MGT 291 Mid-Term

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Max Weber/Bureaucracy Entire organization

Administrative Principles" Division of labor Clear chain of command Lots of rules and regulations Centralized decision making


(high Neuroticism)- tendency to feel insecure Tends to have stress, burnout Negatively related to job satisfaction

Managing diversity-- business results

-Diversity fosters creativity and innovation -Diversity awareness enables hiring, training, and engaging the best talent, helping maximize organizational performance -Diverse work teams make better decisions than homogenous teams -Acquiring and managing diversity is more ethical.


-Internal candidates -External Sources Employee referrals Private employment agencies/headhunters State employment offices College relationships Advertising and job postings Unique recruiting sources-

Does personality matter in job performance?

-Strong situations: Clearly defined procedures Assembly line/making fries at McDonalds Personality generally less important -Weak situations: More flexible in how work is performed Walmart greeter/ Professor Personality more relevant

Affirmative Action...

-intentionally seeking and hiring qualified employees from racial, sexual, and ethnic groups that are underrepresented in the organization -Various executive orders, especially Executive Order 11246 signed by President Lydon Johnson, requires federal contractors to develop affirmative action plans and engage in affirmative action in hiring veterans and the diabled

Affirmative Action Plan

1). Utilization Analysis 2). Goals & Time Tables 3). Action Plan

External Locus of Control...

A belief that performance is due to circumstances beyond one's control (chance, fate, other people's behavior)

There is _____________________________ between self efficiency and job performance...

A significant positive correlation

Paul, the VP of human resources for widget company, is developing widgets diversity management program. Which of the following activities would be considered an appropriate element of the diversity management program...

All of the above (-diversity training programs for managers -programs that ensure employees have mentors -ensuring that recruiting sources provide a diverse pipeline of job candidates -programs like. flextime that promote a work/family balance)

Which of the following is true regarding employees which have an internal locus of control...

All of the above (-internals have higher salaries than externals -internals have higher greater job satisfaction than externals -internals have greater job motivation than externals)

Which of the following statements is accurate regarding diversity...

All of the above are true (diversity fosters creativity and innovation acquiring and managing diversity is an ethical and legal necessity)

Typical Employee Selection Tools

Applications/Resumes Employment Tests Interviews Assessments centers/simulations


Attraction Selection Attrition

Which of the Big 5 personality dimensions has the strongest correlation with job performance...



Definition- the variety of observable and unobservable similarities and difference among people

Potential solutions for lessening impact of bias

Educate about stereotypes Establish clear criteria Scrutinize need for criteria

What word or phrase is most closely associated with the work of Frederick Taylor at Bethlehem steel in the early 1900s...


Social Competencies

Empathy Social Skills (relationship management)

Disparate Impact

Form of discrimination in which: -A condition in which employment practices are seemingly neutral yet disproportionately excluded a protected group from employment opportunities -"Four-fifths Rule" -Rule of thumb finds evidence of discrimination if an organizations hiring rate for a minority group is less than four-fifths hiring rate for the majority group

Maria gets frustarted in dealing with people from different cultures, she states, "everybody should communicate clearly in words what is on their mind or should just write it down so there is no confusion and misunderstanding", Maria can best be described as being from which of these cultures...

High context

Power Distance

High power distance- unequal power are accepted readily comply with authority Low Power Distance- expect equality in power

Uncertainty Avoidance

High uncertainty avoidance: reject deviant ideas; prefer structure rules and procedures to regulate workplace behaviors; avoid uncertainty in careers Low uncertainty avoidance: tolerate different and unfamiliar ideas; not afraid to face the unknown.

The cultural dimension of power distance focuses on...

How much inequality in power is expected and accepted

Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions

Individualism vs collectivism Power Distance Uncertainty Avoidance Masculinity vs. femininity Short Term vs. Long Term Orientation

Individualism vs collectivism

Individualism: see themselves as individuals, priority is given to individuals goals and interests Collectivism: see themselves as part of social group; priority is given to foals and interest of social groups; preferential treatment to in group members

The united states cultural dimensions...

Individualist Low power distance Low uncertainty avoidance Moderately masculine Short term

4 Pillars of Change

Leadership support Engage employees as partners Link diversity to business goals Integrate diversity with management practices

Short Term vs. Long Term Orientation

Long term: focus on the future; value thrift & persistence; anticipate long-term payoff for their Loyalty. ​ Short-term: focus on here and now; commitment too thers are seen as flexible as circumstances change.

Masculinity vs. femininity

Masculinity: materialism, value achievement, material success, assertiveness, competitiveness de-emphasis on caring for others; Gender inequality. Femininity: concern for the welfare of others. Values interpersonal relationships, cooperation, and subjective indicator of life quality; Gender equality.

A culture high in uncertainty avoidance would...

Minimize the possibility of uncertain situation by using strict laws and rules

Mcgregor (1960s) Theory X:

People are lazy Need to be micromanaged Avoid work Prefer direction

Which of these is a Theory Y assumption about peoples work...

