualism and entrepreneurship in the West, particularly in Great Britain and the United States. In fact, the _____ work ethic, religion, and a commitment to hard work all are intertwined in the business history of both these countries. a. Catholicism b. Islam c. Utilitarianism d. Judaism e. Protestantism


6) Which one of the items below is not an employer obligation under OSHA? a. provide a safe workplace free of serious hazards b. identify and eliminate health and safety hazards c. inform employees of hazards present on the job and institute training protocols sufficient to address them d. extend to employees protective gear and appropriate safeguards at no cost to them e. provide a workplace free of harassment of all types

provide a workplace free of harassment of all types

4) Which of the items below is an example of an intellectual virtue? a. prudence b. courage c. honor d. liberality e. patience


14) What type of appeal forms the basis of most advertising? a. emotional b. cognitive c. physiological d. sociological e. psychological


22) The National Flood Insurance Program and the California Earthquake Authority are rare examples of _____. a. public agencies managing insurance coverage that private insurers have declined to provide because the potential for profit is too low. b. insurance programs that benefitted society by participating in CSR c. insurance programs that made substantial profits because of natural disasters d. private insurance companies that voluntarily agreed to cover natural disasters e. insurance agencies that were formally charged and convicted of insurance crimes

public agencies managing insurance coverage that private insurers have declined to provide because the potential for profit is too low.

3) Corporations that enjoy limited liability advantages should be held to societal obligations according to what concept covered in Chapter 3? a. diffused stakeholder b. quid pro quo c. Commerce Clause d. normative approach e. sustainability

quid pro quo

7) Which doctrine holds that the rights of shareholders should supersede those of other company stakeholder groups? a. limited liability principle b. Commerce Clause c. quid pro quo d. shareholder primacy e. Social corporate responsibility

quid pro quo

17. What was one of the suggested remedies presented in Chapter 8 for addressing income inequality? a. raise interest rates b. increase transfer payments c. increase job training programs d. lower interest rates e. raise minimum wage

raise minimum wage

18. According to Chapter 8, which one of the items below is a detriment to helping workers move to, or stay in, the middle class? a. hiring many full-time workers as independent contractors b. raising the minimum wage c. raising interest rates d. lowering interest rates e. employees working past traditional retirement age

raising the minimum wage

8. Altering the physical workplace so it is readily accessible, restructuring a job, providing or modifying equipment or devices, and offering part-time or modified work schedules are all examples of _____. a. diversity adjustments b. disability adjustments c. unreasonable accommodations d. reasonable accommodations e. quid pro quo adjustments

reasonable accommodations

21) What is the goal of the "Dell Legacy of Good Plan"? a. produce more dollars in revenue per kilowatt used than any other industrial corporation b. follow fair labor practices, ensure safe working conditions, and reduce their carbon footprint, c. embed sustainability into supply chain management at all levels. d. adopt ISO 14000 series of standards to promote effective environmental management systems e. reduce greenhouse gas emissions for all facilities and operations by 50 percent by the year 2020

reduce greenhouse gas emissions for all facilities and operations by 50 percent by the year 2020

24) Rawls's justice theory contains three principles for achieving fairness. The principles are (1) an "original position," (2) a "veil of ignorance," and (3) unanimity of acceptance of the original position. What is the point or value of the "veil of ignorance"? a. restrictions on freedom to secure mutual safety and benefit b. reduce their bias and self-interest c. understanding of the state of nature d. all agree to the contract before it goes into effect e. none of the above

reduce their bias and self-interest

19) One issue facing the access economy is _____. a. regulation b. profitability c. bureaucracy d. durability e. familiarity


18) _____ are a set of universal values that apply everywhere despite difference in time, place, and culture. a. normative values b. relative values c. core values d. absolute values e. terminal values

relative values

2) What is the most important function of a corporation's board of directors? a. defining and evaluating the ongoing mission of a business after its founding b. broadly oversees decisions about the mission and direction of the business c. sets goals for income and profitability d. broadly oversees decisions about the products or services offered and the markets in which the business will operate e. to select and hire the chief executive officer (CEO) or president

sets goals for income and profitability

7) The two complaints most frequently filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) are _____ a. sexual harassment and religious discrimination b. racial harassment and gender discrimination c. religious discrimination and gender discrimination d. sexual harassment and racial harassment e. gender discrimination and sexual harassment

sexual harassment and racial harassment

25) According to Chapter 10, what is a possible ethical issue for a company to consider as AI programs become better able to interact with humans? a. should customers be charged less for interacting with AI programs? b. should a company be required to inform its customers if and when they are dealing with any form of AI and not a person? c. How do we distribute the wealth created by machines? d. How do we keep AI safe from adversaries? e. Who should be responsible for supervising and disciplining AI programs?

should a company be required to inform its customers if and when they are dealing with any form of AI and not a person?

