MGMT Chapter 11

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Task Interdependence is _____ with team commitment Stronger for teams involved in more complex knowledge.

Moderate positive

Task Interdependence is _____ with team performance Higher in teams in more complex knowledge work

Team Characteristics

The task, unit and member qualities that can be used to describe teams and that combine to make some teams more effective than others Play an important role in determining what a team is capable of achieving and may influence the strategies and processes the team uses to reach its goal

Team Interdependence

The way in which the members of a team are linked to one another. (Interactions that take place as the team accomplishes its work and also exist with respect to their goals and rewards)

Similarity Attraction Approach

Theory that explain why diversity may have detrimental effects on teams. People tend to be more attracted to others who are perceived as more similar. People tend to avoid interacting with those who are perceived to be dissimilar, to reduce the likelihood of having uncomfortable disagreements.


"Puts down" or deflates fellow teammates

Recognition Seeker

Takes credit for team success


A collection of two or more people

Goal Interdependence

A high degree exist when team members have a shared vision of the teams goal and align their individual goals with that vision as a result. Must develop and formalize mission statement that members buy into.

Outcome Interdependence

A high degree exist when team members share in the rewards that the team earns with rewards. Examples: pay, bonus, formal feedback and recognition, pats on the back, extra time off and continued team survival. Higher levels increase team performance


A pattern of behavior that a person is expected to display in a given context. Distinguished by considering the specific set of task-focused activities that define what the individual members are expected to do for their team.

Hybrid Outcome Interdependence

A solution to the dilemma, which means that members receive rewards that are dependent on both their teams performance and how well they performa as individuals.

Group Activities

Activities of the group appeal to them

Parallel Teams

Are composed of members from various jobs who provide recommendations to managers about important issues that run "parallel" to the organizations production process. Require only part-time commitment and can be permanent to temporary depending on their aim Ex: Quality Circle, Advisory Council, Committee

Work Team

Are designed to be relatively permanent Purpose is to produce goods or provide services, and they generally require full-time commitment from their members. Ex: Manufacturer at Toyota, Assembling vehicles

Management Teams

Are designed to be relatively permanent Responsible for coordinating the activities of organizational subunits, typically departments or functional areas, to help the organization achieve its long-term goal Ex: Senior Level Executive

Project Teams

Are formed to take on "one-time" tasks that are generally complex and require a lot of input from members with different types of training and expertise. "Internal" Ex: Product design team, research group, planning team

Punctuated Equilibrium

At the initial team meeting, members make assumptions and establish a pattern of behaviors that lasts for the first half of its life. At the midway point, members realize that they have to change their task paradigm fundamentally to complete it on time. Plan a new approach.

Mission Statement

Clearly describes what the team is trying to accomplish in a way that creates a sense of commitment and urgency among team members. Come directly from the organization or team leaders. "Creating knowledge and developing ethical leaders for a global society"


Consists of 2 or more people who work INTERdependently over some time period to accomplish common goals related to some task-oriented purpose. Interactions among members within revolve around a deeper dependence on one another than the interactions within groups. Have a specific task-related purpose in mind Special type of "group"

Additive Tasks

Contributions resulting from the abilities of every member "add up" to determine team performance Pooled Interdependence

Value of Diversity problem-solving approach

Diversity is beneficial because it provides for a larger pool of knowledge and perspectives from which a team can draw as it carries out its work. Greater diversity in knowledge perspectives stimulates the exchange of information, which in turn fosters learning among team members

Production Tasks

Engage in routine tasks that are less complex are better with less amount of members. Too many members can result in unnecessary coordination and communication problems


Establishes the direction for the team. Important in teams that have autonomy over how to accomplish their work

Need Satisfaction

Fulfills an individuals need for affiliation

Management Project Teams

Greater number of members is better because they engage in work that's complex and knowledge intensive, which they benefit from the additional resources and expertise contributed by additional members


Helps the team see alternative solutions that teammates can accept.


