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Tension was mounting as the management team discussed changes to promotion requirements. Then, Colby made a joke about Makoto's white-knuckled grip on his pen, and the laughter seemed to lighten the mood. Colby was acting in a ________ role.

A A maintenance role is behavior that fosters constructive relationships among team members. Examples include harmonizers, those who mediate conflict through reconciliation or humor

Khalid points out during the meeting that the group has fallen a half hour behind schedule according to the agenda and should get back to the important work at hand. Khalid is performing a ________ role.

A A task role, or task-oriented role, consists of behavior that concentrates on getting the team's tasks done.

Enright Industrial Leasing has effective control processes, allowing its managers to discover ________ in bookkeeping right away, before a would-be embezzler could seriously affect its business.

A Control helps organizations to discover irregularities and errors

Prior to being able to track real-time performance data, shale oil companies had to collect performance data after drilling had completed. What type of control did traditional tracking portray?

A Feedback control amounts to collecting performance information after a task or project is done

Tarek's supervisor noticed that he was struggling with the computerized setup for production runs at his new job. The supervisor observed him while he tried it again and gave suggestions for improvement. The supervisor is doing which step of the control process?

A In the corrective action step, when performance falls short of the standard, managers should examine the reasons why and take appropriate action. Sometimes employees may need more attention from management if they have been performing inadequately.

As the marketing director for Mountaintop Ski Resort, Kimberli has lots great ideas about advertising the resort to new groups of customers. What would you tell Kimberli about the customer perspective

A Studies show that it is six to seven times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to keep a current one

________ is the process of having two people or groups play opposing roles in a debate to better understand a proposal.

A The dialectic method is the process of having two people or groups play opposing roles in a debate to better understand a proposal.

While implementing the control process, Lindsey, a self-employed massage therapist, determined that corrective action was necessary. Which of the following exemplifies a corrective action Lindsey might make related to altering the standard?

A) After raising her rates, Lindsey decreased the expected rate of repeat customers A When performance falls significantly short of the standard, managers should carefully examine the reasons and take the appropriate action. Sometimes the standards themselves were unrealistic, owing to changing conditions, in which case the standards need to be altered.

Agrarian Tractors, a farm equipment company, issues quarterly bonuses to its sales agents. This quarter Clay sold more tractors than anyone else in the company and exceeded his sales goals for the fifth consecutive quarter. As the bonuses were issued, Clay received the same bonus as all the other Agrarian Tractors sales agents. Per equity theory, Clay will probably...

A) Focus on just meeting his quarterly goal. - Employees who feel they are being under-rewarded will respond to the perceived inequity in one or more negative ways, as by reducing their inputs, trying to change the rewards they receive, distorting the inequity, changing the object of comparison, or leaving the situation.

Najah, a management researcher, conducted an experiment with the goal of confirming or contradicting the behavioral leadership approach. Najah spent many days following managers around while they worked. Like the Ohio State University and University of Michigan studies, Najah's data showed that most managers focus on

A) Much of what we know about task-oriented and relationship-oriented leader behaviors is based on research done at The Ohio State University and University of Michigan. Both studies found that leader behaviors tend to focus on tasks and/or relationships.

Bautista launched a line of gourmet butters made from pistachios and other exotic nuts. As his brand has grown, Bautista is finding it difficult to operate a commercial kitchen in a cost effective manner. Which quality improvement technique would benefit Bautista?

A) Outsource the production and canning of the butters to achieve operational efficiency. A Outsourcing generally enhances firm performance. Companies seeking operational efficiency outsource more tasks

Loni, the CEO of a large hotel chain, is very charismatic and is quite skilled at articulating a clear, exciting vision for the future of the hotel chain. Loni is exhibiting which transformational leadership behavior?

A) Transformational leadership motivates followers by inspiring them. This inspiration requires that leaders have charisma and communicate a vision.

Amber organized several teachers to discuss the school's interior painting scheduled for the summer. They looked at several brands and heard a presentation by a designer who then helped them choose a color palette to recommend to school administrators. In this instance, the teachers made up a(n)

B A formal group is a group established to do something productive for the organization and is headed by a leader.

