MGMT Chapters 7 - 12

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A survey of 4,559 corporate managers in 36 industries found that U.S. executives thought their own companies gave innovation short shrift—only ______ percent felt their organizations could be respected for their leadership in this area. A) 4 B) 10 C) 15 D) 25 E) 30

A) 4

__________ means that managers must report and justify work results to managers above them. A) Accountability B) Responsibility C) Delegation D) Hierarchical control E) Position power

A) Accountability

Which of the following is a need-based perspective on motivation? A) Alderfer's ERG theory B) Expectancy Theory C) Job Characteristics Model D) Goal-setting Theory E) Equity theory

A) Alderfer's ERG theory

Which of the following permits suits against employers for punitive damages in cases of intentional discrimination? A) Civil Rights Act B) COBRA C) Immigration Reform & Control Act D) ERISA E) Sarbanes-Oxley Act

A) Civil Rights Act

Which of the following laws/regulations is related to equal employment opportunity? A) Civil Rights Act, Title VII B) Family and Medical Leave Act C) Privacy Act D) HIPPA E) ERISA

A) Civil Rights Act, Title VII

__________ means that anyone can be dismissed at any time for any reason at all—or for no reason. A) Employment at will B) Capricious dismissal C) Quid pro quo D) Non-rational dismissal E) Holistic dismissal

A) Employment at will

__________ is the belief that a particular level of effort will lead to a particular level of performance. A) Expectancy B) Instrumentality C) Valence D) Reinforcement E) Self-esteem

A) Expectancy

__________ tests don't work, but ___________ tests do. A) Graphology; integrity B) Integrity; graphology C) Conscientiousness; integrity D) Integrity; conscientiousness E) Conscientiousness; graphology

A) Graphology; integrity.

Which theory has no classification for lower-level needs? A) McCelland's Acquired Needs Theory B) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs C) Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory D) All of these theories have a classification for lower-level needs.

A) McCelland's Accquired Needs Theory

Which of the following is an implementation principle described by Pfeffer and Sutton? A) No brag, just facts B) If all else fails, slow the spread of good practices. C) Evidence-based management is only for front-line executives. D) Treat your organization as a trophy. E) Like everything else, you still need to buy it.

A) No brag, just facts

Which of the following laws/regulations is related to labor relations? A) Privacy Act B) ERISA C) HIPPA D) COBRA E) ADEA

A) Privacy Act

Which of the following is an example of a nonprofit organization? A) Salvation Army B) the Democratic party C) Mutual Benefit Insurance Co. D) trade associations E) the AFL-CIO, a labor union

A) Salvation Army

A diagnosis is used during __________ of the rational decision-making model in order to analyze underlying causes. A) Stage 1 B) Stage 2 C) Stage 3 D) Stage 4 E) This is not used in the rational decision-making model.

A) Stage 1

Determining what is actually happening versus what is desirable is associated with which stage of the rational decision-making model? A) Stage 1 B) Stage 2 C) Stage 3 D) Stage 4 E) This does not occur in the rational decision-making model.

A) Stage 1

Which stage in the rational decision-making model answers what is desirable? A) Stage 1 B) Stage 2 C) Stage 3 D) Stage 4 E) This is not answered in the rational decision-making model.

A) Stage 1

__________ refers to educating __________ employees in how to better do their current jobs. A) Training; technical and operational B) Training; managerial and professional C) Development; technical and operational D) Development; managerial and professional E) Orientation; seasoned

A) Training; technical and operational

Legislation passed in 1935, the __________ Act, resulted in the National Labor Relations Board. A) Wagner B) Social Security C) Taft-Hartley D) Occupational Safety and Health E) Civil Rights

A) Wagner

At the Big Apple Department Store, employees generally know that during annual inventory, they are required to work overnight shifts. This is an example of a(n) __________ change. A) adaptive B) reactive C) innovative D) proactive E) radically innovative

A) adaptive

The reintroduction of a familiar practice within the same organization is called a(n) A) adaptive change. B) reactive change. C) innovative change. D) radically innovative change. E) proactive change.

A) adaptive change.

Signs of negative stress may include A) sweaty palms. B) upset stomach. C) boredom. D) sleeplessness. E) all of the above.

A) all of the above.

Bethany is writing a paper for her management class. She already has a strong 'A' in the class, and only needs to get a C on the paper to keep her A. As she prepares the final version of the paper, she takes special care that the paper is well-written, insightful, and error-free, something that she can be proud of. Bethany is experiencing A) an intrinsic reward. B) high equity. C) a belongingness need. D) a hygiene factor. E) a high need for affiliation.

A) an intrinsic reward.

Imelda is a careful decision maker who has a reputation for taking a long time to make decisions. She is very thorough in collecting information and evaluating more alternatives than other managers are. Imelda is most likely ___________ in her decision-making style. A) analytical B) behavioral C) conceptual D) directive E) relaxed

A) analytical

Managers in Company X have given employees raises year after year based on what they had given the year before even though these raises were completely out of line with what other companies are paying for the same skills. This is an example of a(n) A) anchoring and adjustment bias. B) escalation of commitment bias. C) recency effect. D) availability bias. E) representativeness bias.

A) anchoring and adjustment bias.

As Janine prepares to perform Ryan's performance review, she carefully reviews notes she made during the year. Janine is attempting to avoid the ________ bias. A) availability B) anchoring C) adjustment D) representativeness E) escalation of commitment

A) availability

When a manager uses only the information he remembers to make a decision, he is suffering from A) availability bias. B) anchoring bias. C) adjustment bias. D) representativeness bias. E) escalation of commitment.

A) availability bias.

The statement, "I am never going to eat at this restaurant again," reflects the ___________ component of an attitude. A) behavioral B) decisional C) cognitive D) affective E) value

A) behavioral

ArcCo Electric is a mid-sized company that prides itself on offering the best salaries and benefits, and treating everyone who works there with equal respect. The caring attitude everyone displays is truly part of its organizational culture and because of it everyone in the organization is truly involved. ArcCo is most likely an example of a __________ culture. A) clan B) adhocracy C) market D) hierarchy E) espoused

A) clan

Hygiene factors are connected with the job's ________, while motivating factors are connected to the job's _________. A) context; content B) context; supervision C) supervision; content D) working conditions; supervision E) content; context

A) context; content

A graph of decisions and their possible consequences is known as a A) decision tree B) Gantt chart C) decision chart D) decision matrix E) fishbone diagram

A) decision tree

Which of the following is a contingency factor in the job characteristics model? A) desire for personal growth B) task identity C) experienced responsibility for work outcomes D) high work motivation E) feedback

A) desire for personal growth

The ability to cope, empathize with others, and be self-motivated is called A) emotional intelligence. B) self-efficacy. C) self-monitoring. D) self-awareness. E) relationship management.

A) emotional intelligence.

Meg is very relaxed and secure. Meg is probably high in A) emotional stability. B) conscientiousness. C) extroversion. D) agreeableness. E) openness to experience.

A) emotional stability.

Someone trained about matters of ethics in the workplace, particularly about resolving ethical dilemmas is known as a(n) A) ethics officer. B) chief executive officer. C) member of the ethics board. D) senior management team member. E) ethics patrol chief.

A) ethics officer.

Charity Hospital has a Chief of Medical Services, a Director of Administrative Services, and a Director of Outpatient Services. Charity has a ___________ structure. A) functional B) simple C) divisional D) matrix E) conglomerate

A) functional

In which of the following structures are people with similar occupational specialties put together in formal groups? A) functional structures B) product divisions C) conglomerates D) matrix organizations E) geographic divisions

A) functional structures

When the primary goal of a group is subsumed by a secondary goal, ________ has occurred. A) goal displacement. B) satisficing. C) groupthink . D) heuristics. E) representativeness bias.

A) goal displacement.

Which of the following is an attribute that occurs among analytics competitors? A) going beyond simple descriptive statistics B) having only one application C) being part of a "side group" D) using illegal competitive intelligence E) making all decisions intuitively

A) going beyond simple descriptive statistics

The __________ says that we form an impression of an individual based on a single trait. A) halo effect B) self-fulfilling prophecy C) fundamental attribution error D) self-serving bias effect E) selective perception error

A) halo effect

Mark prefers working alone, is comfortable taking moderate risks, and feels good when excelling at his goals. Mark probably has a A) high need for achievement. B) high need for affiliation. C) high need for power. D) low need for achievement. E) high need for leadership.

A) high need for achievement.

ABC Company has product divisions for hardware, electrical supplies, and plumbing supplies. Each has its own production facility and sales staff. ABC is A) highly differentiated. B) functionally organized. C) a matrix organization. D) closely integrated. E) team-based.

A) highly differentiated.

A report listing your organization's employees by name, education, training, languages, and other important information is called a(n) A) human resource inventory. B) labor inventory. C) skills inventory. D) organization skills inventory. E) employee inventory.

A) human resource inventory.

Because people are uncomfortable with inconsistency, Festinger theorized, they will seek to reduce the dissonance of the inconsistency. How they deal with the discomfort, he suggested, depends on which of the following factors? A) importance B) judgment C) personality D) cognition E) aptitude

A) importance

Maria, an OD consultant, has summarized the results of a survey of employee attitudes, and is leading a meeting with a group of employees and managers to tell them what was said and engage them in problem solving. Maria is in the ________ stage of OD. A) intervention B) diagnosis C) evaluation D) technostructural E) adaptation

A) intervention

Simplified jobs lead to A) job dissatisfaction. B) better mental health. C) a sense of accomplishment. D) a sense of personal growth. E) decreased worker productivity.

A) job dissatisfaction.

Increasing the number of tasks in a job to increase variety and motivation is called A) job enlargement. B) job design. C) job simplification. D) job rotation. E) job enrichment.

A) job enlargement.

The extent to which an employee identifies or is personally involved with his/her job is called A) job involvement. B) job performance. C) organizational commitment. D) job satisfaction. E) Job enrichment.

A) job involvement.

Which of the following methods is effective in helping people learn facts such as work rules? A) lectures B) role plays C) practice work D) discussion E) coaching

A) lectures

__________ is the concept that best describes types of managerial positions. A) line versus staff B) centralized versus decentralized C) flat versus tall D) span of control E) complex versus simple

A) line versus staff

Most performance appraisals are done by A) managers. B) peers. C) subordinates. D) self. E) clients.

A) managers.

More companies are forging strategic alliances with other firms. This is an example of a(n) ________ change. A) market B) social C) cemographic D) political E) economic

A) market

An organization that contains two command structures, and in which some people actually have two bosses, is a __________ structure. A) matrix B) conglomerate C) team-based D) hybrid E) network

A) matrix

The Lemon Automobile Company has combined the functional and product divisional chains of command in a grid so that there are two command structures—vertical and horizontal. This organization has a ___________ structure. A) matrix B) conglomerate C) team-based D) hybrid E) mechanistic

A) matrix

According to Herzberg, __________ make people _________, and _________ make people __________. A) motivators; satisfied; hygiene factors; dissatisfied B) hygiene factors; satisfied; motivators; dissatisfied C) hygiene factors; satisfied; motivators; satisfied D) motivators; dissatisfied; hygiene factors; dissatisfied E) Both motivators and hygiene factors may make people either satisfied or dissatisfied.

