MGMT ch. 8, Ch. 11 MGMT, Ch. 9 MGMT, MGMT Ch. 10 - HR Management

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"assuming that ppl are all just like you"

False- diverse doesn't necesarily lead to economic gain (add diversity and stir doesn't work)

(T/F) Diversity leads to economic gain

False- stockholders often dont have time so they elect a board of directors to oversee the org

(T/F) stockholders are very involved owners

false- its not

(T/f) managing diversity is easy

False- 2045

(t/f) By 2060, one time minority groups will rep majority of US population


(t/f) Over 20% of fortune 100 comps have creaity faith based resource groups for employees

false- they are diff. Inclusion is much more!

(t/f) diversity and inclusiveness are the same


(t/f) it is common for ppl to have more responsibility than authority


(t/f) one in three US residents is a racial minority


(t/f) the higher the differentiation, the higher the need for integration


(t/f) the number of minority entreprenuers is growing faster than overall grwth in new companies

Fair Labor Standards Act

1938 act which provided for a minimum wage and restricted shipments of goods produced with child labor

national labor relations act

A 1935 law, also known as the Wagner Act, that guarantees workers the right of collective bargaining sets down rules to protect unions and organizers, and created the National Labor Relations Board to regulate labor-managment relations.

responsibility; authority

A common problem in a hierarchy is for people to have more Blank______ than Blank______.

merit pay system

A compensation system in which base pay increases are determined by individual performance

strategic alliance

A formal relationship created among independent organizations with the purpose of joint pursuit of mutual goals.

top management team

A group composed of the CEO, the president, and the heads of the most important departments

structured interview

A selection interview that consists of a predetermined set of questions for the interviewer to ask -same for each candidate

ISO 9001

A series of quality standards developed by a committee working under the International Organization for Standardization to improve total quality in all businesses for the benefit of producers and consumers.

time based compeittion

A strategy aimed at reducing the total time it takes to deliver a product or service is Blank______.


A system that calls for subassemblies and components to be manufactured in very small lots and delivered to the next stage of the production process just as they are needed is Blank______.

just in time operations

A system that calls for subassemblies and components to be manufactured in very small lots and delivered to the next stage of the production process just as they are needed.

high involvement organization

A type of organization in which top management ensures that there is consensus about the direction in which the business is heading


A typing test is an example of a(n) Blank______ test. -personality -performance -cognitive ability -integrity


A(n) Blank______ workforce can provide a company with greater knowledge of the preferences and consuming habits of a diversified marketplace. -bureaucratic -diverse -homogeneous -indigenous

Build trust, work against discrimination and suboordindation, and embrace wide ranges of styles +voices, make cultural difference a learning resource

According Harvard Diversity case, what are 4 ways that orgs can improve diversity?


According to researchers, younger workers can be challenging to manage because they tend to be Blank______. (Check all that apply.) A)low performers B)high performers C)lazy and recalcitrant D)high maintenance

criminal records check Social Security verification employment verification

Adequate background checks include which of the following? -criminal records check -verification of personal references -genetic background testing -Social Security verification -employment verification

cafeteria benefit program

An employee benefit program in which employees choose from a menu of options to create a benefit package tailored to their needs.

lean manufacturing

An operation that achieves increased efficiency while simultaneously improving effectiveness is referred to as Blank______.

centralized organization

An organization in which high-level executives make most decisions and pass them down to lower levels for implementation

monolithic organization

An organization that has a low degree of structural integration—employing few women, minorities, or other groups that differ from the majority—and thus has a highly homogeneous employee population.

pluralistic organization

An organization that has a relatively diverse employee population and makes an effort to involve employees from different gender, racial, or cultural backgrounds.

multicultural organization

An organization that values cultural diversity and seeks to utilize and encourage it.


An organizing approach based on a commitment to making an operation both efficient and effective and that continually strives for improvement is called Blank______ manufacturing.

specific and consturctive

Appraisal feedback works best when it is Blank______.. -subjective and confrontational -personal and not time bound -specific and constructive -objective and vague

job specification

As a part of the job analysis, a job Blank______ details the knowledge and skills needed to perform the job. -structure -description -specification -review

C, D

As a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, gender discrimination is gradually being eliminated. Women have been positively impacted, although equality has not yet been achieved. Which of the following conditions still exist for women in the workforce? a) Restricted from working in hazardous jobs, like construction b) Banned from military service c) Underrepresentation at most senior levels of corporate life d) Pay disparity


As head of the accounting department, Martina uses her Blank______ to assign clients to each of her staff accountants.