Rosa asked Henry, one of her team members, to purposefully think of and voice criticisms as the group discussed whether to open a branch office in another state. This is an example of the use of

B Devil's advocacy is the process of assigning someone to play the role of critic to voice possible objections to a proposal and thereby generate critical thinking and reality testing.

In the leader-member exchange model, the relationship between leader and follower that is characterized by mutual trust, respect, and liking is known as a(n) ________ exchange

B In the in-group exchange, the relationship between leader and follower becomes a partnership characterized by mutual trust, respect, and liking, and a sense of common fates.

Because hard feelings about group leadership and assignments have passed, the members of Maya's group now seem to be relating much better. At the meeting tomorrow, she should take advantage of this moment by

B In the third stage of team development, norming, conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge. In the norming stage, the leader should emphasize unity and help identify team goals and values.

While guests at the Ritz-Carlton, a family on an international trip could not locate the grocery staples that were safe for their son who had numerous food allergies. The Ritz-Carlton staff, in coordination with the head chef, arranged to fly the items in from another city. How is the Ritz-Carlton using norms?

B Norms are enforced to emphasize the group, team, or organization's central values or to enhance its unique identity

When Emily, an American manager, became director of operations at the firm's apparel factory in China, the tension mounted quickly due to misunderstandings and the extensive time needed to translate conversations between herself and the employees. Emily is experiencing ________ conflict.

B Research confirms that open-minded individuals are better prepared to work in cross-cultural situations than those who are not.

Because self-managed teams were established at the Kinex plant, the number of electrical components produced has increased by 12% and workers seem to have more positive attitudes. Which statement is most likely TRUE about the self-managed teams at Kinex?

B Research provides three takeaways for creating self-managed teams: (1) ensure a leader quickly emerges, (2) select the right individuals to join the team, and (3) provide proper training for team members. The least common chores of today's self-managed teams are hiring and firing (staffing).

Some managers use ________, which provides four indicators with which organizations can set goals and measure performance

B The balanced scorecard establishes (a) goals and (b) performance measures according to four "perspectives" or areas: financial, customer, internal business, and innovation and learning

Nick's team was not making much progress on defining a new production process. Wesley was being very uncooperative. He did not agree with Nick's direction, and he has not completed his tasks. This team is in what stage of group development?

B The storming stage is a time of testing. Individuals test the leader's policies and assumptions as they try to determine how they fit into the power structure. Subtle forms of rebellion, like procrastination, occur

To gain a competitive edge this year, the upper management of a global IT company has decided to focus on customer service, employee training, and continuous quality improvement. This approach is known as

B Total quality management (TQM) is a comprehensive approach, led by top management and supported throughout the organization, dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction.

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes research related to goal setting? A) Goals should be generally stated and have a positive tone. B) Commitment, ability, and resources are necessary for goals to be achieved. C) Goals can be useful on their own, and do not need to be part of a larger plan. D) Whether goals are achieved is not influenced feedback from a manager.

B) In order for goal setting to be effective, people must have the ability and resources needed to achieve the goal and be committed to the goal.

Bachiko congratulated her staff when the team received an industry award for their project, and also sent a companywide e-mail announcing it. Here, Bachiko is using her ________ power.

B) Reward power, which all managers have, is power that results from managers' authority to reward their subordinates. Rewards can range from praise to pay raises, from recognition to promotions.

Which of these statements describes equity theory? A) Directing attention toward specific benchmarks is the best way to improve performance. B) Workers consider their own inputs and outcomes in comparison with those of others. C) Employees are motivated by the opportunity to voice opinions about work policies. D) Employees want to know their hard work is important to organizational success.

B. Equity theory is a model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships.

Two or more freely interacting individuals who share norms, share goals, and have a common identity form a

C A group is defined as (1) two or more freely interacting individuals who (2) share norms, (3) share goals, and (4) have a common identity.

When Molly broke a clipboard over her knee and then hurled the broken pieces toward her employees, she was creating ________ conflict.

C Dysfunctional conflict hinders the organization's performance or threatens its interests

The ________ model of leadership emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different employees

C) The leader-member exchange (LMX) model of leadership emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates

Which manager is exhibiting informational power? A) Zara gives her team a bonus when they meet their annual sales goal six weeks early. B) Vincenté is often asked for help because he knows more about the company's accounting software than anyone else. C) Umeki creates, formats, and controls all the firm's important documents which set the strategy and guide its implementation. D) Marquis removed the television from the breakroom because workers' breaks were becoming way too long.

