MGMT Final

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Leadership Styles of Three: Dimension Theory of Leadership

-*Authoritarian leadership style*: leaders are central authority figures who retain high degree of control and power over followers. -*Democratic leadership style*: leaders and followers make decisions together. -*Laissez-faire leadership style*: best characterized by leaders who are not involved with team's decision making.

Three Important Differences Between CMC & FTF

-*CMC teams communicate less and share less information* than FTF teams. -When *completing tasks where a correct answer exists*, *CMC teams underperform* FTF teams. -*CMC teams predict the success* of their decisions better.

Good Intercultural Communicator

-*Cannot be ethnocentric*: your way is not the only way -*Nondefensive* -*Curious*: travel is hyperstimulating; be brave, not stupid -*Empathetic*: understand others; connect with others -*Understanding*: you may be struggling, but so are they -*Patient*: with yourself and cut yourself slack -*Industrious* -Genuinely *Personable*: project warmth and be someone others want to do business with

Transformational Leadership Components

-*Charismatic*. -Followers seek to *identify with leader* and *emulate* him or her. -Leadership *inspires* followers with *challenge and persuasion*. -Leadership is *intellectually stimulating*. -Leadership is *individually considerate*.

"Big Five" Personality Factors

-*Extroversion*. -*Agreeableness*. -*Conscientiousness*. -*Emotional stability*. -*Openness to experience*.

Intercultural Myths

-*Global Village*: "one big happy family" -*Universality*: "we are all the same under the skin" -Yes, there are common threads between people, but culture is different everywhere you go so there are significant differences

Use and Value of Teams in the Effective Organization

-*Group communication* is one of *most common* methods of communication within *organizations*.

Effective Teams Receive Periodic Training

-*Group productivity* can be *improved* when *group training* is *improved*. -Especially important for virtual teams. -*Virtual teams* also *need training* in *information and communication technologies*. -*New members* should be given *complete record* of *team's past history*. -*Training can dispel prejudices* people have about teams.

Ways People Differ

-*Hofstede*: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity -National cultures are different, which needs to be understood in order to understand the country

Effective Teams Question Assumptions and Opinions

-*Ineffective groups* tend to *accept opinions and assumptions without adequately evaluating them*. -*Effective teams question opinions and assumptions* expressed by group members.

Trait Anxiety (Communication Anxiety)

-*Internal anxiety* individual brings to speaking situation. -*Fewer people experience this*, known as communication apprehension. -*Both learned and inborn*. -When *learned*, may: feel that *you are different* from and *less effective* than most other speakers, have *history of negative speaking experiences*, & consider yourself *inferior* to others. -*Inborn trait ->Communibiology*: some feel *biology* is only one of several factors causing anxiety and anxious individuals *can learn to control their anxiety*. -Manage anxiety: *professional assistance* (positive imagery- visualization- to become confident speakers, we must think of ourselves as confident), *courses or workshops*, *relaxation with deep breathing*, *cognitive restructuring self-talk*, & *skills training*. -Widest possible combination of methods is often most effective in reducing communication apprehension. -When using positive imagery also add at least one of other methods for reducing anxiety.

Democratic Leader

-*Leaders and followers make decisions together*. -Similar to *human resources model*, *Theory Y*, and *open communicator style*. -Advantages: *motivation*, *initiative*, & *creativity*. -Disadvantages: tasks take *longer to accomplish*. -Level of use *increasing*. -One way to reduce resistance is to *allow employees to share their ideas* in small teams to take part in deciding how change is to take place. -People who have been *involved in decision* are much *more likely to abide by it*. -Good choice when *member satisfaction* and *personal commitment* are *crucial*. -Works best when: *greater employee satisfaction needed*, *group commitment is needed* for implementation, *tasks* are *complicated* and require *lengthy discussion*, *increased productivity is needed*, & *reduced resistance* to change is sought.

Three Categories of Groups

-*Learning* groups. -*Self-maintenance* groups. -*Problem-solving* groups.

Minimizing Effects of Dysfunctional Behaviors

-*Plan* your *opening* remarks carefully. -If you know ahead of time a person with potentially dysfunctional behavior will be present, *seat person next to leader*. -*Avoid direct eye contact* with anyone performing dysfunctional behaviors. -Assign dysfunctional members *specific tasks* to keep them *occupied*. -Ask members to speak in a *specific order*. -When person who is displaying nonfunctional behavior stops to take a break, *break in*. -Place extremely *talkative member between two quiet members*. -*Encourage withdrawers*. -Give *praise* and *encouragement*.