Blank______ offers efficiency only when the costs of storing items are greater than the costs of frequent delivery.

inside directors

Board members who are generally part of the company's senior management team; appointed by shareholders to provide the board with necessary information pertaining to the company's internal workings and performance.

functional organization

Departmentalization around specialized activities such as production, marketing, and human resources.

divisional organization

Departmentalization that groups units around products, customers, or geographic regions. -every division houses all functions


Despite gains for minorities and immigrants in the workforce, disparities in employment and earnings continue to exist, including Blank______. (Check all that apply.) A) higher unemployment rates for black and Hispanic workers B) discrimination in hiring when people with ethnic-sounding names apply for jobs C) overrepresentation of minorities and immigrants in senior management roles D) lower earnings for black and Hispanic workers

individual pay decisions

Different pay rates for employees performing similar jobs in the same job family are determined by Blank______. -pay level -individual pay decisions -pay structure -incentive pay plans


Div or Func? A legal department at the offices of eachsubsidiary in which the multinational firmoperates, reporting to the leadership incharge of that subsidiary's operations


Div or Func? Automotive manufacturer with productgroups (for example, S UV or truck), eachstaffed with employees to manage thatautomobile's development, engineering,purchasing, production, and sales


Div or Func? Automotive manufacturer withdepartments for research anddevelopment, engineering, purchasing,production, and sales, managing allautomotive productsAutomotive manufacturer with productgroups (for example, S UV or truck), each


Div or Func? One legal department serving the needs ofall the domestic and internationalsubsidiaries of a multinational company,reporting to corporate leadership

division of labor

Division of work into a number of separate tasks to be performed by different workers


Divisional or Functional?Chain of restaurants with departments forpurchasing, food safety, transportation,human resources, operations, and financeresponsible for all locations


Divsional or Functional? Chain of restaurants with one division foreach region (for example., Northeast,Midwest, and Southeast) of the countrymanaging all functions in that region

No, but it can lead to long term economic gain

Does DEI create financial benefits forc comps?

informal and horizontal communication long-term, cooperative relationships with suppliers concurrent product development

Effective lean manufacturing requires which of the following conditions? (Check all that apply.) -informal and horizontal communication -long-term, cooperative relationships with suppliers -concurrent product development -specialized full-time employees

organization around products, work cells, or teams local or decentralized scheduling

Flexible factories, as opposed to traditional factories, are characterized by Blank______.


For most businesses, mentally and physically disabled people represent an unexplored but fruitful labor market. Frequently, employers have found that disabled employees Blank______. (Check all that apply.) A)miss fewer days of work B) are more dependable than other employees C)are friendlier than other employees D)exhibit lower turnover


Fran's Follies is a nationwide party-supply company. The company is grouped into west coast, central, and east coast regions. Each region is self contained in that each region has its own marketing department, human resources department, and so on. Fran's Follies is a(n) Blank______ organization.

Strategic, ethical legal and financial

HR leaders are strong advocates for what four sets of values?

A, C, E

Having expanded beyond gender or skin color, diversity also refers to which of the following differences? (Check all that apply) a) Sexual orientation b) Military experience c) Disability status d) Names and addresses e) Nationality

awareness building

Helps employees appreciate the benefits of diversity

1) seniority 2) performance

How are pay differences decided (2 ways)?

1) they can act to reduce info 2) they can increase capacity to handle more info

How can managers cope with high uncertainty and heavy info demands?

Create slack resources and self contained tasks

How can managers reduce info in 2 two ways?

Invest in info systems and engaging in better knowledge management via horizontal relationships

How can managers stengthens info processing?

by avoiding excessive hiring

How can organizations best avoid the need to significantly downsize? -by keeping profits low -by hiring temporary workers -by using external recruiters -by avoiding excessive hiring

performance appraisals

Important information on which to base human resource decisions, such as pay raises and promotions, can be acquired through _____

It triggers a factory order and the production process.

In JIT operations, what happens when a customer places an order?


In a Blank______ organization, departments are specialized and grouped according to business functions and the skills they require.

standard questions

In a structured interview, managers ask each applicant Blank______.

operative level workers

In lean manufacturing, managers often delegate authority to which group in order to improve quality and problem solving?


In order for a company's diversity and inclusion initiatives to succeed, they must have the clear support of Blank______. A. new appllicants B. local media C. legal counsel D. top management


In recent years, benefits costs have risen Blank______ wages and salaries. a. at the same pace as b. faster than c. slower than

C +D

In the workplace, managing diversity involves (select more than one): a) utilizing the common characteristics of groups to the firm's advantage with little focus on individual differences b) the sole focus on the hiring and equal treatment of women and minorities in the workplace c)recognizing common characteristics of groups while dealing with employees' differences to the firm's advantage d) recruiting, training, promoting, and utilizing individuals with different beliefs, capabilities, and cultures

Seeing, understanding, and valuing

In what 3 ways can managers leverage employee differences?