C) Umeki creates, formats, and controls all the firm's important documents which set the strategy and guide its implementation.

When the restaurant owner installed no-slip, padded mats throughout the kitchen, she was considering the ________ perspective

C) internal business C The internal business perspective focuses on "what the organization must excel at" to effectively meet its financial objectives and customers' expectations. These processes influence productivity, efficiency, quality, safety, and a host of other internal metrics

A large tire manufacturing facility tracks numerous safety indicators and provides frequent safety training. Each month, if no incidents or unsafe conditions occur, the employees receive a small bonus. The tire manufacturer is using controls to

C) provide performance feedback C Controls help managers coordinate these various elements by providing feedback. Research demonstrates that feedback also has a control function for individuals and teams, and the quality of this feedback affects employee attitudes and performance

A _______ is a small set of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable

D A team is a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable

Which primary function of management is concerned with ensuring the right things happen at the right time in the right way?

D Controlling is defined as monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed

To develop a new board game, Hasbro brings together employees from manufacturing, design, sales, marketing, and market research to form a

D Cross-functional teams are designed to include members from different areas within an organization, such as finance, operations, and sales.

Based on expectations of the team, of the organization, and of themselves, what do the members of the team often develop?

D Roles are socially determined expectations of how individuals should behave in a specific position. Members develop them based on expectations of the team, the organization, and themselves

Beverly, the manager of a branch location of a large law firm, purposely controls company resources as if they were her own and encourages continued development and training of her employees. She cares about the staff deeply and even organized international volunteering activities to promote their growth. Beverly could best be described as which type of leader?

D Servant leadership focuses on providing increased service to others, meeting the goals of both followers and the organization, rather than to yourself

At Fresh Bakery, Simon pulls six samples an hour from an assembly line to examine them for quality defects. If he finds any, he makes adjustments to various pieces of equipment in his area. Simon's job involves

D Statistical process control uses periodic random samples from production runs to see if quality is being maintained within a standard range of acceptability

When Parvin exhibits transformational leadership, she can expect her followers to

D Transformational leaders engenders exceptional things——significantly higher levels of intrinsic motivation, trust, commitment, and loyalty—that can produce significant organizational change and result

________ leadership approaches attempt to determine the key behaviors used by effective leaders.

D) Behavioral leadership approaches attempt to determine the key behaviors displayed by effective leaders

Job ________ is the process of increasing the number of tasks in a job to increase variety and motivation.

D) Job enlargement consists of increasing the number of tasks in a job to increase variety and motivation.

Ethan's job as an accounting assistant was recently modified to include reconciling bank accounts and making deposits, two tasks previously done by the accounting manager. This increase in responsibility would best be described as

D) Job enrichment consists of building into a job such motivating factors as responsibility, achievement, recognition, stimulating work, and advancement.

Armando has a summer job hand-dyeing shirts that will be sold on the boardwalk. He is paid $5.00 per shirt. Armando is being paid on a ________ compensation plan.

D) Pay for performance compensation, such as piece rate or sales commission, bases pay on one's results.

A restaurant manager who arranges to have all of the restaurant's leftovers, plus 50 prepared meals, donated to a food bank each week probably exhibited ________ power to coordinate the extra work needed by her employees to package and deliver the food

D) Socialized power is power directed at helping others

Chung manages his employees by carefully monitoring their production, comparing what they do to predicted schedules, and watching the budgets. Chung can best be described as a ________ leader.

D) The primary purpose of task-oriented leadership behaviors is to ensure that human, physical, and other resources are deployed efficiently and effectively to accomplish the group's or organization's goals.

Marco was recently fired from Trinity Plumbing Supply after multiple instances of publicly humiliating and insulting his subordinates. What should Trinity's HR supervisor do to prevent abusive supervision in the future?

D) Train managers to recognize abusive supervisory behaviors and create a fair process for handling them. -- D According to SHRM, firms should take the following steps to reduce both the occurrence and impact of abusive supervision: train supervisors and employees on how to recognize abusive supervisory behaviors, and establish fair processes for dealing with complaints about abusive supervision

Which of the following is a challenge for virtual teams? A) Virtual teams can leverage diverse knowledge and skills from people around the world. B) Building relationships among geographically dispersed team members is simple. C) Members of virtual teams enjoy improved work-life balance and flexibility. D) Building cohesion and trust is more difficult in a virtual team environment.