Advantages of Group Decision Making

-*Resistance* to change is *reduced*. -*Group decisions* are *superior* to, and *more accurate* than, individual decisions. -*Decisions are better* and may be *more readily accepted*. -*Personal satisfaction* and *job morale* are *greater*. -*Hostility* and *aggression* are *reduced*. -*Productivity* is *increased*. -*Responsibility for decision* is *diffused*.

Possibly Preventing Sexual Harassment

-*Review organization's policies on harassment*. -Project a *friendly but professional image of a person who won't put up with harassment*. -*Confront your harasser* in an assertive manner. -*Document incidents* of harassment. -*Report* the incident to an immediate supervisor or human resources department. -*Weigh consequences* of further action.

Virtual Meetings

-*Select team* members carefully. -*Avoid micromanagement*. -Provide *detailed training*. -Encourage *regular and extensive communication*.

Definition of a Small Group

-*Small* number of people. -*Face-to-face* interaction. -Actively working together toward *common goal*.

Butler Interview

-*Sutter Health* -Need to have someone understand how *technology* plays a role in health -*Electronic Health Record*: Automated system to avoid paper based transactions, implemented to ensure patient safety -*Paper to Pixels* -*To Error is Human*: we hurt, harm, kill our patients unintentioally -*5 Rights*: medication, person, process, etc. now automated -Ensures that people get the right medication -Support System, not Artificial Intelligence -Compares to how Amazon will recommend other products based on how customers like you look/buy at similar products -*Evidence Based Medicine*: More data when choosing medicine for someone; computer runs through the data base and looks for people with the exact same symptoms -*Change Management*: Train to adapt, not override & human factor must be respected -*Google Glass*: Person in another room observing what is going on -*The Patient will See you Now* -Basic computer skills are critical now -Helping Senior Mgmt: biggest challenges; so much data that they are not there yet

Hull Interview

-*Sutter Health*: community based health care organization -Practices emergency medicine -Medical specialties will have their own culture and archetype: surgeons are detail oriented & E.R. physicians are more compulsive -*Chaos Factor*: E.R. is chaotic to outside observers, not the doctors -*Team-Building Process*: Cannot always select because mostly given. Must make the most of the selected E.R. team, which consists of the physician (must communicate well/openly & sets the tone for what will occur), nurse, technician, the patient are the core, and all working together. -Team can be casual or extremely focused -Trouble building right teams when thinking everything is a crisis -*Personality Types* in E.R. work: nurses and physicians tend to be able to manage variability well, like excitement, differences every day -Younger nurses often attracted to E.R. and told to get experience somewhere else first -Leader of Team: No one communication style -*How to have a Team Come Together Faster*: need to do everything you can to up your own emotional intelligence, engage in key players to know what they are about, understand what role you need to play -Norms: set around patient experience and what they may require -*Feedback*: necessary and provided in a global/general fashion so it doesn't seem overly judgemental -Process > team individual -*Just Culture*: what are people doing, what can we do to support them, how can we identify less than perfect care, how do we communicate that appropriately to the individual and organization, how can we all learn from that to work toward perfect -Students judgmental in a team -No debriefing

Effective Teams Avoid Groupthink

-*Uncritical* way of thinking. -Often *characteristic of groups* in which *desire to avoid conflict* and *reach agreement* is *more important* than *careful consideration of alternatives*.

Instant Messages (IM)

-Advantages when using in an organization: *increased access* to and *faster retrieval of information*, *avoiding phone tag*, & can *communicate with several people at same time*. -Disadvantages: *Expectation of instantaneous reply*, *errors* due to casual and short messages, vulnerability to *viruses*, *loss of confidentiality*, & *lack of records* kept for later use.


-Advantages: *fast retrieval of information* & *social uses* (hobbies, recreational activities, etc.). -Social use: *employees learned to use system more rapidly*, *social contacts became valuable in later work tasks*, *quality of work life improved*, & *creativity enhanced*. -Disadvantage: *messages not private *and may live as long as *"five years in someone's backup file or memory bank"*. -Disadvantage: according to *Electronic Communications Privacy Act*, *legal to view disclosed personal electronic communication* if "ready accessible" to public. -Disadvantage: *usually brief and informal* so senders often do not give them same care they would give to letter or memo. -Disadvantage: "Tone" *may cause anger*.

Effective Teams Operate Virtually

-All communication skills are just as important in communicating with virtual teammates as in face-to-face situations.

