MGT 3301 Exam Chap 1-2

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Roxanna Schwartzkopf joined WestCorp, a company with an innovative culture, as a middle manager. Now she has been promoted to lead a team of subject-matter experts tasked with developing a new product line. Roxanna feels pressure to ensure the success of this risky new venture. When one of her team members, Jenna Sanders, approaches her with a daring new idea, Roxanna insists that Jenna defend the idea by presenting an hour-long slide presentation to management. Next, Roxanna subjects Jenna's idea to a formal review process that is still underway months later. As a result, Roxanna's team has made little progress, and the team members are losing motivation. Given WestCorp's culture, what should Roxanna have done instead to support the success of her new team?

She should have shown a willingness to listen to new ideas and to take risks in developing new products.

An organization's vision is a short, succinct, and inspiring statement of what the organization intends to become and the goals it is seeking to achieve.


Managers at all levels and in all departments are responsible for planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.


Both terminal and instrumental values of managers play a role in determining organizational culture.


When organizational members share an intense commitment to cultural values, beliefs, and routines and use them to achieve their goals, a strong organizational culture exists.


Which of the following describes first-line managers?

They are also known as supervisors

Which of the following managers has achieved the objectives of the essential managerial task of organizing?

Val, who has set task and authority relationships that allow people to work together

Chelsie Sykes, a manager for a medical devices manufacturer, is organized and self-disciplined. She thinks carefully before she speaks, turns in error-free reports, and tirelessly strives to meet her goals. Chelsie is demonstrating


Svetlana wants to facilitate the turnaround of her company, TechLighting, by using outsourcing. Considering this, which of the following would she most likely support?

contracting with a company in India to have it do TechLighting's marketing

The specific set of departmental skills, knowledge, and experience that allows one organization to outperform its rivals is known as the organization's ________ competency.


NVK Maritime Electronics wants to gain a competitive advantage through innovation. Which of the following would it most likely attempt?

creating a navigation device never used before

Organizational ________ comprises the shared set of beliefs, expectations, values, norms, and work routines that influence how members of an organization relate to one another and work together to achieve organizational goals.


The distinctive ways in which organizational members perform their jobs and relate to others inside and outside the organization is known as organizational


Which term refers to the ability to understand and manage one's own moods and emotions and those of other people?

emotional intelligence

One of the attributes that make Anthony an excellent manager is his ability to understand the moods of his subordinates coupled with his ability to manage his own moods. Anthony has a high level of

emotional intelligence.

A bank allows its tellers to not only handle deposits and disbursement, but also distribute traveler's checks and sell certificates of deposit. This is an example of


Kagmogelo works as the human resource manager at Luscious Confectionaries. It was mandatory for his subordinates to obtain his signature on every document related to the hiring of a new employee. When he realized that this was increasing the duration of the hiring process, he told his subordinates that they no longer needed his signature unless the hire involved extraordinary circumstances. This is an example of


Which of the following is a responsibility of leadership?

encouraging employees to perform at a high level to help the organization achieve its goals

For the grocery chain Go Bananas, a social media specialist announces employee promotions on the company's blog. This is an example of a rite of


The tendency to experience positive emotions and moods and feel good about oneself and the rest of the world is known as


Organizational structure is the formal system of

financial analysis and management

Aric wants to give his company a competitive advantage by using a combination of restructuring and empowerment. Considering this, which of the following would Aric most likely support?

firing 15 percent of his employees and giving the research department more authority over their projects

Time After Time, Inc., produces reliable, attractive watches that are reasonably priced. Which of the following applies to this example?

high efficiency and high effectiveness

The goals chosen by the management of Ameer's Cafe seemed inappropriate for the store, but the management did make good use of the various resources in pursuing these goals. Ameer's Cafe is said to have

high efficiency and low effectiveness.

William Merck, manager of Will's Way, is always smiling, pointing out the bright side of negative situations, and giving uplifting advice. Predict the most likely condition of the subordinates who work for William.

higher performance levels

Although Darren's company has many skilled, bright employees, they seem to lack enthusiasm for their work. Which of the following should Darren implement to solve this problem?

hire a charismatic manager who strongly believes in the company and knows how to convey this belief to others

Managers who recognize that failure must be accepted for creativity to thrive tend to value


A(n) ________ value is a personal conviction about desired modes of conduct or ways of behaving.