People want to work if the conditions are right

Mcgregor (1960s) Theory Y:

People will work if conditions are right Capable of self direction People have creativity/imagination Accept responsibility

Project GLOBE-- Cultural dimensions

Power distance= same as hofstede Uncertainty avoidance= same as hofstede Societal collectivism= same In group collection= loyalty to small and informal groups Gender egalitarianism= femininity Assertiveness- masculinity Future oriented= long term orientation Performance orientation= individuals should be rewarded and respected for performance (vs. tenure, knowledge, family background, etc.) Human orientation= femininity

High-context cultures

Primary meaning derived from nonverbal situational cues; read beyond words ;negotiations slow; establish trust first; value personal relations

Low-context cultures

Primary meaning derived from written or spoken words;negotiation efficient; get down to business first; value expertise and performance

1990 Americans with Disabilities Act

Prohibits discirmination against qualified employees with physical or mental disabilities; requires reasonable accommodation be provided so they can perform duties

1967 Age and discrimination in Employment Act

Prohibits discrimination against employees older than 40

1964 Civil RIghts Act, Title VII

Prohibits discrimination in all employment practices basis of color, race, religion, national origin and sex


Reflects a persons level of comfort with relationships Social, outgoing, assertive Attracted to jobs in sales Correlated to leadership emergence


Reflects rigidity beliefs and range of interests (High): intellectual curiosity, creative Correlation to innovation and ability to adjust to organizational change Related to entrepreneurial success Some correlation to leadership effectiveness

1963 Equal Pay Act

Requires men and women be paid equally for performing equal work

Frederick Taylor-Efficiency

Select best person for job Find one best way for the job Divide responsibilities between managers and workers Provide a plum ($) to ensure work gets done correctly

Personal Competencies

Self Awareness Self Motivation Self Regulation


Strong correlation between self efficacy and performance Sources of self-efficacy: Prior experience Persuasion from others Behaviour models Assessment of physical/emotional state

Type of diversity-

Surface-level: can be seen directly (race, gender) Deep-level: can't be seen directly (experiences, skills, attitudes)

Which statement is not true according to schneiders attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) framework...

The ASA framework facilitates the ability of an organizational change

Emotional Intelligence

The ability to perceive and express emotions to understand and use them and to manage emotions in oneself and others

Which of the following is currently true about the workforce in the United States?

The workforce is aging

Demographic Trends:

The workforce is aging Proportion of minorities in the workforce is increasing Talent shortages are increasing Minorities encountering a 'glass ceiling'

Workforce planning

Understand business strategy Forecast availability & need for employees Labor demand a). Internal tools such as trend analyses b). External tools such as economic forecasts Labor supply a). Internal tools- replacement charts/models b). External tools such as bureau of labor statistics (BLS)

Internal Locus of Control...

a belief that individuals are incontrol of their lives

The big 5 personality dimensions...

agreeableness, conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Extraversion,Openness


beliefs about groups and individuals based on the idea that all group members are the same

Which of the following is not a component of Gulemans emotional intelligence framework...

cognitive ability

What practice enables all employees to perform up tot their maximum potential through organizational leadership creating an inclusive environment with fair organizational policies...

equal employment opportunity

In considering various approaches to managing diversity, which of the following is not a critical element of a successful diversity management program...

detailed plans to meet pre-set quotas for the percentage of workers in the organization who are minorities and women

A key outcome of the hawthorne studies at western electric was...

employess have complex social needs that must be understood in order to manage them effectively

Which of the following is found in Max Webers theory of bureaucracy...


Which of the following is not considered a surface level dimension of diversity...

gender age religion race all of the above represent surface level dimensions of diversity

People who tend to view their performance as the product of their circumstances beyond their control are best described as...

having an external locus of control

Perceived threat of loss

impeding diversity efforts to thwart a perceived threat to one's own career opportunities

which statement is true regarding cultural perceptions of time

in mono-chronic cultures, there is an emphasis on schedules, deadlines, and promotions


outright bigotry or intolerance for other groups

"Like me" bias

people prefer to associate with others they perceive to be similar to themselves

Jacques a french national is the ceo of french global empire a firm with significant operations in japan and the united states. Jacques recently announced that all employees of the company, no matter which part of the world they may be in, must learn french and communicate in French only. This represents an example of...

power distance

Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on...


In the video assigned for this class Dr. Shelley correl of stanford stated that...

stereotypes often shift the criteria used to make employment decisions


strongest link to performance success Extent to which a person can be counted on to get things done Dependable, responsible Strong predictor of job performance in general Some correlation to leadership effectiveness


the belief that one's own language, country, and culture are superior to all others

According to our class discussion, which of the following is not a correct description of the United States culture in terms of Hosfsteeds cultural dimensions...

the us culture tends to be long term oriented

According to Jeffrey Pfeffer in the article you read regarding managing people during the pandemic...

this is a good time to encourage employees to think outside of the box to find creative ways to improve work processes

Jacks job at Ford motor company requires him to work on an assembly lines, attaching tires to cars. The job is repetitive and highly regulated without much flexibility for how jack should perform his job tasks. Which of the following is an accurate statement about the situation...

this is a weak situation and therefore an understatement of jack personality will not be very helpful in predicting his work behavior

Cultural perception of time Polychronic time: time is flexible; flexibility in scheduled starting time; arriving late for social party is the norm.

time is flexible; flexibility in scheduled starting time; arriving late for social party is the norm.

Cultural perception of time Monochronic time

time is limited; precisely segmented;emphasize on schedule, deadline, and Promptness

which of the following is considered a cost of turnover

training costs, added recruitment costs, lost productivity

Unequal Access to Organizational Networks

women and minorities are often excluded from organizational networks, which can be important to job performance and career opportunities

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