Situational Contingency Theory of Leadership

-Approach to leadership is to *adapt situation* and *contingencies involved*. -You would weigh style you are most *comfortable* with, *needs and expectations of group*, the *situation*, and *goals of group*. -*Situation* may be *primary factor* that dictates most effective leadership style. -Leadership depends on *power of the leader*, *nature of the task*, and *relationship between leader and team members*. -If *react fairly negatively to coworkers you least like*, you are *low LPC leader/authoritarian* who is *more task oriented* than relationship oriented. -If you *react positively to coworkers you least like*, you are *high LCP leader/democratic* who is *more interested in relationships* than tasks. -*Low LPC leadership* is *more effective* at two extremes: when *leader is powerful*, *task well defined*, *relations are good* & when *leader has little power*, *task is poorly structured*, and *leader is disliked*. -*High LPC leadership* is *more effective* when: *leader has some power*, is *moderately liked*, and *task is somewhat vague*.


-Behavior related -Show of wealth displayed -House and bank account size


-Behavior related -Who you are as a person -People of substance, wisdom valued

Laissez-Faire Leadership Style

-Best characterized by *leaders* who are *not involved* with team's *decision making*. -This style of leadership tends to result in *low level of group productivity* and *poor member satisfaction*. -Only group of *highly trained*, *highly motivated experts* excel with this nonleader.

Effective Teams Evaluate Solutions by Comparing Them to Criteria

-Best way to *evaluate a possible solution* is to *compare* it to *predetermined criteria* and *look for consequences* for *adopting the solution*. -Both *effective and ineffective groups weigh possible alternatives*, *effective teams more thorough* in considering *consequences* of each alternative.

The Basic Problem-Solving Procedure

-Both leader and team members should be trained in this. -*Problem-solving*: procedure that groups use to move from current problem to desired solution and goal. -*Decision making*: act of choosing among alternatives.

How to Avoid Groupthink

-Bring in *outside experts*. -Ask all members to be *critical evaluators*. -Keep *personal opinions to self* until others have expressed their opinions. -*Occasionally miss a meeting* and allow someone else to lead. -Impress on the group importance of *looking at many options*. -Once tentative solution has been reached, give members *second chance to rethink* their choice.

Communicator Anxiety

-Can be an *obstacle to effective communication* in work environment. -Technology age plays conflicting role. -*Online people feel less anxiety about sharing personal information*. -So much online communication is giving people *less practice communicating face-to-face*. -The higher a supervisor's anxiety, the less potentially important information employees receive. -People who experience high level of communication anxiety are at a disadvantage when compared with more talkative, outgoing employees. -Hearing-impaired people experience communication anxiety. -Not all cultures express same levels of communicator anxiety.

Situational/State Anxiety (Communication Anxiety)

-Caused by factors in *specific situation*. -*Feeling nervous prior to new communication situation* is normal. -Our body's *nervous system prepares us* for action with shot of adrenaline. -Should be *grateful* for this boost from our nervous system. -People who *view increase as normal excitement* necessary for dynamic job of communicating find their anxiety becomes *manageable*. -Poor communicators who *view physical reactions with fear* often find anxiety becomes *worse*. -Stay in control: *prepare and practice*, *warm up*, *use deep breathing*, *use an introduction that will relax you*, *concentrate on communicating your meaning*, & *use visual aids*.

Trait Theory of Leadership

-Claims a person must have *certain traits* to become a *leader*. -Successful leaders are more likely to be *ambitious*, *fair-minded*, *inspiring*, *empathetic*, *trustworthy*, *motivated to lead*, *self-confident*, able to *integrate large amounts of information*, *knowledgeable* about their industry and of technical matters, *creative*, and able to *adapt to people and situations*. -Most experts believe good leaders are not born, they are *trained*.

Function Theory of Leadership

-Claims there are *certain functions or roles* that must be performed if group is to be successful. -Any time you perform one of these roles, you are *leader for that period of time*. -Leadership may be defined as *use of power* to *promote goal accomplishment* and *maintenance of group*.

Commitment and Preparation

-Committed member: one who devotes time and energy to team by faithful attendance and supporting team's final decision. -Effective team members also prepare carefully for each meeting.

Step 6: Select the Best Alternative (The Basic Problem-Solving Procedure)

-Decision can be made by: *consensus, compromise, or vote*. -Discuss how to implement the best alternative. -Team has completed decision-making process and is *ready to report* all recommendations to appropriate person(s) or, if the group has the power, to *initiate the implementation*. -It is important to *follow up* on the implementation and keep *record of successes and failures*.