Every year on the Saturday prior to Christmas, Smart Enterprises holds its annual holiday party. This is an example of a rite of


Which of the following defines emotion?

intense, relatively short-lived feelings

Identify the personality trait that makes people accountable and responsible for their own actions and ensures ethical behavior in an organization.

internal locus of control

People who are less inclined toward social interactions and to have a less positive outlook are said to be


Which of the managerial functions involves managers using their power, personality, influence, persuasion, and communication skills to coordinate people and groups so that their activities and efforts are in harmony?


Emotional intelligence can help managers perform interpersonal roles like that of a


Kiddy Toys produced beautifully made stuffed animals that many customers wanted. However, the product was so expensive that most potential customers could not afford it. Which of the following applies to this scenario?

low efficiency and high effectiveness

Steve, a middle manager working at KT Corp., is unable to judge his own capabilities and has a poor opinion of himself; Steve is likely to have

low self-esteem.

Which of the following defines managerial efficiency?

minimizing the amount of input resources

The employees at Software Solutions wear casual clothes, play pool at lunch, and bring their children to work. When Adrienne Sidon joined the company, no one explained these unwritten rules to her; she just figured them out. These informal codes of conduct followed by Software Solutions employees are known as


Adam Fallon, a newly promoted manager at Drone World, puts in long hours and recently went out of his way to help a coworker finish a task on time. Adam is demonstrating

organizational citizenship.

Managers who have ________ perform some of their figurehead and spokesperson roles and persuade others both inside and outside the organization of the organization's merits.

organizational commitment

Misaki is a middle manager. Considering this, which of the following would she most likely do?

organize a training program that improves the service of employees

If Addi works as a first-line manager for a film production company, which of the following would she most likely do?

organize the extras on a film set

Contracting with another company, usually in a low-cost country abroad, to have it perform a work activity the organization previously performed itself is known as


An individual's enduring tendencies to feel, think, and act in certain ways are referred to as his/her

personality traits.

At Zoom Zone Athletic Wear, new employees go through a short orientation process. They hear about the organization and its values, culture, and goals. They then meet their work group and learn about their own role in the organization, the skills needed to do their job, and both the formal procedures and informal norms. This is an example of


The formal system of task and reporting relationships that coordinates and motivates organizational members so they work together to achieve organizational goals is called organizational


Shannon Colbert, a business major at Urban College, is focused on her dream of becoming a manager for a major company. Armen Krikorian, a manager at Shoe Shack, believes his team should show unfailing courtesy to customers. Shannon demonstrates ________ values, while Armen demonstrates ________ values.

terminal; instrumental

Mi Jin is writing a newspaper article about the day-to-day running of a baseball team. For this report, she interviews people who do a wide variety of jobs. Which of the following jobs would Mi Jin describe in her article as showing technical skill?

the batting instructor giving tips to a struggling player

Antonella owns a company that produces organic chips called Earth Chips, Inc. She wants to create a competitive advantage for Earth Chips by using quality. With this goal in mind, which of the following would she be most likely to support?

the production of tasty quinoa chips that use pure olive oil and are reasonably priced

The creation of a new vision for a struggling company based on a new approach to planning and organizing to make better use of a company's resources and allow it to survive and prosper is ________ management.


Christian's manager Jeff never discusses personal topics, avoids eye contact, and doesn't attend office parties or other work-related social events. Christian tells a coworker Michelle about his fear that their manager is planning to fire them because of his aloofness. Christian is reassured when Michelle points out that Jeff is quiet and aloof because he simply doesn't have a sociable, outgoing personality. Michelle's response demonstrates the idea that

understanding personality differences can help subordinates understand managers' behavior.

In order to ensure that it has a competitive advantage over its competitors, Best Star, Ltd., decides to acquire the much smaller KAG, Inc. The move is an example of a


Selena Jackson is a new manager at a real-estate agency, Forever Homes. The manager she is replacing had a reputation for being extremely conservative. He carefully monitored employee progress toward sales goals, laid out strict rules that all employees were expected to follow, and emphasized caution in decision making. Selena believes the company would benefit from a less conservative management approach. What is one step Selena can take to establish an innovative culture at Forever Homes?

