MGT 310- Ch 13

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Which statements are true about feedback at work? (Check all that apply.)

"Learning what I need to know about myself will help me identify needs and create new opportunities." "Taking initiative on this gives me more power and influence over my career." "It's up to me to get the feedback I need."

______ is a human needs theory postulating that people have three basic sets of needs that can operate simultaneously.

Alderfer's ERG theory

It is clear that Alexandra takes advantage of the fact that her brother is Susan's boss. Additionally, based on this fact, Alexandra suggests that she is "above" the work she is being assigned. Which level of Maslow's need hierarchy is most likely driving Alexandra's behavior?


Which of the following is true of empowerment in the short term? (Check all that apply.)

Employees don't necessarily like the added accountability. People may make mistakes at first. Employees may demand higher wages.

What is the best way to get employees to accept their work goals?

Employees should participate in setting work goals.

______ theory states that people assess how fairly they have been treated according to two key factors: outcomes and inputs.


True or false: Assessments of equity are made objectively.


The five core job dimensions stated in the Hackman and Oldham model are skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and Blank______.


______ theory of motivation proposes that job satisfaction comes from motivating factors and job dissatisfaction results from the lack of hygiene factors.


Which statement about goal setting is correct?

It works for any job in which people have control over their performance.

Marie consistently tries to exert her control over coworkers. Marie has a high need for which of the three needs identified by McClelland?


______ is the need or desire to influence or control other people.


What are effective ways to offer feedback to employees on their performance? (Check all that apply.)

Provide statistics on work that the employee has directly influenced Conduct performance reviews regularly

What can a manufacturing firm do to encourage customers to contact them directly with feedback?

Put the firm's phone number on the product.

Genzeba works in a warehouse. One week she fulfills orders, then the next week she processes incoming shipments. She has different tasks the following week, too. This is known as job Blank______.


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, once a person's physiological needs are met, the individual moves to the ______ level.


Which are accurate descriptions of the new psychological contract in the workplace? (Check all that apply.)

The company will keep providing about the same pay with small increases periodically. Employees will need to do their own jobs as well as extra work when others are downsized. The company will provide a job if it can.

Michaela stated that "electricity is something that is very, very important for people...". Discuss which of the core job dimensions is met by this statement.

The core dimension that is met by Michaela's statement is feedback because she is aware of the results of that her work achieves.

Identify the impacts of empowerment on employees. (Check all that apply.)

The have a sense of self-determination. They feel capable of performing their jobs with skill. They perceive meaning in their work.

According to McClelland, most managers in the United States have high levels of need for Blank______ and like to see it in their employees.


The need for Blank______ is characterized by a strong orientation toward accomplishment.



administering an aversive consequence

Based on McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory, workplace blind dating at Freshbooks is an attempt to fulfill a need for


Employees who are engaged tend to Blank______. (Select all that apply)

be more productive exhibit citizenship behaviors take more initiative

Which of the following are consequences of quality of work life programs? (Check all that apply.)

better attitudes better health better business performance

Which of the following does NOT belong in the eight categories of quality of life?


Maslow's need hierarchy includes which major needs? (Check all that apply.)

ego physiological self-actualization safety social

The process of sharing power with employees is called Blank______.


When managers practice Blank______, they will enhance their employees' confidence in their ability to perform their jobs and their belief that they are influential contributors to the organization.


It's important to know that empowerment can lead to higher levels of Blank______.


The additional compensation that is earned as part of the SkyBlue Ground Success Plan represents what type of motivator?


Which of the following would NOT be considered an innovative way for managers to reward employees?

forced overtime

Louie manages a group of groundskeepers. Louie incorporates a variety of techniques to lead his crew. Which of Louie's actions is a form of extinction?

forgetting to announce the employee of the month winner

Workplace blind dating allows for a connection between employees who may not get to otherwise meet and socialize. Which of Herzberg's factors is most impacted by workplace blind dating?


According to Herzberg, satisfaction and dissatisfaction on the job are caused by what two factors?

hygiene factors motivators

Expectancy theory states that increasing expectancies, making performance instrumental toward positive outcomes, and Blank______ are crucial to motivate employees.

identifying positively valent outcomes

Advocates of quality of work life programs claim that they Blank______.

improve organizational effectiveness and productivity

Costs usually Blank______ in the short term when empowerment is implemented.