In which HR function are employees hired from among qualified applicants?

coordination by plan

Interdependent units are required to meet deadlines and objectives that contribute to a common goal. -they hv some freedom in how they work as long as they meet deadlines

reduced setup times reduced cycle times perfect quality elimination of delays elimination of waste

JIT represents a number of key production and organizational concepts including Blank______. (Check all that apply.) -reduced setup times -reduced cycle times -perfect quality -maximization of capacity -elimination of delays -elimination of waste

work experiences certifications education

Job applications and résumés typically contain basic information on the candidate, including which of the following? (Check all that apply.) -work experiences -certifications -religion -education -credit history

informal authority

Kota has the same job title and duties as many others in his group, but everyone goes to him if they need help with their computers or any technical issues. Kota has Blank______. Multiple choice question.


Lupita is on a management track at her workplace. She meets regularly with Analise, a high-level executive who has taken Lupita under her wing. Lupita receives advice and valuable information from Analise. This is an example of Blank______. A) recruiting B) mentorship C) diversity D) affirmative action

management by objectives

Managers and employees discuss and select goals and develop plan to reach them

results appraisals

Managers appraise performance by the results or the actual outcomes of work behaviors

needs assessment

Managers conduct a(n) ______ to identify who and what needs training.


Managing diversity means being cognizant of the traits common to a group of employees while also guiding and meeting the needs of these employees as Blank______.


Manufacturing plants that have short production runs, are organized around products, and use decentralized scheduling are called Blank______ factories. Multiple choice question.

large batch

McDonald's and Burger King have production processes that tend to be very standardized, with all customers receiving similar if not identical products. They are examples of companies that use Blank______.


Monolithic organizations may be characterized by which of the following? A) Minority group members feel free to express themselves and are loyal to the organization. B) They have minimal cultural integration among employees. C) Discrimination and prejudice prevail and informal integration is almost nonexistent. E) Employees from "outside" the group are placed into low-status jobs.

hostile environment

Occurs when unwelcome sexual conduct has the effect of unreasonably interfering with job performance or creating an intimidating or hostile, working environment

matrix organization structure

Organizational structure in which employees report to two managers: one is responsible for a product line, and the other is responsible for a functional area such as marketing or accounting.


Organizations can leverage diversity in minority markets and gain a competitive advantage by Blank______. (Check all that apply.) A) recognizing minority purchasing power B) reflecting the community population mix in the organization workforce C) establishing purchasing contracts with minority-owned businesses D)outsourcing, or relocating the business overseas

It is rare

People who work at W. L. Gore have specialized capabilities and skills that help set Gore apart from its competition. Which criteria of HRM does this exemplify?

right to work state

Piotr works at a factory. Many of his fellow employees belong to the union, but Piotr doesn't, and he isn't required to join. This describes a(n) Blank___

360-degree appraisal

Process of using multiple sources of appraisal to gain a comprehensive perspective on one's performance

Equal Pay Act of 1963

Prohibits an employer from paying workers of one gender less than wages paid to employees of opposite gender for work that requires equal skill, effort, and responsibility

time based competition

Raja is implementing logistics, just-in-time, and simultaneous engineering to reduce the total time needed to deliver his service to his customers. These strategies are known as

time based compeittion

Raja is implementing logistics, just-in-time, and simultaneous engineering to reduce the total time needed to deliver his service to his customers. These strategies are known as Blank______.

quality flexibility speed

Rather than focusing on cost and hierarchy, lean manufacturing emphasizes which of the following? (Choose every correct answer.) -quality -efficiency -flexibility -speed

OSHA 1970

Requires employers and employees to comply with safety and health standards regarding workplace conditions and operations.

lean manufacturing

Strives to achieve the highest possible productivity and total quality, cost-effectively, by eliminating unnecessary steps in the production process and continually striving for improvement.

coordination by standardization

System whereby universal rules and procedures that apply to units worldwide, thereby enforcing consistency in the performance of activities in geographically dispersed units.

dynamic network

Temporary arrangements among partners that can be assembled and reassembled to adapt to the environment


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Examples of such physical or mental impairments does not include Blank______. A-learning disabilities B-drug addiction or alcoholism C-racist perspectives D-blindness E-llnesses such as HIV infection and cancer


The Blank______ function of human resources consists of recruitment, selection, and outplacement.


