MGMT Final

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A performance appraisal, which includes an employee's peers or coworkers, subordinates, supervisors, and sometimes even clients, is called a ________ appraisal.


While providing effective performance feedback to an employee, which of the following is an effective approach for a manager?

Approach performance appraisal as an exercise in problem solving and solution finding.

A group of managers meets face-to-face and generates and debates a wide variety of alternatives from which to make a decision. What is this process of decision making called?


What type of leader exudes enthusiasm about his/her vision, and clearly communicates it to his/her subordinates?

Charismatic leader

Margaret, a marketing manager, wants to budget the advertising for a new product launch. She is trying to determine the amount of money that her company can afford to spend on advertising this new product. In the context of decision-making, which of the following criteria of alternative courses of action is Margaret implementing?

Economic feasibility

Which of the following stages in making organizational change includes benchmarking?

Evaluate the change

Which of the following refers to the invisible barriers that prevent minorities and women from being promoted to top corporate positions?

Glass ceiling

The theory that distinguishes needs related to the work itself from those related to the context of the work is ________.

Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory

Which of the following describes organizational performance that results in a product that customers want at a quality and price that they can afford?

High efficiency and high effectiveness

Which of the following describes organizational performance that results in a high-quality product that customers do not want?

High efficiency and low effectiveness

Roger, manager of Spike & Co., is a person with relatively high levels of positive mood at work. Predict the most likely condition of the subordinates under Roger.

Higher performance

Which of the following is a characteristic that distinguishes teams from groups?

Intensity with which members work together

What type of group is formed in order to encourage managers to institute flexible working hours?


Dorothy, who runs her own small business, treats all her employees, customers, and suppliers fairly, regardless of their age, gender, or ethnicity. Which of the following roles is Dorothy performing?


Which of the following best describes relationship-oriented leaders?

Leaders whose primary concern is to develop good relationships with their subordinates and to be liked by them

Which of the following happens in the conversion stage?

Managing problems as they occur

Close ties between the members of the group typically are formed during which stage of group development?


Which of the following refers to the amount of legitimate, reward, and coercive power that a leader has by virtue of his or her position in an organization?

Position power

Cameron, a plant manager, wants to initiate a diversity training program in his plant. He is considering whether his department has enough extra people to cover for the time his employees will be engaged in the classes. Which of the following criteria of decision making is Cameron implementing?


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, which of the following is the highest level of needs of workers?


________ is the degree to which individuals feel good about themselves and their capabilities.


What kind of leadership shows a strong desire to serve and work for the benefit of others?

Servant leadership

Which of the following describes first-line managers?

They are also known as supervisors.

What do managers do to regulate routine activities?

They establish rules and guidelines.

What type of manager openly shares information with his or her subordinates so they are aware of problems?

Transformational manager

A software firm is considering introducing a new product on the market. However, managers cannot estimate the probability of success for the new product. Which of the following best describes the situation?


Which of the following refers to the terminal and instrumental values that are guiding principles in an individual's life?

Value system

Which of the following is a likely result of loss of trust?

Withholding information becomes the norm to keep the stakeholders' interests safe.

A male manager stands, smiling, as a worker from another unit makes a remark to his female subordinate about her appearance that she considers to be sexually demeaning. This male manager has exhibited ________.

a hostile work environment

A manager changes jobs within an organization and moves to another job at the same level without any major changes in authority or responsibility. This is known as ________.

a lateral move

When managers pool or share their organization's resources and know-how with those of a foreign company, and the two organizations share the rewards or risks of starting a new venture in a foreign country, the two organizations are involved in ________.

a strategic alliance

The form of international expansion which gives an organization high potential return because the organization does not have to share its profits with a foreign organization, and it reduces the level of risk because the organization's managers have full control over all aspects of their foreign company's operations, is ________.

a wholly owned foreign subsidiary

A software firm has an opening for a software programmer. Jason, the HR manager, is making a list of all the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that make up a software programmer's job. He then lists the knowledge, skills, and abilities that a candidate should possess in order for him/her to perform the job. This is the process of developing a job ________.


The degree to which programmed solutions are available to people or functions to solve the problems they encounter is task ________.


With regard to the managerial function of leading in an organization with an innovative culture, managers ________.

are likely to lead by example, encouraging employees to take risks and experiment

People who tend to be sociable, outgoing, and friendly are said to ________.

be extraverts

If established organizations enjoy significant brand loyalty, a new entrant will ________.

bear huge costs to build customer awareness of its products

The leadership substitutes model suggests that under certain conditions managers do not have to play a leadership role ________.

because members of an organization sometimes can perform at a high level without a manager exerting influence over them

The relative authority that each manager in the organization has from the CEO down to the lowest-level manager is called the ________.

chain of command

An enthusiastic, self-confident leader who is able to clearly communicate his/her vision of how good things could be is known as a ________.

charismatic leader

The control that is imposed on workers within the organization by the shared values, norms, standards of behavior, and expectations is ________ control.