Susan often ends up doing more work than Alexandra on projects. In the context of Equity Theory, this demonstrates that Susan's ________ is greater than Alexandra's.


According to the expectancy theory, ________ is the link between performance and outcome.


Angelo's boss frequently exhorts his subordinates to work harder by promising them a substantial bonus at the end of each quarter. However, bonuses are only sporadically awarded regardless of meeting performance goals. As a result, Angelo's ________ may be low.


In expectancy theory, Blank______ is the perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome.


Khalid knows that if he works hard, he will get a promotion. In expectancy theory, this is known as Blank______.


Herzberg's two-factor theory highlights the distinction between

intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.

Motivation for employees can come from an interesting project, a completed sale, or the discovery of a perfect solution, all of which are examples of

intrinsic rewards.

With job enlargement, a person Blank______.

is given additional tasks to perform at the same time that are at the same level of responsibility

Following Herzberg's model, Hackman and Oldham proposed a more complete model of

job design

Davy confesses that he is bored with his job and wants more of a challenge. Which technique to job design can Bryan utilize to provide Davy with more stimulating work?

job enrichment

The forces that energize, direct, and sustain a person's effort is known as Blank______.


Alana has been exceeding her targets for the past two months, and therefore her boss decided to give her a bonus. This is an example of ________ reinforcement.


What are the three needs identified by McClelland as being critical to motivating people?

power affiliation achievement

negative reinforcement

removing or withholding an undesirable consequence

The two types of stretch goals are Blank______.

vertical and horizontal

Which Motivation Theory Fits?

-Alderfer's ERG Theory: Bulid on Maslow's theory, but relax assumptions about one need operating at a time -McClelland's Needs Theory: People will be motivated when they have a need for power, affiliation, or achievement -Hackman & Oldham Model: Can people experience critical psychological states at work -Goal Setting Theory: Meaningful, challenging target they can hit -Expectancy Theory: Work hard, do the job, and be rewarded with something of equal value -Equity Theory: Bang for their buck

Which statement about McClelland's needs theory is true?

Different needs predominate for different people.

______ is the degree to which individuals want personal and psychological development.

Growth need strength

What are the contributions Maslow made in understanding human motivation? (Check all that apply.)

He identified helpful general levels of needs where lower levels must be satisfied before higher levels. He alerted managers to the importance of personal growth and self-actualization. He identified important need categories.

For motivation to be high, expectancy, instrumentalities, and total valence of all outcomes must be Blank______.


Motivation theory suggests that job enrichment will be more successful for people with Blank______ growth need strength.


Which of the following statements about expectancy is true?

High expectancies create higher motivation than do low expectancies.

Which of the following statements about goal setting is true?

It can generate manipulative or unethical behavior.

Which of the following statements about Herzberg's two-factor theory is true?

It has been criticized and has not held up to scientific scrutiny.

Which statement about setting your own goals is true?

It is a powerful tool for self-management.

Which of the following are implications of the expectancy theory? (Check all that apply.)

Managers need to make performance instrumental toward positive outcomes. Managers need to positively identify valent outcomes. Managers need to increase expectancies.

______ organizes human needs into a hierarchy of five major types.

Maslow's need hierarchy

When Michaela describes how she has full control over a job and she gets to make all of the decisions, she is experiencing which part of the job design model?

Michaela's description of having full control over her job and all of the decision making means she is feeling personally responsible for how her work turns out.

______ programs create a workplace that enhances employee well-being and satisfaction.

Quality of work life

Which of the core job dimensions is indicated by Michaela's ability to complete paperwork, communicate, problem solve, and install electrical wiring and component parts?

The core dimension that is indicated by Michaela's ability to complete paperwork, communicate, problem solve, and install electrical wiring and component parts is skill variety.

Explain which core job dimension from the Hackman, and Oldham Model motivates Michaela when she states she handles "everything from cradle to grave."

The core job dimension that motivates Michaela to handle "everything from cradle to grave" is task significance. She experiences a sense of meaningfulness when she performs an on site job because she sees the progess and significance that is put into setting up electricity. She takes pride in knowing that she is skilled at her job since leaves sites with lighting all around after arriving to place with "virtually nothing but framing and a few walls". This job motivates her to go to work everyday because she loves the satisfaction she receives at the end of the day.