Be supportive whether employees succeed or fail.

Emma Rosenstein of Busy Industries has just hired a new lower-level manager who comes from a conservative organizational culture. Will Slater is cautious, slow to make decisions, and subjects his subordinates to close monitoring. One of his subordinates, Tessa Jones, comes to Emma in frustration, saying, "Whenever I have a suggestion, Will wants to put it through a formal review process. I don't feel like he is willing to listen to new ideas." Emma decides to encourage Will to change his management style to one that better fits the innovative culture of Busy Industries. Of the following, which is the best choice for Emma?

Encourage Will to allow his subordinates to participate in the planning and decision-making process.

Today, the term "chief operating officer" refers to the chief executive officer.


Since managers are accountable for ensuring that organizations and their members behave in an ethical fashion, they need an external locus of control.


The need for affiliation is the extent to which a manager has a strong interest in performing challenging tasks well and to meet personal standards of excellence.


As a manager of a chain of auto parts stores, you have noticed a high turnover rate for newly hired employees. It seems that new employees quit, often within their first six months, because they say they feel disconnected from their coworkers and the rest of the organization. Which of the following actions would most likely help you reduce employee turnover?

Implement a plan for improving organizational socialization.

If a CEO orders his managers to significantly increase production with a minimal increase in cost, which of the following outcomes is most likely?

Managers will use sweatshops to achieve the CEO's goal.

Define planning. What are the three steps in the planning process?

Planning is the process of identifying and selecting appropriate goals. The three steps involved in planning are: deciding which goals the organization will pursue, deciding what strategies to adopt to attain those goals, and deciding how to allocate organizational resources to pursue the strategies that attain those goals.

Manager Scott Fairchild is upset because another valuable employee has just submitted her letter of resignation. Liana Cho is experienced, knowledgeable, and has gained much insight over the years into Synergy Company's culture and the software industry in general. She will be missed. Scott is alarmed by Synergy's high turnover rate. What is one thing he might do to address this problem effectively?

Praise employees for excellent job performance and offer them the freedom to use their own judgment on the job.

Differentiate between terminal and instrumental values. How do they contribute to the organizational culture?

Shared terminal and instrumental values play a particularly important role in organizational culture. Terminal values signify what an organization and its employees are trying to accomplish, and instrumental values guide how the organization and its members achieve organizational goals. In addition to values, shared norms also are a key aspect of organizational culture. Managers determine and shape organizational culture through the kinds of values and norms they promote in an organization.

Sumathy Kumar is a manager tasked with building common norms and values at a new social networking start-up, Spirit. As a brand-new company, Spirit does not yet have a clear-cut organizational culture. The company founder has chosen Sumathy for this task because of her outgoing and positive personality. Which of the following represents the most effective way Sumathy can progress toward encouraging shared norms and values at Spirit?

She can share stories about organizational heroes and villains and their actions.

Ayesha Drummond, a manager at Hi-Yield Investment Group, is not always able to control her temper at work. If anyone contradicts her, she gets red in the face, raises her voice, and challenges others' opinions. Ayesha's assistant, Violeta Padilla, feels threatened and upset when Ayesha gets angry. Violeta has noticed that her own and others' decision-making ability is hindered by Ayesha's negative moods. Violeta decides to take the initiative and discuss her concerns directly with Ayesha. Of the following, what should Violeta focus on in the discussion?

She should explain that Ayesha's subordinates want to feel comfortable making decisions, but her outbursts create an atmosphere of fear.

Restructuring results in the loss of jobs.


A personal conviction about lifelong goals or objectives is called a terminal value.


Organizations are efficient when managers maximize the amount of input resources.


According to psychologist David McClelland, the extent to which an individual has a strong desire to perform challenging tasks well and to meet personal standards for excellence is known as the individual's need for


Organizations that operate and compete in more than one country are known as ________ organizations.


Which of the four principal managerial tasks can help Sargis understand his performance in the other three tasks?