A) motivators; satisfied; hygiene factors; dissatisfied

According to McClelland's theory, a well-balanced person should have A) needs for achievement, power, and affiliation that are about the same. B) higher need for power than for achievement and affiliation. C) higher need for affiliation than for power and achievement. D) higher need for achievement than for power and affiliation. E) higher needs for achievement and power than for affiliation.

A) needs for achievement, power, and affiliation that are about the same.

Lupe is conducting a performance appraisal on Martin. The form her company uses asks her to list the objectives that she and Martin agreed to last year, and indicate how well Martin met each objective. Lupe's company is using a(n) ________ system of performance appraisal. A) objective B) BARS C) trait D) informal E) 360-degree

A) objective

The field that is dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work is called A) organizational behavior. B) organizational development. C) organizational culture. D) organizational strategy. E) organizational science.

A) organizational behavior

Happy Housekeepers is considering implementing a system that will pay the cleaning workers on the basis of how quickly they can complete jobs, coupled with random inspections to insure quality. Some managers believe that this will reduce labor costs. Happy Housekeepers is focusing on changing employee A) performance. B) skills. C) attitudes. D) management. E) structure.

A) performance.

As a result of a successful project you led, your manager offers you a promotion; she is using A) positive reinforcement. B) negative reinforcement. C) extinction. D) intrinsic motivation. E) valence.

A) positive reinforcement.

The use of desirable consequences to encourage desirable behavior is called A) positive reinforcement. B) negative reinforcement. C) extinction. D) intrinsic motivation. E) valence.

A) positive reinforcement.

A technological innovation is generally a(n) __________ innovation. A) product B) process C) adaptive D) reactive E) proactive

A) product

A(n) __________ innovation is a change in the appearance or the performance of a product or a service or the creation of a new one. A) product B) process C) adaptive D) reactive E) proactive

A) product

Introducing a practice that is new to the industry is called a(n) __________ change. A) radically innovative B) innovative C) adaptive D) reactive E) incremental

A) radically innovative

A change in response to problems or opportunities is called a(n) A) reactive change. B) incremental change. C) proactive change. D) radical change. E) process change.

A) reactive change.

Which of the following sequences best describes how a manager can foster innovation in an organization? A) recognize problems, gain allies, reward employees B) recognize problems, overcome resistance, empower employees C) overcome resistance, empower employees, provide incentives D) recognize problems, empower employees, devise solutions E) reorganize, change culture, devise solutions

A) recognize problems, gain allies, reward employees

In managing subordinates under an incentive pay plan, a manager should A) regularly communicate with subordinates about the plan. B) set goals with subordinates, but then leave them alone to pursue those goals. C) change the plan frequently to continue to motivate subordinates. D) set "stretch" goals that are very difficult (perhaps impossible) to achieve. E) design complex plans that cover all contingencies.

A) regularly communicate with subordinates about the plan.

When others' expectations exceed one's ability, __________ has occurred. A) role overload B) role conflict C) role ambiguity D) burnout E) learned helplessness

A) role overload

Which of the following is a higher-level need based on the four content theory perspectives? A) self-actualization B) physiological C) safety D) existence E) hygiene

A) self-actualization

The need that is met by providing autonomy and control to employees over how they do their jobs is A) self-actualization. B) esteem. C) love. D) safety. E) physiological.

A) self-actualization.

The extent to which people like or dislike themselves is called their A) self-esteem. B) self-efficacy. C) self-monitoring. D) agreeableness. E) locus of control.

A) self-esteem.

In a functional structure, people with __________ are grouped together. A) similar occupational specialties B) similar organizational levels C) jobs related to similar products D) jobs in the same geographic region E) jobs in similar industries

A) similar occupational specialties

ABC Company has decided to move toward having a more organic structure. ABC should A) simplify and eliminate rules and procedures. B) centralize authority. C) clearly define job responsibilities. D) disband teams and task forces. E) add a layer of management.

A) simplify and eliminate rules and procedures.

Recently many older workers who had planned to retire soon decided to keep working longer. This is an example of a _________ change. A) social or political B) random C) demographic D) economic E) structural

A) social or political

In which cultural perspective do employees adhere to the organization's values because they believe in its purpose? A) strength perspective B) fit perspective C) strategic perspective D) conditional perspective E) adaptive perspective

A) strength perspective

When workers perceive they are being treated fairly on the job, they are most likely to A) support organizational change. B) feel less committed to the organization. C) be absent more often. D) quit their jobs. E) steal supplies and equipment.

A) support organizational change.

The Lemon Car Company recently instituted cross-functional teams to develop new products. People on the teams may be located in different parts of the country. It is expensive and time-consuming for people to travel from their different locations to headquarters to meet. The company would benefit most from a change in _________ involving A) technology; teams meeting "virtually" through electronic media. B) structure; disbanding the teams and relying on individuals to develop new products. C) culture; sending team members to conflict management courses. D) people; hiring new people in the organization at the headquarters location. E) strategy; dropping the strategy of developing new products.

A) technology; teams meeting "virtually" through electronic media.

The tendency to attribute another person's behavior to their personal characteristics rather than to the situation they are in is called A) the fundamental attribution bias. B) selective perception. C) the self-fulfilling prophecy. D) a self-serving bias. E) stereotyping.

A) the fundamental attribution bias.

According to Herzberg, which of the following is an example of a motivating factor? A) the work itself B) working conditions C) company policy D) supervisors E) security

A) the work itself

Lewin's Change Model consists of A) three stages: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing B) three types: adaptive, innovative, and radically innovative C) eight steps for leading organizational change D) three steps: diagnosis, intervention, and evaluation E) ten characteristics for change.

A) three stages: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing

How much do I want the outcome? This question is asked for the ________ element of the expectancy theory. A) valence B) expectancy C) instrumentality D) outcomes E) performance

A) valence

A supervisor has 40 employees under her; this would be considered a __________ span of control. A) wide B) complex C) formal D) tall E) simple

A) wide

On being hired, executives often negotiate generous severance packages that they receive if the company is bought. These are called: A) "Quid pro quo" B) "Golden parachutes" C) "Maquiladoras" D) BARS E) 360-dgreee paybacks

B) "Golden parachutes"

___________ describes how dependable and responsible a person is. A) Emotional stability B) Conscientiousness C) Extroversion D) Locus of control E) Self-efficacy

B) Conscientiousness

__________ occur(s) when people are hired or promoted—or denied hiring or promotion—for reasons not relevant to the job. A) Affirmative action B) Discrimination C) Hiring quotas D) Quid pro quo E) Environmental attention

B) Discrimination

Which of the following is a factor that can help make participative management work? A) Front-line management is continually involved. B) Employees trust managers. C) PM is not implemented with TQM. D) Employees have just been hired. E) Employees need more training.

B) Employees trust managers.

The theory that focuses on employee perceptions as to how fairly they think they are being treated by the organization is A) Expectancy theory. B) Equity theory. C) Reinforcement theory. D) Goal-setting theory. E) Acquired needs theory.

B) Equity theory.

__________ values are the explicitly stated values and norms preferred by an organization. A) Implicit B) Espoused C) Enacted D) Encumbered E) Evolutionary

B) Espoused

Which of the following is the best statement of a goal? A) Do your best. B) Increase sales by ten percent by the end of this month. C) Reduce customer response time. D) Be late to work less often. E) Complete some reports by

B) Increase sales by ten percent by the end of this month.

Which of the following is an example of a proactive change? A) Mary's staff is unhappy about the way they have been treated and quits without notice. B) Mary explores improvements in working conditions with her staff and begins to implement them prior to any real discontent on the part of the staff. C) Mary is constantly "putting out fires." D) Mary never seems to have enough time to get the information and resources she needs to take care of the problem at hand. E) All of the above are examples of proactive change.

B) Mary explores improvements in working conditions with her staff and begins to implement them prior to any real discontent on the part of the staff.

Research on the effects of participative management (PM) on employees' performance and satisfaction indicates that A) PM has no effect on either. B) PM has a small positive effect on both. C) PM has a large effect on satisfaction, but a small effect on performance. D) PM has a large positive effect on both. E) PM has a large effect on performance, but no significant effect on satisfaction.

B) PM has a small positive effect on both.

__________ group activities around similar products or services. A) Functional structures B) Product divisions C) Conglomerates D) Matrix organizations E) Geographic divisions

B) Product divisions

Which of the following statements about sexual harassment is true? A) A hostile work environment also brings with it tangible economic injury. B) Quid pro quo suggests that the person to whom the unwanted sexual attention is directed is put in the position of jeopardizing being hired for a job unless he or she implicitly or explicitly acquiesces. C) Uninvited touching, hugging or patting someone is not considered sexual harassment. D) Sexual harassment is only considered such if done by a member of the opposite sex. E) The organization can never be sued for sexual harassment.

B) Quid pro quo suggests that the person to whom the unwanted sexual attention is directed is put in the position of jeopardizing being hired for a job unless he or she implicitly or explicitly acquiesces.

Which piece of legislation established the U.S. retirement system? A) Wagner Act B) Social Security Act C) Taft-Hartley Act D) Occupational Safety and Health Act E) Civil Rights Act

B) Social Security Act

In which stage in the rational decision-making model are alternative solutions thought up? A) Stage 1 B) Stage 2 C) Stage 3 D) Stage 4 E) This is not part of the rational decision-making model.

B) Stage 2

The tendency to attribute to an individual the characteristics one believes are typical of the group to which that individual belongs is called A) selective perception. B) stereotyping. C) the fundamental attribution error. D) the halo effect. E) self-fulfilling prophecy.

B) Stereotyping

__________ is the tension people feel when they are facing or enduring extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities and are uncertain about their ability to handle them effectively. A) Eustress B) Stress C) Stressors D) Role overload E) Role ambiguity

B) Stress

Which of the following statements about biased decision making is true? A) When you are making a decision and you have considerable experience in that area you are likely to be overconfident. B) When confronted with a choice, decision makers with strong prior beliefs tend to make their decision based on their beliefs even if their beliefs are false. C) The laws of randomness have no bearing on making an unbiased decision. D) You could confidently make a decision about something by asking ten of your friends and deciding based on their preferences. E) Hindsight is sometimes incorrect.

B) When confronted with a choice, decision makers with strong prior beliefs tend to make their decisions based on their beliefs even if their beliefs are false.

