MGMT exam 3

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1. What are the two main ideas managers must remember from research on locus of control a. Internals and externals cannot work in the same department b. Internals and externals prefer different of structure and compliance c. Internals and externals respond to the same incentives d. Internals and externals respond to different types of rewards

-internals and externals prefer different or structure and compliance AND -internals and externals respond to different types of rewards

De-emphasizing or smoothing over a disagreement is: A. A form of forcing agreement B. A form of avoidance C. Never appropriate D. A good method to solve the disagreement E. All of the above

a form of avoidance

Which of the following is an example of one-way communication? A. A telephone conversation B. A videoconference C. A newscast D. A reading group E. Slow dancing

a newcast

When two or more companies jointly pursue specific new technology development by bringing together diverse skills and/or resources: A. Antitrust regulations have been violated B. A research partnership has been formed C. A competitive advantage has been realized D. Technology trading has occurred E. Licensing is involved

a research partnership has been formed

Paper Enterprises has begun a new system of allocating costs according to what they do, rather than what they spend. For example, labor expenses are allocated to employee tasks rather than salary and benefits. This practice is referred to as: A. Cost accounting B. Accounting auditing C. Activity based costing D. Task accounting E. Allocation costing

activity based costing

Bethany is writing a paper for her management class. She already has a strong A in the class, and only needs to get a C on the paper to keep her A. as she prepares the final version of the paper, she takes special care that the paper is well-written, insightful, and error-free, something that she can be proud of. Bethany is experiencing a) An intrinsic reward b) High equity c) A belongingness needs d) A hygiene factors

an intrinsic reward

The values of the various items the corporation owns are referred to as: A. Liabilities B. Owner's equity C. Assets D. Debt-equity ratio E. Cost analysis


Traditionally, boards have tried to control CEO performance mainly through: A. Salary schedules B. Base pay and incentive plans C. Bonuses tied to productivity D. Perks E. All of the above

base pay and incentive plans

The statement "I am never going to eat at this restaurant again" reflects the _______ component of an attitude a) Behavioral b) Decisional c) Cognitive d) Affective


XYZ Corporation is an organization where information is available as needed, moving quickly and easily enough so that the organization functions far better as a whole team than as separate parts. XYZ Corporation can best be described as which type of organization? A. Vertical B. Horizontal C. Downward D. Upward E. Boundary less

boundary less

The use of rules, regulations and authority to guide performance is referred to as: A. Clan control B. Bureaucratic control C. Market control D. Concurrent control E. Feedback control

bureaucratic control

Bruce Genero is a financial manager at Flavors, Inc., a lollipop manufacturer. One of his duties as manager is to provide a budget that shows the anticipated receipts and expenditures of his department. The budget also shows the amount of working capital available and the extent to which outside financing may be required. Bruce produces this budget after all other estimation is complete. Which type of budget is Bruce currently working on? A. Master budget B. Cash budget C. Cost production budget D. Production budget E. Sales budget

cash budget

Herman spends his lunch hour drinking beer in his car in the parking lot. This is an example of a ______ behavior a) Evaluating b) Discerning c) Counterproductive work d) Destructive work

counterproductive work

According to Thomas Friedman: A. Picking a good major is important because the future job market is stable B. People in China and India will not be in DIRECT competition for your jobs C. IQ is the most important trait you have on the job market D. Creativity and passion will make your jobs become "anchored" E. None of the above

creativity and passion will make your jobs become "anchored"

Championing new ideas and facilitating adaptability help promote novel changes to a company's capability set and might create changes that deviate from the corporate philosophy. These two roles are typically referred to as: A. Integrative roles B. Upward influence roles C. Divergent roles D. Downward influence roles E. None of the above

divergent roles

1. The ability to monitor your own feelings and those of others and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions is referred to as _______ a. Emotional stability b. Learned helplessness c. Emotional intelligence d. Openness to experience

emotional intelligence

Becky is known to favor some of her employees over others. For those she dislikes, she sometimes sets impossible performance goals so that they cannot possibly succeed. This is an example of: A. Positive reinforcement B. Negative reinforcement C. Punishment D. Extinction E. None of the above