A measure of how productively resources are used to achieve a goal is known as


Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, expects employees to be creative, work hard, dress informally, and personalize their offices. This is an example of how

founders influence their organizations' values and norms.

People who are most likely to experience negative moods are

high on negative affectivity.

Because Parthiv understands his employees' feelings, he is able to relate to them and motivate them to work together to achieve the team's goals. This demonstrates that emotional intelligence in a manager has the potential to contribute to effective ________ in multiple ways.


During which managerial task does a manager articulate a clear organizational vision for the organization's members to accomplish?


High efficiency/high effectiveness situations result in the production of a

product that customers want at a quality and price they can afford.

Low efficiency/high effectiveness situations arise when managers choose the

right goals to pursue but do a poor job of using resources to achieve these goals

Novak is a CEO who wants to significantly improve the skills of his work force in many areas. Which of the following would he most likely endorse?

the funding of a college specifically for his employees

You need to promote someone to a position that requires a high degree of conscientiousness. Which of the following people are you most likely to promote?

Agnetha will put in extra time to learn a new skill thoroughly.

Bells and Whistles Company establishes a product team to develop a new mobile app. Mark and Carmen are part of the team, and they are excited about their new roles as product developers. Lately, Mark has been complaining to Carmen that he needs to have every action he takes approved by his manager and then by his manager's manager. Mark despairs of ever getting a creative idea off the ground. Carmen confides that she is experiencing the same problem. Evaluate the reason why Mark and Carmen are having difficulty getting their new product team up and running.

Bells and Whistles has a rigid hierarchy of authority that demonstrates a conservative culture.

Which of the following is true of the managerial function of organizing in an organization that has a conservative culture?

It creates a well-defined hierarchy of authority and establishes clear reporting relationships.

Which of the following is true of the planning process in an organization with an innovative culture?

It encourages lower-level managers to participate in the process.

Which of the following is an example of someone applying a terminal value?

Na is careful not to do anything that will make her feel that she has compromised herself.

Who among the following is involved in the task of controlling?

Nivon Flights monitors its services for quality and efficiency.

What must one do to perform the essential managerial task of controlling in achieving organizational goals?

Establish accurate measuring and monitoring systems to evaluate how well goals have been achieved.

Conceptual skills include the general ability to understand, alter, lead, and control the behavior of other individuals and groups.


In contrast to middle managers, top managers are responsible for the performance of specific departments.


Innovation takes place when management centralizes control of work activities and creates an organizational culture that precludes risk taking.


Emotional intelligence concerns understanding and managing the moods and emotions of others but not oneself.


________ is the tendency to be original, have broad interests, be daring, and take risks.

Openness to experience

________ is the degree to which individuals feel good about themselves and their capabilities.


Which of the following is true of top managers?

They have cross-departmental responsibility.

Explain the term "strategy," and give an example.

To perform the planning task, managers identify and select appropriate organizational goals and courses of action; they develop strategies for how to achieve high performance.

Identify and briefly define the three major types of managerial skills. Give an example for each.

The three levels are first-line managers, middle managers, and top managers.

Identify the three levels of management, explain the basic responsibilities of each, and give an example for each.

The three levels are first-line managers, middle managers, and top managers.

Which of the following is an accurate definition of a self-managed team?

a group of employees who assume collective responsibility for organizing, controlling, and supervising their own work activities

If manager Cate Hale does not perform well on a project, she blames it on lack of preparedness on her part. Cate can be said to have

an internal locus of control.

Javier Lopez of Software Solutions is an effective and efficient manager. However, he always points out what can go wrong, and he avoids personal conversations and office parties. Javier can be classified as

an introvert.

A(n) ________ is a collection of feelings and beliefs.


Teresa Perez manages twelve employees at Muy Delicioso, a Mexican fast-food chain. She believes in the quality of the food, has a high degree of loyalty toward Muy Delicioso as a company, and is proud of the difference its presence has made in the community. Teresa is demonstrating organizational


The collection of feelings and beliefs that managers have about their organization as a whole is known as organizational


An intense, relatively short-lived feeling is called a(n)


Identify the Big Five personality traits.

extraversion, negative affectivity, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience

Jill Acosta's manager retired recently, so now she has a new manager to report to, April Snow. Jill notices that April tries to ensure that all of her subordinates get along and feel comfortable approaching her with questions or concerns. Jill concludes that April has a(n)

high need for affiliation.