14) An implicit agreement among all members to cooperate for social benefits is known as a/an _____. a. Social security b. Goodwill compact c. Integrity alliance d. Long-term perspective e. Social contract

social contract

2) _____ a loss is a means to amortize it or spread it out over society in general, so the owners do not absorb it individually. a. dispersing b. absolving c. retrogressing d. propagating e. socializing


19) According to data presented in the Chapter 6, about how much do women earn in comparison with men doing the same job? a. somewhat less (about 70%-80%) b. almost the same (95%) c. about the same (100%) d. a lot less (about 40%-50%) e. slightly more

somewhat less (about 70%-80%)

11) In some cultures, touch is important in establishing connection, whereas in others it may be frowned upon. As a general rule, "contact" cultures—where people stand closer together when interacting, touch more often, and have more frequent direct eye contact—are found in which country or region? a. United States b. North America c. South America d. Northern Europe e. Far East

south america, middle east, and southern Europe

16) A brand may attract hundreds or thousand of mentions on Twitter each day. What chapter concept covers the decision making process used to decide which ones should be taken seriously as representative of key stakeholders? a. exigency b. stakeholder conflict c. diffused stakeholder d. stakeholder prioritization e. triple bottom line

stakeholder prioritization

1) Individuals and entities affected by a business's decision are known as _____. a. agents b. representatives c. stakeholders d. fiduciaries e. envoys


18) _____ is embedded words or images that allegedly reach us only beneath the level of our consciousness. The concept was brought light largely through a book claiming that some U.S. cinemas used it to sell more refreshments at the theaters' snack bars. a. psychological appeal b. redlining c. dependence affect d. subliminal advertising e. consciousness promotion

subliminal advertising

11) Twenty-five percent of U.S. employee in multiple industries were recently surveyed and reported feeling _____ as they juggled work and home responsibilities. a. exhilarated b. indifferent c. super stressed d. capable e. confused

super stressed

2) The term _____ emerged in the 1970s to describe the practice of working at a specific location, whether the employee's home or an alternate office, to reduce commuting time to a centrally located office space or store. a. e-working b. outworking c. homeworking d. outsourcing e. telecommuting


15. Data collected by economic researchers at the University of California show that income disparities have become more pronounced over the past thirty-five years, with the top 10 percent of income earners averaging _____ times as much income as the bottom 90 percent a. 0 b. 1 c. 10 d. 25 e. same amount


14) What is the main ethical question raised by job sharing? a. the practice does not work in all fields b. competitive instincts could lead one partner to withhold information or even sabotage the project. c. some work can suffer because of the extra time, and sometimes expense, necessary for coordination between job-sharing partners d. the "two Mondays effect"—the potential productivity loss due to the time it takes each partner to get up to speed on the first day back e. hiring part-time workers may be done to improve profitability at the employees' expense

the "two Mondays effect"—the potential productivity loss due to the time it takes each partner to get up to speed on the first day back

4) Which historical event was used in Chapter 5 to illustrate the complexity that results when different cultures, experiences, and ethical codes come into contact. a. the 1626 purchase of Manhattan b. the Holocaust c. the Civil War d. Vietnam War e. the 1848 Gold Rush in California

the 1626 purchase of Manhattan

7) What is the correct chronological order of these historical periods that shaped business ethics? a. the Information Age, the Industrial Revolution, the age of mercantilism, , the postindustrial era, and the age of economic globalization b. the Industrial Revolution, the age of mercantilism, the postindustrial era, the Information Age, and the age of economic globalization c. the Industrial Revolution, the age of mercantilism, the postindustrial era, the age of economic globalization, and the Information Age d. the age of mercantilism, the Industrial Revolution, the postindustrial era, the Information Age, and the age of economic globalization e. the Information Age, the age of mercantilism, the Industrial Revolution, the postindustrial era, and the age of economic globalization

the age of mercantilism, the Industrial Revolution, the postindustrial era, the Information Age, and the age of economic globalization