Which kind of employee is most likely to command a higher salary? A) a person high in introversion B) a person with an internal locus of control C) a person low in conscientiousness D) a person low in learned helplessness E) a person low in tolerance for ambiguity

B) a person with an internal locus of control

Digital Globe is a technology company that provides the most up-to-date satellite pictures of the globe, digitalized for electronic use. As the military, governments, and others demand clear pictures of certain areas of the world, Digital Globe provides them immediately. Digital Globe has a research department that creates innovative software products by being adaptable and quick to respond to changes in the market. Digital Globe is most likely an example of a __________ culture. A) clan B) adhocracy C) market D) hierarchy E) espoused

B) adhocracy

A(n) __________ is defined as a learned predisposition toward a given object. A) value B) attitude C) decision D) behavior E) cognate

B) attitude

Aleha is very social and likes being around others. She is very supportive of her subordinates and receptive to their ideas. She is constantly out of her office interacting with other people. Everyone knows that she can always be counted on to pitch in when help is asked. Aleha is most likely __________ in her decision-making style. A) analytical B) behavioral C) conceptual D) directive E) relaxed

B) behavioral

Bill is supportive of his employees and prefers to have verbal conversations rather than written memos. His style is most likely A) analytical. B) behavioral. C) conceptual. D) directive. E) heuristic.

B) behavioral.

The concept that suggests that the ability of decision makers to be rational is limited by numerous constraints is called A) information overload. B) bounded rationality. C) groupthink. D) defensive avoidance. E) anchoring and adjustment.

B) bounded rationality.

In ABC Insurance, the hiring decisions are all made by top management. ABC is an example of a(n) ___________ organization. A) tall B) centralized C) nonprofit D) matrix E) organic

B) centralized

An organization's _________ is a control mechanism for making sure the right people do the right things at the right time. A) division of labor B) chain of command C) span of control D) decentralization of authority E) strategic plan

B) chain of command

A(n) __________ is a consultant with a background in behavioral sciences who can be a catalyst in helping organizations deal with old problems in new ways. A) catalytic consultant B) change agent C) behavioral consultant D) transformative consultant E) behavioral agent

B) change agent

The competing values framework classifies organizational cultures into which of the following? A) symbolic, heroic, and basic cultures B) clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy cultures C) observable, espoused, and core cultures D) stable, flexible, and straight cultures E) observable, flexible, adhocracy, and market cultures

B) clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy cultures

Which of the following is a form of off-the-job training? A) planned work activities B) classroom instruction C) training positions D) job rotation E) coaching

B) classroom instruction

A person with high tolerance for ambiguity has A) a high need for structure or control. B) comfort with chaotic situations. C) a strong people orientation. D) an analytical mind. E) defensive avoidance.

B) comfort with chaotic situations.

Championing an innovation may require you to draw on your finest ___________ skills in order to be successful. A) organizational B) communication C) production D) financial E) pricing

B) communication

The process of fitting an organization to its environment is called A) environmental analysis. B) contingency design. C) contingency planning. D) diversification. E) integration.

B) contingency design.

Absenteeism and tardiness, drug and alcohol abuse are examples of A) organizational citizenship behaviors. B) counterproductive work behaviors. C) self-efficacy behaviors. D) internal locus behaviors. E) personality issues.

B) counterproductive work behaviors.

Giorgio, a manager, redesigns the work of his subordinates, such that each person completes one part of the total work process, repeating this part throughout the day. Previously, each person completed several steps of the process. Giorgio has A) increased task identity. B) decreased task identity. C) increased task significance. D) decreased task significance. E) decreased autonomy.

B) decreased task identity.

Cape Cod Potato Chips, a small business in Massachusetts, finds that 60% of the qualified candidates for open jobs are women This is the first time that women have comprised over half of the qualified candidate pool. This is an example of a(n) _________ change. A) market B) demographic C) social D) political E) economic

B) demographic

Fred, an OD consultant, is designing a survey of employee attitudes to be given to workers at the Lemon Automobile Company. Fred is in the _________ stage of OD. A) intervention B) diagnosis C) evaluation D) process consultation E) technostructural

B) diagnosis

The question "What is the problem?" would most likely be asked during the __________ stage of OD. A) unfreezing B) diagnosis C) adaptation D) process E) intervention

B) diagnosis

Rosa has been asked to observe a task force during its initial meetings and to give them feedback and suggestions about how to improve the way they function. Rosa is involved in A) survey feedback. B) diagnosis. C) intergroup development. D) technostructural activities. E) evaluation.

B) diagnosis.

The tendency of the parts of an organization to fragment is called A) dispersion. B) differentiation. C) integration. D) conglomeration. E) decentralization.

B) differentiation.

Which of the following external recruiting methods works best? A) private employment agencies B) employee referrals C) newspaper ads D) college recruiters E) unions

B) employee referrals

Former President Lyndon B. Johnson's pressing on with the Vietnam War despite mounting casualties abroad and political upheavals at home was most likely due to a(n) A) heuristic bias. B) escalation of commitment bias. C) recency effect. D) availability bias. E) representativeness bias.

B) escalation of commitment bias.

The need for status, reputation, and recognition are part of A) self-actualization. B) esteem. C) love. D) safety. E) physiological.

B) esteem.

The theory that suggests that people are motivated by how much they want something and how likely they think they are to get it is called A) goal-setting theory. B) expectancy theory. C) reinforcement theory. D) equity theory. E) two-factor theory.

B) expectancy theory.

What cultural perspective assumes that an organization's culture must align with its business or strategic context? A) strength perspective B) fit perspective C) strategic perspective D) conditional perspective E) adaptive perspective

B) fit perspective

Which of the following is an advantage of group decision making? A) groupthink B) greater commitment to the decision C) less thought required D) similar perspectives E) better understanding of the group members

B) greater commitment to the decision

A manager's primary purpose in performance appraisal should be to A) fulfill the requirements of the management job. B) help the subordinate improve his performance. C) show that the manager knows more than the subordinate. D) make sure that the subordinate's behavior is tightly controlled. E) avoid legal problems, especially discrimination complaints.

B) help the subordinate improve his performance.

When using goal-setting theory to motivate employees, managers should A) set "stretch" targets that are just out of employees' reach. B) help workers understand and accept the goals. C) set general goals that are visually attractive. D) hold employees responsible for getting their own feedback. E) set goals that are easily achievable.

B) help workers understand and accept the goals,

Strategies that simplify the process of decision making for managers are called A) relaxed change. B) heuristics. C) rubrics. D) rational models. E) brainwriting.

B) heuristics.

The model that suggests that managers take small, short-term steps to alleviate a problem is the ___________ model. A) coalitional B) incremental C) satisficing D) creativity E) intuitional

B) incremental

Your Friendly Insurance Company has decided that its claims adjusters must be available to meet with claimants in the evenings and on weekends, a practice that some other insurance carriers have recently adopted. This is an example of a(n) ____________ change. A) radically innovative B) innovative C) adaptive D) proactive E) reactive

B) innovative

Last year, Diana's boss promised her a big bonus if she met her goals. At the end of the year, after Diana had exceeded her goals, she found her bonus was very small. In the future, Diana's __________ will probably be __________. A) valence; low B) instrumentality; low C) expectancy; low D) expectancy; high E) instrumentality; high

B) instrumentality; low

The Human Resource Department at ABC Company has just calculated the absenteeism rate for 200(nine), and it is 25% higher than it was in 2007 and 2008. ABC should A) wait until the end of 200(nine) see what the rate is. B) investigate whether employees have become dissatisfied with their jobs. C) begin a major job redesign effort. D) reduce employees' work hours. E) institute strict disciplinary procedures for employees who are absent.

B) investigate whether employees have become dissatisfied with their jobs.

As employees' age increases, their ________________. A) job involvement decreases B) job satisfaction increases C) work motivation decreases D) organizational commitment decreases E) absenteeism increases

B) job satisfaction increases

A __________ describes the minimum qualifications a person must have to perform the job successfully. A) realistic job preview B) job specification C) job description D) BARS E) performance appraisal

B) job specification

How much people believe they control their own fate through their own actions is called their A) tolerance for ambiguity. B) locus of control. C) self-efficacy. D) self-monitoring. E) emotional stability.

B) locus of control

General Motors is currently in what stage of their organizational life cycle? A) birth stage B) maturity stage C) adolescent stage D) youth stage E) middle stage

B) maturity stage

Which of the following is a stage in the life of an organization? A) introduction B) maturity stage C) adolescent stage D) growth E) middle stage

B) maturity stage

According to the job characteristics model, skill variety, task identity, and task significance combine to affect A) knowledge of results. B) meaningfulness of work. C) responsibility for results. D) autonomy. E) feedback.

B) meaningfulness of work.

Younger workers today are more likely than older workers to: A) want more guidance. B) need more autonomy. C) be more patient in seeing the results of their work. D) desire financial rewards exclusively. E) appreciate a slower pace.

B) need more autonomy.

The removal of unpleasant consequences following a desired behavior is called A) positive reinforcement. B) negative reinforcement. C) extinction. D) intrinsic motivation. E) punishment.

B) negative reinforcement.

When a manager stops nagging a subordinate, the manager is using A) positive reinforcement. B) negative reinforcement. C) punishment. D) intrinsic motivation. E) extrinsic motivation.

B) negative reinforcement.

The United Way, a charitable organization, is considered a __________ organization. A) for-profit B) nonprofit C) mutual-benefit D) clan E) market

B) nonprofit

XYZ designs and manufactures components for computer drives (USB, hard, DVD). XYZ would best be served by an organizational structure that is A) mechanistic. B) organic. C) tall. D) centralized. E) formal.

B) organic.

Job satisfaction is positively correlated with __________ and negatively correlated with __________. A) motivation; life satisfaction B) organizational commitment; perceived stress C) job involvement; life satisfaction D) absenteeism; life satisfaction E) perceived stress; absenteeism

B) organizational commitment; perceived stress

The set of techniques used for implementing planned change to make people and organizations more effective is called A) organizational transformation. B) organization development. C) TQM. D) revitalization. E) incremental innovation.

B) organizational development.

The process of involving employees in setting goals, making decisions, solving problems, and making changes is called A) conjoint management. B) participative management. C) escalation of commitment. D) satisficing. E) goal displacement.

B) participative management.

A piece rate system is an example of a ________ compensation plan. A) pay for knowledge B) pay for performance C) profit sharing D) gainsharing E) Scanlon

B) pay for performance

The process of interpreting and understanding one's environment is called A) attribution. B) perception. C) cognition. D) self-monitoring. E) openness to experience.

B) perception.

Which of the following is a part of the strategic human resource management process? A) plan financial resources needed B) perform appraisals of people C) dismiss low performers D) identify social capital E) investigate competitive job positions

B) perform appraisals of people

A managerial innovation is generally a(n) __________ innovation. A) product B) process C) adaptive D) reactive E) proactive

B) process

A(n) __________ innovation is a change in the way a product or service is conceived, manufactured, or disseminated. A) product B) process C) adaptive D) reactive E) proactive

B) process

Wendy's created display screens at its drive-thru windows that show customers their orders and prices. This is an example of a(n) _________ innovation. A) product B) process C) adaptive D) reactive E) proactive

B) process

A manager decides to take no action, in the belief that there will be no great negative consequences. She is engaged in A) panic. B) relaxed avoidance. C) relaxed change. D) decreased involvement. E) defensive avoidance.