The ______ approach to manufacturing relies on having broadly trained employees, general-purpose equipment, and long-term, cooperative supplier relationships.

coordination by mutual adjustment

The approach to organizational integration that relies on feedback and discussions to figure out how to approach problems and develop solutions that are agreeable to everyone is known as Blank______


The assignment of new or additional responsibilities to a subordinate


The authority levels of the organizational pyramid are commonly called the organization's what?

comparable worth doctrine

The belief that women should receive the same salaries as men when the levels of skill, effort, and responsibility in their different jobs are the same

production of high-variety products in high volume greater control and predictability of production process reduced waste

The benefits of CIM include Blank______. (Check all that apply.) -increased people and management strength -production of high-variety products in high volume -greater control and predictability of production process -reduced waste

high degree of flexibility

The biggest advantage of the matrix form is in its Blank______.


The consistency of test scores over time and across alternative measurements is known as Blank______.


The maker of handcrafted and vintage items, Etsy, recognized that the demographics of its customers were quite different from the demographics of its engineers. Which diversity activity enabled the company to learn this? A) Diversity training B) Job analysis C) Organizational assessment D) Customer survey

customer relationship management

The overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction


The procedures that link the various parts of an organization for the purpose of achieving the organization's overall mission


The process of helping people who have been dismissed from the company regain employment elsewhere.

mass customization

The production of varied, individually customized products at the low cost of standardized, mass-produced products is called Blank______.


The purpose of an organization conducting a cultural-competency assessment includes all of the following except Blank______. A) determining if the needs of customers are being met by the workforce B_ identifying problems or opportunities C) evaluating whether the organization is attracting its share of diverse candidates D) using the data to identify prejudiced employees

value chain

The sequence of activities that flow from raw materials to the delivery of a good or service, with additional value created at each step.


The use of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing to sequence and optimize a number of production processes is called Blank______.

B, D, E, F

To become effective managers of diverse organizations, which challenges do managers have to identify and overcome? (Check all that apply.) A) Productivity problems B) Communication problems C) Hiring freezes D) Lack of cohesiveness E) Unexamined assumptions F) Stereotyping

orientation training

Training designed to introduce new employees to the company and familiarize them with policies, procedures, culture, and the like.

False: Boards made up of strong, independent outsiders are more likely to prevent big mistakes.

True or false: Boards made up of strong, independent outsiders are more likely to make big mistakes.


True or false: In a high-involvement organization, top management makes all company decisions.

behavioral description interview

Type of structured interview in which the interviewer explores what applicants have done in the past


Tyrell is a manager. He assigns a task to one of his subordinates. Tyrell is Blank______.


Unwelcome sexual conduct that is a term or condition of employment is defined as Blank______ and is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. a) sexual harassment b) sex work c) the glass ceiling d) discrimination

1) they generate info managers need to evaluate past performance 2) serve as way to develop employees and plan additional training

What 2 basic purposes do performance appraisals serv?

unionization and collective bargaining

What 2 processes are involved when workers negotiation to improve conditions?

agility, adaptability and structure

What 3 things are influenced by org size?

Results: productivity, quality, innovation, satisfication, turnover, absenteeism, health

What activites are included in HR evalatuing?

Environmental scanning and planning for demand/supply of labor

What activites are included in HR planning?

recruitment, selection, DEI, performance appraisal, rewards and labor relations

What activites are included in HR programming?

-creates scale economies abd economies of scope

What advntgs does size offer an org?

recruitment, selection and outplacement

What are 3 activities within the staffing function of HR?

1) accumulate the right resources by determing what's needed 2) combining resources to create stronger capabilities 3) leverage/exploirting resources

What are 3 ways in which a manager can create advantage over compeittors?

Comps know their employees and employees know the org -promotions can encourage employees to remain

What are advntages of internal recruitign?

can inspire innovation

What are advntgs to external recruiting?

avoids baises and measuremt difficulties employees likely to undertstand and committed to goals

What are advtanges of the MBO

they focus less on efficiency and more on innovation, they sense chaing, opportunities and chaning practices faster than competitors

What are characteristics of dynamic capabilites?

eliminating functions, levels or entire unit -replaceing full tim employees with temp workers

What are common approaches to downsizing?

If employees lack need skill, limited applicant pool and subpar choice -can inhibit or delay changes at company if current employees resist

What are disadvntags to internal recruiting?

conditions of labor market, cost of living, collective bargaining, legal requirements

What are external factors affecting the wage mix?

compensation policy of org, worth of job, employee's relative worth, and employer's ability to pay

What are internal factors affecting the wage mix?