6) What is the biggest drawback of telecommuting for the individual employee, according to Chapter 10? a. there may be productivity concerns b. not all fields are equally suited to telecommuting c. the remote worker may have qualms about privacy when his or her personal life inevitably intersects with the workday d. it can be challenging to help employees adapt to the culture of a new company when they work remotely.19 e. the bias in employer attitudes; employees who opt for a nontraditional work arrangement may be perceived as lazy or less dedicated

the bias in employer attitudes; employees who opt for a nontraditional work arrangement may be perceived as lazy or less dedicated

8) In the Shlensky v. Wrigley case (1968), how did the course rule? a. the board of directors had no discretion in determining how to balance the interests of stakeholders. b. the board of directors was directed to participate in corporate social responsibility going forward c. the board of directors had a significant amount of discretion in determining how to balance the interests of stakeholders. d. The board of directors were obliged to maximize shareholder interests e. The board of directors were obliged to maximize company interests

the board of directors had a significant amount of discretion in determining how to balance the interests of stakeholders

8) The EEOC enforces Title VII of _____, which prohibits workplace discrimination including sexual harassment (as well as discrimination based on race, gender, religion, and national origin). a. Fair Labor Standards Act b. Civil Rights Act of 1866 (Section 1981) c. the civil rights act (CRA) of 1964 d. Equal Rights Employment Act e. Fair Employment Act of 1952

the civil rights act (CRA) of 1964

9. If an ADA accommodation is significantly expensive, ________. a. the courts may rule that it is not reasonable b. the courts may rule that it must be provided anyway c. the EEOC guidelines do not apply d. the federal government must subsidize the expense e. employers are permitted to hire a different candidate

the courts may rule that it is not reasonable

3. The degree to which the duty of loyalty exists is usually related to _____. a. the number of years the employee has worked for the company b. the degree of responsibility or trust an employer places in an employee c. the job title of the employee d. union status of the employee e. whether the occupation would be considered a profession

the degree of responsibility or trust an employer places in an employee

10) Entrepreneurial corporate culture comes from ________. a. the commitment of the company's employees b. government regulations about labor relations c. the founder's idea of what the work environment should be like d. the commitment of the company's family support system e. the nature of the company's product or service

the founder's idea of what the work environment should be like

9) Despite the similarities between Aristotelian and Confucian systems of virtue ethics, there are differences—the most notable being the locus of ethics. Aristotle placed this locus on _____, who were called to fulfill their purpose honorably, accepting fate with dignity and aplomb. The basis of this acceptance was reason. For Confucius, reflecting the historical plight of China, the locus was _____, a. the society, the individual b. the individual, the family c. the Individual, the society d. the family, the individual e. the community, the society

the individual, the family

6) Protecting owners' interests was a common feature of ________. a. the Information Age b. the Dodd-Frank Act c. muckraking d. commercialism e. the Industrial Revolution

the industrial revolution

17) What is stakeholder exigency? a. the level of urgency of a stakeholder claim, to arrive at a decision about where to begin focusing resources and efforts b. understanding the multiple and sometimes conflicting stakeholder expectations and ethically deciding which stakeholders to focus on and in what sequence c. establishing that a key stakeholder group is being represented d. if a firm cannot survive without a particular stakeholder or replace him or her relatively easily, e. none of the above

the level of urgency of a stakeholder claim, to arrive at a decision about where to begin focusing resources and efforts

14) Utilitarianism emphasizes _____. a. the character of the actor b. the positive feeling stakeholders have for any particular company c. the ability to see the ethical dimension in all events, choices, decisions, and actions d. the consequences or ultimate purpose of an act e. the willingness to do the right thing because it is the right thing, even though there may be no perceived benefit

the willingness to do the right thing because it is the right thing, even though there may be no perceived benefit (maybe)