Susan loves going to parties, where she talks to everyone there. Susan is probably high in a) Emotional stability b) Conscientiousness c) Extroversion d) Agreeableness


Which type of communication is the richest medium because it offers a variety of cues in addition to words? A. Face-to-face B. Two-way C. Pervasive D. Nonverbal E. Simple


At Precision Instruments, it was recently announced that all assembly workers are to arrive 15 minutes early for their shift in order to be outfitted in specialized gear that will reduce minute particles from the environment from entering products being assembled. Products are then assembled in a controlled environment. This requirement reflects _______ control. A. Feedback B. Feed forward C. Specialist D. Operator E. Concurrent

feed forward

Scanning is: A. Comparing an organization's practices and technologies with those of other companies B. Focused on current activities and technologies C. Focused on what can be done and what is being developed D. All of the above E. None of the above

focused on what can be done and what is being developed

1. Paulina believed that the new hires in her department were lazy to make use of the company's expert software system, but the new hires had not been adequately trained to make use of the system. This is an example of ___ a. Fundamental attribution bias b. Stereotyping c. Learned helplessness d. Self-serving bias

fundamental attribution bias

In Earl's department at Pencilchicken, INC. employees get money based on how much the department has been able to save in costs. This is an example of a ____ compensation plan a) Pay for performance b) Pay for knowledge c) Bonus d) Gainsharing


Patty prefers working alone is comfortable taking moderate risks and feels good when accomplishing a goal. Patty probably has a a) High need to achievement b) High need for affiliation c) High need for power d) Low need for achievement

high need to achievement

Coordination, conflict resolution and social support are all important functions of: A. Vertical communication B. Horizontal communication C. Downward communication D. Upward communication E. Staff communication

horizontal communication

Stan is constantly telling off-color jokes and using profanity in front of his administrative assistant. This could be considered a a) Difficult atmosphere b) Hostile work environment c) Intimidating surroundings d) Quid pro quo situation

hostile work environment

Liquidity ratios: A. Indicate the company's ability to pay short-term debts B. Include current ratios and debt-equity ratios C. Indicate management's ability to generate a financial return on sales or investment D. Include profitability and turnover ratios E. Include/indicate none of the above

indicate the company's ability to pay short-term debts

According to research, what was most cited as a barrier to team success? A. Ineffective communication B. Lack of role clarity C. Lack of trust D. Keeping morale high E. Lack of goal setting

ineffective communication

Which of the following statements is supported by equity theory? A. Inequity causes dissatisfaction B. Equity will result in an effort to restore balance C. If the ratios of outcomes/inputs are equivalent, people will be dissatisfied D. It is advisable for managers to compute the outcomes/inputs ratios in order to maintain equity E. None of the above

inequity causes dissatisfactioln

Last year, Dianna's boss promised her a big bonus is she met her goals. At the end of the year, after Diana had exceeded her goals, she found her bonus was very small. In the future, Diana's ____ will probably be _____ a) Valence; low b) Instrumentality; low c) Expectancy; low d) Expectancy; high

instrumentality; low

Chris Hale loves his job. It offers him the opportunity to meet lots of people, to work outdoors and to do things his own way. Chris has joked that he would be glad to do his job even if they didn't pay him but that he's sure glad they do! Chris' job appears to be: A. Intrinsically rewarding B. Unrealistic C. Extrinsically rewarding D. Satisfying his power need E. Overcompensated

intrinsically rewarding

Which of the following statements regarding Maslow's Need Hierarchy is NOT accurate? A. It is a simplistic and somewhat inaccurate theory of motivation B. It sensitized managers to the importance of personal growth C. It focuses managers' efforts on behavior inherent in the workplace D. It helps managers create effective positive rein forcers E. The concept of needs existing at varying levels is useful

it focuses managers' efforts on behavior inherent in the workplace

A firm doing an internal audit could assess: A. Its own financial stability B. Suppliers C. Potential partners D. Potential merger targets E. Potential acquisitions

