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Top managers need to develop an understanding of, and expertise in, a variety of functions, products and services, and markets. This is referred to as a(n) ______ work experience.


Lateral moves are job changes that usually entail: (Choose all that apply.)

no major changes in authority levels. no major changes in responsibility.

A lateral job change entails ______.

no major changes in responsibility or authority levels

An appraisal that is based on facts and results that can be quantified is a(n) _____ appraisal.


What is the type of training that occurs as employees are doing their work?

On-the-job training

Employee pay includes which of the following?? (Choose all that apply.)

Pay raises Bonuses Base salaries

Why are performance reviews stressful for both employees and managers?

-Some employees are surprised at some of the less-than-positive feedback they receive from supervisors. -Certain employees are dismayed at some of the feedback they receive from supervisors, and this can have a negative impact on future performance. -It's difficult for managers to review the year's performance and come up with constructive criticism identifying specific actions.

Formal appraisals are based on: (Choose all that apply.)

-measures specified in advance. -performance dimensions specified in advance.

A performance appraisal by several peers, subordinates, and sometimes clients who are in a position to evaluate the manager's performance is known as a(n) ______.

360-degree appraisal

What type of interview presents candidates with a scenario that they would likely encounter on the job for which they are being interviewed?

A situational interview

Which of the following are the main types of written tests used in the employee selection process? (Choose all that apply.)

Ability Personality

Which of the following are selection tools that managers can use to sort out relative qualifications of job applicants and appraise their potential for being good performers in a particular job?

Background information Physical abilities test Interviews Paper-and-pencil tests Performance tests References

Why is testing for validity so important?

Because it measures the degree to which the tool or test can measure a candidate's or an employee's performance on a task or job in question

Important employment legislation that mandates managers to follow workplace safety guidelines is the ______.

Occupational Safety and Health Act

Performance reviews are a source of stress only for employees, not managers.


Nora, a newly promoted manager who had been training with Roland, was preparing her budget report to present to the board. Roland stopped by to ask if she needed any more help doing her final tallies. "I think I finally nailed it!" Nora said, "But thanks so much for your help with this new program. It really is more efficient." What type of experience did Roland provide for Nora?

On-the-job training

What are the goals of the equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws and regulations on a local, state, and national level in the United States?

To make hiring decisions regardless of a candidates' gender, race, country of origin, religion, age, ability, or disability

The extent to which applicants possess the skills, such as verbal comprehension, necessary for task performance are measured by ______.

ability tests

When organizations invest in training for their employees, they want to ensure that their employees know how to perform their current jobs at the highest level by helping them ______.

acquire the knowledge and skills they need

Whenever training and development take place, it is vital for managers to promote the transfer of the knowledge and skills acquired to the ______.

actual work situation

When labor and management disagree about the interpretation of a collective bargaining agreement, to resolve the conflict, the formal process of ______ is used.


A neutral third party who is called in to resolve a conflict about the interpretation of a collective bargaining agreement is called a(n) ______.


A plan from which employees can choose the benefits they want is a(n) ______ plan.

cafeteria benefit

Managers can help employees who feel a traditional benefits package does not meet their needs by offering a ______ benefit plan.


he tasks, duties, and responsibilities that make up a job are the key elements of the job


Human resources management includes activities managers engage in regarding ______.

employee recruitment and behavior

To ensure that all citizens have an equal opportunity to get a job regardless of their gender, race, country of origin, religion, age, or disabilities is the goal of ______.

equal employment opportunity

When evaluations are given at set times during the year and are based on performance dimensions as well as on past measures, this is a appraisal.


Attracting and retaining employees with the skills, abilities, and experience to help an organization achieve its goals is a key component of a _____ management system.

human resource

The activities that managers create to attract and retain employees and to ensure that they perform at a high level to help an organization accomplish its goals are called ______.

human resource management

When a manager undertakes the responsibility of identifying tasks, duties, and responsibilities for a particular job, this is referred to as preparing a(n) ______.

job description

The role of a pay structure is to bundle jobs into categories that reflect ______.

job importance to the company

Performance appraisal is the evaluation of employees' ________.

job performance and contributions to the organization

The activities that managers engage in to ensure effective working relationships with labor unions describes ______.

labor relations

Ariel is a marketing assistant at a major publishing company. She wants to try her hand at the editorial side of things so she asks to be moved over to the editorial team. While this move does not require a change in status, she is excited to try something new, despite this being a(n) move.


A job change that entails no major changes in responsibility or authority levels is a ______.

lateral move

Duncan was the most prolific writer at the website, posting fifteen stories a day to everyone else's six or seven stories. On a pure numerical basis, his editor gave him a positive ______. When he started appraising the quality of what he was posting, however, it was another story, as Duncan's accuracy and underhanded ways of getting his stories were questionable.

objective appraisal

An unstructured interview proceeds more like a(n) ______.

ordinary conversation

The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 made it legal for workers to ______.

organize into unions

Pay level refers to how an organization's pay incentives compare to ______.

other companies in the same industry

The use of outside suppliers and manufacturers to produce goods and services is known as ______.


When managers use suppliers and manufacturers outside of the organization to provide goods or services the company previously supplied itself, it is called


Ability and personality tests are the two main types of ______ tests.


How an organization's pay incentives compare to other organizations' incentives in the same industry refers to ______ level.


The arrangement of jobs into categories, reflecting the importance of the job to the company and the level of skills required, is the ______ structure.


With a 360-degree performance appraisal, managers are evaluated by: (Choose all that apply.)

peers. their manager. subordinates. customers.

Pay is generally determined by factors such as characteristics of the organization, characteristics of the job, and levels of ______.


When managers evaluate employees' performance to assess their contributions to the organization, this is called a(n) ______.

performance appraisal

When a test is given to applicants to assess their personal traits and characteristics, such as trustworthiness, that are relevant to job performance, this is an example of a ______ test.


A personality test measures ______.

personality traits and characteristics

Paper-and-pencil ability tests assess if applicants ______.

possesses the skills necessary to perform the job well

In situational interviews, job candidates are ______.

presented with possible job scenarios and asked how they would handle them

Managers must ensure that whenever tests are performed, whether they are performed on interviews or products, the same tool or tests must measure for ______ with the results being similar.


When testing for ______, the goal is to ensure that the tool used for testing comes up with the similar results each time it is used.


Managers use the process of to assess the relative qualifications of the candidates' potential to perform well in a particular position.


The process that managers use to determine the relative qualifications of job applicants and their potential to perform well in a particular job is known as ______.


When trying to assess whether an applicant will be a good performer, managers utilize interviews, background information, paper-and-pencil tests, and references, which are known as _____.

selection tools

To attract and hire employees with the skills, abilities, and experience to help the organization achieve its goals, managers use: (Choose all that apply.)

selection. recruitment.

When managers ask all of the job applicants the same set of standard questions in an interview, this is an example of a(n) ______ interview.


In a structured interview, managers ask each applicant ______.

the same standard questions

When employees are taught how to perform their current jobs by acquiring and using knowledge and skills that allow them to do their jobs more effectively, this is referred to as ______.


When an interview is more like an ordinary conversation with no predetermined set of questions, this is an example of a less formal type of interview and is referred to as a(n) ______ interview.


Trainees should be expected to ______.

use their newfound expertise on the job

This is the degree to which a tool or test measures what it intends to measure; in other words, ______ assesses whether or not what it is measuring is reliable based on multiple tests using the same tool.


To develop top managers with an understanding and expertise in a variety of functions, employers look for employees with a(n) ______.

wide variety of job experiences

Unions exist to represent ______ interests in organizations.


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