-economies of scale can be realized -greater opportunity -well maintained performance standards -technical specialistive free of admin work -environmental monitoring is effective -decision making and lines of communication r simple

What are some advantages of functional departmentalization?

-Pms can focus on a particular product line -pms hv autonomy -pms are strategic -pms have broader training

What are some advtanges to product departmentalization?

-ppl may care too much about their own function over company itself -mangers hv functional expetise but van't be generalists -conflict arise

What are some disadvantages to functional orgs?

-hard to coordinate across product lines -managers might not become specialists -expneisve to duplication functions -decentralized decision making gives top managemnt less control

What are some disadvtanges of product structure?

-higher degree of flexibility and adaptability -more sharing of info -loyalty to org as a whole

What are some pros of matrix?

Division of labor and specialization

What are the 2 methods of differentiation?

- leverages managers' energy and talent - conserves managers' most valuable asset: time - promotes subordinates' sense of importance and commitment

What are the 3 advantages of delegation?

small, large and continuous

What are the 3 basic techolbonies that characterize how work is done?

planning, programming, and evaluating

What are the 3 components of the HR Planning process?

workers comp, social security and unemployment insurance

What are the 3 required basic benefits?

pay level, pay structure, individual pay

What are the 3 types of decisions for design effective pay plans?

Diversity helps to 1) attract, motivate and retain employees 2) understand differentiated markets 3) creative problem solving 4) organizational flexibility

What are the 4 main advantages of diversity for companies?

economic factors, job disatisfaction, promise of benefits image of union (corruption,etc)

What are the 4 major influences on deciding to join a union?

1) Define goal succintly 2) Select person for task 3) ask suboordinate views about approaches 4) give sub authority, tiem and resources to perform 5) rvw progress at appropriate intervals

What are the 5 steps in effective delgation?

1) unexamined assumptions 2) stereotyping 3) communication problems 4) mistrust and tension 5) low cohesiveness 6) leveraging differences

What are the 6 challenges to diversity in the workforce?

1) customer focus 2) leadership 3) involvemnt of ppl 4) process approach 5) improvement 6) evidence based decision making 7) relationship management

What are the 7 priniciples of ISO 9001

1. Top management's commitment and leadership. 2. Organizational assessment. 3. Employee resource groups. 4. Mentoring. 5. Career development and promotions. 6. Systems accommodation. 7. Training (awareness building and skill building).

What are the 7 ways that firms can cultivate inclusiveness?

-provides fuller pic of person's strengths and weakness -motivates employees to improve their ratings

What are the advantages of 360 degree appraisal?

-easier to manage relationships -easier to control/cordinate -small= nimble

What are the advntgs of small orgs?

too much success can breed complacy and inertia hinders change -difficult to coordinate and control

What are the disadvantages of big orgs?

logistics, just in time ops, and concurrent engineering

What are the key elements of TBC?

1) selecting, evaluating, rewarding 2) determing firm's strategic direction adn rvwing financial eprforamnce 3) ensuring ethical, socially responsible and legal conduct

What are the main 3 duties of BOD?

pensions plans and medical and hospital incurance

What are the most common non required benefits?

Job description and specification

What are the two components of job analysis?

Realibility and validity

What are the two curicals issues that need to be adressed with all selection methods?

quid pro quo and hostile environment

What are the two types of sexual harrassment?

Coordination by mutual adjustment Coordination by standardization Coordination by plans

What are three coordination methods?

less monitoring and supervision with organic structure and fewer rules

What are traits of continuous?

Structure more mechanistic, more centralized d-making and higher spans of control

What are traits of large batch?

organic structure, and decentralzied decision making

What are traits of small batch orgs?

It helps to increase morale. It results in lower employee turnover.

What are two benefits of orientation training? -It helps identify the jobs that need training programs. -It identifies employees who should be terminated. -It helps to increase morale. -It results in lower employee turnover.

-people are broadly trained rather than specialized -communication is informal and horizontal -equipment is general prupose -work if organized in teams -supplier relationships are long term and cooperative

What conditions support lean manufacturing?

training and development

What do managers need to build into their HRM plans to ensure that their employees are able to acquire the knowledge and skills to perform their jobs at a high level and take on new responsibilities as conditions change?

white men (77%)

What ethnic group makes up largest percentage of workers?

-violation of unity of command priniciple (confusion and difficult interpersonal situation for employees)

What is a con of matrix form?

employees not always willing to rate their colleagues harshly

What is a disadvtng of the 360 degree appraisal?

formal position authority

What is generally the primary means of running an organization, which is exemplified by orders that a boss gives to a lower-level employee to carry out?

individ. incentive plan

What is most common incentive system?

accountability occurs

What is occurring when a manager expects the subordinate to perform a job and takes corrective action when the subordinate fails to do so?