its own financial stability

The job design in which workers are given more activities to perform and more discretion about how to perform them is called: A. Job enrichment B. Job rotation C. Job enlargement D. Job specialization E. Job exchange

job enrichment

Anti-lock brake systems are a well-established feature for automobiles, but still are not "standard equipment" in the industry. They would therefore be classified as a(n): A. Base technology B. Key technology C. Emerging technology D. Market technology E. Active technology

key technology

Rayford is head of the task force consisting of his peers from other departments in the organization. Rayford has a) High leader-member relations b) High task structure c) High position power d) Low position power

low position power

"Management myopia" is a condition that means: A. Managers lack motivation to reach their performance targets and in turn find it difficult to motivate subordinates B. Managers limit their focus to short-term profits at the expense of longer-term concerns C. By managers who find themselves unable to rise beyond a certain level in the organizational hierarchy D. Managers are promoted to their "level of incompetence" E. Managers find they cannot progress within an organization due to corporate downsizing/paring of middle management layers

managers limit their focus to short-term profits at the expense of longer-term concerns

Control based on the use of pricing mechanisms and economic information is referred to as: A. Clan control B. Market control C. Feedback control D. Feed forward control E. Bureaucratic control

market control

Empowerment encourages what set of beliefs among employees? A. Meaning, competence, self determination, impact B. Clarity, power, self confidence, punishment C. Information, knowledge, rewards D. Earning, refinement, understanding E. None of the above

meaning, competence, self-determination, impact

Art Kuene recently took two employees off probation because their performance had greatly improved. This action demonstrates: A. Positive reinforcement B. Negative reinforcement C. Punishment D. Extinction E. None of the above

negative reinforcement

When a manager stops nagging a subordinate, the manager is using a) Positive reinforcement b) Negative reinforcement c) Punishment d) Intrinsic motivation

negative reinforcement

Trust is based on Openness, Concern, Consistency and A. Fairness B. Justice C. Communication D. Personality Traits E. None of the above

none of the above

Luan is conducting a performance appraisal on Bill. The form her company uses asked her to list the objectives that she and Bill agreed to last year and indicate how well he met each objective. Luann's company is using a _______ system of performance appraisal a) Objective b) BARS c) Trait d) Informal


The system-wide application of behavioral science to organizational effectiveness is called: A. Organization strategy B. Organization systems C. Organization development D. Leadership E. None of the above

organizational development

Sebastian Stabilio just joined a team of people from throughout his organization whose primary task is to recommend valuable uses for the scrap generated in the manufacturing process. The team meets twice per week; otherwise members work within the usual organizational structure. The team, not permanent, which Sebastian has joined, would be considered a: A. Work team B. Working group C. Project group D. Project team E. Parallel team

parallel team

The process of receiving and interpreting information is known as: A. Perception B. Filtering C. Discussion D. Collaboration E. Dialogue


Changes that affect the methods of producing outputs are referred to as: A. Process innovations B. Product innovations C. Product technologies D. Process technologies E. None of the above

process innovations

An itemized financial statement of the income and the expenses of a company's operations is called: A. An income and expense statement B. A balance sheet C. A cash flow statement D. A financial ratio E. Profit and loss statement

profit and loss statement

Which of the following describes a product champion? A. Has the status, authority and resources to support an innovation B. Promotes a new technology throughout the organization C. Develops a new technology D. Coordinates the technological efforts of various business units E. Assesses technological implications

promotes a new technology throughout the organization

Eileen has developed and patented a new process for recycling plastic. A number of companies have expressed an interest in buying Eileen's company in order to gain access to the technology. Should Eileen sell her company, the buyer will have acquired technology via: A. Purchase B. A research partnership C. A joint venture D. A licensing agreement E. Contracted development


When a listener attempts to repeat and clarify what he or she believes another person is saying, the listener is: A. Back-listening B. Rambling C. Echo-listening D. Reflecting E. Applying therapy