Companies with an inert culture ________.

closely supervise their employees within a hierarchical system

Sharon is working as a shift manager at XT, Inc. She has a high degree of loyalty toward her organization and is proud of what the organization stands for. Sharon is likely to have organizational ________.


The collection of feelings and beliefs that managers have about their organization as a whole is known as organizational ________.


A manager who is effectively managing diversity in the disseminator role would ________.

communicate to employees about diversity policies

As group size increases, ________.

communication becomes more difficult

Vlanco Electronics and Highway Computers both make laptop computers in the same price range for the European market. Thus each would see the other as a ________.


It is easier to obtain customers and keep prices high in a task environment where there are few ________.


The corporate-level strategy that becomes appropriate when managers see the need to reduce the size of their organizations to increase performance is ________.

concentration on a single industry

The ability to analyze and diagnose a situation and to distinguish between cause and effect demonstrates a manager's ________ skills.


What is the main problem with the matrix structure's dual reporting relationship?

conflicting demands can arise

Organizations can keep their hierarchy flat by ________.

decentralizing authority

Today in most industrialized nations, as a consequence of falling birth and death rates, the absolute number of older people has increased substantially. This is an example of ________ change.


Organizational ________ is the process by which managers create an organizational structure and culture that helps a company operate in the most efficient and effective way.


When PepsiCo purchased Frito-Lay and expanded its operations into the snack-food business, it was pursuing a ________ strategy.


The units of Zach, Ltd. are grouped together such that the functions that work together to produce a product are grouped together. This is an example of a(n) ________ structure.


The cost advantages that are associated with large operations are known as ________.

economies of scale

A leader's level of emotional intelligence may play a particularly important role in leadership ________.


A measure of the appropriateness of the goals that managers have selected for the organization to pursue and the degree to which the organization achieves those goals is ________.


The process of giving all employees the authority to make decisions and be responsible for their outcomes is known as ________.


An individual who looks for opportunities and is aware of mobilizing the resources required for producing new and improved goods and services is called a(n) ________.


By granting promotions and recognizing accomplishments of an employee, a manager can satisfy the ________ need of the employee at work.


A worker in an automobile assembly line who chooses his/her work because of the job security it entails is said to be ________.

extrinsically motivated

Hanover Insurance set up a management information system that gives its regional managers information about changes in the task environment that may affect the organization at some future time. By using this system, Hanover is utilizing ________ control.


A group of managers spend a great deal of time ensuring that they agree on important issues instead of working toward an accurate assessment of the situation. This scenario describes ________.


When managers of an organization treat their subordinates with dignity and respect and are polite and courteous, the interpersonal justice is ________ and motivation is ________.

high; high

In Herzberg's motivation theory, needs that are related to the physical and psychological context in which the work is performed are known as ________.

hygiene needs

Family, friends, personality, and experience are sources of ________ ethics.


Every year on the Saturday prior to Christmas, Smart Enterprises holds its annual holiday party. This is an example of a rite of ________.


When a manager shares information with subordinates in such a way that they become aware of problems and the need for change, and in turn, take ownership and view problems as challenges, the manager has engaged in ________.

intellectual stimulation

Steven is an effective and efficient manager. However, he is quite pessimistic and avoids social interactions. Steven can be classified as an ________.


Barbara is the dean of the College of Business. She enjoys the pace of her work and the feeling of accomplishment she gets when she is able to initiate a new program to help students. The salary she receives is attractive and allows her to travel abroad on her vacations. Barbara ________.

is both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated

Regarding organizational effectiveness, the best level of cohesiveness in groups ________.

is moderate

The Pizza Man combined the jobs of "chef" and "food server" into a single job description. The Pizza Man implemented ________.

job design

Managers can increase their ability to make nonprogrammed decisions that will allow them to adapt to, modify, and even drastically alter their task environments so that they can continually increase organizational performance through organizational ________.


In companies that have an adaptive culture, employees are ________.

likely to have long-term career paths to follow

The financial ratio that measures the ability of the organization to pay its short-term debts is the ________ ratio.


At Cosmeto & Co., Pat is assigned to a team to develop a new kind of shampoo. He reports to both the marketing manager and the personal care product manager. The organization is pursuing a ________ organizational structure.


When designing an organization, if managers are grouped both by function and by product at the same time, the organizational structure being used is the ________ structure.


The managers of Foodex, a fast food restaurant, record outputs on a daily basis by counting how many customers their employees serve, the time each transaction takes, and how much money each customer spends every day. With reference to the control process, the managers of Foodex are ________.

measuring the actual level of performance of employees

Norms that are central to the functioning of a society and whose violation brings serious retribution are known as ________.