If achieved, there are benefits that excite the members

Fault Lines

Informal subgroups develop based on similarities in surface level attributes such as gender. Knowledge and information possessed by one subgroup may not be communicated to other subgroups in a manner that might help the entire team perform more effectively.


It creates a sense of challenge and commitment.


It reflects something that members believe they can achieve


It should focus on a single key purpose


It should focus on something that is desired by the team members

Leader staff teams

Leader makes decisions for the team and provides direction and control over members who perform assigned tasks, so this distinction makes sense in that the responsibilities of the leader and the rest of the team are distinct.


Manipulates teammates to acquire control and power


Members are comfortable working within their roles and the team makes progress toward goals


Members experience anxiety and other emotions as they disengage and ultimately separate from the team. Life span of many teams is limited.


Members orient themselves by trying to understand the boundaries in the team and get a feel for what is expected of them, what type of behaviors are out of bounds and who's in charge


Members realize that they need to work together to accomplish team goals, and consequently they begin to cooperate with one another Feelings of solidarity develop as members work toward team goals.


Members remain committed to ideas they bring with them to the team. This is the initial unwillingness to accommodate others' ideas, triggers conflict that affect some relationships and harms the teams progress and can negatively affect some interpersonal relationships.

Instrumental Benefit

Membership provides other benefit Passive form of loyalty.


Motivates team members to work harder toward team goals Important in team contexts in which the work is important but not intrinsically motivating

Devils advocate

Offer constructive challenges to the teams status quo Important in team context in which decisions are "high stakes" in nature

Interpersonal Attraction

People are attracted to one another Doesn't keep them committed


People tend to be dependable and work hard to achieve goals


People tend to more more cooperative and trusting, tendencies that promote positive attitudes about they team and smooth interpersonal interactions.


People tend to perform more effectively in interpersonal context and are more positive and optimistic in general.

Action Teams

Perform tasks that are normally limited in duration. However, those tasks are quite complex and take place in contexts that are either highly visible to an audience or of a highly challenging nature. Ex: Surgical Team, Musical group, Sports Team


Praises the work of teammates

Team Performance

Quantity and quality of goods or services produced, customer satisfaction, the effectiveness or accuracy of decisions, victories, completed reports and successful investigations

Team Task Roles

Refer to behaviors that directly facilitate the accomplishment of team tasks. Examples: Orienter, Devils Advocate, Energizer

Team-building Roles

Refer to behaviors that influence the quality of the teams social climate Helps team manage conflicts that can hinder team effectiveness Ex: Harmonizer Encourager Compromiser

Surface-Level Diversity

Refers to diversity regarding observable attributes such as race, ethnicity, sex and age. These negative effects disappear as members become more knowledgeable of one another.

Deep-Level Diversity

Refers to diversity with respect to attributes that are less easy to observe initially but that can be inferred after more direct experience. Time tends to increase the negative effects on team functioning and effectiveness. Ex: attitudes, values and personalities

Task Interdependence

Refers to the degree to which team members interact with and rely on other team members for the information, materials, and resources needed to accomplish work for the team.

Team Variability

Refers to the likelihood that the team can work together effectively into the future

Individualistic Roles

Reflects behaviors that benefit the individual at the expense of the team. Damaging to the team Foster negative feelings among team members, which serve to hinder a team's ability to function and perform effectively Ex: Recognition seeker Aggressor Dominator

Sequential Interdependence

Requires different tasks to be done in a prescribed order, members interact to carry out their work, the interaction only occurs between members who perform tasks that are next to each other in the SEQUENCE. Only has good at your weakest link Ex: Assembly line

Reciprocal Interdependence

Requires members to be specialized to perform specific tasks. However, instead of a strict sequence of activities, members interact with a subset of other members to complete the teams work.