B) relaxed avoidance.

In equity theory, employees are motivated to A) work harder all the time. B) resolve feelings of injustice. C) believe they aren't working hard enough. D) quit their jobs when they miss a day's work. E) work hard enough to get what they want.

B) resolve feelings of injustice.

The obligation you have to perform the tasks assigned to you is called A) accountability. B) responsibility. C) delegation. D) authority. E) position power.

B) responsibility.

Your boss expects you to stay late to cover the workload of a coworker who is out sick, but you are supposed to help your mother with some work on her house tonight. You are suffering from A) role overload. B) role conflict. C) role ambiguity. D) burnout. E) learned helplessness.

B) role conflict.

Arifeen is designing a training class that is aimed at improving teamwork among people on task forces. What method should he choose? A) lectures B) role plays C) workbooks D) videotapes E) computer-aided training

B) role plays

Which of the following is a disadvantage of group decision making? A) greater discomfort with the final decision B) satisficing C) goal placement D) shy individuals E) different perspectives

B) satisficing

The tendency of a group to settle on a decision that is "good enough" is called A) goal displacement. B) satisficing. C) groupthink. D) heuristics. E) optimization.

B) satisficing.

Belief in one's personal ability to do a task is called A) self-esteem. B) self-efficacy. C) self-monitoring. D) openness to experience. E) locus of control.

B) self-efficacy

Which of the following is necessary in goal setting? A) allowing employees to set vague goals B) setting target dates for goals C) setting easily attainable goals D) setting stretch goals just outside of the employees' reach E) random reinforcement

B) setting target dates for goals

Job _________ is the opposite of job ___________. A) simplification; enrichment B) simplification; enlargement C) rotation; enrichment D) rotation; enlargement E) loading; enrichment

B) simplification; enlargement

XYZ Insurance Company is about to install a new computer system that will change the way claims adjusters settle claims. Adjusters will be able to do the adjustment and issue the check right at the scene of the accident! XYZ most likely needs to focus on changing employee A) performance. B) skills. C) attitudes. D) management. E) perceptions.

B) skills.

The _________ a group is the __________ the quality of the decision. A) more diverse; lower B) smaller; higher C) more confident; higher D) more knowledgeable; lower E) larger, higher

B) smaller; higher

Changing drinking habits have led to an increase in wine sales and a decrease in whiskey sales. This is an example of a(n) _______ change. A) market B) social & political C) demographic D) technological E) economic

B) social & political

The economic or productive potential of strong, trusting, and cooperative relationships is called A) economic capital. B) social capital. C) potential capital. D) productive capital. E) human capital.

B) social capital.

Tony, the owner of Ciro di Pasta restaurant on Cape Cod is open during the "high season" from May until October. He has always hired college students on summer vacation. In recent years, the number of workers who quit mid-summer has risen significantly. When he asks, they say they are quitting because they "have enough money" or "want the time off". This is most likely an example of a(n) ________ change. A) market B) social or political C) economic D) technological E) random

B) social or political

Which of the following is a supertrend shaping the future of business? A) declining population in developing countries B) some traditional companies may not survive radically innovative change C) digital long distance networks D) the capturing of general consumer information E) the rise of business-to-business technology

B) some traditional companies may not survive radically innovative change

A narrative based on true events which may be embellished to emphasize a particular value is called a A) symbol. B) story. C) hero. D) rite. E) ritual.

B) story.

Southwest Airlines employees all know about when CEO Herb Kelleher visited one of the airlines' hangars in the middle of the night in a dress with a purple boa - just to liven things up. In fact, this is part of Southwest's history. This is an example of a A) myth. B) story. C) ritual. D) rite. E) value.

B) story.

High self-efficacy has been linked to A) failure in physical tasks. B) success in mental tasks. C) increased anxiety. D) decreased tolerance for pain. E) learned helplessness.

B) success in mental tasks.

According to Herzberg, which of the following is an example of a hygiene factor? A) the work itself B) supervisors C) recognition D) responsibility E) advancement and growth

B) supervisors

Which of the following circumstances is likely to increase the success of OD? A) a single large intervention B) support of top managers C) unrealistic and very high expectations in place D) goals geared to the short term rather than the long term E) applying every OD intervention in the same way across the world

B) support of top managers

Of the following which is a core job characteristic? A) skill specificity B) task identity C) task uniformity D) teamwork E) task variety

B) task identity

A "directive" decision-making style reflects a person who is __________ in his value orientation and __________ in his tolerance for ambiguity. A) task/technical; high B) task/technical; low C) people/social; high D) people/social; low E) This cannot be determined from the information given.

B) task/technical; low

In a mechanistic organization, A) authority is decentralized. B) tasks and rules are clearly specified. C) employees are loosely supervised. D) informal communication is usually used. E) many teams and task forces are operating.

B) tasks and rules are clearly specified.

Which of the following is an example of a force for change originating outside the organization? A) conflict management B) technological advancements C) structural reorganization D) employee problems E) absenteeism & turnover

B) technological advancements

Woodward's model stresses the important influence of _________ on ___________. A) culture; organizational design B) technology; organizational design C) environmental stability; organizational design D) technology; organizational culture E) environmental stability; organizational culture

B) technology; organizational design

Boris has assembled a task force that is composed of people who don't know each other well. He should expect this group to make better decisions when A) it is a large group. B) the members have common knowledge. C) the group is confident. D) time pressure is high. E) individuals have specialized knowledge.

B) the members have common knowledge.

The type of performance appraisal that focuses on attitudes, initiatives, and leadership is a(n) __________ appraisal. A) objective B) trait C) BARS D) MBO E) 360-degree

B) trait

Which of the following organizations can be classified as a mutual-benefit organization? A) financial company B) union C) retail company D) hospital E) college

B) union

The type of interview that is most likely to cause managers problems because of its potential for bias and questionable legality is the A) realistic job preview. B) unstructured interview. C) situational interview. D) behavioral description interview. E) performance interview.

B) unstructured interview.

Which of the following is the best statement of feedback? A) "You're always late to work." B) "You seem to be less motivated in your work lately." C) "Your last report contained seven errors." D) "You've got to figure out how to get along with Susie." E) "You're typing that document wrong."

C) "Your last report contained seven errors."

By giving stock options to all employees who work 20 hours or more hours a week, Starbucks Corp., has been able to hold its annual turnover rate to ______ percent—in an industry in which 300% is not unheard of. A) 40 B) 50 C) 60 D) 70 E) 80

C) 60

__________ assumes that three basic needs influence behavior. A) Maslow's theory B) Expectancy theory C) Alderfer's ERG theory D) Hertzberg's theory E) Equity theory

C) Alderfer's ERG theory

__________ is a technique used to help groups generate multiple ideas and alternatives for solving problems. A) PM B) TQM C) Brainstorming D) Mind mapping E) CADM

C) Brainstorming

__________ is a method for increasing creativity in which members of a group come together over a computer network to generate ideas and alternatives. A) PM B) TQM C) Brainwriting D) Mind mapping E) CADM

C) Brainwriting

The law that requires an extension of health insurance benefits after termination is the A) Wagner Act B) Social Security Act C) Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) D) Occupational Safety and Health Act E) Civil Rights Act

C) Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

__________ group divisions or business units around common customers or clients. A) Functional structures B) Product divisions C) Customer divisions D) Matrix organizations E) Geographic divisions

C) Customer divisions

__________ is the heightened emotional connection that an employee feels for his or her organization, which influences him or her to exert greater discretionary effort in his or her work. A) Job enrichment B) Job equity C) Employee engagement D) Employee satisfaction E) Job satisfaction

C) Employee engagement

__________ values are the values and norms actually exhibited in the organization. A) Implicit B) Espoused C) Enacted D) Encumbered E) Evolutionary

C) Enacted

___________ has been associated with success for managers and salespeople. A) Emotional stability B) Conscientiousness C) Extroversion D) Agreeableness E) Openness to experience

C) Extroversion

___________ has been found to have a stronger positive correlation with job performance than agreeableness. A) Emotional stability B) Conscientiousness C) Extroversion D) Proactiveness E) Openness to experience

C) Extroversion

Which of the following is a process perspective on motivation? A) Two-factor theory B) ERG theory C) Goal-setting theory D) Acquired needs theory E) Hierarchy of needs theory

C) Goal-setting theory

McClelland's need for achievement corresponds most closely to A) Herzberg's hygiene factors. B) Maslow's esteem needs. C) Maslow's self-actualization needs. D) extrinsic rewards. E) Alderfer's relatedness needs.

C) Maslow's self-actualization needs.

The __________ Act allows the President of the United States to prevent or end a strike that threatens national security. A) Wagner B) Social Security C) Taft-Hartley D) Occupational Safety and Health E) Civil Rights

C) Taft-Hartley

Which of the following characteristics of group members may lead to "groupthink?" A) the amount of information available to the group B) errors in the information available to the group C) They may be too confident. D) interactions among the members E) diversity in the group

C) They may be too confident.

Which of the following is an example of a mutual-benefit organization? A) University of California at Berkeley B) U.S. Postal Service C) United Mineworkers Union D) New York Fire Department E) Public Broadcasting System

C) United Mineworkers Union

Employees might feel they are being underpaid for what they do. This is an example of A) an attitude. B) greed. C) a perception. D) a stance. E) a fact.

C) a perception.

The desire to excel is part of the need for A) affiliation. B) power. C) achievement. D) self-actualization. E) belongingness.

C) achievement.

Evidence-based decision making depends on A) knowledge management. B) a thirst for knowledge. C) an attitude of wisdom. D) a search for excellence. E) principle-based leadership.

C) an attitude of wisdom.

Performance appraisal consists of A) informal and formal feedback. B) setting standards and monitoring performance. C) assessing performance and providing feedback. D) motivating and counseling. E) monitoring and motivating.

C) assessing performance and providing feedback.

In which of the following situations would the use of OD techniques be the most helpful? A) helping employees from two similar organizations work better together in a strategic alliance B) increasing efficiency among employees in a firm C) assisting employees in dealing with stressful situations D) facilitating discussion of ethical issues in preparing a code of ethics for a company E) working with the CEO to determine how to increase profitability

C) assisting employees in dealing with stressful situations

The process by which a company compares its performance with that of high-performing organizations is called A) TQM. B) MBO. C) benchmarking. D) continuous improvement. E) radical innovation.

C) benchmarking.

A department store pays its salespeople a percentage of the earnings from the goods the salespeople sell. This is an example of a ___________ compensation plan. A) pay for performance B) pay for knowledge C) bonus D) profit sharing E) gainsharing

C) bonus

A person's overall satisfaction with his job depends on how he feels about his A) life outside of work. B) locus of control. C) boss as a supervisor. D) industry. E) self-efficacy.