Elaboration Likelihood Model

-Describes how people *evaluate arguments*. -Either use *central route* and take time to *thoroughly consider argument*. -Or use the *peripheral route* and are *distracted by secondary cues*. -Even though *CMC teams exchange less information and fewer messages*, make up for it by *carefully and critically evaluating using central route*. -*FTF teams* are more likely to allow *secondary cues* from presenter *distract* them.

Transformational Leadership

-Do *more than* develop a vision. -They *articulate a strategy* for bringing that *vision to life*. -The transformational leader has *undeniable charisma*. -These leaders are *able to improve performance* at all levels. -Not all charismatic leaders are *ethical* (unethical charismatics).

Task Roles

-Functions that *must be performed* if group is to accomplish its *task* or *solve its problem*. -Stressed more by *traditional/classical manager*. -Group roles: *initiate*, *give information*, *seek information*, *give opinions*, *seek opinions*, *elaborate*, *energize*, *review*, & *record*.

Maintenance Roles

-Functions that *must be performed* to *maintain interpersonal relationships* and *harmony of group*. -Stressed more by *human relations manager*. -Group roles: *encourage*, *harmonize*, *relieve tension*, & *gatekeep*.

Classic Mistakes

-German Translation: "Come Alive From The Grave"

Vague Instructions

-Giving and receiving instructions is *weakness in many organizations*. -With so many different technologies to use, communicating skill in giving instructions even more important. -Many of are easily misunderstood due to *lack of preparation*. -In some cases, we give confusing instructions even when we prepare instructions ahead of time.


-Greetings must be understood -Dress appropriately -Space: interpersonal, social, etc -Touch -Posture: presenting authority accurately -Gestures: positive gesture here may not be there -Time: monochronic vs polychronic -Food: eat the damn food when in another country; highly connected to a culture -Gifts: US has anti-corruption laws -Sexism: mental toughness needed to work past it

Effective Teams are Well Prepared and Organized

-Groups following an *organized procedure* are *more productive*. -Not all groups follow same procedures. -Although *effective groups* tend to move toward a solution in a *linear fashion*, *actual process* appears to be accomplished in a *cyclical manner*. -Aren't overly rigid.

Step 3: Establish a Checklist of Criteria (The Basic Problem-Solving Procedure)

-Guidelines group agrees to follow to reach solution. -Types of criteria: *task* criteria, *operational* criteria, *must* criteria, & *want* criteria. -Criteria should not be established before step 2. -Whether criteria should be established before or after step 4 is difficult to say. -Research produced conflicting answers. -Advisable to establish criteria before listing alternatives in following situations: if task is *complex*, if topic is *emotional or involves value judgments*, or if team members have *little or no problem-solving experience*. -Use criteria effectively by *listing all possible criteria* & *evaluating each criterion* to determine its importance or unimportance.


-Happens when *we assume a word has same meaning for other people* that it does for us. -*Managers and employees* often have *different meanings for same words*. -*Cultural differences* also cause these problems. -Happens when people have different words for same meaning. -To prevent: *managers and employees should ask for feedback from one another to determine what each really means*.

Power Distance

-How willing people are accepting the hierarchical structure -US: prefers flat

Symptoms of Teams Guilty of Groupthink

-Illusion of invulnerability. -Shared stereotypes. -Rationalization. -Illusion of group morality. -Self-censorship. -Illusion of unanimity. -Direct pressure. -Mind guarding.

Electronic Meetings

-Important communication avenues. -Study of telecommuters found many *"felt sense of loss akin to grief at job loss"*. -Not only do *telecommuters need information*, they also *need involvement* to feel more a part of company. -Encourage face-to-face or electronic meetings. -Videoconferencing used by multiple-location companies to communicate with employees. -Characteristics of videoconferencing: discussants show *less emotion* and experience *less conflicts*, participation is more *organized and orderly*, *decision-making quality generally equal to face-to-face*, *participation more equal*, & discussants find *videoconferencing less satisfying*.

Sexual Harassment in History

-In *1980*, it became *violation of Title VII of Civil Rights Act*. -In *1991*, an *amendment to Title VII* entitled *employees* to *monetary damages*. -In *1998*, U.S. Supreme Court ruled *same-sex *harassment also governed by *Title VII*. -In *2000*, *educational institutions became liable* for sexual harassment of students.