Prior to designing a training and development program for managers, a human resource specialist attempts to determine which managers require training and what types of skills and knowledge these managers require to develop. This process is known as ________.

needs assessment

When a manager lays out the lines of authority and responsibility among different individuals and groups, the manager is ________.


A large publishing company contracts with a freelance writer for the task of copyediting a new manuscript, instead of hiring a full-time copyeditor. This is an example of ________.


Being a part of top management at a large fast food chain, Donald is most likely to spend more of his time in ________.

planning and organizing resources

When workers in a society become wealthy and pass their wealth to their children, thereby increasing the gap between the rich and the poor in that society, the society is said to have high ________.

power distance

When making an ethical decision, asking the questions "Would my family members and friends approve of this decision, and am I willing to see the decision communicated to all people and groups affected?" is part of the ________ rule.


The utilitarian rule states that an ethical decision ________.

produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people

The performance ratio that measures the efficiency of the organization in terms of how well the resources of the organization have been used to generate profit is a(n) ________ ratio.


People experiencing overpayment inequity are most likely to ________.

raise their perceptions of their own inputs

Organizational structure is the formal system of ________.

reporting relationships

An outcome which satisfies motivator needs is ________. c


When managers know the possible outcomes of a decision and can assign probabilities to each of these outcomes in terms of their likelihood of occurrence in the future, this is known as ________.


A manager of a group encourages members of the group to take on additional responsibilities as they see the need. This is an example of ________.

role making

A formal, written guide to action for employees in an organization is known as a ________.


Paul sets a goal of completing the design for a new display box for a major customer by the end of the week. He decides to reward himself by playing golf over the weekend if he is able to complete the project on time. This is an example of ________.


With regard to the managerial function of controlling in an organization that has a conservative culture, managers ________.

set specific, difficult goals for employees, frequently monitor progress toward these goals, and develop a clear set of rules that employees are expected to adhere to

A society that emphasizes "living for the moment" is said to have ________.

short-term orientation

All of the job applicants for a sales position are asked "What would you do when a customer complains that it takes too long to receive service?" This type of question is known as a(n) ________ interview question.


The extent to which a job requires the worker to use a wide range of knowledge and abilities is known as ________.

skill variety

Individuals who pursue opportunities to address social problems and needs in order to improve society and well-being, such as reducing poverty, are known as ________.

social entrepreneurs

The tendency of group members to exert less effort when they work in groups than they would exert if they were acting alone is known as ________.

social loafing

A written set of instructions which describes the series of actions that a manager should take in a specific situation is known as a ________.

standing operating procedure

The members of a task force have disagreements because some members do not want to do what some of the other members want them to do. This stage of group development is known as ________.


Managers at Dimensions, Inc., analyze the current situation of their organization and then develop plans to help their organization accomplish its mission and achieve its goals. This is known as ________.

strategy formulation

A formal system of reporting relationships that coordinates and motivates organizational members so that they work together to achieve organizational goals is called an organizational ________.


In terms of group performance, the idea that "the whole is more than the sum of its parts" is the fundamental point in the concept of ________.


Procter & Gamble uses a joint sales force to sell both its laundry detergent products and its bath soap products to the same supermarket chains. This is an example of ________.


The idea that one level of learning affects other levels is part of the ________ principle of creating a learning organization.

systems thinking

A tax that a government imposes on goods imported into the country is known as a(n) ________.


Steffie has requested a week's leave to be with her mother, who is very ill. Her manager refuses to grant her the leave even though Steffie is aware that this would result in a loss of pay and she is agreeable to it. If her manager does not grant Steffie leave, the employer is violating ________.

the Family and Medical Leave Act

For a company planning to enter a task environment or industry, the greater the economies of scale within that task environment, ________.

the higher will be the barriers to entry

Top managers in a company decide between themselves to implement an employee stock ownership plan for all their employees. This is an example of a company taking a ________.

top-down approach to promote adaptive culture

An appraisal that focuses on relatively enduring human characteristics but that is difficult for employees to use to improve their performance is called a ________ appraisal.


A manager assesses a subordinate on personal characteristics that are relevant to the job performance of that subordinate. This is known as ________.

trait appraisal

A person's confidence and faith in another person's goodwill is called ________.


The creation of a new vision for a struggling company based on a new approach to planning and organizing to make better use of a company's resources and allow it to survive and prosper is ________ management.


When only one central, guiding plan is put into operation to achieve an organizational goal, the organization is experiencing ________.


When an organization enters a new type of industry, which is not similar in any way to the current businesses of the organization, it is engaged in ________.

unrelated diversification

To help managers and employees make ethical decisions and behave in ways that benefit their stakeholders, they can use four ethical rules or principles to analyze the effects of their business decisions on stakeholders, the ________ rules.

utilitarian, moral rights, justice, and practical

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