C) boss as a supervisor.

The statement, "My boss doesn't know how to do his job," reflects the __________ component of an attitude. A) behavioral B) decisional C) cognitive D) affective E) value

C) cognitive

Ian is very creative and prefers to look at the long-term issues when making a decision. He considers a wide variety of possible actions based on an open mind about the possibilities. Sometimes his coworkers find him indecisive because of these tendencies. Ian is probably _________ in his decision-making style. A) analytical B) behavioral C) conceptual D) directive E) relaxed

C) conceptual

Ling Lee procrastinates making a decision about the morale problem among assembly workers. After all, she thinks, maybe someone else will figure out what to do. Ling Lee is experiencing a ________ reaction. A) relaxed change B) relaxed avoidance C) defensive avoidance D) panic E) recency

C) defensive avoidance

The process of assigning meaningful authority and responsibility to managers and employees lower in the hierarchy is called A) accountability. B) responsibility. C) delegation. D) authority. E) position power.

C) delegation.

Kotter's Change Model consists of A) three stages: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing B) three types: adaptive, innovative, and radically innovative C) eight steps for leading organizational change D) three steps: diagnosis, intervention, and evaluation E) ten characteristics for change.

C) eight steps for leading organizational change

A year after changes were made in the employee incentive plan, Scott is comparing absenteeism and turnover data from the last three years to the current year. Scott is in the _________ stage of OD. A) intervention B) diagnosis C) evaluation D) technostructural E) adaptation

C) evaluation

Jerry, a worker, goes to Hilary, his boss, and complains that even though he's the best performer in the work unit, he is being paid the least. Hilary should A) tell Jerry "That's just the way it is." B) suggest that Jerry quit. C) expect that Jerry's performance will decline. D) start documenting Jerry's complaints for future disciplinary action. E) expect that Jerry's performance will improve.

C) expect that Jerry's performance will decline.

Cynthia Barton Rabe, a former innovation strategist for Intel, suggests that too much knowledge and _______ can actually kill innovation. A) determination B) tolerance for ambiguity C) experience D) technical ability E) creativity

C) experience

The withholding or withdrawal of positive rewards for a particular behavior, so that the behavior is less likely to occur in the future, is called A) positive reinforcement. B) negative reinforcement. C) extinction. D) intrinsic motivation. E) punishment.

C) extinction.

When a manager stops giving a worker a positive reward as she had previously been doing, the manager is engaged in A) positive reinforcement. B) negative reinforcement. C) extinction. D) intrinsic motivation. E) punishment.

C) extinction.

Susanna loves going to parties, where she talks to everyone there. Susanna is probably high in A) emotional stability. B) conscientiousness. C) extroversion. D) agreeableness. E) openness to experience.

C) extroversion.

Employees at ABC Manufacturing belong to the Widget Makers Union. The union has struck or come close to striking several times over the past 25 years. Labor negotiations have historically been very tense. ABC most likely needs to focus on changing A) forces originating outside the organization. B) the number of mergers & acquisitions that occur. C) forces originating inside the organization. D) manufacturing. E) supply chain management.

C) forces originating inside the organization.

Joe manages Gabrielle. Gabrielle has a highly internal locus of control. Joe should A) put Gabrielle in a highly structured job. B) closely supervise Gabrielle's work. C) give Gabrielle considerable freedom in the job. D) give Gabrielle a job with much social contact with coworkers and customers. E) pay Gabrielle a straight salary.

C) give Gabrielle considerable freedom in the job.

During Lewin's "changing" stage, managers should A) give employees the tools for change. B) reinforce the desired change. C) give people new models of behavior. D) reduce the barriers to change. E) make employees dissatisfied with the present situation.

C) give people new models of behavior.

The tendency of group members to agree for the sake of unanimity is called A) goal displacement. B) satisficing. C) groupthink. D) heuristics. E) self-selection.

C) groupthink.

A graphology test assesses a person's __________. A) integrity B) conscientiousness C) handwriting D) drawing ability E) extroversion

C) handwriting

For managers, the importance of Maslow's contribution is that he showed that workers A) are only interested in earning a paycheck. B) expect an employer to fulfill every level of their hierarchy of needs. C) have needs beyond that of just earning a paycheck. D) are as complex as their organization. E) have needs that cannot be fulfilled by their employer.

C) have needs beyond that of just earning a paycheck.

A __________ is a person whose accomplishments embody the values of the organization. A) key employee B) vice-president C) hero D) superior E) staff member

C) hero

Which of the following is associated with older workers? A) higher absenteeism B) lower productivity C) higher work motivation D) lower job involvement E) lower job commitment

C) higher work motivation

At XYZ Inc., specialists from marketing, manufacturing, finance, and engineering departments work closely together on new product development teams. XYZ is A) highly differentiated. B) a centralized organization. C) highly integrated. D) a mechanistic organization. E) a conglomerate.

C) highly integrated.

Which of the following is a psychological sign of stress? A) headaches B) insomnia C) hostility D) alcohol abuse E) heart attack

C) hostility

Which of the following factors is one that a manager should consider in deciding whether to use a group? A) need for quantity of decisions B) popularity with subordinates C) increasing acceptance of the decision D) development of the issues E) comprehensive discussion

C) increasing acceptance of the decision

The creation of products, services, or technologies that modify those that already exist is called __________ innovation. A) product B) process C) incremental D) radical E) reactive

C) incremental

What outcome will I receive if I perform at this level? This question is asked for the ________ element of expectancy theory. A) valence B) expectancy C) instrumentality D) outcomes E) performance

C) instrumentality

The tendency of the parts of an organization to draw together to achieve a common purpose is called A) conglomeration. B) differentiation. C) integration. D) decentralization. E) centralization.

C) integration.

People with __________ exhibit less anxiety, greater motivation, and stronger expectations that effort leads to performance. A) high self-efficacy B) high self-monitoring C) internal locus of control D) high tolerance for ambiguity E) high self-esteem

C) internal locus of control

The process of building into a job such motivating factors as recognition and achievement is called A) MBO. B) job design. C) job enrichment. D) job enlargement. E) horizontal loading.

C) job enrichment.

The process of reducing the number of tasks a worker performs is called A) job enlargement. B) job design. C) job simplification. D) job rotation. E) job enrichment.

C) job simplification.

Which of the following is an example of an employee benefit? A) commissions B) bonuses C) legal advice D) worker's compensation E) stock options

C) legal advice

Small-batch organizations tend to be __________ formal and to be __________ flexible. A) more; more B) less; more C) less; less D) more; less E) There is no relationship between level of specialization and level of bureaucracy.

C) less; less

Which of the following is one of the "magnificent seven" general moral principles for managers? A) rationality B) self-knowledge C) loyalty D) love E) responsibility

C) loyalty

According to Herzberg's theory, the first thing managers should do is to A) provide opportunities for achievement. B) publicly recognize good performance. C) make sure pay levels and company policies are reasonable. D) create opportunities for personal growth. E) increase employees' responsibility.

C) make sure pay levels and company policies are reasonable.

A firm that tends to rely on routines and policies even as new events occur is most likely to be a(n) __________ organization. A) organic B) flat C) mechanistic D) conglomerate E) large-batch

C) mechanistic

McDonald's has a procedure for making hamburgers that specifies the order in which ketchup and mustard are put onto the burger. McDonald's is a(n) ____________ organization. A) hybrid B) integrated C) mechanistic D) flat E) organic

C) mechanistic

An innovative change involves _________ complexity, cost, and uncertainty. A) no B) minimum C) moderate D) high E) extreme

C) moderate

A __________ structure has a central core that is linked to outside independent firms by computer connections, which are used to operate as if all were a single organization. A) matrix B) conglomerate C) network D) hybrid E) mechanistic

C) network

Organizational size is usually measured by A) profits. B) revenues. C) number of employees. D) number of customers. E) number of locations.

C) number of employees.

Martina is so sick of dealing with Max, a problem subordinate! She can't sleep well, her stomach is bothering her, and she snaps at her husband. Martina is most likely experiencing a ___________ reaction. A) relaxed change B) defensive avoidance C) panic D) deciding to decide E) heuristic

C) panic

A person with a conceptual decision-making style is __________ in her value orientation and __________ in her tolerance for ambiguity. A) task/technical; high B) task/technical; low C) people/social; high D) people/social; low E) This cannot be determined from the information given.

C) people/social; high

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is considered a __________ test. A) job routine B) performance C) personality D) validity E) reliability

C) personality

The general moral principles for managers ("the magnificent seven") helps to ensure that managers' decisions are A) routine, legal, ethical. B) rational, ethical, defensible. C) principled, appropriate, defensible. D) principled, ethical, legal. E) principled, legal, defensible.

C) principled, appropriate, defensible.

Wal-Mart's use of RFID (a type of technology that allows it to improve inventory turnover) is an example of: a _________ change. A) reactive B) incremental C) proactive D) responsive E) radical

C) proactive

Theories that try to understand the thought processes by which people decide how to act are called A) needs-based perspectives. B) reinforcement perspectives. C) process perspectives. D) job design perspectives. E) compensation perspectives.

C) process perspectives.

Your insurance company has one large complex in your home city, which sells and oversees life insurance to all of its clients. In a neighboring state, the same insurance company has a complex that sells and services auto and home insurance. This represents a ____________ structure. A) functional B) simple C) product divisional D) matrix E) customer divisional

C) product divisional

In considering the staffing an organization might need in the future, human resource managers should A) assume that the future will basically be the same as the past. B) assume that there will be radical changes in the supply of labor and the nature of the organization's jobs. C) project the organization's vision and strategy and staff based on that possibility. D) hire 10% more people than were needed last year to cover possible growth. E) hire 10% fewer people than last year because of possible lower turnover.

C) project the organization's vision and strategy and staff based on that possibility.

Business decision making may be __________, but often it is __________. A) ineffectual; based in fantasy B) practical; unpractical C) rational; nonrational D) unpractical; practical E) None of the above is accurate about decision making.

C) rational; nonrational

What is the fifth step in the strategic human resource management process? A) plan human resources needed B) perform appraisals of people C) recruit and select people D) identify social capital E) orient, train and develop people

C) recruit and select people

The process of locating and attracting qualified applicants for jobs open in the organization is called A) selection. B) hiring. C) recruiting. D) job posting. E) interviewing.

C) recruiting.

The theory that attempts to explain behavior change by suggesting that behavior with positive consequences tends to be repeated while behavior with negative consequences tends not to be repeated, is called A) equity theory. B) expectancy theory. C) reinforcement theory. D) acquired needs theory. E) Maslow's hierarchy.

C) reinforcement theory.

Which of the following is a way culture becomes embedded in an organization? A) formal market research B) laws C) rewards, titles, promotions, and bonuses D) competitive intelligence E) competitive analysis

C) rewards, titles, promotions, and bonuses

The concept of "bounded rationality" is related to the ________ model of decision making. A) coalitional B) garbage in-garbage out C) satisficing D) incremental E) intuitional

C) satisficing

Managers who seek alternatives until they find one that is satisfactory but not optimal, are engaged in A) coalitioning. B) incrementing. C) satisficing. D) creating. E) intuitioning.