Which of the following are positive, effective ways people can restore equity when they feel they are being treated inequitably? (Check all that apply.)

Work harder or put forth more effort. Change perceptions of inputs or outcomes.

What should you do regarding feedback?

You should try not being afraid of criticism.

Quality of work life includes Blank______.

a chance for personal growth

A personal statement of purpose should include which of the following? (Check all that apply.)

a mid-distant goal an inspiring distant vision near-term objectives

Which of the following is an example of an extrinsic reward?

a pay raise

Which of the following is one of the eight categories of quality of work life programs?

a safe environment

Jamal is the director of two teams of associates. Jamal has had several chances to move to a position overseeing eight teams, but he turned them down because he would have to make decisions that would anger many of the workers. He would rather earn less money and be a popular manager with the workers. Jamal has a strong need for


Successful managers tend to have a low need for Blank_____


The need for Blank______ is demonstrated when a person is concerned with establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relations and being liked.


The need for Blank______ reflects a strong desire to be liked by other people.


positive reinforcement

applying a positive consequence that increases the likelihood that the person will repeat the behavior that led to it

Which of the following jobs are low in task identity?

assembly line worker

Acceptable, maximally motivating goals are challenging and


Professors at OB University must follow strict guidelines when it comes to planning and delivering course material. This is an example of low


Job Blank______ involves giving people additional tasks at the same time to alleviate boredom.


Job Blank______ means that jobs are restructured by adding higher levels of responsibility.


According to Blank______ theory, people compare the ratio of their outcomes to inputs against the outcome-to-input ratio of some comparison person.


A theory proposing that people will behave based on their perceived likelihood that their effort will lead to a certain outcome and on how highly they value that outcome is called Blank______ theory.


Bill has low self-efficacy. As a result, his ________ tends to be low.


In expectancy theory, Blank______ refers to a person's perception of whether his efforts will lead to attainment of the performance goal.


Lavonne believes that if she works hard, her manager will realize she is management material and promote her. Devonte, however, thinks he will not be promoted no matter how hard he works. Lavonne and Devonte's beliefs reflect Blank______ theory.


Phil is confident that if he studies the procedural manual he can list every single step in his company's manufacturing process. Phil's belief that his effort to study the manufacturing steps will result in successfully naming the steps is an example of


The goal seems to be a nonstarter for the team as they have never mishandled fewer than 200 bags, let alone hit the goal of 100 bags. Based on expectancy theory, this is a(n) ______ problem.


A person's belief that the effort they put into completing a task will lead to performing at a desired level is called


Among the different consequences of behavior, Blank______ is defined as withdrawing or failing to provide a reinforcing consequence.


Which of the following best describes motivation?

forces that energize, direct, and sustain a person's efforts

What are the three needs identified in Alderfer's theory of motivation?

growth relatedness existence

Melissa is an engineer at Acme Consulting. She used to work from 8:30am to 5:30pm, but her boss told her she could come in at 9am because of her great performance last year. However, this year Melissa is constantly arriving late to work. Her supervisor is looking to utilize extinction to remedy this behavior. Which of the following would be an example of extinction in this situation?

having Melissa go back to working from 8:30am to 5:30pm

Which of the following jobs exhibits the highest level of skill variety?

head chef

Which of the following provide intrinsic motivation?

helping a coworker achieve a difficult task a challenging problem a chance to work on an interesting project

Job enrichment would be more successful for people with

high growth need strength.

According to the Hackman and Oldham model of job design, well-designed jobs lead to which of the following results? (Check all that apply.)

high motivation high satisfaction high-quality performance

According to expectancy theory, a person will be highly motivated if which of the following conditions exist?

high valence + high instrumentality + high expectancy

In order to meet employees' higher-order needs, organizations should give people a chance to use their skills and abilities Blank______.

in creative ways

If people work in a group, and cooperation is essential, Blank______ performance goals can be dysfunctional by creating competition among team members.


________ performance goals can be dysfunctional when people work in a group if the goals create competition among team members.