Small is good for unleashing enrgy and speed

What is the advntg of a small org?

THey need to be both big and small to captialize on advntgs of each

What is the challenge for orgs when it comes to size?

Differentiantion means that the org is composed of many units working of diff tasks but integration means that the work of diff units is coordinated into overall product

What is the difference between differentiation and integration?


What is the key to managing diversity effectively? A) Standardization B) Rewards C) Structure D) Flexibility

People with disabilities

What is the largest unemployed minority population in the United States? -People with children -African Americans -Hispanics -People with disabilities

delegation b/c it entails getting work done thru others at all hieracrchal lvls

What is the most fundamental process of management?

reducing number of insiders and increasing outsiders b/c they are morely likely to hv diff info and perspectives

What is the recent trend towards outside board of directors?

managers must focuse on the company itself, the competition and the custoemr

What is the strategic triangle?

culture contigency

What should ethnocentrism be replaced with?


What should homogeniety be replaced with?


What should parochialism be replaced with?

similarity and difference

What should similarity eb replaced with?

traits, behaviors and results

What the three categories of performance?

A,b ,D

What types of products are produced via mass customization a. cars b. clothes. c. baking soda d. computers


When Lori has been assigned to handle the registration at a conference but is not able to make decisions regarding this task, it means that she has been given Blank______ for this particular task.


When a company needs to hire employees, it wants to select people from a pool of qualified applicants. What is the process of forming this pool of applicants?

When the resources are valuable, rare, inimitable and organized

When do firms hold a compt. advntage with their resources?

coordination by plan

When interdependent units are required to meet deadlines and objectives that contribute to a common goal, it is known as Blank______.

when an org has many subunits and specialists when an org is in complex, dynamic environments

When is differentiation high in a firm?

when firms are in simple stable environments

When is differentiation low in a firm?

simple, stable environemnts

When is functional structure most effective?

feeling stigmatized being demoralized when seeking a new job a loss of self-esteem

Which are difficulties faced by employees who have been fired or laid off? (Select all that apply.) -feeling stigmatized -suffering from unfettered optimism -being demoralized when seeking a new job -a loss of self-esteem

B, E

Which are ways that diversity and inclusion promote creativity and innovation in a competitive marketplace? (Check all that apply.) A) Diverse groups reach consensus and conclusions more quickly and more agreeably. B) Diverse groups are freer to deviate from traditional approaches. C) Diverse groups take advantage of groupthink. E) Diversity brings a broader base of experiences.


Which behaviors can cause a hostile work environment? (Check all that apply.) A) Suggestive remarks B) Displays of pornography c) Negative reinforcement for discipline D) Demeaning jokes


Which community workers are not growing faster from the following communities in United States? -asia americans -hispanics -immigrants -african americans


Which function is often critical to an organization's ability to be responsive and achieve a competitive advantage?

A, B, D

Which of the following are forms of discrimination that have been used against women? (more than one answer) A) Not allowing women to hold credit cards B) Setting quotas to limit women in professional training schools C) Not allowing women to be homemakers D) Restricting jobs to one gender

A+ C

Which of the following are possible explanations for the wage gap between men and women? A-Women have career interruptions to care for family. B-Men have a higher graduation rate than women. C-Women are not negotiating pay as effectively as men. -Men have a higher GPA than women


Which of the following are ways an organization can communicate the commitment of top management to its employees? (choose all that apply) A) Determine the allocation of funds for diversity efforts based on the sales performance of managers B) Participate in diversity programs and making participation mandatory for all managers C) Link managerial compensation directly to the accomplishment of diversity goals D) Incorporate the organization's attitudes toward diversity into its mission statement and strategic plans


Which of the following is likely to result when managers do not effectively manage stereotyping? A) Group cohesiveness will lead to decreased turnover. B) Understanding and appreciation of differences among employees will increase. C) The administration will become more diversified. D) Employees may get frustrated and reduce their commitment.

B, C

Which of the following might lead us to stereotype colleagues who are different? (Check all that apply.) A) We filter our perceptions through our own values and culture . B) We are limited by our own backgrounds and experiences. C) We tend to hear what we expect to hear and see what we expect to see. D) We know that the capabilities and aspirations of all people with a similar background are the same

Educational institutions Former employers

Which of the following people or institutions would a hiring organization contact as part of a reference check? Family members Significant others Educational institutions Former employers

job description

Which part of a job analysis details each job's specific and essential tasks, duties, and responsibilities? the demand forecast the job specification the needs assessment the job description


Which statement about diversity is true? A) It refers to all kinds of differences, including ethnicity, income, and religion. B) It refers primarily to skin color and gender. C) To effectively manage diversity managers should tolerate differences but not address them. D) As long as managers treat individuals with respect, there is no need to consider diversity.