D) Virtual teams find it is more difficult for them than for face-to-face teams to establish team cohesion, work satisfaction, trust, cooperative behavior, and commitment to team goals

Wilma leads a task force charged with restructuring the firm's order-processing system. The task force is composed of her peers, over whom she has little control and some of whom do not seem to respect her. According to the contingency model, Wilma should adopt a ________ leadership style.

D) When situational control is very low, Fiedler's model suggests a task-oriented style will be most effective

After working the front desk for a hotel all summer, Berto quit his job to return to university. On his last day, Berto's boss said, "Please let me know if you want to return to work during winter break." Berto's decision to quit is an example of

D) dysfunctional turnover D Dysfunctional turnover occurs when a company's best performers leave. A way to determine if turnover is functional is to ask the manager if they would rehire the employee. If the answer is yes, the turnover is dysfunctional

Julissa is trying to measure her salon's productivity during the first quarter. For this period, she should divide ________ by the costs of her staff, loans, materials, and utility bills

D) the total services and products sold D Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs (all the goods and services produced) divided by inputs (labor, capital, materials, and energy) for a specified period of time

Zoe runs a flower shop. She recently made some changes so that one employee answers phones and completes the order and payment process, while another creates arrangements, and a third packages and delivers floral arrangements. Previously, each employee was responsible for the order from the phone call through the delivery. Zoe has made changes to

E) Task identity describes the extent to which a job requires a worker to perform all the tasks needed to complete the job from beginning to end.

According to Maslow, the need for status, reputation, and recognition is part of a person's ________ needs.

Esteem is the need for self-respect, status, reputation, recognition, and self-confidence. Bonuses, promotions, awards.

After struggling with the accounting training, Aaron is unsure whether he can complete the end-of-year financial reporting with no errors in the time allotted. In this case, Aaron is low on the ________ element of expectancy theory.

Expectancy: Expectancy is the belief that a particular level of effort will lead to a particular level of performance.

Della, the sales manager, just informed her sales team in March will earn an extra 5 percent commission. The team gets right to work, being motivated by a(n)

Extrinsic reward: Represented by a payoff, such as money, a person receives from others for performing a particular task

Andrew and Kane went to the same college, and they have never liked each other. Andrew thinks Kane is a loudmouth, while Kane thinks Andrew is arrogant and self-absorbed. If Andrew and Kane end up working for the same company, they are likely to experience a multicultural conflict.

FALSE Andrew and Kane are more likely to experience a personality conflict, which is interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike or disagreement.

During the storming stage of Tuckman's five-stage model, the leader of a team should empower members to concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned task.

FALSE The second stage, storming, is characterized by the emergence of individual personalities and roles and conflicts within the group. In performing, members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned task

A leader in a rigid, bureaucratic culture is more likely to be inspirational, influential, considerate, and intellectually stimulating than a leader in a flexible, adaptive organizational culture.

FALSE: Adaptive, flexible organizational cultures are more likely than are rigid, bureaucratic cultures to foster transformational leadership.

General Electric paid employees who were tobacco users up to $750 to quit and stay off cigarettes and other tobacco products. This program was three times as successful as a different GE "quit smoking" program in which employees received no paid incentives. The $750 is an example of an intrinsic reward

FALSE: An extrinsic reward is the payoff, such as money, a person receives from others for performing a particular task.

Narcissistic leaders tend to bring out the best work behaviors in others.

False: Although passionate and charismatic, narcissistic leaders may provoke counterproductive work behavior in others, such as strong resentments and resistance.

Goal-setting theory suggests that behavior tends to be repeated if it has positive consequences and tends not to be repeated if it has negative consequences.

False: Reinforcement theory suggests that behavior with positive

Those with a high need for achievement may hesitate to make tough decisions that could cause others to become angry or resentful.

False: Those with a high need for affiliation may not be the most efficient managers because at times they will have to make decisions that will make people resent them.

When using goal-setting theory to motivate employees, managers should

Help workers understand and accept the goals.