12) What is the possible problem of a company providing employee benefits such as convenient and affordable housing, free food, medical, hair care, and others readily available on or near the workplace? a. employees will later be expected to pay for those benefits b. employees will likely receive smaller salaries or pay increases c. there no likely problems to such perks d. they may create an expectation that employees be accessible for long hours of work on a regular basis

they may create an expectation that employees be accessible for long hours of work on a regular basis

12) Stockholders are _____. a. Those who are directly affected by a firm's operation. b. Those who are directors of the company. c. Those who work as stockers for the company. d. Those who sell the company stocks and other securities. e. None of the above.

those who are directly affected by a firms operation

10. Technical or design information, advertising and marketing plans, and research and development data that would be useful to competitors are all examples of _____. a. trade secrets b. articles of incorporation c. nondisclosure agreement d. nonsolicitation clause e. intellectual property

trade secrets

19) To illustrate the concept of _____, British economist William Forster Lloyd, in the mid-nineteenth century, used a hypothetical example of unregulated grazing on common land to explain the human tendency to act independently, putting self-interest first, without regard for the common good of all users. a. tragedy of the commons b. Earth jurisprudence c. Ecological oversight d. sustainability e. halo effect

tragedy of the commons

2) Management that explains how an employee's work contributes to the achievement of company-wide goals is demonstrating _____. a. ethical behavior modeling b. utilitarian practices c. internal consistency d. total quality management best practices e. transparency


1) Most people engaged in business transactions have sought _____. Without _____, not just business relationships but all relationships would collapse. a. profit b. capital c. trust d. goodwill e. recognition


21) Some managers, politicians, and even members of the general public believe _____ are a big part of the reason that U.S. companies have difficulty competing in the global economy. a. worker productivity b. lack of natural resources c. insufficient capital d. inadequate managerial competence e. unions


22) Which of the country below has the lowest percentage of workers belong to unions? a. United States b. Sweden c. Canada d. Italy e. United Kingdom

united states

6) Which of these normative ethical theories suggests that an ethical action is one whose consequence achieves the greatest good for the greatest number of people? a. Integrity b. Morality c. Virtue theory d. Deontology e. utilitarianism


17. A patient becomes violent on hospital premises after being turned down for the clinical trial of a new drug therapy. This scenario fits which of the following workplace violence categories? a. traditional criminal intent b. violence by one worker against another c. violence stemming from a personal relationship d. violence by a customer e. reciprocal violence

violence steeming form a personal relationship

5) Which one of these is a normative ethical theory? a. virtue theory b. compliance c. integrity d. morality e. ethical relativism

virtue theory

8) Which of these normative ethical theories focuses on the character of the decision-maker? a. Integrity b. Morality c. Virtue theory d. Deontology e. utilitarianism

virtue theory

25) To try to reduce the costs to themselves of employee health care insurance coverage, some companies have instituted _____ to try to ensure that their workforces are as healthy as possible. Some popular offerings are measures to help smokers quit, workout rooms on work premises or subsidized gym memberships, and revamped vending and cafeteria offerings that provide a range of healthier choices a. universal health programs b. wellness programs c. single-payer health care programs d. safety programs e. health awareness departments

wellness programs

24. What role did Sallie Krawcheck perform in her position as chief of Merrill Lynch's wealth management division at Bank of America? a. saved the company from financial distress b. expand company services overseas c. responsible for the U.S. housing bubble disaster d. went to her boss with discovery of wrongdoing at work e. served as a traditional whistleblower by reporting wrongdoing to the local media

went to her boss with discovery of wrongdoing at work

16) The menu of benefits and perks provided by a company depends on several variables. Which of the items below is not one of them? a. what the competition offers b. what the industry norm is c. the company's geographic location d. what benefits are offered in other countries e. what the company can afford

what benefits are offered in other countries

21. Going to an official government agency and disclosing an employer's violation of the law is ____. a. insider trading b. whistleblowing c. free speech expression d. tattle telling e. full disclosure


12) In a recent survey mentioned in Chapter 6, which gender places the higher value on "better health, dental, and vision insurance" as a tradeoff to earnings? a. men b. women c. men and women place the same value d. men place little to no value e. women place little to no value


18) How often should managers in a workplace anticipate an inspection from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration? a. every day b. once a month c. yearly d. upon request or complaint e. never


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