Sexual Harassment

-In technology age, this has moved *online* as well. -Definition includes two basic concepts: *quid pro quo* (something for something) & *hostile work environment*. -Since *Civil Rights Act of 1964*, it has been *unlawful* in United States to *discriminate* in hiring on basis of *sex*. -*Judged by its effects on recipient*, not by intentions of harasser. -Courts use *reasonable person rule*. -There has been a *gender problem* in applying this rule to sexual harassment.


-Knowledge, beliefs, values, customs, moral attitudes of a society in which one matures -Helps people understand what they can expect from a society and vise versa

Authoritarian Leader

-Leaders are *central authority figures* who retain *high degree of control* and *power over followers*. -Similar to *traditional organization model*, *Theory X*, and *blind communication style*. -Advantages: *team reaches solution quickly*, often makes *few errors*, & gets *more work accomplished* than groups. -Disadvantages: members may *develop a dependence on leader* & members tend to *display more discontent and even hostility*. -Level of use is *declining*. -Works best when: group *agreement is not required*, group is very *large*, *time* for decision is *short*, & *tasks fairly simple*.

Face-to-Face Meetings

-Leaders must *inform everyone* involved *when and where* all *meetings are to take place*. -Must *select place* for meeting that will be *conducive to effective discussion*. -Must *check facilities a few minutes before meeting* to see that *everything needed is in place*. -Must *welcome people* as they come in. -Must *start and end meetings on time*. -Must *preview and stick to agenda*. -Must make sure *secretary/recorder is present*. -Must *encourage discussion*. -Must *ask questions skillfully*. -Must *listen carefully to all comments*. -Must *summarize*. -Must see to other necessary *task and maintenance functions*. -Must *thank participants and audience*. -Must make sure all people in organization who need results of meeting are *properly informed*.

Step 4: List Possible Alternatives (The Basic Problem-Solving Procedure)

-List as many as are feasible within your team's time and budget limitations. -All evaluations must be postponed until step 5. -*Brainstorming*: spontaneous contribution of ideas by all members of team. -Basic guidelines: *avoid negative feedback*, *strive for longest list possible*, *strive for creative and unusual ideas*, & try to *build from previously mentioned ideas*. -Brainstorming works best when team *members are outgoing and enjoy being creative*. -*Less effective when some group members are afraid to talk* because of real or perceived group pressures. -*Electronic brainstorming*: ideas are generated individually by *typing* them and sending them electronically. -*Nominal Group Technique*: gives all team members *equal chance* to participate. -*Nominal Group Technique used for generating ideas*: ideas are *silently generated* by each individual & ideas are *recorded*. -*Nominal Group Technique used for decision making*: ideas are *silently generated* by each individual, ideas are *recorded*, each idea is *discussed for clarification*, & each member privately selects *top preferred items* and *ranks them* according to importance. -Combination of brainstorming and NGT may be effective.

Second Language

-Master the language of the country if you're there longer than 2-3 months at a time -Always learn the culture when in another country

Low Context

-Much is explained -School: book, slides, videos, review all provided

Step 2: Research and Analyze the Problem (The Basic Problem-Solving Procedure)

-Need or else teams will arrive at unsound solutions. -Can have problems if discussions are disorganized. -*List all topics* that must be *researched and discussed*. -*Gather needed information*. -*Discuss the information and opinions* for each topic in an *organized* manner. -To organize team's discussion, *select topic to be discussed*, give all *members a chance to cite their research* on topic, *ask if anyone has anything further to say*, *summarize* the group's findings on the topic, & *state the next topic* to be discussed and *repeat* preceding steps.

Effective Teams Manage Cultural Diversity

-Not all cultures view or solve problems in the same way. -Multicultural group advantages: *members less susceptible to groupthink* & *more likely to produce creative range of alternatives*. -Multicultural groups should: *recognize differences*; *elect members* for their *task-related abilities*; find a *purpose, vision, or superordinate goal*; *avoid cultural dominance*; develop *mutual respect* for each other, & seek a *high level of feedback*.

Step 1: Define the Problem (The Basic Problem-Solving Procedure)

-Often *omitted* because *team members assume everyone knows what problem is*. -Discuss the problem's *symptoms, seriousness, and impact*. -Write the problem in *question form* because written in a manner that *allows for widest range of answers*, *specific* rather than general, *specific about who should act*, & written in an *unbiased* manner. -Questions of *fact*: team tries to determine whether something is true. -Questions of *value*: team tries to assess desirability of object, idea, person. -Questions of *policy*: team tries to arrive at specific course of action. Define any *confusing* & *ambiguous terms*.