C) satisficing.

The tendency to filter out information that is discomforting, irrelevant, or contradictory to one's beliefs is called A) cognitive dissonance. B) the fundamental attribution error. C) selective perception. D) the halo effect. E) self-fulfilling prophecy.

C) selective perception.

The extent to which people are able to observe their own behavior and adapt it to external situations is called A) self-esteem. B) self-efficacy. C) self-monitoring. D) agreeableness. E) locus of control.

C) self-monitoring.

Your Local Department (YLD) store is in the process of cross-training all of its employees to be able to assist customers, do inventory audits, and assess demand for new clothing fashions. The company is changing A) people. B) structure. C) skills. D) technology. E) attitudes.

C) skills.

In a(n) ___________ technology, goods are custom-made to customers' specifications. A) continuous batch B) large-batch C) small-batch D) mechanistic E) organic

C) small-batch

Which type of organization is most likely to be organic? A) continuous batch B) large-batch C) small-batch D) centralized E) highly differentiated

C) small-batch

How should a manager use personality tests? A) rely primarily on personality tests in hiring B) create "personality profiles" of desirable employees for different jobs C) supplement personality test data with other tests and interviews D) experiment with various personality tests that appear on the Internet E) Personality tests should not be used by managers as they are illegal.

C) supplement personality test data with other tests and interviews

The incremental model of decision-making suggests that managers make decisions by A) random choices. B) choosing something that is "good enough." C) taking small steps to alleviate a problem. D) joining with groups. E) quickly using past experience or practice.

C) taking small steps to alleviate a problem.

The extent to which a job requires the worker to perform all the tasks needed to complete a job from beginning to end is called A) horizontal loading. B) vertical loading. C) task identity. D) task significance. E) autonomy.

C) task identity.

An organization where teams or workgroups, either temporary or permanent, are used to improve horizontal relations and solve problems throughout the organization uses a __________ structure. A) matrix B) conglomerate C) team-based D) hybrid E) network

C) team-based

Differentiation arises because of ____________ and ____________. A) culture; leadership B) stability; instability C) technical specialization; division of labor D) structure; uncertainty E) structure; culture

C) technical specialization; division of labor

The Convenient Pharmacy chain has received numerous complaints from home delivery customers in the Friendly Hills area that their prescriptions often arrive late. Almost all of the drivers say that they often get lost trying to find houses in this neighborhood, even when directions have previously been obtained from the customers. (Convenient Pharmacy does not give its drivers GPS technology.) Frequently, drivers have to take time to call the customer again for even more detailed directions. Convenient Pharmacy probably needs to change its A) structure. B) people. C) technology. D) culture. E) strategy.

C) technology.

The "motivating potential score" is calculated as part of using ___________. A) reinforcement theory B) McClelland's acquired needs theory C) the job characteristics model D) goal-setting theory E) equity theory

C) the job characteristics model

In an organic organization, A) authority is centralized. B) communication is formal. C) the span of control is wider. D) tasks are highly specialized. E) many rules and procedures exist.

C) the span of control is wider.

Matilde is conducting a performance appraisal on Wayne, one of her subordinates. The company's performance appraisal form asks her to rate Wayne's performance on "ability as a leader" on a scale from 1 to 5. Matilde's company has a(n) _________ appraisal system. A) results B) objective C) trait D) BARS E) MBO

C) trait

The type of appraisal system that is least likely to be valid is the _________ system. A) objective B) results C) trait D) BARS E) MBO

C) trait

A test that measures what it claims to measure and is free of bias is said to be A) legal. B) reliable. C) valid. D) significant. E) structured.

C) valid.

The abstract ideals that guide a person's thinking and behavior across all situations are called A) goals. B) attitudes. C) values. D) perceptions. E) personality.

C) values.

Another term for the chain of command of an organization is A) span of control. B) horizontal specialization. C) vertical hierarchy. D) network structure. E) paradigm.

C) vertical hierarchy.

Under which of the following circumstances would cognitive dissonance be greatest? A) when the elements of the dissonance are not very important B) when the individual has little control C) when the emotional investment in the situation is large D) when the rewards at stake are small E) when there is little financial investment in the idea

C) when the emotional investment in the situation is large

Which value is the most important to workers according to the Society for Human Resource Management? A) compensation B) benefits C) work-life balance D) recognition E) status

C) work-life balance

A feedback technique in which a manager is appraised by his boss, peers, subordinates, and possibly clients is called a A) MBO appraisal. B) trait appraisal. C) BARS appraisal. D) 360-degree appraisal. E) results appraisal.

D) 360-degree appraisal.

Which of the following is something a manager should do during the interview process? A) Ignore the resume; that way, the manager is not biased for or against a candidate. B) Ask questions spontaneously to get the most straightforward answers from the candidate. C) Ask about the candidate's family to show interest. D) After the interview write a short report making a quantitative score of the candidate's qualifications. E) If the first interview is successful, there will be no need to check the candidate's references before the second interview.

D) After the interview write a short report making a quantitative score of the candidate's qualifications.

____________ refers to the rights inherent in a managerial position to make decisions, give orders, and utilize resources. A) Accountability B) Responsibility C) Delegation D) Authority E) Position power

D) Authority

Jose is performing an appraisal of Rene, one of his subordinates. The company's performance appraisal form asks him to rate Rene's performance on teamwork on a scale ranging from, "Always meets his commitments to fellow team members and is always ready to help them when needed," to "Consistently late in meeting commitments to team members and rarely does more than required." Jose's company has a(n) _________ system of performance appraisal. A) results B) objective C) trait D) BARS E) MBO


The type of performance appraisal that judges attributes like being on time for work is a(n) ____________ Appraisal A) results. B) objective. C) trait. D) BARS. E) MBO.


__________ is a state of emotional, mental, and even physical exhaustion, expressed as listlessness, indifference, or frustration. A) Eustress B) Distress C) Stress D) Burnout E) Breakdown

D) Burnout

__________ is the activity of inferring causes for observed behavior. A) The halo effect B) Self-fulfilling prophecy C) The fundamental attribution error D) Causal attribution E) The selective perception error

D) Casual attribution

__________ refers to educating __________ employees in skills needed to do their jobs in the future. A) Training; technical and operational B) Training; managerial and professional C) Development; technical and operational D) Development; managerial and professional E) Orientation; seasoned

D) Development; managerial and professional

Which of the following statements about delegation is true? A) Try not to let your employees solve problems on their own. B) Delegate HR matters. C) Delegate special tasks that your boss asked you to do. D) Don't delegate emergencies. E) Make your assignments to subordinates a bit outside of their training and motivation so they can "learn by doing."

D) Don't delegate emergencies.

Which of the following is a step in the rational decision-making model? A) Evaluate alternatives and then continue finding additional alternatives. B) Evaluate the chosen solution's ability to take advantage of an opportunity. C) Get alternative solutions from doing secondary research. D) Identify the problem or opportunity. E) Consider the solution chosen for at least 24 hours.

D) Identify the problem or opportunity.

Which of the following statements is good advice for choosing a mentor? A) Choose someone higher up the corporate ladder than you are. B) Choose your mentor carefully, you should only choose one. C) Wait for your mentor to reach out to you; it is bad form to choose your mentor first. D) Look for someone different from you. E) Adopt whatever ground rules your mentor suggests.

D) Look for someone different from you.

Which of the following moral principles for managers deals with promises, contracts, and commitments? A) Autonomy B) Fairness C) Humaneness D) Loyalty E) Honesty

D) Loyalty

Which of the following is a good suggestion for handling a dismissal? A) Fire the person effective immediately, and have them escorted off the premises. B) Fire the person at the first sign of poor performance. C) Use the dismissed employee as an example to others to increase their productivity. D) Offer assistance to the dismissed employee in finding another job. E) Don't dismiss a poor-performing employee because they need your sympathy

D) Offer assistance to the dismissed employee in finding another job.

In which stage in the rational decision-making model do you implement and evaluate the solution chosen? A) Stage 1 B) Stage 2 C) Stage 3 D) Stage 4 E) This is not part of the rational decision-making model.

D) Stage 4

Which of the following questions is part of the ethical decision tree? A) Is the proposed action illegal? B) Does it minimize shareholder value? C) Is it unethical? D) Would it be ethical not to take the action? E) Should the effect be disclosed to shareholders?

D) Would it be ethical not to take the action?

Inside forces for change include which of the following? A) immigration B) skill level of available employees C) mergers and acquisitions D) absenteeism E) office automation

D) absenteeism

The __________ component of an attitude consists of the feelings or emotions one has about a situation. A) behavioral B) decisional C) cognitive D) affective E) value

D) affective

The statement, "I don't like answering the phone when I'm trying to study," reflects the __________ component of an attitude. A) behavioral B) decisional C) cognitive D) affective E) value

D) affective

The process of determining the basic elements of a job by observation and analysis is called job A) posting. B) specification. C) description. D) analysis. E) rotation.

D) analysis.

The right to make decisions and give orders is called A) control. B) responsibility. C) delegation. D) authority. E) position.

D) authority.

Managers tend to give more weight to more recent behavior. This is largely due to the A) heuristic bias. B) halo effect. C) activity effect. D) availability bias. E) representativeness bias.

D) availability bias.

A person who is oriented toward people and social concerns and has a low tolerance for ambiguity is __________ in her decision-making style. A) analytical B) conceptual C) directive D) behavioral E) relaxed

D) behavioral

Monica asks Tasha, in a job interview, "Tell me about a time when you were able to deal with conflict in your work." Monica is conducting a(n) A) realistic job preview. B) performance interview. C) situational interview. D) behavioral description interview. E) unstructured interview.

D) behavioral description interview.

In general, organizations are more organic when in the _______ and _______ stages, and they are more mechanistic in the _______ and _______ stages. A) midlife, maturity; birth, youth B) midlife, youth; birth, maturity C) maturity, birth; midlife, youth D) birth, youth; midlife, maturity E) midlife, birth; youth, maturity

D) birth, youth; midlife, maturity

Which of the following is a characteristic of a simple structure? A) a detailed employee handbook B) high work specialization C) extensive division of labor D) centralized authority E) tall hierarchy

D) centralized authority

Which of the following is a rational model of decision-making? A) coalitional B) garbage in-garbage out C) incremental D) classical E) intuitional

D) classical

The psychological discomfort that a person experiences between her cognitive attitude and incompatible behavior is called A) self-fulfilling prophecy. B) self-serving bias. C) causal attribution. D) cognitive dissonance. E) fundamental attribution.

D) cognitive dissonance.

