MGMT Chapter 1

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e. organization

A social entity that is goal directed and deliberately structured is referred to as a(n): a. employee b. student c. task d. management e. organization

a. liaison

According to Mintzberg, which of these is an interpersonal role? a. liaison b. monitor c. negotiator d. disturbance handler e. spokesperson

d. conceptual, human, and technical

According to the text, what are the skills used by managers when performing the four functions of management? a. functional, problem-solving, and technical b. communication, strategic, and innovative c. analytical, interpersonal, and financial d. conceptual, human, and technical e. conceptual, interpersonal, and organized

e. leading

Amanda Rowley, President of Autos-R-Us, recognizes the factory employees for their outstanding performance at the monthly awards banquet on the shop floor by presenting a plaque and a check for $100. She is the management function of ____. a. organizing b. technical skills c. controlling d. bribery e. leading

d. generating the most profit

Being a successful manager means thinking in terms of all of the following except: a. becoming a motivator b. building teams c. becoming an organizer d. generating the most profit e. establishing networks

A social entity

By definition, an organization is considered _____ because it is made up of two or more people.

e. all of these

Conceptual, human, and technical skills are important to which managerial level? a. top managers b. middle managers c. first-line managers d. non managers e. all of these

e. all of these

Critical management missteps include: a. poor communication skills b. reactionary behavior c. inability to build a team d. failure to adapt e. all of these

d. leader

If a manager finds a severe decline in employee morale and direction, they may need to spend more time in the ____ role. a. monitor b. resource allocator c. figurehead d. leader e. negotiator

c. project manager

Kyle Erckard, a manager of the jewelry division of a major dept. store, coordinated the work of several people across departments to accomplish a $500,000 fundraising for an animal shelter. He can best be described in his fundraising activities as a(n): a. first-line manager b. top manager c. project manager d. middle manager e. operative manager

d. liaison

Maintaining information links are the activities consistent with the ____ role. a. leader b. entrepreneur c. spokesperson d. liaison e. monitor

b. nine minutes

Managers shift gear quickly and therefore, the average time spent on any one activity is less than _____ a. an hour b. nine minutes c. one workday d. a half day e. a half hour

c. top manager

Marley is the executive director of the local Community for Critters. Her level in the management hierarchy is that of a(n): a. operative b. consultant c. top manager d. middle manager e. first-line manager

e. handling paperwork

Of all management duties, one of the things managers like the least is: a. networking b. controlling activities c. financial planning d. planning for future decisions e. handling paperwork

b. setting objectives

Regina, owner and operator of a small restaurant, believes that her most important task as manager is establishing goals for the restaurant and deciding what must be done to achieve them. This involves which aspect of what managers do? a. organizing b. setting objectives c. motivating and communicating d. developing people e. measuring

b. collaborative relationships

Success in the new workplace depends on the strength and quality of ____. a. independent teams b. collaborative relationships c. individual workers d. followers e. vendors

a. effectiveness

The degree to which an organization achieves a stated goal refers to: a. effectiveness b. conceptual skill c. human skill d. synergy e. efficiency

c. specialist; generalist

The individual performer is a ____; whereas, the manager has to be a(n) ____. a. communicator; operator b. "leader"; doer c. specialist; generalist d. generalist; specialist e. producer; expert

a. top

The most important responsibilities for ___ managers include communicating a shared vision for the organization and shaping corporate culture. a. top b. middle c. first-line d. organizing e. leading

d. Figurehead role

The president of Pepsi Company is the keynote speaker at a retirement dinner for a long time bottler. This is an example of which of the following roles? a. Negotiator role b. Leader role c. Monitor role d. Figurehead role e. Liaison Role

d. controlling

Tool Techies, Inc. uses phone surveys of customers to gather information about service and quality. This is an example of the management function of: a. technical skills b. conceptual skills c. organizing d. controlling e. planning

e. leading

Using influence to motivate employees describes which of these functions? a. planning b. controlling c. monitoring d. organizing e. leading

e. facilitating individual performance

What is the main concern for first-line managers? a. monitoring the external environment and determining the best strategy to be competitive b. allocating resources and coordinating teams c. putting top management plans into action across the organization d. linking groups of peple e. facilitating individual performance

The negotiator role involves formal negotiations and bargaining to attain outcomes for the manager's unit of responsibility.

What is the role of the negotiator?

a. monitor role

Which of the following is an informational role, according to Mintzberg? a. monitor role b. disturbance handler role c. leader role d. entrepreneur role e. figurehead role

a. liaison

Which of the following is not a decisional role? a. liaison b. negotiator c. resource allocator d. entrepreneur e. disturbance handler

c. performance

Which of the following is not a function of management? a. lead b. control c. performance d. plan e. organize

d. intrapersonal

Which of the following is not one of the conceptual categories of managerial roles Mintzberg defined? a. informational b. interpersonal c. decisional d. intrapersonal e. all of these are managerial roles defined by Mintzberg

e. efficiency

Which of the following refers to the amount of resources used to achieve an organization's goal? a. effectiveness b. performance c. synergy d. management e. efficiency

d. negotiator

Which of the following roles involve bargaining with others to meet the unit or department goals? a. leader b. resource allocator c. monitor d. negotiator e. figurehead

d. staff

Which of these managers are in charge of departments such as finance and HR that support line departments? a. top b. operatives c. line d. staff e. project

e. line

Which of these managers are responsible for the manufacturing and marketing departments that make or sell the product or service? a. first-line b. staff c. top d. project e. line

a. technical

Which skill includes specialized knowledge and analytical ability? a. technical b. human c. controlling d. conceptual e. planning

b. innovation

Without ____, no company can't survive over the long run. a. total quality teamwork b. innovation c. outsourcing d. cost-cutting e. command-and-control approach

d. technical skill

____ is the understanding of an proficiency in the performance of specific tasks. a. conceptual skill b. leadership skill c. human skill d. technical skill e. interpersonal skill

d. functional

____ managers are responsible for departments that perform a single functional task and have employees with similar training and skills. a. top b. bottom c. middle d. functional e. first-line

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