Sexual Harassment and E-mail

-Organizations need to prepare themselves for potential *problems by developing strong policies and procedures* regarding use of *e-mail and the Internet*, as well as *dealing with sexual harassment*. -It is *responsibility of employer* to provide *safe workplace*, *free of sexual harassment*. -Having procedures in place is *not always enough*.

Facebook and Twitter

-Organizations use as communication tools for *marketing* and *relationship-building*. -Changed the way people search for jobs and send resumes. -Changed way companies search for potential job applicants.

Communication & Diversity of the Workplace

-Past: little verbal communication & interpreter almost always available -Now: great deal of communication, tight time lines, less supervision, little support


-Productive team discussion requires members listen with an *open mind* and *respect others' views*. -Does not mean there will be no disagreement. -Participants try to reach a *decision* that *benefits* group or company as a *whole*.

Step 5: Evaluate Each Alternative (The Basic Problem-Solving Procedure)

-Read through list of alternatives, eliminating those team feels do not meet criteria agreed on in step 3. -Further *reduce list to workable number by combining any similar alternatives*. -Discuss each remaining alternative's *strengths and weaknesses*. -Determine how well each alternative meets criteria. -*Continue reducing list until best alternative is reached*. -Drawback: teams that use criteria correctly can cut time needed to reach solution.

High Context

-Read what is going on around you and it is your responsibility to translate

The Active Listener

-Receives the speaker's *total message*. -*Interprets* the speaker's *meaning* as closely as possible. -Checks interpreted meaning for *accuracy* by *rephrasing* it for speaker. -*Repeats* steps 1 through 3 until *speaker is satisfied* with interpretation.

Principles For Giving Instructions

-Rule 1: Begin with an *overall picture*. -Rule 2: Use a *minimum number of words*. -Rule 3: Use *simple, easily understood words*. -Rule 4: Be *specific*. -Rule 5: Use *simple comparisons*. -Rule 6: Use *repetition*. -Rule 7: *Number* or *"signpost"* objects or steps. -Rule 8: Use good *delivery techniques*. -Rule 9: End with a *summary*.

Cross Culture Communication

-Services may be global -Many American business people are not emotionally and physically equipped to handle the rigors of doing business in emerging markets -Takes great deal of toughness to operate in different, possibly anti-American environments -Sexual harassment is possibly the norm in other environments -Energy required is challenging (time zones, flights, etc)


-Society acts for the good of the society

Dysfunctional Behaviors

-Some behaviors are *dysfunctional* because they *serve individual needs* while *inhibiting group needs*. -Some can stimulate healthy conflict and jar group out of its groupthink pattern. -*Blocking*, *aggression*, *storytelling*, *recognition seeking*, *dominating*, *confessing*, *special-interest pleading*, *distracting*, *withdrawing*.

Hersey and Blanchard's Four Leadership Styles (Situational Leadership Theory)

-Style selection depends on *ability and willingness* of *subordinates to carry out a task*. -*Delegating* style. -*Participating* style. -*Telling* style. -*Selling or coaching* style.

Communication Technology

-Technology is changing so rapidly it is easy to feel overwhelmed. -Internet is catalyst for most of these changes. -It is how and when people now use the Internet. -Blogs, email, social media, twitter, instant messaging, smart phone.


-US -Opportunities always available


-Use of personal blogs growing rapidly. -The number of company blogs will continue to grow. -Allow company to *develop relationships with blogosphere*. -E-commerce growing. -Better than one-way communication. -Be aware of power of technology. -*Blog swarm*: don't think blog goes no further than family and friends. -Many reported cases of *employee firings* because of blog content.

Sexual Harassment Circumstances

-Victim, as well as harasser may be *man or woman*. -Harasser can be *victim's supervisor*, an *agent of employer*, a *supervisor in another area*, a *coworker*, or a *nonemployee*. -*Victim does not have to be the person harassed*. -Unlawful sexual harassment *may occur without economic injury to or discharge of victim*.

Jumping to Conclusions

-When we fail to distinguish between what we observed firsthand and what we only inferred or assumed, *inference-observation* confusion has occurred. -With short messages sent by texting and social media, this happens fairly often. -We all make *assumptions*. -It is possible your job requires you to make a certain number of inferences or assumptions. -In such cases, you are aware that you are making an inference. -Problems more likely to arise when people are unaware they have made any inferences. -*Communication breakdown* is likely to occur.

Uncertainty Avoidance

-Willingness of taking risks -US: claims to like taking risks (not true)

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