A contribution of Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory is that it: A. Distinguishes between a need for power VS achievement B. Illustrates the difficulty of actually motivating workers C. Reminds managers to focus on intrinsic and extrinsic rewards D. Compounds the problems inherent in motivation theory E. Notes that job design is of little consequence to employee motivation

reminds managers to focus on intrinsic and extrinsic rewards

Alex compliments his co-worker joe on the great job he did on the weekly report, and then informs their mutual boss. Alex is using ____ power. a) Legitimate b) Referent c) Reward d) Punishment


Your boss expects you to stay late to cover the workload of a coworker who is out sick, but you are supposed to help your mother with some work on her house tonight. You are suffering from a) Role overload b) Role conflict c) Role ambiguity d) Burnout

role conflict

1. Learned helplessness is associated with which facet of a core self-evaluation a. Self-efficacy b. Emotional stability c. Self-esteem d. Locus of control


Autonomous workgroups in which workers are trained to do all or most of the jobs in a unit, have no immediate supervisor, and make decisions previously made by first-line supervisors are referred to as: A. Traditional workgroups B. Self-managed teams C. Autonomous workgroups D. Self-designing teams E. Virtual teams

self-managed teams

Jenna, a manager at Vision Express, needs to inform the research and development team that funding is to be cut for the next fiscal year. The best way to communicate information like this would be: A. Fax B. Newsletter C. Small Group Meeting D. Email E. None of the above

small group meeting

Which of these occurs when individuals believe that their contributions are not important, that others will do the work for them, that their lack of efforts will go undetected or that they will be the lone sucker who works hard while others don't? A. Social loafing B. Social integrating C. Social conflict D. Social facilitation effect E. Empowerment

social loafing

John is interviewing Bambi for a job opening at his accounting firm. He notices that she has several tattoos visible on both arms. He does not believe that people with tattoos can be good accountants. John is engaged in a) Counseling b) Stereotyping c) Behavioral interviewing d) Situational interviewing


Which of the following statements about roles within groups is FALSE? A. Roles are different sets of expectations of how various individuals should behave B. Different roles exist for different members of the group C. The formal group leader is appointed as a task specialist D. Task specialists keep the group moving toward its objective E. Team maintenance specialists strive to maintain harmony within the group

the formal group leader is appointed as a task specialist

Instrumentality is: A. The perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome B. The value that expected outcomes hold for the person contemplating them C. Motivational Force X Sum of (Instrumentalities X Valences) D. The perceived likelihood that employees' efforts will enable them to attain their performance goals E. Indirectly correlated with motivation

the perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome

When Jennifer concentrates on the significant deviations from established standards, she is using: A. Unreasonable control B. The principle of deviation C. Inefficient control D. The principle of exception E. Behavioral standards

the principle of exception

Managers who span structural holes are important because: A. It's important for top managers who know who their subordinates are B. They typically are the managers who are trustworthy C. They provide strategic leadership for the organization D. They connect otherwise unconnected groups E. All of the above

they connect otherwise unconnected groups

1. Why is it important to manage employees as individuals who have different personalities and circumstances? a. To increase employee's emotional intelligence b. To appear intimidating to employees c. To elicit respect from employees d. To influence the way employees behave

to influence the way employees behave

Jim, a manager uses rewards and discipline to motivate subordinates, but does this as a way of helping them reach their full potential. This is called a) Contingent leadership b) Transformational leadership c) Developmental consideration d) Democratic leadership

transformational leadership

Workgroups composed of multinational members whose activities span multiple countries are referred to as: A. Transnational teams B. Self-designing teams C. Quality circles D. Transformational teams E. None of the above

transnational teams

Realizing that current practices are inappropriate and that new behavior must be enacted is a required stage for managing resistance called: A. Freezing B. Unfreezing C. Span of management D. Refreezing E. Span of control


In developing new ideas into strategic initiatives, many organizational theorists would tell you that the key is to have a lot of: A. Trust B. Weak social ties C. Strong social ties D. Reward systems E. None of the above

weak social ties

Checking your e-mails is an example of which communication channel? A. Non-verbal B. Oral C. Electronic D. Passive E. Written


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