Which of the following traits is likely to help managers maintain high standards for themselves and push ahead on challenging projects?

high self-esteem

As a manager of a packing and shipping store, Kwame Brown comes to work upbeat, enthusiastic, and energetic. His employees appreciate his positive


The tendency of a person to feel bad emotions and moods, to feel distressed, and to be critical of oneself and others is called ________.

negative affectivity

As a manager of a creative services agency, Brooke Burns is known throughout the company as a risk-taker and an innovator. Brooke is high on the trait continuum of

openness to experience.

Words on Paper is a printing company that approaches customers directly to know their requirements in detail, deliver the products before the scheduled time, and receive feedback from the customers. This is a description of the company's ________ culture.


Managers who have high conscientiousness are most likely to be

organized and self-disciplined.

Rites of ________ determine how individuals enter, advance within, and leave the organization.


The company for which Maria works has announced that due to declining global sales, it will lay off 12 percent of its labor force. This is an example of


The formal events that recognize incidents of importance to the organization as a whole and to specific employees are known as


Jayden Johnson, a production manager at AKC, has successfully developed a cost-effective nebulizer that has made a lasting contribution to the firm. Which of the following terminal values most likely helped Jayden develop this product?

sense of accomplishment

A manufacturing company is said to be effective if it

sets appropriate goals and achieves them

Which of the following refers to the terminal and instrumental values that are guiding principles in an individual's life?

value system

________ is the tendency to be careful, scrupulous, and persevering.


________ guide how the organization and its members achieve organizational goals.

Instrumental values

Which of the following is an appropriate definition of organizational performance?

It is a measure of how efficiently and effectively managers use available resources to satisfy customers and achieve organizational goals

Leo must choose a manager to head a new task force. The vice president of his department asked him to choose a high achiever for this role. Which of the following people is Leo most likely to choose?

Jess consistently accepts challenging tasks. She keeps clear goals for herself and likes to get regular feedback for her performance.

Which of the following managers would you evaluate as being high on the agreeableness continuum?

Luis expresses concern when his employees have personal problems.

What is restructuring? Give two examples. What are the disadvantages of restructuring?

Restructuring involves simplifying, shrinking, or downsizing an organization's operations to lower operating costs.

A terminal value is a personal conviction about lifelong goals. Choose one of the two terminal values identified by Milton Rokeach. Next, give three well-developed examples of how a manager would apply the value you chose in the workplace.

Some of the terminal values identified by researcher Milton Rokeach are especially important for managers, including "a sense of accomplishment" and "equality for all."

Discuss the concept of turnaround management.

Turnaround management is the creation of a new vision for a struggling company using a new approach to planning and organizing to make better use of a company's resources and allow it to survive and eventually prosper.

Define competitive advantage. What are its four building blocks?

Competitive advantage is the ability of one organization to outperform other organizations because it produces desired goods or services more efficiently and effectively than its competitors. The four building blocks of competitive advantage are superior efficiency, quality, innovation, and responsiveness to customers.

Define efficiency. When is an organization said to be efficient? Give two examples.

Efficiency is a measure of how productively resources are used to achieve a goal.

Explain the significance of information technology with regard to empowering employees and facilitating self-managed teams.

Empowerment is a management technique that involves giving employees more authority and responsibility over how they perform their work activities.

Vasil is the head of the human resources department of a company. Which of the following pairs would he most likely place in the same department?

Janet, who knows how to design marketing surveys, and Georgi, who knows how to administer marketing surveys

Sosuke's company has low efficiency and low effectiveness. Considering this, which of the following applies?

Sosuke produces copy machines that are complicated to use, thus lowering demand for them, and uses cheap resources that often makes them break down.