The top executives at the Lemon Automobile Company have recognized that they are much slower than their competition at getting new designs to market. The problem seems to stem from problems in coordinating among the various functional departments that are involved in the new car design process. The company should A) loosen up its rules and procedures. B) encourage employees to stay within their own functional areas. C) require managers to stay out of the new car development process. D) create cross-functional teams for development. E) cancel all social events for employees.

D) create cross-functional teams for development.

According to Constance Bagley, ethical decisions can be facilitated with the use of a(n) A) goal statement. B) law department. C) interdepartmental committee. D) decision tree. E) thought matrix.

D) decision tree.

A person who is oriented toward task and technical concerns and has a low tolerance for ambiguity is __________ in his decision-making style. A) analytical B) behavioral C) conceptual D) directive E) heuristic

D) directive

The arrangement of having discrete parts of a task done by different people is called an organization's A) span of control. B) chain of command. C) vertical specialization. D) division of labor. E) matrix division.

D) division of labor.

If a manager knows his subordinates have low self-esteem, she should A) concentrate on their weaknesses. B) redesign the work so that jobs are routine and structured. C) avoid delegating work to subordinates. D) express confidence in employees' abilities to complete their tasks. E) avoid giving negative feedback.

D) express confidence in employees' abilities to complete their tasks.

A Scanlon plan is a type of ________ compensation plan. A) pay for knowledge B) pay for performance C) profit sharing D) gainsharing E) benchmarking

D) gainsharing

Which of the following is an effective way to deal with change and innovation? A) insist on success B) further increase work rules and hierarchy C) copy others' successes D) have the courage to follow your ideas E) jump right into it

D) have the courage to follow your ideas

When we say that an employee has been dismissed "for cause," we mean that A) he quit the job. B) the company is downsizing, and his job is permanently eliminated. C) he is being laid off. D) he is being fired for his job performance. E) he has the right to get his position back in the future.

D) he is being fired for his job performance.

Janet prefers work that involves talking to many people and being very social. Janet probably has a A) low need for affiliation. B) low need for power. C) low need for achievement. D) high need for affiliation. E) high need for achievement.

D) high need for affiliation.

The activities managers perform to plan for, attract, develop and retain an effective workforce are called A) strategic planning. B) contingency planning. C) job analysis. D) human resource management. E) performance appraisal.

D) human resource management.

A change that represents the introduction of a new practice to an organization that is not new to the industry is called a(n) A) adaptive change. B) reactive change. C) proactive change. D) innovative change. E) radically innovative change.

D) innovative change.

Joe, a human resources specialist for Jersey Office Supplies Co., rides along with the furniture delivery people to observe the problems they were encountering and what activities they were required to perform. Joe was performing a A) personality test. B) performance appraisal. C) BARS. D) job analysis. E) job rotation.

D) job analysis.

How much you like your job is called A) job involvement. B) organizational commitment. C) job enrichment. D) job satisfaction. E) job performance.

D) job satisfaction.

The extent to which an employee feels positively or negatively about various aspects of their work refers to A) job involvement. B) job performance. C) organizational commitment. D) job satisfaction. E) job enrichment.

D) job satisfaction.

The _________ an organization, the more ___________ it is. A) smaller; mechanistic B) smaller; formal C) smaller; decentralized D) larger; mechanistic E) larger; informal

D) larger; mechanistic

Employees are likely to see an adaptive change as A) highly threatening. B) moderately threatening. C) somewhat threatening. D) least threatening. E) totally unacceptable.

D) least threatening.

The amount of internal work motivation associated with a specific job is called A) verticality. B) Hobb's characteristic score. C) job enrichment. D) motivating potential score. E) job diagnostic score.

D) motivating potential score.

Which of the following is positively related to job satisfaction? A) job performance B) life satisfaction C) less absenteeism D) motivation E) greater stress

D) motivation

John is intelligent, imaginative and broadminded; he is probably high in _________. A) emotional stability B) conscientiousness C) extroversion D) openness to experience E) self-monitoring

D) openness to experience

The top management team of ABC Company is meeting to discuss possible changes in the structure of the company. Over the past 10 years, its environment has become increasingly unstable; changes are very difficult to predict. ABC should move toward having a(n) _________ structure. A) mechanistic B) large-batch C) mid-batch D) organic E) tall

D) organic

The stable psychological traits and behavioral attributes that give a person his identity is known as his A) values. B) goals. C) attitudes. D) personality. E) attributions.

D) personality.

Maslow's levels of needs, in order from basic to highest level, are A) self-actualization, esteem, love, safety, and physiological. B) self-actualization, love, esteem, safety, and physiological. C) physiological, safety, esteem, love, and self-actualization. D) physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. E) safety, physiological, love, esteem, and self-actualization.

D) physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a successful incentive pay plan? A) complex B) hard-to-discover goals C) easy-to-obtain goals D) plan that is consistent with the organization's existing goals E) little communication with employees about the incentive plan

D) plan that is consistent with the organization's existing goals

Which of the following is an on-the-job training method? A) role playing B) videotapes C) classroom programs D) planned work activities E) computer-assisted instruction

D) planned work activities

The idea that decision makers find the notion of an actual loss more painful than giving up the possibility of a gain is called A) a heuristic. B) availability bias. C) representativeness bias. D) prospect theory. E) satisficing.

D) prospect theory.

The creation of products, services, or technologies that replace those that already exist is called __________ innovation. A) product B) process C) incremental D) radical E) reactive

D) radical

A manager wants to improve how her employees' belongingness or love needs are met. To do so, she could A) give public recognition for good job performance. B) hire a guard for the parking lot. C) send employees to a training class. D) redesign individual jobs into teams. E) allow employees flextime.

D) redesign individual jobs into teams.

Which of the following is a trait of emotional intelligence? A) self-sufficiency B) environmental awareness C) self-monitoring D) relationship management E) chameleon-like behavior

D) relationship management

Zoe must decide whether to sign an extension to her lease for her small coffee shop, but she decides to take no action because she believes there will be no great negative consequences. Zoe is practicing A) relaxed change. B) defensive avoidance. C) panic. D) relaxed avoidance. E) deciding to decide.

D) relaxed avoidance.

Latisha has interviewed 5 candidates for an open position she supervises. The position is open because Latisha fired the last jobholder due to excessive absenteeism. One of the candidates, William, is about to graduate from ABC University, the same college that the previous jobholder graduated from. Even though William seems to be the best candidate, Latisha feels reluctant to hire him. Latisha is feeling a __________ bias. A) anchoring B) adjustment C) availability D) representativeness E) escalation of commitment

D) representativeness

MBO is consistent with a(n) __________ performance appraisal. A) subjective B) trait C) BARS D) results E) behavioral

D) results

Which of the following is a step in the perceptual process? A) selective attribution B) selective recall C) selecting a memory D) retrieving from memory to make judgments and decisions E) selective perception

D) retrieving from memory to make judgements and decisions

Esteban, President of Acme Beverage Company, has just reviewed the dismal results of the company's new product, a chocolate cola beverage. Edith was the major force behind the idea and its market trial. It appears that Edith did the normal level and type of research on the product's acceptance by consumers prior to its introduction. Esteban should A) fire Edith as an example to others. B) demote Edith. C) send Edith to a marketing class. D) reward Edith. E) ignore the product failure.

D) reward Edith.

If a manager has subordinates that are low in self-efficacy, the manager should A) give them boring, tedious, easy jobs. B) leave them alone to learn new tasks. C) create extremely challenging goals for everyone. D) reward small successes. E) avoid giving positive reinforcement.

D) reward small success.

Which of the following is an example of an observable artifact? A) basic assumptions B) core values C) value stability D) rituals and ceremonies E) internal values

D) rituals and ceremonies

The phenomenon in which people's expectations of themselves or others leads them to behave in ways that make those expectations come true is called A) goal-achievement prophecy. B) locus prophecy. C) expectancy prophecy. D) self-fulfilling prophecy. E) self-achievement prophecy.

D) self-fulfilling prophecy.

According to Lawrence and Lorsch, the ______________determine(s) the degree of differentiation or integration that is appropriate. A) amount of resources in the environment of an organization B) governmental pressures on an organization C) organization's culture D) stability of an organization's environment E) size of the organization

D) stability of an organization's environment

A __________ is an object, act, quality, or event that conveys meaning to others. A) story B) hero C) rite of passage D) symbol E) ritual

D) symbol

Which of the following should a manager delegate? A) emergencies B) special tasks your boss has asked you to do C) personnel matters D) tasks that match the skills and motivation of subordinates E) confidential matters

D) tasks that match the skills and motivation of subordinates

The extent to which a person has a high need for structure or control in h/her life is called A) a value orientation. B) a conceptual frame. C) a decision style. D) tolerance for ambiguity. E) representativeness bias.

D) tolerance for ambiguity.

In the context of Woodward's model, technology is A) information systems and hardware (e.g., computers) B) raw materials and supplies C) knowledge held by organizational members D) tools and ideas for creating outputs E) physical equipment used in production

D) tools and ideas for creating outputs.

Which of the following is a practical guideline in determining whether to use group decision-making? A) when it can include satisficing B) when it can increase quantity C) when it can increase groupthink D) when it can increase development E) when a decision occurs infrequently

D) when it can increase development

A simple model of motivation includes which of the following? A) unfulfilled need B) motivation C) behaviors D) rewards E) A simple model of motivation includes all of the above.

E) A simple model of motivation includes all of the above.

Which of the following is an area in which change is often needed? A) technology B) strategy C) people D) structure E) All of the above are areas in which change is often needed.

E) All of the above are areas in which change is often needed.

According to experts, innovation has which of the following characteristics? A) Innovating is an uncertain process. B) Innovation is knowledge-intensive. C) Innovation may be controversial. D) Innovation can be complex. E) All of the above are characteristics of innovation.

E) All of the above are characteristics of innovation.

Which of the following is a distortion in perception? A) stereotyping B) halo effect C) selective perception D) causal attribution E) All of the above are distortions in perception.

E) All of the above are distortions in perception.

A manager decides to use a contingency approach in determining the best kind of structure for her organization. Which of the following is a factor that she would consider? A) size B) environmental conditions C) technology D) life cycle E) All of the above are factors that she would consider.

E) All of the above are factors that she would consider.

Which of the following is a reason why an employee may be transferred? A) her skills are needed in another part of the organization B) retain her interest and motivation by being presented with a new challenge C) personal differences with her present boss D) broaden her experience E) All of the above are good reasons to transfer an employee.

E) All of the above are good reasons to transfer an employee.

Which of the following would be an indicator for an organization that change might be needed? A) excessive conflict between managers and employees B) job dissatisfaction C) high absenteeism D) unmet needs E) All of the above are indicators that change might be needed in the organization.

E) All of the above are indicators that change might be needed in the organization

Which of the following is considered, legally, to be an employment test? A) personality tests B) interviews C) application forms D) checking experience requirements E) All of the above are legally considered employment tests.

E) All of the above are legally considered employment tests.