Peyton's management professor just told her class that the final exam is optional for students like Peyton who currently have an A. Peyton decides to take the exam anyway because she likes the subject and wants to master the material. Peyton is motivated to take the exam by a(n)

Intrinsic Reward: the satisfaction, such as a feeling of accomplishment that a person receives from performing the particular task itself

__________________ is the of psychological that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior.


Ursula has excelled as an auditor for a large financial consulting firm. She loves building mutually beneficial relationships and is extremely well liked by her clients. Ursula likely has a

Need for affiliation: the desire for friendly and warm relations with other people.

Heather is very aggressive at her job, and her coworkers complain that she often manipulates them and her boss in order to get ahead. She attempts to direct everything and everyone, regardless of the consequences to others or even the organization itself. Heather is expressing her need for ________ power.

Personal Power: expressed in the desire to dominate others, and involves manipulating people for for one's own gratification.

The management of a facility that manufactures parts for car brakes has a policy of testing only some of the items in each production run to locate errors, with the ultimate goal of minimizing errors by managing each stage of production. This process is an example of the ________ technique.

Quality control is defined as the strategy for minimizing errors by managing each stage of production

After three shuttle crashes in three months, one of which resulted in a serious injury to a driver, Get Around Shuttle drivers received additional training, and the company retrofitted all shuttles with new braking systems. Which level of Maslow's needs are addressed by Get Around Shuttle's actions?

Safety is the need for physical safety, emotional security, and avoidance of danger.

A balance sheet summarizes an organization's overall financial worth, or its assets and liabilities, at a specific point in time.

TRUE A balance sheet summarizes an organization's overall financial worth, or its assets and liabilities, at a specific point in tim

A group is defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share norms, share goals, and have a common identity.

TRUE A group is defined as (1) two or more freely interacting individuals who (2) share norms, (3) share goals, and (4) have a common identity.

24) Katsu perceives that Gloria only pays attention to the wealthiest customers who she expects to leave large tips. Katsu reminds Gloria that they are supposed to rotate based on when customers enter the restaurant. This is an example of a conflict

TRUE Conflict, an enduring feature of the workplace, is a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. It includes subtle, nonviolent forms like opposition, criticism, and arguments.

When Mayumi raised several possible objections to a proposal for the sake of driving discussion, she was playing the role of devil's advocate.

TRUE Devil's advocacy is the process of assigning someone to play the role of critic to test whether a proposal is workable

Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by inputs for a specified period of time.

TRUE Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by inputs for a specified period of time

Twice daily, factory workers at Fabulous Skeins and Yarn select random samples from the production runs and test them for quality, rejecting runs if too many samples fall outside a standard range of acceptability. These workers are engaged in statistical process control.

TRUE Statistical process control is a statistical technique that uses periodic random samples from production runs to see if quality is being maintained within a standard range of acceptability

Rural Internet Services, applying TQM, restructured its service call procedures and eliminated some steps involved so that employees can finish each call faster. Rural Internet Services is attempting to reduce cycle time.

TRUE TQM puts emphasis on increasing the speed with which an organization's operations and processes can be performed. TQM aims to achieve reduced cycle time, or reduction in steps in a work process

Thirty-two new employees from Market Enterprises are attending orientation, receiving information about company policies, and filling out various forms. These employees comprise a group.

TRUE These employees are a group—two or more freely interacting individuals who share norms, share goals (attending orientation), and have a common identity (employees of Market Enterprises).

Aniyah has a charismatic personality, and finds it easy to get others to agree with her. Aniyah has referent power

TRUE: A charismatic personality is likely to yield referent power, which is power deriving from one's personal attraction

A manager providing rewards or reprimands to subordinates is practicing transactional leadership

TRUE: As a manager, your power stems from your ability to provide rewards (and threaten reprimands) in exchange for your subordinates' doing the work. When you do this, you are performing transactional leadership, focusing on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance

Leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals.


To be most motivating, goals should be specific and challenging but achievable.

True: According to goal-setting theory, goals should be challenging but acheivable.

Leaders inspire action and articulate the vision. Managers plan, organize, and supervise the tasks. The behaviors of leaders and managers are different, but both may be performed by the same person.

True: Leaders manage and managers lead, but the two activities are not synonymous

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