Kat is the CEO of a media company called Fast Forward, Inc. She wants the company to have a core competency that enables it to become an innovator in its field. Considering this, which of the following would Kat most likely authorize?

a plan to research the development of miniature video cameras that are affordable and have top-end picture resolution

Julio's primary competitor has come out with a product line of espresso machines that make espresso faster without a drop in quality. Based on what you know about maintaining competitiveness through agility, what should Julio do?

adapt his production process to create espresso machines similar to his competitor's without delaying production

Constanza does work that requires conceptual skills. Considering this, which of the following jobs would she do?

analyze demographics that show the biases of voters

You own a company that produces jewelry with attractive, popular designs but uses resources that makes the product too expensive for most potential buyers. Which of the following would you do to increase efficiency?

arrange a deal with the supplier to lower the cost of the resources

Who among the following is most likely to be a part of the top management team?

chief executive officer

The essential managerial task of planning involves

choosing appropriate goals and courses of action.

The ability to analyze and diagnose a situation and to distinguish between cause and effect demonstrates a manager's ________ skills.


Which of the following management techniques involves giving employees more authority and responsibility over how they perform their work activities?


Which of the following describes organizational performance that results in a low-quality product that customers do not want?

low efficiency and low effectiveness

Low efficiency/low effectiveness situations results in a

low-quality product that customers do not want.

The process of structuring working relationships so that organizational members interact and cooperate to achieve organizational goals is known as


When a manager lays out the lines of authority and responsibility among different individuals and groups, the manager is


Isabella decided that Golden Key Enterprises should expand its markets in Europe and laid out a seven-step procedure to accomplish this. Which of the following tasks is Isabella doing?


A short, succinct, and inspiring statement of what the organization intends to become is an organization's


Which of the following refers to a cluster of decisions concerning what organizational goals to pursue, what actions to take, and how to use resources to achieve these goals?


A formal system of reporting relationships that coordinates and motivates organizational members so that they work together to achieve organizational goals is called an organizational


An organization's resources include assets such as

loyal customers and employees

Organizations appoint turnaround CEOs when the organizations become more efficient and effective.


The outcome of organizing is the creation of a strategy.


Which of the following is true of effectiveness?

Organizational performance increases in direct proportion to an increase in effectiveness

What is organizational performance, and what is its relationship with efficiency and effectiveness?

Organizational performance is a measure of how efficiently and effectively managers use available resources to satisfy customers and achieve organizational goals.

Which of the following is true of middle managers?

They develop skills and know-how so that the organization is efficient and effective.

Which of the following processes gives managers the ability to measure performance accurately and regulate organizational efficiency and effectiveness?


Yuri has been given the task of evaluating how well his company, Comfy Shoes, Inc., has implemented its new line of slippers and how this implementation could be improved. Which of the following tasks has Yuri been assigned?


Edrice was hired as a business consultant for a company that is floundering. Which of the following actions would Edrice need to take in order to change the company's fortunes?

convince the CEO to change course and adopt a new approach

A measure of the appropriateness of the goals that managers have selected for the organization to pursue and the degree to which the organization achieves those goals is


The general abilities to understand, alter, lead, and control the behavior of individuals and groups are ________ skills.


If Hedda wants to devise an effective business strategy, which of the following courses of action would she take?

make decisions about how to achieve her company's goals

How to allocate organizational resources to pursue the strategies that attain set goals is a question addressed during


The strategy of delivering new, exciting, and unique products to the customers is a ________ task.


Being a part of top management at a large fast food chain, Antonio is most likely to spend most of his time

planning and organizing resources

Management includes

planning, organizing, and leading resources as well as controlling them

In what order do managers typically perform the managerial functions?

planning, organizing, leading, controlling

Egg Head, Inc., is facing financial problems. In order to tackle the situation, the management has decided to reduce the number of middle managers by 20 percent to help them cut costs. This is an example of


Simplifying, shrinking, or downsizing an organization's operations to lower operating costs is known as


Olivia has the skills needed to rewire the electrical systems of skyscrapers. This type of skill is referred to as


What does the managerial function of controlling involve?

In controlling, the task of managers is to evaluate how well an organization has achieved its goals and to take any corrective actions needed to maintain or improve performance.

Which of the following is a reason that high self-esteem is valuable in a manager?

It facilitates the manager's setting high standards for his or her own performance.