Lucas is concerned that even if he puts forth effort and performs as expected, there are other individuals (i.e., flight crew, gate agents, etc.) who can still cause the on-time performance goal not to be met. Based on expectancy theory, which of the following is most closely related to Lucas's concern?


Davy's reduction in productivity after not receiving a raise demonstrates that there is low ________ between performance and outcomes and that he holds a strong ________ on outcomes, such as raises.

instrumentality; valence

During his meeting with Bryan, Davy complains that his job is boring and that he wants more of a challenge. Although Bryan cannot promise a promotion at this time, which would lead to higher-level tasks, he could give Davy multiple new tasks to perform at once. Which managerial strategy would this fall under?

job enlargement

Based on the meeting, where Alexandra says she is "above" the work currently assigned to her, which of the following strategies would you recommend Susan use to improve Alexandra's motivation?

job enrichment

What is the practice of giving people not only more tasks but also higher-level ones, such as when decisions are delegated downward and authority is decentralized?

job enrichment

The Blank______ states that behavior that is followed by positive consequences will likely be repeated.

law of effect

The employment relationship has over time become Blank______.

less focused on employee and employer loyalty

Which are behaviors exhibited by dissatisfied workers in a workplace? (Check all that apply.)

lower productivity absenteeism high turnover

Job dissatisfaction is greatest among Blank______. (Check all that apply.)

lower wage earners workers aged 25 and younger

Alyson Grey, manager of human resources, said, "The long-lasting downturn in business and reduction in benefits have resulted in much worker dissatisfaction, as evidenced by

more injuries and higher turnover."

Jun is an entry-level employee, but she wants to one day become a director. She knows she must work her way up through many levels, but she also knows she can reach her goal if she works hard and learns as much as she can. Jun is driven by Blank______.


Based on McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory, which of the following does Davy need satisfied?

need for achievement

Davy enjoys getting his coworkers to come over to his workstation and watch online videos with him. Meanwhile, he clearly seems to be less concerned with the level of performance by him, his subordinates, or his coworkers—distracting them and telling subordinates, such as Raffia to take shortcuts. According to McClelland's Need Theory, which need is greatest for Davy?

need for affiliation

David has been promoted because of his hard work. Cindy, his colleague, feels that this is unfair and that he does not deserve the promotion. In this case, Cindy illustrates

negative valence

When reinforcement theory is applied in an organizational setting it is called Blank______.

organizational behavior modification

The use of reinforcement or punishment in organizational settings is an integral part of

organizational behavior modification.

Maslow stated that people would not focus on a higher need until they had satisfied all of the lower needs, while ERG theory states that Blank______.

people can be motivated to satisfy all needs at once

The goal-setting theory states that

people have conscious goals that energize them and direct their thoughts and behaviors toward a particular end

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following types of needs does a person seek to satisfy first?


Alexandra is constantly creating more work for Susan, yet Susan completes all of this additional work and, in turn, Alexandra continues her behavior. Which of the following methods to reward performance explains why Alexandra continues this behavior?

positive reinforcement

Shawn is required to be in the office Monday through Friday, but would really value the ability to work from home one day a week. Based on Shawn's above-average performance last year, his boss is allowing him to work from home on Fridays. This is an example of which of the following?

positive reinforcement

Samantha Paulson, division manager, told her staff, "Some of you are disappointed with my decisions regarding who was promoted and who was not. To make my decisions, I used the promotion evaluation process that was developed by our task force on career development—a task force that included several of you. I believe that using that process for decision making was as fair as possible." Samantha is using ________ to make decisions in a fair manner and to help her staff know that the process was as fair as possible.

procedural justice

Using a fair process in decision making and making sure others know that the process was as fair as possible is called Blank______.

procedural justice

A set of perceptions of what employees owe their employer and what the employer owes them is called a(n) Blank______.

psychological contract

While the relationship between individuals and employing organizations typically is formalized by a written contract, there also exists a(n) Blank______ in employees' minds.

psychological contract

Managers who overuse Blank______ or use it inappropriately create a climate of fear and distrust in the workplace.


You reduce an employee's compensation because of poor performance. This is an example of which of the following?


An example of an intrinsic reward is


The law of effect laid the foundation for countless investigations into the effects of positive consequences, called Blank______.