Which of the following is a means for achieving integration? A) formal chain of command B) standardized rules and procedures C) use of cross-functional teams D) use of computer networks E) All of the above are means for achieving integration.

E) All of the above are means for achieving integration.

Which of the following is a positive way to stand out in a new job? A) get to know some people and listen to what they have to say B) be aware of the power of first impressions C) make it easy for others to give you feedback D) overdeliver E) All of the above are positive ways to stand out in a new job.

E) All of the above are positive ways to stand out in a new job.

Which of the following is a primary objective of OD? A) managing conflict B) revitalizing an organization C) adapting to a merger D) adapting to an acquisition E) All of the above are primary objectives of OD.

E) All of the above are primary objectives of OD.

Which of the following is a reason to fire an employee for cause? A) The employee breaks the law. B) The employee has sloppy work habits. C) The employee has excessive absenteeism. D) The employee interacts poorly with customers E) All of the above are reasons to fire an employee for cause.

E) All of the above are reasons to fire and employee for cause.

Which of the following is a reason why it is hard to bring the best evidence to bear on your decisions? A) The side effects outweigh the cure. B) There's too much evidence. C) Stories are more persuasive. D) You are trying to mislead you. E) All of the above are reasons why it is hard to bring the best evidence to bear on decisions.

E) All of the above are reasons why it is hard to bring the best evidence to bear on decisions.

Which of the following is a type of compensation? A) wages B) incentives C) benefits D) salaries E) All of the above are types of compensation.

E) All of the above are types of compensation.

Which of the following is a practice in creating a flexible workplace? A) job sharing B) telecommuting C) part-time work D) compressed workweeks E) All of the above can be used to create a flexible workplace.

E) All of the above can be used to create a flexible workplace.

Factors that can help make participative management (PM) work include which of the following? A) top management is continually involved B) employees are properly trained C) employees don't work in interdependent jobs D) PM is implemented with TQM E) All of the above choices are factors that can help make participative management work.

E) All of the above choices are factors that can help make participative management work.

Which of the following is part of PM (participative management)? A) process of involving employees B) setting goals C) making decisions D) solving problems E) All of the above choices are part of PM.

E) All of the above choices are part of PM.

Which of the following is a hindrance to perfectly rational decision making? A) information overload B) different priorities C) conflicting goals D) imperfect information E) All of the above hinder perfectly rational decision making.

E) All of the above hinder perfectly rational decision making.

Which of the following is a characteristic of innovation? A) It is uncertain. B) It may be complex. C) It may be controversial. D) People closest to it know the most about it. E) All of the above statements are characteristics of innovation.

E) All of the above statements are characteristics of innovation.

Which of the following statements about background information is true? A) The most prevalent distortion in a resume is lying about education. B) People sometimes attempt to cover gaps in employment history. C) People lie about their ages in their application information. D) Many employers don't give honest assessments of former employees. E) All of the above statements are true.

E) All of the above statements are true.

Which of the following is one of the Big 5 personality dimensions? A) Tolerance for ambiguity B) Openness to change C) Ability to see the big picture D) Openness to extremes E) Emotional stability

E) Emotional stability

__________ group activities around defined regional locations. A) Functional structures B) Product divisions C) Conglomerates D) Matrix organizations E) Geographic divisions

E) Geographic divisions

Research suggests that job enlargement affects job performance in which way? A) Job enlargement has a strong positive effect on job performance B) Job enlargement has a strong negative effect on job performance C) Job enlargement has a weak positive effect on job performance D) Job enlargement has a weak negative effect on job performance E) Job enlargement does not have a significant, lasting effect on job performance

E) Job enlargement does not have a significant, lasting effect on job performance

Which of the following statements about group decision making is true? A) Individuals are always better than groups in decision making. B) Groups are always better than individuals in decision making. C) Involving groups in decision making always increases individual performance. D) Groups are faster at making decisions. E) Managers should utilize groups in decision making on a selective basis.

E) Managers should utilize groups in decision making on a selective basis.

Which of the following statements about organizational culture is most true? A) It promotes social-system stability. B) It shapes behavior by helping employees make sense of their surroundings. C) It facilitates collective commitment. D) It can powerfully shape an organization's long-term success. E) Organizational culture can do all of the above.

E) Organizational culture can do all of the above.

Which of the following protects employees who raise accusations of fraud to a federal agency? A) Civil Rights Act B) COBRA C) Immigration Reform & Control Act D) ERISA E) Sarbanes-Oxley Act

E) Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Today, what is considered to be the ideal span of control? A) 1-3 subordinates B) 4-6 subordinates C) 7-10 subordinates D) 11-15 subordinates E) There is no consensus as to what is ideal.

E) There is no consensus as to what is ideal.

In which stage in the rational decision-making model do you evaluate the chosen solution's ability to take advantage of an opportunity? A) Stage 1 B) Stage 2 C) Stage 3 D) Stage 4 E) This is not part of the rational decision-making model.

E) This is not part of the rational decision-making model.

What cultural perspective assumes that the most effective cultures help organizations anticipate and adapt to environmental changes? A) strength perspective B) fit perspective C) strategic perspective D) conditional perspective E) adaptive perspective

E) adaptive perspective

Which of the following cultural perspectives leads to the highest long-term financial performance? A) strength perspective B) fit perspective C) strategic perspective D) conditional perspective E) adaptive perspective

E) adaptive perspective

Culture is transmitted to employees in several ways, most often through such devices as A) symbols. B) stories. C) heroes. D) rites and rituals. E) all of the above.

E) all of the above.

Organizational culture can be described as A) a system of shared beliefs and values. B) "social glue." C) an organization's personality. D) something that guides the behavior of organizational members. E) all of the above.

E) all of the above.

Organizations can help to make innovation happen by A) creating a culture that celebrates failure. B) supporting innovation with resources. C) rewarding successful innovations. D) rewarding R & D people in a similar way to salespeople. E) all of the above.

E) all of the above.

The core values of an organization are known as its A) symbolic culture. B) stories. C) rites and rituals. D) heroic culture. E) basic assumptions.

E) basic assumptions.

Which of the following is a way to reduce cognitive dissonance? A) change your beliefs B) change your self-efficacy C) decrease the importance of the consistent behavior D) find dissonant elements that outweigh the consonant ones E) belittle the importance of the inconsistent behavior

E) belittle the importance of the inconsistent behavior

In using reinforcement, a manager should A) avoid using punishment. B) reward both desired and undesired behavior. C) give all subordinates the same rewards to insure fairness. D) save rewards for weekly or monthly celebrations. E) clearly communicate the desired and undesired behavior.

E) clearly communicate the desired and undesired behavior.

When using punishment, a manager should A) ignore undesirable behaviors. B) save reprimands until the end of the workday. C) combine punishment with negative reinforcement. D) make sure that other employees see you punishing the offender. E) clearly communicate the undesired behavior.

E) clearly communicate the undesired behavior.

Passing the buck or procrastinating about a decision are examples of A) panic. B) relaxed avoidance. C) relaxed change. D) decreased involvement. E) defensive avoidance.

E) defensive avoidance.

Which of the following is a suggested strategy for reducing unhealthy stressors in organizations? A) rollout employee assistance programs B) recommend a holistic wellness approach C) create a supportive environment D) make jobs interesting E) do all of the above

E) do all of the above

Having just spent $1500 for a new engine for his old car, Raimundo now learns his transmission needs to be replaced. Raimundo decides to junk the car. Raimundo has avoided continuing the __________ bias. A) anchoring B) adjustment C) availability D) representativeness E) escalation of commitment

E) escalation of commitment

Radically innovative change involves ________ change in complexity, cost, and uncertainty. A) no B) somewhat low C) minimum D) moderate E) extreme

E) extreme

In Vernon's department at XYZ Company, employees get money based on how much the department has been able to save in costs. This is an example of a ____________ compensation plan. A) pay for performance B) pay for knowledge C) bonus D) profit sharing E) gainsharing

E) gainsharing

The purpose of the strategic human resource process is to A) establish the organization's vision. B) establish the grand strategy. C) formulate the strategic plans. D) plan the human resources needed. E) get optimal work performance to help realize company's mission and vision.

E) get optimal work performance to help realize company's mission and vision.

Fernando, a manager in a retail store, is changing the work schedule of his long-term employees for the holiday season. He is using the same basic schedule as he did last year. Fernando should expect that his employees will be A) terribly upset and quit. B) terribly upset but not quit. C) moderately upset and quit. D) moderately upset but not quit. E) hardly upset, or not upset at all.

E) hardly upset, or not upset at all.

The economic or productive potential of employee knowledge and actions is called A) economic capital. B) social capital. C) potential capital. D) productive capital. E) human capital.

E) human capital.

Placing information about job vacancies and qualifications in places in the organization where employees can see them such as bulletin boards is called A) job analysis. B) realistic job previewing. C) BARS. D) recruiting. E) job posting.

E) job posting.

In giving feedback to a subordinate, a manager should A) communicate her general impression of the subordinate. B) avoid giving negative feedback. C) deliver feedback through a one-way communication process . D) save giving feedback for annual or semi-annual formal appraisals. E) keep "diaries" about specific incidents of subordinates' performance.

E) keep "diaries" about specific incidents of subordinates' performance.

Apple is currently in what stage of its life cycle? A) birth stage B) maturity stage C) adolescent stage D) youth stage E) midlife stage

E) midlife stage

The application of negative consequences to stop or change undesirable behavior is called A) positive reinforcement. B) negative reinforcement. C) extinction. D) intrinsic motivation. E) punishment.

E) punishment.

When a manager says to a worker, "I'm docking your pay," the manager is using A) positive reinforcement. B) negative reinforcement. C) extinction. D) intrinsic motivation. E) punishment.

E) punishment.

The Jersey Office Supplies Company has decided to hire enough drivers to deliver products to their customers within one-half hour of when they are ordered. They believe that this practice will give them a significant advantage over the competition, which has not adopted such a practice. Jersey is introducing a(n) _________ change A) reactive B) proactive C) adaptive D) innovative E) radically innovative

E) radically innovative

Mel scheduled a special interview with Kasha before Kasha was hired, in which Mel painted a picture of both the positive and negative features of the job. Mel was performing a A) structured interview. B) unstructured interview. C) BARS. D) performance appraisal. E) realistic job preview.

E) realistic job preview.

During Lewin's "refreezing" stage, managers should A) make employees dissatisfied with the present way of doing things. B) give employees the tools for change. C) provide benchmarking results. D) reduce the barriers to change. E) reinforce the desired change in the employees.

E) reinforce the desired change in the employees.

Sue hired a successful employee from ABC University. She is convinced that hiring from ABC University in the future will produce the same level of success. This is an example of a (n) A) heuristic bias. B) professional effect. C) recency effect. D) availability bias. E) representativeness bias.

E) representativeness bias.

Which of the following is a possibility in an attempt to correct an action that is not working? A) change it dramatically B) drastically alter it C) decide immediately D) try the alternative one more time E) start over

E) start over

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