Comprehensive Interdependence

Requires the highest level of interaction and coordination among members. Each member has a great deal of discretion in terms of what they do and with whom they interact in the course of the collaboration involved in accomplishing the teams work. Greatest amount of Comprehension. Ex: IDEO

Pooled Interdependence

Requires the lowest degree of coordination, members complete their work assignments INDEPENDENTLY and then this work is simply "piled up" to represent the groups output. Ex: Fishing Boat


Steps in to resolve differences among teammates

Conjunctive Tasks

Tasks where team's performance depends on the abilities of the "weakest link" Sequential Interdependence

Disjunctive Tasks

Tasks with an objectively verifiable best solutions, and the member who possesses the highest level of the ability relevant to the task will have the most influence on the effectiveness of the team.

Members Ability

Team Members provide a wide array of abilities, both physical and cognitive.

Member Personality

Team members possess a wide variety of personality traits. Affect the roles that team members take on and How teams function and perform as units

Virtual Teams

Teams in which the members are geographically dispersed and interdependent activity occurs through electronic communication, primarily e-mail, instant messaging and Web conferencing. Easier to do today.

Team Diversity

The degree to which members are different from one another in terms of any attribute that might be used by someone as a basis of categorizing people. More apt to making better decisions

Group Goal

The groups goal motivates them to join

Team Composition

The mix of people who make up the team

Team Performance Team Variability

What are 2 aspects of team effectiveness?

1. Connection to compensation practices 2. Presents managers with tough dilemma

What are 2 reasons why outcome interdependence is particularly relevant ?

Disjunctive Tasks Conjunctive Tasks Additive Tasks

What are 3 different types of tasks in member ability?

1. Degree of autonomy and self-management 2. How they communicate with each other 3. Amount of experience working together

What are 3 different ways of variations within team types?

1. Task Interdependence 2. Goal Interdependence 3. Outcome Interdependence

What are 3 types of Team interdependence?

1. Interpersonal Attraction 2. Group Activities 3. Group Goal 4. Need Satisfaction 5. Instrumental Benefit

What are 5 reasons for why people join groups and teams?

1. Competence of the supervisor and subordinates 2. Physical dispersion of the subordinate 3. Extent of nonsupervisory work in managers job 4. Degree of required interaction 5. Extent of standardized procedures 6. Frequency of new problems 7. Similarities of tasks being supervised 8. Preference of supervisor and subordinates

What are 8 factors influencing team size?

1. General type of Diversity 2. Length of time the team has existed

What are the 2 keys to understanding the impact of team diversity?

Agreeable Conscientious Extravert

What are the 3 most important member personalities?

1. Team types 2. Team Interdependence 3. Team Composition

What are the 3 most notable characteristics of teams?

Pooled Interdependence Sequential Interdependence Reciprocal Interdependence Comprehensive Interdependence

What are the 4 types of Task Interdependence

1. Roles 2. Abilities 3. Personality 4. Diversity 5. Team Size

What are the 5 aspects of team composition?

Clarity Relevance Significance Believability Urgency

What are the 5 factors that should be used when evaluating the resulting mission statement?

1. Work Team 2. Management Team 3. Parallel Team 4. Project Team 5. Action Team

What are the 5 general team types?

1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning

What are the 5 stages of team development?

1. Meet in room with interruption 2. Describe purpose 3. Brainstorm phrases 4. Create "First draft" 5. Share the first draft 6. Integrate best ideas 7. Evaluate 8. Revise weak areas

What are the 8 steps of the mission statement development process?

Conjunctive Task Action Team High Interdependence

What did the movie Inception demonstrate with regards to member ability and team?

Competence Reciprocal

What did the movie Oceans Eleven demonstrate with regards to factors influencing team size?

Dependence Connection

What did the movie We Are Marshall demonstrate with regards to team characteristics?


What is the amount of members when team members tend to be most satisfied with their team?


When you have a great deal of freedom to work together to establish own goals, procedures, roles and membership then the level of autonomy and self-management is _____?


When you have strict management regarding goals, procedures and team leaders the level of autonomy and self management is___?

Leader-Staff teams Team Task Roles Team Building Roles Individualistic Roles

what are 4 types of roles?

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