It deals with managing people at work. The first interaction with an organization you wish to join involves its human resource function. Historically it was known as personnel management.

Which statements are true of human resource management? (Check all that apply.) -It deals with managing people at work. -The first interaction with an organization you wish to join involves its human resource function. -It is composed of informal systems and processes. -Historically it was known as personnel management.

A, D

Which statements describe population trends impacting the U.S. workforce? (Check all that apply.) A) About one in three residents in the United States is a racial or ethnic minority. B) This is incorrect. The number of women seeking college degrees is now lower than it has been since World War II. C)The proportion of white American males will continue to increase. D) The number of Asian American, black, and Hispanic American workers is expected to grow faster than that of white males.


Which term refers to the methods, processes, systems, and skills used to transform resources into products? ISO 9000 Technology Innovation TQM

span of control

Which term refers to the number of people who report to an individual manager?


Who are the owners of a firm?

It provides info needed for every HR activity. It helps determine whether firing is fair or not. It helps increase value that employees add by clarifying what is needed to perform well

Why is job analysis so important?


With continuous process technology, company communication tends to be Blank______.

small batch-

Yolanda Bee is an entrepreneur who specializes in catering to high-end photography enthusiasts. In her organization, there are no rules and formal procedures, and the decision making tends to be decentralized. Yolanda's operation is best described as what?

hr planning

______ is a strategic activity that includes meeting an organization's staffing needs. -Human resource planning -Organizational behavior -Consumer education -Demand forecasting

concurrent engineering

______ is a team-based approach that incorporates perspectives of all functions, resulting in a higher-quality product.

network organization

a collection of independent, mostly single-function firms that collaborate on a good or service -web of relationsjops among many firms

computer integrated manufacturing

a complete system that designs products, manages machines and materials, and controls the operations function (high volume and high variety)

Total Quality Management (TQM)

a comprehensive approach - led by top management and supported throughout the organization - dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction

slack resources

a cushion of extra resources that can be used with options-based planning to adapt to unanticipated changes, problems, or opportunities

job specification

a description of the qualifications necessary for a specific job, in terms of education, experience, and personal and physical characteristics

termination interview

a discussion between a manager and an employee about the employee's dismissal


a persion is supposed to carry out an assigned task

unity of command principle

a person should only have on boss

continous process

a process that is highly automated and has a continuous production flow -used by comps at very high volume end of scale

six sigma

a rigorous statistical analysis process that reduces defects in manufacturing and service-related processes

time based competition

a strategy that focuses on the competitive priorities of delivery speed and development speed

mass customization

a strategy that uses technology to deliver customized services on a mass basisex: clothes, assmebly line

job description

a written description of the basic tasks, duties, and responsibilities required of an employee holding a particular job


accuracy of the selection test


activities to increase the pool of candidates to be hired

glass ceiling

an invisible limit on women's climb up the occupational ladder

profit sharing plan

an organization-wide program that distributes compensation based on some established formula designed around a company's profitability

organic structure

an organizational structure with a wide span of control, little formalization, and decentralized decision making (flexibility)

integrity tests

assess attitudes and experiences related to a person's honesty, dependability, trustworthiness, reliability, and prosocial behavior

performance appraisal

assessment of an employee's job performance

external recruiting

attracting job applicants from outside the organization

mechanistic organization

authority is centralized, tasks and rules are clearly specified, and employees are closely supervised

group incentive plan

base pay mesured by group performance

flexible benefit programs

benefit programs in which employees are given credits to spend on benefits that fit their unique needs

concurrent engineering

bringing engineering design and manufacturing personnel together early in the design phase -results in higher qual product that meets customer needs

ordinary capabilities

capabilities pertaining to basic administrative and operational functions

self contained tasks

changing from a functional organization to a product or project organization and giving each unit the resources it needs to perform its task

background checks

checks that include SS number, prior employmnt, education verification, driving record and criminal history