Explain how culture influences the way managers perform their four main functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

Organizational culture shapes and controls the behavior of all employees, including managers. Culture influences how managers perform their four main functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Planning: Top managers in an organization with an innovative culture are likely to encourage lower-level managers to participate in the planning process and develop a flexible approach to planning. They are likely to be willing to listen to new ideas and to take risks involving the development of new products. In contrast, top managers in an organization with conservative values are likely to emphasize formal top-down planning. Suggestions from lower-level managers are likely to be subjected to a formal review process, which can significantly slow decision making.

Define the needs for achievement, affiliation, and power that affect managerial behavior.

Psychologist David McClelland has extensively researched the needs for achievement, affiliation, and power.

Organizational socialization is the process by which newcomers learn an organization's values and norms and acquire the work behaviors necessary to perform jobs effectively.


People who are low on extraversion still experience positive moods.


The attraction-selection-attrition framework suggests that employees who are dissimilar in personality from that of the founders are more likely to leave the organization over time.


The personal characteristics of the founders of an organization have an important role in the creation of the organization's culture.


________ signify what an organization and its employees are trying to accomplish.

Terminal values

The need for ________ is the extent to which an individual is concerned about establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relations, being liked, and having associates get along with one another.


People who believe that outside forces are responsible for what happens to and around them and do not think that their own actions make much of a difference possess

an external locus of control.

Whenever Daniel performs well in a test, he thinks that his teacher was being lenient or that he was lucky. Daniel is said to have

an external locus of control.

Kevin Plank at Under Armor has ________, meaning that he believes he can make a difference.

an internal locus of control

The ability of one organization to outperform other organizations because it produces desired goods or services more efficiently and effectively than its competitors is known as its ________ advantage.


The need for power is the extent to which an individual desires to

control or influence others.

Mark, a manager at Matt's Shack, monitors the performance of workers in his department to determine if the quality of their work is meeting the standards of the company. Mark is engaging in which of the following managerial functions?


Sienna, the CEO of Far Plain, Ltd., reviews the past month's profit and loss statement to determine if the company is on pace to meet the planned sales and profitability goals. Sienna is engaged in which of the following managerial functions?


Which of the following describes organizational performance that results in a high-quality product that customers do not want?

high efficiency and low effectiveness

Laura Coraldi is a manager at Quick Pizza. She is great at understanding the feelings of her subordinates and takes time out for all of them. She listens to their problems, sympathizes, and tries her best to give solutions. From this information, it can be inferred that Laura is

high on agreeableness.

As the night manager of Spicy Bites, Ryan must deal with customer complaints, address safety hazards, and handle employee conflicts. He never lets these difficult situations keep him from feeling competent, deserving, and in control. As a manager, Ryan consistently demonstrates

high self-esteem.

Rebecca Nguyen hires a new salesperson, Paul McKinney. She notices he hesitates to cultivate new customers, preferring to work with established clients. One day Rebecca takes Paul to lunch. To his surprise, she suddenly starts making a sales pitch to a total stranger on the street. The stranger isn't interested, but afterward Rebecca turns to Paul and says, "That wasn't so bad; I've learned something from that encounter. Now you go and do likewise." Rebecca's management style is

leading by example.

Which of the following describes the essential managerial task of leading in achieving organizational goals?

motivate, coordinate, and energize individuals and groups

Tom slams his coffee cup on his desk and calls for his assistant Ian. Ian rushes in, and Tom begins to complain about Ian's lack of progress on an ongoing project. Then he breaks off, puts his head in his hands, and moans, "We'll never reach our goal; it's impossible at this rate." Tom is demonstrating

negative affectivity.

FullPress, Inc., has ten middle managers. They report to two vice presidents who report to the CEO. What does this example show?

organizational structure

The process by which newcomers learn an organization's values and norms and acquire the work behaviors necessary to perform jobs effectively is known as organizational


According to the ASA model, company founders can influence the values, norms, and standards of their companies. This occurs because

subordinates imitate the style of the founder.

A(n) ________ value is a personal conviction about lifelong goals or objectives.


Which of the following terms refers to what managers are trying to achieve through work and how they think they should behave?


When might introversion be a helpful personality trait for managers?

when their jobs require them to accomplish much work in a limited time

Organizational citizenship behaviors are an employee's

willingness to perform above and beyond the call of duty.

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