Alderfer's ERG theory postulates that people have three basic sets of needs: existence, ________, and growth, which can operate simultaneously.


The general goal of quality of work life programs is to Blank______.

satisfy the full range of employee needs

According to Maslow, most of us will live our lives and work at jobs without fully reaching which need?


According to Maslow, realizing one's full potential and becoming everything that one is capable of being would be in the ______ level of the hierarchy of needs.


Alderfer's growth needs are most like Maslow's Blank______ needs.


Based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, workplace blind dating would fulfill which need?


Which of Maslow's needs correspond to Alderfer's relatedness needs? (Select all that apply)

social or belongingness esteem or ego

Becky, a regional sales manager, set a personal target of adding more clients to her territory than any other three regional sales managers combined, even though she has a smaller territory than any of the others. Becky's colleagues tell her she is a dreamer and her target is literally impossible to hit. Becky has set a(n) ________ goal.


Targets that are exceptionally demanding and that some people would never even think of are called

stretch goals

Assessments of equity are Blank______ or beliefs.

subjective perceptions

When people perceive procedural fairness, they are more likely to Blank______.

support decisions makers

The result of empowerment is that people Blank______.

take initiative and persevere in achieving their goals

Which of the core job dimensions refers to the completion of a whole, identifiable piece of work?

task identity

A janitor in a hospital is likely to feel higher levels of ______ than a janitor in a toilet paper factory.

task significance

According to the Hackman and Oldham model of job design, positive outcomes occur when people experience certain psychological states. Which of the following is NOT one of those psychological states?

the experience of low internal work motivation

People are more likely to believe that justice has been served if Blank______.

the process is open and visible

In order to motivate employees, managers should help create a workplace that provide Blank______. (Choose all that apply.)

training and resources responsibility autonomy

The impact of procedural justice can differ by culture. The impact is strongest among nations characterized by

uncertainty avoidance individualism low power distance

The team raises concerns about the volume of bags they have compared to smaller regional airports. Specifically, Sophia mentions that they have to work just as hard, if not harder, than crews at smaller airports, but are held to the same margin of error. Which of the following best portrays what Sophia is feeling?

underreward inequity

Maslow's understanding of human motivation stated that Blank______.

unsatisfied needs will continue to motivate

Assume that Freshbooks wants to use expectancy theory to incentivize workplace blind dating by providing a free lunch for those who participate in the program. If a Freshbooks employee brings his or her food to work every day and does not value a free lunch, there would be low __________ for this person.


In expectancy theory, each outcome has an associated Blank______, which is the value the person places on the outcome.


Sophia mentions that $250 is not even 1% of her salary, and she does not seem motivated by the amount of the bonus. Based on expectancy theory, Sophia's lack of motivation can be attributed to which of the following?


The value that an outcome holds for the person contemplating an action is called Blank______ in expectancy theory.


Dick is a customer service representative for William's Global Paints in New York City. Dick enjoys living and working in New York City because of the availability of public transportation as he does not own a car. William's Global Paints recently announced that they are giving a free monthly parking space to the worker with the highest level of customer service. This announcement does not affect Dick's level of motivation due to the impact it has on his


Punishing an employee would be inappropriate in which situation?

when the employee's poor performance isn't their fault

When it comes to self-actualization, Maslow stated that the average person Blank______.

will only attain a small percentage of his or her self-actualization potential


withdrawing or failing to provide a reinforcing consequence

Which are contributions that Herzberg made to understanding motivation?

He reminded managers not to count solely on extrinsic rewards to motivate workers. He set the stage for the Hackman and Oldham model. He highlighted the distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic rewards.

______ theory states that people have conscious goals that energize them and direct their thoughts and behaviors toward an end.


Which statement about rewards is true?

Nonmonetary rewards can be effective.

______ tries to influence people's behavior and improve performance by systematically managing work conditions and the consequences of people's actions.

Organizational behavior modification

______ is a consequence that people receive for their actions.


Which statements about outcome in expectancy theory are true? (Check all that apply.)

Outcome is something that follows a person's performance. A given performance may have more than one outcome.

True or false: People who feel inequitably treated can restore equity by behaviorally or perceptually changing inputs and outcomes.


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