HR programming

choose and implement specific human resources such as recruitment, training, and performace appraisals

environmental scanning

collection and interpretation of information about forces, events, and relationships in the external environment that may affect the future of the organization or the implementation of the marketing plan

drug test

comps use to test for illegal drugs


consistency of scores over time and across alternative measurements

Hr managment

consists of the activities managers perform to plan for, attract, develop, and retain an effective workforce aka personnel managment

decentralized organizations

decision making authority is at lower levels

line department

department directly linked to the production and sales of a specific product -make things, sell, things or provide custoemr services

individual pay

different pay rates for job of similar worth within the same family


distinguishes and separates jobs and jobholders from one another thru divison of labor and specialization


employee can be fired for any rzn

HR evaluating

evaluating activities to determine whether they produce desired results

coordination by mutual adjustment

feedback and discussions to jointly figure out how to approach problems and devise solutions that are agreeable to everyone

learning and effectiveness paradigm

focuses on integrating deep-level diversity differences, such as personality, attitudes, beliefs, and values, into the actual work of the organization.

stock options

give holders right to purchase shares at specificed price

skill building

helps employees develop interpersonal skills to deal effectively with diverse ppl

pay structure

how to price different jobs within the organization

HR planning

identifying the numbers and types of employees the organization will require to meet its objectives

affirmative action

legally mandated efforts to recruit and hire qualified members of groups that have been discriminated against in the past. The intent was not to prefer these group members to the exclusion of others, but to correct for the long history of discriminatory practices and exclusion.

right to work

legislation that allows employees to work without having to join a union

job shops

manufacturing operations that handle custom orders or small batch jobs

personality test

many companies uses these to measure job satisifcation and engagement

performance tests

measure performance on actual job tasks

behavioral appraisals

measure specific, observable aspects of performance


melting pot myth "we are all the same" shows what concept?


occupies top of organizational pyramid, is personally accountable to board and owners for performance


orgs that hv little diversity or inclusiveness are described as:


our way is not the only way

culture contigency

our way is one possible way (they are many and equally good ways to reach the same goal)

corporate governance

oversight of the firm by its executive staff and board of directors


process that builds on recruiting to decide who to hire

Americans with Disabilities Amendment Act

prohibits discrimination against the disabled disability is defined by as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a person who has a history or record of such an impairment, or a person who is perceived by others as having such an impairment.

staff departments

provide specialized skills in support of line departments - has its own VP per unit

trait appraisals

ratings of such subjective attributes as attitude, initiative, and leadership


refers to teaching lower level employees how to perform current jobs

pay level

refers to the choice of whether to be a high-, average-, or low-paying company.

criterion-related validity

refers to the degree to which a test actually predicts or correlates with job performance


right to expect subordinate to peform job and take action if they don't

economies of scope

savings that come from producing two (or more) outputs at less cost than producing each output individually, despite using the same resources and technology

flexible factories

serve customers needing fast turnaround on relatively small orders

organization chart

shows the jobs in the firm and how they are arranged with the reporting structure and various activities performed

quid pro quo

something given in exchange or return for something else

dynamic capabilities

strategic actibities involving adapting rapidly to business environement

human capital

strategic value of employee knolwedge and abilities

Product divison structure

structure in which people are grouped by products (ex: perfumes and cosmetics) each focusing on a single product segment for its global market.

labor relations

system of relations between workers and management


teach managers and profesh broader skills needed for current and future jobs

large batch technologies

technologies that produce goods and services in high volume and low variety ex: panera and chipotle

small batch

technologies that produce goods and services in low volume ex: job shops

job analysis

tells HR managers about each job's specific tasks and responsibilities (Job description) and describes the skills needed to perform job (jon specification)


the concentration of the productive efforts of individuals and firms on a limited number of activities

content validity

the degree to which selection tests measure a rep sample of knowledge and skills needed for job


the extent to which team members are attracted to a team and motivated to remain in it

situational interview

the interviewer focuses on hypothetical situations (type of structured interview)


the legitimate right to make decisions and to tell other people what to do


the methods or processes used to make goods and services


the movement of goods, services, cash, and information in a supply chain

span of control

the number of subordinates who report directly to a manager


the planned elimination of jobs in a company


the presence of rules and regulations governing how people in the organization interact

reference check

the process of confirming the accuracy of resume and job application information

internal recruiting

the process of developing a pool of qualified job applicants from people who already work in the company

needs assessment

the process of identifying and prioritizing the learning needs of employees

participative management

the process of involving employees in decision making task forces, study groups and other techiques used to foster participation

diversity training

training designed to change employee attitudes about diversity and/or develop skills needed to work with a diverse workforce

team training

training that provides employees with the skills and perspectives they need to collaborate with others

sexual harrasment

unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature

individual incentive plan

uses an objective stndard against which performance is compared (ex: target)

our way is the best way

what is the myth of ethnocentrism?

our way is the only way

what is the myth of parochialism?

adverse impact

when an employment practice has a dispropriationately negative effect on a group protected by Civil rights act

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